Bow t ' r A Mow Club ferule I .nrr'n l,r"':.' IV" mlu i" ie On HE IS - GIVUM A IUOLK . lVilitlc.V (t Tumi Out Jn t I low I I. r I i Mrs, Vurr I I..II Vv'ai ...I J. f ..! 1 1:: ! i, I "I Mil you in, gAU'T iihI.i ,1 v i'.ll' '('II i:,, at tlm Mr i I'.m - r ii I'll' oilier e .... ti .ii ..r Mr, I'.-.w- , en.i.i:. . d...iig." "I li:i . ho r 'ni In) l'''!'.!'''!. '"Sin1 w ix in ln'i'i Wlllilcd li i I i emu tills VU.g Mid 1 ii i, i . n . s t n- i a i I m it I i her Iimiimi) i iiii.Im. I partly troliil . --i l,-r ' " ml rliu iMn'l have d il:i II I'li iifi'iui' II llii cetnii;i " 'oiil.ln't x.pii pnl i n.TV to until' up lun l.i i'V-i " "Til. 'II filic'll llMVe l I v I'M fleeted II III' 1'il.lT I'f III'1 T luivu Slic wiiutu j i I've liern j s. I.. Hub fll in il I I n )ii 1 1 I Hilt r !! 1 1 iir to l0 Initiated, i Imp ilniii'T N ml ready." "W' klii'l of" ii liili In If;" asked MM. It -IT II ,' Ik' f !.IWe. him down tl) tin' dlliltlg lu.nn. "It Is rim. p iit'ii nt prntecmrs, sa vant Mini philosophers. It wn this r. u ! 1! "To t IMI lilt. :iV'.l II Kl I.I, Kirip-'i cN Tin Hull tliill M'lllr.l ii f ;k t Hint a rnt'a Nvlll .kers llelji Iht to he. III I In' llltrk. I In I r.iilier In- n iiu iiiler of iln 'I'. S. 1. Iliaii to In- rl'-i ti'il to iMiiir.H.s." "Ami v. h.u 1 1 Hie mime of tlio rtllV "lli" TimiiIit i j f In if l.nmlis." rrr llruril nf Ilic lul, Mrs. 11o.-.t ri'll 'i tcil 'r a moment niul then Mii'l: "I lieM T 1 1 . . j r " I of rilh'll II Hull. It iloehll't heem In me liny illnlllej ,11'ofeHnr Xi'illl'l Joill Mlell II II orKUIlUit- (Ion. Are Jon 1 1 ii i l certain tlitit It Nut u lot hi i' I lows ulio want to tuy JouV" "(!uy me! " lie Imtly cxelalmeil. "Mr. lloHM'i', .ou eni id fori.'''l who I ma. lo I li'Oh like a man Unit anybody v on 11 tlnre ku.v V" "Hut till Joini'il lln Ahi'leiit llurh Marines, iiml liny inailn you tlanee an J fcliij;." "Nrver! Ni'icr In this world!" "You joined tin.' I lonoialile Illuck Cl'OWH, niul tliey iiunle you Ma ml up on n rlialr mid raw." "Wonian, an) you HiiyliifjV" "And you Joliiei! tin; Very, Very Au elent .MosHliiiekN, niul they luado you drink iln V" I" and (lieu rolletl you 111 A Miowdrll't. Vuu told mo nil about It yourself. 'J'liere Is no knowing wbt these Tender Spring I.nmlis have lu utoni for you' "I liav lierii !i'e(cd u iiumiiImt of tlio T. H. I..." unld Mr. ltowser U8 h tuiiked on the tnlile with the liandle of Ills kulfe n ml looked very deter mined. "1 have liei'ii notllit'd to reiiort this evtMiliijf for Inltlutloii. I nIiiiII re jmrt. I hIiiiII lie Initiated." "Very well," replied Mrs. ltowser. "I know you would enjoy tlio evening at tlio Greens', Imt If you want to ko off mid ranter around mid let folks make Kport of you I have nothliiif more to say." Illil IV of. Say Another Word. Mr. Jtowser's face went co red that nho looked for a stioko of iipojilesy, but lie iiiiinnm'd to lianjf on to liliunelf and draw luick from tlio m'ave. Not nnolher word waa nald during tb meal. Uieu It was finished hIhj said: "I will ko up mid lay out a clean shirt mid your Sunday milt." "You need do nothing of the kind," ho Biilklly nnswerod. "Tlio old guy hasn't got so old that lie can't heljj himself." Bho entered the Billing room, and u passed upstairs. When ho cunio down half mi hour later alio was feeling aor ry that bIiis had nuld what sho had, and uho therofore observed: "Well, I hope you will enjoy yourself and come homo und tell mo all about n." "There's no u.o of your Bitting up and burning tlio pus. I may not ba homo until midnight." "Weil. I will at least leuve u light for you. Iou't go nwny mod nt mo." "I am not nuul," replied Mr. llowser, "but when you treat me ns it I wora only a child