What feg) With You . fS This Can Oil Do Sgg Heater With a Perfection Oil bed-room, make a sick-room chi'ilr hallway, heat water quickly, aud do many things better than can be done with any other stove no matter what fuel it burns. The superiority of the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) He la the fact that it ffrnrmtc lntrne hrat without tmoke or m-ll. The oil fount ami the wick earner are made of bras throurhont. which injmrr durability. Give errat hent at ma!l cost, hotint ha oil indicator ami handle. Hratrr is llijht and ponnhle. Abolnicljr afe and simple wick cannot be turned too liiRh or too low. O -crated MilT at a lamp. All parts easily clranetl. Two finisher" trnkrl and j.ipsn. Krery heater warranted. If not at jour dealers w tte nearest agency for descriptive circn.ar. The JRO Lamp g t'-e safest lamp you can boy. Pras throughout and nickel p'ated. Equipped with the latest improved biunr- Htn.isotue simple satisfactory. Krery lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency If you caunot get it from your dealer. 1 STANDARD OIL COMPANY I Photography for the AMATEUR. at Half its Former Cost Y American Jr; CAMERA With Double Plate Holder $1.60 Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. S.?nd for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. MERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 945 St. I. A. . J- -. aLa .'. an'. -. ir4jtt-,. .... ' Auto Pecs to Build Honda. Secretary of state Laylin of Ohio es timates that th" ne'.v automobile regis tration law. v.-b: !j : s lihu the regis- terlng officer i lurt a gra duee a st :: this la givt inlaKione- -tore th" ; the ro i 1 to tbe r- 'rifizes him to rol ''euse. will pro . , t ' ?:.).(H)). AH i t.' V coui- r u Heater you run heat ft cold more comfortable, warm a enn le nsed in anv room is the best atl-r.ntn.i house lamp made. Oies a clear, steady light. I The famous Poco, BucIuEye and American Cameras. Genuinely good in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. - l4 A. I W1 IPlllb 4x5 POCO Paul St., Rochester. N. Y. CO YEARS' TRAOE MARK3 a" Designs Copyrights Ac. A nvnnft n.-nil!nK h pketrh and dewcripti'in may 0n:i i ty h .Tiiiin rmr i.fum.m frue wru-tlier an 1 1 . v . -1 1 f mil m .ri'huMy p:.!HMUiliUi. t'.iniriiunira. ti.rii .1 ni-t ly citiUilent 'ul. Hujiitbookrin I utfi.ll .- t tie... OMp.il L'Kii.-y for uritif littntM. I'.a.nt4 tnk..ti tlir.fiiih Munn dt Co. rucel'ra tjfu.U nutlet, will.. ml chnri-B, la tbe Scientific Jlttserican. A hHnilmi)ly lltmtrat"l wwkly. I.ariet nr inl.al.ili ot any B. ieu'.IU.. jMiriinl. I'srina. $-1 a "t: four ruontUb, f L bold bvall newHtli-Alifni. rfiUNN & Co.361Broada-'- New York Liiujcu tjltice. c V Bt, VViuliluKtoii, ll. C Inly ing preparations simply dersl op dry caUiri h ; they dry Bp tho Becretiocs, wliich adhere to the membrane and deconi. pose, cauHing a fur more berious trouble than tlie ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing iiihaluutg, fumes, euiokeg and anuffs and use that wLicii cleanses, soothes aud Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the Lead e tiil" and pleaaautly. A trial size will be i i I for 10 cents. All druggists sell the I u. Ely IJrot'ierh, di; Warren Bt., N.Y. Balm cures out pain, dois not i ircanseB': - , It spreads itself i "ritated - ' curface, relief- f.iiately - inflaoimation. - y's Or -1 are armed al Cw Fkvit INSECT EXfilXKKlMNtf FEATS OF THE CARPUNTER DEE ANC I -THE TL'MSI EBU3. J The Srttoa , ttrrilr I an Kvprrt ' lirat rdin uer un.trriul skill ol the Wiil-r rtntl (he tirrnt lirrtln t That Ills