Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 27, 1906, Image 8

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Wc have selected goods vc know are proof
against rough usage-fabrics that are like iron
for wear. They are man-tailored finished in the
highest class fashion, and full of snap, vim and fine
Mothers are invited to look over our new line
of Coats for Girls and Misses. You'll surely like
our Selection and Prices too.
We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
Lakeview And Vicinity
(junker rolled oat at 1) A M'a
Attend The lakeview Uuslness Vol
lege. tf
Hutch lunch nt tho Itiviverr Snl
noil. It
Frank Koggcra was In town t he first
of tho week.
O. W. Howard and wife were In from
Drews valley Tuesday.
Mrs. J. H. Hnuich was down from
Clover tint 11 rst of the week.
Pan Malloy went to Iinrucs valley
yesterday on ollU-ial business.
fcrne Mat lies came down from Paisley
Monday for a few day recreation.
A nearly new piano for sale forfct3.
Call at or address Tho Kxnmiuer. tf
Tom (.Snrrett and wife came over
from Hly Tuesday on land business.
Miss Olivo Canuou of Piue Creek la
attending the Lakeview Ilusiuesa Col
lege, Get your w inter supplied roni the
Warner Valley Mercantile Co. Adol
and Plush. :W tf
H. A M. have the finest line of fall
and winter Shirt Waists ever brought
to this town. 1
Geo. Jones, came down from Paisley
last Saturday and remained a day or
two on business.
tiet prices from Warner Valley ver
cuntile Co., lief ore buying elsewhere
Adel aud Plush. ,T8 tf.
The family of Geo. Ayrea spent a
few days in liidwell, visiting friends
and relatives, last week.
Arthur Florence has reutedthe tins
Seblagel residence and moved his fam
ily thero the Hrst of the week.
You tig people desiring a special Husi-
j ness course should investigate the
j Lakeview ISusinofw College. tf
I F. -W. Payne and wife came down
j from Paisley Suuilay, where Mr. Payne
j is employed in V. Conn's store,
j Geo Whorton returned Monday
morning on tho Western stage from
j his recent spin to Goldfleld und other
; points.
j J. F. Clarksou V. S., informs us
I that ho w ill go to Paisley in a few
days to do some veteriuary woi k for
Cieo. M. Jones.
j P. J. Hrattain and 11. A. lirattuin
were dowu from Chewauoan the Hrst I
1 : of the wex'k to make yearly proof on I
1 their desert claims. !
j fcd. O. Lamb, the Summer Lak.i
' sheep man was down from there last
week on a vacatiou and took in the
I I. O. O. F. bauquet
Mrs. D. P. Malloy and son, and
: Miss Anna Hedriek, Mrs Malloys sinter
; went to Klamath Falls last, week to
1 visit their mother for a mouth.
IlliU llii Ulli iiiiiiiiiwiiiimirore ;
Have established a warehouse in Lakeview for the
accommodation of cattlemen and sheepmen of Lake
county, where they will buy beef hid :s, hors h.cics
lltMIS III Jill KlIHISi. 11U13L lif.111. VLV.. Ai
W. J. Moore returned from a visit
with his family at Ashland last Friday
morning. Mrs. Moore purchased u
home for the family in Ashland.
wanted: Oentlemnn or Lnd.rwlth
food reference, to travel by rail or
with ri. for u tirm of tJ."ii,0uO.o cap
ital. Salary f 1072.0" per year and
expemscs; salary paid weekly and ex-:
peiiHcH advanced. Address, with
stamp, Jos, A. Alexander, lakeview,
Oregon. Ma -3-iinoH. I
pelts of all kinds, horse hair, etc..
prices, freight deducted.
i Warehouse located in The Red L'utchershop imua-
near the Aiammotn liverv oiauies.
J. P. Duckworth of the North Lakeview Feed Yard
is their Special Agent, with instructions to pay the
A prices stated above, IN CASH.
I 1
1 The Doctor
K is always
sure that
m his pre
fo scriptions
r r i tiled
5 lWt 31 .
J Thornton s
No matter how modest
your demands in other di
rections, you want
What is the use of having
a good Doctor if youhave'nt
a good DRUGGIST?
Medieines, Exact Skill and
Perfect Care enter every Prescription.
A. L. Thorn- m
in s the (
on'y sradu-
ate ' fnrma gfl
e st in Lake m
vOt'Riy. Al- $5
ways cn
ha. d-
I have leased the W. M.
Harvey )astures, and have
one field that has formerly
been reserved for hay, which
was opened up for cow pas
ture June first, at
Strictest attention given
' stock left in my charge.
will not be responsible for
achy stock that get out
ot the pasture, but will do
what I canto get them back.
Horses brought up once a
week, if desired.
Successor to
The Lakeview Mercantile-
Co. will pay, for hides in
first-class condition,
Beef Hides 17c per lb
Sheep Pelts 14c per lb
Call and see us before
Ladles' Union Suit nt It. X M'h.
A 11 k liulrt of breakfast mush nt HA
Hutch lunch nt th Hmver.v Sa
loon, tf
Try J. It. Cutter hikey, at Hotel
IakerloM liar. U7tf
Mln Kthel Newel vr vlnltltitf In
town Snturdny.
