Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 13, 1906, Image 1

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NO. :7,
ncssage Read at Boise by
Clifford Pinchot.
No Mrey AvnitaMe nt I're.iciit
Tor Irrigation I'urpucs from
Reclamation I'und.
The follow Iid; iiiiMhton from (In- Pres
ident wat road nt the Foiitoent h Irri
gation Congress, hold nt HolrtC, lllllllO
from September .'I to M, InchiHivo, by
Giif or I Pin-hot. KoriMti-r ;
To Tim Oirioi'iH itn l MiMiilii'i-ri of thi
Irrigation Collgl'CSrt.
Oporut ion under tlm Reclamation
uct, which 1 signed on June 17,
have boon runic I on cuol'gcl . leiidy
during tln lour year sluco Hint dud'.
Tho Ki'i'liitiuit ion Service, consoling
of over liiii sk ill"''! engineer and ex-
I f 1 1 rt ill Various lino, hart been organ
ized, iiml It Ih now handling tin' work
with riillity mi'l i lfi'flivi'iii'HM. Cuii
Mtnii'tioii Ik iilrrmly well advanced on
t wenty-throo great enterprise iu the
arid Stale iiikI Territories. ()v r 1-
IHMI,(lll IM'll'H of lllll.l llllVO Ill-Oil lllili
out for Irrigation, and of this im,il'
aero urn now under ditch ; Sou mile
of rimiiln and ditchcH mul ,'IO,l foot
of tunnel have lii'i'll completed ; mul
, t M n , t m cti 1 1 it- yard of earth uilil
:t,(mn,iioi cubic yard of rook have
loeu moved. Detailed topographic ur
vrya have tii't'ii extended over l'i,mn.t
square inili of country within which
tin1 reclamation a oik lit located, mul
it I, i M inili-H of level liu-a have liecn
run. Three hundred bu , !-
eluding offices ami alooeping quarter
for workmen, have boon eroded by
th rcclamnt Ion service, mul about an
equal number ly tint contractors.
Over UI.imhi men ami about Ti.ixki liors
on uro at present ini'loyil.
Tin- period of general surveys ami ex
uiiiiuat ionn for project in past. Kt
fort I now concentrated in getting
tln water upon n sulllclout urea of ir
rigablo html in ouch project to put it
on it revenue producing basis. To
bring all the projects to t li ih point
will require upwards of tio.oui.oiio,
which itinount, it in estimated, will bo
available from the receipt, from the
disposal of pulilic hinds for tho years
Wo imiy well congratulate ourselves
upon tho rapid progress nlroady inudo,
mid rejoice that tho infancy of tho
work him Immiii safely paused. Hut wo
iniiHt not forgot that thorn aro danger
and dillloultioa still ahead, and thut
only unbroken vigilance, olllcioncy,
iutofc'rity ami ood nonnowill huIIIco to
provont dimthtor. Thoro It now no
quonUon an to whoio tho work Hhiill
ho donn, how it ishull ho dono, or tho
procirto way iu which tho oxtomlituroH
Hhall l0 imtdo. All that Ih Hottloit.
Thoro roinaiiiH, liowovor, tho critical
qiii-Htion of how liont to utilio tho
ioclaimod landrt l.y putting thorn in
to tho hands of actual oultivatorrt and
homo makoirt, who will roturu tha or
triiual outlay in annual inHtallmonts
paid hack into tho roclumittion fund;
tho (juoHtion of Hooinn that tho landrt
aro UHod for homort, uud not for pur
poHoH of Hpocuhttion or for tho Imild
in up of laro fortunort.
Thin (iioHtioii irt hy no menus sim
plo. It in oany to make plana and
upond money. During tho time whou
tho Kovorninont in inakinc a ftroat in
voHtmoiit like thin, tho nion in churno
ure iirulrtod nud tho rapid prbnronn la
commondod. Hut w hou tho tinio oomea
for tho Kovornmont to domand tho re
fuuil of tho iuvoHtmont undor tho
torina of tho luw, thou tho law itaolf
w ill bo put to tho toHt, aua liio iiminiy
' of ita itdmiulHtration will uppoar.
