Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 06, 1906, Image 6

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    !:ri:ctoky rlinrrliof Lrkevlew.
!... hlnit Service nt 1LA.M . iil
7:3 I. M. " "' X'l'.'l".'
rUin.lM.r Srli.M.1 1": A. M.
Junior Society nt 2::m I', si.
I'nlted States Liuxl Oltlce lakeview
Oregon .luue Ui. Notice U herel jr
.riven tlmt in compliance with tie
kiimi nrilm m'l ir Uotiw'iciM or
Juno X 17. entitled "A" m-t f"
sale of t itnlx r hind In the Slate T
C'nill'i.riiin. Orction. Nrvmlii and Wash
tV THt -V
. ...... I i l.m nt n IIM. UM''ll, - -
ItMlltNt Al.llim I W'" o- nI.Ml,l.-.l to nil
------- I muii'il I'll .... ,
;V1 l. M. n '' ' Snndiiy. j the Public Lund Static bv net of A"x
iT.ivfr liK- tlliti ;.:). I'- M- '''' , lv.r.'. Herman J. Winters, "
,. i Kliinuitli Fulls, county of Klamath
ncdio evt nii.u . f 0 h v ni,Mi j
I:v,t.vI..h1.v Invited to nit. ml nil jt hU om(,(( hu ;wiirn ,,,.,, No
.rvl.i-M. A. I i.O'K Milium"-, i' ; :n III. f. r f if. tmrc base of tin M '
IXW'iN'.SWi. nnd NW
Section Tn. :u S.. K. 17 K
DIRt'CTORY ! .....i ..ill ,,ir,.r trout to tdiow tlmt the
it.... i..r t liurch of ' Luke , ,m, muiclit in more valuable
fit New pin.- ni k. On uon.
Frcnchlm: Service it ILocIim-V A. M
iii. I 7;:f i I. M. " " '. "' ,,r
every in. mill.
Stindnv School nt 10:..Vl.HkA M.
Trnvi-rSiTv 1. .'in vc.iiich.i;i
evening of fiirli week.
All are eor.liiilly invlt.'-l tnnttend
the S.TVlll'1..
.1. IInviI'Mi Howard P:itor.
1T OhiciiK'" wholesale ami
fur it
timber ur stone than for at n'cullum!
purposes, ami to ff tiiblish lii" claim
to unid land bet ore clerk of Klamath
iiimtp i in.L'nn nt liU olllco at Kl. mi
nt h 1'i'illn (inv'i'ii ' Monday the :l
, day of ScptomUr Itsi.. lie mime nt
'witnesses: Archie Johnson, Harry
Pelt r, Lester Kirkpntrick ami John
; ISrctt all of Klamath Fall On to".
Any ninl nil crson claiinlni: ad
versely the alove doeriWd hinds are
I rcnuiMcJ to 111.' their chum in thin
ofllor on or Iwlon- mi id ild day of S j
I tcml'cr l'.N'i.
I .1. X. Watson, liinir-tcr. 'S oy v iihn. ............. (
mnil order lion-', sistiiiit ninnaKor
(ninn or woman) for thU county md
djoinin territory. Salary -V) Rnd
fxpenw raid weekly: expcni money
ndvnnced. Work idenwint ; position
pornianent. No inveMment or exper j ..
rinal Pniof.
I i artnient of the Interior. Iind
Im keview, urecon. .mumim
V..ti.... la Iw.rt.til L'if.l llmt
lenco reiuired Spnro time yiilimhU' . ( i() jU,rook, of Ijikeview,
Write at once for full particular- iin.i ,)n.L.n m tv, ,1(,tice of his mteii
enclone oelf-nddreed enveloH. , t ion to make tlnal five year proof in
8UFKK1XTKDNKNT, i: 1 M. ' ,1I,t,or1 ,lf i.j-,.im. vi : Homerten.l
i Kntry No. 'SW." miule March l.".
i for the K'., N 1" 1 1 . Sec. "., T. 40 S.. K.
ii K. . mid S'.. SK'. Sec. T. S.,
CMcao, 111.
K. M K-. W. M., and thut huhi proof
rtde lief ore Kek'ixter ami
Tit . .
(.irecon, on Sep
lie imini'ii the fol
lowing witnesne to prove hiM continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation
I of, the land, viz: hdward llixtiop,
l.laint'H ltifhop. James Mclermott and
liordon Carrett t il of Lakeview. Ore
! f:on.
! J. X. Wat.son. Ile'Mer.
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It r arise, Bnt In"., lii-.-iU, nnd protiH-tt th:
dii'iis"d iiiemlinme. It eur. Catarr'i atnl
lrivtiuway a t'nld in t!e IIim.i rii' Wly.
l;c'.r llio S n.-iM of Tmto nml II.
1ji .'.;i-.' ' ifit.iiiii no inj iri.mi dr ii;-.
A p: i.t into li.o mirili mi l n'liKiiVi.
Lui yi?.: r ceiiw nt Druits or 1
uia.I ; 'J'r .il Si.ti, t) cmils l-f mm..
ELY CrtOTKERS. 5G Wtrren St.. Nw Yor
n i. i'ihmii .
Land Otllce at Iikei, Oregon,.
July -1, l!i. Notice is hereby kiich 1
that the follow inn-named pettier has
tiled notice of hU intention to make
llnaf proof in support of hin claim,,
aud that na id proof will lie made
iore Kenieter and Keceiver at Ijike-1
view, Oregon, on .'V'th day of AiiKHxt,
l'.HHiviz: Mary 11. Ifryan. H. K. No.
i.IKi for h SKj XK'j Sec. 11, S1
XW. and XV. SW'.Sec. V2 Tn. :W
S. K. 11) E. W. M. Ho nanicri the fol
louink' witneMeit to prove nis coniin-1 ii
noun reiiidence upon and cultivation THE
of haid land, viz: 11. E. lieed of j
ramley, Orewon, J. h. Urancli, w. II.
Kotixh, and I). M. liryan of Lakeview,
J. X. Watson, Heniter. :tO-34
nil nn n nvnmW
cccnvto TMt
3crd ii the raire of dealers In U
your town wKo do not .sell our n
ooodv &rd we will jnd vou M
vunkuvn vi h'ww.o. in toiury OT u
famous towera of tSe world, m v
TOWfB CANADIAN CO. l.i.l TWi'l'v CAI ' I
Keep Posted!
On Matters That Interest You 1
Your local paper is a necessity
to yon, financially and socially.
Ing the latest news of the world,
is equally necessary to you. The
"up to date man" will provide
himself with these two essential
features of progress.
kane, Wash., witl be found the
very latest news of the world, its
matter including information on
politics, commerce, agriculture,
mining, literature, as well as the
local happenings in the states of
Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Wash-1
Ington and the province of British ;
Columbia. In addition, its col-!
umns for women, its popular ;
science articles, its short and con-!
tinued stories, its "Answers to
Correspondents" and "Puzzle
Problems" combine to form aj
home newspaper that at $1.00 per
year can nowhere be excelled.
Irhp you tiiiv lomilhlni to (ell
tnrm. lfm. frm marhlnrrr. You mr
wt-h to buy r.mrthlnc Th bt po-lbl
y lo communlrau with peopl who wind
to buy or nil M by Inaortln .mull d
vrtlamBt la Tho BpokMtnan-IUvlcw.
Farmr. noekm-n. Iumhrma and tiila
n tak th TWICE-A-WEKK.
If you lih ft rach bimlntaa m-n ami
niiri)infri. una th iiaii.t ni!vn.
Tfn rant par Una aach Inaartinn rnui
orda to a lint.
I iprntrmml "orlrty'a lan lit t'.n
rmirniF I Irnnllnr nnil llrmitr.
The hou rliis lm ui euirnt iiKm la
limi of Clilciuo Iuim hit on a Hclictne for
Hie cnroimiircincnt of i lciinliin'i nnd
In iiul.r In Iti ilMrlct lilt li iri.inlK
rscelli'iit refiill. a.v the Clilcno
1'ost. The iiit'tnlier of Hie liquidation
have miIi.mci-IIh'iI which tlie.v ar
nflcrlnii In twclic money .ileii fur tho
I lost kc; I l.i win tlilt Niiinnier w ithin
tlu territory l.i.tiniled l.y Thlrty llrst
i meet. Ililtt.v tirth Kti.ft, Mli'liUun
(M'liue nml Hie lake.
In mlilli inn, illume who Hecure hunor
hI.Ic ineiitlnii will ln nwnrded lironr.r
medals In the lilimlier of twenty-live,
ihe Jil.luen will c.mie Ifnm wltlnint the
ili.-.trl. t. and lunie f the olllccrs nf the lalloli U elii'nle tor the ciincll
linn. The llr-t pri.e U f 1(K, the hecond
f.Vi. the third the next three $10
i. li .1 tit the next hx $."i each.
The re-nlt Imped for l.y the itusnclu
llon N init merely the linpniveiiient tf
l.i w ii n;.ace. The rules of the cinnpctl
tinu are mi flamed as to compel nil
who enter to comply with the city
clean xtreet urdhuuit'i'S. No one com
triliiitlin; to the Mnoke nuisance will lie i
rlliMMe. and iki one wlm not jmlil
liN siiliseript ion to th assnchitloli lit!
the rate el' SI a month for each twenty
ll'.e feet direct fit.iilate can win a
prl.e. I
The point- unvernln the inviirdii lire I
t!lli!e mi the winner Is Just a .
.!ely to lie the owner of n flteen fi)ot
lot as the person who lias UtM feet,
frimtau'e nt a corner. The Men of tho inn l lo Vet as many Into the
ii.mpetltioii as lo-sili. and for that
reason It olTers as much tn those who
.ttt.'ii I to simple cleaullmvis ns to tho
aesthetes who can nffurd to devote i
themselves to fancy liower fieils nnd
Sl'.ty points are to !." for the cntidl
linn nf all crass or lawn (-pace, front
r. mi Lack. Iiirlilcliiiv' the parkway, ex
eept 0:1 where the city nt
tends to the lawn. Ieroratlve fen
tun s, m; i as tiower Leds, shruLs nnd
vi't s. v :;i merit twenty points, nnd
tli" i l n : i i : ? ! 1 1 r twen'y ;'re iriportloned
f .r the i"inli!ci!i ni' ".trtiare c ins, no
i I-.- 1 1 1 at nil LeiiiT ni! . veil If the or
. in Mice Is i;..; -. ; ii t with. Awards
will Li- mai'.e Lcpvi'i Sept. I and lo.
. UII4I ill, iU. II,
sXo LiVjo Mo
ik.iiiI mil Kl.r.ti
lilt 1 It .t.
I tlali'lni. Hull Mllt'llt till
I'KI l( I- . .i i i..) Hull. tlntf.
I r
lll,.l) Ml l
1 n
m . KirKUl
ol r Ii I. I'..:
t. lil
A tl -. y .nt Iji
.ami lnllerai MH-rlnll)
f U K I'nl; Ih.iIiIIuk.
i wr
hi. ii.' 'i i Kiel 4l Ii W fl mail nf of
in I. In ..iiH' Hull, l N i. m.
I; w i h 1 1 . ink, kiiI I'titiiiiiAnili'r.
. lji imi, i Ii rk
-f y v
KM A M I'M KM', N.i in.
I K. im i l I lie ll ami Itil Hiiir--
I... .MtuMifia. li iikuiIIi In liilit K. l- S
... . ' Hall. Uk.-il. . A. W. Vanillin. '
l. ri.i-k.-r. M rllir. Q
' - ' i.i.f.r-....;.rf.f:r.,Si
lions. , -jxs I'pt
I 'a I nter
New Tine Creek,
n i ,
. Oregon
FUIC OkDtD i vn im ni.-
I 1 1 I . I ' H. I.
K. r i'
Alvi r 1 1 l ii k Aifi'iir)- l.'l Han-
Mln'l, r-an r raurla-(., I al. win-re
ciiilrarl for iliTll.HiK . an tie n.aili t'.r II
iiI.,tIh ra tn lh' KknhiliiiT Mho r ni(tvi
trufn iitt' liHty lit liimtfu'r, ir rlntiicr
ihi-ir h ik irfii M.(tr- li.iitl r tm-tntM r ti
1ro ihln nftictf enr t mi tin ir pj r t mt r 1
flrran il in the flKhl M-tiItlrt.
fllAmi tSuntvr I taifj
Union Pacific
Salt Lake, Denver, Kin
sas City, Chicago, St.
Lou 1 5 New York.
Ocenii SteiunerM l.etw'is-ll I'nrt Ifltli)
nml Sun KrnneUeii every tlvednyH.
Low Rnte5
Tirketa lo nnd (ruin H 1 1 puitMof the
I'niti'il .S'tatea. Ciimidii nnd 1'iirnpe.
I'or pit r( it' ii lit T n, cull nil or itildreim,
A. I- Crnljc. CI. I'. P.,
Portland, Crc.
. . . 1IMI: TAIiLI: .
