Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 06, 1906, Image 4

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    V. . M LITEM V
i i Wulldt.
Kntrfd M tlio Vot I'lHw at I aaevlrw , Ore
Si'niul Mail- t.
(One Year. S2 ''
J Six Month I 00
(Three Months, 50
LAKEVIEW. ONIUION. Al'tl. .'0. l0ft.
Bryan and Derr.ocrclic Policy.
Republicans mi l cotisevvat h e j eo
Ilo gencr.ill.v, are t litt Hrjnu has
so early declined in favor of govetn
nil' lit ownership of railioails, and cotn
mi (oil his party to that policy.
The people llms have tiuu to study
tho quei-tioti iiiul determine whether
they will turn this vast power oier to
politicians, to bo uso.l by them or
their own ocltUIi purposes, or wheth
er they will compel tho politicians to
enact such laws as ill enable the in-tort-tale
Commerce Commissi!. u and
tho Courts no to regulate tho opera
tion nml raatiagmctit of railroads that
equal justice shall lo done, ami make
tho transportation companies in fact,
what they nro in conimon law, tho
servnnts of tho public.
Seeitig what the temper of the Hem-
ocrntic party is, will, uo doubt, lead
the railroads to a more ready co oper-
ation with tho govermeut iu the en-:
forcemeut of all laws regulating rail- f
road transportation, ami it will cer- ,
.lenion-trated to the countrv
long before the election in that
railroad regulation is far to lie profer-
ed to railroad owneiship.
The Cedarville Record man sits back
on his haunches aud (rives the horse
lauirh to all iirosiectors Koine to the !
Plush mines, with a knowintJ look on
his face. Put if a fellow picks up a
rock near Cedarville that somebody
with brass tacks in their shoes bad
stepped on, the Record man pronoun
ces it "gold, and rich too (roes
U to tho tou". The trouble with Pro.
Stanley, ho is (retting rich so fast that
a paltry cold mine worth only a hnlf
million dollars is nickels and dimes
to him, or els tho thought of the a
mount of hard work necessary to get
the gold out of the rock has soured j
our take-it-easy brother on gold niiu- j
ing, especiallly so far away from home
as Plush. Now Pro., why dont you!
turn your newspaper over to the Sun -!
day School, get somebody to pour an I
ounce of high-life down your spinal t
olumn,get up some morning before j
breakfast aud hit the trail for that
rich gold field at Plush. Every body i
thinks you are too lazy to go ; show j
them yuo'ro not. Of course you are a
silver man, but as long as gold is at j
par its worth a littlo exertion. j
President Rosevelt has inaugurated
a spelling reform that seems to be all
the go, notwithstanding the o posi
tion his system is meeting with. Pho
netic spelling has been talked of for
several years as a road to brevity, and
Mr. Roosevelt intends to make a test
of a system he has himself compiled.
His system comprises about words,
the spelling of which is made easier
nnd shorter, aud for the sake ot speed
in writing, will be hailed with delight
by stenographers aud teleirraph oper
ators. For a year wo have been putting1
out a 12-page paper. Tho company '
supplying us with the extra four pag-
es has quit furnishing the pnper for!
tho time being, aud until this compa-
ny is re organized, we cannot supply
our readers w ith the magazine section, j
We hope, however, that in a short
time we will be able to return to the !
IIS-page edition. i
Mrs Wui Thaw, mother of Harry K. J
Thaw murderer, of Stanford
uouuees that she will leave Pitsburg, !
where the Thaw millions were made, j
Her fJOU.uoO residence, Lindhearpt
offered for sale. The reason given by '
Mrs. Thaw for severing her ties in !
Pittsburg is that sho must devote the 1
rest of her life to her son Harry. i
Upon tho occasion of the Presidents j
visit to the American navel fleet on ,
Labor day, n salute of 7i1, guns given, j
Tho discharge was at a co.-t of not !
less than f l.OOO.OuO. ,
If u kant spel fonctickly u haut iu it.
1J4 u rite a word c if 11 kunt xtrakt ):,
of the lidos letrz n komunikat the
ntir noleg 2 ur korenpondent.
W. J. Bryan's hoinecomiug was worth
living a lifetime for, if he never gets
to be president of these United States.
Largest Denominational University
In the Northwest.
