Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 11, 1906, Image 1

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NO. ti.
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1 ' 1
v - J
This City Is the Coming
Center of Attraction.
Thousand of People Waiting for
Trains to Bring Ihcm Vet
To rind Itomrs.
Mr. Huntur, of thn Hunter ljuid Co.
Mlnucupollij, was in The Examiner
ollloe yesterday ami made u talk Mint
if ut lu riut and mint brondeMt over
tin) Unit hI Htulett, would bi worth
thounands of dollars to this county.
lid says thut right toduy, there are
ti n thoumind people in Minneapolis
walling for trains to take them to
Montana and Dakotus, where tho devil
not only luudo tliv land, lut inudu th
climate iiIho. Ho naya the wort piece
of laud in like oi unty is a garden
upot lxHidn the laud now being bought
for ami fought for in other western
Mitten, and that wo have no deceit, a
U pictured on th uiapH, It is not a
l(Mirt, li nays, Init a rolling piaiiie,
aimceptililn to high cultiviti n. Mr.
II niter' Interview Ih too extensive
for the limitnd time and space e have
this week, hut will bo continued to
next week.
T. W. Waggoner connected w ith the
Oregon Short line railroad exteiition
at; ohi the state from Ontario, visitud
Lnkvclcw Ilrnt of ,tio week accoinpunl
d with K. K. their way
from HtiriiH to Madeline on u tour of'
Inspection of thn proposed route of
the extension. Mr . Wukkoiiuit will
be hark to thin city in a few day on
hU return. 1 1 In visit h.-ic, uloug with
thn v I h i t of Mr. Faott, M mo South
eru I'licillo Co. who U ulno making a
tour of Inspection, U of tho grea'est
importance. It teems now that Ijiko
view In tho center of aattructlon for
ruilroad men, und tho place over which
thu hardest fight Ih going to ho made,
between tho rival railroad. Mr. Fas
sett In groutly taken up with tho out
looK for thlrt county, and while in
conversation with V. Conu, of Pulsley
expressed himself in no uncrt tain lau
guuge ahout tho future poHslbil.ties
for thiri county. HI report to bh
company will no douht stir thorn up
to tho point of immediate action iu
laying plain to reach I.akt-vlew with a
San Fruuelaco, Hopt, Tho Call
today prlntu the followinK:
"Jamoa J. Hill has tttolon a march
on K. II. llarrlmaii and ia Ki'ttiu
ready to build into California. Not
only bun the Ureat Northern maKuuto
completed a mirvey of a proponed new
Una from Hoiao CltvtoBan Frauclmto,
but he ban aocurod quietly a point on
tho hay ahore for railroad tortnluul s
and U OnurliiK on the coht of tho con
struction work, with the avowed pur
poao of having Han Frauciaco Uuy on
hU owu railroad map iuaido of tho next
six yeara.
"It Locarno known yeuterday that
Hill, through represoutatlvea sent bore
Bovorul montha before the earthquake,
tied up the liuy Farm Inland property
In Alameda County, which will be filled
lu and extended 'or a tormluul.aud he
ia alno engaged in planning foi a ferry
system aoroaa the Hay."
Hill ii comiug to Ban Frauciaco by
way of the Pitt Klver, which affords
him the only meaus of entering the
state and crossing the Sierra Nevadas
on an easy grado. Ilia surveys from
Iioiae City carry his supposod now
route Into the southeasterly part of
Oregon to Lakevlow Dlnputch to the
Oregonlan from San Francisco from
the Associated Proas..
Klamath Palis News
(From the Klamath Falls Daily Herald )
Moore Bros' have a largo force of
men gathering up logs out of the tulos.
Several days ugo the wind broke up
one of their rafts noar the mill and
drifted the logs iu every direction.
The Klamath Water Users Associa
tion held its regular monthly mooting
this afternoon.
J. W .Howard, tho cattle king, ar
rived here from Run Francisco yester
day evening aud w ill look after his
stock luterests iu this sectiou.
