Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 18, 1906, Image 5

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Dutch lunch nt tho lln-wcrjr
Records nt Abldtrotn
Dutch lunch nt tho
Brewery Hit.
Geo. K. I'lilnier, telegraph oeruti r
left for Elko, A'ov. Monday, ,
licit your mining blank at tlia Ex
minor oltloo ;we have the wry latent
'Hlocktneri'H supplies of nil kliid
Warner Valley Mercantile Co. Adol
ml Plush. 38 tf.
Young people do-drlng a upeclal IIuhI
nous con rue should Investigate tho
Lakevlew BuhIiiom College tf
(let your flour where yoii can get
the IwHt Hurprlne Valley flour at Lake
view Mercantile Co. It
Twenty head of Iteulatered Hereford
Bull for Mtln. $1,000 tukea them nil.
fOO.OO each.
F. O. Bunting. 2t
Two forniN of mining blanks at The
Examiner office ; location blank and
rocordlng affidavit combined.
C. F. Hhepperd ha a line aiortnient
of Talking Machine Itucorda & Victor
Machine at Ahhttroui'liio.
Chita. Arthur and II. I Chandler
have purchuned from W.K . Ileryford
hln loaao and stock and buggies In the
Mauituotith Stables.
Thrashing wan tlulfhud up in tho
Drews creek countiy last Haturduy.
J. C. Oliver Informed us that tlm
average wna letter than the yield on
the oast aide of tho hike.
Tho M. E. Parsonage is undergoing
a gcnrcal cleaning up and tho fcuco In
Irtdiitf repaired, making ready for tho
now iiilniHtor. A collection was taken
up a week ago to build a new fence in
, front of tho church.
Tho mother and live brothers and
in tern of I'd. Wooda arrived hero from
MUxoiirl this week. They came to
Ashland where they bought a team
and drove through. They will buy a
ranch hero and make this their future
J. E. Bernard received a curd from
Rev. Armstrong, duled Illy, Oct. 10,
stating that ho would Im hero next
evening, which wuh Lint evening. Mr.
Bernard presumed that Rev. Arm
strong would occupy the pulpit In the
M. E. church next Sunday.
Those parties who are to bring wood
for The Examiner oillco would bo ((lad
face to meet. It la getting late, aud
our wood pilo la not very law, and
unless the partiea who have promised
ua wood tiring it pretty soon we will
buy wood elsewhere. No penalty at
tache!. Mr. (too. JatiHuorthall who left here
on tho 3rd I tint, arrived wifely at San
Francisco where he entered the Ger
niau IIoHpitnl for treatment. On the
llth ,he underwent an operutiou, aud
from a private lettor wo learn that the
aamo wua successful, ami that he la on
the road to recovery.
A fight took place Tuesday, tbo
particulars of which are unimportant
furter than tho fact that young Hill
Jiurry Jack Hurry ami a prospector
form Plush by tho umno of Carnou
wore involved, and Jack Hurry iu
lined t'tO and Carson is under tho
Doctora care with a broken jaw and a
badly bruised eye.
Tho Examiner U proud of the fact
that old subscribers who do not live In
the county continue to send in their
yearly remittance for renewal, accom
panied by expressions of appreciation
of Tho Examiner high standard of use
fulness. Th.i Intent of these, and one
that inspired this Item, is from C. C.
llarham, who Uvea ut Orange, Calif.
The Takh
Cold Habit
The old cold goes; a new one
quickly comes. It's the story
of a weak throat, weak lungs,
a tendency to consumption.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
breaks up the taking-cold habit.
It strengthens, soothes, heals.
Ask your doctor about it.
The beat kind ot a testimonial
"Sold for ovr sixty yeara."
br. O. Arm Co., IwU, Urn
utnufiMturar t
W h I W publltk
tb ItoranlM of all ur b4Is1bm.
lUepiri bowela regular with Ayer'a
PlUa. Juat on pi each night.
rivw, r
ItnHlniYM HmMwn
I lealll Jul cream of Urtar, derived solely
from graprs, refined to absolute purity,
is the active principle of every poiind
of Royal Dating Powder.