Christian, hut not Sectarian
Two New Ihiildins Adequate Equipment
15 Professors .and Instructors
Two new Courses added this year
'7j' Knlisli, Commercial, and Electrical Ivninecrin
For Particulars. Address,
Dean J. T. Matthews, or President John H. Coleman
i rom Our l:cli.niacs.
Silver Italic Oregon). -in.
S. t). IVase hii.1 tiny nml Huhy l-'os
tor of Summer Lake passed through
town Monday enrouto to Klamath
Calls, where they will join n party oi
pleasure seekers nml visit CrebT Lake
nnil other points of interest I eloro re
turn ing homo.
M. l-'itironilil, n prominent sheep
mail of Mitchell, Or. , was in Silver
Lnko the first of tho week on his way
to tho gold fields in tho southern pint
of Lake county, lb was luvompani
o.l by M. S. Men. I of Antelope, 'in e
poriuncod prospector.
Henry Johnson and I'drd I "n r i ler left
Sunday for Soul horn Lake county, to
le on tho scene of tho gold ecile
niont. Mr. farrier is an old prospec
tor and is tho discoverer of tho Polio
inia mines.
C. l. Prown. C. W. Weymouth. Kl
nier Niswtiugcr and Kalpli Sheldon, of
Pond, were in Silver Lake several days
tho latter part of la.-t week and tho
first of this, looking for timber land
Cope West left this morning for
Modford, in ,lackon county, where he
toes to tisit an mint with whom for
many years ho made his homo. llej
will be absent two or three weeks.
Sta Ismyndighetertia 1 Pudapest ha!
beslut it att invigu Wn-dngton monu-j
mentet dar den Id septetnU-r. Fast - j
lighterna skola bli storartado och tillj
desnmma ha lnljudits borgmastarno
I do amerikanska nniversitetoti.i och
mani:a aiuira amerikanaro. Monu-
' i..t. ft.:l.l I o..
UlfULfl, miiu ui ui IUtI CUf ll ,tlflJlllK-
tonl kroppsstorlek, rosesl 1 stadspar
ken. Till minne af hatidelsen sail don
nuvaraude Wienergatati I Pudapest
omdapas till Washington-gntau. Tau
ken pa att iippresa ett Washington
inonunient i den ungerska hufvudsta
den uppkom efter det en staty ofver
Cugerus frihetshjalte Fraus Kossuth
rests I Cleveland. Svenska Ameriken
sa Post en.
The Delineator for September marks
the initial appearance of Jean Marie
Devaux as its culinary editor. M.
Devaux is considered one of the great
est living authorities on matters per
taining to culinary art and science.
Iu his initial talk. " I he Perfect Din
ner," he says "It is a long step
from the absurd and vulgar dissipa
tions of the table to the perfection of
the delicate art of dining as it now
practised by lovers of nice eating..
Ability demands recognition.
C, Miii Cbra Louise Mjrye. a grad
'uale of the Holmes Bu;iness College,
sUirli for China this week, all traveluig
tr,K.ny patl. to accept a position
Willi a Lirr lumber importing firm t
Miss M.ine in a letter to the Holmes
. Bui.vij College says: 'The small
amount ol money 1 expended with the
Ho!rr. Business College for tuition, I
conjidti one of the Lx-sl investrnenti 1
could possibly have made '
Mi?s Mare is a young vvoman of
charactei and fine business ability.
Faithfulness and technical knowledge
have finally won for her an enviable
di'tinction, and she is kmd enough to
attribute to the Holmes Business Col
I -ge cn-dil for having equipped hei with
one of those ri- fsary reiuisiles
C Tlie I Bu'iness College has
slaiti'd hundreds ol young men and
women on the toad to wealth and pre
termit ril
fj Send lor free amiouw enient foldi r
giving detailed inlormation alxul courses
of 0udy, tuition, etc. It is worth getting
and worth keeping Send in today. ou
will receive the folder by return mail.
The lionrd of etpudiatlon met last
week, lint had littlo woik to do in tho
way of changing valuations on prop
luty. K cryhody soetim to lo perfect
ly well satisfied with tho low valua
tion placed on their property mid the
i extremely low levy.
j Itcginnittg with Aug. 'J7, tho South
j ern Pacific Co. has on sale from Chi
cago, St. Louis Memphis New Orleans
land contiguous territory, one way
second-class colonists rates to Califor
nia and Intermediate points. Tlwso
tickets are placed on sale for tho pur
pose of encouraging travel to this!
country, with the view of develop
ment. .Ui tf
State Normal School at Ashland
begins its annual session the 'JtUh of
September. Largo additions to faculty
apparatus, library, now water system,
lnidern system of heating, strong
course for to 'fliers, welle.piipod train
ing .-cliool, gn. musical advantages
mid opportunity for general education.