Ed. Puguello, the well known drum
mer, accompanied by Mrs. Puguullo,is
speudlng a few duys iu the city.
Stock New t of the Week. ,
Wo understand that If. H. Dunlup
hiiM Hohl WO head of beef to Mitchell.
Km II Egll Hold JJO heail or heel to
Gim. M. JoueH started hi heef for
C.ueJIe j eel erday. Dan Malloy went
up Tuesday to liiHpcct them and give
him a permit.
Arthur Iuigcll bought 40 head of
heef In Warner hint week for Gcifier,
paying from tS to f.'l'l per head, llo
bought UTjO from Cslderwood Brothers,
also tho Foaknt ltroH.,Jack Itai ry, Au
dy Morris, Laird, and other small
Iiiiik Ik M.
James and (eo. Kmall have Mold H)
head of heef to Mitchell.
C. K. HherliH-k returned flrot of the
week from tho (ierher ranch, where he
nold ia wether to Uerher for 1 00
per head to ho delivered at Horsefly
KhampitlKti, the mutton huyer, ho wo
leuru, haa norm to work for tho West
ern Meat Co., and Ih now hiiyhiK ahout
.1. .1. I'leiiiimt, the nheep huyer, wuh
recently aei ioudy Injured in a runa
way nt Cedarville, lie wirea totieo.
Kitzerald to no aiidjiei'elve the t'lynti
A. I j. Dlckn Imuiiht two hornoM Mon
day from Frank Iliitchiua.
Dave (irovo purchaiu'd tho DotikiiiH
liof llilliilieriiifc' uliout A) head mid the
Miihi heef liumherint; ahout 1") head,
thiri week.
Three Mudi-lllie iiiilltoil lmyem
piif-icl throiit)i LukeviiiW llrr.t o.' tin
week Koiiitf into the north end of thu
county to hoy hheep, there ure yet a
few luiiichcii Iff t up there.
Wo uiiderntaud that LatiKcll houht
tho N. Fine rattle and Jt hen Fino
hacked out. lVof miibt ho ettin
Gondidorts Nob so Dad.
Klamath Full lm been in rather a
bad way for a few weeks juist, but In
overcoming the evil agency thut bro
ught about itri uurext. It koems that re
forts werot circulated that Kluuiotb
full watt In tht) throoti of a mont se
vere typdhoid fever epidemic, aud
that hundreds of people wore down
with tho dinoiiHe.
The atato health board got hold of
tho rumor ami not i lied tho Klamatti
Fulls people that unles they did some
thing to relievo tho ttituutoiu the
health board would intervene iu lehalf
of better health conditions, or if the
local health olllcers were iiuublo to
cope with tho fit out ion the ttato olllc
IuIh would take charge of mutters.
Tho secretary of tho atate heulth board
arrived iu thut towu last week und
found that the reports wore consider
ably exaggerated. The Klamath Falls
Herald has the following to say re
garding the conditions:
"Dr. It. C. Yennoy, secretary of the
stato board of health, arrived here
yesterday evening aud at once pro
ceeded to make a thorough investiga
tiou of tho city, lie gathered sam
ples of the water this morning to take
buck with him for analysis, aud mude
a thorough investigation of all por
tious of tho city, making a number of
suggestions as to bow health condi
tions can be improved,.
State Health Ofllcor Yonuoy hai
been busy today inspecting the reaor
voir aixl making a general investiga
tiou of the sanitary conditiou of the
city. When soon by a Herald repre
sentative bo said :
"The conditions along the water
front are bad and should be alleviated.
Otherwise conditions are not very bad.
There is nothing in the theory that
typhoid oomes from breaking up new
soil. It is absolutely a filth disease
and its germs come from some person
thut has the disease It is spread
more by flies than perhaps any one
He will moot w ith the city council
tonight and no doubt suggest a num
ber of things that should be doue to
improve the sanitation of the city.