Klnslle V r Will llrne. lAntr before li'iin hul V. i . hi of the atUV tile Sl!Y ti.V Itllll l-l I lae MlllllO tool, made sW'or tin s..;.io i. is. .i. in hihJ tisod In Hit' sumo w.ij, I r ! o purple of making silt In i ln I -. i .' i '.. .if trees HO tllltt silt' llll)Jd l':,e I S' .l.'c place to deposit her iv;s. Ti.f i :" i it bee, with filly t!n I .. iv., s, i-ro. U.i plvoii Iut, fii.s ii r:in,l ! !.. full tlliiint'li'r tl her I' v.y. r: . i th.t k . linar.ls iiii.l so in:il,fs )i l . , i. I !. v. h .li kIu enn hd t a iv;". in . : Ii i, rvnr Iut j-.ntiijr. 'I In1 ti;t; :?.. . . !i out tliv:- U or iu.it Iiuii- ;. ! t' . i r Inriri' i i-i of tlirt I. ." . - I i : OMU M' ;l,:i l!u st' , 1 i, ; lii a ftv Imiii-s 1'iiry In n. ;. ii ; . tin catvass of n f ;i p i r.i t .' . i animal. All tlt'sc f r-,t. 1 j;rt' of hi; iut t vli..:i'.i a 'i froaturc wouM Ih -.t It'.l en-,' ...Ml. I llltM' 0 a ti.s ti.inhi:; 1 it'i'l ii I skill. llli Ii llf of tlli'lil Is its w.n.!t". i fill IIX til " fi.lt plTf.l!-" ll 1.V t' l ; tlor. '1'lils traor.Iiu.iry llt lc aaimal lias tin- facility of ':m;i-;I!h h(r tluvads tlirt-i'.ly .-a iiist tlit win. I, anj ly moans of I1014 slon U r f.ir.itt sht oan haul up an. I k:is;m'iuI livlios v, iiioh att many tiir.os Iut ow n wt iL'lit. Some yoars m a paraT itli went t!'o j rouiitls of tin' !.:.mts Id wliioh it was I saltl tliat a .sjii.lor Iia.l s'.!si(ii(hI 1 ntifortiuiai iiumso. raNin it from tlie I Frouti.l an 1 li'avins It t porlsii uilsi'ra ; bly lit'twtt'ii l.oavt n anil t anli. Woull Iv pIiilos.;.l.trs in i.lt. Kttat fan of tin- staionu ni an. I ri.l i ol -.1 It timnori ; ful ly. I know not linv r;;o it was. Inn I know that It inh-lit have Ixon truo. Stir.io yoars ( hi U10 villa;.' of Mn vana in tlio, si iti of Now York a spi.lor onianslotl a milk snaU In Iut thrt-ajs and nctnal.'y rais.-d It somo Uistatife from tlio jiriniml. a:ul this, ion, lu spite ( of tin? striK',!o'.s of tho roptiif. wblcti , was nlive. ; I'.y what p.-o.ws of rninoorim: did this fomparativfly small niul foohle In soot s'.iiTtvd iu uviTi'timliiK and lifting up l y 1:101 !. c.tii al uifans ilio nioti.se or tho sna'ioV "I'Uif sol.uio.i is easy t'lio'dli if wo only j;ivo the tpiostion a little thoimht. The spuliT Is furnished with one of the most etiiflfiit mot hanical Imple ments known to euirineers viz, a strong elastic thread. That the thread Is strong U well known. Indi-etl. there are few substaiieeH that w ill mipport a greater Btrain than the filk of the silk worm or the spider, careful experi ment having shown that for etjtial s'-.e.s the strength of these lil.er.s exceeds that of common Iron. I5ut not wiilistaudiux Its strength the spider's thread would be useless as a meehanlcal power If It were not for Its elasticity. The spider has no blocks or pulleys, and therefore It cannot cause the thread to divide up and run iu UilTereut directious, but tin elasticity of tho thread more Uiau makes up for this and renders tossilile tbe lifting of an animal much heavier than a mouse or a snake. This may require a little explanation. Let us suppose that a child can lift ' a six pound weight one foot high and do this twenty times a minute. Fur- ', Uim with, ;ioU rublier bands, each capable of pulliu? six iiountls through one foot when stretched. Let these bands be attached to a wooden plat form on which stands a pair of horse , weighing 2,1'iO pounds, or rather more than a ton. If now the child will po to ! work nud stretch these rubber bauds Finely, hooking each one up ns It Is ' stretched. In less than twenty minutes j he