For catalogue, address,
H. K. Mulkey. I'lesidenf. or,
W. .1. Van Scov. Soci etal v.
':!.") Oct !."
For Infants and Children.
Tka YUA Yi Uva fllwaue Rntlftnt
i iiiu ium wu iiuiu niiiujd uuuqIii
Bear tho
VtCUiituro of
Nev r before in the history of Lake1
county have we I ecu favored with the
presence of threj of the loading edu
cators of tho state. This alono is suf
ficient guarantee that tho institute
will be successful. Tho program of
the institute w ill consist of lectures
by these d ist inv'uished gentlemen
hence the Usual order of business to
which we have boon accustomed will
be somewhat changed.
Pcgining at o'clock of each day
Pres. Caaipbell will address the meet
ing. After a few minutes intermission
Pres. Rossler will address tho insti
ute. Then alter another short inter
mission Prof. Ackerman will take
charge of the iust itute for an hour.
This will bo the order of business
every half day during the two days
session of the institute. Tho sub
ject of each lecture will bo selected
by the speaker as he may deem most
fit for the occasion. Aihlresses will
be made in the evening at 7 :'')
As our institute w ill convene for only
two d lys 1 hope tho general public
will make an extra effort to attend
during the day. Let all attend and
show that the people of Lakeview are
interrested in educational work.
J.tJ. Vilhts,Co.,Sup'L
Iiritit joiiiis men ami women if
jfoml Ktiunlintf to prepore (or ImikI
oehH puhitioiiH. an 1-tetn irn plierH,
I took keepers ami, telegraph upcnit-
rn, at mioil HiUarieH.
Write liiday fur froo iitaliuue to
:i ii U'tli St., Oiiklnn.l, Cal. j
Tin larueht ami lieKt eriiihitHMl '
Hc-ht ii of liiihliieert training, Shot-!
liaml.Tvpewritltit:. Mi irne Telegraphy
j iil. Klectrieal, Meehanleal aml.Min-
inf? I-iiKineeiiiiK: Meeliuiiieal ami
Areliiteetural Ira injr. Went of New
York. l-ir (.sotej oiuitf men ami women
of thin vicinity Mioultl not fail to i
write for catalogue, ntatin M'liat !
conrHo t lie.v prefer. I
Beaut. fulJr located in Portland. Oregon, j
uii'to unauipai.iru lacilllirf lM IMC I UI'
lure and education of young women. Soerial j
opportunities in Music. Art. Languages and Liter
ature. Well equipped Thysiral and Chemical Lab
oratories. Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet, Th i wl)l "''"i y,tn "'do f tii rloth. We K"r
largest and oldest Ladies' Seminary in tie pacific !"'r ,,ueh? H"t I ; y -iit fr-.m ijm
nrrim i . . . . ' rT lK)lt rloth from whl h we mnke the mitt.
.w. ,1, iiijora nauonai icyuim 1011 mi 1111
parting the best physical, mental and moral train
ing and developing trut womanhood. Equipa
BOCiailv and dtiratinnB!lv fnr ttiit mnd a'trf
I atation. Confers Academic and Collegiate Degrees
by State Authority. Interference with conv.ctiona
ol non Cjtholict ii scrui ulouslr avoidrd. Acadrmr
la idea. If located, amid inspiring tcenic advan
faces. Social opporluniliei aurh as are availab!
Id no other city on the Coast. Buildings larg. and
commodious. ell lighted, heated and tentiiated:
dormitories and private rooms supplied with all
modern conveniences. The institution is liberal
nd progressive without narrificina the character
and traditions ol ace and achievement. Terms
modest. Satisfactory references required. Write for
announcement book!'-!. H'ard and tuition $180 per
fear. Address bister Superior. St. Mart a Academy
United States Lund OfHce, Luke
view, Oregon, AuiruHt 20, l!XHj. No
tieo is hertliy given that in compliance
with the proviHiotiH of the net of Con
grehrt of June '.1, IHH, entitled "An
act for tho hiiln of timber lands in the
KtateH of California, Oregon, Nevada
aud Washington Territory," uh ex
tended to all the Pulilio Land KtateH
hy act of Augtint 4, 18!i'J, Willium T.
