General Information OHB THINO to INTI HI T ai l mm up.Aiiv.un l'mnlly liquor nt Post & King, tl Wo huve h full set of MyHcll-Itnlllti St Co'., sample of Htork t Vrttflcfitc nml bond, with price lint. If you urn organizing i Mock uiiipaiiy get our price on Mock certificate, tf The Illinois Central initit it ninn iihi-xi-cHimI service from the Wi'Ht to llx) Kiifltfthil Mouth. Making clone riiniiecthui with trains of all trmim'oiitliiKiitnl linen, pnaaenuera are given their choice ol route to ( hicnuo IxiuImvIIIo, Memphis and New Orleans, ml through these point to llm far wml. 'roiM'Clivi traveler ileniriiiK Infor mation a lo the lowest rule ami leit route urn invlleil to correprid with tliv follow iiK representatives. It. II. Trumbull, Commercial Aetit, 112 St., Portland. Ore. .1. ('. Lindsey, Trsv PaefiKer AK'-t.t 1 12 Third nt.. rortliiml, Ore. I'nnl II. Thompson pHcnger .Went ( i In. rti I'liilflii'if .Vmtlle Mash. Popular and Picturesque. We print township plul . tf Pulcli lunch nt tin Hrewery Ha loon. tf Mining oWcn. liUnka at the Ezamlner The Kx a miner prints township plats, ami mnkea them into txiok loonier, tf IMik nt I lie ilexcriptiona of the land llnted with The Kxsmii er this week for mile, nml select your piece before It ha IxMin Biild to Rome one nine. tf Ham pie of I lie pi'iinlxnn shlpplng tug t The DxmiiiIihT olllce. All hIm-m nml iuiillileH, from Manila to linen. tf HlHiikx lor (iii ii I proof, peoert proof, timher land final proof and hlank nffl (Invito for sppli'stion for read vertise ineiitN, hhilik wittier' hII'hImviih, elr. at The Kinmiiier efli e. tf There I two wii.vh to tell a good cigar; one Im to buy It, pay your iiionay ami Hiniiki-It. hut the heller way In to kiio Hint ii im an Kngle or a Mountain Rose, which Im iilmo- lllle proof i if IIm gellUllieheMM, Made and fur Male by A. Storkinati, at t lie cluar fuel or.v . tf H. V I.. Me Inai 4 W. Ma aril frmlflatit torratarf lnnetl.w, Or, f.akevlew, Ore LAKE OINTY BlISIMSS MINS' DEVLIOPMLNT LEAGUE If you winh Information abou Lsko County, Oregon address eith er of tho aiHiv gentlemen, who will l pleased to reply. n. n. church directory. I'lan of service of Psator of the M. K Church, Inkeviow. 1 nt and 3rd Hun day of each month. ISelhel at 11 a. in., and New fine Creek at 7 p. m., 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Lakeview at II a. tn., and 7 p. rri. Prayer meeting Thursday 7 p.m. Clh Siindny Union Hchool House at 11 a. m. Lskevinw at 7 p. tn. You are cordially invite'l to all the services. Hnrouf) HwvnfcH, Pastor. Tho only thing necessary to innko the Denver and Klo (irnnde the niot Mp tilar, n it ha ever heen known the most pleiiHimt and most plftnrciiie way to crufM tho eontinent. ha come alxnit. Mil i the etnliiiHhnient of llirnyu'li Hleeping cur nervii e. In coiiiiim ticin with the O. It. N. a thnmti Pitllniiii) Standard Sleeer la now run from Portland to Penver, leav InH Portland at .." p. m.. arriving at Salt Lake at H 40 a. in, thn wmiil tHtt, to j,(iv go -j f,,r moriiing, leaving r-all Iike at .i.iiu p. ni. and arriving at Penver 4 'JO p. in. the following day. Thi m hedule give paa- engera Heven houra atop-over in Salt I I'""' Lake, affiirding an opportunity to viit the Mormon t'apitnl a well a a day light ride through the grandet accnery in the world. For reservation in thia car and for il luntrnled booklet picturing the aceiiery oontigtioua to tin penver & IUotirande, proving it to the Scenic Line of tho World," wiiieloW. C. Mdtride, Jen eral Agent. 