Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 30, 1906, Image 4

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    Calf Cfamitto CJstrt tttnrf
Published Every Ttmradey.
- Handing
Kntcred at the I'om Office at 1 aacrlpw, Ore.
S SlMlind t IrM Matter.
(One Year $2,001
TERMS: iSlx Month 1.00
(Three Months 5O
Do Che People Trust. Roosevelt.?
The Republicans unto rally derided
that their plea for control in the
House of Kci'resentntives of the next
legislative Congress should le lased '
upon what the party lias accomplish-1
ed during the administration of Mr. j
lioosevelt, aud since the President has;
himself inspired nil the important j
work, both ot the Congress and the
Departments, it was concluded to
place Wfore the country, clearly, w hat I
tbey had achieved through the cooler-
ation of his cabinet ana the Congress !
making it plain thut the Republicans j
pasturage of sheep in the state illegal
but that the law is essentially a rev
enue one and invalid. This derision
is in the rase of W. 1 Kesri, respon
dent, vs. I'umatilla county, appellant.
From Our Exchanges.
Klamath Falls Herald.
Tom Stephens is a veritable "Johnny
on the spot" when It romes to get
ting in on the ground floor in lucky
I enterprises. When out in Mod or
county, Oil., n year ago he located
j pome claims near Tort llidwell, ami
last week the clHim adjoining one of
'his was sold for ?.'U.0. Mr, Steph
ens left for the new strike yesterday,
! to look Hfter his interests there. In a
letter received from his partner it is
stated that many prominent mining
men of the roast are now there, and
jthat all pronounce the outlook to be j
i very promising and that it will equal !
' Nevada lu her balmiest days.
Mining World. j
Minerals containing gold are rare,'
there being only a half doen, the
tellurides. There nro 40 known 111 in- I
others surrounding the lHdwcll dis
trict will prove to be good. It all help
the country generally, and especially
Modoc and Lake countys. The more
strikes that are made, the stronger it
proves the fact, that we are In ono of
the greatest mineral bearing zones in
the United States, ami the out side
world is fast finding it out.
Silver I .like Oregon Ian.
Tuesday eveuing II. O. Ellis of the
Hend and W. E, (iueriii jr. of the
Columbus, Ohio, proptietors of the
IVschutes Telephone Co., arrived in
Silver Iake, accompanied by H. R
Hiiltton and P. I Tompkins of Hend,
and yesteiduy intei viewed our busi
ness men conceruiug a telephone line
from this place to Hend. This line,
if constructed, would give Silver
Lake telephone connect ion w ith I'rine
ville. The Italics, Shauiko, Portland
and all northern points and would
greatly facilitate business transactions
with the oiit.-ble wirld. Mr. Kllis
spoke encot!r:igini:ly of the proposi
tion and snys the line will bo built if
enough support can bi obtained to
make it 11 p:iying adventure.
zinc, 41 rolmlt and nickel, and up
wards or ware known to contain iron, j
The mini 11 lt term "horse" means
mass of country rock botvreeu the
inclosing walls of a vein. To rousti- win lie .,1. Tbo
.11 ... : 1... ti ...... 1
in wnTeiuu,,..-, containing silver; U minerals
dent 8 leadership, and would continue 1 contaiu llerourv mu, miluM.als
to do eo, so that the real question to j vany . n,waril- of ,0lJt j
ue aeterminea snou'u oe, ao im- io
ple trust Mr. Koosevelt, and approve
what he has .done?
The Democratic party, having ac
complished nothing, having attempted
nothing but to obstiuet, oiens its
side of the campaign by applying to
Mr. Roosevelt vile epithets, descrip
tive of men w ithout character or vir
tuous principles, the lowest of low
politicians that the President should
be called a "Faker and Four-flusher"
will astonish the entire countiy iu its
excessiveness of intemperance, as ap
plied to Mr. Roosevelt, and Demo
crats will be as prompt to resent this
abuse as Republicans.