In Knet May 1 nt, I'.ni.l ,
r. 'I hrall A
Ar. Ii.. una. r, .".
H. i-l llr'u fl l
' Kallt r'k 7 !'
' k I'll 1wi 7 in
" .li ..Hill
" I'.iki'iiKiiia .:il
M I v. I' M in A U
Ar. I Mi I.' III.M "
k I II h.'(a 1 1.4.1
' lull I n-'k II 1.1
' ' M.-i.l llrc II . "
" Mi.Kiia. . i: l I' M
llnall .. .li.lft "
Klnmath Springs Special.
l.y. Thrall. ... I : V.
Ar. It ir .. . 1 Ml '
si. i l lir'k- i. '
Kali I i. . k 2 v,
' k I'll K-'ja l.iH
M l.y. Kl'h HiV 4AP. M
' Ar. Kail ( r. rk'.' I "
1 Mr.. lirVe i) "
' lloidia 1 nt -
" 'Ihrall.... .V "
llrnrrt Land Final Proof.
United Stuten Iand Otllce, Lake
view, Ort'Kou, AiiKust 11, 11KN. No
tice Is hereby given that Arthur L
HlKbflll. f Flush, Lake Co., Oregon,
has Hied notice of intention to make
proof on his desert land claim No.
475, for the XK'i SW4", SK'4 NV'4,
Sec. T. 35 S., K 'JO H, V. M. .e
fore lJeninter and Keceiver at Lake
view, Oregon, on Kriday, the 'Zlut day
of September, l'.HHi. lie nauieH the
following witnesws to prove the com
plete irrigation and reclamation of
naid land : Steve Youiijr, Kdward K.
liond, Nolen K. Curry, of Plush, Ore
gon, nndWilliaiu Smock, of Iikcview,
3ii-ii7 J. N. Watson, lleyister.
On June tith aud 7th, July 2nd
3rd, Aiijsunt 7th, Sth and 0th,
September Mh und I'th, special
round trip rates will be iu effect
1 8 Words:
24 Words j
tlm .
all poiutii ljiat, Hnal returuiu limit,
'M dayn, but not later than October
Colorado common points., 6 50.0C
Missouri liiver, t'lH.tai
Mississippi Kiver, (.5i)
Cliicak'o 72.50
Win-hiuntou and Halt iinnre 1U7.00
New York 10S.50
Tor particulars, see any Agent, or
address I). K. TWirt,l) . V. & I. A.,
Keno, Nevada.
Tn cnt par lln aeh Inaartlo. Cuat
Is ward lo a lis.
ftpokajM, WaaaV.
Writ your adv. plainly, ancloalnr mraaa)
m at am pa ar monay ordar for lumbar m4
Inaartlon daslrad. anil tat That har r
rlata adv. Inaartad U Callr. uada ax
lo Cure a Cold In One Pay
Take l.AX ATI VK ItlioMo (Jl'IM.NK
Tal'leis. All ilrtiCKl-ti reliiinl the
money if it fail" tncnie. K. W.limvo'i. nil i a ,ii eiir Ii Imv. Vr.,.
nulla cm l. II nil rn .f- I rff-lll nir u I 01
St ill Inn ( . rou ml a it ml A proarbra. T0 Rrpublicdnt.
I.. .. I .1:. ...... I I... . . H I
.'I lit' iinni .im miiiii ir ai ... . , ,,
Un iirii hmv nilrf 1 1 lifil'M i.l'i. ft- l..
i iiaiiiaui ii i. i.esi.-r i. iiiuieu , , ,
in a i,,v p,a. :i,al maimer the applica- " '"-' ". forking
ti hi ..r l.inds-.ipe gar .-niu-; principles 1,1 harmony with the Kepiiblicnn Nat
tn railroad property, says the Itrooklyn lonal Coiigrennionitl Committee in fav-
i::u't". IP pninled out tliat the bt.l- or of the election of it lie publican
tin:i. iachiilin ; I". ill l.iiili!lii:-S find i Congress.
( Is a pnlnt thrnii 'h which The Cniigressinnnl ciimt-aign inust
t.u' lt:..ei;ir..- pt.'i. e r.i. :ates. To Intro j, ,.1Ml, . ,niinistrative nnd
mice ami i;.i'. .'l .lie. p u -i lexers lo im
town is the eo.ltl'nlliiu' prilii'ipli' III Ktll
legislat i ve rec.
