Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 29, 1906, Image 8

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Lakcvicw And (unity
arc the kind of merchandise that will give
you satisfaction and cost no more than
they are actually worth.
You are certain of getting that kind
of goods if you buy at "Bieber's Cash
We only carry goods of known qual
ity; goods that will stand the "Bieber"
Guarantee. And another important feat
ure is full weight; buy here and you will
know that your goods are as represented.
Furthermore our prices are no more
than the goods warrant.
Good Goods cannot be sold for less.
We want your Christmas trade.
Today is Thanksgiving
Kat turkey and '1 hnuksglvc.
"Uraudma" Steveu la quito nick.
Lunch Good at Ahlstrom lire. 1
Olives and pickle at Ahlstrom llroa.
VM Turkey at Hotel Lake v low today.
All kinds of uiuata at Ahlstrom llroa. 1
Try aoiue of Ahlstrom Broa Coffee. 1
Phonograph Records at Ahlatroiu
llroa. 42-2
Ihitch Illicit hi Ih' Hrvwcr.v Ma
loon, if
Dried fruit of all kind, at Ahlstrom
Droa, 1
Hutch lunch ut tlx llrewrry
mm. it
Thanksgiving dlunei at llotci Lake
view today.
Soap, any old kind of aoap, at AM
etroui I! rod 1
till Restaurant. First clasa meals
at all hours. tf.
Kd. Fitzgerald came Into town first
of the week.
A. J. Neilou haa beou quite aick for
a week past.
Try J. II. Cutter whiskey, at Hotel
Lakeriew liar. 27 tf
Ladies' circular ahawla and scurfs ut
Ahlstrom ltros. 1
Jack Hampton, of Paisley, is raid
to le very sick.
Ahlstrom Uros' have a stock of
books and novels. 1
Mauley Currier was down from Sum
mer Lake last. week.
Have established a warehouse in Lakeview for the
accommodation" of cattlemen and sheepmen of Lake
county, where they will buy beef hides, horse hides,
pelts of all kinds, horse hair, etc., af San Francisco
prices, frcigfl deduoitx.
Warehouse located in the J. P. Duckworth zmiid
ing, near the Planing Mill.
J. P. DUCKWORTH, Special Agent.
m The Doctor
H is always
sure that
fl his pre
vs scriotiens
$ are filed
JT1- rioht pt
Ji) Tncrntcn's
Xo matter how modest
your demands in other di
rections, you want
What is the use of having
a ood Ioctorif you have'nt
a -ooil DRUOaisT?
Medit-i:ies. Kxuct Skill and
Perfect Care enter every Prescription.
A. L. Thorn- W
ton is the tS
only graau
ate Pnarma
cist in Lake 5$
County. Al- w
Ways cn 3
Successor to
Fancy dishes just
Hailey A Massiugills.
A. 1 Koozer was over from
West Side Tuesday.
A swell liue of mens winter cups, at
Bailey A Massing!'!. It
J. N. t'itzgeruld w as over from
Waruer Hrst of the week.
For the lst to bo bad lu the liquor
Hue, go to Post and Kings. tf.
Dnut overlook ttie Kli Hestauraut
when you want a good mul. tf
Cottou sheets, blankets and com
forters, at Ahlstrom Uros. 1
George MeCirath was registered at
Hotel Lakeview flrst of the week.
b. t. Ahlstrom, the hnoes man,
received a load of leu t Lit Monday.
Henry Otfeubucher, of Klamath Fulls,
was iu Lakeview first of the week.
Mrs. Geo. aud Mrs. Jim Vincent
came up from Pine Creek Tuesduy.
See the change in liissinger JL Go's
advertisement iu The Examiner this
Charlie Craps has purchased the
Henrv Leebmuu residence, on Slash
Wm. Metzker expects to start for
Surprise valley this week to rumxlu uil
Stockmen's supplies of all kinds
Warner Valley Mercantile Co. Adel
and Plush. 38 tf.
Quite a crowd of the town boys and
girls. went dowu on the marsh skating
last Sunday
J. Wendell and family and Wulter
Pax ton and family started forCalifor-
let your w inter supplies irom the
Warner Valley .Mercantile Co. Adel
aud Flush. 38 tf
T. W. Johnson, of Paisley, came
j down from there last Sunday aftT a
j load of flour.
j J. W. Green was m from the Went
Side Tuesday. Jim has got to be
, i.piitu a farmer.
J. 11. Cutter whiskey at the Hotel
i Lakeview bar. The best and purcnt
j whi.-key made. tf.
! A. L. Haines who has been work
' im.' iu this oliiiv, went to Klamath
i falls Monday.
d t prices from Warner Valley Vcr
!cai!tile Co., bed, re buying elsewhere'
I Adel and Pliihh. 38 tf.
