Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 30, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 3.
Secretary Bonaparte Rcc
om metis Lash.
Aunrchi.mi Cannot be Cured In a
Jlven Time or by Any One
5ct of Officers.
Secretary of the Navy Churlim J.
Poniipnrto delivered hii address this
evening nt tlto Allegheny Chiiutiiinpia
licit Crtimlioiland before it largo gath
ering, hi subject In-1 ni,' "Anarchism
mil Kit Remedy ". Secretary Point
parte hiiIiI In pin t :
"Anarchism is the product of two
Conditions, which prevail to II gll'llt-
rr or Ii'kh extent, every wliem mining
the li'XH Clllightclli'd claiMl'M of modem
civilized society, namely, tin' decay
of religions fulfil Mild II lltoiinliro of
Hllperf Icllll Hll'l, therefor" llllHiilllnl
I i i 111 lar i(l inn! inn '
I am not hero to discuss tlii' prob
lems of theology or metapliyMCH.
If liny um' among those w lio hour iiik
thinks tlutt tin' belief in God or a
lii'ii'iiff it in u lifi forniiiii beyond Unit
of M'lini-, iiikI material tlmik'H have no
portion, um -m i t y dreams. I luivi' no
puarrt'l with 1) i :n for my present pur
pose. I pause only to say that if In
In' right iiii'l such belief belong only
t 1 1 1 tit 1 1 1 l.i ii I , then for in", in tlu
words of it well known writer, 'it in
mil)' for tin' mike of tin' dreams that
vilt it Unit tlm world of ri uli t y linn
any ri'iil value'.
"It I -i sointinios Mii'l Mint anarchism
anil ociiilism, nn Hynti'ir i , lire mutual
ly antipodal mid l"Ht riK t ivo, I should
lio vi'ry sorry tu iliiuinuli wimtewr
licirtt ility tlin aillii'ianlrt of -it Iht sy
ti'in' may feel for tlm other, for tlii
lllll 1 1 ' I . I K' I ' UK til tlllt l 111 HI" 1 1 1 I H-I'S nf
Hiirli strife to honest men embodies
no Hiiin 1 1 tni'iiHiiri' of truth, but to my
mini), thin view of f heir ions in
altogether siipc i flt-inl. 'I'lii'y am two
d i verge nt Moms grow i 1 1 v? I l oin I ho hiimii
root. 'I'luit root in t lio duct rim' that
nil mi'ii of right ought to In-, anil
should, therefore, Im made ainl kt'i't
precisely 1'iiual.
"A socialist Is cHHi'iit ially, although
not always avowedly, or cvimi con
sciously one who sees that tin' final
ity iliMiiamli'il liy thin doctrine ran he
f ully, or oven nj n I iniit cly, seeurd
only among slave. A Soiithni'ii plan
fut ion before t ho war constituted, mi
far iiH thn ucgros were coiii'i'mi'il, vo
ry ni'iirly a socialistic community ;
ami thi-y were probably an nearly e(
mil as human Ijcititfri ran bo permit
ni'iitly kept.
"In thin community, ii socialist
merely subst itutcs fur tin' omnipotent,
omniciciit in i ii int it an omnipotent,
nmnicient corpoi'Ht ion, made up of
Hid slaves themselves, enslaved oiu-Ii
ono nf thi'lil as an imliviiiiial, to nil,
in their corporate, capaeity, ami
namt'rt thirt ((ii)ionitioii 'the btates'.
