Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 15, 1906, Image 4

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    -'(OH OUmtttM Oxo-.tttturf
PaMlalwd Every Tfcartday.
(ntcrod at thr I'oul Offlroat I aTlrw, Ore.
t Hwond-riaa Matter.
(One Year.
TERMS: Slx Months 1.00
(Three Month, SO
Secretary Hitchcock, of the Interior
Department, has sent his resignation
to the president, which was accepted,
and the president announced that
James R. tlarfleld. of Ohio, now com
missioner of Corporations, would Iw
appoiuted to succeed Hitchcock on
March 4th, when the Hitchcock resig
nation is to take effect. It is also an
nounced that Commissioner Richards
nt ih r.nfral Land Office, will retire
on March the 4th. There has been a
cry for Mr. Hitchcocks' resignation
for two years past, and this bit of news
1 bv those who mude
the cry.
The Examiner received the first
news of the result of the election iu a
special last Thursday nisht, too late
for publication in last week's issue.
The contents of the message was post
ed up in several places for the benefit
of those who were anxious for the
news. The first telegrams receivd by
other parties in Lakeview were not
correct, and the one received by The
Examinr was a surprise t-J Bome aud a
"Heavy rains in the Cascade Moun
tains at the head of the Santiam and
other rivers flowing into the Willam
ette valley have caused those streams
to rise above their banks and take out
a number of the Southern Pacific's
bridges and rendering others unsafe.
We may expect to hear of some higb
water about Portland.
Of course Hearst will holler "fraud,"
Vint it is nevertheless the will of the
people that he stay down and out.
The Prineville Review wants a law
passed making it unlawful for cougar
to kill deer out of season.
A load of people arrived here yes
terday from Wisconsin lookingjfor
Jew York will
Dee" governor.
not have a "John
A Yea i of Blood.
The year ol 1903 will long be re
membered in the home of F. N. Tack
et, of Alliance, Ky., as a year of blood;
which flowed so copiously from Mr.
Tacket's lungs that death seemed
very near. He writes:. "Severe bleed
ing from the lungs and a frightful
cough had brought tue at death's
door, when I began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
with the astonishing result that after
taking four bottles I was completely
restored and as time has proven per
manently cured." Guarnateed, for
Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds, at
Lee Beall's Drug Store. Price 50c
and $1 00. Trial bottle free.
$110 iu
4 Id Of.
10 CO
20 10
5 10
10 10
100 00.
0 00
8 SO
2 2T
1 50
128 42
Lakeview, Oregon Nov. ",HXXVHe it
remembered that a session of the
County Court, of Lake County, Ore
gon, for the transaction of County
Court busiuess, was beg-iiu and held at
th Oourt House, in Lakeview, in said
county, ou Wednesday tho 7th day of
November, 1000.
j Present: Hon. II. Paly, Judge: H.
.$2.00 1 R. Heiyford, Commissioner ; Albert
Pont, Sheriff; K. N. Jaqulsh, Clerk,
when the following proceedings were
bad, to-wit:
Salary claims examined approved and
warrants ordered drawn on tho (Jen
eral Fund in rmrmeut of the same as
follows :
R Paly, Judge
Albret Pent, Sherlir
E. N. J at) uish. Clerk
W. P. West, Assessor
F. O. Ahlstrom, Treasurer
P. P. Malloy, Stock Inspector
J. Q. Willits .School Supt.
A. Paterson, Co. Physician
The following claims against the
Ceueral Fund were examined, ap
proved and warraiits ordered drawn
in payment of the same:
Albret Pent, Stamps and ink t
E N. Jaipiiob, Stamps and tup.
