Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 04, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 40.
Thousand5 of Acres Yet
To be Taken.
(lovcrnmetit Land to be Had at
I'rom $1.25 to 2.5O Accord
ing to Locatiou.
At tho opening of lJuO there re
mained In Oregon, Eastern Wanlilng
ton and Northern Iduho, over 21,000,
OOO oro of government land, cIuhImH
ed a agricultural, timber .desert and
mineral, according to the maimer in
which It may be obtained through the
laud oltlee at Portland, Tho Dalles,
La Grande, Roaebiirg, Burns and
Lakeview, Orogou ; Walla Wullii, Wah
liigton, and Lowlston, Idaho, State
laud lit obtained through tho Htutu
Land Hoard at Salem. The settler or
purchaser must Ikj a citizen of tbu
Uuitod States, or must have declared
hi intention to Income such. To H
riirn government land, hu must bo
twenty- one; to obrrtln Htute liiml,
Agricultural limd i
from the govcruu..... ". . hwhi
tcad Act, which gives to every settler
i acres, requiring no payment, ex
cept til in fee. For a period of the
'year actual residence upon the land
I necessary, during which time cer
tain improvement must le made and
cultivation oarrltnl on, tho purpose
being to require tho homesteader to
ahow that ho la In good faith. With
in two yearn after tho expiration of
the Ovo yearn, he may "provo up" and
secure a pntcrt to the feud f.T.t tho
government. If desired , final proof
can l made after fourteen months'
reaideuce, provided that he pay 91.25
per acre, it hia land la outside the
limits of a railroud grant, and 92.50
per acre if within Hiich grants.
Timber luuda may lo secured from
tho government under tho Timber and
Stone Act, each purclmaer not heiug
allowed over h acres. The laud must
lie chiefly valuable for ita timber and
must not have valuable mining depos
its. These facts must be net f6rth In
an atlldavlt nud miint bo published for
a period of sixty days, at tho end of
which time, if no advorso claim is
made, upon payment of 92.50 uu acre,
tho government will issue a patent for
the laud. Land chiefly valuable for
tho atone upon it may be aeon rod in
tho aame manner.
DoHort land may bo socurod under
tho Desert Laud Act, not more than
320 acres being allowed to any 0110
peraon, tho applicant making an atll
davit that, without irrigation, the
land would not produce ' remunerative
crops, and that ho haa provided a wa
ter supply Butllcient to nuke the laud
productive. The allldavit must be ac
companied by that of 11 witness Betting
forth tho same facta, and, upon being
approved, a fee of twenty-five centa per
acre inunt be paid, wheu tho purchas
er can proceed with reclamation. An
uual reports must be made for three
yearn,- showing that ho lias made im
provements to the coat of 11 per acre
each year. When the83 per acre has
been expended ,and one-eighth of the
laud has been reclaimed and under
cultivation, by paying an additional,
91 per acre he may secure a patent
from the government. If tho liluda
are sooured under the gouoral mining
laws by locating a claim, recording it,
and making certain Improvmeuts each
' year until 9500 has been expended for
this purpose, a 'patent can be secured
from the government.
There are over 400,000 acres of state
laud in Oregon, consisting of the six
teentb and thirty sixth sections in
each township, commonly called school
sections. On these lands no residence
or cultivating belug required, and, if
desired, tho purchase price can bo paid
in five annual installments, tho deferr
ed payments drawing 0 per cent. At
the time of making tho first payment
the purchaser receives a ccrtitlcute of
sale, assignable by writing tho transfer
duly acknowledged, upon tho back of
the instrument. Any asslguee of the
certificate may secure a deed by retur
ning the certificate and paying what is
The price of land in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho, other than govern
ment and state binds, is governed by
the quality of the soil, location and
Improvement running., from a few
dollars an acio to $ 10 and 10 and much
higher in fruit and Irrigated district.
Stock News of the Week
Watts llros., of Illy, last week
sold to Mitchell the Gazelle beef buy
er, about 75 head of ateara and dry
cows, the prieo being O'i cents for
steers and 1 cents for dry cows, to be
weighed at Illy, dellveiy this week.
Jack l'artlu of Hummer Lake sold
about 'JK) to Mitchell at the same price,
to be delivered at Merrill (bis week.
W. W. Smith ot lily, sold between
75 and 100 head of aters ami dry cows
to Mitchell, same price and place of
delivery L. (!e,ber has also purchased
tho following bun dies at cents for
steers ami 4 cents for dry cowa, to be
weighed at the Albert Walker place at
Illy and delivered at Gerber' Horse
bly ranch ;
From Toll of VistilliH, about 25 or
30 head ; from J. 11. Owens, of Illy,
about (10 head ; from W. W. Flndiey
of Illy, ab'iitl 50 head ; from Joe How
ard of Drews valley, about 100 head'
Felix Green has started for Gazelle
to sell the XL beef, which are on the
road, lie has two offers for the rat
tie, both of which are a little letter
than last yens' prices.