I ' it t your l'iour where you ran g.-t
the b.-t Surpri.-e Valley flour at Lake
i'-'.v M.-rcaut lie Co. It
(..'has. Conu ' V-i aud family, of Alkali.
( ijllie doWII to Laki-vii'W last week to
i rema i u .-.everal days.
I). J. Wilcox, v. ho recently made a
itiip to Silver Lake, nays that town is
lively mid prosperous.
.MI allies imleoteii to me. will plea-e
i call i 11 1 K ttle with ('. l.'mbaeh.
I .7. Wendell. H 1.
einim bus puivbitsed tli lestaur
Mttt ami took clmrge last night. HI I
desires ail Ills old patrons tu give him
a call. It
II. Ih I linker, the Southern Stage
man was up from A Moras ttrst ol (he
week lth a load of paper for The Kx
A. M. Smith and daughter weia up
from l ine CrtH'k Tuesday. Mr. Smith
brought up a load of Thanksgivlug
Mr. H ide, who bought the butcher
hop, has moved his family tu the
house formerly occupied by J. Wen
dell and family. I
Post ami King are now receiving
their winter stock of llijuors, the Ix-st
liue of "wet" goods ever put over a
)ir In IiMkevlew. tf.
The manufacturers of J. II. Cutter
whiskey have supplied Hotel lakeview
Imr with a line of their goods. IIhI
on the market. tf.
l. J. Wlictix made a trip to Silver
Lake last week to prove up ou his tim
ber claim. He made proof before
Commissioner Weet.
C. S. Morris came dowu from the
Moee much last Sunday to attend to
a few business matters ami to get an
organ to take bom.
James llarry ha) gone to Warner to
seud the winter with his sheep. He
has hay for them both at South War
ner and at lUue-joint.
Woodward MrothciV freight teams
pasod through Lakeview first of the
week with a load of freight for 'he
Paisley Mercaut iU Co.
Prof. Lenvltts wife arrived last
Thursday, and they are at home now
iu the Sch mi nek residence, formerly
occupied by Ir. Ihtttcrsoii.
Hon. Peter Peterson of Itidwell was
dowu with a big liaud of U'ef last
eek, enroute for the loner country
market. Cedarville luvord.
C. C. Price, theniiislciuii,1liiis hud
some tine programs printed "fur the
Thanksgiving ball, given by him iu
.i ii . & i tf .in . i i.
I i lie i ohi nun mug nail lo liigni.
Tho Ashland Tidiugssoys the You tit
I! rot hers, who have 0eued up a new
placer claim lu Auderson creek, have
taken out a ipitutity of coiuse gold.
W. It. Snider lust week pin chased
the F. hi Harris residence ou Main
Street for ?HioW Mr. Snider now
owns one of the prettiest homes in
Or. T. V. Hall who has lieen sick for
a couple of weeks, i-tarted for South
ern Calif., last Friday, where ho will
renin iu until he is well rested up, aud
feeling better.
A box of frogs was shipped last
week from Lugleville to John Tisser
aud, of Parker Creek, who intends to
go iuto the frog raisiug business.
Ceadrville Ilecord.
Whats' the use of going to all the
trouble to get up a Thanksgiving din
I ner, when you can go to Hotel Lake-
view aud get the very bent tiiat can
! be put ou a table.
M. Sauuders came iu from tho de
sert east of Faitdey Monday, w here he
has his sheep. He says the snow is
about five inches deep out there. He
drove his bucks out.
vjucen ioy Horn outfit o (tf la
the road, I thlnk.-Rketch.
Mrs. Wade Snyder, of Lakeview,
uey Nellie lloltou of this city, is vis
iting ut tho home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. I), liolton, on Terrace
street. Ashland Tidings.
F. P. Light is authority for the
statement that L. (!. tThomas is soon
to be married. No doubt Mr. Thomas
will substantiate the report if the
third party can be found.
C. II. McKendroe started for Seat,
tie. Wash., last Friday ou a business
trip, presumably to consult with the
people who are buying land in Lake
County through Mr. McKendree. j
We understand that Mr. and Mrs.
I'arber, for some week residents of
New Pino Creek, contemplate the es- !
tabli-hmeiit of a barber-Imp in Lake- i
view, to be conducted by Mrs Ilarber. j
"Doe" Vernon, who had his hand'
cut off in the Cottonwood mill last !
spring, was op town from the ranch '
Tuesady. His wound has entirely'
h.mle I u , but he says thecoid weatb '
er effects it. i
The Lakeview Alereantile
Co. will pay, for in
first-class condition,
Beef Hides 17c per II j
Sheep TVlts 1 leper lh
Call and see us before
I selling elsewhere.
will give you com
pjete protection
and lona service
You c&n't eJford
to buy airy other
Every gaj-ment
LeM dealer sell it
I ".1
W ,h A'
J. K. Harper and wile of Paisley,
;ean,t; iown lrom iiiere last w(eK. Mr.