I cannot help but resout It You ou;!it to understand by thla tlaio that men would ua aoon think of guying tin car of Husslu as me. If It mmmm liuinpu Skinner as A Horse Watcher GrU Along All fy.t Until ImiJ lloyn I.itcifcre. S(1Ut (I'opyi'luM, pm;, l.y lloin'-r f'irnim.j lluinpy HI, In in-r win f'tliif to f!i linnl ware slme tin- other morning nft IT II paper of carpet Licks w lien ii innn. driving M 'ill' ti.rse witk'in, Mopped fit l.'io cnili iiml snl.l: ! "Si'i here, IhiIi, If you'll mind tuy , liofv fur n few minutes, vhile I get n ' shave mill ti liiiir rut, I'll give you n tilckcl." "I will, sir," whs llio reply. "I iluii'l want lift fooling around, in 1 1 1 t yuu. You Jii'it iittrii'l to the horse llli'l keep out of tlii wncoil." Humpy lii-rulrii'ily replied (Imt lie would m "''" 1 Uic horse wltli IiIh hfe, niul ilic mini put tin end of ihe hitch ing strap Inio 1 1 1 - IiuhI niul went his way. It was ii'it inoic linnl three min utes Inter when fi.ur or live boys of Humpy's iii-'piiiiiitniiri riuiie along. "TI W ..X - s , i - a ,VH X lllMI'AW JfMl'l I A 1.1, OVr.ll They wen- on their wny to s e a goat I'flnii; hlskei'H t "lie .f tlieiii and sine h!a with a e.'iielle to make them :! an 1 ililekT. grow I "ii' "What j tllem It . Hie "V .Hi Inn "(VlM'li'':. ;,!'. i i u il'iln'i" elOl-.d lllilt' II Il'irse." the o I.erV j'l't Miavel." 1 one of d. eplled Humpy "How I MIl ll you g t get?" "A ni. I."!." That Kettle I It. could wait. They yearn, mid II. ey Linger. "'I'lil-t In a 'I'!."' i.u'i whi-kern l::i S waited fur four ereild wait a . year (lay f.r you. Humpy l ' iig';e:.t liny ho Skinner," .s.iid the looked at the leTSi wnteher In a spirit or envy. "( Ui, I've wati li' l hor.-iM before. I onee walelied a h n-.e who had kicked a cow to death. A not tier die Lad been bit by a tnad dog mid Iiml a game leg on him." "l'LcwI I don't believe Christopher Columbus ever lial i.ny Mich adven tures as that. Humpy, yni lire goln' to be a great man when you grow up. I don't believe it'll be a year before you will dare to throw stones at a polli e num. Can I snio il'i the horse's no-a-V" "I wouldn't try it If I was yuu," re plied 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' as lie grew more Impor tant. "If lie di'iu't like the smell of your hand he'd rear up and run away. I don't want three or fe-r persons kill ed around here, you kn." "No, that's no. There hain't many lioys us thoughtful as you are. Humpy. Io you think this hor-e Is what they call on Arab steed?" "Of course. Can't you see It stick out all over hiin? I'.ool; nt that eye." "It's got a tear In It." "Well, don't oil Arab steeds have tears lu their eyes? That's tho way to tell 'em from Leghorns or Shanghais." "Do you think tills Arab uteed ever went iHUiinling over the desert?" que ried boy No. n. "For sure, Jimmy. There Isn't tho slightest doubt In my mind that he used to career mid career. Why, you can see sand In his feet now. I'm tell In' nil you boy a that It's on awful re Fpon.sililllty to be put In charge of an Arab Rteed." "I led a goat cue time," put lu boy No. 3 as ho crowded forward to get a fcharo of the glory. I lumpy looked down upon him In lofty contempt, but ono of the others boxed his ears and warned him to keep quiet or take the consequences. All Btood back mid looked at the horse In a sort of awe for two or three minutes, and theu Jimmy enld: "Wo had all about l'liny lu our school lesson the other day. but It didn't say that he ever watched a careering Arab tteed. That means that Hump Skinner Is n bigger man than l'liny was. If ho keeps on this way, where Is ho goln' to end tip?" This was n poser, and tho boys were meditating over It when a