will have raised the pair of horses 1 one foot. i We thus see that the elasticity of the rubber bands enables the child to cLI 1 vide the weight of horses Into 350 I pieces of six pounds each, and, at the I rate of a little less than one every j three seconds, he lifts all these sepa ; rate pieces one foot, so that the child i easily lifts this enormous weight, j Eai-h-splder's thread acts like one of the elastic rubber bands. Let us sup pose that the mouse or snake weighed , half an ounce and that each thread Is callable of supportins a grain and ; half. Tho spider would have to connect j the mouse v.Ilb the point from which 1 it was to be suspended with 150 threads, and if the little rpiadrupeJ puce swun v-T Lii ft'ft he woull. bu powerk'Ss. Py pulling sueresrtlvel f on e:,r-h thre.id, nn l F.liortening It a lli tie, tlio Kt'Wt .r snake rulglit be raise 1 t' any height within the capacity of ; the b'liidins or structure iu which the work win done. So that to those win; hn ve ridieuled the story we may Justlf j s:iy, "TL-Te nre more things in hoavei and earth than nre dreamed of In your: philosophy." j What object the spider could Lav had iu hi.-i work I am unable to see. It may lnve boon a dread of tlie ham which tho mouse or snake might wort: or It may have been the hope that tin' decaying carcass would attract flleii, which would furnish food for the engv i neer. I can vouch for tlie truth of thB snake story, however, and the objett of thli article la to explain and render credible a very extraordinary feat of Insert engineering. Follies of Science. lira of Ai-tlom, The "era. of Actium." adopted durin.f, tlie early days of the Itoman emplria coninienioratt.H the great victory galne-J by Octavlus over the troops of Antony and Cleopatra, Jan. 1. B. C. 30. It wai often used among the Itomans both l writing and rollotiulally, Jnst as lil England people speak of events as oo rurrlng before or after the conquest, or as persons In this country frequently refer to events as having happened b 'nn or after the war. arralght life Is the tnoi-- between honesty .- irurday Evening Post. shortest dh and honor STEER FEEDING. fit W'mr mm Itllnala Kn r m e r Pta. Uhed IIU Kir! (arlund. Iii regard to the leetllicf of the car matt of cattle which I sold for f.YCi.l In t hlciiRo tin other day I would say till wos the firnt carload I ever fed, Iu tho first place I had some blue grast pasture, more than I needed, and 1 bought t'lghteeih head of good youicj Hereford steers, 'lliey weio nil of thai blood but two-one lt.'d roll and out Angus niul were till coming two yeari" old. I nought them about the middle ot June 11 ixl turned tlicui on pasture, liming Ihe second week of Scplolnbol . 1 broii:..iit them up iiiel led tileui n little corn and si II .i iiien) mn on n good blue 1 ass iiis!iin until I got theiu on lull feci. Aboii the middle of tie tuber 1 con;. 110 I llieni in n yard and fed tlii" 111 co'niii'iil. corn and timothy hay. These steer weighed a'..i:'l TtH) poiiit'ls when 1 started to teed them. The.v were all dehonie.t but four, and I would always rather have iny steer dehorned, 'lliey were kept In a small feed lot. iiml I had a number of brood sows ruiuiiii-r niter them. My feetl lot, Is sandy, eoiiscpienily It never gets very muddy. I kept the steels well liethliMl all the time. 1 boa lit tlieui nil around here near lev Iioine. and I think they 1: ado me about I.'.'tl per hundred ; weight. ! (loot! 5tot.k ... Pasy Coache I.ikrv llt-rrfntila I'r I'eeilera, The best steers to my notion to feed J I'si'v from Ijtlteview to Illy, connect nre pure bivd Hereford t. but oiie can ' jug itli Piiily Stnire . the rnilroitd. not always -ot tlu'in. 