124 Third atreet, Portland. We are now prepared in aell neveral tract of land at prire I hut will utartle you, chm inlly if you are nequainted with the liM Hlinii. We huve land nil the way from f I.M) per arre up 10 $lfi; un Improvel or Impn.veil. in mil the ptirrhaer. lke(niiit I XHininer.t See a Miiinple of the I'lwlllc moutly at thU office, ami you will not IicmI- a year'a hiiIi- wljitlou to The Kxniiiiiier and that valuable Mnyaxlne ikiIiIIhIiimI lnport- tf Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applicatlona, an they cannot reuch tho diacHHod portion of the ear. There in only one way tocuredealueaa and that is by conut Itutloniil re me diea. PeafneaH la em mud by an inflam ed condition of the iimcoiin lining of tho KtiHtuchlan Tube. When tbia tube la Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it ia entirely rloaed, Deafneaa in the result, and 11 ulcus the inflummiition can le taken out and thia tube rcntored to ita normal condition, hearing will be deatroyed forever; nine canes out of ten are canned by Catarrh, which in nothing but an inflamed condition of the mticoua surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any coho of deafness (caused Ly catarrh) that cannot le cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars free. F. J. Cheney &. Co. , Toledo, O. Bold by DrnggintB, 7.rx Tuke IIkII's Fam'ly Pills for constipation. t LAKE VIEW I SADDLERY S. P. AHLSTROM. T Proprietor. & it; The best Vaijpernfc-rl & die on the market. . & Also a complete line of wagon 4 rolHnT rlntna, and hxiKKJ harneaa, whipr. Mta, spurn 4 oulrtx. rowttea. In fnct eTerj 4' thing tn the line of carriage and horw fumlahtiiKh. Re pairing by competent men. aV , FORMS OF INSANITY. HOTEL Laketibw . . : 1'ariiiers, have yor butti-r wrap H'tn printed at The Kxatnlne office, liiatead of sending away for them. You kii'p your money at home, and patronize them that pntromie 3-011, U'sldeM, you hiv what you are gvt tlng ami don't have to pay for It If it doesn't suit you. tf Th Leading Paper of U Padfle Coast TV San Francisco Chronicle If You are not Particular don't travel over the Illinois Central, -ubecrlbcr of the Kxamlner j , , , 1 wishes to siibwrlliefor "Tom wat- as any old road will do you and we dont i,,,im. will m.,f ti r.A want your pnlronago ; but if you are particular and wahjj,u luuit and uiuao to have It, lick the ticket agent to route you via the ILLINOIS CENTKAL, the road that runs through solid vestibule trains between M.Paul, Omaha, Chicago, Bt.Ixaiis, Memphis, and New Orleaus. from them, wriUi tho letter, buy the I poatuJ order and seinl for the inagii- ! zlue tn any address. Then Is but one price on "Tom wnUion.H Maga Ine," and we do not club w ith it, but as a matter of accomodation to SuliHcrllMTH to the Examiner we can get them the magaicine without any No additional charge 1 made for a seat 1 trouble or risk to them for the regu- in our reclining chair enrs which are fitted with lavatories and smocking rooms, and have a porter in attendance. Kates via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL are the lowest and we will le glad to quote them iu connection with any transcontinental line. B. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland Ore. lar price. tf. I could uot bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wllke, of Caroline, Wis., as did one LVc box of Buckllu'a Arnica Salve, when It completely cured a run ning sore ou her leg, which had tor- J. C. Lindsey, T. F. A P. A., U2 j tured herfor 23 longyears. Urea teat Third Street, Portland, Ore. j antiseptic healer of Piles. Wounds, Paul H. Thompson, Frt. A Passenger 1 and Sores. 25c at Lev lioall's Drug Agent, Colnian Illdg., Seattle, Wash. store. A Mountain of Oold POST YOURSELF AND FRIENDS If you contemplate a trip east call 011 or write to us at Iteno. Should you huve friends coming from the cal you can get Information regard ing rates, routes, etc., which will Imj to their iidvantuge and comfort. If you wish you can deposit cost of ticket with us for their passage and tickets will bo furnished them at their eastern homes. Thin office is with you and responsible, which fdiould bo an Inducement to commu nicate with us rather than with those in other cities. II. L. Orlinth, Agent, So. Pac. Co Hono, Nevada. J. M. Fulton. District Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Co., Iteun, Nevada. Get your winter supplies from the Warner Vulley Mercantile Co. Adel and Plush. 