Tho proHHHlnK daiiKor just now
spring from tho doairo of Hourly eve
ry inau to Ket und hold na much land
as ho can, whether ho cau hamllo it
proUtuMy or not, and whothor or not
it la for tho lntoreat of tho tho com
munity thut ho Hhould have It.
Tho proaporlty of tho prexont irrl
fjutod Hroua camo from tho auhdiviaiou
of tho land und tho counoqueut inton
Blvo cultivution. With an admpunto
supply of water, u i'unn of 5 ucrea in
bourn parla of the arid NVeat, or of 40
ucrea elaowhere , la as larno an may ho
Hucceaafully tilled hy ono family.
Wheu, Ihoreforo, a tnun attemi'ta to
hold HKl ncri'H ol hmd coinplelely in i
Hutnil l.y ( iovi'i iimeiil work, ho irt pre
vent inn olhei'H from acipiirini a home,
and U actiiiilly keeping down the pop
ulation of tho HI lite.
Specula) ion In landrt reclaimed ' '
t ho ( ioveriMiii'lit iiiiihI ho chocked at
w hnlever cox).. Tho olijoct of the Ho
cliiiiiut ion Act In not to miik'i money
lillt to llllllie hoiuoH. Thol'olol'o t.lie 10-
ipiireiiientM n( Hid ICiu'laimtlioii Act. !
that the blo of tho farm unit xhall he J
limited in each region to tho area
which will coiiifortiilily Mipporl on.) '
fitmily iiiunt hit ouforceil in letter and I
in Hpirlt. 'l lilrt iloeH not menu that I
tho farm unit hIiiiII ho milf ielcnt lor I
tho prcM'iit. family with It future
Krown children and randc hlMrcu,
hut rat her that during (he ten jeitrn
of payment tlio area iniiine I lor each
fitmily hhall Ihi Hilllcient to nupport
It. When unco Hut farina have lieen
fully tilled hy freeholderrt, litlh' dan
kit of hind monopoly w ill remain.
Thla yreat meet ini; of practical Irrl
Uittorrt hhoiilil kIvo part Icular utteiitioli
to thirt prolih'iu and otheiH of the name
kind. You hIioiiIiI, nud 1 donlit not
that you will, Vivo your etroctnal hu
poft to t ho oll'irei if the ( iovernmelit
in miik i in,' the Hi'i'lamiilioii law coc-
centiul In all reHpectrt, and particular
ly in t-'eltjiiK hack tho original invert'
ment, mi I ha tho money may lie need
iiKuin and aaiii in tho completion of
tit her projoclH and thun in the noner-
at exti-nxiiiii of prottpenly in tho Wot.
I'utll it hat Ix'cn proved that thin
Kreat investment or if IO.inid.imi in ir
rik'utiou iniulo hy tho t ioverument will
ho returning to the Treitrtiiry, it in iihc
ItMet to txpict thut tho people of the
country will comddcr diriwt npproprl
Itt lourt for tho work. Let unlive the
Kochimatioii Service a chance to util
ize t he present invoHtment ft wcoud
timo he: ore dirtciirtniuK Hitch increio.0.
1 look forward with roat coulldiMico
to tho IVrtlllt.
Hy the hide of tho lu lamat Ion Service
there hart k'rowu up uiiotht r Hervico of
not h'Hn intoioHt nud vuluo to yc i of
W!ttt. "Thiii I" tho l'oreht Seri'e"
which wiih created when tho charge
of tho forest rcHei'voH wan trauatorred
from tho Interior epnrtuiout to
tho I )oiiirtiiit'nt of Agriculture. Tho
forest policy of tho administration,
which tho l'Wctit Secrvice in cuaKed
in carry inn out, ia hanod, uh I have
olton hiiid, on tho viorourt purpose to
make every rcaourao of tho forortt re
servort coiitriliiito iu tho hikdient decree
to the ponnanant pronpfiity of the
people who depend upou them. If
over tho timo should come when tho
western forests aro destroyed, there
will disappear with thotn tho prosper
it y of tho xtockman, tho miner, the
lumlierman, and tho ruilroada and,
most important of all, tho small ninth -man
who cultivates his own html. I
know that you are with me in the In
tention to preserve the timber, tho
water, ami tho jtraHs hy usiiiK them
fully, hut wisely and conservatively.
