BtftUlonnl oa Dutch lunch nt the llrcwery Na looii. tf Mlitrt Hull returned homo Sunday OVrhlllg. . J KuuckelU wont to HtiMim vllln with u I Minl of beef Quaker I'ulfcd lll(H) 1m good. A. M will supply you. H. K. Koozt wiih ini from l'ino Creek lii"t Sunday. Our Shirt Waists Mm up to (Into. No two pnttcrn alike. M. A. M. 1 (lti), L. 1 tdll.ritok wade (liml proof on Inn tinniest end hint Thursday. Our grocery Unit Is complete. Lnd Im fancy golf sweater lit II A M's. Stockmen's supplies of nil kinds Warner Vullcy Mcrciiulilu Co. Ailcl tiu.i I'IiihIi, :w If. " Wu want you to look at our lino of (I rend goodrt, WC ItHHiiro courteous I lent liient. II, A !. doing to tlx iiiIiich? Supplies of nil sorts nt tlio Warner Vullcy Mercantile Co., stores Add ami l'lusti 'M It. Tho laundry IliiHki't will leave every Tuesday for Iteno. Inumlry left ut Itlehcrs Cash Store will lie iittcnU to. Hiimliiy School at the Union School House, on tlio West Side 111 open thn llrst Sunday In October. Every body Invited. The public school of I'liltdey started a week ago liiht iiiouiliiy, with rror. 11. II. Jackson, principal, and Mint Martin iim teachers. V. I Sncllinsg and F. 1'. Light went over to Surprine valley hint Hun day oil business and pleasure trlp tnore business than pleasure. A. L. Thornton, Mr. Allen and Mr, Cuudeld report a Hun time shooting ducks, geese, coyote und other small game over in thn Warner couutry. Some plo think that we are "fib bing". No joking, we are telling you tint truth when we suy that our Full ami Winter drcHM goods are of tin) lat ent patterns. It A M. MIxh Mint Miller will, about IhelMth of Sept. organize a Choral Club for JiMlic from lint at.'" or ! up. -Mho ii Choral Hums for girls between tlm ages of H and 15 years. All those desiring to join such, w ill please call on Miss Miller immediately. :i7 1 mo .State Normal School at Ashlnud begins it atlliuul hexxion the U'ith of September. Inrgn additions to faculty apparatus, library, new water system, ruudern system of heating, strong courw) for teacher, well emiiped train Inn school, good iiiuslcul advantages and opportunity for general education For catalogue, address, II, F. Mill key, President, or, W. J. Van Kcoy.Secretury. X, Oct 15 J. D. Ihtlgrnm of Meade, says coal oil is ail infallible remedy for thn bite of a rattlesnake, and while, in Texan, where big rnttlcHnukes grow, a man, who made n hulsiicss of catching live snukes, carried with liiin only this re medy and that it never failed. He suy soak the wound iuimeidately with tho coal oil and littlo fear may bo felt as to tho result Thin in a very simple remedy and nearly always done, at hand. He says persons goiug pic nicking should ninny take with them a bottle of coal oil louo Proclaimer. State Normal School at Monmouth. Dcgln Kb 'i'lth year September 'M 10OC Three full courses of study. Higher course recognized iu Washing ton and other states. Tho best and shortest way to u ntute and life paper. Additional work in both peneral and ppccial Methodrt; ulno, Hchool iniuniK'c ment for graded and unnraded hcIiooIh will be Klveu thin coming year. Louder terniH, higher waca and bet ter opportunities are open to Normal School directors appreci ate the superior ability of Monmouth graduates., mid tho demand fur cx ceodn tho Hiipply. Catalogue, contain ing full information will e tcnt on W. K. McCorniack wnn down from thn ranch yesterday. Our I'all Hun of Lndlea dren good nro up to dafn patternn II k M. Ilcmdn Mariner haw purchiiMed tho 1. Cloud lot on tho north ftldn of lMh utrei't, In Iiiikelew, for ilWi. Wo hold up our left hnnd and nwenr, that our Khlrt wuMn are new and Mty IInIi. Coinontid look ntthniii. II A M. ThroiiKh ,T. W. Maxwell. J, H. FlfMa o!d to IIckmIk Mariner n 1 acre tract of land on tho dash, aouthwent of town known an thn Cook place, for tWh The deed hna not been Hindu over yet, owing to koiiio littlo Irregularity. Tho' following pTHond have taken out iiatiuallntlon pnpem during the month: Morgan K. Verllng, John M. Flynn, 1'hlllp Lynch, CornelloiiH Fln acaiie. mil lve of Ireland and Montz, Kn'pilst, (UHtKn'tilHt, Frank Lludaht, native