118 tf CATARRH TUB CLKANHINO IKII 1IKAI.INQ CUIIH FOIl CATARRH la Ely's Cream Balm Tj and Jilnnnnnt to tin. Ciiiiii uo iu jiirlniii driiu. il I iil'kly ntiwrbori. ii Wl UulU'ful unco. i t -..A .'l.....uu. aX?iMsjc COLD 'n HEAD llnitl ami rrntccia the Mouilirane. Itvitorea U ht'imei t '1'unlB nml Hinell. Ijirj 8n. 5U coiita at Drui.'j'IctH or Ii v mini ; Trlnl Blr.e, 10 ceul by mall. KLY. lilCO'imUH, M Warrtui Mioet, IW Vwk CATARRM so' Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy la a 8rjeclflcf Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVKS RILIIF AT ONCE. It cloanHes, aoothi'S, healit, and protm-ts the liKniiHini ineialiriuiB. It euri s Cutnrrli and drives nwiiy u Cold in th HuhiI ij lii'kly. ItestorcM tho 8enen of Ta-rfe i.n'l Smell. UnyloiHii C.M.t.iiim 110 i.ij " ihih di ug4. Applied into t!io Msttils hii I iiliserlMsl. Uirge Sim, P') eenta at Pruistii or by umil; Trial Size, 10 ceuU Vf luu.. ELY BROTHERS. IS Warrtn St., Nsw Yon. IKeaert Land final Hi out. United Btafesland Office, Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. 7, 11HX3. Notice is here by given that Maud I. Hambo. of Plush, Oregon, has tiled notice of intention to make final proof on bis desert-land claim No. 497, for the unsurveyed of Beo 2 Tp 30 8.. K 25 W M, before Keglster and Re ceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on frlday, the 1 4th day of December, lie names as witnesses to prove the complete irrigation aud reclamation of said land : A. Li. lllghflll. Klva lllirhffll. Thnm. as Anderson, 10. E. liond, of Plush, Oregon. J. N. Watson liegister. 45 The Weekly Chronicle 1a vary beat waokty Navspapor published la tha aatlra WaaL $1.50 a Year Inrlorlin poaUfr a aay trt of tb tutiwl buiM, Cauda and Maiico It is beat baoaua. baaldaa prlntini; all (he newa of tha world n.'.c'i eik in an Interesting way and 'ully lllustratlnj many r:l-01. it has speolal daparV in-n.s ceoted to ACRICULTURB HORTICULTUR FOULTRY LIVi STOCK MINING LITERATURE -FASHIONS and Sr-ORTS Tlirse are presided rr by td tors havinf a thorough knowU edre of their specialties. The pages devoted to Agrculrure, Horticulture, Poultry and Live S.ock are well Illustrated and fl led with matter of the greatest :o all engaged Is these Industries, every II oe belag written by those who are In eloee touch with conditions prevailing -.END FOR SAM PL! COPT. It will ba seat (tm. Do yos wast the Chrantsls Reversible Map? Showing the Uaite4 States, D mlnlon of Canada and Northers Mexico oa one atda. MAP OF TH2 WORLD. preoeetlBg to TWw In e contlnuosa map, wltk all areas In true proportion, lbs sa tire aurfaoo'oi tho Earth on the ether aide. Sand S3 and got tSo Mas aatd "Veekly Chreoiels" for one year, poaiaga prepaid en Mas avai Paper. The Dally and Map a C sesanse saM Only S3. 75 1 Tsr ERECTED IN I0OQ MODERN THROUQHOIT FIRST-CLASS ACCOnnODATiON SAHPLE ROOn For CO.inERCIA TRAVELER COURTEOUS TREATMENT SeohaKow LIGHT & HARROW, Propnetor PrrwioHltnrr Irmplomi ty tvtiles Thry Mar B rMeo4. Tbers are certain 'premonitory symp toms of tb nioro prevalent forms of Insanity that can be counted on, at t general thing, ns Infallible. In paresis, which Is claiming Its Tlo tlms In tremendous numbers, there art many pbyslcnl signs that are almost Incontrovertible. J The cunjrKersted twitching of th , facial muscles In conversation, the oc- rnslonnl tendency of the eye to turn outward, the weakness of the hogs, the flabbltiess of all muscles, are pre liminary syniptjrns that Rive