, that being so,
rd of the party, and,
Theodore 1 Iiiosevelt'tl
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Hoars the
'iguacure of
To All Our
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
The American Farmer is Ik-only Literary Farm Journal pub
lslu'tl. It fills a position of its own and lias taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
livery Issue Contains an Original titm by SOLON L. CiOODR.
lo;. t.uvs may often be made a most at
tractive part of the station park. A
Htream. pond or piece of woodland may
be mi united with the rest of the
frmumls as to U an intricate part, nnd
that with a most plensln;.' effect.
The materials iippllcaMe to railroad
i lil.uititi'r need to he hardy on account
i of the and xnioUy condition!
j which they must endure. The short
! lived tiower patch Is a poor and ex
i pensive apology fur the vastly nupe
. rlor and le.s expensive perennial plant
; lug. Moreover, with the latter the
' beauty of the scene Is with us through
out the year. Heavy masses of a uln-
gle species of plants are more effective
than th" mixing of Individual of now
1 eral species. These tdngle upeclc
j masses are to be so placed that they
j easily blend and together make a har
monious whole. Charming neasonal
' effects may likewise be produced,
i' Aside from having Million grounds
j and the right of way well arranged
and properly kept for the good of tho
' passengers of the road they should be
bo treated because of the educational
' influence exerted upon the commit
! nltliM reached ly the road. The spirit
j of regard for beauty and order will be
, felt farther than the border of the
: line. Kvery passenger will carry with
' him an Impression that will sooner or
I later materialize In some form of do
j mestie or civic Improvement. Tho rail
road thus creates an object lesson for
; promoting good taste In outdoor art
' and not only belters It own condl
: Hon. but at the same time heroines a
I public lienefaetor.
personality must be it central llgure
and his achievements a central
thought in tho campaign.
We desire to maintain the work of
this campaign with popular subscrip
tion of One Iiolliu each from Republi
cans. To each subscriber we will semi
the Kipiiblii'ini National vampalgu
Text Hook and all document issued
by the Comniiltee.
Help us achieve a givnt victory.
James K. Sin rmiiii, ('harmau.
P. ). liox 'Jin'I. New York.
It. K. IUnkkh, l'r..'r.
Office in lilchcr'A 5tore
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
Two For the Pake of One: The ,ake County txaminer
The Leading County Paper and The American Fanner
Th is unparalleled oiler is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. O. Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
; 1 lie Iti-inilr nf l.ninlmnpi'.
"Why should the ornamental tree no
i clety confine Its labor to the highways
, only?" asks Henry 1. Thoreau. ,Toc
j not the landscape deserve attention?
i What are the natural feature which
! make a township handsome? A river,
' with It waterfall ami meadows, a
; lake, a hill, a cliff or Individual rocks,
j a forest and ancient tree Btandlng
: singly. Such thing are lcnut!ful.
i They have a high use which dollars
! and cent never represent. If the ln
' habitant of a town were wise they
J would seelc to preserve these thing,
, though n considerable expense, for
luch thing educate far more than any
hired teachers, preacher or any Fys
tem of school education at present or
'. panlzed."
i Tha Illlllioard ( amr llimn,
D. C. Cheney, superintendent of the
, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. I'nul rtall
! way company, recently wrote an en-
thushistle letter to the American Civic
association workers a follows: "As a
result of your objection to circus bills
nnd posters of a gaudy nature near our
depot ground as offensive to good
i taste nnd proper development I Lave
Vaused to be removed from our station
.grounds at Sun I'ralrlo a very brilliant
! varicolored poster of somebody's etora-
ncli elixir. Tl.'s 1 my first act as m
, member of our glorlou association, but
It will uot be the last."
Notice to students and parents.
): ing to the cont inued warm spell, 1
have decided to make Monday Kept,
li'th the opening day of the Lakeview
MusiiiCH College instead of Auglit
'27th, a advertised Homo week ago. 1
lmve employed n competent instruct
or, and satisfaction is guaranteed. I
would be glad to hear from any one
who contemplates attending, and will
furnish full information upon applica
tion. Until further notice, address.
(i. F. iiigley,
Alt urns, Calif.