O. U. llrowu, list of lauds
Win. Cole, work and supplies
Light A Harrow, board jury
(eorge Wright, wood
Glass A Prudhomme supplies
Smith Premier Co. ribbon
Mann Iieaeh typewriter paper
Uushoug A- Co. supplies
The following claims agaiust the
Road Fund were examined, approved
aud warrants ordered drawn in pay
ment of the same:
II. R. Ileryford, road work
Vernon A Cogburn, work
. lumber dist. No. 9
W. F Petree, hauling lumber
Ed Tatro, work dist No. 10
A. Morris, work dist No. 6
W. P. Ileryford work
Arener Bros
Ordered that a licence to sell spirit
uous, malt and vinous liquors in less
quantities than one gallon is hereby
granted to G. W. Cooley' of Paisley,
Lake County, Oregon, for a period
of six months from the 7th day of
November 1900. to the 6th day of
May, 1907, both Inclusive, the said O.
W. Cooley having complied with all
the requirement of law In the pre
mises. Ordered that a licence to sell spirit
uous, malt and vinous liquors in less
quantities than one gallon is hereby
granted to M. C. Currior, of Paisley,
Lake County, Oregon, for a period of
one year from November 7th, 1906, to
Novemer 0th 1907, both inclusive, the
said M. C. Currier having complied
with all the requirements of law in
tbe premises.
The following claims against the
General Fund were examined, approv
ed and warrants ordered drawn in
payment of tbe same:
Claims of Jurors For the October
Term 1900 of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, County of Lake:
Geo V Wilson, 8 days 100 miles 9 26 00
Tom Caldorwood, 1 day and ml 2 10
T It Vernon 1 day and ml
J P Puke, 1 day and ml
F P Smith, 1 day and mi.
C. C. Pratt, 1 day and mi.
Andy Green, 1 day and ml
W G Spencer, 1 day and ml
W.R. Ileryford, ,1 day and ml
3 20
3 00
Pioneer Store
t 4 00
20 28
J7 15
37 50
06 00
56 23
3 00
F.d Tatro, 1 day and ml
Chas Little, 1 day and mi
Fred Fisher Iday and ml
Ira Moshler, 1 day and mi.
Geo. Nelson, 1 day aud ml
T. H. Cloud, 1 day and ml.
W. M. Bernard, 7 days and ml
Puke Bennett, 1 day and mi.
Ed. Bishop 1 day and mi.
W. m. Hiirtninti, 1 day aud mi,
F. lliert Morris, 1 day and ml.
G. W. Puncan 1 ditv aud ml.
Tom Hastiugs,l day aud mi.
Bud Harvey, 1 day and mi.
Joe Armer, 1 day and mi.
W. R. Steel., 1 day aud ml.
A. S. Pown, 1 day aud mi.
AI0P7.0, Frakes, 1 day and mi.
Marion Barnes, 1 day aud 111 i.
Pwight Fosket, 1 day and nil.
J. P. Ileryford, 1 day aud mi.
J. W. Boydston, 1 day and ml.
Claims of Witnesses:
Subpoenaed to appear iu tho Circuit
Court at tho October Term, 1000.
11. Roberts, 6 days and ml. $
R. Farmer, 0 days and mi
N. Fine, 0 days aud mi.
C. W. Coinegys, 6 days aud mi.
J. W. Fiue, 6 days and mi. .
W. E. Scammon, 6 days aud mi.
T. B. Metzker, 4 days and mi.
A. Boguer, 0 days and ml.
R. Nelson, 0 days aud mi.
R. P. Baker, 0 days aud mi.
J. A. Morris 6 days and mi.
M. Currier, 6 days and mi.
W. A. Currier, 6 days aud ml.
Clarence Pixou, 6 days and mi.
Wm. Pobkins, 4 days and mi.
Thomas Hutton, 6 days and mi.
O. E. Charlton, 6 days and mi.
John Barry, 2 days aud mi.
Wm. Gunther 6 days and mi.
E. E. Rinebart 0 days and mi.
E. B. Brewer 2 days and mi.
P. C. Schmiuck 6 days aud mi.
A. Storkman 6 days and mi.
C. Loftus 6 days and mi.
F. M. Miller 6 days and mi.
W. A. Massingill 2 days aud mi.
Geo. W. Johnson 2 days and mi
final Proof Sot ire.
Pepartment of the Interior, Land
Office at Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. 14.
Notice is hereby given that Lynn B.
