Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 01, 1906, Image 2

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With ft rerfectioti fil Heater you can licit a cold
r j
bed-room, make a sick-roiiii
chillv hullwnv, heat water q
better than can be done with any other stove no matter
what fuel it burns. The superiority of the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
11m In the fact that it ernoratcs intent heat without raoke
or imrll. The oil fount and the wick carrier are made of lras
throuRhont, which injure durahilu v. tiirw ureal heat at small
cost. Fount has oil indicator nn1 handle. Heater l light and
portable. Absolutely safe and simnle wick cannot be turned
too high or too low. (Vwrated a easily a a lamp. All parts
easily cleaned. Two 6nihes nickrl an I japan. Kvery heater
warranted. If not at your dealer's write nearest agency for
descriptive circular.
Ifeyb Lamp s
Bras throushont and nickel plated. Equipped with
the latest improved burner. Handsome simple satisfactory.
Kvery lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency If you cannot
get it from your dealer.
Photography for the
Half its Former Cost
American Jr;
With Double
Plate Holder
Our facilities enable
us to furnish cameras
of the highest grade at
prices which cannot
be met.
Send for illustrated
catalogue telling all
about our 27 styles
end sizes. Free.
945 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. ,
Xuio Teea to Builtl Honda.
Secretary of State I.u.vllu of Ohio es
timates Uiat tho new autoiooblla regls
tratloo law, wLloh uinkes him the regis
tering officer and authorizes him to col
lect a gra'H'd annunl license, will pro
duce a state reveuue of $50,000. As
this Is given to the state highway com
missioner's fund It will probably re
etore th amount to be available for
the good roads mo I'rneut for this yeai
io the otie'lnul fl"un of $200,000.
; I i i ti turn - i -' : - ' 1 1 '
more comfortable, warm a
lickly, uml do many things
be nsed in nr room
is the best all-round
huti!c lamp made. Itives
a clear, steady lijrht. I
safest lamp you can
The famous
Genuinely good in
every detail. Film or
Plates as you choose.
Absolutely new models.
4x5 FOCO
Trade Marks
ri iKhlr ii-..-.-rli!i nininnii frue wliihr au
',v.-ni'ori n ,r.,l, p iK-in able. (milium".
t,oi.m iiynMiiidcKilHl. lIuKdlKHikon I
cM tn-f. iildftt at'fiK T for KMcnruiH iuii in.
I'.ii.Kiiit luKen throuKii Alumi & l u. reuelva
ipn-iiU wilvx, without ttiaruo, lu the
Scfttttific Jlmcrican.
A handsomely lllntralRl wnf klf. I.nrifPHl rii
inlaLKiii .f any . intiU- Journa . 'I 'r;. a
yi-ir: f'.ur niontlia. l- Bold tyall ne (ul irj.
iTiauch ontcortaS V ft, WaahlUHiuu. V. C.
Irj Jug preparations simply dcvel.
ii di y catari h ; they dry up the Bucretious,
which adhere to the membrane und decom
pose, causing a fur more serious trouble than
tho ordiuury form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ing iuhalauta, fuiues, smokes and snuffs
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heala, Ely's Cream Halm is such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will ba
mailed for 10 cents. All drngst selltfia
iJOo. size. Ely Brothers, 00 Warren Ht., KY.
The Halm cures without pain, do not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads ituelf
over an irritated and angry surface, rohey.
jng immediately the painful inflammation,
With Kly's Cream Halm you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Iiay Fever.
Improved lloml Inrrrmr l-'nriii Vnl
am ami Mukr II Tokallitf. In llnnl
l.arar I.oikI f I'ruil urr I'nor
llialmnra Nolntr llip I'nrmrr.
l.'t lis consider lln points of opposi
tion llnil "i'nn of nir ninil frltMid
innki' to the t'.i'oil folds pi. in, k:i,v n
writer In t!i Motor Now. "I'lu'.v fl;ilin
tlmt it Is inn, n-y out of tiicir pockot
wluMl tlh-y a iv ooiupi-lloil to p:iy the
liicri'iiscd t.-iM-s which will Ih uskod.