'lh. better thev ' are bred the betttr they will feed nud sell ns a rule. The way to get thin kind of stock Is to buy and use a pure bred bull Instead of usinv' mi old scrub 1 annual. These rat ili were In roo.l Ue-h when they were put In tiie feed lot. I believe' you should always have steers In good! flesh tu start with. I cannot t"ll how much these ateraeod pt mouth, for I had no scales t. wei::li lh"iu 0:1. Thev; were not lar-'e, roii jt steers, but small blocky. smooth and v II slnpetl. I shipped tl-etn .Ian. l'"J. The cattle went thron-li line, filltil up well nud weigh-' ed lei'." pounds per head.-S. rrikch- f aril. dr.. in llreedor's Ca-rette. 1 Till. Sloc V 1'nnk. He careful ttU.ut that sioel; tank dur ing warm, sultry d iys. I. it staiuls In tlie sun the water Is no doubt very warm and tilled with irreeu scum, nm! tills must Ik' very disagreeable to t!it live stock that must drink It. Would you like your sup"rlors to furnish you witll such dliliUllr; water? Itettei dean out t!i tank, scrub it with soap suds and l'me and pump it full of clean, pure water from Ihe well. The dumb brutes will appreciate It. Til warrant. S h '.i t n',;s rlmuld have a shed over t!ie:n all th" year round, a protection from t': hot sun ns well ns the frosts. I arm Journal. TIIE VE L'JAHY 1 L..I. O C Horses that are iitMlct.-d with n chrouio disease t! at rauies a loud, un natural noise iu breathln'; are said to have thick wind or to ! roarers. Thin class does not Include those ntriiete.) with severe sore throat, as ill these cast's the breathing is noisy only dur-. iur the unite attack of the disease. Thick wind Is caused by an obstruction to the free pas.ia :e of tin; air In some part of the respiratory tract. The noisy breathing of horses after having been l.lie and put to sudden tXCftlQH , Is not tlue to any disease and Is only temporary. Horses fed on the seeds of leguminous uud some other plant have paralysis of the laryngeal mus cles, particularly when fed t hick vetch. fMher rases may come from lend pol oulni.'. sore throats and many times from heredity. Koarlir-r, the name by liich the disease Is reuerally known, Is only a symptoi.) and not the disease. In bad cases the ilinal fairly suffo cates. The cure di p n.' much on tho cause, n ml many timet such horses urn treatel with little success. You ran try one drain potassium Iodide onre a day for a week and then one-half ounce of Towler's solution onre a day for the next week In the drinking wu ter, and If this docs not tlo any good you would letter po to a mkxI veteri narian. M. I). Williams. D. V. 8.. In Itural New Yorker. YYurlili-a lu nttlc. Lumps or i-ore.-t on the backs of cut tle are raused by the larvae of tho warble lly, or ox war-de, a blark llj thickly rovrrtil with yellowish hair, lliey lay the eggs o:i ihe 'mcks of cat tle from June to Si-'cpte'i . The grubs hatch out and lore lli.o:'. Ii tlie si. In and live there, next to f.,- lleh. a!l winter. In the spring the mature gr i i crawls out aud faIN to ihe ground. Put a thumb on each side of the lump aud squeeze the grub out. or mix lard and sulphur and rub It Into the lumps, which destroys the grtiY Ibirlng July aud August rub over the backs t.f cat tle u mlsture of four o r c Howen of sulphur, one III m;i:i-I : .r tar anil oau quart train oil. a : ! It 11 prevent tin fly from laying Its c s :.ub on oik h a week. Tlie chief harm thes grub do Is the inn U In" of holes In tlie hide, thus