This same Democratic politician, de
clares that the people. "Democrats and
Republicans alike, seem to have got it
in to their crops, that he, Mr. Roose
velt, is working honestly and consist
ently iu their interests. The people
do believe this of the President. The
world believe- it, and while it might
be made to appear that the president
made some small mistakes, the country
will resent this implication of dishon
erable motives to the man who, above
all others in the history of our coun
try, has been hated by evil doers, and
feared by those who would administer
the government dishonesty.
Never before in the history of Lake
county have we been favored with the
presence of threj of the leading edu
cators of the state. This alone is suf
ficient guarautee that the institute
.... ... . mssary j the institute ill consist
the walls average about the mass be
low and at both sides, but the greatest
known "horses" do not converge ov
erhead, the two walls coming to the
surface or in some instances, 1,000
feet apart.
A miner's inch is the quantity of
the water delivered through each
square inch of opening, and which
varies from 1.4 to 1.7 cubic feet of
water per minute. The custom among
engineers is to take 1.5 ?ubie feet of
water per minute as the equivalent of j every half
program of
of lectures
by these distinguished gentlemen
hence the usual order of busiuess to
which we have been accustomed will
be somewhat changed.
Hegining at 0 o'clock of each day
Pres. Campbell will address the meet
ing. After a few minutes intermission
Pres. Ressler will address the insti
ute. Then after another short inter
mission Prof. Ackermau will take
charge of the institute for an hour.
This will tie the order of business
rr.iiM rw - n rr i
Our Sping; Stock is arriving-, and
will soon be Complete.
New spring DressGoods
Wo have here a showing in all the
leading shades of jjrny that lias never
heen equaled in Lakeview before.
Cream and White Knlish Mohair
llrilHanteens, Henrietta Albetross,
etc., ineludin many novelty wnist
ins for spring.
New spring Neckwear
An Attractive Array of Novelty
Neck Kibbons, Tinsel Belts, Back and
Side Combes, Hand Bajjs, Silk and
Kid Cdoves.
New Showing of Beautiful Shirt
waists iu Lawns to Arrive soon.
Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing.
Do Not Overlook This Store.
More Fanatics Coming.
Dispatches from the East announce
that some wretches known as "Aadm
ites" are on the eve of departure
from Oklahoma to the Pacific Coast.
This is a sect of religiousts who are
seeking for an Eden wherein they may
live nude, as our first parents are re
presented to have lived.
We forewarn these people that,
while there may be places on this Coast
wnere xne cumate migm De iavoraoie j (Bid well Gold Nugget
to such a life, the temper of our peo- j xhe past two weekg have witllMlM,i
pie may not be so tolerant. j a great rush to the new gold strike
The destroying contagion of Holy j northeast of Lakeview. Many were
Rollensm was promptly stamped out tLere frora Tonopah aU(1 (;0idfie.d.
on this Coast, and the eople are not Many o tLe ,ate arrivalrf went on to
hkely to receive any more kindly thisLotit Cabin Ueo IL Nixon and GeQ
new 101 or criminals oy wnonj our
peace is threatened.
an inch. For illustration : 1000 min
era' inches of water, (oieubie feet per
second) is about the quantity which
would be carried by an ordinary
wooden flume 30 inches wide, flowing
13 inches deep, if the flume had a fall
of 1 inch per box of 12 feet (: feet
per mile), this giving a stream veloc
ity of C.7 feet per second.
Tellurium occurs native, mostly in
granular masses. Its color is tinwhite,
hardness 2 to metallic luster and is
rather brittle. It occurs in Colora-
I do. There are a mini tier of ores called
! gold-tellurides ; the ores of Crippe
Creek and a few other localities in the
United States being mainly tellurides.
The most important ores are sylvan
ite, which is silver white, with brill
iant metalic luster, and steelgray to
silver white, streak; calverite, bronze
yellow, streak yellowish gray ; krenner
ite, silver-white to brass yellow; petz
ite, steel-gray to iron back; nagyagite,
day during the two days
session cf the institute. The sub
ject of each lecture will le selected
by the speaker as he may deem most
fit for the occasion. Addresses w ill
be made in the eveuing at 7:.'
