Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 27, 1906, Image 2

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    If. .tf- r
. Vt - ,v . ; V V .t
.. R 1
niMiin i i aft P Ctft "mmmmam-.
Mr. n-'-om-ver win a Ms Charlotta Whiting, a belle of the metropolis,
voted fir '. TtR!rh. tiriTy f1 social position. It was about six years iu:o
that she i -i-iw! Henry lt:i vemeyr. Jrfclrd son of the late Theodore A.
Havenx'v I favor;- :, ycevr of Henry O. Uavemeyer. the sugar trust king,
for whon mii'vi
Photography for the
Half its Former Cost
American Jr.
With Double
Plate Holder
The famous
and .
Genuinely good in
every detail. Film cr
Plates as you choose.
Absolutely new models.
Our facilities enable
us to furnish cameras
of the highest grade at
prices which cannot
b3 met.
Send for illustrated
catalogue telling all
about our 27 styles
and sizes. Free.
ill i
4x5 FOCO
945 St. Paul St.. Rochester. N. Y.
i ,.
Pacific University
Beautifully located twenty-six ciilea
from Portland,
full rejjular college courses.
Academy gives 6trong preparatory and
High School courses.
Conservatory of Music and School of
Art, with superior instructors.
Iiuslnesa branches taught,
tiymnxiium and Field Athletics under
a Physical Director.
Vell-equipped Laboratories.
Library ot" J3.CX) Volumes.
If ealthful social life; religious influences.
All student enterprises active.
,kMM 60 YEARS'
''SS ....
Trade Marks
fcti, j1 DtllttNl
rill 1 Vlf-1 l. n him
Atiron Kr.d1ng iketrh and description mf
auluklr niii our uiiIuiihi tr wLeiher ma
ruuilou i pribblf piieiitabla. I'oniniuiilr.
tHHiaiairiotlTOliddoiilinl. lluitllMiok on I all. J
tent frtw. DUIeal auem y for tournitf iMUeiin.
Umu ibruuvh lluim A Co. rclr
MKtl notU, li huu( cliHrw. ill tua
Scientific Jfticrtcati.
AhudaomalrHliiftrmtKd wwklr. I nriiMt etr.
CulalHiu u mir -liilin l'.urnl. Term, J a
iiw! Inur niunUia, f L bold b all tie1lra.
liraauh Ookm. CA r BU WaatiUmiuu. D. C.
Tor Iafanti and CMldren.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears ta.
"Signature of
Tramp Talks bu
An Educated Hobo
The Sory That Va TolJ of a Satur
day Ni gll -Trouble With the
I lired Man.
Corrlght. IPS. ty Eujrppa rnrwlls
Nil la.itunl.iy nftt'rnoon a I
v;m plotUllnir alontr the
hallway." Mid tlm tramp. ' auiwrlor to Hurley lroi' a ltrvnkfnt
after lie h.iil lu'eti ttmxeil foikl niul that alio would inariT m or
iv rim
UK like a bog for?' demanded the farm
it, as lie roe up.
"'TteoiuiKO lie lina no aenlltnent,' oti
Herreil Mla Fniiny.
" If lie criiut HKiiln do ran tnkn lilm
aolf off.' BiUled the wife, 'Strantter,
ahead with your atory. I haven't lHn
oo excited nlm-e our wood aliiyl tmk
ft re.
" "Two we k passed, kind friend
two of the lonet week alniMi time lu.
pan. Then I rwived a brief note from
Lulu, who hnd bribed a tin peddler to
deliver It. She atatinl thnt alio had told
her father that Hurley Snapa were far
to toll a atory, "I eame nlons to a
fanuh.n:s, with the farmer stuudlnr
at the jrate. I was puaslug by with a
notl t.t h in, beu he ealUnl out for me
to vt and iuli!eil:
" 'S.iy. lo you happen to know any
thing ahsUit a mow in ; uiach'ne?'
"t've feM a few in my time,' 1 re
plied. "What Is the matter with
yours Y
- "Tlmt- what I want to find out.
The th u;: his ;ot tangled :p aoiuo
way and won't work, and I'm lu a ;
stew a'xnif It. Come over Into the
field and take a took at It.'
"I'm something of a mechanic, iiml
I badu't iKiketl twice at the mower
before I naw what was out of kilter. .
