r ItoMtlonnl oc i Wo print butter wrapper Eastern, MriikfiiMt Itncmi at llleherit Ciodi More. W. K. Mcl'oitiiiiik eiinie down from I'liddey J'ui'Hiluy oil IhimIih-mh. We have ii new mipi'ly or locution I .i,m u nt UiU irii'. C. (!. I lul l U and wile mini' down from Hummer Luke ycMcrdiiy. 1'i-rry M luiii W Im pim-liiim-d tl.i IIojiIkIoii ewes for 3.M r head. I'.ni I Jl..llliignlii'ed li'll f"r 1 'rt ImikI thii week loclinly wining engineering. Perry luniM, ii recent arrival to Lake county tin located on a ranch on 1 he Manll. Mr. A. I!. I it lit) mum up f-mii the Paiidiiiign hum in ill TuiHliiy wild H. O. (VfMhliT. Mr. Ornve Iiiim l.niiylit nil '' si I' lie will buy now it imI will buy ii ii fl'W Cllt t If. E. CiiM b. i r and wile mi. I i). T. Mi Kcn.lri'c mi'l w ife iiml cliilil cnnm ivi r from Illy Tncu'liiy. Tim ncwi ht linen of plaid mi. I limey worried nt IUi-Iii-ih ('null Stoic. I.nnt week The Examiner mentioned thai II. .1. Htcln liinl ecciircil n IIcimikc to wed Minn Lemherger. 'I'lm happy event took ph.c. at I'lunli Im-t Sumlny, Kept., 'i, r."'i, Kev., J. A. MorrM oin- cilll illK'. Till' Supper Kiven hytlli' IilldieH Al l Society of the Mcthoillnt Mplrtcn pnl Clniri h, in the MhhoiiIc liainiict hull on IVIdiiy iilht lift, wa a decid ed Kiieci'M., Ili-ttllllt to the micicty, ti. ('ill. The nuclei y deniin to tlniiik all w ho reinlereil iiKHi-ntunce In any way, tin. I 1-Hpct-iully to llin inciiilierH of llm .. 1 .. ...... ;i r.. ii,., nun txt I liirtonic 1 Iltll l 11 11 , their hull, and to llm Kditor of the Kicamincr.for fuvorn Kh'en. Snnforil Sn Ider, 1'iir.t or, on liehulf of I he Society. (iet price- from Ih" Warner V.ilh y Mercantile Co. for w inter mipplleM. Add and I'IuhIi, Ori son. :', - 1 1 K ittlehliakeH have appeared in hiii-Ii eiiormoiiM numli'-rH in the ricli wheat field of tlm Upper Coluniliiu Kiver country that liarvefterM liavo lieen driven to extruordlnary precautionn to avoid licinn liltteii. Tho mm of leu HlliH miele of hlieettin U II common practice and han lieen ntroiikdy recom meuded for Kcncriil adoption. AmIi land Tldinttx. I-'lour and Kniin for culo hy Ttic Warner Valley Mercantile Co. Adel and 1'liihh, Oregon. 41 (Sencral Mcrchfindiim of all kind for Hale nt Adel and I'IuhIi hy Tlm Warner Vulh y Mercantile Co. i A traveling KvmiKclUt attracled iptite a crowd on tlm htrcet in front of the hotel hint Monday llin'tit,- where Im preached an open air nermon. It Hecmed that tlm main object of dinner inon wan to ImpreHH upon the niiniln of the people the nennililenenH of n'lv ink' to the liviiik', inntcad of waiting till they died and then donutliik' ilow cm. lie told them that if they had anything to k'ivo him he wanted it now, ami not alter 1m diod Kmni tlm people didn't underntaml it. J. II. lilnir, who left here hint fall for Montana., him returned to Luke county. The Silver Lake Oregon inn Hiiyn, to ntay. Mr. Islair hud lieen in Lake county for over IKt yearn, ami it wan not expected .that he would re main away. Dr. Itrown of Kanl-'raiicirico, who visited Lakoviow thin nummer, and charmod several audiiincpH with hin " coinody-openitic" performancea in hucIi houk an "My ItIhIi Molley" and "Tho Merry Oldnmoliile", will lie mlnned from Ijitkeviuw nociety jnnt an hln nowly-mado friendH were, Imcom iiiK to reuli.e that tho enchant incut ho lent uncial Katheiiiik'n hy liin geni ality wiih no ninall part of thuHe Kth erinnH. Dr. Ilrowu in a comic eiiiKer nml performer of no small ability. Buy Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to be ceiling rid of it on auction-sale principles: "coing, goinc g-o-n-e ! " Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it's nature's way. Tha boat kind of a tost iiuonlul "Hold lor over alxty yeara." A ... ul. tlV yr do., Lowell, IAms. Alto niftuurnulurwra of Aiers SAHSAPARII.lt. 111.1 s. CllliMUV PECTORAL. County coiiit Ii In m-mnn ttitu week. Mlnlntf blank nl, The Examlm r olf Ice now, Mri. Ellcll .InlleH, DllVH ,1'MH'H Mini Mr. iiml Mrs, (iridium were In town Tiumlny. There wim iiiitn n Mtlr In llio Imck ynnl of Ihc hotel tlm other lny when Pick Hi own wim making Kofi M'Mp. E. H. Ivle propritor of ttm l'lne Creek livery Htilble panned t III (iHli ; Lukeview yeteilny on hi Wiiy out; eiit of Win ner on bunim-H. 1 Mr. W. i:. .Scott, tlm I IhkIi-v ill.', : Modoc county i-heeiiniiii, Ih in Luke county icci-lving tlm nheci puri-lniHcd lieru hy him In the hi iux nml curly Mil in 11 ie r. , Mr. Mnr)iillielH, the Ilinliriince mini returned from 1'niHley Tuendiiy, where he wrote neveriil pollcien in IiIm camp any. Mi. iiml Mr-. MmDuniel hit yentenlny for Kluninlli 1'mIIh. Al Chr U.I Inn enme low n fr'im I he X much in ( 'hewiiiicnn Tin-winy. Al Hliyn the riim-h will he haying for linen week yet. They will put up about. mx tlioiihiiinl toiiM of hny thin yenr. The light piilleil off lit gi.ldlield, ! Nevmlii Monilnv nigth for tlm J iht weight t'hiunpioiiHhip, Ix-twen Joe t (illllHIIflil lllttlillg Nl'IfOII, II'Mlllt'l in victory for (inn In Urn twenty hi-coihI rouml. For 11 few diiyn the f i rt of tin week Tlm Kxiunltier office wiih out of min I11K loc.nt ion I In 11 he, t n t. we now have u hi,u' uiim.lv ttit liiiit.l lii 11 1 1 i f Yi ri.ii I , .!.., ,',. D. II. (irove him purchnncd the foll ow inn biiiii lien ofnliecp: l'rom the Kovdntou linnd. ll'K'. himlm, from 1,,i,m li,,viu ,r IiuvIm I'ri.i.l 1:111. 1 himlm, Irom 'I'Iiouiiim and Knuudern U'MKi, head of ewen and IiuiiIih. Notice. The nicinliern of tlm C). H . K. C'ha ti r are reipiented to meet at the tin 11 Sept. llth at X, o'clock 1'. M. Hy or der of tlm W. M. C. I ) . 1 oW n, Sec. Mm. Dean of Altiinm. mother of, Mm. H. S. Colviii, arrived in Lake- view 11 few- diiyn ak'o on her way to Kin- ; math 1'alln, where nlu- k'oen to recide. Stm will remain here 11 few dayn vinit- ink' w ith her ilaok'Mi-r. We are in receipt of 11 letter from K. Ilurke, former tcli-k'raph operator and i lecti ician, who left In-re a few monthn iik'o for the purponeof liuying a lioat for Coone Lake. Mr. Hurkn in in San Frunclsco, ami has necured a ponitiou with the Warren Improve ment Co. at ? i, per month. He nay he will ho hero m-xt Spring with a bout for the Lake, if he liven. V. M. Miller, mnhicr of tlm Hunk of Lakeview and 01m of the proprietorn of the 7T cattle ranch in Warner, wild to an L'xumincr reporter thut lccf would he an hik'h, if not u little high er, Mi in 1 all llnin liir-t. Jim t-ompuuy wan oirered t) Cents for their lieef de livered at Montague, the price receiv- ed hy them hint year licing f34 ceutn. Mr. Miller nayn there are lotn of in -quiricH about lieef and pricen. A company with l,0(K),a) capitul ntock has been orgaiiied to hegin oil and gan development in Lantern Ore gon. Anot her natural gan discovery, larger und tnoro important than any preceding it, ha net the town of On tario and mirrounding country throb liing with excitement.. Expertn who have made iuventigatioun nay tho ro gion in underhiid with u luku of pe troleum, and that the oil in compari tivcly near to tlm nurfuci' Portland Journal. A. great niuny reudern of The Kxum ier are inclined to doubt tho state- I uient made in thin paper last week re garding the extent of the ledge of gold-bearing rock discovered by