policeman camo muiiiterlng along uud halted to ask: "What oro you boys up to now?" "Watchin' this Arab Bleed while tho man has gone to get shaved," answered Humpy for tho crowd. "Arab cow, you menu! llo'll be In tho bono yard In n month from uow." Tho ollicer gave tho horse a poko In tho ribs wlUi his club nnd passed on, and u moment or two later a butchor boy with n basket on his arm baited before the crowd and deninuded: "Now, then, who's went und gone end harnessed up this old ekin and bones, uud what's he dolu here?'' "lie's o-nil'idln' of his business," rt (dleil Humpy, whose feelings were hurt Tlio Kind You Ji.ivo Always noulit, ami vvlilch liat been fn for over ;( jniH, Iiiih borno tlio Flgntitiiro of - (wm! Jisif been liKKloinwler IiIh per f yj-ffi , al miHT InIoii hIiu-o Infaiiry. WuzSyy, UtUb'. Allow no ono todo--ivo j on In tlilM. All Coiintt rrcltH, ImltatloiiH anil "Just-aH-Koml" ar but )xp-rlin'iitt that trlllo with and endanger tlio health of J n l'un 1 4 und Children Uxpcrlcnco agaln.Ht I2xpt-rlnicnt What is CASTORIA Canlorla Is it liarnilc nubNtlttito for Caitor Oil, Parcv Krl-, Drops and Hoothlnjr Hyrups. It is IMeasaiit. It mtalns neillier Opium, Morplilno nor other Narcotic foilmtaiicc. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroyn Worm mid allays IVverrshness. It cures Dlarrlm a and 'Wind Oolie. It relieves Teetlilnff Troubles, rures Constipation ami rial iilency. It usHlmllates the. Food, regulates tho SIoiiiik h und Itowels, f?ivli(f liealtliy and natural (sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's I'liend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Thi cc mtaum eoMHffV TP EE IJEEP, AlUTION. PORK, SAUSAGE, E'lC, w ALWAVS ON ..Lakeview Meat Market.. JOHN WKNDKLL, rioprietor AT PKIiENT LOCATED jl. I5UILDINO NOPTH OP sxx Nature's V'onJrus Handiwork a.-fc tt-m" -1 a " f H'o:vlP ,- J v 9 Throngli Utah and Colorado 'a(lo (iate, ('non of the (iraii't, IllHi k Canon, Marshall and Tiiinn nee l'vn"i. ami tlio Worhl-KHMioii SRoyal Oorge5g I'ar I.-s-ritivo nil IlluitratvU l aiui-li-lots, wrilu lu V. C. McBrlde, Oen. Agt. l.'t Tlilrl Stn-i't I'OKTL.VM), OR. OASTOIIIA. Boari tb Kind You Hate Ahv.irc BorH THE j. iju j v i a LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER i : ml LTG5r LND AND ST0ZK NSWS EIQHT PAGES LOCAL AND COUNTY NEWS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. ESTABLISHED IN Signature of muhhat sTHf ct, ni Town crrv. HAM) AT THE HOTRI l Ak'l-V.AV TIMr. I Ki. Ktli'Ctivt' May LMih, l.m. 9:1.'. A. M I.v. i I ' :'i) X M. I.v, l;12 I'.M. I.v. t I'. M. Ar. 1:0" I'. M. Lv. S:J I'. M. Lv. c "::!! I'. M. Ar. ii I -JO P M I.v. 3:ool M. Lv. e i:'5 I'. M. r. t h ie. I'l'-.maa Doyle A im ii. e S,k'8 Ma.l. t I'ln mav Heck u it h Metiavv k Ar. 5 ::;.. P. l I.v. ?:i.i e m Lv. 1:12 P. M Lv 1:(U I M Ar. 11:15 A M I.v. ll:oo A. ! Lv 7:15 A. M Ar. 12-45P M Lv. 11 art A. M Lv. 8:43 A. M . a Connections maile with Kat anj West bound trainn of S. p. Co. b 6tagi'8 to and from Milford, Jamsvillc, Hiintlngvillc. c Stages to and from .-tandisli and Pusan i villo, ; d .tagt s to and from Engli'vlllo, tf Jarvillc, ; Kurt lli.lur.'ll. aitin. Alluras, Lakeview, aud j ether points In Oregon. j e Stages to and from Genesee, Tayloraville I and Greenville t Slasesto and from Jjliusville, Crouibers, ami ii..iiLi . i if. h I RINTING IS AN ART IN which cells. "Tp' styles Y stock a large assortment of high grade stationery so that there is no delay in executing a large order. )" prices will be found to compare favorably with other prices. 