Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 06, 1906, Image 3

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    General Information
I-'ii id I l.v lliiii'M lit I'iihI V King, tl
V Iiiivi a full H of M.vmcII Iti.'llliiM
fc t'oV, Hiiinpli'M of Stuck t VrtU1rt-
ImmmIx. with iiic llt. If .von
un nrtmtilxliiK a nlM-k company get
our iirlii'M mi Mlork rcrtlllentcM. tf
.WANIT.h: HI ini'ii In eiu'li Hint
to trim l, post hIkiim, Milvi rllw Mini
nii' HiniiplrH of our iiimU. Miliary
fT.'.iHi pi r iiiontli. rfliHi per day for
ixMiiMH. itnYAi. m:iti.y to.;
ii .i. W, .Minn r.lork,rliiiKo. WJ-
Tin' lixuiiilni't ha rcri'lvi-ij a new
Hainpli iMiiik of tin Wall Ktri-et line
of cimravid icrt lllt a i' of HliM-k ami
Imiid MhiiUm. I In- IiiomI 1 to ilutf 011
tin iiiMiki t. I'wil iiinl ciiilorwil by
tin leading lliwini li th of America.
'oji. righted. "" Ml''' "
you 'need anything In J'" H'li'. "
H ANTI'I': Two iih-ii In each cou
nty to n precinl ami advert Iw Hard
ware ii .at limnt. I'Ul out Hiiiii.lM
of our uooiIh, etc. Traveling I'o-lt.
1,,ii or oilli'' MmiMKiT. Salary ft" per
month, cmnIi weekly. wlthallex.eiiKen
pil. I In advance. We fiirnlHli every
thing. I-
Tlie Columbia llolloe
llcpt. lib, '.Ml "tll Ave hlcago. Ill
WANTKI': Two men In eai h
county to reprenelit ati'l advert Im
1 1 aril wt i" lieparliiK nt. I'ut out
nampleM of our good, etc. Travel
ing I'oxlt l"ii or Mllce Manager. Sal
ary f.HI.IHI pel lliolilll cauli weekly,
with all cxpeiiHCN paid In alvanci.
We fiiruUli every thing.
Chicago, 111.
Iiept. lilO. Motion. ISIdg.
The Illinois Central
maintain unexcelled w-rvico (mm tlie
Went to llu Kit and S..11II1. Making
clowi ciiiinecti.wiN iruiu c.f ull
trmincontinciitBl linen, piit.eiii:ern are
given ttictr t lioict- .f roil leu to hieauo
Ijouiitville, Meiii.lii and New OrlcanH,
ami through the" pninlH to the far
l'rojH-ctivo traveler di-raring infor
inution auto tlie l"'Hl rule and bent
. . . ...I -S.I.
routed are invileil 10 correr.iii -.i"
tho following repreHeiittivc.
15. II. Truiiil'ull. Commercial Agent,
142 Third St., 1'ortland, Ore.
.1. C. I.ln.lHey, Tmv PatiHcnger
Agent. H2 Third nt.. Portland, ro.
1'atil II. Thoinpeon Paawnger Agent
Col 11. uti I'uiMitg Ni-allle Uhi-Ii.
Popular and Picturesque.
Tlioonly tliinu! necesHiiry to make tlie
Denver ttiul Hio (iramle the iiioft xi
ular, b it l'" ver lcn known tlie
nioMt pleHHiint ihkI mt I-ifturef.ini
way to cni!.H tlie conlineiit. lian come
alxml. TI1I11 iH Hi" eli bl Mliinent of
tlirtiiiiili'itlif'in ' eilc .
In conncclion willi ll It- A N 8
tliroutfli rullmiin Sti n lanl Meeper im
now run from I'nrtlaiiil to Denver, leav
ln rortluml at 8.."i p. 111.. arriving at
Suit Lake at S 10 a. m. tlie ecoii(l
iiiorn'mir, Kiivin Halt I-ako at n.f.O p.
in. ami arriving at Di nver 4.2O p. m. tlie
fol!owin ly. TIi'ih hchcilule iveH pas
BenKcrii Hoven liimra htop-over in Salt
Lake, affonlinK an opportunity to vital
the Mormon Capital an well as a day
light rile through the uran.leiit scenery
in the NorM.