"An unan'hint ililferd from him ly
MouiiiK that lit; him in fact, iul roiluci'il
a now Hoiiri'o of inoipinlily. Tor (ho
I'olporatlon he ithiiIch run exerciso Hh
authority mly through iiki'IiIh, ami
Ihi'MO ai;ntH tnutit lie, t'X-ni'i'i'HHitate,
iirmiMl w ith powers which make them
no loui.'!' tlio eipiuls of their fellows;
just as though t lio master of t lio plan
tation made ono of his tilnvos his over
seer. Tlm niinrc hisf s, therefore, ilemand
(hut I hero lie no such iik'eutH, or, oili
er words, no K(vernmetit at nil. They
hold it to lio it niii iiK'ainst eipmlity
that an v one should lio President,
while CIohohz was not, and knew he
never would he. It hut added hitter
nesd to this wroiiK that ho ninny
arouml him sliould deem the Presi
dent worthy of his threat office, while
tho few who know Czolosz at all,
knew him as an oliscure, limit tractive
So much of the evil. How can it ho
cured';1 If wo moan cured, in a day, u
deoudo I answer uuhesitatiuKly not
at till. Anarchism will not ho remov
ed in any given time, or through
u Hpoclul ineiiHiiro or net of oil'
icers ; perfiaps it w ill nut lio w holly re
moved in any time, or ty any means.
It will Lofor years, perhaps, possihly
tj'oiiuratlous a source of poril to pudlio
men, a source of some annoyance and
some mux let y pohnlhly lit, tlineH of moih.i
iihirm to the Ami'ilciui peojile. H is
the product nuisi'H which ciinnol d"
I'liulieiited liy IckIhIiiI Ion- liowevir
drnv-t lc of chiihi h which lie deep In.tli i
Hcliemo of modern cU iliut ion. lie
ciiusi' I havi' no panacea to ri'i'ommi nd
however, it must not
I I would have lushing dolin. 1 I '"
j lieve tuiit nniui liit.m has iilready hi en
I n i in 1 lens, and can ho uuide much liv,
; dangerous ami hiirmeful,' ly henu;
! dealt w it h seriously mid rationally.
I In other words, 1 would see our
selves and oui puhlie. servant h In eel
' iiesl, ami willing to he gullied ly flu
! common senso and expi rienco In neck
lug n remedy, without regard ton lit
fin tluctrimuy prejudices, mid a little
pseudo h ii in ri i i t it r i it it clii trap.
In tlie first place, tho unlawful iteU
j prompted he loiiileliim should lio limde
: climes, in so far as they Hie nut,
strictly speaking, crimes already; and
lis crimes, they should he visited with
j such, peualiies as are part icui hii ly ilii
, tiihtelul tu the criminals, mid herein
fore, the most elfectivo deterrents to
; crime. In dealing with a convicted
'anaichint, two facts may ho leinein
I hered, the chances of his real reformii
' tioii urn so siniill that (hey may he
' safely neglected, and v call lippciil,
for practical purposes to Imt, one mo
' five mi his part to discourage a icpc
tition of his olfi nee, namely, the fear
of physical pain and death. To keep
, him for years in n penitentiary 'uere
ly hiirdeus the - mi in 1 1 n 1 1 y wilh the
siippoit of an irreei'iiiicilalih' enemy,
, w it h t In- I'on-tuiit risk of his escape
or pan Ion, and tin- certainty that,
when he leaves, he will lo, if piifsihle,
a worse man than when he entered.
, On anarchists, the death penalty
! should he iiuiipiivocally imposed liy
law, ami iufle.vihly executed whenever
jthe prisoner has sought, dire-tly or
'indirectly, to take life; for of fences
'of less gravity, 1 advise a comparativ
ely hrief, Imt very rigorous lmprlsou
j mi nt, characterized ly complete so
elusion, depriiitiiiii ot all comfort mid
; denial of any form of district ion,
j and which i'""'d ti", to "V 'tijinl, nd
; VillitageiiUnly suppli'liielited l.y n severe
Imt not a pulilic, whipping. The
lash, of all punishment, most clem ly
.shows the culprit that he sutfers for
what his fellow men hold odious mid
disgraceful- and not merely for reasons
( of pulilic policy.