of Hwecdcti. Ijim (,'oinlm ha purchuned tho I'alace , leidHuriiiit from Oarrett 4 Ilarrln. The ! IraiiHter win inndo Monday. We un- i derntaiid the outlay to Mr. Comlm was about tl.Vl. Later, wo learn that .Too Lime Iiuh taken tho leHUiurant back and Is now In charge of the hhiiic. J. F. ClarkMon ha received a II-; cense from the Sttito Hoard of Veter inary FxaininerH to practice veterinary ' Hiirgery. Mr, Cliirksoii will devoto hl eutlro time to veterinary work, ' with head.piartern In takeview. Any one desiring Ida ncrvicci should ad dress J. F. Claiksou V. H. Lukeview Oregon. Ho ha hud practice in veto- erlnary work for 21 year mid thor oughly uiKlerhtands the buslnoMS, ren- derlug him preferable to truvellng vetelnary surgeons. JiusiucHS Opportunity A Manugur ' to take charge of otllce aud also do . work lu connection wiiii ingaziiie Subscription Agency otallihsed tweu tv vears. lolu a biiHlnes of fKt.OK) ,.. A hI.h Iu rj.iit rti ul . I blo and expressive In minting people and canvassing, who wil. not object to appoint itig agents and working w ith them lu hi territory. To auch a per son we will pay a mounthly Hilary, a commission, ami also a further inter est In the bufiiies of said territory that wid bring in a parmaueiit return and Income. Address The Homo Mug Miiie, llox 40, Indianapolis, Jnd. OASTOXIIA. Hiv you money to Invttt, property to bt ctrtd tot or tuu$ to M nunigcd? WlO your fMtlih, time tnA private affaire permit you to manage them properly and profitably? You may have the collective Vladom of experienced men la the management of your Inter cateH you cotuullthia Company. It alio receive dcpoeltt Subject to check, and wvlnn accounts Irani one dollar tip, paying current Interest thereon. Acts as trustee In all property relatione requiring such services, buys and sells bonds, cllccts col lections, lends money. In many other ways It can be of service. Call or wrhe (or fret ptmphlet etttlng forth the scope of Its operations. v2AL 117 Waiw. 5t Portland Omr. ; t lUfiim1 l!lli)lf( : si25 M1! I 1 i . $500 Reward 53 The Oregon, California & Nevada Livestock I'rotcctlve Assis'latlon will give .VK).tM) Howard for the con viction of any party or parties steal ing horses, rattle or inulca Isdonglng to any of the following: inembcra of till Association: Cox & Clark, OicM ncan Land &. Cattle Co., Ilcryford Iand & Cattle Co., Lake County Laud & Livestock Co., Warner Valley stock Co.. Oeo. W. Mm pes. Win W. Hrown. teo. M. .lone, (ieo. llunkliia, S. II. Chandler. .1. C. Hodson, C. A. Hehnrt. N. Fln. 1 ho. Mutton, W. A. Currier, I rnnk It. ltauers. J. C. MotchklsH, Calder wood Itro., T. J. Ilrattaln & Son. ,1 lines M. Moore, A. I. Cecil, T. A. Crump, V. 'A. Momh. 1 Creaslcr & Hoiiner, XV. T. Cresslcr Acty it (Jllhain. Hill & Toney. I W. V. Hkiivfokii. I'resld't M. Mi M.Kit, Sec & 1 reita, Okkickiim I II Fin a nth C f W. IMlKltVFOKIt i.m. F. M. (im:i:.N (S. Ii. ClIANDI.KIt application. Address, J. Correspondence Invited. JJ. V. Hutlor, KeglBtrur The Song of the Hair There are four verses. Verse 1. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 2. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the scalp healthy, and keeps it so. It is a regular hair-food j this is the real secret of its won derful success. The best kind of a testimonial "Bold tor over alxty year." A Madv by J. O. iynr Co.. Lowell, Alaa. Aiaa muuioiurora si , SARSAPARILLA. If wl O CUUKKY pectoral. OASTOXIIA. tL . s:J sj... - ii. n La Bears the " una lou nan Aiwarj Deflert Land Final Proof, United State Land OlHce .Lake view Oregon, Sept. "25 l'JOti. Notice 1 hereby given that Alice Mctirath, assignee of George P. Love 'rove, of Lakeview Oregon, has filed notice of intention to uiako proof on hi desert land claim N. u2i, for the NEU' NE'i Sec, IB NWtf NW.'i Sa N WtiNE'i SWJtWSESec. 14 tp 33 8 U 11) E W M. before Register aud Iveceiver, ut Lakeview Oregon, on Tuesday, tho Cth day of November, 11KH). He names the following witnesses to provo the complete irrigation and reclamation of euld land ; Al. Christen of PaUley Oregon, Fruuk Graham of Paisley Oregon, F. A. Fitzputrlck of Paisley Oregon, L. A. Mobs of lakevlew Oregon. 