lessenluf Its value In market. Ohio Farmer lawful I'olnta, notb. A pound of fat bacoa gl"en a cow i that Is oft her feed will often effect cure, writes a correspondent to Farm Journal. j I will Just send you one little thing, j very simple and effectual remedy f warts on a horse's nose or anywhere. Wash the warts with strong soda vra- ter. I took a perfect "mat of warta" off a colt'a nose by washing them with strong soda water twice only. A seed wart can be taken off by aoda. Pick the wart a little till the blood atarta, thed apply dry soda a few times. Mrs. ii a. a. it tMorn You Piitr.lin Ar O'knr Wi ttii THE XCW HOMI SEWI'IQ MA'Vii;;: CUMPANT ORANUC, MA; 1, M.viy Sw!rij Ma.'.Miu'I nm n 1 '..ton-'' i",'" !'.' f I i.u.i'iiv, I'ut I' " ? tin..e".' rii went, ( ji ii iA' Cty rt .y 1... 1 . Wo rr.i'ht Sn'v.;Tjr N"t!ir 1 .0 1 ', 1 I'm t'l.ln '!' .1 e "-.' vi s t".' 1 . t a!! " r;u! " . , , t; So lil tiy it nt !i 10 l . ' The No r .iti dewing Mnrhilif Co. WHSTURN STAGK IJNI2 t'lln't' t tin' MtTOiilitilP CoiiiJtnny'H St tire---Luke view, ()rogon Officf !lt tl.c lUy Orepon. Hold, lily. tJ. CASrmrrK. - - Proprietor lily, Ureptui. Northern Stage Line. LAKI-VII;V --PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN. Proprietor. r,ravt'H LakrvifW at (5 a. m. every tiny I'lit Siiinlny. I'fturning, lenvtH Paisley at i n. m every tiny 1m Sutulay. Pa.tcngrn' arc Jj. Kovni trip OFFICII- KeynoMs WiiUfl,v. .jikrylji. Lakeview Cigar Factory . A. SiiiltKM Prop. Milker of II.m vniia and . Io:jK-stic Cigars coi'vritv oKDKita nouciTttn i live il it trial. Store in the brick biiild'iv next tl'Hr to 1'oHt A King sh looli whkevii'w Oregon. iDE HOTEL "Miis. U M. Jai i.M.iiKit, Proprietor. First Class Accomodations I'liuldini! H i- I'.een Knlaryred T" AeeonenlHte a I.aro Trade Dining Service Unexcelled,.. f-'-i'". KU 11 N K. ' It K K K . - OKKUON A Chance lor Speculators. I 1 1 ' K I , I. AMi. L'Kd HireH of level I,. (. ..n .-.I iiriciiltn ' ill land (or sale - .1. Ih-i iiiii'.io : SV'-4' K'j ol !'4 in.. I H 4 .a .''i;1. M-ciion 10, S i l' I. U l. This is a s i ; I I - i iff- i ,iii., lociiled inOoONH t . vahe i il i I iiih ke Home man a I I I . ; ' I II you on i him com " i W. -ill sir : I . i Milking of organizing a i ii v Mi-e our new HiimplcH -I eiigniveil slock rertill-tf JUY THE 1 til School Days Over--What Next? Vour school course Is IIiiImIiciI. What art1 you going; to tlo now? A re on .me .if i be vast majority who em I their, school days In t ho coin n,i ii Hchouli? If you are we want your attention for a few inlnutcH. Von ran L'ft a hlL'le r education, any kind you want IuiMiichh, tech hi. nl nr Ki'iiernl Itliout leaving home, wit bout giving up your work for ii single day, without spending more than you can euslly ufiord, io you want to know how? The' plan Is very Nlmple. Instead of Hpendlntr ytiur day at a tlt-Hk, re- ii ini! your lessoiiM to a teacher iu a big brick building, you prepare you lesson fit home, from our outlines,-write the recitation, and scntl it to tut by niiill for corivrtlon. It In nil done Iii vour spare hours. You are not tied to any net hour for c.