1880. CI Wlnrf .l (.1,,,... f,r' ' f'r n n I, HtA 1r rpnrt. fr 'i'i,'., h'tw Ui biiuiiji ,mi4. tr.l nirli WrtMf'n, IN ALL COWNTHIta. ?Mcwrf (firrrl villi h itii'lrngton itmr mtnry a.f rfun the patrnl. rtnt and Infrligtrntnt Prictlc Eiciwtivcly. Wrll r vtm tn ufi ml 1 aiatfe ttrvt, opp. VkH4 lutta faint Wka. WASHIHOTON. t. C. Everyone ahonld aubeenbe lor bla home paper. In order to get all the local newa. but to keep lu touch with the world a dally event! ihould also read The Evening Telegram, Portland, Oregon, The leadlnt eTenlng newspaper of the Pacific Coast, which has com plete Associated Presa reports and special leased - wire ierrtce, with correspondents In important news centers and in all the cities and prlncipa. towns of tha Northwest. Portland and suburbs are covered by a bright staff of reporters, and editorial, dramatic, society and special writers. Saturday's edi tion consists of 20 to 23 pages, and ha3 colored comic pages, as well as a department for children, colored fifhicn page, an Interesting aerial sto.-y r.d other attractive features in addition to all the news of, the day Subscription Eates: One month, 10; three months. $1.35; six n.r.:ts. $2.50; twelve months. $5. I Excursion Rates to Pacific Coast j .'uui.t ,i uin iiieiiiiq in liur t'llSl tlmt reduced round-trip excursion i nitcs will go into effect June 1. l'.KlC, I and tickets will i ou sale daily un til Septetnlierlo, l.u5. Final return limit October 31, I'.KJO. Hatesfroin principal Eastern poiutg nre as follows: From t'hicago $75.00 ' Council liluffs, t. Joseph, leav en worth and Kansas City...?'i0.00 " Sioux City ?UJ00 " leuver. Colorado Springs, I'ue- blonnd trinlad ?.'0.00 " St. Louis Sii'.t.Otl " New Orleans $(i!.00 " Iloucton ftKI.OO For further Information call upon or write nearest Agent or li. S. Ta 2 mo .en"' L, i" ii". .e . 1). F. & V. A. I'ost & King have the best grade of liquors and cigars to be found in Oregou. tf Tin; Examiner ex- We have all the late in type and keep in I IGijIe copies mailed free. 1 1 !j Efmv8?'F7Tt fT' f W" 'tin urn LOCAL CIVIC ACHIEVEMENT. ' Work of Improvement A.nnflrttlon la FrNinl-iKham, Mna. An encouraging cvldenco of what per aistent crTort may accomplish In the way of civic progress Is uliowu by the wufli of the I'raiiiliighnui (Mnss. Im provciuent assochitlon. Not content with the field usually d'-slgrifted as "village Improvement," this association , has alrnwl to "aid lu perpetuating the higher Interests" of the town. It hna been active In good works and has be come a recognized Influence. This In fluence lias 5ecome a renl power In the community. As an example, mention !. mode of the fact that the Boston nod Worcester street railway, being oll!g- ed to double track Its line through tho town, pt-tHlonerl the selectmen for a. relocation. The mealing or bearing given was largely attended, but the plans of the road were rejectp.l. Then tho managers appealed to the executive committee of the Improve merit association lu order to confer with them aud learn what would be ac ceptable to the majority of the citizens. The asiciatloii called two public meetings to present !niis and call out a frank expression of opinion, nnd In this way the problem will find Its so lution with the least possible amount of friction. More than 3'K citizens at tended each meeting. I'robably this Is the lirst Instance ou record of this kind. It is an to every society looking to civic progress and the defense of the towu beautiful, for the Frarninglinui association made clear that their Interests were not com mercial, but to promote and preserve the beauty of the viilage and secure In spiration for further opportunity to contribute to what Mr. McFarland calls "a more beautiful America." Every town, village mid hamlet that makes Its contribution to local charm and beauty contributes