Yadtjn of Bly Oregon, has filed notice
of his intention to make final commu
tation proof iu support of his claim,
viz: Homestead Entry No 30C7 made
June 15th, 1903, for the N. W. H Sec
tion 32, Township 35 S, Range 15 E.,
W. M., and that said proof will be
made before Register and Receiver, at
Lakeview Oregon, on 21st day of Dec
ember, 1.900.
He names as witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, the land, viz:
Mrs. Cassia Loudy ,Geo. Boyd, S.
L Wood, Neil Campbell all of Ly Ore
gon J N Wut.-on, Register
Louis Frakes, 8 days and mi
Geo Harrow, 2 days and mi
James Given 1 day
A. L. Highfill, 8 days aud mi.
Geo. Sherman 1 day and mi
W F Stanley, 2 days and mi
J C Hotcbkiss, 2 days and mi
Phil Lynch, 8 days and mi
S O Cressler, 13 days and mi
J S Branch, 2 Jays and mi
Frank Roggers, 2 days and mi
Wm Dobkins, 2 days and mi
C S Morris, 2 days and ml
D M Bryan, 2 days and mi
W K McCrrmack, 1 day and mi
CLas Eccleston, 8 days and mi
F Weidy, 8 days and mi,
Geo Emery, 2 days and mi
Special Venira
Jas Barry 8 days and mi.
P M Curry 1 day and mi
Pete Inquist, 1 day and mi.
Chas Arthur, 8 days and mi
A II Hammersley 1 day and mi
J C Oliver 8 days aud mi
C S BtneficJd, 1 duy and mi
25 40
4 10
10 00
28 00
5 00
6 00
5 80
16 10
26 10
8 40
12 00
12 00
10 00
8 20
12 00
10 30
24 00
22 00
16 10
2 10
2 10
io 10!
2 10
10 10
2 10
22 00
22 00
22 00
27 00
24 00
20 CX)
8 10
20 00
15 CM
25 20
20 IX)
22 CX)
23 00
20 00
8 10
32 00
20 IX)
4 10
12 10
14 80
24 00
12 10
12 10
15 40
12 10
4 10
4 10
Court adjourned until Thursday,
November 8th, 1906.
Lakeview, Oregon, Nov 8th, 1900.
Court met pursuant to adjournment
of November 7th Same officers pres-
eut, when tbe following proceedings
were had, to-wit:
The Sheriff's aud Clerk's books
were examined and found to be cor
rect. Court adjourned until Friday, Nov
ember 9th, 1906.
Lakeview, Ore. Nov. 9, 1906.
Court met persuant to adjournment
of November 8tb, 1906. Same officers
present, when the following proceed
ings were had towit:
The followng claims were examined,
approved and warrants ordered drawn
on the General Fund in payment of
the same.
C. O. Metzker, printing and
Smith Sisters, publishing
We3tein Stage Co. Freight on
Lakeview Mercantile Co.,
Court adjourned until 10
A. M .November 10th. 1906.
Lakeview Ore. Nov. 10, 1900.
Court met persuant to adjournment.
Same officers preseut when the follow
ing proceedings were had to-wit:
Tbe following claims were examined
approved and warrants ordered drawn
on the General Fund in payment of
II. R. Ileryford, 5 days on com
missioner and mileage,
Wm. Wallace, putting in glass
W. A. Sloan, witness and mile
age Wert case
A. Patterson witness Lee case,
Wm. Stimnfig. witness Leo case
Jas. Metzker, Lee case
In the matter of applications
Our Fall Lines
arc now complete
and we invite your inspection. Ladies and
Gentlemen's Furnishing goods full lines
Everything For Little Folks
Having bought heavily we are in a better
position than ever to fill your orders.
Pioneer Store
Jesyn&s Tonic rmifucfe
gives rosy checks and active health to pale, sickly children.--
And it is good for their ciders, too.
Ask your druggist for it.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
S Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. mA
Seven Million boxes sold in past 13 month. ThlS Signature, V-A
V".J.'.1gH"W1.1fcH"iim' HUJauiJ
Curtw Crip
la Two Days.
on every
box. 25c.