-rltn tlmi. You pay a comparatively small suin, anil for thla wo furnish text liookM, examination paper, (Hid roinpetriit. Instruct Ion until your course In completed. Your dally work doea not Inter- fere with your MtiulleH ,.rn u liili you loom You can If t on wiini in know more about our (dan, write your name on tho coupon, cut It out ami mall to uh. You risk nothing Inn the price of a orrii ui, iiii(iiv. I'rmlilrtit Tlit'tnlur hiMix'Vflt Vlro-l't...t..it t lm . tnlrUnk SiMTt-lnty otHimo I I h 11 Hurt rtroti'Urjf of Tri'imiirjr Il'n M.HImW si'erpurjr nl Wur W m. II 1tl Allnriiijf (l.'inrl Mm, II. Mmi.tjr rit tnst ' r tiniii'ml Hi'ftelnf )r of Nnvjr Srcrelnry Inl. rliir Scctriiiry of A h rii-til 1 11 re . . , Hi'tTtMiiry ol rtimiiuTre., . . t III. I J11. lire . tiro. II, t nrti l)nu ,t linn J. Hi t n rt ., h. A. Illlrlirt.i'k . .. . J un a W lUntl V. i MrllKll .Mi'lvlllo W . fnllrf Vl illit N K III r, (. S, I'l'ILlnll l'.lllllnlltllr W, S. Kli Inir.ls I' H. I niul t . 111 m I Ii ti e r ITTATK. aevrrtinr lien. Siitrriiif Jutlitr .... I limn l.i tin In . .. . K. A. Moum . K. I. I'mil.a . ,, . 1, K. Mixira A, M. ( r Intd ). II . ArkiTrnun .1. It. W lilini y ... J. W, iki. jr Ji.lni M. (,. urm I . W. 1 1. II. .11 ItniM.-r Ih'iiiiutt J. N.U IIIIiii.'U fierriMitrr of Sui. TrmmiriT Allnriii'y tii'iii.ml stii. I'tilillti liintriirllnii. 1'rtnii r I'ulry niul KoihI ('..in I'.H. H, nlt. t't.HK rfMnlnrtl MtTII JCI'll UUI'HITHI'T. JllilHl' . . II. I. , III IIH..II Jot it 1 si tmtnr J. .Ii 11 A. I.Htfi'm It Itii.nntitiitlvi.. Allni nry S II iv II. Ilny 11 Mi'i riiin W.J. Mm.rt . . . .Hi'itUIrr , IdK'lvi-r r s. umi unit k. . N. U nli.i . . T. Mnlili r. no coiM r. lutlm ci.ik SIllTlIT .. .. I'r. muriT. . 4ifcMir . . . . SrtiiHil S Surveyor ... , It ' ..y Jmiul.ll AlluTt trl K. II. ' .l.tr.im v. W. I. H..I J ( W llllla c K. Mi.i.r t I . W. Ii.nl J II It ll.Tyl.T.t Imi I'. Mll..y I.Akr.Vtr.W. . , Mayor I mill, llini'n l(.-i-..r.l.r Tr.'n.iifM t'.ltllllllillloill't. Sim k liiinns tnr. . . . TOW N i V. I.. Hlt.'tll litf Hurry Hall. I I. I'. H.1I..V i . . J. . Iiicki r I J. m. Unit ( ! W. II. Sl.l r . A. HU'liVr Nothing Nothing has can ever ctiallctl it. tver surpass it. Dr. King's slew Discovery ForC Ot Oil HIlU ...... x ol.itu " " A Perfect Tor All Throat ami Cure: Lung TrouMcs. Mon.y back If It ('!. Trial OottUa fraa. A (iuaraniccd Cure tor Piles. Itching, I'.liud, Clee'liiirf or Prolrtld 'Nk' l'ih'H 1 it ei'kiiwIH leliiiid in. nicy if ; i'.VAt I J.1 ,M I M luiN to itire any ! case, no mutter id Imu l.eit; stumlm:, in i Ii lo H il.it. i l r -1 ii.ilii iiliuli ives ' eitHu umi ii".l, .'iOc. I,' vmir dtuu'i.'ii't I Int. n't it rem! .'le iii nlatnpH mid il lll i be forwarded p.i-t piyd by Patis Med- lie I '.i, , Si 1,'iills. o. I " I The Willi street line nf ciiuritvetl J cert lllcnti-M of .S'liK-k mid I '.mid lilnnkii Jut tlie examiner nlllce. New sample i book rii'i-lved .Moiiduy evening. If j you want stock ecrtltlcntcH see our i l il d m iirrc't ir p.ie. l' WAN"! T.ll: District MaiiiitfiTH to (uiHt hIiih, hi! vertlse inn! dint tllnite jsiitnplcM. Silcry flS.OO weekly, f ' 00 I per day, (or expenses. Slate uu ami ' present employ inenl 11 "i: A I. SI 1 1' A It it ),:!!! Itantlolpll St., ClIiitKo. - Ian. !:'.- 4 III. j WANTKD: liy Chicao wholesale anil mail order house, assistant mana ger (mail or woman) for thin county and adjoining territory. Salary J'-t) and expenses paid weekly f excuse money advanced. Work pleaaunt2 position pernmneiit. No investment or experience required. Spare timo valuable. Write at onco for full inr ticulurtt and encloHii st If addressed en velope. Address, General ManiiKCr, Til H. Lake St., ChicaKo. .'iO-10 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho lgn.At.ure of fcIrou;r,gnljul Cerri-apoubrncc 1 'Vttntml. mii l.uii Uii, Hii:b Surveyor si,... ..plain, without j Mhanlcl In'rtDaar ..peliM lu t,iu If or H.i.nr ioi it., , fclfUrluu ynlaaar hum b.tur. arMra i !'- - Civil EnttUuar n.iiir. n Mluliis bBKtaew mt. . ' id.lt tii iake County Ksauiluvr, June.