(iarrett, of jily, county of Klamath,
State of Oregon, has thin day Hied In
thin oflico his nwoin rtiiiement No.
:ilii", lor the inirchaKO of the NW);
,'. N'i SV!4', SW'. S
'J'!, in TowiiHhip No.
SW'i of Sec-.
t ion
V H. , liauge
li L. , SS . M. and will oil er proof to
show that the land nought is more val
uable for its ttttiher or htono than for
agricultural juirpoHCH, and to estuhlihli
his claim to taid liiud heforo ltcgiater
and Receiver at I.akeview, Oregon,
on Thursday, tho hth day of Novum
U'f, l!iin!. lie names as wituesseH.
S. (!. llamaker, Alliert NVallter, Walker
1'ollnrd and J. 1'. Tinker till of lily,
Oregon. Any and all pcihotiH claim
ing adversely the aliove-descrihed
lands are requested to tile their claims
iu this otllce on or lcfore Hnid 1st day
of November, J'JMi.
J. N. Watson, licgibter. 31
Our Sping
New spring Dress Goods
YYV li.-i vc Ikto a showing in all tlio
loading sli.'uks ofray tlu.t lias nrwr
bivii .'tuaK'(l iti I.aki-vicw ln.ioiv.
( 'riatn anl Wliiu- I:ni;lili Muliaip
Ihilliatitrctis, Ili-iuivtta All ttoss,
etc., im-luiliiiir tuativ novelty waist
i i i s for spring.
241K iAV
I ' V. v-l -'iN aa--ir x: I
i e -t t 1 1 t -1 - "--it- - r -n
Thero mnjr to a laiiidre.1 mm In
as yourti hut tin-re In nm one oilier
u JourHelf In ull i.lher irnMirtliiiiH
It Is filmply an liiio.Milillity to get
wear clothoH.
We will nuiko u Hull to your measure fir Jen.
You pay thut mucti, or nearly mueh fur every hiiri'l-ine-ilnw n suit you tuy.
i V -
Fill ont this fVitipon ntxl mail tn n nnd we
When yisi vlxlt I'ortlanil. rouiD In ami verify tiiU
or anj 'rllon we muki. ir yi.u, ak
mine I'ortlanil frlrnil t" ti-ll you nlamt tl.n rip
ntatlon ami atuiiilUig of the Columbia WukIi-ii
Mills Co.
It la tlii altnplr-Ht thine In the wrM tn l.sve
orne friend tiiki your uieannre, will mint
yuo a taiM tiieniiure free, and Inptructloiia h'rw
to take a uiennure for a milt or rlntlien.
lie aure and im-ikI for t Ij Im tninple. If ynt get
unit from thla orfcr, you will I wearlnK a
ttnruient the pattern of wtid h l-al iIcuIit. ian
not iKiwIlily Kt In hlorlc Ix-fdrp another yvur.
The iialtem of our t'Ji) aiilt will Im sold not
year in the latent thy other lnllor).
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland, Ore.
Notice to f armers. i
Notico is hereby given by the under
Bigued that tho prico for threshing
:,... !.., ,,. ,
VUiauai r, iUi.wvvB. jmiy
U cents per tiusiiei, wiieat 0 cents per
bushel. For grain in out-of-the-way
places there w ill be an extra charge.
Money due when woik is done.
K. C. Thnihton,
:2 tf J. 1 Snyder.
WANTKD: by Chicago wholesale j
and mail order house, assistant niuna-1
ger (man or woman) for this county
and adjoining territory. Salary 9'M :
i .... . . : I i .
uuu expeunes pain weeaiy; exeus ) 7
money advanced. Work j'luas-ut ; j
posiiioti permanetu. .no investiueui
or experience required. . Spare time
valuable. Write at once for full par
ticulars and enclose helf addressed en
velope. Address,
General Manager, KM I). Lake St.,
Chicago. 30-10
Stock is arriving,
soon be Complete.
An Attractive Array
Neck k'ihlunis, Tinsel
side Conilics, Hand
Do Not Overlook This Store.
Tlic children's
Jaync'js Tonic
blood impurities. Makes
Gives tone, vitality ami
To Cure a CoM m One Day
ttili city who Ikivo nrniM tlii nnmi lenicth
111,11 In Hie wiiulu tnuiily wlm U the huiuu
p rf t r.tlliiK suit by buying riuly-to-
l'tif.ii,i nui.ti rt'tfl.i-H l..m Inrnivl
liy I l...'Uun.. 'Jhi fr .ill 1111. 1 lu-urd
1 y i.iiit i tti. r v .