3D J. N. Watson, Register. ii.AL riooi'. Department of trie Interior, Laud Oillce at Lakeview ,Ore., Sop. 25 11MKJ. Notice ia hereby given that Ran dolph Random of Paisley, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make filial five year proof in support of his claim, viz; Homestead Entry No. 2282 made October 10 1890, for tho Wa' 8 V4' NESW!4' & SE4 NW. Section 1!) .Township !H a. Range 17 E W M, and eaid proof will be made before Reg ister and Receiver, at Lukevlew Ore gon, on 6th day of November, 11KX5. Ho names aa witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud culti vation of, tho land, viz; J. K. Hani ster of Pulwley Oregon, .W. Y. Miller of Pulsley Oregon, Dh.ia. Harcua of Paisley Oregon, L. C. Woodward of Paisley Oregon. J. N. Watson Register. 'Opportunity treads upon the heels of achicve&ent." i Mate ready (or ittccrss young man and young womw by equipping your kK with tin knowledge and skill which not only desrrve succrcs but which ao complisli it, in spite of obstacles. J The Holmes Busin."ts College has contributed this to lite success of hun dreds of young men and women: care ful, inlcllicent, painstaking training, to develop the qualities ana knowlc-!ee demanded by modem business rthoJs, and then, after graduation, lending them every assistance in seairii.g positions offering opfxxtunilies for aJ3ncc.-net. J We are proud of the file of letters received from out students who graduated ten, fifteen or twenty years ago. They all ring with a tone of 'achievement' of "success. Almost every one attributes his success lo meth ods, habits and knowledge acquired at the Holmes Business College. You are at lilicrty lo read as many of them as you please. a Our folder idling all about the olmes Business College, the courses of study, tuition, etc, it worth getting and worth keeping. Send us your name and address and we will send it to you free, post-paid.' BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON &TENTH STS. X PORTLAND. ORR. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, Septem ber 25, 1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Perry lams, contestant, against homestead entry No. 2950, made April 28, 1903, for SEV4' Section 15, Township 30 S. Range ID E., W. M., by John W. Chan dlor Contestee, iu which it la alleged that Bald John W. Chandler bas never resided upon said tract and ever since the date of making said entry said entryman has, aud still continues, to desert and abandon said landsnnd fail to reside thereon, and that said alleg ed absence from the said land was not due to his employment la the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States aa a private soldier, . officer, seamau or marina during the war with Spalu, or during any other war in which tho United States may be en gaged. Said parties are hereby noti tied to appear, respond and offer evi dence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m., on November 13, 1000, before Register aud Receiver, at the United States Land Office in Lake view, Oregon. The suid contestant having, iu a proper affidavit, filed Sept.. 21, 1SKH5, set forth facta which show that utter due diligeuce personal service of this notice cau uot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due tnd proper publica tion. J. N. Watson Register. FALL AND WINTER GOODS Our Fall And Winter Goods Are Now Arriving Before'Buying Your Wintir Supplies Come And Look at Our Stock And Get Prices We have the largest and most complete stock of childrenfs school shoes, boys' suits, men s and children's clothing in Lakeview. We expect in a few days to have a full line of Ladies' Fall and Winter Waists, Ladies and Misses' Dress Skirts, Coats, Jackets etc., direct from the factory. Be Sure And See Our New Goods Before Buying Elsewhere. Lakeview Mercantile Company s i OUR HARVEST I1MERY MAC&i is now on the ground. We have a complete line of Mowers and RaAes, also a lull line of Extras. A good Header we want to sell to some good farmer. We have a few Mowers, Rakes and Hay UucAs we are oflering a bargain in. Call and see us, we can save you monej' and give you the best values. J. E. BERNARD & SON DUSTLESS COUNTRY ROADS. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States land office, Lake view, Oregon, August 22, 190G. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the act of con gress of June 3 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa ex tended to all the Publio Land States by act of August 4. 18U2. Robert Cas ey, of Klamath Falls, county of Klam ath. State of Oergou, has this day fil ed in this office his sworn statement No. 3103 for the purchase of the E SE aud S'vNE'x, of section 33 tp.3u S., Range 17 tl, W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish Lis claim to said land be fore County Judge, of Klamath Co., at his off icial place of business at Klamath Fa' Is, Oregon on the 1st day of November lJXHi. . lie names aa witnesses : Chas. Mo Cumber of Dairy Oregon. Chas. Meas lier of Klamath Falls Oregon. Chas. Dusenbery of Bly Oregon. O. E. llad ley of Klamath Falls Oregon. Any and ail persona claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 1st day of No vember 11K. 35- J. N. Watson. Register A Square Deal Is assured you when you buy Dr. Pierce's family medicines fur all the Ingredi ents altering Into them are printed on the bottle-wrappers and their formulas are attested under oath as being complete and correct. You know just what you are paying for and that the ingredients are gathered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native medicinal roots found growing In our American fores tTwwtjvh lie potent to cure are perfeEH harrqjiy4acto the most delicate woinNca WTrnlaTeTi Not a dron '1U L'UUUU ). liTor e v Lire s.- les usedTTT ofalrnhol pnfprTlntn th much ncit.T ul-wh is ns.-.i 1 uiim iuirs useu in nii'in. viz. iij renin! givci-ruie. mis agent possesses luuiuaic mruicium properties oi Its own. 1 .IK- vir-TJ mfi iruiln- NOTICL OF SALiS OF STATE LANDS Notice is hereby given that the State Land Hoard will receive sealed bids up to 2 o'clock P. M. on October t), liXiG for the purchase of the follow iug described School Land, A11 of Section 10 T. 38 S. R. 21 R All bids must be accompanied by a rogular appilcutiou to purchase iu ac cordance with the law for the sale of School Lands and by cash or chock for at least one-tilth of the price offered No bid for less thuu $2.50 per acre will be considered. The right to rejoct any aud all bids is reserved. Applications and bids should be ad dressed to li. O. Urowu, Clerk State Lund Hoard, Salem, Orcgou, aud marked "Application aud bill to pur chase School Lauds." O. (1. lirown, Clerk Stute Laud llonril. Duted this 11th day of July, llkXi. being a most valuable antiseptic and anti ferment, nutritive and soothing demul cent. Olvcerine plays an important part In Dr. Pierce's Oolllen Medical Discovery In tho cure of indigestion, dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart-burn, foul breath, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling in stom ach, biliousness and Kindred derange ments of the stomach, liver and bowels. besides curing all the above distressing allmeuu. the"Golden Medical Discovery " is a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes, as catarrh, whether of the nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels er pelvic organs. Even In its ulcerative stages It will yield to this sovereign rein edy !( Its use lie iiersevered In. In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passages, it is well, while taking the "Golden Medical Dis covery for the necessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse the passages freely two or three times a day with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy. This thorough coursa of treatment generally cures the worst cases. In coughs and hoarseness caused by bron chial, throat and luntr affections, except out umiitlon in lis advanoetl -.lak'os, the "UolUea Medical Dlscnyery " in a most efliiient rem edy, especially In those obstinate, lianu-un coughs cause.! by Irritation and coniresllun of tub bronchial mucous membrane. The "Ills" covery " is not so gxxxl for acute