warning that a mm Is aisiut to l.renk down. With the victim of mania the mani acthe fiyrriiitotns lire often similar, to those found In melancholia, though generally the disense pives the Victim an appearance of jn-eat elation. The eyes are nhn'irrn.illy lirleht, the fea tures are alert nnd tense and an air of tremendous excitement Is apparent. This Is from a contant fear that soroe thlng Is about to happen. Another form of Infinity prevalent among younger iersoiis. Kxcesslve strain, continual worry or trouble, al lied to a weakened physical system, are the causes. It manifests Itself through the gradual loss of some facul ty that has been nil right till now. The lois of memory for details Is an alarming symptom and one that should be given careful and Immediate atten tion. The patient, if taken at the right time, may' be cured, but not after the disease hag got a Drm hold on him. Paranoia, which Is a very prevalent type of Insanity. Is almost invariably Vndlcated by a peculiarly self satisfied. ui i-iiresmon 01 countenance. The patient poses, sneers contemptu ously and In every way shows his tre mendously "stage struck" condition. He is absolutely controlled by the "ego." Everything to him Is "I. I. V He Is a monomaniac with one set Idea, a single purpose. Dr. Graeme M. nam mond In New'Tork World. M PROPOSAL IN JAPAN. BARGAIN DAYS IN MAGAZINES M. M. TOW, Can. til BXtrLATKM This week the Centra Magairie Agency will make the following barga'- prices on on the leading maga zines of the country Just in order to secure your order: No. 1. Two Magazines for the price of one Tha Home Magazine... 100 hnth One ,AA McCall's magazine 50 uuu Year CD l.KJKj No. 2. Three flagazines for the price of one fnetiiVagazine:: $!.o2 tfcrCC V"?$Q DO The Reader 3.00 -w.ww N0.3. Four flagazines for $2.00 Success 1.00 McCalPsMagazine.... 50 American Boy i.OO The Home Magazine.. 1.00 success $1.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 n11 an onerno (DsC.UU four all Yeart one Review of Revsews... 3.00-f--- year The Home Magazine 1.001UU1 $3.00 SPECIAI Tha above combinations are some of the best ever offered to the public. The Success Is the best general monthly magrailne published. Mc Call's Magazine Is the beet fashion magazine. Madame ts now the best high-grade woman's monthly published, and the American Boy is the best In Its class. Think of it four magazines one for each member of the fam ily, 3.50 worth for $2.00, provided you send your order at once. Special Agents wanted to securesubscribers toria- dame. Send for our free catalogue. Central Hagazine Agency Box 320, Indianapolis, U. S. A, alat CiMon of Plarlna; a Plant la an Eaaptr n.wert Old customs appear to be fast disap pearing in Japan, a fact which cannot be wondered at considering the child ishness which lay at the root of many of the most picturesque, but In some of the Japanese Islands the quaintest marriage formalities are observed. In houses wherein reside one or more . daughters of a marriageable age as , empty flowerpot of un ornamental char acter 1b encircled by a ring and sus pended from the window or veranda by three light chains. The Juliets of Japan are, of course, as arictlve to the Romeos as those of oiuer lands. But instead of sere nades ' y moonlight and other dellcats ways of making an impression It is etiquette for the Japanese lover to ap proach the dwelling of his lady bear ing some choice plant in his hand, which he boldly, but, let us hope, rever ently, .proceeds to plant in the empty vase. This tabes place at s time when he Is fully assured that both mother and daughter are at home, neither of whom, of course. Is at all conscious that the young man Is taking such a liberty with the flowerpot outside their win dow. This act of placing a pretty Fiaui m me empty nowerpot Is equiva lent to