As our institute w ill convene for only
two d tys 1 hope the general public
will make an extra elfort to attend
during the day. Let all attend and
show that the people of Lakeview are
iuterresteil in educational work.
Pioneer Store
Jaynes 'Tonic Vermifu
Coves strength to men, women and children.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
f Take LSXatlVG BrOITlO Quinine Tablets.? tVLjfy
'4 Seven Million boxes told In past 1 2 months. ThLi sifmature. Sf'jZKi
lirlgnt younn men
((( I standing to
nesH positions.
and women of
prepare for busi-
as stenographers.
Seven Million boxes told in post
Cures Ci i;
In Two Djys.
on every
box. 25c.
i Wingfield, the two Nevada mining
I millionaire, have located claims in tbo
I Lost Cabin district.
I Trip T.rtftna nluini in 1 .nut
bookkeepers ami, tcleraph operat
ors, at good salaries.
Write today for free t utnloue to
3'J0 12th St.. Oakland. Oil.
! The largest and In-st eouipiM-d
; school of business tniininj;, Sho't- j
j hfind, Typewriting, Morse Telegraphy j
j Civil. Elect rienl, Mechanical and.Min-j
j ing: Engineering: Mec liKiiical and j
Architectural Intving, West of New
York. I
j-rr 1 .-scire 1 1 ouny: un-n mid women
of this vicinity should not fail to
write for catalogue, stating what
course they prefer.
ihu auinu
hawi.ii c., !..., , 1 .uerjno ewes lor uctoiier
U1CL11LL 1IHF a MUriKlll ill Ml IA MIL' II 1 I r
in the!
Praise and Slander.
Newspapers and politicians
1,1 ucii-usc 01 uau men, ; there is no development yet
luiu somucn mat is Known to I elan- tamp tbat would warrant one saying
derous of good men, that the people 1 positivelv what there is in sight, or
have ceased to take them seriously. what there may lx. In .,uite a nuin-l
The elector will not be convinced that j -r cf places on the surface and also !
toe onlv man in tho ,rnnrt- v..i 1 , ...
1 ln lew 6nial1 assessment noles, you
fought for the people against the : ean pan free gold from the rock,
trusts, and who has successful, I 1 The topography of the country resem
In collusion with them". ; We tbe distrk.t around the GoldnM
mutiit c-ampaigu manigers countrr. The ceoloeical conditions
; of the country are very much the same
; as Tonopah. The general formation
quire of C. W. Withers,
in this declaration have undertaken
to dvise the people on that subject
about which they themselves are well
informed that the President is the
friend of the people.
tp Enutifully located in Portland. Oregon. I
often nnturpansed facilities for the cul- !
ture and education of young won, en. Special j
opportunity in Music Art. Languages and Liter
ature. Well equipped Pt.ysiral and Chemical Lab
oratories. Herbarium and Mineral Cal.met. The I
largest and oldest Ladies' Seminary in the Pacific
Northwest, it enjoys a national reputation (or im-
.T.hero ln.abe a hundred men ln thU city w ho huso tirm tho nnrno
o ,...1.. i ,,,.1 iiuiit man 111 uii wnu.
as yourself ln all other proportion.
.wear clothe a" 1,npOB,,lblll,' to Vtt a vrtect flttlruf icult hy buylroc ready-to- 1
We will make a suit to your meiiHure for $:'0.
Vou puy thut much, or nearly that muc h for every h-ind-me-dow u milt you buy.
'ilniei-ni.i- the. ,ti,n. rlntdps iirr lurned '
out hj- the iiiouaaml. Ti.jr me ,t al wea
ly lliai-lillier'. j
That la why you l,,o t,..u-t,l .ni. liereto.
fori- tlmt I. .si tli.-lr k of n,. , M wfre ou
I. n.l wnrii Ih.-iii Imir B tjj, jr. J
W'e will ttuike a aiiitt to ynnr niemiire- for
your esrliielsr weur 11, nt will nt ou l.vmiw
It wim I111II1 f..r yoii. nml in, i,ni- rl.e for $31.