" A. T. Langell went to Warner to
look at several bunches of beef.
Paisley Nev-
i.g, but
... . -:j, miiu in yet BlacKlng lor
ZX Co.
Ram interfered considerably, but
tho weather seems nettled again.
School has begun with a good atten
dance. A number of families who have
secured houses have not moved in yet
C. H. Henetiel his moved into his
town real Jence.
A. J. Hampton bought Grandma
HencHels property and is a resident of
Paisley. i
I' rank Cannon has bouKbt.Soo. K-.n-au's
It. A. and J. J. Moore, and families
have gone to Lane county to visit
their father. II. A. and family will
remain, if the old gentleman cannot
lie fteraiiadod to come to Lake county.
Mr. Moore's charming daughters will
be greatly minsed by tho young men of
J. N. Taylor and family have depart
ed for Nebraska. They w ill visit Mrs.
Taylors' parents at Moutesana W. en
route. Horn : to Mr. and Mrs. Jason KM or,
Kept. 17th, a sou.
Died: Sept. lHth, Eunice, infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phi. liush,
aged seven weeks.
Palnlcy Mercantile Co. has built a
combination ware-house and barn, to
accouiodato their increasing trade, and
keep their freight team.
V. Conn is treating his residence to
a new coat of paint. J. L. Clark is
the Artist.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Simmons have ac
cepted a position with Lamb, Weldy
and Co.
II. E. Heed and family, have taken
their departure. Ill health only, com
pels Mr. Keed to seek another climate.
Everyone is gathering beef and driv
ing cattlo into pastures.
Mrs. Stickel aud daughter Jessie are
home from New Pine Creek
Public School Note
A trial court was held for the Fri
day afternoon exeroisos of the high
school room last Friday, Prof. Leav
itt as judge, George Ross as prosecut
ing attorney, Walter Dutton and James
Judge as attorney for the defense, Eb
on Tatro as sheriff and Iiortie Snyder
as clerk, conducted a cose in which Ted
McKoe was tho defendant, and Mabel
lloyd the colnplainiug 'witness. The
jury disagreed, six to six, showing tho
atubboruess of the contest.
The purpose of these trials is to give
practlco in debating, instruction in
court forms and jury duty, and the luw
governing such things in real life.
To illustrato the prooceas of distilling
liquids an apparatus was made out of
glass and operated at school Tuesday
before the high school room. The pu
pils could see every thing take place
in tho process and learned much more
than au explanation in words could
give tlioui.
HeartC VS Hughes
I'ho (special) democratic, party of
New )Tork has nominated W, R. Hearst
for governer, and tho rest of tho party
havo bolted, aud doclalrthey will vote
for C. E. Hughs, tho republican nominee.
President's Proclamation Makes Permanent
Another Reserve in Lake County.
WHKKEAH, tho publics lands, in the
State of Oregon, which are herein after
indicated, era in part covered with
timber, and It appears that the public
good would be promoted by setting
apart said lands as a public reserve
lion ;
Aud whereas, it is provided by sec
tion twenty-four of tbu Act of Con
urctti, approved March third, eighteen
hundred and ninty one, entitled, "An
act to repeal timber culture laws, and
for othir purposes," "That the Presi
dent of the United States may, from
time to time, set apart and reserve, in
any State or Territory having public
land bearing forests. In any part of the
public lands wholly or in part covered
with timlx-r or undergrowth, whether
of commercial value Vr not, as public
reservations, and the President shall,
by public proclamation, declare the es
tablishment of such reservations and
the limit thereof";
Now, therefore, I, THEODORE
ROOSEVELT, President of the United
States of America, by virtue of tho
power .In me vented by section twenty
four of the aforesaid act of Congress,
do proclulm that there are hereby re
;;-.: k
I .
'Miss Marie Corelll, the novelist who recently achieved much cousplculty
by her plan to erect a Shakespeare memorial in Stratford-on-Avon, where
she lives, hug had her photograph taken. This does not sound like a remark
able piec-e of news, but It Is, for she never had one taken before. The
camera has always been her pet aversion. Finally she consented to "sit"
because tho newspaper pictures of her made her look so like a "freak." aha
said, that sho wanted people to know how she really looks.
Wagon and Suqqlies Burned
Special to The Examiner by Tele
phone. Paisley, Oct 2. 0. 0. Roe,
the Summer Lake Bhecpmau left town
this morning with a wagon for his
sheep camp, accompanied by J. A.
Don hum. The wagon was loaded wiin
five fine bucks, and some provisions.
and hay. Three hundred rounds of am
munition wore in the wagon, aud Mr.
