Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 22, 1906, Image 5

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    PtftUional Xoenl
Dutch lunch at the llrowory Ha
loon. tf
Mrs. M. Measiier and daughter,
mul ton, Jake MeMNiinr, and Mm.
Votfel, nil of HoiithWnrner, were hare
Uxt Huturdav hn ltiiifMH In Dm
Harry-Urania trUI, remalnlnK here
until Tuesday.
Frank Holers came over from
I'ltiah IhnI Friday to meet a brother
anl brother-in-law who nrrivei linro
Wednesday evening on tho Southern
stiitfe. Ho liml not aocii hla brother
for aliont flvo year.
Mr. H. V. Ibdinrl, In hi letter to
Tlin Kxamlner which we publish this
week, says that ho doe not know JiihI
when Ik will return to tint Count. Hn
Ik In Illinois ami U having a wood
limit. Road It 1m letter.
OnorK" .latuttiitrthol left llrnt of (hit
week, fur California, where hn will
spend tint winter. Ho doe not know
Jiint yet when hit will hoM up hut
think somewhere In the liny country.
He will hit buck liere In tint Spring.
J. Wendell, w ho bus conducted the
Ivikovlew meat market for over four
yearn, hM hi butcher business to M.
Bode, II rt of thit week. Mr. Wendell
mul family wUI xtHtt for Han Francis
co Monday, where they will upend the
winter. It In to hit hoped that they
will return to Luke county
J. I IIamitou ami wile paneed
through Laknvlew Monday on their
return to their home at I'uhdey, after
haliitf spent several days In l'iuit
C reek, where they went to attend the.
WUlde and laHt Illness of Mrs. llainp
toiiM' mother, Mm. Follett, who watt
hurled at tho State Line town lat
Kut(eui Wlrth, H. l' Khnmbreaso,
Charf. A. llenner and MIhh LaDu, all
of Moslnoc, Win. , nrrivei hero laHt
week, looking for some of .Lake
(utility's line timliher land. Two of
tho party ttet'tired (in linn on the went
tilde of the lake, over In Modoe coun
ty, while the other weut north to
look for claima.
John Scott ami family nimo down
from 1'aisley last week wheto they
have resided for many yearn, on
their wsy to California, where they
expect to make their future home.
It In hoped that Mr. and Mra. Scott
will dencido to return to Iake county,
an the county doe not caro to lone
such flood citizen.
Ira O. Moshier, who recently noi l
all hia land on the Went Side, wan in
town lant Saturday. He nayn he w ill
Ko to Sun FrauciHco noon, to remain
with bin motbei thU winter. Sho in
00 yearn old and Mr. Mushier says she
needs hln Htteutiou the rent of her life.
He will return to Iake county, as he
says thin place in tfood enouxb for him.
(leoro Henry, tho tiahy hoy of Mr.
and Mm. ( ieorKO Stanley, of this place,
died on No vein Ut tho 14th, and wan
hurled In the I. O. . F. Cemetery on
tho Kith, from tho Methodist Chuich,
services by Rev Armstrong, pastor.
The little hahy wan one month and
twenty-three daya old The sympathy
of the community la with the bereaved
Mr. J. M. Layinuu, tho Hid well
mining man, ban gone to Lou Anclus
to upend tho winter. The Alturaa
I'laindcalor nayn that J. T. Hou'icr of
Alturaa will inuuaKO Mr. Layuiana'
mlnitiK business during his abHuuce.
Mr. liouner baa been in county office
for many yearn, and having been
"left at homo" in tho recent election,
will Meek new Holds.
II 1' I'.iKpiirtt left last Sunday, for a
three mouths' visit in his uutive coun
try, Sweden, where bo goes to visit
his parents, l'ete has been in Luke
coutitv about twolvo years, and worked
ateadily, and deserves a vacation.
During that time bo has accumulated
a ainall fortuno of over 25. (K H.) and
alma to spend i,ino of it taking it
easy for u fow inontliH.
Weak Lungs
For over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, colds,
weak lungs, bronchitis, con
sumption. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors ap
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard cough.
Th best kind of a testimonial
"Sold for over sixty years."
Had b J. O. Ajt Co., t.owll, Km.
Alia luiuunotunri 01
nair vioor.
Wtbmtoinrttil W publish
tb furmulM of all our uicdlolno.
Ayer's Pills keep tho bowels regular, i
'l vegetable and gently laxative, j
I Irallliful cream of tartar, derived solely
from grapes, refined to absolute purity,
is (he active principle of every pound
of Royal Baking F'qwdcr.
Hence it it that Royal Baking
Powder rentiers the food remarkable
Loth for it fine flavor and healthfutneu.
No alum, n phosphate
which are the principal ele
ments of the AO-called cheap
baking powder and which
are derived from bones,
rock and sulphuric acid.
ROMl rrntOia CO., H TOM
Mr. (1. A. Waring, who hint been
making Investigations of the county
for the U. H. (Jeological Hurvey, De
partment of tho Interior, left on the
Western stage yesterday for hln home
at Lon Angeles.