to "the grand total" for which Mr. McFarland bat tles. Another unusual success scored by the Framingham association Is in the fact that the old town ball at Center Village, by the vote of the town, has passed Into their custody. The asso ciation will sjiend about $4,000 In reno vating and remodeling the building and Improving the grounds. This historic spot will then become a social center for the benefit of the community gen erally. TOWN GARDENS. Hnklnx Reuatlfol an I'nitlshtlr Back Yard at Little Cost. For the adornment of the town back yard of ordinary size nothing Is more suitable than old fashioned mixed bor ders, where anything can be planted and a bouquet cut every day without the effect being spoiled, says the Wash ington Star. The back yard of a town lot of twenty-five or thirty feet Is ample room for a garden of those an nuals that are easily grown from seed. If there is a little grass In the yard, so that a strip can be left on each side of the walk from the back door to the wood shed or alley gate, it wll add to the effect. I)ig a border from six to eight feet wide along the fencesthe en tire length of the yard. Leave the grass strips between the border and the walk, or, better still, take up the sidewalk and make a bed down the center of the yard. In a yard thirty feet wide there w'ill be room for a bed three feet wide down the center. If the wood shed is unsightly plant tail annuals, such ns morning glories, to cover it. Dig the border deeply and break all the large lumps. If the ground Is sandy or otherwise poor dig in a good coat of well rotted manure and make the surface smooth and even. A garden should not be attempt ed with the idea of planting the or dinary annuals If the yard Is much shaded by adjoining buildings and trees, but there are many plants that are fit for shady places. The following annuals can be sown directly in the border: Asters, nasturtiums, petunias, mignonettes, candytuft, zinnias, core opsis, gaillardias, sweet peas. If space permits introduce a few of the hardy perennials scattered along In clumps of six or more. Among them are blu larkspur, peonies, phlox, German Iris, columbine. Ageratums, geraniums, verbenas, heliotrope, dahlias, gladioli, cannas nnd hollyhocks may also be plauted In the border. It Is also an excellent place lu which to plant old tulips, hyacinths and other bulbs. Public? Art la the Country. The farmer needs to be trained to ap preciate the value of pleasant house surroundings, says American Homes and Gardening. His house grounds should be well kept, his barns should be devoid of advertisements, and he frhould manfully resist the persuasions of the advertising man who would paint sigts on his rocks or stand them tip on the meadows facing tho rail roads. These things are commonplace enough in themselves, and yet if no more was done than Improve these matters, the country would be a pleas nnter place to visit and to travel throrrgb. Tho country does not need monuments. It does not require costly works of art. It does not call for the things the city demunds as a matter of course: Its needs are Its own, but they aro quite as urgent as any of the matters which appear so essential In tho cities: its claims to artistic con sideration are Important. Value of C'lndera. "Every spring many tons of clndersi aro carted away from houses and dumped into tho river," said a Kansas City (Mo.) citizen recently to a Kansas City Star reporter. "This should not be. It Is a waste. Cinders make ex cellent walks aud drives. They pack well and shed tho water. Muddy al leys could be improved by the use of cinders. I shovel cinders on my drive way and about tuy barn all tho year round."