There ia no question but what Kla
math Fulls needs a general cleaning up
but there Is absolutely no epidemic
of any form of disease in the city, and
the few casos of typhoid now existing
were brought here from the outside.
Democratic Text Book.
The democrats have Issued their cum-
paigu text book. Harry Murphy, Ore
gonlan curtooulst, pictures the first
two pages of the text book thus:
"Roosevelt aiut honest. Ditto, stole
our thunder.. Ditto Bold out to trusts.
Ditto, is a big stick. Ditto, put thru
fake rate bill Ditto, says Noah Web-
ster is a dead one. Ditto, is forulust
the honest toiler. Ditto, didnt do
nothing. We done it all."
Conference of County Superintendents at Sal
em Recommends New Legislation.
If tho Iy'Ki "la tore of l'J07 nhall Knint
uny considerable portion of the recom
mendations of tho County School Su
perintendents of Oregon, tho public
school of the state will have more
funds, longer terms and letter paid
teachers, in unnual session here thin
afternoon and evening, the superinten
dent aud principals agreed upon many
desired rnutigea in the school lass,
some of them of much importance and
interest not only to touchers and olU-cer-,
but to tax payers and acbool pa
trons generally.
That tho minimum length of a tertn
a district shall maintain school shull
he Increased from three to five months
and that the county school levy shall
I jo ruined from per capita to ?H per
capita, v cre the most important chan
ges suggested. This is raising tho min
imum term i'A per cent. One recom
etidatirni of guuoral interest to teach
ers is that uu applicant bo granted
but one second or third-grudo ceftifl
cute iu this flute. At present ouly
one feuch certificate may t o obtained
iu a county but by going from one
county to another a teacher may get
3.1 third grade certificates. Tho pro
posed change in the law will compell
toucher to a Ivanre from year to year
iu their educational qualification. well a to first grades ; that plans for
In order to raise tho for t school buildings iu rural districts oe
county papers, it is advised that ulge- '.submitted to the County Supeiinten
bru uu 1 phykicul geography bo added dent for approval ; that the school cen
to tho list of t-uhjects upon which bu ' sus be taken in November, instead of
applicant rmii-t be examined fur a first May, so that the census shall closely
grade county certificate, aud thut meu- precede the January levy; that the
tal arithmetic I e droped as a separate ttate. Text-Hook Commission meet iu
subject. Composition, bookkeeping, May instead 'of July, so thut the new
aud general history were suggested as books may be supplied in time for the
proper subject to bo included in the opening of school in the Fall; that
oxaiiiioatiou for first-grade county cer- 'cjvrks be required ti report within liv-j
tiflcatcH, but only the two mentioned days after the annual meeting and that
were approved. a new uuion high school law be drafted.
A motion was carried asking that j It was also directed hnt a commit
tho primary certificate be abolished tee be appointed to wait upon Uover
upon the ground thut it affords a means nor Chamberlain aud secure his con
for incompetent person to get into , sent to the passage of the bill vetoed
the schools, but upon tho suggestion i by him, which provides that County
that the standard be raised, the ques
tion wuh reconsidered und loft open
for final action tomorrow. Superin
tendent Kobiuson of Multnomah coun
ty, asserted that the primary certifl-
t'rof. Leivitt' Lecture.
Professor Scott Leavitt, Principal
of the Lukeview School, has kindly man, who recently visited Lake coun
offerod to give a lecture on the "Cu- ty in company with Presidents Camp
ban Campaign of the Spanish Amerl- bell aud Resale r of the State University
cau War, "the proceeds to bo donated and Moumouth Normal, respectively,
to the Reading Room and Library, iu talking with an Oregoman reporter
The subject alone should readily a few days ago, paid Lake county a
find response to willing listeners, as noteworthy compliment. In ieferring
the recent disturbances in Cuba are to the commendable spirit of the peo
of much national importauce, and pie in educational matters, he sighted
every one should be interested. Pro
fessor Leavitt served in the war dur
ing the campaign, aud took part in the
battle of Santiago. In the lecture be
will relate many personal experiaces,
as well as describe harrowing and ter
rible scenes, which are always evident
nf a b!al' and buttle.
