1 j. 13 BEEF PROSPECTS. THE IVORY MARKET. .- if i . JLJufxj; v ff " MRS. HENRY 0. Oil '-NWi-' HAVEMEYER. JR., SOCIETY BEAUTY. Mrs. Il-'vemeyer was n MIm Charlotta Whiting, a belle of the metropolis, soted for realth. benoty srid social position. It was about six years ago ttsat she in rried Henry O. Hsveniey-r. Jr, third son of the late Theodore A. Havemeye -t and favorite nephew of Henry O. liavenieyer, the sugar trust king, for whom -ras named. Photography for the AMATEUR. at Half its Former Cost IL. K - American Jr. CAMERA $1.60 With Double Plate Holder The famous Poco, BucREy e and - American Cameras. Genuinely good in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. $113 $4,80 4x5 POCO AMERICAN CAMEKA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St.. Rochester. N. Y. Pacific University FOREST GROVE, OREGON. A High-grade College with SUPERIOR EQUIPMENT. Beautifully located twenty-six mile from Portland. Full rejru!ar college courses. Academy gives strong preparatory and High School courses. Conservatory of Music and School of Art, with superior instructors. Business branches taught. iymna.sium and Field Athletics under a Physical Director. Wel-equipped Laboratories. Library of 13,0o) Volumes. Healthful social life; religious influences. .11 'student enterprises active. THE SCHOOL THAT STANDS FOR THE Etsr in toutTioN km but WRITE FOR CATALOGUE M 60 YEARS' r - cvdcd cure Trade Marks rffK' Copyrights Ac. ' Anrn Mtndlng k kth and description mr J'ui'-klf iurlHifi Cfur opinion free whether eu iitfflilon prohehly putenluble. fonimunlr. ttin 4irictly(xMD4lentlui. IduiUbookou I eij fri uldut ieiiuf for e-unii(j pulenn. j'iimuL taken tliroUKli Munu 4 Co. recelr tfjA d natUt, Wit liout tlinryo, lu the Scientific American. A hnrtiomelf Illustrated wetklr. I.rert Mr. ruutlioii lit our lentluo tournul. Teriim, H i;o.88tBrt.dw.r.newTorK mm NaKal Catarrli quickly yioli to treau meat by Ely's Cream Italia, which i agree hhly Aroiuatio. It in received through the uoetrilfl, cleauitfes and heals the wholo sur face over which it diffumu ittvtl. Druggibts soil the 50o. size; Trial M.e Ly mud, 10 cents. Test it and you arc sure to continue the treatment Announcement. To ftccomiijoilato tuws who are partial to the use of atomizer in niilyiug liquids iuto the tiasal j tor aitarrMl irvu. bio, the propr. u pre ro Creaiu Iialm In liquid form, whicli -ill nown I ' ' Liquid Cream KhIih i ii lti'l...g iue praying tube in 7..(fiitr, u'stj or by inaiL 'i'ho liquid lorm ti . i tlio uiexf loiaal proporticB of u,o h' . .u ration. I hftra ( nntrHtl Krrnlr Far ! Cream or tlir "ily. tVrtnln oiitiditinin uliolly fortuitous fc.nvo ms'iitly Injtvtrd thoniHolvon Into Hint knUliloitv.pli triiilo vortox, tho r.ittlo iiuirkft. a.v tli UttMilor's ! erttr of riilrnito. Many iiiooim Imve waxfd nuil waned tlnco a seven tnt Stt-r fnivent was ventured exeti by tli most rockto-n bull In the trmlo, nnd the cattlemen re often proverbially IMok Icnlly bullili. I'lit the seven eent ptv iiletlon tin been inaile, netttnipiinled by on offer ti bn.k it up by that mutely eloquent roiiitiio-llty. money. No lonwer Is mtirket atnu-pliore sur churned vl:li itiipl.llut of glutted out let rh. Uriels. ltn,ver riile the nlloys early ntnl eonteiul keenly for the cream of supply. Their solo eoinplalut In either that tliere are not enough px! cattle or that tluwe available do not inmc up to tlielr standard, which nniounts to tin same thlus. IWders havo cvased coiiiplaini:ii;. Twin Intlui'iieon are dry pastures and scarcity of old torn In the country, t'areully laid plans of tho sumnu'i feebler have rouo sadly awry. Pas tures have been soured anil scoreheil all over the beefniaklu; area, arrest ! Inr the prowth of prns and srvatly ' curtailing productive capacity . Thou sands of cattle have of necessity been ; sent to market untinNh.tl and n now ! out