Hence it is that Royal Baking
Powder renders the food remarkable
both for its fine flavor and Kealtlifulness.
No alum, no phosphate
which are the principal ele
ments of thefto-called cheap
baking powder and which
are derived from bones,
rock and sulphuric acid.
ovai lunt fooi eo.( r rem
Tho O'Malley Ulster' hhow given
here last Friday night, was preiteuted
to a packed house, and all were well
sutlstled with their even ini entertain
ment. Jcak MoCortuack ia fuu Itself,
and Lottie O'Malley and Maater O'Mal
ley are rare dancra. Mr. O'Malley
himself ia a winner on the slide trom
bone, and all in all, the ahow ia a
good one.
Nysan, in Malhuer county, haa a
iHtchelora' club, orxanlzed for the pur
pose of reducing the number of bache
lors In that town and increasing the
number of marriage licences issued.
Each member of the organization is
pledged under heavy penalty to marry
within a given time. The young ladiea
of Nyssa are aaid to be greatly interest
ed in tho movement, and look upon it
with fond expectation and in anticipa
tion of blushing results.
The Pacific Const Lumber Manufac
turers' Association will bring suit be
fore the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion ugaiust the Northern I 'aid flu Rail
road, alleging discrimination in the
distribution of cars and holding the
Hill line liable for business losses be
cause, tho timber interests have not had
enough equipineut to make eaatbnund
shipments. It is alleged uot more than
45 per cent of the number of cars re
quired are Iwlug furnished by the
Northern Pacific.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice ia hereby given that the un
dersigned haa retired from tho conduct
of tho Mammoth Livery Stables, an
deairoa to aettle up ail outstanding ac
counts. Those indebted to either
Heryford A Smith, Ileryford & Fuller,
Heryford A Dykman.or W.K Ileryford
w ill please call and aettle at once.
W. K. Ileryford
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough
Bears the
'ttgnature of
final Proor Sotlre.
Department of the Interior, Laud
Otllce at Lakevlew, Oregon October 2,
Notice ia hereby given that Elmer
M. McCulloy, of Lakevlew, Oregon
haa tiled notice of his intention to
make Una) five year proof in support
of his claim, viz : Homestead J-utry
No. :t")70, made March 10th, 1!HX5, for
tho N' 8w'4 Section 11 and . SE',
Kection 10 Township 3H, S., flange 21
E., w. in., and that said proof will tie
made before liegister and Keceiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on 1Mb. day of
November 1!KH!.
He names tho following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
ou, and cultivation of, the land, viz:
Fred Snyder, 8. P. Dicka, V. L.
Suelling, L. E. McCulloy, all of Lake
view, Oregon.
40-fi J. N. Watson, Register.
T I -Wilt'-II I.AI KOTIt'K
United States Land office, Lake,
view Oregon, August '! , 1 U 0 (J .
i Notice ia hereby given that in com
1 pliance with the provisions ot the act
of Congress of June 3 ,1 H 7 8, entitled
"Au act for the sale of timber landr
in thelStatea of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington, Territory,"
as extended to all the Public land
States by act of August 4 , 180A Suale
E. Casey, of Klamath Falls .county of
Klamath .State of Oregon haa this day
filed in this office bis sworn statement
No.3102 ,for the purchase of the E&
8V, Seo. 22, and ENWof Section
No. 27 ,in TownBhlp No. 35 H., Range
No. 17 E..W.M., and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land be
fore County Judge of Klamath Coun
ty, at his official place of business,
on Thursday the 1st day of November,
l'JOti., He names as witnesses:
i" xi.XTr of Dalrv
wcuumDer, or
iCbaa. Measner.of Klamath Ft
Klamath Falls, Ore,
Chaa. Dusenberr of lily. Oregon. C.
E. Hadley of 'Klamath Fallo, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adver
sely the above -described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this of
fice on or before said 1st day of Nov
ember. 11)00.