Pea cock and Linvillo. It was tho aim of Tho Examiner to 0011 vey to its read em t he story or tho discovery junt as it wan told to us, w hich we did. What ever exaggerations werq iniulo in tho statement wan not duo to misrepre sentations 011 tho part of Tho Examin er, und wo believe that our Infornieutn believed junt what they told tin upon their return from the mines. Pacific University FOREST GROVE, OREGON. A HIGH-GRADE COLLEGE WITH SUPERIOR EQUIPMENT. Beautifully located twenty-six milea from l'ortlund. Full regulur college coumes.' Academy jrives strong preparatory and High Si'hool courses. Conservatory of Music and School of Art, with Btiperior instructors. Business branches taught. Ciymnasium and Field Athletics under a 1'hynical Director. Well-equipped Laboratories. Library of IH.OOO Volumes. Healthful social life; religious influences. All student enterprises active. THE SCHOOL THAT STANDS FOR THE BEST IN EDUCATION WRITE FOR OATALOQUE 1Mb WILL TAKE THE RISPjT Ul Write to u ftir fre wimples of J A oh tilt oe to show you - without the tliieet imlr of THOUbUHd to ths trousers suit you whin they me tliilnhwU thny for ths stuns cloth. Our Mtrrtjumeut wtiU you in tmy u uuimy cloth Is a tins stroui a urn uiiu n is Muieuuia irrtiue or Wear like lmithor. wrlttt if WMttVS, w vutu-ttutes it uevr toUuy lor HtULiL ssiupios. Dr. llrnwn. who linn been In Lake view novernl month, loft MomJny for Hun Pranclaco, where )m Ih Inthi'ileii tnl tiiiHlneiM. ( MIm Mulile Wlbla of South Warner, one ilny thin week while driving a virion homo to a buggy had h run -way. Tho buggy was overturned nml Ml Wlbel thrown out ami tlm horxe run Into a wire fence mid wa killed. 1'nuik Hurri, a wealthy Htockrnnu of Siiuiuier Lake, wa brought to Lakeview thU week milfering from ternpornry i i iod icul alilii-riitioii of tlm mind. .v.i''Kiv; -' T V t ! 1 1 1 .' li.N .' -.rr':& vepny 4' on timr (fpoMl, cunrnl i.ilrsi fi Mvin afcounl, i rive dVpoil , I , I'-i I lo (in k. ami 00 a gcnriai oan- .ii 1 . ii .. II 1- liU'lID... V'ou cm Live tlir advanl.T,;'-! of a ilr -n li.-ik at your vrry dixir hy uing llic m.ul ' S rid m "iir ilf-pyjvilv. Ai Lnowlnly n: i.t w.ll In- vnl you dy irturn m.iil. 5;.. r;; acmintt rrrcivcj from one an AKminl Willi u ami note ripidly it will jjiow. I I' am. A !.' 'N. K I l' I'" M V v. 11 11 .::. ,r,.,f S r. A ll.HIV.S At 5rirty c met (i3mj;amj fi Ranch I or Lease. The undemik'ned cxecutom of the en tate of William Harvey, decenned, in vite proposal hy nealed liidn for the h uhiiiK of the "Summer Ijike Ranch" und the "(ioone Iako IUiuch", or for either of them, lit loiik'inK to Huid es tate hut it mui-t 1 10 uuderntooil that tho farmn only are to m leaned: mich liidn will lx opened at tho liiink of Lakeview on the -'Jud. day of Sep temlier IOimI, at two o'clock, in tho uf ternoon of naid day, the right in re nerved to reject all or any liidn. Kuhy Harvey, Kxecutrix, Dick J. Wicox, Executor. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States lund office, view, Oregon, August 22, llHUj. Lake Notice in hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the, uct of con greHS of Juno '.i 1H7H, entitled "An act tor the Hale of timber lauds in the StateH of California, Oregon, Nevada, an. L Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land Ntates by act of Anirunt 4, IKtL Robert Cas ey, of Klainuth Falls, county of Klam ath, State of Oergon, has this day fil ed in this office his Hworn statement No. HIM for tho purchase of the K1 KK and Sl..NK, of section No. 