- If '
'if .
die an old nmld. Her father's reply
was a box on the ear. A nhe wrote mc
the note she was on the point of teiivluu
the house. She was Rluir nho knew
not where, but somewhere. She bade
me to tlnd her and make tier my own."
" 'And the didn't tell you where he
could Ih found?' aked Miss Fanny.
'"Alas, no! I waited a week for an
other note, but none came. Then I act
out In search for her.'
"And you couldn't I! nd her?'
"I have not found her to this day."
"Tut when could she have jrone?
Where have you looked for her?'
" 'Where have 1 not looked for the
I.ulu of my heart?' I nimveied. as I
wiped a tear from my eye, 'Where nlie
went no man has ever Iwen able to tell
me. I have looked the world over dur
ing these last ten years, but not a trace
of her have I found.'
'She probably drowued herself In
, - - - fi.m ir---y
'I t M ( l I llll.
ika,a v'cjw:
f -J J3 the vlnei:ar bar'l,' -Jiuckli'd the Jealoua
3 S-l ! 1.: .1 .......
uui'u iiuiii.
I "The farmer jumped for him, but the '
'. fellow leaped over the veramla rail and
disappeared lu the darkmss. The
j farmer returnett to bU raalr anil said:
I .. .jv pum, cirls, but that's pilte a
: story. 1 knew this feller was no com
! moil tramp wIhmi 1 saw him comlutr up
I the road.'
I "'It'a a story to sadden the heart.'
added 1h. wife.
' "'It Is. Indeed,' announced the old I
'HI IT .;.u.
"I am) Bvrcxn sir r-icirr."
Iu five miuuu-s 1 had (l.te! it and It
was siujjiir; away, 'le farmer tolj
me to o to t!;e h.ii.e and .et a bite to
eat and wait till he came up from the
hayfield. While waiting I si lit up a
lot of wood, put a uiii;,e uu the wo.l
shed door nud repaired the well euro,
and when tlie farmer and his two
hired me.i came up to su; p. r I heard
the poAxl houscwlte sayln;;:
"'ObeJiah. if this feller Is a tramp
he's the smartest oue that's ever ! een
alous this road. He's done eiuu-h
work to pay for t-tayiu;? over Sunday.
If you can ret him t talking tonight
I'll bet he'll tell something interesting.'
"I had ou a fairly kchmI suit of clothes
and bad had a shave the day before,
and I was Invited to sit down with the
family to the evening meal. An hour
later, when the milking had been 0. :ie.
everybody took seats on the side veran
da, and I knew what was coming.
Several hints were thrown out. nud
then the farmer said:
" 'Stranger, I'm wondering a littie
bit why you took to trumping. Tcr
hap you won't object to telling us.'
"Oa th veranda were the farmer
and his wife, two hired meu and an
old maid Fanny. One of the '
hired men was In love with rv.ii:.y.
and the fact that she had po.. ':i id
me three or four times had aroused
bis Jealousy. When Miss Fanny, who
was the farmer's si ;ter. had sm.led at
me and said she was sure that I had
something of Interest to tell, and when
the hired man bad frowuej at her and
lookeJ -agg-'ra at me, I began:
'"I do not care to give you n:y u.une
Suffice It l't say tiiat my people- ve.-e
wealthy and of high social staat'.ing.
and that I was an only chil '.. 1 . a
my college cducati3ii was camp. ; I
went abroad, and It was while ret -ruing
on the steamer that I fell lu love
with all the ardor of a youug man of
twenty-three. The young lady lu the
case was the daughter of a Hoston mer
chant. She was twenty, and iu looks
and character she was all that one
could ask for In her sex. It was a
case of love at first sight with m both,
and before the steamer reached New
York ve were betrothed."
"'What the devil is thatr asked the
hired man, who wanted to butt iu with
something mean.
" 'It means that they were engaged to
be married, you dolt!" bluntly explained
the farmer, while Miss Fanny looked
at the fellow reprovingly
" 'After a week.' I resumed. 'I went
to Boston to tell Lulu's father that I
loved her and wished his consent to a
speedy marriage. He raised no objec
tions. Ou the contrary, he hinted that
he would feel honored by having me
for a son-in-law. My jeople were will
ing, and for a mouth I was In the
seventh heaven of happiness. Then a
little circumstance changed the current
of two lives. My father was the In
ventor of that breakfast fiol known
as Hurley fcuap-i. Her father was the
inventor of tlmt break. 'ast food kaowu
as Hurley Drops. Ilach claimed that be
had struck the biggest thing on earth.