Wo propose to do this through freertt
nud inof.t cordial co operation between
tho (ioverument and every man . who
is iu sympathy with thirt policy, the
wisdom of which no inau who knows
tho facta can for a moment doubt.
It la ikiw loss than two years since
the Forest Service wan established. It
had u nrout task beforo it to crouto or
reorganize tho Service on it hundred
forest removes ami to uacertuiu uud
moot tho very different local condi
tiona und local neoda nil over tho West.
Thia taitk Is not finished, und of
course it could not huvo boou finished
in so short a time. Hut the work has
boon carriod forwurd with euorgy nud
intelliKonc, nud enough has boon done
to allow how our forest policy la work
ing out.
The result of first importance to
you as lrriutora ia thia: The Forest
Service haa proved that forest fires
can be controlled, by controlling thorn.
Only oue-touth of 1 per cent of tho
area of the forest reaorvea waa burned
over in HK)5. This nchlevoinont was
due both to tho foroat. Service nud to
the directive ussiatnno of Bottlers und
others iu und neur tho reaorves. Kvo
rytlnntf tho Government has ever
apont upon ita foroBt work is u smull
price to pay for tho kuowlodtfo thut
tho Htreums w hich muko your prosper
ity can bo and ure beiiitf freed from
tho ever-proaout threat of forest firea.
Tho lonKstunding and formory bitter
dilferaucoa between the Btockmou and
tho foreat ollloera aro nearly all aettlod
Those which remalu are in process
of Bottlemout. Hearty co-operatlou
exists almoat everywhere botwoen the
officers of the forest Sorviee and the
local aaaoelatiou of Btockmeu, who are
appointing advlaory committos which
are ByHtomutlcully cousultod by the
Swanson, Akins and Foulke All Here to Buy
Lake County Beef Cattle.
('. Suhiihoii bought about .'1"0 head
of beef from W. T. (dressier Tuortday,
at I'Au Valley. Included in the band
went Hovoral head beloiik'inK to ranch
ern near Cedarvlllt'. Tho prictt paid
watt iu tho neighborhood of fi'i cents.
Mr. Akin, who is in this county to
buy cat tie, stated to an Kxamincr re
porter a few dayrt ntfo that he hud pur
cliitrtrtd about N head of beef ou
the Klamath Murh uud Silver Iuke
counry. This lot of beef will probably
Ko to tho city to the Western Meat Co.
of which Co., Mr. Akin in u stockhol
der, and he will buy about 1M) to put
ou hirt much at Tule Lake, the old
Carr stock much, Mr. Akin saya bo;f
l-'onv-t Service on all utieslions
which they am concerned.
This most satisfactory condition of
mutual help will be its welcome to you
as it ia to tho Administration aud to
the stockmen. To the stockman it
means more, ami more certain, grass;
to you, iiecause of tho better protcc- .
t inn nml wiser use of tho range, it j
moans steadier stream-flow and more'
Tint sales of forest-reserve timlicrto
settlors, minora, lumbermen, and oth
er users are increasing very rapidly,
and in that way also the reserves ure
sueeoNsfully meeting a growing need.
lunula in tho forest reserves that are
more valuable for agriculture than for
forest purposes are Wing opened to
settlement nud ent ry aa faat us their
ugric ultural character can bo ascertain"
ed. There la therefore no longer ex
cuse for saying that tho reservea re
tard the legitimate set I lenient and de
velopment of the country. Ou the
contrary, they promote and sustain
that development, and they w ill do so
in no way more powerfully than
through their direct contributions to
thv schools and roads. Ten per cent
of all the money received from tho for
est reserves goes to the States for tho
use of the count ioa iu which tho reser
vea lie, to bo used for schools aud
roads. Tho amount of this contribu
tion is neary 870, 000 for tho first year.
It w ill grow bteadily larger, and will
form a certain and permanent source
of Income, w hich would not hnve been
the case with tho taxes whose place it
Finally, a body of Intelligent, prac
tical, well-trained men, citizens of tho
West ia being built up men iu whose
hands tho public interests, including
vnur ow n. are and will be safe.