'X S. Kauge No- 17 Fl, W. M. and will otfer proof to show that the land sought is inoro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore County Judge, of Klamath Co., at bis otficial place of business at Klamath F"aUs, Oregon on the 1st day of November 10OG. He names as witnesses : Chas. Mc Cumber of Dairy Oregon. Chas. Mess- ner of Klamath Falls Oregon, ( has. Dusenbery of Illy Oregon. C. E. Had ley of Klamath F'alls Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho above-described lands are re quested to file their claims iu this oirice on or before said 1st day of No vember nHHi. Iti- J. N. Watson. Register UMHKIt 1.4 M OTI( :. United States Land OtHco, Lake view, Oregon, July 17th, 19US. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tho act of con gress of June 3, 1878, eutitled "An act for the sale, of timber lands iu tho States of Callforn'a, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Torritory, " as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, William T. Cressler, of Cednrville, couuty of Modoc, State of Cal., has this day fil ed iu this otllco his sworu statement No. 3113, for the purchase of tho NW4 SW4' of Section 17, in Town ship 40 S., Rauge 22 F W. M., and will otrer jiroof to show )uit tho land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, mid to establish 'bis cluitu to said land before Register and Receiv er at Lakeview, Oregon, on Wednes day, the 3d day of October, 1900. lie names as witnesses : 8. O. Cressler, and F P. Light, of Lakeview, Ore gon, H. II. Robinson of Berkeley, Cal., and Goo. W. Winter, of Lake City, Cal. Any and all persons churning adver sely tho above-described lands are re quested to Hlo their claims in this otllco on or before said 3d day of October, 1900. 30-39 J. N. Watson. Register. fln nw stylfah trouserings. Give us any rik to you-thut w van make vnur uinaiur that vou avir h.l If will utmt you $0 ad. Other tailurs auk 90 to $ 1 9 inch thut thty utuitt satisfy you or you tmeU not ahuiihii jiisvioi or utmt siripua wurtai. i ns or uttt stripud Worsteds iriuk, it will keep its shttu u mae or nfirmit, u will keep its shttp aua COLUMBIA WOOLEN MILLS CO. t PORTLAND OREGON JUST ARRIVED Our complete line of Ladies' Summer dress goods, consisting of Silk Mulls, Taffetas, Voiles, Batiste, Ventura Suitings, orgndies, India linens & Lawns, Shirt Waists, Silk Shirts, Muslin Underwear, and Children's BUSTER BROWN DRESSES, and Boys' Whte and Colored Waists, have just arrived. PRICES AR.E LOWER than ever before known in Lakeview. Lakeview Mercantile Company OUR HARVEST (MACHINERY is now on the ground. Wc have a complete line of Mowers and Raes, also a full line of Extras. X good Header wc want to sell to some good farmer. Wc have a few Mowers, Rakes and Hay 2?ucAs wc are offering a bargain in. Call and see us, -we can save 3 011 money and give 3 0U the best values. J. E. BERNARD & SON Contest Notice. United States Land Ofllce, Lake-1 view, Oregon, July 17, 1900. a Buuiiieui, uki Diuua..v u..uR . been filed in this office by f"? . Snider, contestant, against homestead entry No. 2775, made September 27, liKT for SE'4' Section 35, Township 3nS J,iia.UKf 15 PM tT!EumeI7 Mlch"! ell, Xoutestee, In which it is i alleg-, ed that said Emery Mitchell bus wholly abandoned said lauds for more than six months last rast. and con - tiuues now to abandon tho same, and has never resided upon or cultivated any part thereof, and that said alleg ed absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States as a private soldier , ottiicer seaman or marine during the war with Spain or during any other war in which the Unitod States may be en gaged, said parties are hereby notifi ed to