Lach brought fjrward testimonials,
slurred at the other, and the result was
a bitter quarrel, ami 1 w:.n warn d that
I.ulu could never. ue er nuirry the son
of a liar. My father announced that no
son of his should ever marry the daugh
ter of a fraud, and I fell from happi
ness to black despair. It was the same
with I.ulu. ( was forbidden an Inter
view with her. but she answered a let
ter I bribed a servant to deliver. She
sail she would be true to tnm ta the
hour of her death.'
" 'Humph! grunted the Jealous mind
ed as be swung around on rr".
"Jim William, whit are von fTint-
mald. 'It appeals to romance, pity and
all the more beautiful sentiments In the I
human breast. I.ulu wanders o'er thoj
face of the earth r.nd hourly hopes to
meet you, and yet yon -never meet.' 1
"That Is the case, miss, but I know'
that wherever she Is she bus not lost j
faith In me. She knows I am searching ;
for her. She knows that If heaven J
spares me long enough 1 shall find her
and clasp her lu my nrais.'
" 'James. U there no way yen can
help him?" asked the wife of her hus-j
band. . i
" 'I'd be I'.untcd plad to, str.ur.-er, hlltj
I don't see bow I can," he replied to
me. 'I'll kiip watch of the load as,
mnoh as I can. and If Lulu comes along ;
I'll tell her you were here aad asking!
for her. and I am sun ma will give her j
something to eat.'
"'And s!jC will find a sympathetic
friend in me.' added the old maid. I
"I sighed, rose up im! wandered!
down to the gate. There I met the,
jealous hired man. Without saying a I
word bo b.uili'l oil and made a swipe!
at me. I blocked and swurg my right
and knocked him hit n bed of catnip.
Nest nioriili-g v hea he g t up with a
black eye he explained that he had
run agilnst t'ar cherry tree. I was an
h more I g".e-.t over Sunday, and wheu
Moa l.iy ca: :e I resumed my s'-arch for
the lost Lull. .'" M. yi'An.
D 'tora You Purchaa Any C'Mtt Wrtto
Ma ly Snwlnn Machines ra fl-n 1 1 1 ill ra.-nn.
!n c( yuihtv. but I'm l o:.n' " in i;ilf
: r, Our guarar ty iiovnr ruin uul.
Wi m.ik Scwiiu i vJinr lo :! " a- ..
of t'-r t-oi. Tin "i'W Vmi"h- .-'t'
lii. . 1 1 r' Ulj-.'i.f i nlf (.,.. i, t,i ., ,,n..i
iit.l t- n ii i-rlvi 1 iI."I.-m t,i)j ,
The Sew fi.iiim fewitid Machine Co.
Ofl'ue at the Mercantile Company'"
SUy' Ijftkevii'W, Oregon.
(lood Stock - - . Haay Coaches
I i I v from Lakeview to Illy, connect
ing aHI) Isily Htnue to the rsilron.l.
OffioH at the Bly Hotel, Illy.
R. CASEUIEHR. - - 'Proprietor
Illy, Oregon,
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
LeaveB I.nkeview at C a. m.
every day but Sunday.
lU'turning, lenves Puislcy
nt 0 :3U a. m. every Liy bir
Paaaangcra' art f j. Rur trip t
OPt lCB- Keynnltl A WlngBel.fa. ijkkvrlaa ",
l.M,i , ,,
Vln-'ri lm hi , ,
vrrttt nt Hialr, , ....
ScMi iaij uf Tri'aaury
aVrrriary of Wat
Alinrney (linrral
rwiniaH'r llriu ral
Smri'iarym Navy
SMTciary tntvrlor
Strrelar if Asrlrulinri-..,
Si-ereiary of t'liiiimi-n a... .
riili-l Juatti-a
1 lll'IMlliri' k(HIl'M'lt
t iian, W . Kalrlaiai
i tin ll oo
U'al'a M. Khaw
Win. II, Tall
....Win, . M'Hiilr
, ii'n, II, ( urli l) ml
, t linn J. li.i, art
.. . f. A II l( In
. . . . J mra W IIpiiII
... . V.C, Mnialt
Vi-lvllliiW fiilli-r
Vmiiailun Wariirr, II, H. I'ri rlnii ('intiinlMlutiyf
w, H, llli liarila,.,
... .. Ill "
anil t m IbhIlii tir
K. t'tiaiti ilnlD
.... K. A. Mecra
. . V. I I'i. Hi. f
... . C. S. Miiura
, . A. M.Trau (mil
) . II . Ai'ki'nnan
., J. It. Wlilliicy
... J. W. Hal", y M. iii arm
. . Kulicll
Siiiiri-nni J titlatt
rvrniary ol Sialw .