Tor reHcrviition in thin car ami for il
luHtratcd liiK.kletH picturint? tho Bcenery
contiiiuoiiH t'J I'"' l-enver & lllotj ramie,
proving it to h tlie 'Scenic Lino of the
Worl-l," w.itetoW. M'-llriile, How
eral Anent. I-l Thir.l nlreet, roitlnnil.
If You arc not Particular
don't travel over the Illinois Central,
as any old road will 1" yim and wo dont
want your patronage; but if you are
particular and want tho bent and mean
to have it. auk the ticket agent to route
you via the ILLINOIS CL'NTKAL, tho
road that rutiH through solid vestibule
trainfl between St.I'uul, Omalin, Chicago,
St.LouiH, Momphifl, and New Orleans.
No additional charge in made for a seat
In our recliniti).' chair cars which are
fitted with lavatories and smockinR
rooniH, and have a porter in attendance.
are the lowest and wo will kbo glad to
quote them in connection with any
transcontinental lino.
11. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third Street, Portland Ore.
J. 0. Lindsey, T. l A P. '.A.. M2
Third Street, Portland, Ore.
Paul II. Thompson, Frt. A Passenger
Agent, Colmau Phlg., Seattle, Vash.
Want your mouslaclie or bc;rJ
abcautlfal brown or rich Hac!:?Us2
a 9 urti t!
Avers riu
m tmiwi 10
inti:mi st
All. WK UV.AtW
W'e print ton iiclii i plHlo. if
iMitch luiicli at tlie lirewery Sa
loon, tf
IiIhiiIcm nt llm KxfiriiiM"
Tim ('. x 11 in I mt j r 1 1 t tn iihIi Ip pUtH,
and muki'ii iheni into bookN loorder. It
Samples of the lletmlMon hlpplliv
I UK at The I'.xn miner olllce. All
mIz"miiii tialltleM, from Manila to
llm-n. tf
Look at the IcMcripti'iriH of the hunt
listed with The Kxinnii er this week for
ale. and nelect your piece before it lis
Is-en f.ild to Mime one eUe. tf
I'.hitik" lor tiniil iroof, Ifcrert proof-
tiiolier hind filial prisifs and blank afli
ihivils for iippli-Htioim for readviTlinc
iiii'IiIm, bhiiik wittii'i-x' allidavits, etc at
The KxHinincr i'(li-e. tf
There Ih two wayH to tell a onl
cljtar; one U to buy It, pay your
inoniy and Hinoke It. Hut t he bet ter
way hi to kiio that it Ik an Knule
or a Mountain Komi, which is abso
lute proof of If M )eniiltietH'SM.
Miuli' and for nab' by A. Stockman,
at t he cljtar factory . tf
We are now prepared to sell several
tracts of land at prices that will startle
you, fcHcially if you ant aci-uaintcd
with the location. We have land all tin
way from f l.M i-r acre up to fl.V, tin
Improved or Improved, to suit the
purchaser. Laket'ounty Lxau.iner.t
S-e a sample of the Pacific moiitly
at thin illlce, and you will not hesi
tate to pay ?2...) for 11 year'n sub-
sclpt Ion to The Lxainlncr and that
valuable Mayar.lue jtn I ! IkIiimI In Port
land, tf
Fanners, have yor butter wrap
mts ptliitcil at The Ixamlm olllce,
Instead of Hcmlliiir away for them.
j You keep your money at home, and
patronize them that patronize you,
Is-Hldes, you we what you are p-t-!
tltiK mid don't have to pay for It tf
: It doesn't suit yoll. tf
J If any ntiliscrllcr of the I-xamincr
1 wIsIich to HtilmcrllK for "Tom wat-
hoii'm MaKiulue," we will accept tl-Vl
from tliein, write the letter, buy the
postal order and send for the maga
zine to any address. There Ih but
one price on "Tom Watson, a Miii-i
r.lne," and we do not club with it,1
but is a matter of accomodation to
SubscrllsTM to the Kxnmlncr we can
Ki t them the mnn'uine without any
trouble or risk to them for the ngii-
' lar price. tf.