Co 70
4 40
8 10
23 85
states by act of August 4, W2, Willis
Webler, of liouauza, county of Klam
ath, State of Oregon, has this day fil
ed in this on ice bis sworn statement
No. 3171. for the purchase of the W,
NW3.4, Sec. S.SVjNK'j , of Section No.
4. in Township No. 3o 8., Range No.
17 E. ,W. M. .,and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land before
Geo. Chastaln, Co., Clerk, at his of
ficial place of business at Klamath
Falls Oregon, on Monday the 3rd day
of Decern ber, 1IHX5.,
lie names as witneses: Cubs. V.
Pattee of Rly Oregon. 8. C. llameker
of Bly Oregon. E.W. Pollard of Uly
Oregon. W. T .Garrett of My Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely tbe above discribed lands are re-
auested to file their claims in this of
ce on or before said 3rd day of Dec
ember 1900.
35 J. X. Watson Register
This Space is Reserved
Chandler & Arthur
Who's ad will Appear
20 HI)
2 10
4 00
3 00
2 10
franc-bines for telephone lines and for
other franchises:
It is hereby ordered that no fran
chise for any purpose, shall be granted
for a longer period than twenty-five
years, and further, that no franchise
be granted without suitable compensa
tiou to Lake County, for the privilege
of such franchise.
Court adjourned
jr . 1 1 ' a. 1 an 11 1 tw
3 JM fcWJT vz
1M ir
Tmg School that Placcs
United States Lund office, Lake
view, Oregon, August 27, 1!XJ;.
Notice is hereby given that in com,
pliauce with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1H78, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds
in the States of CalifonUn. Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
United States Lnn J Ofllce, Lnke
view, Oregon, Oct, 18 19WJ.
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pllnnce with the provisions of tho
act of Congress of Juno 3, 1S7S, en
titled "An act for the sale of tlmU'
lands In the States of California, Ore
gon. Nevada, and Washington Terr!
tory," as extended to all the Public
Land States by Act of August -4. is;2,
Frank K. Knox, of Klamath Falls
county of Klamath, State of Oregon
lias filed In this ollice his sworn state
meni AO. .iiNi, lor the purcliaw o
the KJ XWJ, NKJ HWJ, of Section
No. 15. In Township No. .'!? S Range
No. 1 1 Is., w. M., and will offer
proof to show that tho land sought
is more vaitiawe lor its timber or
stone than for agricultural purpom-H
and to establish his claim to sah
land lefore County Judg of Klamath
County, at his oflicial place of LuhI
iicss, at Klamath Falls Oregon
on Thursday the 3d day of Jan
nary, 1!07.
He names as witnesses: I'.crtha
w. Knox, Clara Duval, C.II. Duhvii-
lery, C. K. Hadlcy, of Klamat h Falls
Any and all persons clalmng ad
versely tho above-descrlU'd lands are
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said 3 day of Jan
uary, J907;
A' ",l J. N Watson Regster,
United States Land Office, Lake,
view, Oregon, October, IS, l!K)ll.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pllanco with the provisions of tho act
of Congress of June 3, 1S"S, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in tho states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory, as extended to all tho Public
Land States by act of August 4, ls(2,
liertha W. Knox, of Klamath Falls,
county of Klamath, State of Oregon,
has filed til this ofllce his sworn state
ment No. 31M. for the purchase of the
K SKI, f Section No 31. In Town
ship No. 35 S., Range No. 77 K., w. A.,
and will offer proof to show that the
land nought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before County Judge of
Klamath County, at hlsofllclil place
of business, at Klamath Falls, Ore
gon, 011 Thursday the 3d day of Jan
uary, 1907.
lie names the following witnesses:
Frank K. Knox, Clara Duval, C. II.
PiiHcnlK'ry, C. K. Iladley. of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon.
Any and all jhtsoiis claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file th"lr claims In this
ofllce on or Is-fore said 3d day of Jan
uary, l'JO";
4.3-.VJ J. N. M'atson KegbHtcr.