Ml )u..t results aro eood : but thev
have uot been achieved by the Forest
Service alone. Ou tho contrary, they
represent also tho needs and sugges
tions of tho people of tho West. They
embody constant changes aud adjust
ments to meet these suggestions and
needs. Tho foieat policy of tho Gov
ernment iu tho West, has now become
what tho West desired to be. It is a
National policy wider than the bouu
diuiosof any State, aud larger than
tho interests of any single iudustry.
Of course it cauuot give any set of
men exactly what they would choose.
Undoubtedly tho irrigator would of
ten like to have less stock on hia va
tetsheda while tho stockman wants
more. Tho lumberman would like to
cut more timber, tho settler aud the
miner would often liko him to cut less.
The county nuthoritis waut to boo
moro mony coming in for schools and
roads .while the lumberman aud atock
man object to the riae in value of tim
ber aud grass.
Hut the interests of the peoplo as a
whole are, I repeat, Bufe iu the hands
of tho Forest Service.
Hy keeping the publio forests iu the
public hnuds our foro&t policy substi
tute tho good of tho whole people for
the profits of tho privileged few.
With thut result none will quarrel ex
cept the men w ho are loaiug the chauce
of personul profit at the public ex
Our western forest policy is baaoed
upon meeting the wishes of tho best
publio sentiment of tho whole West.
It proposes to create new reserves
wherever forest lauds Btill vacant are
found iu the pulic domuiu, and to give
the reserves already made the highest
jare in tood condition thia year, and
: k'rowern are hord to meet on prices.
' 1J saya that cattle In Kast'-rn Orr
Hon and NorthiTii California are much
better nrade, hirK;r and in bettor
condil ion than the southern cattle.
Hi; stated that he had handled the
XL beef every year for 15 years and
the Improvement iu grade from year
to year ia marked.
K. L. Foulko of Gazelle, Calif., ia
registered at Hotel LakcView.
(! Swimson 1ms purchased 1."0) h-t'td
of beef cattle from the 7T cattle Jinn
iu Warner. Neither Mr. Swanaon nor
hir M iiler would give out the price,
but a rood uesser nt the figure Hot-e
uroiin 1 ii1 centrt.
possible usefulness to all the people.
So far our promise to the people in
regard to it have all I een made good ;
aud 1 Uave faith-that thia policy will
be carried to auccessful completion,
because I believe that the people of
the West are behind it.
Sincerely, Vours,
Theodore Roosevelt.
Will Build to Lakeview.
Tho o.iitor or the Klamath Fulls Re
publican gleaned some important rail
road news from prominent railroad
men w ho visited Klamath Falls recent
ly and regardless of the denial of an in
terested party, which denials are al
ways forthcoming, all indicatious
seem to substantiate what the Repub
lican outlines aa the future plans of
rait road builders in Lake and Klamath
county, iu Oregon, aud Modoc coun
ty in California. In speaking of the
proposed railroads into Klamath coun
ty, the Republican says:
"A prominent factor in this propos
ed liue to this baisu is the electric
line that ia contemplated to connect
thia city with Whitelake, Merrill, arid
Houan.a, and which ia being pushed
by J. 1). Carroll. Its entrancei nto the
arena haa been comparatively recent.
So recent, that its proposed extension
to Lakeview is not generally known
and positvely denied by Mr. Carroll.
Hut the road is going to be built to
Lakeview, aud it is this proposed ex
teution thut let the ".nt out of the bag.
Wheu tho Portland excursionists were
here, amog their number were several
gentlemen from Portluud, Everett,
Seattle, aud Tacoma. Ostensibly they
availed themselves of the opportunity
to visit thia section with agreeable
companions aud under such circum
stances. The real purpose of their
i vit,it however,
was to seo Mr. Carroll
examine his project, visit various
1 points in the basiu, Lakeview, Hly,
and Alturaa. Their actions aroused
consuleurhle specualtiou at the time,
and investigation produced tho follow
iug resulta :
The N. C. & O which is a recogniz
ed Gould road, and which is now
; building to Alturaa, will be extended
I to Lakeview, where connection will
be made with the Carroll road and
give entrance to the Klamath buaiu.