An all night dnuco will bo given in
tho I 'out &. King hall on TlmukMgiving
night, Thursday, Novemlx-r 'th, by
I C. C. I'rlce, tho musician. Tickets,
Including supper, f.l (M). It.
Adam Manjuart, a former resident
of this county, writes The Examiner
from Downey, Calif., near Los Ange
les, that be has bought a small ranch
there. He says be will return bi ro as
soon as he gets bin business matters
fixed up there Mr Manjuart remem
bered The Kxaminer with a two-dollar
post oUIch order, and asked to be re
membered to all bis friend in Lake
C. K. Sherlock and family ex pi-teed
to start for lower California Tuesday.
They aim to arrive at their destination
before the first of the year, so that
the hoys can start In school at the le
glnning of the January term. Tby
will not go to San Francisco to stay,
an they think, owinir to the April cat
astrophy, the schools there will be
crowded w ith home pupils and no room
for outsiders.
In a letter dated Nov. 15th received
from Mr. J. Frank), who la now in
Bun Francisco, he wrote: "Yesterday
I attended the funeral aervicea of an
old townsman of ours, Mr. Tom Wing
field. His widow and daiiKbter Mrs.
Campbell, and sou George, were the
members of bla family present. Of
the Lakeview contingent those pres
ent were Judge Hrattain wife and
children, Walter Sherlock and wife
and myself. The remains were laid
at rest in Cypress Lawn Cemctary
Han Mateo County. Ilia age was 00
( Silver Lake Oregouian.)
And now papa Hougb la wearing
"the smile that wont come off." It's
a girl and weighs 8g pounds, mother
and babe are doing nicely.
Jeff Howard who baa been with the
O. S. L. surveyors at Odell Lake
came in last week unable to work,
owing to several large boils on bis
C. D. Potter and A. A. Dnvia start
ed this morniug, with their beef cat
tle, about 1M bead In all, for Klamath
Falls, where they are to muko deliv
We are reliably Informed that C E.
McKuue, who has been iu New Pine
Creek the past two weeks, has bought
a bunch of cattle which he will bring
up to this vulloy to winter.
Hugh Fiudley and Alectireeu are up
from Summer Luke (retting out tele
phone poles for the Farmers' Mutual
Telephone Co., which will, soon ex
tend its line into Silver Luke.
and con&idGir
lsmadf of the but
maimer bUkwTtllow
fuly fluirdntftd.ind wld b
rriiiflf dwkrs cvtrwdwr
'ZT nl0 Tom cahwiui uan a
"o s Toronto, can.
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it
Dr. King's
New Discovery
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Monay back If It falla. Trial Bottlas frae.
Hob lllglow ,who has tended bar In
flotel"! Jake view "for tome tine left
last week for Hbd Francisco whera ha
goes 7Hccept a position tending bar.
He aaya luTwill Im bark to Lake coun
ty In the Spring, as this place Is good
enoiigh'for Iilm.
(l. I. Drown returned from Pan
Francisco a few daya ago. lie spent
several daya in' Lakvlew attendlng
to business matters, and will go be
low In aweek with anotherhnnch'of
aboi i C'lrilT hew dT"Mr. Hrown'a family
are now In Iterkeley, where bU child-
ren'are'in wiiool. "
Tnaoc Marks
Afttnti Mndtnff ft kfrh mn6 HmmtirltrtUm mf
tilr-ki wrtHin tmt ottnton fr mbMhmr ma
4 'fmntnnlnA
rntut tknn th roii Wunn A Ka. rolT
iprUU wttUs, WMhout chmrtn. In thm
Scientific Hmerlcan
ralftU'in t mnf tfitllln )nirnl, 'I 'rm, i m
ari rir mnrtuta. tu inhq vran Tn-wrirw.
& co.3818-'- Hew TorK
omna. at r t Waaiimmuu. U. u
a iib w w wjtf inAi rMHI
ff 1
T. Cnf?4 buying una
CWVVVII reliable, honest,
t 1
high grade sew
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co.,
Mad a Close Call.
"A danperoua aurg:i('al operation,
Involving the removal of a malignant
ulcer, na larRe as my hand, from my
daughter's hip, wue prevanted by
the application of liucklen'e Arnica
Salve," aaya A. C. Stlckdl, of Miletus,
w. Vn. ,'IVralatent uae of the Salve
compleUiy cured It," Cures Cuts,
Ilurnannd InJurlcH. 25c at lee Deall's
Statk ok Ohio, City of Toieio,
Lih'ah County. I
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
each and every esse of Catarrh that tan
not be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this tlth day of December,
A. D. 1880. A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipa
tion. Desert Land Final Proof,
Unted States Laud Otllco, Lakeview,
Oregon, Oct 30 1000,
Notice la hereby given that Thomas
Anderson of Plush, Oregon, hits filed
notice of his intention to make proof
ou his desert-laud claim Na 538, for
the Lota 3-4-5- & 7 Soo 6 tp 30 S. K 2(1
E, W M, unsurveyed. NEl4' & F1,
SE'i Seo ltp 30 H R 25 E Y M, before
Register and Receiver, at Lakeview,
Oregon, ou Saturday, the 15th duy of
December, 19CX5. He names tho fol
lowing vtitessea to prove the complete
irrigation and reclamation of said
Harry Rlggs, Ed llond James McKee
Clay Rambo, all of Plush Oregon.