35 J.N.Watson, Register.
ISualnnaM Opportunity A Manager,
to take charge of office and also do I
work in connection with Magazine!
Rubacrlptlon Agency eatabllhsed twen
ty years, doing a business of 1200,000
per year. A person who la reaponal
bio and expressive In meeting people
and canvassing, who will not object
to appointing agent and working with
them In bla territory. To audi a per
son we will pay a mounthly salary, a
commission, and also a further inter-
eat In the business of aaid territory !
that will bring In a permanent return
and income. Address The Home Mag
azine, Dox 40, Indianapolis, Ind.
Htatk tr Ohio, City or Toirno.l
Li;ca Cot;sTr. (
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J
Cheney A Cx., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and Htate afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
' each and every rase of Catarrh that i an-
not be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Hworn to before me and auimcrihed in
my presence, this HtU day of December,
I A. D. law. A. W. ft LEA HON.
(Beal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Hend
for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Hold by all Droggitts, Vk.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa
tion. Department of toe Interior, Land
Otllce at Lakevlew ,Ore., Sep. 251900.
Notice is hereby given that Ran
dolph Random of Paialey, Oregon, has
lllod notice of his intention to make
final five year proof in support of bis
claim, viz; Homestead Entry No. 2282
made Ortolier 16 18W, for tbo W 8
WJ4' NE?4 SW4 & BE! NW4'.8ection
19 .Township : a, IUnge 17 E W M,
and said proof w ill le made before Reg
ister and Receiver, at Lakeview Ore
gon, on Oth day of November, 1WJG.
He names as witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, the land, viz; J. K. Rani
ster of Paisley Oregon. .W. Y. Miller
of Paisley Oregon, Jhaa. lSarcus of
Paisley Oregon, L. C. Woodward of
Paisley Oregon.
J. N. Watson Register,
k-inal CrtMr Xmi lr.
Djmrtment of tho Interior, Land
fllce at Iakoview, Oregon, October 1,
Notice is hereby given that William
Carter, of Lakeview, Oregon, has filed
notico of bis intention to make final
five year proof in support of bis claim
viz: Homestead Entry No. ZUW, made
April 1, 1901, for the Sw'i bw,'i 8ec
tion 3. E'4 Nw)4' and Nw'i Nwf Sec
tion 10, Township 40 8., Range 19 E.,
w. m., aud that said proof will be
made before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on 10th day of
November. 19(H).
He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon
and cultivation or, the land, viz:
Chaa. Nelson, Ira O. Mushier, Ed.
Tatro, W. O. Spencer, all of Lakeview
40 5 J. N. Watson, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For the County of Luke.
tho undersigned Administrator of the
deceased, has filed his Final Account
as such with the County Clerk of Lake
County, Oregon, this 3rd day of Oc
tober, 1900, and that the Oth day of
November, 1900, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day at
the County Judge's Otllce in the Court
House of said County, in Lakeview,
Lake County, Oregon, has been ap
pointed and fixed by the County Judge
of said Lake County, Oregon, as the
time and place for the hearing of ob
jections, if any there be, to said Final
Account, and for the settlement there
Dated this 3rd day of October, 1900,
J. iv. Watson
Administrator of the ESTATE of
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior.
United States Land Office, Septem
ber 25, 1906.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been filed in this office by Perry lams,
contestant, against homestead entry
No. 21)56, made April 28, 190:1, for
SE Section 15, Township 30 S,
Range 19 E., W. M., by John V. Chan
dler Contestee, in which it is alleged
that said John V. Chandler bus never
resided upon said tract and ever since
the date of making said entry said
entryman has, and still continues, to
desert and abandon said lands and fail
to reside thereon, and that said alleg
ed absence from the said land was not
due to his employment in the Army,
Navy, or Marine Corps of the United
States as a private soldier, officer,
seaman or marine during the war with
Spain, or during any other war in
which the United States may be en
gaged. Said parties are hereby noti
fled to appear, respond and offer evl
ence touching said allocation at 10
o'clock a. m., on November 13, 1906,
before Register and Receiver, at the
Usited States Land Office In Lake-
view, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, filed Sept., 21, 1906,
set forth facts which show that after
due dillgenca personal service of this
notice can not be made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publlca
J. N. Watson Register. '
Our Fall And Winter Goods Are Now Arriving
Before Buying Your Wintir Supplies Come And Look
at Our Stock And Get Prices
We have the largest and most complete stock of children's
school shoes, boys' suits, mens and children's clothing in
We expect in a few days to have a full line of Ladies' Fall
and Winter Waists, Ladies and Misses' Dress Skirts, Coats,
Jackets etc, direct from the factory.