'. II. lor medical treatment.
Jt. A. 1 la a kins and w ife came dow n
I from .'r, olcd Creek last Saturday,
and i emaiiied s-everal dajs.
! lr. L H. Smith returned fjoui Pais
I' V lir.-t ol the week, where he went to
' lo ,k alter Home timber land.
' (,'. F. Sliepjierd has a line asortnient
ol Talking Machine Jiecords k. 'ietor
Mm hinen at Ahl.-.trom Jiio.-i. 12-7
P. Mendall, traveling representative
J of Lissingcr V Co. of Ileno mid San
I'ranriseo was in town Tuesday.
j .). H. J Iiilchiiinoii came in from the
nhecji camp Tuesday. He will npend
the winter iu the vicinity ot Adel.
(ioiug lo tiie mines? Supplies of all
sorts at tho Warner Valley Mercantile
Co., stores Adel aud Plipiii 'M tf.
The new burn being built by .Miller
.fe Arthur, i. begin tin o take shape,
i However, the main building will not
bo (ait up till hpi iiig, as timber and
materia, cannot bo had al this time
ot the year,
W. M Harvey and wife returned
from California he-t Sunday, where
Mr. Harvey took a In ml of horses.
He hold the iio.ves at (iridlcy. He
says tlie market is not ho good as it
was a while back. lie may bur up an
other bunch during the winter.
J. K. l.uone came in from Warner
last week, to look after renting one of
his houses here in town, and to visit
his parents. Mr. Jioone recently re
turned from the J0 ranch iu Harney
county, where he has been attending
the rodeos for the JJ ranch iu Warner.
If this weather prevails for very
long, we will be inclined to think
that winter has cYuno. Pine Crock Mi
ner. ( 1 letter get your thinking apnratus
to working pretty soon, Pro. Koozer,
or you will get the Spring fever, and
not know what's the matter with you,
"I think Hick mid KatharlA will
booh he nutrrled."
"Why. dear?"
"Well, I passed by tho old porch liod
night and I heiird her ending hlut pot
names." i
"Gracious! And wai the calling In uj
'ducky' and 'dearest' Mid 'angel face) "j
"Well, I should any Dot. fUia w
calling him 'dunco,' 'gocao' a. el I
attipld.' "
"Vou don't menn It T'
"I do, nnd that la nlwnya a auro at u
a girl In In love with a limn." Dctr t
i.. t. VM.AlliliK KbPOKt
iieioM He give a reiri ol the wrathei
ns recorded by the (iovertmielit weslher
t'ltrt'Hii ststloti at The Kiamlner Oltlca.
This report I changed each week, and II
our readera wlh to keep a yearly record
ol weather cotiilillona for In l are refer
enee, nit out the report along the black
line and pante It in a aerap IsM.k on
week after another, Tlita reord will !
taken on Tueada" to end each week and
begin on Wednesday for the neat week
Government Weather Unreaa Bia
tion at Lakeviaw, Oregon,
('. O. MrraaaN, CiMiperatWe Ohaerver.
Omt o(.h Jam Jar.
"Wasn't you U'lilnd tho pantry
when I cume through, Johnny V
"Whnt'a your finger doing lu
"Pltl you get It Jammed V
"Yeti'iii-no, ma'am."
And having cleared nil trace of the
Jaiu from tho nuspected digit he re
moved It from his mouth. Cleveland
Plnln Dealer.
Week ending Tui Hdrty, Nit.2S, llKHJ
lr mat mln, errrlp an'w rhm.irt
(laiioii tall ol ilar
wed. I ;17 j J.I I ' U.ou I hl.V
thur. I .M I i'7 I tMK) I (Hi I
frid'yl l I 12 h.ih) I 00 ,
Hut'.v1 .1 ) M j (Km' I (ni l
Hiii'i.' i .lu I l.l I "n.m' J tai
Uloll. I ill I t) "" """ M I "
tuea:ljmJ '"' I ""r 1,M' llr,,'ir
rtrlnc'na; Iteaalta.
"Pleflse, ma'nm," pleaded the ragged
little begrnr. "gimme a penny?"
"Gracious, child!" exclaimed Mm.
Coodnrt. producing a nickel. "Are those
the In'st alloc you've got?"
"Sure!" he replied, with professional
pride. "Dey're de U'st I could git fur
my business. Iey won't do a ting b it
bring do nickels out." Phlhidelph.a
I Yens
Doubly l-'orartf al.
Abseutmluiled Miiii-CoodneMN, how
forgetful I ii m. 1 came nwny thin
raoruliig without kissing my wife!
Friend-1 thought your wife was at
the sliMre.
Absent minded Muu So she Is. How
forgetful I nin!-New York Pit's.