Roea' valise containing 970 in paper
money. Among other things were
some matches,, which caught Are in
some hay. limiting the hay and tho en
tire load was buiued. Mr. Roes' loss is
estimated at 9500.
Intervention Imminent
Affairs in Cuba have taken on a se
rious aspect. In an endeavor to pre
vent United States troops from land
ing the Cuban insurgents fired upon
and killed 25 American marines and
one otlloor. Secrotary Taft has order
ed the American army to proceed to
Cuba, and President Roosevelt la hur
rying ships to the relief of Taft laden
w ith soldiers and munition of war.
served from entry or settlement and
set npart as a Public reservation, for
the une and benefit of the people, all
the tracts of land, in the State of Ore
gon, shown as the Fremont Forest Re
serve on the diagram forming a part
This proclamation w ill not take ef
fect npon any lands withdrawn or re
served, at this date, from settlement,
entry, or other appropriation, for any
purpose other than forest uses, or
which may be covered by any prior val
id clnirn,iio long as the withdrawal, re
nervation, or claim exists.
Warning is hereby given to ail per
sons not to make settlement upon the
lands reserved by this proclamation.
hereunto set my baud and caused the
seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington this
17th day of September, in the year of
our Lord one thousand nine hundred
and six, and of the Independence of
the United States the one hundred and
thirty first.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Hy the President : Alvcy A. Adee Act
ing Secretary of State.
1 ". x
Lecture ou Cuba
Prof. Leavltt is thinking of giving
a lecture on the Cuban question, some
time in the near future. The Cuban
question right now is one of great im
poitance, owing to the recent upris
ing there and the probabilities of the
United States being compelled to Iter
veue in the troubles there.
Prof. Leav itt served in the United
States army through the Spanish
American war, and conditions in Cu
ba became quite familiar to him dur
ing hia stay in the Islands.- He has
made it a study and is capable of deal
ing intelligently with the subject. It
is hoped that he can be prevailed up
on to deliver a lecture, on this subject.
Returned from Mines
V. A. Masslngill retruned from the
Windy Hollow mining district last Sat
urday. The Ft. Warner Mining Co.
will put a force of men on in a short
time as soon as men can be had, to
run oue or two tunnels and sink a cou
ple of shafts. The outlook is very en
couraging, aud while no great depth
in :v iv m 1
has been attained on any o' the claims
the results of assessment work was
sufficiently enconraging to warrant
preparations of permanent develop
ment of the mines. The work that is
to lie done from now on is to be of a
permanent character.
Cittla Moving In Klamath
(Klamath Falls Express.)
Cressier &. Co had 275 bead of cattle
at Merrill last Sunday, consigned to
Swanson A Son, of Sacramento.
Lewis Gerber bad 4C8 bead at Mer
rill yesterday for the Sacramento mar
ket, Oscar Stewart being in charge.
Miller and Daly, of Warner are at
Merrill with over GOO bead consigned
to Sacramento.
Edson Fanlke, of Gazelle, bought
about 700 bead of cattle of the XL and
Steele swamp ranches, to be taken to
Gazelle for Winter feeding.
Ileryford llros of Lakeview, will
be on the road in about two weeks
with about 1000 head for the lower
Cbas. Sherlock and Tom Grimshaw,
are in Langell valley with over 6000
mutton sheep for the Caliornia market
Air. Williams, of Gazelle, took 150
beef cattle out of Langell valley for
Shasta valley feed grounds.
These cattle are all Klamath and
Lake county cattle.
Lewis Gerber has 500 beef cattle on
Sprague river to be started Oct. 20th,
and another lot at Lakview.
Messrs, Swanson, Gerber and Horton
have alrendy bought large Quantities
of alfalfa hay at MerrilL The price
paid was 95.50 per ton fed out
It is estimated there will be close to
20,000 cattle go over the trail this sea
son from Kari)ath and Lake counties.
Klamath Couuty Races
The Klamath county fair was held
latt week. Some very interesting
farm produce was exhibited, besides
I the st"ck shows which were interest
I iug. The races were eaid to be good,
j From the Klamath Falls Daily Herald,
I we take the following results "f the
ev,3 as4they occurred each day:
' " mi 1
xnursuays races.
In the first event which was the one
fourth mile dash for a purse of 950
Dick Rusher cwned by II. Shook,
took first money with Quo Vadis a
close second.
The second event, which was a three
quarter mile dash for a purse of 975,
was won by Dr. Sborb, and Rinaldo
The half mile dash proved to be one
of the prettiest races ever witnessed
from a grand staud, the contestants
were Shirley V, Bessie Shirley, Uncle
Tom, and Lost River Baldy. Shirley
V. came in first, with Uncle Tern a
close second, Bessie Shirley third, and
Lost River Baldy fourth.
