Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 27, 1906, Image 6

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1-lrst 1'itpt lt c hurch cit' l.rke
I'rivirlilnuSiM-vllrt'Hii 1 1 l:.t.
7: ' I". M. nn i nch Sn'inlii v.
Humbly ScIimi.I 10: A. t
Junior'.ct.v it 2:.m I. M.
)tM)tit Yonnir lopl. 'nli- .it
:." M. on em-h Kuinbiv.
Prayer ih'i'iIhk T.;U, I'. M. o; WV-U
nemlii.v cvciiliiu-,
KwrvlKnl.v I ivltel to Hitt ii'l .iU
crvlecn. A. I'riink slin-', jciour
w. I Unite-I Suites Laud Otllce, Iii ki
..,1 view. r. tmi, August 20, UMl. No
, tice l. hereby givru t lint in compliance
' k b IIk" ' ision oi the net of I'on
; gres i June It, 1S7S, entitled "An
net 'or the sale of tinilHT linul in the
.. SititfMitf I 'all !'nrnl - t Irecnti. .Ncvnd;
ami Wai-hlnfcton Territory," n ex-1
tended t nil t he Public Lund States'
hyai'i o Anient . VMIIiiiin T. j
(nrrott, ' lily, county of KIhmiMIi, !
State o Oregon, Ima this d:iy tiled in
t hia office hi rwoiu statement No.'
.'()7, ,or the purchase of the NW'v I
'KF.4', N'4 SV4-, NW" SW of Sec-1
tion in Township No. Xt S., lnge
i IT K.. V. M. and will offer proof toi
Flrat Ilaptiat t'hun-hnf lSniae.i.Kshow that the land sought is more val
i Nev Pino I 'reek. Oivtiiii. ; liable for its timber or atone than for
TVS , Aisr
iv-lt Sr j I . 1
. . ' . n
i tn rvxme cf tfeMera In
town who do not .sell our
and we will aend yovi c.
.tier of pictures, in color, of
:i to-.Ta of the world, r
Drenching Service t I l:icliie'. .
Miid 7;-'W 1. M. "ti cmc'i Suu'-
every month.
Sunday School nt 10;oVlock A
Prnyer Service nt 7:';o.i'! AWilm
evening of each wwk,
All are cordially Invited to at
the Services.
J. Havden Howard Pas' :
A. M
! .y
WANTED: by Chicago wholesale mid
mail order house, assistant tuanauer
(man or woman) for this county and
adjoining territory. Salary "20 and
expenses paid weekly; expense nvney
advanced. Work pleasaDt; position
permanent. No investment or exper
fence required Spare time valuable.
Write at once for full particulars aud
enclose aelf-addressed envelope.
Chicago, 111. 12t
agricultural ruri'oses, and to establish
his claim to said land tieforo Hi'Kister
and K.'ceiver at lakeview, Oretion,
on Thursday, the Mh day of Novem
ber, ll't'ti. He names as t-s .
S. C. Hamaker, Albert Walker, AValker
I' and J. F. Faiker all of Itly,
Oregon. Any and all persons claim
ing adversely the above descriled
lauds are requested to tilo their claims
in this office on or before said 1st day
of November, 190V.
J. N. Watson, Register. 34
AWAN CO, L -r-v
Br U A Kind Ya m km Botr"ft
Final Pn'
Department of the Interior, Laud
umce ki u.a Review, urtton, AUK' i
10, 1U0G, Notice is hereby given that
tieore L. llolbrook, of Lakeview,
Oreou, has tiled notice of his inten
tion tj make final tive year proof iu
support of his claim, viz: Homestead
r-utry o. mtxle March K. llHU,
for the NF.1.. Sec 6, T. i0 S.. K.
1 K, and S SK4 Sec. 31, T. ;U S.,
li, -V L., . M., aud that aid proof
all be made before Keguter aud Ke-
ceiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, on bep
teiuber JO, VMM. He names the fol
lowing w itnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation
of, the land, viz: Edward ISisbop.
James Bishop, James Mclermott aud
Gordon Garrett all of Lakeview. Ore
gon. ;tt-37
J. N. Watson. Register.'
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Cive Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects th:
dLseasttd uieiubmne. It enrt-s Catarrh and
lrives away a Cold in the Head tpickly.
Ilestores the Senses of Taste and Sfc il.
ij--y ;-i ti Coutaius no inj-trions dru..