"Portielgli t.xik his tliilicee out III bin
new nutomobilc jcsti-rday. W hen they
returned the girl was alone at the
steering w heel nnd Portielgli win walk
Inn Is'lilnd."
"Iovcm' nn.irrel. 1 presume."
"Oil,' tin. l'ortlelgli was piidilng the
innchlne."- .Iiulgo.
wutifed: ( leu tlciiiHii nr Iwidy with
good reference, to travel by mil or
with rl. fur i llrni of IJ.'sMXHt (HI cup
tub Sulnry fl07'.VtH mt yeiir nnd
cxpeiiHes; salary puld wii'klv uinl ex
penses advanced Adilnss, with
stiiliip. Jos, A. Alexiilider. I.ekevleW,
I )reu.tii. Ma v !! Hiiium.
Ilcr I'rrfrrrarr.
"VIII y : Is- my wife?" Impilni)
tho adherent, of the simplified ep. Aiui
forms. Then lie nd.led: "We huveu'l
bHUi able to Improve the spelling of
"I ll;.d 'i:i' tiiuch simpler," said the
jouug voiiiai. Cleveland Plain lienler.
T'.if Ural Trouble
Mrs. Wh. elle-I wish Mrs. Telluui
wusn't nlw-:iys nsklug the price of ev
trythiiig. White::.- What harm d.s'S It do?
Mrs. Wh elle-It's such a bore re
membering what I've told her. De
troit lY-e I ; ess.
The ( rim..
Dlsinukcs --Oh, well, 1 cau comfi-t
myself with tho thun'lit Hint poverty
la U-) crinie.
PlgKinus- On the cuitrnry, It must
be a crime. bi-c:iiis It Is punishable
by hard bilBr for life Amerlcnn Spec
tator. Prntrii-p.
"I urn goiir; t have my hands In
jured." said the eeibi.'iit i! Milst.
"Don't do It." n r: i" e-e. ! U !'Klli!l':er.
"Your b:i:!'ls Co -r.i . o i'n. your
most valu.i'il" '"' " . your balr
us u red " Wiishli ' , v -
Mu.l F)r II.." II.
Whatever n i
views us to the v. I
Inr tariff schedule, or
tlve tariff ut nil. nube
the tnwhiinl-un Is far too dellcnte to be
handled wltliiMit great cure. Hoston Newa.
.! i-rriillv.
. .a livHoV
i of parti, it
i of a p- lice
..: v r III ie.:y thai
Baiting Powder
Royal does not contain an atom
of phosphatic acid (which is
the product of bones digested
in sulphuric acid) or of alum
(which is one-third sulphuric
acid) substances adopted for
other baking powders because
of their cheapness.
att aua tovtwa co.. ?mk.
Nothing Lo be Thankful For.
(Cedarville Ilecord. )
With the hens ou a strike, no butter
to be had, no money, no clothes, no
wood ami tax paying time aud a long
winter "foinliiht" us we have been
wondering what iu thunder wo could
find to feel thankful for a week from
next Thursday.
(You might' at lni-t, be thankful
that you are one year neari" the end
f a miserable career, Pro. Stanley. )
New Opera House.
That l akeview is to hae an o peril
holme is now a settled fact. T.he build
ing will be erected ou the hotel block,
ou Main street opposite The Kxnmincr
ollice, next fpring. Pour men with
siillleienl means have designated their
willingness to invest money in tho
No pl ius have yet been decided up
on, but a good building two stories
lii'h w ii: I e put up.
To Meat
Cold Mooras
I Ml'
fvcrv hoii'-.n hns Its
CoUl room. Abnormal wcithor
Con. lit ions, (naJ.;uii.itt; stove or
furnare lu-;it i.Ueii result in some i
part of the house being cold and die. ile-.s. You
can make hoinu warm anJ cliccrlul with tlm
Oil Heater
(Equipped Willi Smokeless Device)
Curry It about Irom room to room. Turn wick hltdi or low - there's n
dancer. Smokeles device pievenls smoke alkl t.inell. I asy to opera ta
as a lamp. All pails easily clean. brass oil fount lieautlluliy tm-
hossej. Holds 4 quarts of oil an I burns o hours, tiives intense
li."it. I wotinislirs lik'kel and j.qem. U.ilKlsuine, useful, lellabln.
Lvery beater warranted. If not ut yuur dcalur's wme our
nearest agency lur ucscripuvu circular.
JRaOfo Lamp 2W.W
T V'U tn buy. L.ui.peJ whIi
latest liiiruvcj luriier. Glvi.
Drlpril, itcaay llK'it (t lowest rust. of
ll.iounlioul nj nlrkil ilui...l. SuilaM f..r any
wlinh. r library, dliilni' r.inin, parlor or liejrnoiii. Sal
.a.isiui n.ry. livery lamp wairanli j, Writ
tt.a.u.t II hoi ni your aedlll I,
Standard Oil Company