1a II. Morni f.ent neventl lnyn In
tow n the piiKt week.
KlUrt Morris wan over from the
Went Side hint Snturdny,
V. II. Iteneflel whs over from War
ner tho tl rut of the week.
Jh. McPcrmitt whh In town from
the Went SLIo lnat Tliurscliiy.
SultHcrilm fur The I ke County Tx-
tuulner. If you wntit the iicwh.
Mm. (leu. V. JoliKHon In v i h 1 1 1 1 1 at
the Jonet ranch lu fhewaucan.
is. I', inuiiou Mini t.r. iMimn were
lowu from CMiewaucan lat Suuituy.
Al. HanlHtiT caino down from Altur-
art Tuesday, on his way home to l'uitt
H. 1-1 llarker, the Snuthren xtiiKe
man, whh up from All urns lattt Satur
day niyht.
Mrei. L. it. Vaden of Klamath Tallii,
winter of tr. V. lw lloyvl. in vlnititiK
in Lakeview.
I'. W. l'nn inter came over from Tula-
ley lact week bh ii witueH for llrattaiutt
in laud matters.
V. Conn the Puinley merchant npent
a couple of days in Lakeview the latter
part of last week
We uudertttand that John Moh, mou
of Ij. It. Mokh, wan married recently
at lecth, Nevada.
(.icortft) Mctiruth returned from Si
can last week, w here ho hpeut ten day
ridiuK after cattle.
KGU O SF.K U healthful it coutaiiu
the uatural iualitits of whole wheat,
liet it ut II A M'd.
Mr, (ieo. Jones patel through
Lakeveiw last week, on her way to
Corvallis. on a visit.
Misrf ltatchelder, who hat lieen vis
iting in Lakeview heveral weeks, dart
ed for Orevilliv.thU week.
Al. Sloan is driving stiik'K on the
northern line. He will eturt for South
i America in n couple of weeks.
! Tl... C. ...... V..II.... t... til.. '..
IIIU i.illii t , Ulirjr .ill I k 1IIH1K' V'lf.,
will vtive you lowest prices on flour,
j Krain. etc. Adel and Hindi. :W tf.
I Mm. Mi'llrulh uill mnvt. In tnu n ii.
day. She will occupy the lloyd resi
dence with Mrs. I'it.pulrick for a
Mrs.. F. K. H:irris expects to ko lie
low w ith her little ilaiiL-liter soon. The
little one will take treatment for rheu
matism. Men and hoys sweaters at I' & M's.
We have the hebt line of Ladies and
Misses' hosiery ever hrouKht to town.
15. & Ms. j
T. 11 liernurd is hack from the!
mines w here he did the assessment '
work on hin clai:n. He says the mines !
I nt ill look 1. ;
Miss Masterson was taken Middenly ;
ill yesterday and was unaljle to teach,
coiise'iuenly.ttjere is ill lie no school in ;
her room tin- rest u the week. !
Lukeview was thronged with ieoilej
fur two weeks pat irom Klamath J
county, Crook county, and other j
places, mostly in ttcarch of Lake conn-
ty lands. j
V. J. CanflehJ and dauKhter, father
and sister ot Mrs. A. L. Thornton,
who have been viniUiiK in Lakeview
for a couple of weeks, left yesterday
for their home in LiiKeue.
Mrs H. S. C'olviii started for lieik
ley Tuesduy moruiii),'. She wt;iit ly
Ashland with her mother Mm. Dean
and her hrother, Mr. Dean having
come tor theui.
Pete Kuiuist enjoyed the banquet
very much the oth'-r night, und he
talks of takiot; u trip to well if we
were to tell where, Homebody might
guess the reason.
Stock Inspector Malloy has made the
following appointments as deputies;
K. S. Ede at New I'ineCrek, l'.d. Cou-
lan at South Warner and A. Ii. Schro
der at Silver Luke.
So great is the crowd in Lakeview
tho pUHt few weeks t but the proprie
tors of Hotel Lakeview were compell
ed to employ a lot of extra lielp und
go into private homes for rooms to ac
commodate the people.
Miss May Miller rendered two of her
charming vocal holos ut the 1. (). O. F.
banquet Friduy evening, which were
received 4y her heareis in the usua
appreciative manner. Miss Mau Sni
der played tho organ accompuniment.
M. S. Mead returned lust week from
the mining district neur Lakeview.
Ho fuys there is great excitemeut
over the new gold discovery in Coyote
Hills, and that claims are filed on all
the ore lund in that vicinity Mr.
Mead intends going back to the minea
sometime this month. Antelope Her
ald. Mr. P'.dsall Cobb, of Luning, Neva
da, who was in Lukeview a few weeks
ago, having leen attracted here by
reading the Luke County Lxamiuer,
lust week, through J. W. Maxwell,
bought the (Jeorge Miller much on
the Slush, consisting of 210 ucres,
Jim Part In made qulto n hnul ht
i Sunday among tho geese, and duck
1 at the lake.