From Lakeview the road will be ex
tended to Hly. From Hly it will be
buiL to u low pass iu the vicinity of
Diamoud Lake, thence down the Ump
qua valley to Uoseburg aud on to Coos
Hay. The reported control of Corval
lis & F.astern, said to have passed to
the Gould interests, appears to be er
roneous. It is tho Hill clique thut has
beeu figuring iu thia property. The
road ia to be built from Idauuh to
Ontario, with a branch to Lakeview
via Harney, where it will mnke conuec
tions with the Western Pacific uud
tho Carroll road. Connected w itu this
proposed extension of the Northern
Pacific is tho present activity of the
Weyerhaeuser lumber company in this
section. Tho president and many of
the prinicpal stockholders of thia great
corporation uro diroctors or stock
holders iu tho Northern Pacific The
inimenso Walker holdings in te North
era part of thia county and exteudiug
ou to Priueville, have boeu either
pooled with or purchased by tho Wey
erhaeuset company. A further plan
is to exteud the Klamath Lake road to
this city, where, through tho Carroll
road it can secure uu outlet to aud
connection with the Western Pacific
and Northern Pacific,
Mr. Carroll wan iu the city Tueaday
afternoon for a brief period and when
questioned in regard to this propo.-od
association of hia enterprise with that
of Gould, and Mill, he most emphati
cally denied it. He further denied
that an extension of hia line to Lake
view was contemplated. However,
when it was pointed out to him that
the movements of hia recent visitors
were well known aud that, it had been
positively stated by those'who aught
t o Ite in h position to know, thut hia
line would lo extended to Lakeview,
he appeared somewhat embarrassed,
aud then hedged behind his old state
ment "1 know absolutely nothing a
bout it and have not a word to say".
In view of hit determination to be
silent, it was not possible to ascertain
why Mr. Swartout of Everett made
such a close examination of his pro
posed route and plans, aud visited lily,
Lakeview, and Alturaa. Why Mr.
Hew itt, reputed to be Washington's I
richest resident, did neary the same
thing. Why that Washington engineer
was here for the purpose of making an
examination of the country and why
that examination extended to Lake
view and the Diamond lake country.
These and many other questions of
direct hearing on the question he
declined to answer.
Hut notwithstanding his reticenuc,
that before three jeara roll by this
city will have connection with the
Northern Pacific aud the Western Pa
ciflc railroads.
Plush Plushery.
Plush is just foaming. Haying is in
full blast yet, and will be in this vi
cinity until snow flies. Plenty of hay
plenty of cattle , horses and sheep.
Plenty of generosity and plenty of
good prospects in gold from the mines,
yet the Cedarville Record says there
is nothing out here but wind. Now
who or w hat is this Cedarville Record?
If I am truly informed Cedarville is a
one horse town over here across the
Oregon line iu Modoc County Cal.,
where the branching shadowey Cedar
shakes uot. Where no sweet linnets
sing, but the fierce eagle is king. It
ia u dreury spot It has a one mule
paper called the Record, and a very
poor record at that, and by all ac
counts the Record is run by an uncle
to a mule. Oh what a journalist and
what a desecration on the grand field
of Journalism. I should not wonder if
the disgruntled spirit of Horace Gree
ly and C. A. Dana, aud even the liv
ing Duisy Smith of Lakeview, would
riae up in their wratk aud each armed
w ith a wet rag beat poor neighbor
Stanley to death.
He criticizes our miuea without
1. ! n 4 l i . . .i I w- i , , 1 1 nit mnM !
KUUnlU, a LUIU auuiil lucui) iuui
than he knows about Journalism; why
dont he come aud investigate? No, he
is jealous aud would like to keep all
the blow aud wiud at his side of the
mountain and besides, we are told, he
is too lazy to investigate anything:
That if the great fire of Frisco or the
fire of Vesuvious was at his heels, he
would scarcely move. Poor Stanley I
R, I. P.
There is being a good deal of assess
ment work done at the mines and new
finds have been made, that nothing
has been reported, aud the local solid
men, that own good claims., want no
wiud, or anything said about them.