W- nuiimiiler il. i I,, Mi i .,, li n. ,i... '
the rlolli im liew an. tf.iroti -Jn o(T ttii,
- -laleitt llerim- Imlol ....I.-. rvery M-afil
Imml wweil wiih allk IImi.I wiib liniN.rie. Vene
llim cloth.
W loirs u-lertiil Mirrrnl Dntlnrm mr nl
wiih h we w ill in like iii to ).,ur ii,i-iiiire f..r
I Ml, -.-a otl eiri-N Rome liri-rpleliie wh will Until
;oli a amnnle nf a line l'liull.h ori-rllne ia!lern.
'Ihla i,ii.,rn la ko new II at It will l eol.l li
tnll,,r in-it year aa the "Uteal."
Tim t'lo kgrotinit of the pattern la a deep gray,
with an almost liiiieri-eiOlili onerllne or
-he k. The color of tlila fahrle iloea not liliow
nul eaany. oim nor WTHHIe ami haa taken the
ilye a well that (lie garment look a like new
iiiiiii ir la an worn our. J l,n wnij uhm1 In wear
Ink- Oil" garment aeleitei with unuaiml
tare, -mere l no almrt wool In the fabric ami
no aiinoiij-. j ua cioiu una ao nne a weave th-t
It tireaenia a fairly linnl aiirfiue. anil at Iho
ane time la awift anil pllahle. It will not aeuir
tip or get ahlny. Thla clolli cannot In hoiight
from the mill for l-aa than IIWI a yard, no
mailer If you lamtht fire tlionaand yanla. n
are me l a. inc i oaat ri,,ri'aciilHlr,a of a aymll-
in in um inrgeai wiailen nulla In the Worhl,
T lint enahlea lia to make thla liiipreceileiiteil otTer
oi a ami in your meaMtire ror ajo. Nem for a
aample mill It to piece are how king ami een
rue wool
liaa eel.
Deaths from Appendicitis
ileereiiMe In t he Hiune ritlo that the
use of Dr. King's New Life Mils In
creases. They nave vou from danger
mill bring iilck and puiiilcMM rclcum
fr.niii coiiHtlpntloii and t h" Ills gross
ing out of It. Strength nml vigor
nhvnys follow their use. (i mi run teed
bv Loo Ileall Uriigglst. '.'ic. Try
('. S. LovelesH liivlten the public to
t-luire their put roiuige w ith him fit
the South Lakeview Feed and LI very
Stuble. He guiirintoes gimd trcut
inent to all stock left In his cure, ami
proposes to feed good hay and plenty
of It. II'.Mf
Dissolution Notice.
The co-partnership heretofore exist
ing between the liariium brothers un
der tho firm iiamo of Ilurniiin llros..
J'i's lx-eii dissolved by mutual consent.
No bills will be contracted after this
date, July 12, IJNkJ, by this firm, and
tho undersigned will not bo respons
ible for any such.
Illinium ISros.
by A. If. Ilurniiin,
V. K llurnuiii.
alramla are note how well the"(lyo
Till nnt thla eonpon ami mall
in the Lost Cabin district is porphy
ry, lime an iron. The formation is
In n opiniou handed down by
-ubiico ubhu, or tne Supreme outcroppings. The general trend in
Court recently, the decree of Judge j most of the dykes, and outcrops is
... xv. wim, ui circuit court ror ' north and south
TT..., illl.. a i . w ...
ii i uj.neid, amt the ru.miug eut and wet. The country!
act of the Legislator., of VJiC, to tax : near there is well mineralized and is !
an ioreign sheep coming into the
oi uregon tor the tiurtir r.r . .....i i;.i. . t ... i a. . .