The munificence of the offer to give aanual tox for 8ch1 PPOM. aggre
tbe proceeds to the Reading Room and Katln n Per whereaa the law
Library is much appreciated, and a fuires a levy equal to ouly 0 per cap
largo audience should greet the speak- ita- In tho Bame county a lv? of 30
er. The lecture will be given on Fri- centa Ter CHPlta waa made 'or library
day evening October 19, at 8 o'clock, j purposes, although the law requires
at the Opera House. Admission 50 1 only 10 nta- Thi. " at Lake
cents, children under 12 years 25 cents, j ?ountr. thouKh one of the most spars-
Pine Creek News.
(Pine Creek Miner.)
McCleary & Rbauer purchased tne
Basey property, consisting of two lots
and building, now occupied by this
firm as an otllce.
P. II. Uuffoy and business partner
0. II. McClure, roceutly of Ooldfield
Nov., spent several days in the district
lust week and putt of this, inspecting
the topographic conditions.
Ivan Humersly ,who bus for the last
two months been driving the Alturas
Lakevlew stage, stopped over here
Tuesday ulght, be will from now on
begin driving on the Una between Al
tuas an Madeline.
Lust week Whortou 3l Gentry bought
from Harry Andrews, the horse dealer,
a line buggy team. They are eunique
in color, aud are nicely matched, mak
ing a very pretty team.
Mrs Jennie Ooggburu
was up from
tho valley yesterday.
j cate law wan enacted in order to enahle
one particular person to get a pos;ti( n
in tho public schools.
Superintendent ICobinsou strongly
favored one change, which other u
perintendents thought no legislature
would pass a law providing, that school
bourds in rural districts must elect
teachers from a list approved by the
county superintendents. Mr. Kohin
sou argued that this would afford a
means of shutting out iucoiupcteuts
and protecting the teachers of his own
county from the competition of tencers.
who orift rrom one county toauothtr
Doubt was expressed w hether the Leg
islature would place so much ptvwci ii
I he hands of the county superinten
dent,. No action was taken.
Other changes recommended wire,
that the compensation of members or
tho County Hoard of Examiners be in
creased from ti to C3 a day ; that all
Couoty Courts be required to audit
traveling expenses of County Super
intendents to an amount not exceeding
iOit) a year ; that tho clans requiring
tho Superintendent to ry hU deputy
!-o repented ho thut the office assistance
may be paid by tho county; that ex
emption in examination apply to
second and third g.ade certificates as
Courts shall allow the expens of Sup
erintendents in attending annual con
ferences such us this now in session.
About 20 Superiuteudauta are in at
tendance. The conference will contin
ue tomorrow.
Acker-man's Compliment.
' State Sunerintendant J. : H. Acker-
Lake county as the most striking ex
ample . He said :
"Thut the. spirit of the people who
control educational affairs is very fre
quently of more consequence than the
laws themselves and in this connection
he mentioned the action of the County
i Court of Lake County in levying an
icy niLueu m tun aittie, wiu uttvu plen
ty of funds with which to maintain
publio schools of a high standard, aud
will be able to supply thorn with libra
ries of which the people will be proud' '
Shortage In Preachers.
There seems to bavo been a shortage
in the supply of method ist ministers at
the annual Oregon conference, as a
great many places were left to be sup
plied. Out of the 115 charges in Ore
gon conference district, 30 were left
to bo supplied. In the Klamath dis
trict there are 10 charges, and there
wero but two appointments, Lakevlew
and Klamath Falls, the rest being loft
to bo supplied. Rev. II. L. Orafious
was returuod to Klamath Falls. Few
chuugea were made iu the appoint
ments this year, most of the pastors
being returuod to the charge bold last
Kov. Ari J. Armstrong was appoint
ed by the Oiegou M. E. Conference to
the Lukeview charge. Rev. Sauford
Snyder was appointod to ttie charge at
Clutskanie, in Columbia county.