Be Sure And See Our New Goods Before
Buying Elsewhere.
is now on the ground. We have a complete line of
Mowers and RaAes, also a full line of Extras. A
good Header we want to sell to some good farmer.
We have a few Mowers, Rakes and Hay I?ucAs we are
offering a bargain in. Call and see us, we can save
you money and give you the best values.
Petition for Liquor License.
To the lion. County Court, of Lake
County Oregon : We, the uundersigned
legal voters and actual residents of
Paisley Precinct, Lake County, Ore
gon, most respectfully petition your
honorable body to grant to M C. Cur
rier a License to Sell Spirituous, Malt
aud Vinous Liquors and Fermented
Cider in loss quantities than one gal
Ion at Paisley, in said Precinct, for
period of one year from and after the
fourth day of November, 1906, and as
in duty bound, we will ever pray, e'o.
T. C. Welch.
F. C. Miller.
John Drumru, Sr,
O. Oaylord.
Phi. Bush.
C. W. Johnson.
Hugh Witzell.
Ross W. Finley.
Art. Stanley.
Albert Banister,
Krnest Mathes.
U. W. Cooley
W. Y. Miller.
W. S. Blair,
Geo. Drumm
Perry W. Banister.
J. K. Banister,
O. W. Withers,
Geo Ranney.
Thos. Stanley.
John hitler.
J. S. Sprague,
William Taylor
Lawrence Ainsworth
T. J. Moore.
J. Elder
J M Welch
A. A Wit ham.
Al. rarrow.
Frank Pratt
II. Fi. Hanan
H. E Reed
Jack Murphy.
S. S. lianieter
H. Uaylord.
b A. Fitzpatrlck.
W. P. Welch.
W. S. Hartlerode
B. W. Farrow
O. W. Hanan
W. II. Tucker.
Maurice Murphy
W. a Woodward.
E. L. Bogart.
J. t. McNew,
J. F. BeviL
A. Tbein.
C. M. Hanan,
Will J. Sherlock,
J. S. Kelsey.
M. U. Wnitehouse.
R. Q. Adams.
Frank Oobkins.
George Pike,
O. L. Withers,
M. Oonley.
Vircil Conn
the undersigned will, on Wednesday,
the 7th, day of November, 1906, apply
to the County Court of Lake County,
Oregon, for a License to sell Spirit
uous, Wait and vinous J-iquors ana
Fermented Cider, in less quantities
than one gallon, la the town of Pais
ley, Paisley Precinct, Lake County,
Oregon, for a perod or one year troni
and after the fourth dav of Novem
ber, 1906. M. O. CURRIER
Dated October 4th, 1900. 40-6
United States land office, Lake
view, Oregon, August 22, 1900.. Notice
is hereby given that ia compliance
with the provisions of the act of con
gress of June 3 1878, entitled "An act
for tlie sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States
by act of August 4, 1892. Robert Cas
ey, of Klamath Falls, county of Klam
ath, State of Oergon, haa this day fil
ed in this office his sworn statement
No. 3103 for the purchase of the EVi
SE and S.NERr', of section 33 tp.35
S., Range 17 E., W. M. and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
moic valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, aud i
ro estaoii6U cis claim to said land be
fore County Judge, of Klamath Co.,
at his official place of business at
Klamath Falls, Oregon on the 1st day
of November 1900.
lie names as witnesses : Chas. Mc
Cumber of Dairy Oregon. Chas. Mess-
ner of Klamath Falls Oregon. Chas.