A Mountain of Gold
could not bt lntc as much happinesH to
Mrs. Luchi Wllke. of Caroline, Wis.,
aa dlil orft L'.V box of Huckllu's Arnica
Salve, when It completely cured a rtin
niiiK sore 011 her leg, which had tor
tured herfor "'.I loiifcyeara. tireateat
antlwiitlc healer of Piles, Wounds,
and Sores. '2c at Leo lleall's Drily;
If you contemplate n trip east call
on or write to uh nt Keiio. Should
you have friend coining from tho
east you can pet Information rejrard
Iny; rates, routea. etc., which will be
to their advantage and comfort. If
you wish you can deposit cost of
ticket with 11a for their passage and
tlcketa will be furnished them at
their eastern liomea. Thin olllce la
with you and responsible, which
should be an Inducement to commu
nicate wltliUHratherthan with thoHO
in othercltles.
II. I.. (Irlthth, Agent, So. Pac. Co.
Ileno, Nevada.
J. M. Fulton. District Passenger
Agent, Southern Pnclllc Co., Iieno,
Nnsnl Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Croaiu jUalm, which iB agros.
ably arouialio. It ia received through tbs
nostrils, clfsiiKoa and Loala the wholo sur.
face over which it diffuses itself. iJrupgUts
tj.'ll tho COo. 817.8) Trial si.o by mail, 10
couta. Tost it and you are euro to contiuuo
tho treatment.
To aoconunodnto those who aro partial
to the use of atomizers in applying fiquida
into the initial pnosiiges for tnUu'rhal trHU
Met, tho projirn-.- ira prepare I'reamllulm ia
liquid form, which -"ill bo known aa Ely's
Liquid Cream Halm. Price including the
praying tube in 75 cents. l)ruggista or by
mail. Tho liquid form embodies the med
ic inul priipurtics of tho aolid preparation.
Wake up your liver. Cure
your constipation. Get rid
Sid'-your biliousness. Sold
I'.,. 'O. ,. J. O. AyerOo.,
ii.v ot 1 ut-i.ii.ik 11. r. umll k to.. nasuua. m. a.
It. M 1 1, Wi'tn'i 4 W. nun MI
iri.iili.iii ttfiriMurr
UkrtltH,Orr, f .nice vlrw, ttr
If yoti wish Information nboti
Lnko ('oiinfy, Oregon address fi til
er of the nlsiva K'nll;tiieri, who will
'! plefiHcd to reply.
n. u. church diki-ctory.
Plan of seivieesof f'astor of th? M. K
Church, Lnkeview. 1st and 3rd Sun
days of each month.
Ileihel at II a. rn , and New Pin
reek at 7 p. in., 2nd and 4ih Sundays
of curd month.
Lnkeview at II a. m., and 7 p. in.
Prayer meeting Thursday 7 p.m. 6th
Sunday Union Schol Mouse at 11 a.m.
I,nk-vic at 7 p. in. You are cordially
invited to all this services.
Kascohii Swyi'Kh, Pastor.
Notice to Public.
No person or persons are allowed to
trespass or prospect on Section
township iH, North, I limy ft ", West,
on the California Hide of the Hoiiue
Miuiiitf District, without first getting
written permission and niakliiK con
trite t with J. Monroe Iiynian, Fort
lliilwcll, California. Any one doing
ho without written authority will be
J. Monroe Layman, 19-21
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that is by ccfnstitutional reme
dies. I)cafucHH is caused by an inflam
ed condition of the mucous liulng of
ttie F.ustachiau TuIkj. When thin tube
la inflamed you have a rumbling Bound
or imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed, Deafnesa id tho renult,
ami unless tho inflammation can bo
taken out and this tubo restored to
its normal condition, hearing will bo
destroyed forever; nine caws out of
ten are caused by Catarrh, which is
nothing but an Inflamed condition of
tho mucous surfaces.
Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars free. 1. J. Cheney &. Co.,
Toledo, O.
Kohl by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Fam'ly Pills for consti
pation. Mill. M ..Ol"..