"Any iitiridgmeiit, for fear of an
archist of that freedom of spe.-ch ami
of Iho press, guaranteed us hy our
State and Federal Legislatures would
, he neither a w iso uor a worthy policy ;
hut these privileges ill nowise shield
councilors ol crime, nor inst igators of
; disorder and rebellion. Any changes
' however sweeping, in our laws and
j govern. iieut, may he urged, and any
1 arguments, however wild or grotesque,
advanced to justify them, provided
j tho method of change he ordeily mid
lawful ; hut a puhlis.'io i writing, recom
mending tho murder of tho chief mag
i.-lrato ami violent overthrow of tho
government is a sodit ions libel Ht com-
I mou law and there is no good reason
! w hy puhlie utterances or spoken w ords
I . 9 .1 . - 1 l. ..1 1.4 1
in iiiii same 'itrjioi t snouei nor no
made a like offence hy common law.
It is already u crime to advise it fel
ony or grave misdemeanor, if th ad
vice leads to the crime suggested, and
there is again no good reason why this
should not hecome nil cll'enco without
regard to its conseiiueuces, as is n
criminal conspiracy.
The 1 innl and most truly vital con
dition of success in ridding tho coun
try of anarchism, in practice, is that,
American puhlie opinion should recog
nize the utter emptiuess, the inherant
folly of its theory, and of till the kin
dred reitdy-tnado, furnlshcd-wliilo-you
-wait Medicines for tho social regenera
tion of mankind.
"Civilized society, as it exist en to
day, if it ho nothing more, is the out
come of all the strivings of justie ami
happiness of the human race, during
thousands of yeais. What monstrous
presumption, what preposterous con
ceit, for any mini, were ho the wisest,
tho most learned, the most justly
famed of his own age ,or of nil ages,
to imagine that,, with but the dim,
flickering light of his own dull, feeble
mind ,with hut tho few Imperfect les
sons of his owu short , illspent life to
guide his hand, ho could cast dowu
and build up again this incredibly
vast, t his infinnUy complex fabric and
improve on its htrueturo"
. On Hunting Trip.
A. V. llcnch, Harry llailey and Lee
Jleall left for the mountains last Sat
urday for it threo or four days' hunt.
This trio forms a combination of IPs
that would make up a puzzle for the
Coming and Going To and From the Gold
Field in Excited Groupes.
It was reported it few days ngo, that
this crowd made n very rich Ktriko u
few miles from the Lottos mines.
(ieo. V. Johnson, assistant cashier
of the Jiuuk of Lakeview, went on a
vacation last week to the new mines.
(Jeorgo Wingfield, of Tonapnh min
ing fame, and V. H. Senator of Ni v
nda, (ieo. II. Nixon, so we under
stand, paid the w imly Hollow Mines
a visit last week.
J. W. Irvine, Hie mining man who
recently located at Pine Ci eek. mid
wlio, in company with II. dciitry mi'i
I'oh huiifh, went to the Windy Kul
NEW v:;
I'r i i
ilwarfe ; :
Sllbst iut i
hay. Ti..'
hy su:: .
J !l I M 1 1 M &i I Mi i i' V'it M f h hi
ii'eliilei'tuial standpoint he New York rirl mi house when com
me of the iiiosi attractive Imlldingx in ihe nntropolls. While
''i:' skyseniier that stand around mid behind it. Its classic ami
iini'liiiiis will nut fall tu n i tract the eye of those coming up the
Miary of the new custom ho:: .c, of which there U comviderahle, l.
.. world's most famiiim sculptors.
New York 'l iibuiie's puzzle page. In
the initials of these husky niountaiu
climbers, take A. Y. P., which stands
for Activity, Youth, 1 'entity, which
solution would he suggestive, were
the photo, of the subject to accompa
ny tho puzzle. Next we have II. P.,
which might bo translated into "has
Peon," and L. P. must menu Likely
to Po, Then taking the three Ps, what
cau be made of them? Pully Hoys
would fit ull right if there were-not
three of them ami only two Ps in Pul
ly Poys, as a question would nt once
arise as to which of the trio would
be drawn out to leave Pully Poys.