Thut U why roti (n k I, mrt.t ult liprt'
f 1 f 11 1 i-i :t,- ir (. H-k at iiiwiii M frti!
M-'in tl.riii lirtlf a tiny,
U uilt i"nUi K'llt t wur iiirHHtire - frtf
.vi.ur v- T 1 ; I v wi'ir- will nt 'itt U-fMi-wj
K111.M 1 1 (.,n, nu mu..i th,-u,t
tl;- 1 i-ilh U new mimI ieii in 1 ,fT (lift
l - i - .an-it rnlf.-.iH ,..! )..,.!. 1,-1 ,.t..rr urnitt
;;;;jj; m. i...,..rtr.i
We i,iv rhetr. p.ith1 itf.Mirn. any rf
wi win initKi up 10 mr int..nrt t jn,
I .-.jtr.-. p h .rtrii'in . f will
-.ti n n.i'nil,. i.f A J,,ii. llncM-li rliiii utti-rn.
TIM ii' 1. m N Jk'w timt tt will l j1iI by
t ilU-iH rur uh the "latht." j
T:nt ('if kr"tind of the pnttfm In a 1ep grnf,
with mi uliinct Im 1 Hr--pt I . It owrllm or
rlH'.H. Tho cl..p .r II. I- fnlirlr i!f im hIm.w
iliiHt ennily. ii.-it not wiliikl ami Iihn
tl v w wi'l! tlmf tlie 'iiriiiftit hk kn nrw
until It In nil worn out. '1 he wm.1 iifl in
lug thl Knrnifrt w cliM t. with umnmnl
j,. I-.. Tl.. la .... m,..w 1 I.. l f.l..i.
ltd MiKNi.jy. 'Hi cloth lift o tine m Wfiivt th'.t
It in-"-fif a fntrljr Imrd mirf.K e, a tut at the
fiic -a tluiL U ft und I'linhte. It will not nr-nlT
lift or Wi Hhlny. ThlM rloth rmint 1m l-ouk'l,t
from tl. mill for Wn tlum !.'- a yiinl, mi
nmirer If yoit Inntglit flvt thmiKiind junln. V
nre tho I'm-lilo ( 'ok Nt reprfMnrni lvf of a ftymll
I'fitp of Id InrtrNt woon nil I In tn tti4 worht.
That vnntilfii im to make thin uniirfreilentHil tfftr
or n pxiii nt our mt-nwiire ror Jt. H-iu for
fnnipli pull It fa pU'Cfttce how long ami even
the wnui
I utrami are not how well th"ilyii
baa vet.
Columbia Woolen Mllla Co., I'ortlanil, Or.
I'lcBuo acml me firae, aampte nf late pat
tiTn KriKllxli over II lie c""". from which
yoil atrrra to make a suit to meamire for
$'J0. Also send ne, free, a porkpt tape
meaanrn and Monk, and Instruction. f,,r
tnklnK rnraHtirca. This da-s not obligate
me to buy a ault unli-va I wish.
Reward for Morses
I will irlve 20.(K) Hewiird fur ll.
,,',lvt'r.V, I" Lnkevlcw or t m y ranch
nt wiiKontlre Mounltiln, of any and
.. UM,,rokell Mllim. Ill .PM..M J. v .... n . .1.1
and upwards, unblemished, raiiKiiiK
" tjiii
iii i-iuu touniy, ureon, hranded
with an old horseshoe on both Juwh
without any other brand on the anl
nial; horHCHhoc open partdown ward
the name is cut in the following nd
vcrtlHtincnt. v. w. Jinowv.
$1,250 Reward.
Tim llurncyCoiiiity
I.I vi- sun k AnwH ia
thm, of u hii l, j Hin
a Illi' III her, iH 7iU
tfwanl loroviilciico
Ii hiIiiik 10 the con
vlilloii of purtit's
SteHiK aUn k bu
Hi ii
I'lllKIIJB ill JIH ini'in-
s lij),M'r"- I" addition I
'nfli-r I'Mi reward
llorBH liraml liorHt--klmu
bar 011 either
or Colli Jawa. it,,.
rorili'd Itixi'oiintlci
KaiiKU, llarm-r, I.aki- and ( rook ( 'unntli-n
j lloraca vi'iiUtd h hi'ii siihl IIorNi-a sold in i,nh,
, Hi rough thla section will be reported In this
I iMM-r. If not o ri'poried, p, ace write or ti'lu
phiinu Tlii) 'Mini's liiTBlil, Main St.'!, Huriia, Ore
I Kou W W Uiiown, Kife, Ore.