This o'iJivi ion Is lviiillly mot. j
In tlu lirsi pl.nv our ffii'inls nrei
culli'il upon to puy but 0110 lif;!i of the;
Hotuiil cost, which is lu ItM'lf it very j
small sum. If 1 own a liotiso In tlii'j
city and 11 pnvciueiit Is laid In front I
of it. iny proporty lnoroaso In vuluo. :
Just so with tin1 fannor. If 11 ;oo I i
road Is la Id. past his pio;city. ln Is
plaoiil in Just the samo position that I ;
would bo. I
Tho nctiinl Increased vnlualion of hlsl
farm moiv tliau maUos up for tho ad
ditional tax bo was oliiiircd to pay to j
sociiro tho iniprovoniont. Now, as to j
his protlt. llo can haul law loads of j
produce to tho city each trip, he can
make inoro trips In a Kivou tluio and
he can travel at any poriod of tho!
year with 00,11:1! facility, !arring thai
timo wbou snow blocks bis way. j
Joltinir ovor roiicli roads, mini cover
ed, rwkitij; horses and br ikon harnoss-1
es and wagons are largely done away
with. Ho uo longer arrives homo latei
at night after hours of ugmiy over tor-!
rlblo roads, nervous and exhausted. Ou
the contrary, lie suffers no nuro Inooti ,
vcnlonoe as far as tho highway Is con-1
corned than if ho were rLawig In an
electric car. j
I realize that the so called neorchet I
has brought iniich discreilil on the law
abiding nuteist 11 nd that many a fanner
has boon soared nearly t ) death when
some motorist has wiiir.eil past him at
forty miles an hour, but this is an ox-j
eeptlon to tho rule and Is becoming 1
more and more so as time passes. 1 '
dare say that this same farmer has
boon nearly run down 011 an eipial
number of in ras'ions I iy 0110 of his owl)
Ilk tryinir out the speed of his horse ot
racing with a friend.
IIw many of ns wh'le travel.;
through 1 !ir country in tho fall hare
not seen hundreds of bu-hels of t'n
appli-s rotting in the orchards? Why
hasn't this fruit been hit') the
city and sold? One reason. I opine, I;
that the ronds are In such cmdition
that It doesn't pay the prr.ver t haul
them Into the city.
If there was an improved highway
the owner would probably Iiture out
that it would pay him to s.n o thl.i
product. Another side of the question
may bo f Hind in tho s i. ;,: bt'o of the
rurahte. Many a time he would like
to drive into the eiiy f ir a Pule pleas
ure, lie might want t attend iho then
tor or seek some o'her e(ual!y harm
less ili veri')ti. If he h:il a g j.i 1 high
way to drive over l" would do si, but
with mud nearly huh de-i ho would
prefer to stay by h's fire-ido a in! lin 1
solace in nicotine.
This means much t the y uijg peo
ple, ami you wiil l'.inl that v hi :i we get .
the state ginllcl wiih g'val roads aivl
it's comiti,'- t' ere w. n't bo sue!; anxiety
to get off tho farm and into the city, i
Human nature demands some pleasure
in this world, iim-1 It will sometimes go
a long way to net it, though It entail'1;
much suffering. ;ie us Improved
thoroughfares, then the country boy
and girl will have greater chances for;
social intercourse and will become j
more contented. ,
Rural Delivery Notes
The operations of tho rural free do-j
livery service up to March 1 are j
shown lu a statement recently Issued
by 1'ourth Assistant Postmaster Ceil-'
eral IeGraw, says a Washington dls-1
patch. I'p to that time 5'J,''-J7 petitions
had been received and referred. Of J
these 13,771i were acted upon udvere-:
ly. The number of routes in operation
March 1 was 3".,b3I, leaving ;5,1J1 petl-
tions Btlll pending, of which 'J'.il have!
been assigned for establishment. 1
A distinct and Important field for the;
utility motor vehicle that is already,
being cultivated to tome extent Is
found in the rural fnK; delivery niail !
service. Probably a score of these car-!