Threo lis is next to three A's and a
A stands for ace, which would bo a
gootl hand. They are three of it kind
at least, and if you draw to a beer
keg you would have it full. Now tho
suggestion occurs, Penstly Had Punch,
or Peer Pottle Pusters. Of course,
Paso Pall Poys, would bo entirely too
tamo for these three Pig Pellied
It will bo noticed that each name has
seven letters iu it, A. Y. Peach, H.
Pailey, Lo Poall, which makes '21, if it
hail been 211, they would never have
Htnrtod tint together. P ulouo stands
for h great inany things ;Pench, Pai
ley Peall, Punco and Pillygoat. It is
tho second letter in hoes the first be-1
ing X. it is the third letter iu Ituho
aud the last in mob. The bunch is i
unlike the hhu hornet, because iu tho j
latter you wantii lot(h)er P, und in'
the former you have three letter P's.
If they kill u Pear, you'll have
enough P's to fill u hive.
(Alturas News1)
Prof. Pigley returned a short time
ago from Lakeview, where ho has been
arranging to establish a business col
lege. Tho Prof, reports that lio was
sueeosful in securing a good location,
and that ho w ill boou bhip tho type
writers, books, aud furniture to bo
used iu opening the school. It is
expected that tho school will lio open
ed about the tenth of Sept. Wo hope
to hog Professors Pigley and Calaghau
do well iu this venture, and wo can
say that u business school which they
low hills mines last neck, returned
here last Saturday.
i K. N. Walker , n former Lako county
man, hut of late years of Caliloi nia,
me I the Tonopah country, ui.d M.
, II. Lynch arrvied in Lakeview Mon
day. They are here to lo k over the
new rich prospects in this country,
and went to the Windy Ho'low mines
John Peacock and Klsie Litivill re
turned from the Coyote hills yester
day with some fine ore! Tl"y discov-
nd a lodge of this ore 'I miles wide
mi l four miles long, and spy it is all
will conduct is found to be a ood
thing for any locality.
A Republican League has been start
ed iu Alturas. This is a good move
and we hope to see them started in all
the towns of our county.
: K. L. Sloss was over from Pidwell a
few days ago. Newspaperdoui and
! politics seem to divide Pro. Sloss' at
tention ami keep him ou the jump.
Some kind of animal has been after
i the chickens iu the east side of towu.
j Alturas Republican.
J Didut you say Pob Sloss was in
i tow u? Pluindealer.
i Needrd Long Ago
! In regard to the uew Pusiness Col
I lege to be founded in Lakeview, an
j Examiner reporter tho other day was
j talking w ith a business man of this
Jcitya uinuwho had to go to Sau Frau
! cisco to attend business college to pro-
pare himself for business stated "It is
i no best Tfimg ever started in this
towu, and I intend to use all my in
fluence to get the young people of this
county interested iu it. They may
not know tho value of it now, but let
them go away as I did, find be to tho
big expeuse, and mingle with the
hundreds that, did not care a. snap for
tho school only to learu to jump, play
golf and wiestle, let thein struggle
with this class of students for a busi
ness course, aud they will soou real
ize he benefits of it Pusiuoss Collego
in their homo town, where living is
cheap aud eveiy student is striving to
get ull that there is for hi in. As to
the U'liefits of a business training, 1
say, for instance, where could I get a
imtu or womun to work iu this store,
should 1 bo compelled, or want to
take a trip'.' Let the youug people of
this county prepare themselves for a
position und there is no doubt that
they can get one. Lot. a Pusiuess
Collego bo established here, aud our
young people take davantage of the
opportunity, and they w ill he prepared
to step into our stores for oll'icea at
any time there is an opening, or if
they should go to some other towu,
they would have no trouble iu secur
ing positions. Opportunities are ul
ways coming, but if t he man is uot
prepared to accept, they would bo as
wellolf if there never was an oportuii
ity. The opportunities are for those
who ure competent. None other".
l.offtu Claims Bonded.