Outsiders and Adventurers does all
the talking., also malcontents of the
tramp class who expecta, when they
come aloug, some one ought to have
a bag full of nuggets ready for them
to puck otL There are some men here
from the East representing lota of
capital, who waut to buy several
claims, aud there are several people
prospecting ou the head of McDowell
and Twelve mile Creeks, with good
reports. There is strong talk of run
uiug aud building an Electric road
from Plush to the mines, aud out as
fur as Juniper Mountain, to the Salt
petre discovery.
Most Obsequious
McCarthy Come Down ,
Was a Saddle Horse,
The meager report of au accident
which happeued to Miss Mabel Wible
of south Warner last week, caused
the examiuer to make a slight error.
We stated, as the word came to us,
that Miss Wible was driving a horse
which became uumanagoable and ran
away, w hen Miss Wible waa riding the
horse tryiug to head oil another horse
in a laue. Her horse stumbled and
fell, throwing her. The horse regain
ed hia feet and started after the loose
animal aud rau iuto wire feuce, cut
ting his windpipe and jugular voiu.
The horse wub a favorite of the Wible
Will Open Next Monday,
September the 27th.
A Business College is a Direct
Road to Succee- -Grasp the
The Lakeview Husinesa College
is established, as the name pur
porta, for the purpose of affording
thorough education in business practi
ce. The advantage of a commercial
training is apparaut to all and cannot
be overestimated. It enables the
young man or woman to secure easy,
congenial and lucrative employment
with numerous opportunities for pro
motion. The course of study neces
sary to fit one's self for such a posi
tion require little time, ita cost is
moderate and its results are a lifetime
Professors Bigley and Trodden, who
are in charge of the college are recom
mended instructors of much exper
ience in the teaching of commercial
An invitation ia extended to the
parents of pupils and to other inter
ested persons to call at auy time for
the inspection of equipment and ob
servation of teachers methods.
The commodious college building is
well lighted and ventilated aud ismod
ern in every lespect. It is furniahed
with all the necessary paraphernalia.
The school year consists of two
terms of five months. The. first term
commences the second Monday in Sep
tember. The course of studies includes the
following subjects: Bookkeeping,Sbort
baud, Typewriting, Correspondence,
Commercial Arithmetic, Rapid Calcu
lation, English Grammer, and Compo
sition, Commercial Law, Civil Gov
ernment, Penmanship, Spelling and
Elocution. While the last named is
not essential to a business education,
nevertheless it is so graceful an accom
pllshment that a knowledge of it is
desirable. Its study is optional with
the pupil.
Several Smith-Premier No. 2. Type
writers of the lates pattern, have been
secured. This machine is one of the
most reliable made. Its clearness of
print, the noiselessness of operation
and the absence of the troublesome
"shift key" are reasons for ita great
Tne Graham system of shorthand, the
system taught at this college combin
es, in a marked degree the two requi
sites of speed and legibility, and is
used by thousands of stenographers
throughout the country.
Attendance duriug oue school term
guarantees proficiency in stenography.
Bookkeeping both single aud double
entry, is taught along the lines laid
down by the Williams aud Rodger
texts. The Budget system is used in
conjuuetiou. Business forms, such as
checks, drafts, notes, bills, receipts,
to., are in actual use by the studeuts,
the work thus becoming simplified and
the Impression more lasting.
The other subjects are taught after .
the most improved methods and abso
lute satisfaction is guaranteed.
The terms for the complete course
are ten dollars per mouth, payable in
advance. Books, blanks and station
ery sufficient for the eutire course may
be procured for a sum not exceeding
fifteen dollais.
Evening School
An evening school will be opened
for the convenience of those who are
unable ti attend during the day. The
course aud terms are the same as stat
ed above.
Pupils are instructed individually.
It has been frequently demonstrated
that woik in classes benefits only the
The rapid learner is retarded, while
the pupil who finds difficulty is, in
a measure, neglected and becomes dis
couraged. Iu this college each pupil
is advanced exactly as his capacity
warrants. This method insures best
results. Special attention is given to
those who are deficient iu the elemen
tary branches.
Hours. Day, 9 to 11 :45 A. M. 1 to
3;:iOP, M. Evening, 7 to 9.