Tiers arc regularly using automobiles,
to cover their route, mid are obtaining
excellent service from them. Mjst of,
them are lu the west, where, lu spite'
of the fact that the roads ure bad and
streams are frequently required to be
forded, they are doing excellent work.
J. O. Matthews of Sa'uethu, Kau., un
doubtedly holds the record In tho Unit
ed KLati-s lor quick rural mail service,
says a Kabethu correspondent of the
Kansas City Htar. lie not only covers
his route of twenty-live miles In about
four hours every day, but he maintains
a regular Bt'hedule. lu the country. Mr.
Matthews starts out from the Sabetha
postoilice at 0:30 o'clock In the morn
ing. After ho leaves the postoflice lie
la u certain number of minutes from
box to box. Peoplo know to the min
ute when their mull is going to arrive.
During the winter mouths his schedule
time for covering his route Is four
hours and ten minutes. In summer
his time Is three hours and forty-flve
minutes. Mr. MatUiews works the reg
ular old fashioned stagecoach busi
ness. He has a relay. He starts with
1 fresh horse and drives twelve miles.
Here another fresh horse Is secured. II
tukes Mr. Matthews five minutes to
anhltcb bis horse, hitch the fresh horse
md start off again. The balance of the
llstance Is covered with the second
Horse. The botse left at the relay sta
tion Is the relay horse for the next
imroe -Jersey s ii'o protuihly found 111
nil lb states and sonic p u is of t'niui
ila. They me kept In l.ire numbers
throughout the corn belt, and their
Ftroiig constitutions enable them In
tdnnd homy corn feeding veil. In the
aouth they adapt themselves easily to
climatic combilons and are probably
one of the best breeds for that section.
They are red or sandy, with sllithtly
dished face and lop cars. They are not
so large as in former years, but there
Is no groat ilitVerenco between them
and Helkshltvs or I'oland I hlnas
There Is considerable variation In the
t,pes found In ilifereul localities, but
In general (he I iu oc .lersey Is a very
good hog, matures early, makes ecu
mimical use of food eaten, Is active
and hardy uml adapted to conditions,
from pasturing to heavy corn feeding.
luroc .lerseys cross veil with a Hum
Per of breeds, notably the Poland Chi
mi. and do well to rade up native
stock. Some claim tho meat Is rather
poor, but slaughter tests hardly bear
S (JUf 'A il ' 4 ,r .- - '. l,w,.,lf, ,
tll ll ( Ullll'K, liUIUlC-JKUSKV HOW.
LGranJ champion. lUlimls stalo fair. If C.
this out. In breeding Miialitles uroo :
Jerseys stand hluh. This Is one ol ,
their strongest points. The sows nr!
good mothers, rear largo litters, ami
tho young pigs are quite active and
hardy, says John It. Ilentry of Indiana
In Ohio farmer. ;
The American 1 uiroc Jersey Swluc
1'ireeilcrs' a.--oi lation. T. 15. Pearson, '
secretary, Thornton. Ind., and the Na-:
tlonal 1 uroe Jersey Kcord association,!
ISobert J. Pvans. secretary. Pisiria, 111.,
were established lu Ivvi and tc
protect the interests of the brood. 1
Hon tlie Mule Mnka-i t.ooil.
The writer by no means thinks thai
the mule should replace tie- horse on
the farm. Tho mule's place Is 0:1 the
latve farm. when, hired help is cm
ployed. In the small farm, where on
do 's most o.' his own work and has his
sons to do II. the horse will likely glvt
th- b.-t satisfaction. Hut where the
teams have to be tiiri.' d over lo hired
help the mule will be found more eco
nomical lu that it will stand alu-e bet
ter. Is liable to get hurt, and Improper
aro does It less harm. The mule wili
not drink more water than is good ft
it when warm, w hile tlie hut so w ill be
seriously hurt if watered when warm.
Likewise In feediu.-. the mule will not
eat more than Is "good for him when
warm, while the por-e will. The mule
will never got into a wire fence and
get cut up. I'.veu in a runaway the
mule does not often g--t hurt. The
mule Is al-D quite free from disease,
due in a large measure to the anlmal'l
care lu eating ami drinking. The inuli"
Is also loiii-cr lived than tin- horse. The
breediii" of mules Is in semi! ways
more profitable than breeding horses,
as the mule colt needs less care. Is loss
liable to get hurt. 11s It has a keen
r 011 so of danger. W. ('. Palmer, In-,
IX-i'llnr In (allli-.
There Is i.u.v an unu-i.;.il scarcity of
cattle on tin- farms of Ohio ii ml little
or no prospect of any I. u rease in the
near future. I'.nt one llo.ig can result
from this condition of tiii.t s, and that
Is an Impoverished soil a. id later on uu
Impoverished farmer. If any one will
look up the facts as found in our sta-1
list leal repoiis on farm conditions he
will get his in i s opened to a few facts
that wlil s"t him lo thinking. Nearly'
all kind-t of live stock are declining In
numbers In tin- state. T hi s decline, cs-!
pecially in cat lie, Is largely due to the
prevalent Idea among farmers that It
Is cither ton risl-y to feed them or that
it don't pay lo do h-o. 'I hi- decline In
live stock seems to be a - ociated very i
closely with soil conditions, for it
seems that our nverai.e yields of grain
are declinln-r also. If we would re- i
store our live slock Industries we
would tind our grain yields Increasing.
Cor. Ohio Farmer.
Wl-i'ti lo SlmiurlitiT.
Cattle nre lit for beef at ehditeen to
twenty mouths If properly fed, thnu-di
meat from Mich animals hicks In flavor.
The best incut will be obtained from
animals from thirty to forty month
old, thoil?;h they may be used lit au.v
BSC If in Kood condition. A 0:14 should
not be used for veal under s! weeL
cf n'e and Is at its best when nbnil
ten weekH old and raised 011 the cow.
There In u law In most states against
Belling veal under six weeks of nj.'o.
Iloga may be used at any u'c after
Hlx weekH, but tho most prolllublo use
at which to slaughter Is elht ti twelve
months. Sheep may be likewise used
when two or three months of uo and
at any timo thereafter. They will bo
at their best previous to reaching two
years of ae, usually at elht to twelve
months. Andrew Uohh, Minnesota.
Health For lb IhId.
Tho time for hog troubles Is close at
Laud. The fellow who Is too busy to
uso a disinfectant occasionally, and by
this method keep the swine free from
lice, and who thinks his lions are as
well off In a dry lot as they would be
with the raut'o of a clover field, will
likely be the first ouo In his locality to
bowl "Choiera-!" Farm Journal.
I a m It
'SEWlilG fpiiiKE
P-toiO Y.iU Pun hn Any P-'' "' ''1
ORANliC, Ma.l
V ui t.-m-iriit MiK.liiii-' n-d i - ( I t i -.- ' , -o
el cuv lv. tml I ' t;"i'-" e
lov.-ni. Our cmiid ' I v.-i i r.i
Ol 1' ' ! '' t !- " " ' ' ' '
ln., i i ; ei II !-;. I ,.
S -l I-., inn! -.;.-. I . . . . i .
The Me' n un" ,"1e ing Mai'liino t'o.
OlVico at tlie Mcrciititile ('oininnyV
Storo Lnkeview, Orepon.
Good 5tck
r.asyConthi a
lui!v from I.akeview lo Illy, connect-
ing vsith Ihlily Static to the railroad.
'Offico nt the Itlv Hotel,
( IrepHl.
n. CAsi-.nnrtR.
- Proprietor
Illy, Orcein.
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN. Proprietor.
Loaves l.llkeview lit ti 11. III.
every (lav I tit Suiulay.
Ih'turiiiiig, leaves Paisley
at ( .. a. in every luy lui
faicnt:rra' art j Woe"d trip
orncG - K-'vniiiii. a- win,.fi,'i.i'. ,.m !.i
lakeview Cigar Factory .