of t!ie way. Scarcity f olJ com has prevented Its free use for fiuixhiu;. purposes and dwreasel the volume of summer feeding. It N a foregone con- al tfca elusion that cattle w ith weight, uality ' and finish nre going to tinl a got I market right ahmg. .U(Oil Sown 1 1 fall. KectMitly n neiuhbir tiM mo that hi Intended breakini; a strip of wheat stubble for the pun"""' of seeding It to alfalfa lu August. My iersonal opin ion of his plans i.s that they have as mauy chances of failure us success. That a stand of alfalfa can U obtained by August soeding as well a earlier in the season seems to b established teyond doubt, but there Is no assur ance that all methods of dolni; this will be equally sticit-ssful. The chief ob jection which I can si-e to the breaking of stubble ground for such a purpose at this ti:uo Is the fact that the ground unless properly packeil by rains and tillage Is tin dry and ltsse. t'or. Na tional Stockman. FnnllaKr For Snlar. In Canadian experimental swine feeding clover, alfalfa, corn nnd cliver and a'.fslfa and corn ensilage have all lieen fed to n greater or less extent. Ensilage, containing clover or alfalfa has Invariably proven welcome to swine, while pure corn ensilage also has been eaten fairly well. The addi tion of some d'y meal to the ensilage causes It to be eaten quite readily. THE SWINEHERD A hog Is a dry land animal.' Use him as such. Keep him warm nnd dry. A Good Side of Daron. Now that the production of bacon Is taking a more prominent plate it Is well to rcmcmlter that many tilings are demanded in a frood side of bacon. The thickness of fat on the back must Dot be too deep and must Ik? uniform In all parts; the fat must not be oily or yellow lu color, but must !o a clear, bright white; the flesh must be tirm. and the pigs should bo uniform In slz to insure uniformity of curing. These results are only obtained when uni formity, care and good Judgment are used lu compounding rations and feed ing them. Alfalfa For Strlne. Alfalfa Is an Ideal feed for brood sows, and when It is so used the hard luck stories aIout the loss of pi;;, which are so frequent In the district where corn alone Is fed. will not b-.-heard. Experienced breeders as well as veterinarians both assure us that a thrifty condition Is the Ie8t preven tive of disease. Hence it follows that the breeder and feeder who Is liberal with his rations of alfalfa Is not troubled so frequently or seriously with swine diseases. Pare Brrd Animal. On every hand we find that there Is a premium paid on pure bhxKl over the grade or scrub. Because of this the ranks of pure bred breeders of pigs are being entered by new men continually, though it Is said that less than 3 per cent of the farmers In the com bolt are engaged In raising pure bred live stock. Those who constitute this 3 per cent bear a sort of public responsi bility. Inasmuch as the 07 -per cent must look to them for improved ani mals to keep the grades up X'i t.ie pres ent standard. Not that the.io me.i place It on a philanthropic bas.s. t miner that they believe their business will le more profitable In the long run If they end out only those animals that they know will be likely to Improve th.? other fellow's herd. Iowa Homestead. Preheating: Ulaeuae. A few years ago swine fever and tuberculosis were prevalent among the hogs of lieiimark. About this time th Iianlsh government began to take an Interest In farming. It became evident that the only way for the Iiauibli farm er to make money was with bogs am) cows. The government Instituted tin testing association to improve th dairy output, and along with this I Improved the conditions of hog rals Inir. The most effectual thlna whlcl It did was to check swine fever and ' tuberculosis by pasteurizing all the milk and buttermilk before they were taken from the creamery. At the pres ent time these two diseases