Tlm LofftuB Proe. bonded their
claims to Hr. Patterson &. Co. ei.fXM)
and in Mxfy days ?0,(XX) and every nix
months a payment, tho last payment
in two yours They claim to have
50.010 in fdght in the Jumbo and
Putte claims.
Ii. Wible and wife had an offer fiom
the mime parties to bond their claims
for ? 10. 000 which was not accepted.
They are looking any day for ten
men and the surveyor to commence
work on, the Lofftns claims, from
Reno. A number of people are at
LofTtiiH camp, doing their assessment
work. Messrs. C. Pehart, Snelliug,
Johnson, F. Lane, Farrer and C. C.
Lofftns and wife and others we did
not lea in their names.
There is every evidence that there
was prospecting done in that place
years ago, hy whom and how long ago
it is not known to the earliest settler.
Last week Jim Stephens found an
old fashioned dutch oven broken in
threo pieces, signs of a fortified place
just across from where the Loiftus ore
camped and still farther down an
old fire place and a number of old
procDect holes. We are told hy Mr.
E. H. Lofftus, that some seven or
eight years ago while he was in Ash
land, an elderly gentleman discribed
such a country, and wanted to know
if he ever 6aw such a place while rid
ing after stock, and he said he knew
it was in Ibis part of the State that
they found gold, and the parties were
killed by the indians, except one man,
who was after snpplies.Mr. Lofftus,is
confident that this is the place and
they called it the Lost Cabin district.
At the other Spring nro camped a
number of Lakeview people. Moss ,
(entry, Caudlebury, Linville, Johnson
aud Garrett. We understand Gentry
made a strike this week.
M.D . Hopkins was on the sick list
while we were iu camp. O D. Loff
tus arrived at the mines Saturday
from Coaliugo Cal.
A road can be to shorten the route
to the mines from Lakeview l.y leav
ing Drakes Camp going by Tweve mile
and then to the old crossing at Honey
Creek over to Snyder Creek then go
ing north where they can have a nat
nral grade to the mines, only two or
three places would require work, one
place at the foot of the Putte miue a
small grade is needed. A good road
could be made with a very little ex
pense. Vandy He.
Miss Cobb Entertains.
Miss Essie Cobb entertained a large
circle of friends ia her always charm
ing manner, last Friday evening. Iu
the early part of the eveuiug whist
was played. The first prize, a"cocoa
nut from Honolulu" was won by Mrs.
C. O. Metzker, the second prize, a
very ,prettv burnt wood box, full of
candy, was won by Mrs. Norin. De
lightful entertuiument iu the form of
songs, aud recitations was theu en
joyed by tho guests, after which a de
licious luucheon was served. Those
present were : Mr. nud Mrs. W. II.
Shirk, Dr. and Mrs. Dewey, Mr. and
Mr. ana Mrs. C. E. Sherlock, Mr.
and Mrs. Massiugill, Mr. aud Mrs.
Patchelder, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sni
der, Mr. aud Mrs. J. E. Norin, Mr.
uud Mrs. .S O. Cressler, Mrs. Suell
iug, C. O aud Mrs. Metzker, Dr. Daly
Misses, Mae Miller Mao Suider, Gene
Snelliug, Patchlder, Lulu Garrett.
Messrs, A. V. Peach, F. A. Miller,
Eph. Miller, Clarence Suider, aud lit
tle miss Gertrude .
I. O. O. F. Officers Coming.
Grand Master Carter aud Grand
Scribe E. II Sharon of the I. O. O.
F. Grand lodge of Oregon, will bo iu
Lakeview ou the '20th of Sept. to pay
a visit to Lakeview Lodge. These
distiuguised gentlemen, will also visit
tho Paisley Lodge whilo in tho couuty.
This Lodge at its meeting last Satur
day night, took steps to eutertaiu th
gentlemen while here, aud grand time
is expected. Col. F. P. Light. Hou.