Apj)l:'el into the nustrils aud al.sor!eU.
Large Kiz-, f0 cents a: Drugii-1s or
mail ; Tral Size, 10 cents bf miu-.
ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren St.. Naw Yor
ItM-rt Land Final Proof.
United States Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon, August 14, 1900. No
tice ia hereby given that Arthur L
IlighfllL, of Plush, Lake Co., Oregon,
has Died notice of intention to make
proof on his desert-land claim No.
475, for the NE4 SWJ4', SE4' NWy,
Sec 3, T. 35 S., R. 26 E,, W. M. be
fore Register and Receiver at Lake
view, Oregon, on Friday, the -l6t day
of September, 1906. He names the
following witnesses to prove the com
plete irrigation and reclamation of
Baid land : Steve Young, Edward E.
Bond, Nolen E. Curry, of Plush, Ore
gon, and William Smock, of Lakeview,
33-37 J. N. Watson, Register.
On June titb and 7th, July '2nd and
3rd, August 7th, 8th muo hi d
September 8th and Pth, special low
round trip rates w.ii i ii. eau t to
all points East, final returning limit,
yo aays, tut not later ta..u v..ctuier
Colorado common points., $ 50.00
Missouri River, 00.00
Mississippi River, 07.00
Chicago 7-.'.50
Washington and Baltimore 107.00
New York .. 0
For particulars, see any Agent, or
address D. S. Taggart.D . F. A P. A.,
Reno, Nevada.
Excursion Rates Fast.
"July 2nd and 3rd; August 7th, 8th
and 9th; and September 8th and 9th;
special low round trip rates will be in
effect to all points East; final return
ing limit 90 days, but not later than
October 31st.
Colorado common points 3 55 00
Missouri River GO 00
Mississippi River i, .'0
Chicago 72 50
Washington aud Baltimore 107 00
ew loric, 108 50
For particulars see any Agent, or
address D. S. Taggart, D. F. Si P. A.,
Reno, Nevada,.
The trouble with most adver
tisers is that they expect Imme
diate returns or large propor
tions. One prominent advertiser
Illustrates the principle of adver
tising in this way:
"The money expended for
advert Ulnar la th un ns
K plaeed at Intereat. The
profits from the adTertlalas
nre rlrloally the tatereat on
the iBTcatmeat.
"The Bun.3 spent for advertising
are properly chargeable to cap
ital account because the result
ing good will la something that
has value, which. If the adver
tising has been properly done,
can usually be sold for the face
value of the Investment.
"The rate of Interest Is deter
mined by the skill with which
the investment ia made.
"Just as the quickest way to
Increase Invested wealth Is by
compounding the Interest, Just so
the quickest way to realize re
sults from advertising Is to com
pound the returns. Advertising
Advertiser ret good returns
on the amount Invested In
our column Wa reach th
To All Our
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
The American Farmer is he only Literary Farm Journal pub
Ished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. GOODE.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
Two For the Pake of One: The Lake County Exam,ner
The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. O, Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
"" ' N !: I r. ortu ti. Improve
t T in u nt Ilia tllrth.
m; . ; Ncl i n. IUiitwcl;:lit clinni
i c f t!n world, linn turned civic iv-
I " nor, mill lilt cncrirlcft In the future
tv!! he I'.cvutel ti tiplif ili!r mul It,
lrlnff i?n town of hi hirili - llc.n
w I sch, li: 1.. mul cf wnn: mill do i
l.iiliui. k;i;vvn iim the Jumplm o,;
p'.ici," s the rhliM Trllnine.
Uf " out t (In C.- will) t: ,
Mine eir.'.iuslMsiu ihat hil him to !
to; y njrtlust .Ununy Itrltt nnd Voiii'i.
t omen. n:i i n i prcdictiM Unit "run -.
house" timet im In More for tho.t iv,.
MM'VUtlVf 'M'tilUt Wllrt ((lNH
Til put il.ix town in Hhapp If I Inr.
to liy out cnlil the Hlilcrmen mul nil
the prominent cltlxeim." a:ilil the yonii'j
imillst Jmt liefoiv he iniinhiHl upon Moynllmn tit the heml if lil-i
ciuuiulttee of ptihlic fc'lrlteil cltliient.