are un known among the hogs of Denmark Kimball's Dairy rarmer. faika h? la A era ICVIM.d lllaT London tMM-ka. One of the sights of London Is the great Ivory flixr at tlio Loudon docks, where previous to nnd during the po ri.xlical sales Ivory may K seco liter ally by the acre, for the tusks nre laid out lu lots oti the floor of one of the treat warehouses for luspoettoii by In tending purchasers. For weeks previ ous to the actual sale the special staff of the Ivory department has boon buy prcparli' the various consignments ' and arruuglug them according to the slr.es a r.d quality nnd classing them j Into the various grades, each of which l has soiioj particular use for which It Is i especially adapted. There Is practically u waste In the J manufacturing of articles from Ivory, j Th" smallest chip Is not thrown nway, 1 but carefully preserved to Ik utilized for some pnnoso. I'.vcu the shavings j from the turning down of n billiard , ball baea msrkct value for use In lu laid w ork. Consequently the lots In nn i Ivory sale by no means consist of ! tusks and sections of tusWs alone, but UY THE , ;? ItlHMKHlV. Ilo-oilcm tOxwvolt I lm. W , Fulrtmnki I lilin Him , , Untie M. ) .... Wm. Il.TsIt .. . wni. II. Hlooiljr (.re. II. l'nrtil)OU Uaf 7IIIG mACiliiiE P-'or You Purc(M Anr O'hxf Writ THE V.W NOMt SCWINO MACHINI COMPART onsai. w ass. Msnr Swln MatMt'M ' rpn.ttoi-l repsn. leol ;u:it. but t's Home" n n.ad Ul mntr. Our fc-'-j.vraiify nvtfrr rur.t lut. m.k S. nk- I'-.tt 're l Sil't 1 I ' r" Btt'mtM lt. T Koine" t'A-i ti.-1 ft n.! ti ii.h-i.-i'i.;o ui.'y " Kclil I. jr am Ji-rl.-l l-:er : . The Sesr ft ni ewing . Machine t o. mi cii i i Preatilonl Vtee-rrenlilent Secretary of Siaie SiTietr nf Trrama-jr,. Serrelar ol War, Allortii jr (ii'lieral I'oet nnt r llt-lit ral., . Sfcri'larynf Natjr t lm 1 . ieiis.arl ecrcliirjr Inti rlur K. A. llln lifiM l St-i ti tarjr of Arlriiitiirn i nn llnoii Secrt'iarjr ol ( oinim-n r .. V . (', Mi'li-sll riili l Jmtlie Vrit llle . K'llll r rlilim W urtii r. I', s. Ivn.lon I nioiialotirr W. S, ltl hunt.... ... t- H. I ami i.iiiiidlelli'f nrxtt. 3veriuir ('. K t lilidMlIS Snreiiie JinUr Secrrmrjf nl Hiate. . . .. T'eaaurrr.. Attiirm j tienrral Mo I1' I'nlillr Iti.iriK Hon . . rrlm.f Ilrv ami rixxl Com f.S. Henainr I'oiif rinmnrii ...... Y. A. Muora . . r. I. iHinl.a ... . '. H, Moors A. M. Crawford 1. II . Arkrrinau ). It. W hltnry , ... i. W. Maltry l Jolm M. (irartD ) I . V. , r ii I Ion I llniK' r llerinail jj N.W II llmi. a.. a i i rn ji ii t al t'iri' T. Inline II. .. 10 n.in Jolnl Sviiator Jolm A. I.ngnwk Hrpreeeptat: Atlorni-Jf . ...I. iJ.VK ntxin. I C. f. Snl.lir I Store Lakcvicw, Oregon. j lil.tilr Clerk i Slierl" I rrramirer lll'IMI S, hix.l Snpl Siirrejror 'ontmlloiere Office at the BIy Oregon. Hotel, Hlv. v- I- Snelllll Harry Ballt-yl ! . r. M.ll.iy ' 1. Turki-r l , J. S. tan t W. H. Hnlili-r . . A. Itn-te-r i Include the residue f.Min many previous 'sales. Ituyir purchasv the particular WESTHRN STAGE LINE class that they require for their own Individual Industry aud subsequently j , ... r, . return what In most other materials . Ollice nt tlio Mcrcnntllc Coinpany s would be waste to lie resold to in ami fneturers of a tliffen-tit class of goods. Though there Is "nn waste. oddly ; enough the most Important considers.- Oood 5tock FlatyCoacht S tlon, fnmi a buyer's inilnt of view. Is 'how much waste" will a certain lot J Iilv from Ioikeview to Hly, connect. produce In the course of transforming j jn jt, iiuiy stue to the railroad. , snn-k liiiemr It Into tils own particular line, ltius , a lot that would Ik dear to one would be a gift to another, and vice versa. The most valuable class of Ivory Is J that suitable for making billiard ball, j To conform to the requirements the tusk must Ik? perfectly sound and solid, without the slightest suspicion ' of a crack or flaw, and. moreover, they i must measure only a trifle more than . the regulation slxe Millard ball or they w ill cut to waste, from the maun- facturers polut of view. On the arrlv- i al of a consignment of unworked lie- ; phaut Ivory from abroad the first prep- aration for the s;ilo tloor consists of a : thorough cleaning of the Interior or , hollow pnrt of the tusk. This Is done by means of wads attached to long , sticks. The exact length of the hollow Is thereby revealed, nnd In addition cracks and flaws that cannot lj o!