S. F. Ahlstrom, sud His Nibs C. O.
Metzker, were uppoiuted a reception
commit to.
This is tho first time for several
years, thut any of the Grand officers
have visited the Lakeview Lodge, aud
this Lodge should hurst a hamo string
to make the occasiou one to be re
membered by the visito's. Tfiey are
jolly gootl fellows; they are not
tho kind of follows that are ulways
afraid to swallow a chunk of ice, for
fear of appendicitis, they are warm
Seven-year-old Barry Girl
A Somnambulist.
Whole I own Out All Night In the
Searching for Lost Girl -Found
Next Horning.
Lait Wednesday night about 10
oclock Mr. and Mrs. James Parry who
live near the school house, discovered
that their ten-year-old daughter was
missing from the bouse. The little
girl had been put to bed early and
had gotten up out of bed, apparently
in her sleep, and walked out of the
house in her night robes and bare ,
feet. No one heard her leave the bouso
but sbe could not have been out very
long before she was missed. Search
was made at once for her by the fami
ly, who expected to find her near the
house. The girl bad been sick, and
they thought she was strolling about
in her sleep and would wake up and
return. When about an hours search
failed of result, and it began to rain, .
the family became more uneasy, and
aroused the neighborhood. In a few
miuutes half the town was out with
lanterns searching every corner, every
barn, woodshed and every place where
a child could get out of eight. It
seemed strange that no trace of the
missing child could be found, not
even a track, and there was some talk
of kidnapping. Abut midnight a bare
foot track was discovered, and follow- "
ed as far as Main street, where the
track was lost.' All night the search
kept up and a little after, daylight two :
tracks were " found near the corner
where S. O. Cressler lives, just north
of The Examiner office, of u child
going in a westerly direction, toward
the Cobb residence, but no other
tracks could Le found. About 7.30
oclock some one called at Johnny Mc
DouDaugh's residence to wake Mrs.
McDonough, who is quite old and
feeble, and as Johnny is driving
stage to Paisley he was at the other
eud of the line that night and his
mother was alone. On entering the
house, there the little girl was found,
cuddled up oi the floor
Mis. McDonuough heard some one
come into the house in the night, and
being scared and feeble, kept quiet
and did not know who it was.
Tho parents of the girl were about
distracted and the night's suspense
was terrible to bear. The idea of a 1
little sick child being out all night in
the rain, barefoot and in her night
clothes. They were enthraled with '
joy to tind their little one all right
next morning. She had simply walk
ed away from the house iu her sleep
and did uot wake up till she was dis-
tnrbed next morning.
' Turner Saw Mill Sold.
Mr. Duhiuo of Minneapolis aud S.
O. Cressler of Lakeview and Walter
Camrbidge of Fort. Pidwell, have pur
chased the saw mill of II. P. Stephens
and his holdings iu timber, also all
the holdings of Eli. Ilice Chus. Rico,
and Emma Rice, iu Fandango VaDy.
A Corporation will be formed by
name of "The Fandango Lumber Co, "
which w ill make one of the strongest
saw mill holdings in Modoo Co.
Cash was paid for the property. The
officers w ill be Alber1, DuhmePresident
Walter Cambridge Secty. aud manager,
S.O Cressler Treasurer.
Cold Hill Mine Owner.
Mr. William Meudeuhall, of Rich
mond Indiana, an old mining man,
who owus valuuble mining property
at Gold Hill, has been iu Lake couu
ty the past week investigating the va
rious mining properties iu this coun
ty now ou the verge of development.
Mr. Mendenhull dors not hesitate to
say that Lake couuty has some very
rich prospects, but as to the extent
and permanancy of the 'mines, he
says no man cau tell with the meager
development as a basis from which to
judge. Pesides being impressed with
our mineral possibilities, Mr. Mend
auhall admires Lake county for ltd
agricultural worth, aud was frank to
say" that no county iu Souhoasteru
Oregou, could come up to Luke iu this,