A. SiollKM.
Maker i .f
Havana and
flftrnestie Cigars
liivell-rt trial. St"re in the brick
buildbie next door K. Post A Kin a-
liMUl jliKl-VIe (Iregcli.
ede: hotel
Mils. K M i i ai.i.aoh t-ai, Proprietor.
I'irst Class
I'.uildiin: Hum I'.een l'nlarie.l
T.i .Vecoiuodate ii Large Trade
Dining Service
A Chance for Speculators.
M'llOOl. I.ANH. 2H0 iicres of level
unimproved aiirienllU'iil hind (or sale
cbeaii. I liseription : SN '4', S,'i ol
N '.'. 4 and N VV !4' ol SK'4', t-eelimi 10,
I'p., lill S.. It. P.l K. W. M. This is a
desirable piece of land, Infilled in (loose
l.ake valley atnl wi d make some man ii
l'. ii id laiicl
II you are t liinklng of iirgnnli'-liiU' 'i
Htock coinpiiny see our new muiiplcw
o Will I Street engruveil utock cert Hi
ll tes. "
LMnnai - n rr It it
School Days Over'
Your Hill. ml coiilM- i lii.iHhod. What are yon do now?
re von one nlilii'viiM majority who end t heir H.hool .la.VK n the ,
muii hch'oolK',' If von me we want your at tent loll for ii few inli.ntcH.
V011 11111 eet 11 limber eiliieiitlon. any kind yi.ti winit IhinIiiokm, cell
idea orirenoral-- Itlumt leaving home, without nlvlny; up your win k for
a HiiiHle day, without Hpetullim: more Hum you can easily alfonl.
m voii want to know how? ,,11
The" Ulan I verv simple. I unload of Hpeiidlne; your day lit a ileHk, re
eltlnir vour li HHoiiM-to a. n acher In a blj brick bulliliiur. vim prepare you
Iokhoiih lit home, from our oulllneH, write the recitation, ami hcikI It to tin
bv mail fr correct I r ,
it In nil done In y our npiirn lioiirn. on are not tied to any Met hour
for recitation. You pay a comparatively Hinall mini, anil for UiIh wo
urniHli text liookn, eximilnatKMi
paper, ami competent Instruction
until your courne 1h coiupleteil.
I Vour dally work iIooh not Inter.
1 f ero with your Htmlli'H. You can
earn w hile you learn,
j If you want to know more about
I our plan, write your name on the
1 coupon, cut It out ami mall to uh.
1 You tIhU nothing but the price of a
OI l( MI. lllt."tlltV.
I llT-I'll fllll lll
wrr Mary of Stale
i rn I n i ) el 1 rt anr .
rri'tai t el V nr.
III(HII' ) 111 IK till ,
I'lil niHKicr lii'iieral , , .
hi i r( lai ) ol Nil y
m tIi lu rv I mi tier
so ii on y el A tc r ii n 1 1 ii r
4,rreiary nf 1'nitiiin-rri'.
I lili-l .In. Hi
1 In iiileri' hiiiiai vrll
I'lian. V . tnlrlmiilii
1.1(1(11 Iniu
l.c.M,- M Hhaw
... Win. II. lad
, V in. II. MiHuly
lien. M. I i.r l cl oil
I lin..l ((Iim art
. I . A. Illlrl k
.. .1 lie a V IIkiiII
V. I . Mi l al f
Mi-i iiir . ! Mill r
i i)'iii lull V ill in I , I'. S. I i imiiiii I i' iii iii In. Inner
v . .s, itu limit.,. . r s, i mi. 1 1 umi niiHHii'in-r
fiivi'iiinr ,,. I.i-n. I", I linnil'i 'lain
.r. lee .luili'c . M"' hi
sn ii lai ) el sinle ,, . K. I . Idiiil.a
1 1 nxiner C.H. Mm.ra
AHiirin i.i m ial A.M.ItawlidJ
si,,. I'ul.lli' Imdin. Hi. Ii. . J II . Ai Io I man
I'riim t J. n. v iilMH'jr
I'nli y ami KkikI I nin J W. Ilal'i-Jf
( J..I111 M. i.( arm
1' . s H. intiiir.