The Minrt Celebration.
J. Monroo laymen aud C. E. Mc
Cleary, the mining men of the 'Modoc
and Lake county mining districts,
wero in Lakevlew Monday. The Ex
aminer lifts previously mentloued an
excursion planned by those gentlemen
for the people of Modoc and Lake
counties to visit the mines on the
mountain between Goose Lake valley
and Sorprirfo valley. They informed
Us that the date set for this excursion
is October 2T,th and 2Cth.
A general invitation is extended to
every one in Lake and Modoc county.
The plans outlined are as follows: On
the morning of tho 25th parties will
start from Pine Creek and Did well,
the former headed by McCleary &
Sbauer of New Pine Creek, and the
latter by J. M. Laymen of .Bidwell,
mooting on the summit of the moon-
ain, where a temporary headquarters
for the excursionists will be prepared.
A grand stand will be fitted up, and
the Alturas brass band will be there
to furnish the music. After a general
survey of as much of the district as
is possible to see, the parties will
indulge in a grand summit banquet in
the open air, where the members can,
not only feast upon the luscious vi
ands prepared by expert bands in abun
dance, but can take n the beautiful
scenery on the summit o't the beau
tiful and picturesque Bidwell moun-
tian, 10,000 feet above the beautiful
valleys of Surprise and Goose Lake.
The scene itself is worth ones time
to go to sec. They w ill also bave the
pleasure of knowing their feetiest up
ou a mountain of gold and other val
uable minerals, which are destined,
when uncovered, to make Modoc coun
ty Calif., aud Lake county Oregon,
the richest counties in the West,
The parties may then return to their
respective starting places, or go down
to Bidwell, where a candidates Ball
will be given on the ni'-cLt of the 2otb.
Again on the morning of the 2Ctb,
parties will start from these places to
finish the tour of - investigation and
complete the two days' celebration of
the most important event in tbe his
tory of this country, the discovery of
Old. f - - - . , - . ...
it is "requested that all who c; j,
bring saddles and horses that can be
ridden. All the saddle animals that
can be procured will be provided by
Messrs. Laymen McCleary and Sbau
er, but it is feared that a sufficient
nuoibcr cannot be had to accomodate
the large crowd that is expected. Rigs
will be taken as far up into the moun
tain as is practicable, aud from there
the journey will be made on horseback
School Program.
POGRAM to be given by the Ninth
grades class in Litreature at the High
School room, next Friday afternoon :
Soug: Tbe Star Spangled Banner
Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes
James Jndge
The Chambered Nautulus Nellie
The Thought.of the Poem Louise
Solo Instrumental Emily Ayres.
Our Yankee Girls Burtie Snyder.
Grandmother's Story of Bunker
Hill-Mabel Boyd.
Song Choir.
Union and Liberty-Nora Charlton.
Auui Tabittia Elta' Portwood.
The Deacon's Masterpiece Inez
Solo Cornet George Ross, 10th
The Highth of tbe Rediculous
Earl Wilshire
The Two Armies Eva Chandler.
The Story of Old Ironsides Gaz
ella George.
Old Ironsides Emma Boydstun.
Solo Vocal Nellie Harvey.
Tbe Writings of Holmes Maud
Closing Song School.
All of tbe selections of this program
are taken from writings of Holmes,
whose work the class has boon study
ing. The publio are invited.'
Water Company Annual Meeting.
The meeting of the Lakevlew Water
company, was held last Saturday when
the same officers were elected to serve
the ensuing year. The Water Compa
ny's, business was found to be in a
thriving condition under present man
agmeut, and it was apparent that tbe
present officers were capable. Tbe wa
ter system has been greatly Improved
and is giving better satisfaction than
ever before, and a great deal better
than many might expect, from the lim
ited supply of water at the company's
S. V. Rehart was elected president,
C. E. Sherlock vice-president, F. M.
Miller tieasurer, Loren Dailey Secre
tary. The board of directors is com
posed of tbe above aud George Ilaukius
Team Runs Away Down
Steep Hill.