Dr. Pierce's Tarorite Prescription
Tin iKiwerful, invlgi.tathig tonic. Impart
ing lieulth mid Mrcui'tli in puri'len nr
to Hie organs distinctly fi minlne, 'Jho
local, womaniy hi a.'.li l.s so tMlinnu ly
related t the geie-riil liiMiltli tlmt when
( s of tlie di'l'nil.. WntMHii, organs
arerun-d the who!.. Ik!v ga:in in health
and tr.llgUl. I'or weak tmi sick ly
women who are " oi n-oiit." "run-down
or d"liilitnlcd, I'KtH-cially tor women w ho
work iu store, ollice or schoolroom, ho
sit at tlm tyis wrller or M-wlng .niichlne,
or U-ar heavy hous. holil Juirui ns. ami foi
nursing niothers. lir. I'lerce's Favorite
l're-i-rijti.;ii has proven u priceless
Is-nelit, lieriiii -e of Its lieHltli-n hUirllift
und strength-giving jsiwer.
As a isiihiug ami sirengtiiinlng nerv
ine. "Favorite rrescripiion " Is uti
equaled and l.s hivuliial.le in allaying arid
subduing nervous excitability, Irritabil
ity, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostra
tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea,
or St. Vitus h dance, and othrr distressing
nervous symptoms commonly attendant
upon functional and organic disease of
the womanly organs. It Induces refrru
irig sleep aud relieves menial anxiety and
Curf obstinate rases. "Favorlto Pre
scription" Is a positive euro for the most
complicated and ohPtlnalo cases of "fe
male weakness," painful periods, Irreu
laritlo, prolapsus or falling of the is'lvlc
organs, weak back, bearing-dow u sensa
tions, chronic cont'esttun, iuflaniiuation
and ulceration.
Dr. 1'ierc.e's tnediclnes sro minlo from
harmless but elliclent medlcul root
found growing In our Americun forests.
Tho I inl ir ns knew of tho marvelous cura
tive value of some of thei-o roots ami Im-
Jiartcd that knowledge to some of the
riendller w hiles, ami gradually some of
the morn progressive piiyHlclans came to
test and use them, and ever since they
have grown In favor ly reason of their
superior curative virtues and thoir aafo
and harmless qualities.
VourdrugKlsu sell the" Favorite: Piu-.rKii-riox
" and also that famous altera
tive, blood purifier and stomach tonic, the Mkdicai. Discovny." Write
to Vr. Pierce aUnit your cae. He is an
experienced physician and will treat your
ra.e as conbdeutlal and without charge
for correanondence. Address blm at the
Invalid' Hotel and Surgical Jnstitute,
ltuffalo, N. V., of whlth ho Is chief con
sulting physician.
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ei
ept Sunday at U a. in. Arrives
at Alniras al tl p. in.
1-i'avea Alturas for Lakeview at
tl o't lin k a. in. oron the arrival
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
riven in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Trcljtht - Matters - (liven
5trlct - Attention
first - Class - Accom idatlons.
Western . Stage . Line
J. I.. VADIN. Proprietor.
Office Inlinkville Hotel
Klamath I'alla.
Daily from Pokegema by Keno, Klati
ath Falls, Dairy, llonan.a, and Illy tc
l-akeview .
Daily from Lakeview by Illy. Ilonanih
Iairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, to I't
kegema. From Klamath Falls to Keno by
steamer and from Keno lo Pokegema
over the Sunset Four Horse c'tago Line.
Good Stock
Easy Coaches
S. L. Mi Nal'oiito.v, Prop.
Office at .Mercantile Store
Ftngo leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays at Da. m., arrives
at Plush at 1) p. in. Leaves PiuMi Tues
days, Thursdays and Hatur.lays, at 6
a. m., arrives at J-akcview at U p. m.
Passenger fare S one way or 5 for
round trip. Freight rates from May
1st to Nov. 1st .75 per hundred; from
Nov. 1st to May 1st 11.00 per 1 nun! re
A Lively Tussle
with that old enemy of the nice, Coji,, often cihIh in AppendlcItlH.
To avoid nil nerbiiiH trouble with
Sti.tnnch, Liver, nml P.owcl, tuko
Dr. KinH New Llfo 1'111H. They per
fectly ri Kulut.! these organs, without
pain or ( :'. at Leo Heall
kii :: iiit.iM.
JfllllCi Ddliy riKlu e, fureweairereras
tor wtttii-r. Home ewca H.juare Crop and Hill
In rla-fit ear. Tar Brand 111. Itanaa. ( ran.
I'oatriOlie adilrcii, Iaevluw, Orcgoo
rlKhi lor ewi-a; ret erae for wethcra Tar Brand
W. Katige, rtah C'retk. I imiertlce addreai
LaJeTlcw, OrKou