Nelsiui riHcutly r-rTinietl fmui a two
yoiiin' llhtltiK t.iur of the west. nnt he
reituirkiHl ho unbilled nt the Aiey
stiitl hi mul s.nv the unkempt streets,
the Kt'iiei-iil hopelex.1 ami ilecnylni; n.t
pei t of the place, that It wan no place
for a white man to live In ami he woul.)
Kct luisy.
The tighter had naveil money ainl In
vesteil It In two housed, llilt may
have had a nuctliliiK to do with h:
awakened Interest. At any rate he
mailed a (pilet campaign and found
many wlllius to Join him. lie did more
in a day than most reform organiza
tions (lA In n mouth.
In the afternoon he called a mast
wcetini: of all the yonmr hlade who I
' were pitching iuoitt hchlnd the hlack
sniiili sli . He nlio took In a few har
temlers who were not luisy. the grucer
, and the postmaster, lie nuu.iuuccil
that the llcuewlsch Improvcmeut asso
ciation was Munched and had hlinsclf
cIwIihI ptvslilent. l.osiiifj no t ipe
apoiiited an executive couiiulttet and
siurted out to visit Alderman Moyul
han. As lie marched down the street
at the head of Ills cnuimlttcc erowdt of
boys took up the trail, thinking that a
tl'. t wut a!i ut to be pulled off behind
Mahoiiey's barn. Alilcrmau Moynllian
was peacefully tr. li; ti keep cool In
his oilice when he looki d out of the
window n ud saw the pugilist approach-
"Iion't be afraid. Mr. Alderman."
s.llil NVN.i;i, as be pushed his way Into
the oiliie. "We have i'lt cmr.e dnvi.
to jrlve y u a few Hiv-e-itloiis fur t:.
KoimI of this town. We are K'utf to
have a place to live In after this or
know the reus n why." Alderman
Moynihan wriirsto'd us the fljjhter'ii eye
fastened upon him In a tlxed. determlu
ed stare.
"AnythinK yau want. Mr. Nelson;
anythhuT you want." lie murmured,
"We don't want rnieh," said Nelson.
"I have a i f t! i;.,.s lu re which we
ofTcr tis a hcKliiUi.i,-." lie unrolled a
Jarjio pttpcr and real In u solemn
t f y v v
m , Wllil 1,1, I,). 0,
'Hull Ia. I nit M ..! 4
t ii. kl.
i ,
1 JK
Salt Lake, Denver, Kan
sas City, Chicago' St.
LouLt New York.
Ocean Steniiiei'M between I'ort III in)
mul Sun fniueUi n every flvednyn.
Low Rate
'I'ielteis M snd iM'in all part of the
I'mIi iI .visie. Cii' sd nd,r.iirox.
r pariicnhirk, cull on or nddrecs,
A. I.. Crnljr, CI. . P.,
Portland, 'Crc.
f r
I t III, .
Ui I.l, '
r I. V . Ti
f r
he ll m.
el, iiitini I. i
. e .
. , r. i in
' ' A
i.l ! I . I
M (, li ' I d
.V ..
New Pine Creek,
wo a
h ' t
. Orerjon
l.v. Thrall
Ar. h. nn. i
HO el Mfu A I..
Kali r'k 7 irt
Kl'li Sp'K.7 in
bllln . ..H.lli
I'ukiKmiia ..n
III Max 1st, .
M I v. fi.lieai,,a 10 U M
Ar. Ill- iM "
K I'll Hp'aa II.4U "
" KnlK tin H 11.4 '
Mw llr'gii I'-' ii "
na ii i:wi'U
llirall ...U.4ft
Klamath Spring Special.
Hllllli' M'.-rl.
i n li l r.,1. Inr
A.I', r ' i ! . .
Han i fMiiei. i'
1 en 1111 iNi-
'l San
I,. l Ii
l.v. Thrall I.:i C
Ar. Unit I '.-i '
Kiwi lir'ai'.' i ft '
Fall l'r,li
K I'll r-i'n .4ii
M l.v. K I'll H.'n? 4M-. M
Ar. r ail I rn kt f)
Mil Mr'w UU M
" iivii... . . g.iu -"
llirall,... 8.4A
iiliieriiira In
Tr Irntll line Iihi
I In r n lit .ti
III V lii ai ii l
tllelr Ixi.tiirtlrt alir. m tetii
Imp Ihl. oftier a ear, I mi tin Ir ,
Ureani'ij In ihe rig hi imstntttei'
in. i .1 i i
I ea'l tu-
A rc:il police atation. ulth ronl police
"A fir department that will work.