appear, respoud and offer evi dence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m September 12, 1900, be- tho fore tho Register and Receiver at United States Land Office in Lake- view, Oregon. The said contestant proper affidavit, filed July 17th. 1900, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice bo given by due and proper publica tion. 29 J. N. Watsou, Register. NOTICE OP SALE OP STATE LANDS Notice is hereby given that the State Land Hoard will receive sealed bids up to 2 o'clock P. M. on October 9, 1900 for the purchase of the following desciibed School Land, A11 of Section 10 T. 38 S. R. 21 E. All liuia must be accompanied uy a regular application to purchase iu ac- cordauce with the law for the side of j School Lands and by cash or check for ( at least oue-tltth of the price offered No bid for less than 12.50 per acre will bo considered. Tho light to reject any und all bids is reserved. ' Applications tnVbids should be ad dressed to O. U. Fllviwu, Clerk State Land Hoard. ' Balem, Oregon, and marked "Application and bid to pur chase School Lauds." (. O. Brown, Clerk State Laud Hoard. Dated this llth day of July, lSRHi. hirrftTrftittitiTftiiriTrfir'TiTi,rfffTr"''ffffttTtTf''r-'"rTinirtiiTrtftioifitiiooi)i'ioi0 Reward for Horses 1 will pay $5.00 Reward for the I livery of any and all unbroken horses Iouna m nelaa or outsiae m lake County, South of the desert, or in f odoo county, California, branded with an old horseshoe and a fresh tri - ngle brand underneath, on both jaws. Th horgesno6 pIaced on the jawa tho ... I , same as in my advertisement in this 1 rarer, and triangle so as to cover un , the bar, on both jaws. I To be delivered at Lakeview. W. W. BROWN. Notice of restoration of publio lauds to settlement and entry. Department of the Interior, General Land Office, June 8, 1900. Noice is hereby given that the Seoretary of the Interior, on June 4, 1900 baa released from the withdrawals under his former orders of June 10, 1903, July 18th, August llth. 18th and 19. 1904. for the irriga tion purposes in connection with the Chewaukan. Ana River and Silver Lake projects, in the Lakview land district in Oregon, the following des having, in a cribed land : Chewaukan Project, Township 31 South, Range 18 Fast, all ; Township 32 South, Ranges 17, 18 and 19 East, all ; Tow uship 33 South, Ranges 17 and 19 i-u.-t, all ; Township U Soutn, Kauge lo Fast, Sections 1 to 25, 29 to 32 and 34 to 36, inclusive ; Towuship 34 South, Ranges 19 and 20 Fust, all. Ana River Project, Town- all; Township 30 South, Range 10 vlctinn of any party or piirtl. s steal East, Sections 2 to 36, inclusivo; i'.g: horse, catlle or mule U lonKln Towuship 30 South, Range 17 East, , to a '. v of i he following membera Sections 1 to 5 and 7 to 30, inclusive; thin Association: Township 30 South, Range 18 East, . (-us & Clrtl.k ,u.wacHii Land & all; Towunhip 31 South, Iiauge 17 i , ., ... . . . ... vuf ..it Kiiv T au vw;iu.f iWn.i('illi'io, llerloid Land ii lattle ship 26 and 27 South, Raugea 14, 15, A. iiii mo v vaa.w m. a Vj w b A v " u 10 aud 17 East, all; Township 28 South, Ranges 13 and 14 East, all ; Township 28 South, Range 15 East, Sections 1 to 11, 10 to 19 and 29 to 32. inclusive; Towuship 28 South, Range 10 F:ast, Sections 1 to 18, 21 to 28 and 34 to 30, inclusive; Township 29 South, Ranges 12, 13 aud 14 Foist, all ; Township 29 South, Range 15 Eaht, Sections 4 to 9 and 15 to 30, Inclusive; Towuship 29 South, Range lo F.ast, Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15 and 19 to 30, OASTOHIA. Bean tha 1 1,8 KM Vob HavaAlvvays Eto 8'juatara of inclusive, and