" uni- u-i; nine miner urusu io oomer.
pasturage or being driven through. The country is well located but
uwu soiu, oecause the tax there certainly
to uui uuimrm or leviea according to i itcry there
value. 'Ihe court holds th.-it thr. n-v,.
socially and educationally lor the most esalted
station. Confers Academic and Colleiriate iJeurera
I'retty well covered, excepting in some I br 15,3,8 Authority. Interference with convictions
Places. There are several large porphy- j ' fSt
ry dykes protruding and Considerable taget. Social opportunities such as are available
in no other city on the Coast. Buildings larue and
commodious, well lighted, heated and ventilated;
dormitories and private rooms supplied with all
In na n.l -
win h-iiii you a aiiiiiiiie or the cloth. We guar
antee that the aamph. la actunlly cut from the
very Imlt of cloth from which we ninke thn aulf.
JCr li.n v.. i, 11. ...l ... . .... .. .
oartins the he.i r, .j i . .on vcriry una
.iiu ucvcioioiig irue womannooa. iMjuips
There are also a few ' lnolerD conveniences. The institution is liberal
ou iuiiir:iiiB wiiooui edciuiciiig me cnaracicr
and traditions of age and achievement. Terms
modest. Satisfactory references required. Write for
very eitfcy to travel over, being rolling I year. Addreis SiMer Superior. St. Mary's Academy '
nue collected under this act cannot be
construed us a license because no spe
cial privileges are granted nor does
tho failure to pay tho tax render the
is other very good tcr-
t ritcry there that coeds prospecting.
Water and timber in abundance are
found from two to six miles distant.
The Tonopah and (Joldfield men
beleive it will be a second Tonapah.
We hope this dii-trict. as well as all
Largest Denominational University
In the Northwest.
t x- r CIiristian hut not Sectarian
1 wo W Buildinga Adequate Equipment
45 Professors and Instructors
Two new Courses added tMo
Ivnglisli, Commercial, and Electrical Iincinccrinir "M-'i ,JreB'
ti T w Por Particulars, Address, ' ianVi
Dean J. r . Matthews or President John II. Coleman l!
SALEM, 0KEG0N. j x
tisikkk orn:
United States Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon, August 20, No
tice is hereby fiventhatin compliance
with the provisions of the act of Con
1resH of June A, 1H7H, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands iu the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all tho Public Land State-n
by act of Augiiht 4. lKf'. William T.
, Oarrett. of lily, county of Klamath,
State of Oregon, has this day filed iu
this oliice his suoin statement No.
for the purchase of the NW'4'
KK4, N'.j SW';(, SW. HWU of Sec
ticjii lit;, ia Township No. '' S., Kange
1" E., W. M. and will offer proof to
show that tho land sought is more val
uable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before liogister
ami 1 Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon,
on Thursday, tho 8th day of Novem
ber, J!)Mj. JIo names as witnesses.
H. C. Ilamaker, Albert Walker, Walker
Pollard and J. P. Parker all of Jily,
Oregon. Any ami all persons claim-
adversely the above-described
are requested to illo their claims
this office on or before said 1st duy
November, 1000.
Watson, Itogister. 34
aonie rortlniiil friend to tell yon Ml,nt the n-ii.
ntatlon and alaniiliiff of ti,e Columbia Woolen
Mill Co.
It la the almpletit thlnir In the world in liave
ome friend take your fiieawiire. We will aend
you a tin nieannre free, ami Inntriietkjna how
to take a uieaxure for a milt of elothe.
Be sure anil Mewl fur this anrnple. if jron get
a suit from thla i.ffer, you will M wearlnK a
varment th pHllern of whleh lK-nl denlera ran
not ixmallily (cet In arork lfore another year.
Tbe jiattern nf our $L1 enlt will lie aolj neat
year an the latent Oiy other tallorH).
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland, Ore.
Excursion Rates Kast.
"July lind and :ird ; August 7th, Hth
and iith; and September Hth and 9th;
special low round trip rates will bo in
eirect to ali points East; dual return
ing limit !K) days, but not later than
October :)lst. .
Colorado common points i fxi 00
Missouri Kivcr (jo qo
Mississippi Eiver 07 50
Chicago 70
Washington and llaltimore 07 00
New York. ioh r.o
For particulars see any Agent, or
AU'lrc-aa I address 1). S. Taggart, 1). 1'. A P. A..