1 I ,...! .. I
o- . 1-11. '. -
The Le-adlng Paper of tlie
Padfk Const
Th- San Francisco
The Weekly Chronicle
The very baat wekly Nwipapf r
published ia lh tDllra
$1.50 a Year
!rirlmlin xUjr(l to u art of th
i.iiuj .iuiu, Caoiida auu Maiiro
It Is best because, besides
-lif ting si! the news of tho world
e .ci werk in aa Interesting way
. ;. d :ully Illustrating many
r!c:es. It has special dsDarfr
1 in.n:!. uevoted to
and S-OKTS
Tli-'sa are presided orer by
d tors having a thorough knowl--e
of thtlr specialties. Ths
a"!5 devoted to Agr culture,
I IvTticu ture, Poultry and Llvo
'oc ars well Illustrated and
I V.i w.tli matter of tho greatest
' forest to all engaged in thois
Castries, evary Una belag
rltt-n by those who ara In close
1 lcS with oondlttons prevailing
. ti this Coaat.
It will be sent free.
Da you want the Chronicle
Reversible Map?
uwlng ths United States, De
M. nlon of Canada and Northern
Mexico on one side, MAP OF
THE WORLD, presenting to rlow
tn oua oontlnuous map, with all
arsts in true prepordoo, the n surfsoe ( the Earth o the
other side.
Snnd 12 sad ffw the Map sad
'"Ver kly Ororjlole" for one year,
pe-stag prepaid e May a4
The Dally nd Map
Br assA peaa paid
Only $a5 a Ycf
s. v
The best V;ifpv''''s(l.
tlie f)ii the market.
& Also u complete line of wm?oti
and btiifjry bnriicHH, whlpv.
robe) riataa, blta, Hpnrs
4 qulrta, rosettea, In fnct every
thln In the lino of carriage
and horse ftirnlnhlngr-. lie
pairing ly competent men.
otTo ma"ow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
LaKeview rurniture 2tore
E. N. JAQUISH, Proprieto.
Full and complete stock of
Everything: in the line of
This week the Centra Maga ine Agency will make
the following barga'-. priceson on the leading maga
zines of the country Just in order to secure vour
No. 1. Two Magazines for the price
of one
Madame 100
McCall'5 magazine
No. 2. Three flagazines for the price
of one
Success $1.00..
Madame 1 .00 thfCC neCR Q
The Reader 3.00 'eau.uw
N0.3. Four flascazines for $2.00
buccess 1.00
American Boy i.OO
Madame 1.00
success $1 .00
cosmopolitan i.uo
Review of Kevsews... 3.00.-- year
Madame 1.00"
SPECIAL Tin above conililmitlonsnre noiuo of the best ever offered to the
public. Tlio Sucitsh Is the liest general monthly magazine published. Mc
t'all'H Magazine la the beat fashion magazine. Madame Is now the bent
high-grade womau'a monthly published, and the American Hoy is the bent
In ita class. Think of it four magazines one for each member of the fam
ily. t-iM worth for fi'.OO, provided you noml your order at once.
Special Agents wanted to
dame. 5end for our free catalogue.
Central nagazine Agency
Box 320, Indianapolis, U. S. A,
Snider Building on Water St.
hnth One rr
50 MW" Year $1.UU
securesubscribers to Ha-
n r r -t . - oa-j iuui ru t w ou t rati
rk TnrHm'n llnll a4 Iwktt Er
of l.lirk nad Mold.
Lrhu lii.t, 11 ml slimy ou a Csumor
fer alnli, or dry ami sandy In tin fhU
w ives' basket 4, the turbot l, perhapt,
tlie lenst lnlvretliiK of fish. W'uetl
wltriniiiiff In an artiucinl sea or lying
011 tho sandy totfo:n It Is the most at
tractive of all of lh (leiilna of thin
mock ocenn ami whother at rest or la
motion hn nn air of vl;:ihtncp, vivacity
and Intcilli.ieiK r greater than that of
any of the iiornully shnpctl hsh. This
Is la p u t due to lis Imhit ami In part
to the e::j. i's.iIoii of the flnt tlh'a eye.
This, whiclj Is i;nk i:nd Invlsililo la the
iead a r.ilsej on 11 kind of turret
In the liv; 1 . tui .ot. or sole. m.J net
fhee hi ti In.' rvolvl.11; n;u'rntus,
ii, : 1 it ; iii.l.'jieti'leiilly at
tin " !. oc:,,.;" of the ciia-
u:".' ', )),-i ,,.'.':-e;ic ,', how
ever. ..1 1 :' h;ur, ci.d of tJm
fill- ! ' I ;. I. Ml.l U II IIICM
V 1 1 of tli.- eyeball, which
I- v out exrexs:)ii.