he has dirceted that the aforesaid lands be restored to set tlement, but not to become subject t entry, filing: or selection at the Unit ed States Land Office, at Lakeview, Oregon, until September '22, 1906 G. J. Pallock, Acting Commissione of the General Land Office. ApproT ed E. A. Hitchcock, Secretary of tlu ; Interior. June 21 Sept. 13. I . . i TIJIHKK I.AXI ftUTH'K. United States Land ofTice, Lake view, Oregon, August 27, l'JOfi. j Notice is hereby given that in eopj, pliance with the provisions of tbe& of Congress of June 3, 178, entitledl , "An act for the sale of timber land in the States of Califoijiia, Oregon Nevada, and Washingtai Territory, as extended to all the Public Laatf states by act of August 4, 1892, Willi j Webler, of Bonanza, county of Klam j ath, State of Oregon, baa this day fil ! ed in this office bis sworn statement 1 No. 3171. for the purchase of the 'NW4', Sec. SNE' , of Section No. i 4. in Township No. 35 8., Range No, 17 E. ,W. M. .,and will offer proof t , show that the land sought is trior veluable for its timber or stone thaa j for agricultural purposes, and to es , tablish his claim to said land befor Geo. Chastain, Co., Clerk, at hi of flcial place of business at Klamatfc F'alls Oregon, on Monday the 3rd daw , of December, 190G., He names as witneses: Chas. V. Pattee of Flly Oregon. S. C. Ilameker of Bly Oregon. E.W. Pollard of Bly Oregoc. W. T .Garrett of Bly Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adver sely the above discribed lands are re quested to file their claims in this of fice on or before said 3rd day of Deo ember 1900. 35 J. N. Watson Register TI11BI.K LA.I XOTIC E. United States Land office, Lake view Oregon, August 22 , 1 9 0 C . Notice is hereby given that in com pliance witb the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3 ,1878. entitledl "An act for the sale of timber lands iu the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington, Territory,4 as extended to all the Public land ' States by act of August 4 .1892. Susia Fl Casey,of Klamath Falls .county of Klamath State of Oregon ha thi- rl nied ?nthi Office hLTfwor ! Xo31B tol the I purchase oi 'the S ' SWtf, Sec. 22, and ENWof Section No. 27 ,in Township No. 35 S., Itengs No 17 E V M n.i m nftZ ?- " a,nd lU "e.r Proof lu. ".w l"al lue lana Bongni is mort valuable lor its timber or stona than for agricultural purposes, and ta B.Mr.aou UIQ LU EU11U 111 11 J UB fore County Judge of Klamath Coun ty, at his official place of business, on Thursday the 1st day of November, 1900 , He names as witnesses: Chas. McCumber, of Dairy, Oregon, Chas. Messner.of Klamath F'alls, Ore. Chas. Dusenbery of Bly, Oregon, G. E. Had ley of Klamath F'alla, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adver sely the above -described lands are re quested to file their claims in this of fice on or before said 1st day of Nov ember, 1900. 35 J.N.Watson. Register. $500 Reward 551 ! The Orejion. California & Nevud Livestock Protective Association i will give $500 "0 Reward for the con- Co., L ike Cou h i.v J, and & LlventtK-k Co., iirner Vnll" Stock Co., ilriK W. M ipes. Win W. l!rovii. (ieo. .XL Joiick, (ieo. IliuikiiiH, N. it. Chandler, J. C. KoiIhoii, C A Reliart, N. Pine, Thos Mutton. v . v. Currier, Prnnli B. H.iuers. J. C. HotchklM.., Cahh-r-wood I'.row., T .1. lirattiiin & Soiih, JaincM M. Moor. , A. 1). CVvil, T. .V, Crump, W. Z. Miihn. ("reM-lt-r & llotiner, W. T. CreMsler, Act.v il; (jiiluini. 11 1 I & Toncy. ( V. I'. Ii KKYKOltll. J'rt Hld't. IK. M Mti.i.KU.Sec&Treaii Okkhkiw W. i'. llKimoid) Fin a mi; Co.m.P M. Oukkn s it. Cn.v.Niii.tn