The last race of the day was the
three-eighths and repeat. Rita Sinfax
Little Jim and Dick Rusher were the
horses entered. The first beat was
taken by Liltte Jim ; time, 3t5 1-2 sec
onds. The two last heats were won by
Rita Sinfax, the last heat being made
in 38 1-2.
Fridays Races.
The first race was called which was
the flve-e'ghths dash free for all. Dr.
Sborb took first money ; time G3 sec
onds. Tho next race was the quarter mile
and repeat free for all. Rita Sinfax,
Evermore and Dick Rusher were the
entries. Dick Rusher took the first
heat, with Evermore second, and Rita
Sinfax third. In the second heat Rita
Sinfax won first, with Dick Rusher
second ; time 23 seconds. The third
heat was won by Rita Sinfax in 23 1-2
Next was the half mile and repeat for
Klamath County horses. Uncle Tom,
Shirley V. Bessie Shirley,' and Little
Jim were the entries. Shirley won in
straight boats, Little Jim second.
Saturdays Races.
The first race half mile and repeat,
free for all, Rinaldo and Rita Sinfax
were the only contestants. Rita Sin
fax won in straight heats, time 50 sec
onds. The next race three-fourths mile
dash, free for all, was won by Dr.
Shorb , Evermore second.
The third race quarter mile and re
peat for Klamath County horses, was
won by Dick Rusher in straight heats.
S):ll A?3rtUinent
A special apportionment of school
fnnds was made by Superintendent
Willits Monday, among the various
school districts of the county, which,
owing to the fact that most of the tax
es were collected before the Spring ap
portionment, amouuted to less than
92 per capita. The 950 for each dis
trict in the couuty, as provided by
law, once a year, was also apportioned
New Mining Company
Forty Thousand Dollars Offered
For Famous Jumbo Miiu
and Price Refused. '
The Lakeview Mining A Milling Co.
baa been organized with a capital of
91,000,000, shares 50 cents each, fully
paid up and non-assessable. Mr.
Marks, a thorough ndning man of
Grants Pass, is at the bead of the new
company, which is to operate some
very rich mines in the Windy Hollow
District Mr. Marks understands
mining thoroughly and haa considera
ble capital back of him, and he tays
there is a future for the Windy Hollow
This new company will -ncorporate
about twenty or twenty-five claims,
including Bob Smiths, Biebera' and
others. Some of the claims lie along
side of the famous Jumbo claim. Mr.
Marks informes us that he tried to bny
the Jumbo, but thinks by spending
some money on some of the claims
they hae they will have as good a
mine as the Jumbo. . He told us that
he offered 940,000 for the Jumbo, but
the owners wanted 9600,000.
Mr. Marks is confident that he will
succeed in the venture, as he has the
money to spend in finding the right
place and the rock found on top of
the ground is rich and extensive
enough to warrant the expenditure of
a large sm ia locating the ledge, .sad,
dovefrpiijt ' .K' v
He has gone to Pine Creek- to look
at the mines there.. He came here to
remain only a couple of weeks, but
was so taken with the prospects that he
soon decided to stay and lost no time
in taking hold of some of the proposi- ,
tions open in the Windy Hollow dis
trict It will only be a matter of a few
months' time till Lake county will be
the mining center of the West.
Organize Dramatic CInd
All tbo8j interested in the formation
of a Literary and Dramatic club for
the town of Lakeview will please at
tend a meeting to be held for that pur
pose on next Saturday evening at the
Lakeview Business College.
Professor Trodden has been asked by
several of the most prominent people
in town to organize such a club, and
has consented to call the above meet
ing for that purpose.
As the name indicates, the object of
the club will be to cultivate a literary
taste among its members, as well as
the giving, from time to time, of ama
teur theatricals.
Lakeview has long felt the need of
such an organization, and it is earn
est'y hoped that the movement will re
ceive the support it deserves ; the pre-'
sentation of some popular play has al
ready been contemplated, but atten
dance at the meeting Saturday evening
affords the only criterion of what the
club ma be able to produce.
CuilHaras Berry.
Last Sunday, Sept 23, 1908.-, Berle
Guilliams and Miss Fanny Berry were v
joined in the holy bonds of matrimo
ny, at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Berry, at Davis
Creek, in the presence of a number of
invited guests. Those who attended
from this place were ; A. A. Morrison
and wife, Miss Dolphin Mulkey, Mies
Mary Eates, and Messrs. Frank Walls
and J. C. Arrowood. The young cou
ple will mako their home in Alturas.
The young people are well known In
this part of the county, and have a
host of friends who join in wishing
them all the happiness that a long and
prosperous life can bring. Alturas
New Era.
(Mr. Berle Guilliams formerly lived
in Lakeview, a brother of L. Guilliams
of this place and eon of S. N. Guilliams.
His friends in Lakegrlow will be glad
to learn of this happy event, and The
Examiner joins in congratulating Mr
J. O. and Jim, Watts filed on timber
claims in 38-13 last week.