" eit :-s, eyes art
. Itii.-tisely bright,
. stiirlmr stupid
. ., y tl lies' eyes. It
I ; i : Jerk Its eye
i ;!io'i to sim-iy
. 1 I surface. Il
tii.ii 0.1 either wld rt
.; r . s to iroject fion
: ' t reeeive, tlia eiTef-t
'l.v that made by tea
. ' of the Jointed appa-!-sta
the electric IL'hl
1 t a. y atile on to
il.e turlsita. thoocl)
! i-.-vi rimers. moving la
' ccross tlie wutW
. a Cash when ao dln-I..-
icrfectly still urion
hey do not. like the dabs
flounders, cover tbemselvi
:. for tuny minilc the color of
v o-
l!'l ,
'-y ' -
the '-:
and tii'
with sa;
the (.to:! s 1 ;th such absolute fidelity
tliat eecp' for the shining eye It I
almost lm'Kx-ible to distinguish then).
It would 1 nr that volition plays
tome part l.i this subtle conformity to
i environment, for one tnrbot, whlcb Is
i blind, has d:,'tn?8il to a tint too light
! and not at all In h.irmon with that at
j the sand. London Spectator.
No man is as dangerous aa hla
When some men have nothing to da
they become reformers.
If a man asks a candid opinion froja
a friend and pets It, It makes him mad.
Some people invariably get the worst
of it. because they are always demand
ing the beat of it '
As soon as a man gets a notion that
his employer can't get along without
htm be la getting ready to lose his job
There is always the danger that ev
ery man will become the hired man
and every mother the hired girl to thelf
When a young man begins to make
rejnilar visits to a girl, how it would
knock out the romance If It were suit
that he was calling on her to make
rangeuients for hiring a cook. Atchi
son Globe.
Where Kit Blarlowe Waa Baried.
St. Nicholas. Deptford, poaaeeses
richer literary, artistic and naval asso
ciations than most churches of the rt1
er aide. It was the parish church of
John Evelyn and his tenant, Peter the)
Great, who delighted to make the par
son drunk, as well as of a long Una
of naval heroes. One of the many his
toric monuments quaintly commemo
rates Teter Pett. "the Noah of his age.
who Invented the frigate. A weird
wood carvlns. representing the proph
et Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones,
is by Griulinsr Gibbons, who was "dis
covered" here by Evelyn. The parish
register records the burial of Christo
pher Marlowe, "alalne by ffrancls
Archer" on June 1. 1G03. Westmlnstet
Oddly Shaped Spldera.
The most peculiar spiders In tht
world, as well as the largest ones. In
habit the Island of Sumatra. They arc
of all conceivable forms and colors, and
some' of them spin threads almost aa
large and strong as the .grocer's twine.
Some qucerly shaped spiders hart
square bodies poised on long red legs,
and others have crooked green and yel
low legs which support heart shaped
bodies. One of the very oddest of tb
lot has a body that looks like that of
u youug turtle, the "shell" having round
knobs aud pear shaped projections all
over It.
Monument to m Flab.
A tombstone" which Is to be seen
In the gur.leu of Fish eottagi. Blockley,
a picturesinie village In South Worces
tershire. Is bel!eved to be the only
fish's toml'stone In existence. The In
scription N us follows:
In Memory of the Old Fish.
Under the ko!I the old Fish. do. Ua.
Twenty years, he. lived and then, did. dla.
IIo waa bo tame you. understand
lie would, cone, and eat, out, of, our,
Died April the 20th. JSS5.
A0l'J i;j years.
-Tendon Graphic.
Sua Story.
Kind Lady I '.j you mean to tell ni.
that; read.!!-? h:iknsieare brought ym
to prison'? Vln;t works did you read!
No. 411 "rtoiiieo au' Juliet." intitn.
Kind I.a.'y Hut what evil IuHucim a
could that have on you? No. 411 Why,
It learned ire to bo a porch climber,
mum. I'll'!:.
M.'l:ikTi Identity.
"I Just dropped In again today," said
the l;idv 't. see those lovely aide,
bonrd yon h id last week"
"Nor in-, iiia'niii." ri'p'led the callow
furm i'i : .M'lian. "I ain't never bea
able t -i!.' i'vc:i a muHtactie." I'hlla-
C!e', !i! l I'f.-s.