41 J. N. WaUon Rogistor .
.V 1 u r.i?
Our Fall And Winter Goods Are Now Arriving
Before Buying Your Winter Supplies Come And Look
at Our Stock And Get Prices
We have the largest and most complete stock of children's
school shoes, boys' suits, men s and children's clothing in
We expect in a few days to have a full line of Ladies' Fall
and Winter Waists, Ladies and Misses' Dress Skirts, Coats,
Jackets etc., direct from the factory.
Be Sure And See Our New Goods Before
Buying Elsewhere.
Lakeview Mercantile Company
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. No
tice for Publication'
United Staten Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon, Nov. 9, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the Act
of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act foi
the sale of timber lands in the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington, Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by the
act of Angust. 4, 1802, the following
persona have filed their sworn state
ments, to-wit;
Edgar N. Jaquish, of Lakeview,
County of Lake State of Oregon Sworn
statement No. SKX) for the purchase of
the NE'i Sec. 24 T. 37 S, iL 18E., W.
Elizabeth M. Jaquish of Lakeview,
County of Lake State of Oregon Sworn
Statement No. 3319, for the purchase
of the Wi SEW NE"i SE'i Sec24Tp
37 S, R. 18 E., W. M. 4 NW' SVYtf
Sec. 19, Tp 37, S., R. 19, E., W. M.
That they will offer proof to show
that tbe land Bought is more valuable
for Its timber or or stone than for
agricultural purpoes and to establish
tbier claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver, at Lakeview
Oregon, on Monday, the 21st day of
January, 1907.
They name as witnesses: James G.
Harker, Geo. IL Lynch, E. E. Rine
hart, Lee lie all, all of Lakeview, Ore
gon. Any and all persona claiming adver
sely the above describd lands, are re
quested to tile their claima in this
office on or before said 21st day of
January 1907
J. N. Watson,
40 Register.
Timber Land Notica.
United Statea Land Office, Lake
view, Ore, Oct. 18. 1900.
Notice la hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Cougresa of June 3, 1S78, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August
4, 1892, Clara Duval, of Klamath
Falls. County of Klamath, State of
Oregon, lias filed In this office his
sworn statement No. 31S2, lor the
purchase of the SJ of SEJ of Section
No. 30, In Township No. 35S., Range
No. 17, E. W. M.. and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or
stone than toragrlcutlural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said
land before County Judge of Klamath
County, nt his official place of busi
ness at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 5th day of February,
lie names as witnesses: Bertha W.
Knox, C. II. Dusenbery. C. E. Hadley,
Frank E. Knox, R. O. Horning and
J. K. Horning of Klamath Falls, Ore
Any and all jkthous claiming ad
verscly the above-described lauds are
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said 5th day of
February 1007.
.1. N. Watson. Register,
Made Happy for Life.
Great happiness came Into the
home of S. C. Blair, school superin
tendent, at St. Albans, w. Vn., when
his little daughter was restored from
the dreadful complaint he names.
He says: "My little daughter bad St.
Vitus' Dance, which yielded to no
treatment out grew steaaily worse
until as a last resort we tried Electric
Bitters; and I rejoice to eay, three
bottles effected a complete cure."
Quick, sure cure for nervous com
plaints, general debllty, female weak
ness, Impoverished blood and malaria.
Guaranteed by Lee Boall'sDrug Store
Price 50c.
Now Have a Complete Stock. They
can furnish anything from a prospectors
pick up.
Wm. Wallace. Proprietor
Having Purchased the Furniture Store
! I from E. N. Jaquish,
Public to call and see my Goods and get my
Prices. I will soon have on hand a full
line of everything to be found in a frst-class
furniture store.
I am a Cabinet Maker by trade and
Guarantee all my work.
Located in the Snider Building on Water Street '
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has retired from the conduct
of the Mammoth Livery Stables, and
desires to settle up all outstanding ac
counts. Those indebted to either
Heryford & Smith, Heryford & Fuller,
Heryford & Dyk man, or W.R. Heryford
will please call and settle at once.
W. R. Heryford.
Famous 5trike Breakers.
The most famous strike breakers
lu the land are Dr. King's New Life
Pills, when liver and bowels goon
strike, they quickly settle the trouble
and the purifying work goes right
ou. Best aire for constipation, bead
tiche and dizziness. 25c at Leo Beall's
dfUjrU t.
I desire to invite the
Eyeglass fitting Is too important a
matter to rush into "with your eyes
hut." If your eyes wear out. they're
gone forever. 'When you buy glasses,
sue to it that you get glasses that are
juut rlKht. We have the knowledge,
expeiienre, expensive up-to-dute ap
paratus and Hklltcd employes to make
them Just right. Consultation costs
you nothing. Write for our booklet.
It contains valuuble Information about
the cre of the eyes. We will send It
to you free post paid.