- ; served on the exterior are nt times ills- ; closed. Soundness Is the one thing ; that sways every class of buyer; flaws mean waste; waste means resale at a lower figure per pound. r s. mm tirm k. II. lanay Mei ntiati W.J. Moort .Itrgl.li r Krirler Ukl IOI STY. r.. n It ii. r Jai(iilh Alle-rt lelil (I ' l.lroto . 1. Writ i U Wtlllt c R. MiHr . W tH tit K II. r lor. I I 'ell P. Mallojr TS! lK LAVKVILW. H. CASEIJCIZK, - - rroprlctor Illy, Oregon. Northern Stage Line. LA K H V I Ii W PA ISLU Y. A. W. BRYAN. Proprietor. Leaves J.akevtew atC a. tti. every day I'Ut Stintlay. I'cturning, leaves Paisley nt G :3i) a. m every tiny Sunday. Puwiirr are ts- Ko4 trip tt OI-FlcH- Ker'ioi't' A W'lDKflel.l'a. akerlja ... Mayor Con or It men . , . Rrcorhf . ..Tn-aaura Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery UIMIianad aa,Aliat A Perfect For All Throat ami Cure: I, ung Troubles. Money batk If it fail. Trial BolUas frao, the congregationalists. LaJcEview Cigar Factory . . They started the llrst f irelgu mis sionary society lu the country. They started the llrst home mission ary society In the country. They started the most effective city missionary society In the country. They started the greatest Christian young people's movement of this coun try or any other coon try. They started the first college In the country. They started the first theological seminary In the country. They started the first religious news paper In the country. They published the llrst hymn lxok In the country. They started the town meeting the Initiative and referendum. They started the first temix-rance so ciety In the country. They have given to America the three greatest evangelists It has ever had. Chicago Advance. A. SroKKMa..., Prop. Mnker of Havana and Domestic Cigars COKSTBY OKDKHS SOLICIT" ; (iive us a trial. Moro in the brick i huildiutf next door to l'ost A King sn i loon, akeview. Oregon. EDS HOTEL iMns. K. M. (iaixaoiiku, Proprietor. A (Juarsntccil Cure for Piles. j Itching, illind, llli-editiif or Protrud ing I'ih-s. Iinik'tfists refund money il PAZil olNTMKNT Uils to cure any ' cane, no matter of bow loiig pistoling. In ti t 14 dnys. Kirnt application gives eiow mid rext, fsJc. II your druggist . Iiacn'l it send .rsJc in stsmM ami il will be forwarded pot paid bv I'aris Med- J i Co.. St l.tns. Mo. I The Wall street line id connived certltlcuteH o( .N'tiM'k tllld llollil bhltlks ' at the I'.xnmliicr ulllce. New snmple Ikm ik received Monday evening. II yoti wittit stiM-k certificates hoc our v n ii ' i l I g -t o ip pric . t' An Avarlelana Woman. A woman who carried hive of money to an incredible extreme was Lady Margaret Jardine, sister of the first Duke of (Jueensbury. Although her husband was a rich man, I-uly Mar garet would actually carry foot pas sengers across the little river Annan for a halfpenny, aud whenever there was a fair or market day she would sit on the banks of the stream all day long waiting for customers. She usu ally wore rags tJ save her clothes, but on the rare occasions when she visited anywhere she packed up a few decent garments which she slipped on befors entering the house, exchanging them for her dirty ones when leaving. Lon don Queen. , j The I'olnt of View. ZangwIU, the noted writer, had an experience which convinced him that In deciding what constitutes real great ness