The D. II. Jones estat J lias been set
tled, and nn order of distribution
made by tho court
Mrs. Walter Nyswauer was (pilte
sick for n few days tho first of the
week. at the hotel.
Prof. Scott Leavitt ami and Miss
Mastersou arrived hero Sunday even
ing to Is'gln school,
A. K Thornton ret timed from War
nrr Valley Sunday, where he spent
several ilays hunting.
Zae Whitworth and W. K. Kick went
out to the Whitworth camp Monday,
Mr. Tick for n few days' outing.
Who wants n good planoV We have
for sate a nearly new one. It can be
had for C.Vi'k Address The Examiner.
W. It. Snider wetit to Winner Tues
day to look after his mining interests
in the Lost Cabin Mining District.
He expects to be absent from Ike
vlew three or four days.
WOOD. I w ill take orders for wood
to lo delivered any time after August
b'th, to Imj cut out of large pine trees
any length.
;tl-lin Mrs. Komi McDaiiieU.
V. W. Withers and wife came down J
from Puislvy last Friday and remained J
a couple of days. The) attended the
banpuet given in honor of (tie (iraud
Officers of the I. O. O. F. Lodge Fri
day evening.
Mrs. K C. Stlckelund daughter Jes
sie passed through Iikeview last week
on their way frmn Pino Creek to Pais
ley, where Jessie will start to school.
Mrs Stickel will return to Pine Creek
where she will remain until Mr. Stick
el and (ieorge llnlsh the brick build
ing they are putting up there.
Miss Millie Kobuett was up from Wil
low ranch last Friday evening and at
tended the bampiet given the tiiuud
Ollicers of the ,1. O. ). F. Lo-lge by
the lleliekus and Odd 1'ellows of Iike-
view. Iler presence was made all tin
more inviting been ii so ()f tu. beautiful
solo she sung as a part of t he even ings
Helow r glvs a report of tint westhsr
ss recorded hy the Government westhsr
bureau station at The Kismlner t lilies.
This reort is changed each seek, ami II
our renders alsh to keep a yearly record
of weather conditions fr future refer
enee, cut out the report along the black
line and pste it In a scrap book out
week after another. This reonl w ill 1
taken on Tncuds- to end each week and
Ix'gin on Wednesday for the next werk
(lovernmetit Weather Itureati Sta
tion at I.skeview, Oregon,
C. O. Mktzkkii, CiHiperatlvs Observer.
Week ending Tuesdiiy, S. t. IS, 1IKMI
Pay nisi ' ii. In. pri-rlp .n'w -hrrlr
(lanmi lull ill liny
ileii. j 41 I O.ISI f iSI clear
tblir. I M I -III I II (HI 00
fnil'.vl .".' j u.isi imi "
suf.v 1 7 II ((.(HI j (Ml
sun. 7"( :ts a no ihi "" " "
nn hi. "f (ill t .im tsi ,T
ViiesT" (;- ""0.IMI ' j (HI ' i leiir""
Desert Arks are on the move theso
days, as f he Summer comes to a closo
and sheep men aie beginning to mnku
prepantt Ions for wintering on the des
ert with their (locks.
The Ka. miner tdllce lias received H
shipment of lino business cards, also
a new lot or ladies' calling cards. Wo
have the latent lu typo faces for print
lug ladles calling curds. Tho Tilfany
Text Is tho latest. tf
I I iml I'roor.
Department of the Interior, Itnd
oirlce at Ivikei lew Dreg. Sept. tl llMHl
Notice is hereby given that Albeit
A. Withlm of Paisley Oregon, has III-
jed notice of his intention to luako
I llmd five year proof in support of his
j claim, vl.: Homestead KutryNo. 'JUHl
made October 1(1 K, for the r-' NK
! '4 Sec. I'.iumtS',. NW'4 Section '20,
Township . 'II S, iCange 17 K W M. and
that said prMif w ill Imi made before
Keglster and Huceiver, at Ijikevlew
! Oregon, m P.'th day of (IctoU-r, 11NN!.
He names as witnesses to prove Ids
coiil iiiuoiiH resilience upon, und culti
vation of, the land, vl: C. K With
ers, of Paisley Oiegou., Stephen (lay
bird of Paisley Oregon, Win. Talor of
Paisley Oregon, J. A. Ilurham of Pis
ley ( Iregon.
.1. Watson, register.
Give your Children a Business Edu
cation. All the essentials of a
Business career taught
at the
Lakeview Business
Rapid Calculation
Knjjlish Grammar
Commercial Law
Commercial Arith
metic Civil Government
Lakeview Business College
Geo. F. Bigley, B. S. Thos.
J. Trodden, A. B.
Lakeview, Oregon
delaine: AND MERINO
I will be stationed at thv Fitzgerald place,
five miles south of Lakeview, with 500 fine De
laine and Merino Two-year-old IJucks, for a limit
ed time
All sheepmen who think of buying bucks this
fall should not miss this opportunity of seeing the
ever brought to Lake County for sale. Come and
look at them anyway, whether you buy or not.
selling elsewhere.
The price paid was in the neighbor
hood of wm.