Allornry (irniral.. ....
Siij.i. I'ii til lo Inalrurllun
Patry a n.t FimxI ("m
I'.H. Rniiainra.
nllTII JI'hICUL lurrai'T.
Jinlgi , It, I., Ili'iiantt
Jollil 8iialor Jnliii A. l.aiK'iH-k
Rn.rrrt.mat:e I " it'. 'm.' i'
Alturiiiy W, ). MiMira
t I. I.,M ori'K'K.
J, N. Walantt .Hi'iilairr
I'. P. SiiIiIit Hni lviT
)H i li h i' r II i'i man
J. N.V1 llllntiiaun
Mi'i r in an
:it rk
St himl Hiipl
stiM-k tiiHiwior ,
TOWN OK I, A t r. V IK W,
V. I.. Kiii'illiig Mayor
Harry Haili-yj
l. I. Maliny t I'liimi'lliiirn
J. w. Tm'ki r I
J.H.I aim )
W. B, HnMi r Ili-i'oriti-f
I A. Hli'hiT. .. . .Tfi-aaura
II. ..iy
K. N. J.iilU
. . . Allien I'i' hi
F. , tmlrom
.... W. I. Weal
... i. Q W llllla
. . r k. Mmirt
r. w. p.-t'i
II l(. Ill ) dm!
. I'au I'. Malloy
Nothing has ever equalled L
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
.at'MPTIOM a.i.a u,iaiol
A Tcrfcct Tor All Throat and
Cure : I .ung Troubles.
Monay back If rt I alia. Trial Botllaa fraa.
Lakeview Cigar Factory
A. ToltKM.., l'rnp.
Maker of
Havana ami
Domestic Ciiars
i .
(iive ilia trial. Ktore in Uie brick
buildiitr next door to 1'oat A Kinif mi
lium akeview. Oregon.
i A Guaranteed Cure for I'iks.
ItchiiiK, Hlind, lllendiiii: nr l'rotrud
; inf Pilea. I)nik.'jri(tii reluml money it
I'AZO OJNTMKNT bdU to cure any
I ciice, no matter bow Imirf atnndini;, in
; (1 to 14 tlavii. Firnt npilientii)ii Rivei
; eUHe and rent, If your lrunt;iiil
j hadn't it rend o(K: in hIhiu' ami it Hill
be forwarded po-t paid by I'uriil Med-
l t'o. , St lmia. Mo.
Mis l.tra "f II.
i:!:e: -i i.:l::!i'I leother re
iirorliu'Iy lis hurled a piece
toasted bre.-.d h'tos the t:Me.
"Oh. th.-it's i 11 r'-;ht:" replied the lioy.
"V.''re p'-e; : !::i:: thl. i-i n biuifjuet."
Vr.M!'i :i..U pot to do with It?" Khe
"V.Tiy. li'i rlvlmr a toaHt," he
answered. i'UViiso Post.
Fntlrrly ailalakv.
f.litir!'. ' -i -;..'.!! I only came In to
M'.:: o..e ii yo-:r con.
Ol "n: :,- f"b. you did. did you?
v.'elV ';s t I t me ketch you doin' IL
i'"- :'.- i' i'-m, you cattle thief! You
city K'ilers t.-il' as If cows waa free
:iu" ilidn't licit anything. New York
Un.hlug Day,
ede: hotel
,MitH. It. M. (Jali.aoiikk, Proprietor,
I?irst Class
Building Hag Been Enlarged '
To Accomodate a Large Trade
Dining Service
A Chance for Speculators.