"Streets jnvod.
"Kleetrle lirhts on the cornera.
"A Btreet car F.vatem.
"Hotter el.i ol tjiillillnpa.
"A t;ool waicr aujiply.
"Jnduertnenta to munufacturers."
"Is that all?" asked the alderman in
a weak voice.
"That'll cnouKh for now," nalil Nil-
son, "(jet us these and we will have
the model town of the went."
t ome around tomorrow. ' said thr
I o Cure a cold In One !ay
lake I. A X ATI VI- liKuMo tl lMNh
'lal'leih. All druiiKi-1- reluml lln-
money if it fiula tu ciir.-. I-;. V tim
aikriiMlure la on each Ihix "'
II. K. liAKaaa, I'rnp'r.
Work Thot Mnat lie Done For Town
Dnrllrri br Ilia Arllala.
It Is absolutely Impossible to create a
healthy race without an abundance of
fresh air, says Outdoors. Keclug that
It Is Impossible on the score of expense
to convert our cities Into places when'
a healthy community can be reared
the railroads must le utilized as never
before to carry the breadwinner rapid
ly between his place of business In the
city and his suburban or country bonn
Along the track of each railroad thai
radiates from the city a series of resi
uentlal parks or Kardeii cities should
bo built extending forty or fifty miles
away, the more distant to be reached
by express trains. These garden cities
should be beautifully designed before
hand by architects who nre also art
ists in landscape gardening.
ine individual cottages will occupy
not less than 100 square feet of land,
or four ordinary city lots, affording a
flower garden around each home. The
avenues will be always curving, and
the village green or city park will bp
a place that gladdens the eyes of all
who frequent It.
A Clean City Club.
When you see a little girl or a little
boy picking up paper In the streets or
weeping up the back yards In the
IIull House neighborhood it Is not a
new kind of game In Chicago. Each
child wears a button announcing its
membership In the Clean Cltyclub,
ays the Chicago Tribune. This was
recently organized by Mrs. Gertrude
Howe Brltton, head klndergartner nt
tlie social settlement. Here are the
Pick up at least ono piece of paper from
the street every day.
Clean your own back yard and porches
and try to Interest the boys and girls next
Keep at least ono flower In the window.
lii) amliing- and clean yourself.
The club Is subdivided Into groups,
each with n captain. The groups com
manded by V.'lll Hillon nnd Joo Kdiff
loul, slx-year-olders, mado the best rec
ord In cleaning up back premlnes.
Watching them, persons of mature u.'ce
becumo enthusiastic In the "great clean
up." "Each child will report to the
captain of his group, and at the end of
the week we sliull know Just what has
been accoinpllslicd," said Mrs. Urltton.
To Republicans
We are uuxioun to have every ICe-
piitillcuu in close touch, and working
In harmony with the iCepublicau Nat
ional Congressional Committee in fav
or of the election of a Keptiblican
The Congressional campaign must
be based on the administrative nnd
legislative record of the party, and,
that being so, Theodore Koiwcvelt's
personality must l a central figure
and his achievements a central
thought iu the cnmpulgn.
We desire to maintain the work of
this campaign with popular subsorlp-
tiou of One Dollar each from Kepubli.
cans. To each subscriber we will send
the Kepiiblicuu National Campaign
Text Hook and nil documents Issued
by the Committee.
Help us achieve a great victory.
James H. Sherman, Chnrmau.
1. O. llox Ml, New York.
Office In Weber 5tore
triage leave I-nkrvicw daily, ex
tvpt Sunday at fl a. in. Arrive
at Aliurna at 0 p. in,
Iave Aliurai for lakeview at
o'clock a. in. or on the arrival
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
rive in I -nke view in 12 hours af
ter IcavltiK Altura.
Freight - Matters - Cilven
Strict - Attention
first - Class - Accomodations.
Western . Stage . Line
Notice to students ami parents.
Owing to the continued warm spell, I
have decided to muko Monday Sept.
10th the opening day of the Lakeview
Business College instead of August
27th, as advertised some weeks ago. I
have employed a competent instruct
or, and satisfaction is guaranteed. I
would ue glad to near from any one
who contemplates attending, and will
furnish full information upon applica
tion, until further notice, address.
11. l- liigley,
Alturas, Calif. finnf fof V
J. L. VADIN, Proprietor.
Office In LlnLvllle Kotel
Klamath Falla.