a good deal depends upon the point of view. At a political meeting he fell Into conversation with a man who knew all the speakers and pointed thern out as they sat on the platform, "There," he said, "sits Senator Lodge." "What!" exclaimed Mr. Zangwlll. "ro you mean Henry Cabot Lodge, the lit erary man the great historian?" "No, sir-ee!" replied the other with distinct contempt. "That's Henry Cabot Lodge, United States senator from the great state of Massachusetts." First Class Accomodations Building Has ISeen Enlarged To Accomodate a Large Trade Dining Service Unexcelled... NEW PINE CKKEK, . OREGON WANTi:i: District Malingers to pnt nlgns. si vert 1st and dlHtrlbnte ' samples. Salery tls.'JO weekly, MOO ' s-r .lay, for expenses. State sge and . present em piny men t. 1 lK. I.SII KAH 'CO.:;: Kaiidulph St., Chicago. Jan. 2.". 4 in. Keep off Ooosc Lake." "Or lihcThoriitou'H Favorite Cream orchapisil and red skin." A Chance for Speculators. H'HOOL LANI. 2ND acres of level unimproved aKricuittital land (or sale cheap. Description: HVVV4. ol NEi and SWf4' id KE. ration 10, rp..3K.. K. Itt K. W. Al. This is a desirable piece of land, located in (1000 t.ake valley and will iiak some man a iimmI ranch K you uro thinking; of orgaulrlng a stock company see our new samples f Wall Htreet engraved stock certlfl a ten. tf ! WANTED: by Chicago wholesale ami mail order house, assistant mana ger (man or woman ) for this county and adjoining torritory. Hiilury f'JU and expenses paid weekly; exens money advanced. Work ploasnt; position permanent. No investment or experience required. Kpare tlmo valuablo. Writo at ouco for full par ticulars aud encloso self addrossod en velope. Address, 1 General Manager, HH K. Iake St., 'Chicago. :J0-10 t'nnrrraaarr- "Now, Tommy," said the boy's mother, giving him final In ructions, you must remember how to behave at thor party. If you're asked to have something and you want It you must say 'Yes, thank you, and If you don'l want It you must say" "You needn't bother about that part of It, ma," Interrupted Tommy. The Maneuvering Blaniiua, "The maneuvering mamma" Is prac tically extinct. The modern daughter Las CD almost free hand In managing her hwe transactions. The mere lovs marriage, which was so dlsturb!nu a thought to-the mother of even twenty years ago, Is seldom heard of In May fair In these altered clrcumntuucea says tnc Loudon Orunhlc. School Days Over What Next? Your school course Is finished. What are you oln to do now? Are you one of the vast majority who end their school daysln the com inon schools? If you are we want your attention for it low minutes. You can tret a higher education, any kind you waiib-liiislm sa, tech nieal or general v ithout leaving homo, without giving up your work for it single day, without spending more than you can easily afford, Di you want to know how? The plan Is verv simple. Instead of spending your day at a desk, re citing your lesHotis to a U'iu her In a big brick bulhllng, you prepare you lessons at home, from our outlines, write the recitation, ana send It to us by innll for correction. It Is nil done In your spare hours. You uro not tied to any set hour for recitation. You pay a comparatively small sum, and for this w furnish text books, examination paper, and competent Instruction until your course Is completed, Your dally work does not Inter fere with your studies. You can earn while ou learn. If you want to know more about our plan, write your name on the coupon, cut If out and mall to us, You risk nothing but the price of a nip, fc'.rotoii (t.rl; itt ' iConTc'ji.&a Sail l.a'l l.'xi . I a ih '! Plca.ll aaplaili, illitJUl . .ip.nir In inff, Imi. I f llb (icier whlrb I lie. aiarkid X tnokkMMT niiiiirrphaT Mk.Ii. OrtfUmaa ,iurvvr Mrl.ualllcal EnftaMr ; wcti Its! EogliiMr CI' II EnlD(r Vlnlnt EoaiDMr Adtttttt . iuko Cauuty lUiitulucr, June,