Seven Passengers on the North
Bound Stage and all flore .
Or Less Bruised.
A serious accident occurred Tuesday
on the Thomas creek hill, between
Davis creek and Alturas. ,The North
bound stage was completely wrecked
In a runaway. Seven passengers were
on board, all of whom were thrown
out and three seriously injured. Mrs.
T. J. Flook of Rock creek was very
seriously injured, and Ira McCall of
Silver Lake was also seriousy injured.
Albert Olsen received a deep cut on
he forehead and the fingers of bis left
hand dislocated, however, he was able
to come on to Lukeview the same day.
Ihe other passengers were somewhat
bruised up but none T.
J. Flook and wife and niece, M. M.
and Ira McCall, Albert Otlen. U.
Dicks, T. C. Henderson were on the
While coming down the Thomas
creek bill the brake gave way and the
taem ran away, upsetting tbe stage at
the foot of the bill Mr. and Mrs. Ilonk
were returning form a months visit'1
Wood Pile On, Fire.
Last Saturday morning, about live
o'clock, as J. N. Watson was coming
up town to meet the Western Stage to
receive Mrs. Sherwin, Grand Matron
of the O. E. S. Lodge, ,wbo was due
here to visit the Lakeview Eastern
StarLo j'e,be saw a Cr burning brisk
ly in a wood pile back of Wborton and
Lane's saloon in tbe livery stable cor-
relL He hurried around there to give
tbe alarm, but discovered that the fire
could be put out witb a few buckets of
water, decided to not ring tbe fire belL
He began then to try and arouoe some
one, and wakened several people in
the hoteL Tbe Barker Brothers, who
occupy the Handly bouse and Mrs.
Mulkey, who lives in tne Umbaoh
bous's near tbe City Hall, were also
aroused and buckets were procured
and the man at the stable and one or
two others soon had tbe fire out.
Tbe steam wood saw had been saw
ing wood there the day before, "and it
ia thought left some fire, which burn-
ed in the manure all night lefore reach
ing any inflamable matter. Had it
caught eariler in the night, or had
there been a wind, no doubt a seri
ous fire would have resulted, as there
are several wooden buildings near 1
Mrs. Steele Entertains,
Mrs. W. R. Steele entertained a few
friends Saturday afternoon. The bouse
was decorated witb autumn leaves and
Virginia creeper, and on each table
was hand painted tally cards in the
form of an autumn leaf. Whist "was
tbe game of tbe afternoon and Mrs.
Boyd succeeded in carrying off tbe
first prize, a band painted plate. Mrs.
May Ahlstrom received tbe consolation
prize, a shadow embroidered apron.
At 1:30 o'clock a dainty luncheon was
served, consisting of tomato salad,
sandwitobes, coffee, followed by lemon
sherbet and cake, the sherbet was
served in cups fastened in tbe center
of yellow Jand red chrysanthemums.
Those who enjoyed Mrs. Steelea .
hospitality were, Mesdamee., Lane
Miller, Johnson, Balis, JLaue Beal,
Boyd, Thorntou, Sneliing, MassingilL
Norin, Sherlock, Green. Ahlstrom,
Grob, Batchelder, Snyder, and the
MIsfes Fanny Tonningsen and Laura
A happy event occured last Thursday
October i, 1900, when Mr. Victor Har
vey and Miss Anna Arthur were uni
ted in marriage by W. B. Snider. Both
young people are well aud favorably
known throughout this valley, and
have many friends who will rejoice to
learn the news of their happy union.
Both young people live iu the Drewa
Creek neighborhood where they bave
lived most of their lives. The Exam-
iuer extends congratulations and good
wishes to tha happy young couple.