Reward for Horses
I will give t-0.00 Ifeward for the
delivery, In Lakeview or at my ranch
at wagontire Mountain, of any and
all unbroken range horses, I-vear old
and upwards, unblemished, ranging
In Lake county, Oregon, branded
with an old horseshoe on both Jaws,
without any other brand on the ani
mal; horseshoe open part down ward
the same as cut In tho following ad
vertisement. W. W. IlltoWN.
$1,250 Reward.
The llHrnoyCount j
Live SKH'lt Ahuh I.
tlon, ol wlilcli I urn
meni Ut, iKyn7hO
n-Wurd foruvKlenc-a
li-ailuiK to lliu coil
vli'ilon of (inrtli-i
ttalliiK lock lie-
loiiKUiy to 1 In mi'in-li-m.
J11 HiMfiloii I
uffiT 'ou reward.
1 1 orc brand liormt-
hoi) liar on vliher
or liotli Juwh. Ho-
cordi'd InMcoMiitft-i
kaDge, Hariii-r, I.ak and (rook Countlfi
HorM-a venled when wild. Horm a nolil in i
through 1 hla m-i'tlmi will bti reported In t li la
paper. If not ao reported, iili'aui write or telo
piione j no 1 1 iiit a iierawi, Mnln H.'4, Huron, Oro
gon W W IIhown, Hie, Ore
$500 Reward Sa
Tho Oregon, California &. Nevada
Livestock Protective Association
will give $.'00.00 Ifeward for tho con
viction of any party or parties steal
ing horses, cattle or mules belonging
to any of tho following members of
this Association:
Cox & Clark, Chevacaii Land &
Cattle Co., Ileryford Land & Cattle
Co., Lake County Land & Livestock
Co., Warner Valley Stock Co., Ceo
V. Maries, Wm W. Urown. (ieo.-iu
Jones, Ceo. Hanklns, N, M. Chandler
J. O. Dodsou, C. A. Rehart, N. Fine
Thos. Hutton, V. A. Currier, Frank
j,. jiiuom, .. j. jiotciiKisH, uaiuer-
woou itros., j , .j. Urattaln & Sons.
. . ,r . . .. -
1 amen i. nioore. J. It. LCCll. 'I . A
'rump, W. . Moss.
ressler & homier, W. 'J'. Cressler
Acty tfc Cillham, Hill & Toney.
WT II II ....
Oi l 11 1; us ' " 1 '"'"vi'Oitn. rresiii t
1 ' aiu.i.Kii, nee tx I reim.
TinilKK I.Aftlt MOTM'K.
United .States biml Ofllce, Lake
view, Oregon, Oct. 'JO, 1001.
Notice In hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of tho
net of Congress of June 3, 187s, en
titled "An act for tho sale of tlin
Iht lands In the States of California.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory." as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of Aug. 4,
lMlll. Charles K. Hadley, f Klam
ath Falls, county ol Klamath. StaU
of Oregon, has filed In this ofllco his
sworn statement No. 3ls.', for tho of the SSKJi. NKS 1111 of
Section No. in Township No. 3.' H.,
Range No. 17 K., W. M., ami will
offer proof to show that th land
sought Is 111011 valuable for Its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land Is-fore County Clerk of
Klamath County, at his official place
of business at Klaumtli Falls, Ore.,
on Tuesday, the 2nd day of January,
He names as wltnessew r)w.ri..u
McCiiiiiIht of Dairy, Oregon. CharloH
Mesner, Koliert Casey, C. II. IiiiHen-U-ry
of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming ad
versely the above-dcscrlls'd lauds
are requested to file their claims In.
this ofllce on or before said 2nd day
of January, l!W7.
13-."2 J N.. watson ReglHter.
I .N A M K C
Jo.M.F. M. (1KKKN
S. II. CllAMl.l:i
- -
1 m
by buying this
reliable, honest,
M(ih Rradc tew
ing inacliiiiu.
National Sewing Machine Co.,
PAcroHY ATiu i.vim wn ill.