.ii.' ii., n
I I . W , I lillnll
I II I (.' ll(ll"ll
I .I N , lllialiianll
l J III MldilAl IdailicT.
. ... II. I.. Hi n"ll
Joint H Her Jet'" .'IM-IC
S 11 C. lii l aj i y
I, . II Mi i rin an
AllnriK y
. W . J . Mimra
I M. I. Ai IUHI It.
j s. Win
r. I'. Sniil.-r
bi'lac. . , .
I'riBHiitrr ..
ANw.iir . . .
I tax nd str.
II .
...K.N. Ja.iilll
Albert Pi nt
a. n. Nlxtrinu
V . II. Wrat
J . Q. till la)
c k. Mimra
l f. W Ih-lll
i II It. lb rylunl
ban I'. M alloy
s. I1....1 si,, i
Snrvi'i nr . .
1 m k lu.i-i lur
v. I., siii'llliin Va)i
i Itxrrr llail.yl
' l. r.'Malloy I . . I'diUH-llinMI
I J. 'rurki-r I
i J. S. Ijiiit j
w . 11. sm i. r
In -rnr'li'r
, 'I rcaaU t
A . IlK'li. r .
NotliiiiK' li in ever -iuallcd it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
IINalMf no .!,.
ol mi a4 u. Ill M
A Perfect 1 r All Throat ami
Cure: I. uutf Troubles.
A Ou.irantced Cure for Piles.
It. hiiu, I'.ond, It -ling t l'r..Uti'l
1 1 r l'il.-. 1 1 1 1 u: i i n-Pii.d ii ciioy ii
l'A, KlNlMi NT bus ti cine Hiiy
cii-e, no matter "f hou Ici staiidiiig, in
ii to 11 d.r. ... I :i-t .i.p!ii-!i!(i give
c i e ii Ii I ii- I. .".lie. If vinir ilntt.'i.'iMt
Im-ii't it M-nd .'0.- in ht.unpi and It Hill
i be (orw.llde 1 p'l-t paid b' Pat in Med
lie I ' i , Si I.'dlM. Mo.
The Willi Htlect line id cliglllVCil
celt I lieu to i f Nt i ick II in I P. V' id blank It
, ,,,.,., ,., .New sii.nplo
' bonk rceeivcil Monday evening. It wont stock cel titlcati s see our
S l II ll M l I I g d lb" P"ie M.
WAN I i;H: hUtrlct Mainu-ers to
po-t slgliM. lid Verilso ami disttlhiitO
HiiiuplcM. Suleiy lis. 00 wis kly, $.'! (K)
ST .lay, for expelihcs. State age ami
prcHi-iit em ploy nient. 1 1 1 FA I , S 1 1 F, A K
CO ,.'l!l Ibilidolph St., ( Mohko. - Intl.
L'.i -I III .
V.NTJT: by Chicago wholesnlo
mid mail order house, assistant uiiiiiu
ter (iniiii or woman) for this county
ami adjoin ing territory. Hillary 'JU
uml exposes paid weekly; exeuso
money advanced. Work pleas-nt;
position permanent. No Investment
or experience required. Spare timo
valuable. Write at onco for full par
ticulars and eiicloso self addressed en
velope. Address,
(icueial .Muniiger, Til V.. I.ako St.,
Chicago. :M)10
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Immiuro of
ftiotrn 'Hk.
Mi-ih. DnfUunia
MnhinliaJ EairtBMr
rirrlrlcal Enrtn
CIvU tntluMa
Killing EoKtBMf
Suit l.uki C''i), ( 'lib
Hlrm ciplllll, ill. nit
Bciue 10 mr, tiuw I
tin qiulily lid itif poll
lion brlori wblrb I bl.r
marked X
fuiko County J'sittiitncr, Juiw.