a iormal proposal to the vonnr lady who dwells within. The youthful gardener, having set tled h:s plant to his mind, retires, and the lady Is free to act as 6he pleases. ir n is the right man she takes every eare o " he jrift. waters It and tends It carefully with her own hands, that all the world may see the donor Is ac cepted as a suitor. But if he is not a favorite or If 6tern parents object the poor plant Is torn from the vase and the next morning lies limp and with ered on the veranda or on the path below. McCall's Magazine. J. L. YADIN, Proprietor. Office In Llnkvllle ffotel Klamath Palla. Daily from Pokegema by Keno, Klain ath Falls, Dairy, Bonanza, and Bly tc Lakeview. Daily from Lakeview by Bly, Bonanza Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, to IV k enema. From Klamath Falls to Keno by steamer and from Keno to Pokegema over the Sunset Four-Horse Stage Lin. Good Stock Easy Coache rinnl Proor. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Lakoview, Oregon, Oct., 31, 1900. Notice Is hereby given thntElward A. Snyder of Lakeview, Oregon, has filed notice of his Intention to make final Commutation proof In support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 21)00 made May 1st 1000, for theSE SE E SEJ SK Section 22, Township 87S, Range 10EWM, und that said proof willlie innde before Register and Receiver, at LaKevlew Oregon on ISth day of December, 1000. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up on, and cultivation of, the land, vl X. Arzuer, Joe Arzner, Oeo. 11. Lynch, AViu McCulley of Lakeview, Oregon. 45 J.N. Watson Beglster. Desert Land Final Proof, Uuted States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, Oct 30 1906, Notice is hereby given that Thomas Anderson of Plush, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make proof on his desert-laud claim No. 5.18, for the Lots 3-4-5- & 7 Sec 6 tp 30 S. K 20 E. W M, unsurveyed. Ei NE4' & E. SEt4' See. ltp 36 S R 25 E W M, before Register and Receiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, on Saturday, the 15th day of December, 100C He names the fol lowing wi teases to prove the complete Irrigation and reclamation of said land: Harry Riggs, Ed Bond James McKee Clay Rambo, all of Plush Oregon. 44 J. N. Watsou Register. i uiaaaadina a Tempter. ' A pompous Chicago merchant, arro gantly carrying the signs of his pros perity abaut him. accosted an acquaint ance "of his who conducts a successful" rescue mission and said: "James, I'd like to. attend one of your meetings." "Certainly." rejoined the minister, "but leave your watch and diamonds with the hotel clerk." "What?" asked the merchant In as tonishment. "Are not the men of your mission converted thieves?" "True." answered the mission leader softly, "but. George, you look so easy and wholesome. Really, I don't want, my men to regret that they promised me never to steal again." . Hiatorle Pbaraalla. J It was on his way to the battlefield of Fharsalla that Caesar uttered the famous saying to the fishermen. He " had come down to Brlndlsl to cross to Dyrrachlum and, finding no galley.' commanded the owner of a small sail ing boat to put him across the Adri atic. On the voyage a violent storm occurred, and even the experienced mariners were terrified. But the great captain said: "Have no fear. You car-i ry Caesar and his fortunes." I The Northern Snbstltnte. "In that tropical country." the re turned traveler was explaining, "most of the houses are constructed with nn Inelosure In the center, which thev call ine court." I see." said the hostess. "In oui coiaerr latitude the- parlor is generally useu ur mat purpose." Chicago Trib une. ' Cannes, the perfume making town of southern Frauce. smells so powerfnlh of fluwers In the busy season that v! Itors ore often afflicted with a flouW headache.