Daily from rokeirema hv Keno. k'lan.
ath Falls, Dairy, llonanxa, and Uly to
Dally from Lakeview bv Hlv. lintimu.
Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, to Io-kegema.
From Klamath Falls to Keno 'bv
steamer and from Keno to 1'oketrema
over the Sunset Four-Horse ritagn Lint.
Easy Coaches
They Stand Alone.
CUndlng out In bold relief nil r.Jcmt,
and as a consplcuoiiM example of open.
Irank and houc-t dealing with the kick
jml atUlcted, uro Lir. Ivrce-'s Favorite
i-rcsrripLioti ror weaic, over-worked, de
bilitated, nervous, - ruii-ilown," i aln
rackid women, and 1 r. Pii rce' (iolden
Medical Discovery, the fatuous remedy
for weak stomach, Indigestion, or dy
pepsla. torpid liver, or hlllouMic, all
catarrhal affections whether of the
louiacti, Dowels, kidneys, bh tlder. nasal
passages, tlirout, bronchia, or other mu
cous passages, also us an effective remedy
lor an aiseases arising from thin, w aUry
or Imnuro blood, as scrofulous and skin
i.ach bottle of tho above medicines
pears upon its w rapper a badge, of hon
esty In the full list of Ingredients com
posing It printed in jjhrfu Jinalith.
xm iranK ana open publicity places
those medicines n a dust all bv turm-
eiv4, and is tho best guaranty of tbelr
mania, i uej cannot im cissmmi as pateut
nor secret medicines for thev are nelthur
vtvna or muiwn cimyovwum.
Dr. Pierce feels thai he can afford to
take the a filleted Into his ull rnriflilnnra
ana lay an me inured en ta of his mell-
clnet freely before them bee a una these
Ingredients are such as are endorsed and
most strongly praised by scores of the
most eminent medical writers as cures
for me diseases for w tilth theso medi
cines are recommended. Therefor, tha
afflicted do not havo to rely alone upon
Dr. Pierce's recommendation as to tha
cnrative vaine of li is medicines for cer
tain easily recognized diseases.
A glance at the printed formula on
each bottle will show that no alcohol and
no harmful or habit-fnnnlng drugs enter
Into 1 Jr. Pierce's medicines, they being
wholly compounded of glyceric eitmels
of tho roots of native, American forest
ilanU. Theso are best and safest for
.ho cure of most lingering, chronic dis
eases. Dr. It. V. I'lerco rail be consulted
kkkk. bv addresslna' him at liuffslo.
N. v.. and all communications are re
garded as sacredly confidential.
It Is as easy to ho well as 111 and
much more comfortable. Constipation Is
the cause of many forms of Hints. l)r.
Pierce's Phtasant I'ellots cure constlna.
tlon. They are tiny, sugar-coated gran
Dies. One lltllo "Pelliit" Is a penile laia
tlve, two a mild cathartic. All dealers la
medicines sell them,
8. L. McNacaiiTo.v, Prop.
Office at Mercantile Store
Stage leaves Lakeview Mondavi. Wed
nesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m.. arrives
at Plush at 9 p. m. Leaves Tiush Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at fl
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 0 p. m.
rassenger fare 3 one way or 15 for
round trip. Freight rates from May
1st to Nov. 1st .75 tier hundred : row
Nov. 1st to May 1st $1.00 per hundre
A Lively Tussle
with that old enemy of the race. Con.
atlpatlon, of ten enO in Appcndlcitla.
To avoid all bciIoub trouble with
Stomach, Liver, nnd BowcIh, take
Dr. Kings Now Life I'llla. They per
fectly regulato theno organn, without
pain or dlHcoinfort. rr.c ut Loo Deall
HIIEKP llll.41lM.
James Barrv B,r,'d,with8wiiv"orkia
aaiilSO uail right etr for ewes j reverie
lor wetiiers. Burus ewes Bqusrs Crop and Bill
tn right ear. Tsr Brand 111. Hinge, Crane
Lake. l'ontonit e sildrcis, Ukevlew.Orcgoa
Zac Whitwnnh Brniwncropoiriefi
tat II JlltnUltll ar, Half Undurcrop oB
right for ewe! rei erie for wethers Tsr Brand
W. Ksngo, Flub Creek. lontcffloe addreu
Lakeview, Orcgou