coughs aris ing from sudden colds, nor must It be ex pected to cure, consumption In luadvnncci Mages no medicine will do that hut for a! the ohstlnale. chronic coutrhs, which, if n -leofed, or badly treated, lead tin i cmisiv '. it Is the best medicit.e lha' ''mi ! Aapbalt taetl In Tlaee of Maeadaia on Xm Jrrnrj Illch vr- If the experiment! to be conducted by State Itoad Commissioner E. C. Hutchinson of New Jersey turn ont succcssfu ly, a.s he predicts they will, the day of the dusilcss country road Li at hnnd, nn.l nutomobiling will be given a boom in New Jersey surpass ing even that which Its unexcelled macadam road system uns given It, says a dispatch from Trenton, N. J. Commissioner Hutchinson will during the summer experiment with the une of asphalt Instead of macadam for building country roads. The roads built of this material in the rural dis tricts will not be like the smooth sur faced street pavement of the city streets, but will resemble the macadam j roads in that they will have small broken stones for their principal com ponent, and these will be bound solidly ; together, by asphalt This will present ' a hard surface from which there will be no wearing of small particles to be whirled in clouds of dust In the faces of travelers and In the homes of bor dering residents. Commissioner Hutchinson's experi ments have attracted the attention of road builders all over the United States, who are watching the result with the deepest interest Mr. Hutch inson asserts that the asphalt country road will cost no more than the mac adam, and that Its wearing qualities will surpass those of the material at present commonly used. Within the last few months Commis sioner Hutchinson has been bobbing up most unexpectedly at the scenes of new road operations in different parts of the state. This is the result of the recent acquisition by his department of an automobile, which enables the commissioner to keep his eye on new road work much more readily than he could before. Contractors and inspect ors receive no notice of the commis sioner's approach, and consequently any shortcomings of which they may be guilty la,, the construction are quickly exposed to the gaze of the offi cial who has the sny iu the distribu tion of the state's road appropriations. In several counties Commissioner Hutchinson has pounced down upou derelict contractors aud Inspectors, and he has not hosit?ed to call the atten tion of boards of freeholders to the conditions that he r.iuud. uUJ In some Instances he has exercised hU authority of withholding the state's money until the work was properly done. Commis -loner Hutchinson is ut pres ent payiug p.ii-t.cular attention to ap plications (rc '..te.l to tliii for new roads, lie. k. that only Cie most traveled io.i...i i.-.- .tuproved, und in this way instead or t. lulling ro;id.s that will bene Ht only u small sectlou be Is ac complishing the Joining of tl;e chain of macadam oad crossing the state In all directions. This encourages auto- tuobillng, aud lu consequence the state treasury Is euriched the more by th increase of the receipts of Its auto mobile department. The day of the narrow macadam road, teu aud twelve feet in width, has passed, and Com missioner Hutchinson uow enforces strictly the rule that he laid down when he eutered upou hU olHce that no road less than sixteen feet in width be built in New Jersey. W ANTED: 10 men In . ti travel, poht ii;nH, ml 1(11 M' Mlllllpil'tt tlf Dlir tlii i 7."HK per Uioutll. g'l.lMI expenses. ROYAL si: Ih'pt. W, Atlim Ulock.t'b Hl.ll Wtllt nine hi. I .'ir.v c ! i fur I.Y CO.; Adopta the County Road System. One-half of the Use- i t!u villa-,'-of Munlslng. Mich.. I p.ii.l by (!: Cleveland Cliffs Iron conipiuy This comp.inr ha n -rived t expen 1 $1 fo every dollar ral .-d I Vn f ,, permaueut sheet Irrinvei ;(!, that, lu fue tl. :,-' i thn r, (j of street luiii-ovei: fill wil l . . ilj t, , the con !-u) M'w i'.n,!:i . svhi,- . Muulin I.- lor ie I : :i ( ' nj f . load of the CliMt'liin I riifi'-i 1 1 ,1 oi pnuy. adapted iln .aty o i l i.vst.- Olid vntPil r; 1 e 1 1 1., Ii! ( ,r j(, , Improve-neiit lu (he ountv i