K'HOOL LAND. 2H0 acreg of level
unimproved agricultural land for Bale
cheap. Diacrintion: 8W, f$y ot
NEJ-i and NWk of REi", hection 10,
Tp.. 39 8.. K. 19 E. W. M. This is a
desirable piece of land, located in Gooe
luke valley and wid make some man a
iixwl ranch
If you are thinking of organizing n
Htock company nee our new munplcH
i if Wall Street engraveil stock certlfl
uti'H. tf
Tho Wall atreet line of eiiKruved
certllleati'H of .s'tock and ltond I dank a
at the Examiner ollice. New Hiuuplo
book riiclveil Monday evenlni;. If
you want atock certlllcateH we our
n k ) h i 1 ;'tn ir p.-ls m. if
' WANTED: Kiatrlct ManauerH to
; poat aigiiH, advertise and dlHtilbuto
iHampleM. Kalery flS.UO wei kly, fil.OO
i per day, for expetiMea. State ago and
I prewetit em ploy inent. IDEAl.SIIICAU
i CO JVJ Randolph St., Chlcngo. Jan.
Z: 4 in.
! "Keep off (loose Lake."
"Or tiHcThoruton'H I'avorlteCreain
or chapped and red nkln."
Iryliif preparntlons simply devet
op dry catnri h ; limy dry lip tho Nucrntioiia,
which adhere to the iuembrumi iiud docora
jK)ne, cniiMiug n far more huoouh trouble than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
iug inhalant, fiiini'a, amokea and snuOs
and uao that which clcaimua, aoothrg and
huAlg. Ely's Cream Hulm 1h mirh a remedy
and will curs catarrh or cold in the hrad
candy and iiloaAantly. A trial nio will bs
mailud for 10 cent. All drngiHta aell tha
50c. aizo. Ely Urothcra, fid Warren St., N.Y.
'J'ho liahu cures without pain, dois not
irritate or catine sneezing. It spreads itaelf
over an irritated and angry surface, relief
ing immediately tho painful in (lamination.
With Ely's Cream Halm you are armail
against Kaaul Catarrh and Iiuy i'sver.
Voice From Upntalrs Mary, I hop
you are getting on with the washing.
Mary Ob. yes, mum. I m Just fill
big the copper, mum. Tatler.
A Roadeai of Vacation,
Tha wicked flea where none puraua
To panturea green and watera new.
In other worda, the very rich,
On whom it la the atyle to pitch,
Seek cool end real where men are few.
Ia private yacht with well trained crew,
In mountalna high above the blue
To every far and coatty ntcha
Tha wicked flee.
Iiaa rich and hence lesa Vlcked, too, .
We acrlmp to buy two weeks of "view."
For fourteen aleepless nights we twitch,
And ceas' l"sly big fans we switch, j
For fa h ri' ht conies with coo! and daw ;
Th- wicked fla'
Cecilia A. l-olrfaui In Lloplncolt's Maf. '
School Days Over
What Next?
Your Ht-hool courw Ih flnltdied. What aro you Koinn; to do now?
Are you one of tho vuHt majority who end their nchool day h In tho com
inon hcIiooIm? If you are we want your attention for a few uilnutcH.
You cun jeet a hlirher education, any kind you want IhihIiichh, tech
nical or K''M?ral ithout leaving home, without kIvIiik up your work for
u HliiKle day, without upend I np: more than you can easily afford.
Do you want to know how?
The plan Ih very Hluiple. Instead of npendlnff your day at a detik, re
cit Inir your lew-orm to a teacher In a blfr brick building, you prepare you
letHoiiM at home, from our outlineH, write the recitation, and send it to us
by mall for correction.
It Ih all done In your uparo hours. You are not tied to any set hour
for recitation. You pay a comparatively miiall sum, and for this we
furnish text books, examination
paper, and competent instruction
until your eoure Ih completed.
Your dally work does not inter
feres with your wtudlcH. You can
earn while you learn.
if you want to know nioro about
our plan, write your name ou the
coupon, cut it out and mull to us.
You rUk nothing but the price of a
ui ,
Broton fitted 1
ClimCpuubriUC rafUma.
Iwi C'i, Uinb Surveyer
tinM i. k., Mcialcsl Cartnaat
oa uuainy (01 ii i,oi. t ki.trltai Eaiisaat
nun b.iuta valca 1 1 v Civil Eoiineaf
"' Mlnlnt Enftnaai
'Ao County JJxnmliwr, Juuo.