Iteno, Nevada,.
Columlila Woolen Mllln Co., Portlund, Or,
I'leaae aenil me free, aample of lute pat
tern Lnfcllau overllne oHla. from whloli
yoa agree to make a ault to ineamire for
If). Alno aeml me, free, a pocket tapo
meaaare and Mank, and luatriietlona for
taking meaanrea. Thla does not olillftate
mo to buy a ault uulena I wlnli.
this year will be as follows: Parley
5 cents per bushel, wheat U cents per
bushel. For grain in out-of-the-way
places there will be an extra charge.
Money due when wotk is done.
K. C. Thruston,
tfj-tf J. F. Snyder.
Hoard of Pqunllatlon.
Notice is hereby given that onMon-
day. tho 'JTth day of August, !Nn;
from 8 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P
M. of said day, tho County Hoard of
Equalization will bo in session at the
s officii at Lakovlew.
Notice to Farmers. I Reward for Horses
KT,.I.. ... 1 1 -.1 1 11.. -l I ... . .
.luuto 111 ucieuj kiviiu nv mu uuuer- 1 Will give fLU.UO Iteu-iiril f,. l,.
signed that tho price for threshing ! delivery, in Lakeview or nt my ranch c,,,, ,,itr M..-1,
i. 1 f .. ...till., Jf.ll. la i . I at Wairontlre M
all unbroken range Iioihch, l year-old Ur"" fur the purpose of publicly
..I unin, uiioieinisiieii, ranging inn assessment roll for the
ui V 'l-' 1"r''0. branded year 1!XHJ, and to correct all errors in
with an old horseshoo on both laws i,..t,.n.... 1 1 ' 1 1 ,lor8
without any other brand on tlii nu. . "U '" ,,0H,,,il'U r .pialities of
tual; horseshoi! open part downward ,IU"'H' l,,tM wr "thor properly; that the
ineHaiiieaHCiit In tho following ad- "'tlmgs of snnl board will bo contlu-
. 1 lint iiit-m. w. W. IJIIOWN.
WANTED: by Chicago wholesale
aud mail order house, assistant mana
ger (man or woman) for this county
and adjoining territory. Salary ?U0
and expenses paid weekly; expense
money advanced. Work pleasant;
position permanent. No investment
or experience required. Spare timo
valuable. Write at once for full par
ticulars and encloso self-addressed en
velope Address,
General Manager, 131 E. Lake St.,
Chicago. 30-10
$1,250 Reward
1 ''iRj.,
1 1 1. 'Ml
1 he lliiriieyCmiiiti
l.lve Hlni'k AkHoela-
linn, ol Wlileli I am
a iiieiulier, myii$7fi0
vlillon of Durtlns
ncrnunic mlttc.H t0-
1011KIIIK l Its inein
Iktn. In adilillim I
iiffur titio rnwarcl.
Iloran brand liorati.
ahoo bar on ctlllior
or both Jawa. Ku.
('orilell liiMio.itttll...
Range, Harnev, 1-ako and Crook Cmiutioa
Xoraea ventuil whon aold. iloraea aold to as
through this mi tlon will bo reportiol In Vlila
papcir. If not ao reporlud, tileawi write or tele
phouu Tho'JiuiiS llurnlil. Main WH, lliirns. Ore
i WW Hkowh, KHo, Ore.
1 ai .
ueu iroin day to day thereafter uutll
tho exainlnatioii and correction of said
assessment roll shall bo fully comolet-
ed; provided, tho said examination A
completed within tho week in ul,.i.
1 SSS! U, b"nl U ".'" t eet.
Ail piirsoiiH interested aro resoect.
fully roipiested to bo present ut the
sittings of said Hoard of 1'...... li.,cl..
and show causo If uny there be', whv
their assessment for tin. ...i,i
shciul.I not bo changed or corrected as
to the said board may seem jimt aud
a . , . w i- Went,
Assessor of Lake County, Oregon
aa-Ht by C. l). Sessions, Deputy!