Dusenbery of Bly Oregon. C. E. Had
ley of Klamath Falls Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this
o IT ice on or before said 1st day of No
vember 1900.
35- J. N. Watson. Register
LANDS Notice is hereby given that
the State Land Board will receive
sealed bids up to 2 o'clock P. M. on
October 9, 1906 for the purchase of
the following desciibed School Laud,
All of Seotion 16 T. 38 & R. 21 E.
All bids must be accompanied by a
regular application to purchase in ac
cordance with the law for the sale of
School Lands and by cash or check for
at least one-fifth of the . price offered
No bid for less than f 2. 50 per acre
Will be Considered.
The right to reject any and al bids
is reserved
Applications and bids should be ad
dressed to U. U. Browu, Clerk State
Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and
marked "Application aud bi t to pur
chase School Lands. "
. O. O. Brown.
Clerk State Lhm.' lioard.
Dated this llth day or .icl, 1906.
Contest Notice,
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon
October 10th, 1906.
! A sufficient contest affidavit having
been filed in this "office by Lora F.
Conn, contestant, against Homestead
entry No. 2953, made April 28th, 1903,
for 84 of N.Section 26, Township 36-
iS., R. 19 K, W.M. by Edward Welch
, contestee, in which it is alleged thai
' said Edward Welch has never resided)
. upon said lands or cultivated any part
thereof ; that ever since k the date ol
making said entry, the said entrymam
i has wholly abandoned said lands and
' failed to reside thereon, and still cou
. tinoe so to do at this time, and thai
' said alleged absence from said land
was not due to his employment in t he
Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the
United States as a private soldier,
officer, seaman, or marine, daring this
war with Spain or daring any other
war ia which the United States taaj
be engaged ; said parties are hereby
notified to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching said allegations at
10 o'clock a. m. November 13th, 1DGB.
before the Register and Receiver at
the United States Land Office in Lake
view, Oregon.
The said contestant having in a pro
per affidavit, filedOctober 10th, 1900,
set forth facts which show that after
due diligence .personal service of this
notice can not be made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper . publica
tion. J. N. Watson, Register.
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior, United!
States Land Office, Lakeview Oregon,
October 10th, 1906.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been filed ia this office by L. F. Conn,
contestant, against Homestead entry
No. 2951, made April 27th, 1903, for
the N of NJ-s of Section 26, Town
ship 36 S.t Range 19 E., W. M., bjr
William A. Kirkland, Contestee, in
which it is alleged that said William
A. Kirkland has' never resided upon
said lands or cultivated any portion
thereof: that ever since the date of
making said entry, the said entryman
has wholly abandoned said lands and
failed to reside theieon, and still con
tinues so to do at this time, and thai
said alleged absence from said land
was not due to his employment ia tho
Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of th
United States as a private soldier.
1 officer, seaman, or marine, during the
war with Spain, or during any other
war in which the United States may
be engaged ; said parties are hereby
notified to appear, respoud and offer -evidence
touching said allegations at'
10 o'clock a. m. on November 13th,
1900, before the Register and Receiver
at the Uuited States Land Office in
Lakeview, Oregon. The said contes
tant having, in a proper affidavit,,
filed October 10th, 1900, set forth facta
which show that after due diligence
personal service of this notice can not
be ti ade, it is hereby ordered aud di
rected that such notice be giveu by;
due aud pi ope r publication.
J, N. Wutson Register..
stiut. w.,nui H,.hni ai,i..-
L,,;,i Ua nnnnul iwulnn tho 9t;, K
September. Lar : additions to iacult
J' i "i .i. I'Murv, new water ey-tern.
I beating, strong
"urHc i -
i. wen eqoipeu train
Disical ailvautaicea
i i. enn ui education.
, President, or.
y Secr.-tary.
35 Oct 13
cjij i irf'n; 1 1
Fit cu!.-d-r