New spring Neckwexir
I tack ami
S'i .'i ml
K ii I ( iliivi-s.
New Showing of Ccantifitl Shirt
waists in I. awns to Ariive soon.
Men's and Hoys' Spring Clotliiny;.
Pioneer Store
Ycrmifug e
strong nerves ami muscles.
Jar w "Ft J
Cures Crir
In Two Dayi.
on every
I tf
-yzrisz vox, c.--z.
Merit es for Oetnlu r delivery.
Ilepiile of ('. W. Withers, l'llinley,
Oregon. 'XV t
Deaths from Appendicitis
decrease In the same ratio thai, the
ls of )r. KIiil;'" New Life fills In-en-ases.
'I'hev save yon from danuiT
and In lnu iiili k ami painless releast
f n on ('oust ipa t ion and t h" Ills jjrow
loir out of it. .streimili and vl;or
iiIwiivh follow I heir iisr. I inn ran teed
lv t ee I'sniII liriiKKlst. '.'.". Try
t liem.
) i.xtursion Hales
! nt 1 . 1 ., 1 . A , ...
' J,lI 11,1,1 'Ir' Atltlht (til, Mb
" HI(1 IMh. UI, S(.pt,.m!,rr Sth an, :th;
H'riul low rJiilid (rip ratrH will lo 111
HfVrt to all poititu J jiht; Haul return
i limit i ilayn, lut not later than
j octoiHT :Mht.
I Colorado common points
? .rM 00
m to
07 no
72 50
MIau,,ni-i PI,,.,.
; 1 Ul 1
MihhirtMlppi iiivr
, C'lilCHi)
Washington and Haltimore 1)7 00
New York, ' 108 W)
l'or particulars nee any Agent, or
mid reus I). S. Taggart, I). 1 A 1'. A.,
lieuo, Nevinlii,.
Itrnrrl IJiiirt Final I'roor.
I niled States Land OlJlee, Ijtke
view, Oregon, July a I, I'.hh;. Notice
is hereby given that Jumes I), llery
ford, assignee of Annn M. King, if
Lakeview, Lake Co., Oregon, has llled
notice of intention to make proof 011
desert land claim No. isi, for the
SV4 SK'4, SK'4' SV4, ami Lot 1
Sec. :i; p.Kt 1. 'j, :i, sec :cj, t. : H..
H. 'Jo W. M., and 1'. M. Green,
assignee of Nullum A. King, of Lake
view, Lake Co. Oregon, has llled
notice of intention to make proof on
desirt land claim No. 4K-J, for tho lot
4, NKi4- NK'4' .See. li'J, NV4' See. :j.J
T. .11, S., K. -Jt) W. M., before
Kegister and Kecelver, at ijikeview,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the pJlh day
of September, HHHi.
They name the following wilnesses
to prove the complete irrigation and
reclamation of said lands:
J. 1). Ileryford, K. JJ. Vining,
rrank bonier, Carl Lue aud l M.
Green all of Lakeview, Oregon.
:v J- N. Watson, KeglMter.
I'liml I'iooT.
Department of the Interior, Land
1, l''lk,'vi,,w- Oregon, August
J, I.HN, Notice is hereby Kiveii that
ArtliurL. Jlighllll, of 1'ltish, (Oregon,
has filed notice of his Intention to
make final Commutat ion proof in mip
portof hiH claim, viz: llotni-Htead
iMltry .No. 7:17 nnulii Ancnuf 07 huh
..'' Section 'JO, Townshiti ,V H
l.auge -Ji, IJ., V. M.. and Hint. h,.II
proof will be mnilo I
and Leceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
September 'JI, 1:hh!. Jf llam,.B tho
1'illowiiig witnesses to prove his con
initoiiH residence upon , and ctdtiVH-
n"ii in, I tie lam . viz ; Wi
. ". I'.IIUUlst.. of I .nlci.v .....
w, Iregoti.
J-. t:iurv and H. w
Voting, of
I'lush, Oregon.
N. Watson, Kegister.
Br th ) 1 tn Kind You Have Always Bourft: