Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 23, 1906, Image 4

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    (ofM Ottmntn tarir.ntnrf
Published Evry Thursday.
. Building
Knterod at the post Offlreat I.okctIcw, Ore.
s Second-Class Matter.
(One Year, $2.00
J Six Months 100
J Three Months, 50
Excursion to Che Mines.
Dr. J. S. Dewey informs lis that J.
Monroe. Layman, the head of the min
ing syndicate operating some of the
beet mines in the mining district bo
tweet here and IMdwell, w ill give an
excursion, the date of which has not
yet been madfl public, for the purpose
of let-tiu the people see and Know
just what is being done in the mines.
All the newspaper men and business
men in reach w ill be iuvited, aud lie
sides the grand time the party will
have on the trip much benefit will de
rive from the excursion. Teams will
be taken to convey the party as far as
is practicable, and from such point
saddle horses w ill be provided and a
general survey of the entire mining
distiict will lie made and as Mr. Lay
man will accompany the party, every
detail of the workings of the mines
and their resources w ill be laid before
publio yiew.
Such public spirited men as Mr.
Layman is just what this country
needs to make known to the world
what our wonderful resources and
make possible their exploitation. Not
only ia the resources of this eectiou
Tast from au agricultural standpoint,
but its mineral wealth is almost un
bounded These have been hidden
facts heretofore, but as they come to
light our people are becoming more
and more awakened to the dormant
wealth upon which they have slept
these many years, aud outside capital
looks upon .this field of opportunities
with longing eyes, and, like the tiger,
ready to leap upon at any moment
there is an opening.
This country might, and no doubt
would have long ago had the advant
ages of railroad facilities, which time
and changed conditions have made
paramount in our needs, had our
weatlh been uncovered to the world
and invitations been pressingly ex
tended to outsiders to view and inves
tigate our richness. Capital, seeking
investment, can always And invita
tions a plenty, and usually drifts in
channels prepared for it by public
epirited men who hae the develop-;
ment of their country at heart.
ISe Alturas Races.
As mentioned in The Examiner last
week, the Alturas Jockey Club has ar-
that place during fair week, which be-, " negotiating with Turner & Williams
gin9 Monday, September 24, and con- ; for the purchase of the "Sugar Pine"
tinue six days. Twenty races in all mine. This is one of the best proper
will be pulled off during the meet. : Ue8 0Q the hill nd if the dettl goe8
Monday, Sept. 21.
1st Race Running 4 furlongs, for 2
yr. olds, district horses. Purse 8100
2nd Race. Running mile dash free
for alL Purse 81 00
3rd Race. Running, 4' mile dash,
free foi all. Purse 8100
4th Race. Running mile dash, for
Indian horses. Purse 8:10
Second DAY.
5th Race Running, ?g mile dash.
Free for all. Purse SW0.
6th Race Running, mile dash, free
for all. Purse 8100
7th Race Running, ?4' mile dash, free
for all. Pure 8100
8th Race Rmnin? 3 mile and re
peat, free for all. Purse 8100
9th Raco Running, mile dash free for borne Wednesday.
J0?LLRaPc" Ruling 5 mile relay race, A deal as consummated this week
5 horses to eaah entry, at least 3 whereby the entire town site of Min
teams to enter. Purse 8100 eral City, consisting of 56 town lots,
11th Race Running 1 mile mahala ' assed fr0m the hands of Baker &
lauo, uu ciiuaiii ice, x uiro
12th Race Running, 1 mile dash free !
for alL Purse 81o0 !
13th Race Running., mile dash. '
Modoo Saddle horses. Purse 850 i
14th Race Running, mile dash free
tor all. Purse 8100 i
15th Race Running, mile dash In
dian horses. Purse 8o0
16th Race Running mile for three
year olds and under, District hors
es. Purse 8100
17th Race Running, '.4 mile and re
peat, free for all. Purse 100
dash free for all. Purse 82X)
19th Race Running 1 mile, mahala"
every rider gets money. Purse 8-0
20th Race Running, )!t mile dash,
cow or vaiiuero horses free for all.
Purse 8000
22nd Race Running 34' mile dash.
fioe for all. Purse 8100
23rd Race Running mile for
beaten horses. 8100
if Willamette
Largest Denominational University
In the Northwest.
Christian, hut not Sectarian
Two New Buildings Adequate Equipment
45 Trolessors and Instructors
Two new Courses added this year
J&S1" English, Commercial, and Electrical Engineering "VI
For Particulars, Address,
Dean J. T. Matthews, or President John II. Coleman
From Our Exchanges.
(Cedarville Record).
This section of the country was
visited by terrific electrical storms ou
Friday and Saturday evenings. On
Friday afternoon h drenching rain fell
at Cedarville and vicinity, and on
Saturday eveuing the same occurred
in the uorthern part of the valley.
Lightening flashed in all directions
and a stack of hav. containing 80
tons, belonging to Kufua Ward, was
' set on fire by It aud burned up. Five
i telephone poles about two miles south
of Cedarville were splintered by light-
en ing, also four tel graph poles east
ot the Porter place were struck by
lightening, putting the telegraph line
out of commission and cutt'ng us out
from the outside world uutil Monday
afternoon. Fuses aud instruments in
several olllees were burned out, anil
altogether it was one of the worst
electrical storms ever experienced
It is nothing uncommon to bring in
rock from the mountains adjacent to
Cedarville that assays from fctto ?4.50
per ton in gold. This is rock broken
olf of ledges on top of the ground.
What is underneath, no oue kuows.
As gold is being found in dill'ereut
formatous from what used to be con
sidered necessary, it is probable that
some rich ledges will be discovered
near here in the near future.
The United States Government has
leen investigating land frauds in
Northern California. The acquisition
of vast tracts of timber lands in Hutte
and Plumas couuties by a few indi
viduals is to be investigated, aud a
large number of people will be
cated. Modoc aud Lassen will receive
guvernment attention later ou.
Jas. Williams of Bidwell was down
yesterday, attending to busiuess. He
reports a stampede from that place to
the new discoveries near Plush.
Heading is in full blast in the valley.
A good deal of the grain is down,
which makes it difficult to get it all;
but the crojs will be large.
(Bidwell Gold Nugget t).
New Pine Creek has a w ideawake,
live rustling real estate firm, in the
persons of MeCleary & Schauer. These
gentlemen have made heavy invest
ments there in real estate, aud are do
ing much to promote the growth of
that town. They are alive to the in
terests of that town and never over
look anything. They have a large
tract oi land platted in town lots aud
are rapidly disposing of them. They
have also made a number of large m-n i5rKnt j-onnjr men and women of
ing investments. Bidwell needs a ;K,,o(l stanOing to prepare for busl
pair of just such real estate men, and 'nes8 positions, as stenographers,
the possibilities here for them would bookkeepers and, telegraph opernt-
i be great. They could greatly benefit
j the town and fatten their own purses.
I A big deal is on this week between
miDing men. Jos. V. Young, of Reno
i through it w ill be an outright
: and the figures will be large. The
parties were all at Cedarville Tuesday
j on the matter, and Mr. Young left for
j Reno from that place. lie took 2X)
pounds of samples from this camp
j with him, and said he would prove to
; the Nevada mining men what we had
! here.
I Mrs. Mary Post and children, of
1 Lakeview, and Mrs. R. G. Adams, and
children of Paisley, who have been
I visiting with their parents Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Ilickerson, left for their
I homes yesterday. Mr. Post arrived
j here Tuesday and accompanied the m
Rroaddus to Jos.
ing man of Reno,
a large one.
W. Young, a min
The price paid was
(Silver Lake Oregonian. )
At Prineville one day last week,
George Adams, one of the three men
who are held under bonds of 81,000
for stock-stealing, broke out of jail,
but was cornered in a bunch of brush
on Crooked river, just back of town,
and was made to crawl out and surren
der. Many horses are Ujiug in Eastern
Oregon from pinkeye. Freighters
coming in from Shaniko report many
cases along the road. Freighter Fin
ley has lost three horses lately and
htbt week Wm. Pitts lost one.
The ZX vaqucros passed through
town Monday with about COO head of
cattle, 011 their way to Sicau.
(Pine Creek Miner. )
On last evening just us we were go
ing to press, C. R MeCleary received
a letter from his business partner,
Win. Scbauer who Is at the Coyote
hills mines. In the letter Mr. Schauer
stated that everything was looking
Last Tuesday Mr. Irvine made bis
first assays of the ore from this dis
trict, and he informs us out of nine
assays, the lowest carried f3 to the
ton aud the highest ftJ per ton In
11. Gentry, liobt. Smith and A. W.
Irvine left for the Coyote hill mines
yesterday moruing, to remain for ten
or twelve days.
Chns. Musslemnn, of Snrprlso Valley
was in town Tuesday night, on his
way to Lakeview.
Or. Tinsmaii of Ad in passed thru
town this week on his way to Guano
valley to visit Mr. Eluelmrt. It was
here t lint the I. S. troops, assisted
by Surprise valley settlers, surround
ed and exterminated a baud of mur
derous Piute Indians, breaking their
war power forever. The savages had
made a rade on the settlers in Sur
prise and stolen a large number of
cattle. In Guano valley, under a
frowning clitf, they thought them
selves safe from pursuit, and were en
gaged in slaughtering the stock aud
caring for the meat. Scouts located
the savages ami the troops aud the
settlers stealthily surrounded and at
tacked them. There was no means of
escape aud they were simply wiped
out; but one buck, some way, escap
ing to tell the tale of disaster. The
Doctor w ill photograph the battle field
as well hs the remains of the Indians
that yet whitecti the rocks. AlturHs
Geo. F. Leslie, uged 18 years, a res
ident of Merril, where his parents re
Bide, was drowned in Lost river Sun
day, Aug. 12, near Merrill. Theyouug
mail had purchased a canvas boat and
went boat riding in the river. When
he did not return search wasmado for
him aud the fludiug ol his hat and one
oar caused the searchers to drag the
river hot ton, aud the body was drag
ged from 12 feet of water, in sight of
the Riverside hotel from where the
young man started, and where he was
last seeu alive. The Merrill Record
says Geo. Leslie's death adds auother
to the long list of Lost, River victims.
ors, at good salaries
Write today for free Catalogue to
3-6 12th St., Oakland, Ciil.
The largest and best equiped
school of busiuess training, Short
hand, T.vre ritlnir, Morse Telegraphy
Civil. Electrical, Mechanical nnd.MIn-
ing; Engineering: .Mechanical tiud
Architectural Draw lug, West of New
S1i!f"(Note) Young men ami women
of thi vicinity should not (ail to
write for catalogue, stating what
course they prefer.
900 Merino ewes for October delivery.
Inquire of C. W. Withers, Paisley,
Oregon. 33-tf
Beautifully located In Portland. Oregon,
often unsurpassed facilities for the cul
ture and education ol young won.i. Special
opportunity in Music. Art. Languages and Liter
ature Well equipped Physical and Chemical Lab
oratories. Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet. The
largest and oldest Ladies' Seminary in the Pacific
Northwest, it enjoys a national reputation for im
parting the best physical, mental and moral train-
. 1 j . . . . ..
ing and developing true womanhood. hiuips !
socially and educationally for the most eialted
station. Corners Academic and Collegiate Degrees
by State Authority. Interference with convictions
of non-Catholics is scrupulously avoided. Academy
Is ideally located, amid inspiring scenic advan
tages. Social opportunities such ss are svailable
In no other city 00 the Coast. Buildings large and
commodious, well-lighted, heated and ventilated,
dormitories and private rooms supplied with all
modern conveniences. The institution is liberal
and progressive without sacrificing the character
and traditions of age and achievement. Terms
modest. Satisfactory references required. Write for
announcement booklet. Hoard and tuition $180 per
year Address Sistcrupo-rior.St. Mary's Academy
t 1 i 11 v. it .ari f.
United 8tatea Lund Office, Luke
view, On!j,'on, Au(,'unt 20, 1'JOti. No
lice in hereby given that in compliance
with the provinions of the act of C011
jmvhh of June '.i. WJH, entitled "An
act for the nalo of timber landn in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Vaehini,'to!i Territory," hp ex
tended to all tho Publio J..ind Ktates
by act of AuKUht 4, lb!i2, William T.
(i.-iirdt, of Illy, county of Klamath,
State of Oregon, inm tlii.s day tiled in
thif otllco Li.s bwom btatemeiit No.
:ili7, fortlio puieliiiHe of the NVJ4'
SJ:.'4', N'.i KSV'., KW ' HV'4- of Sec
tion 'JO, iii Tow nstiip No. '.'t S., Itauue
!7 W. M. nnd will o(l' r proof to
kIiou t hat the land hoiiiijt iri more Mtl
iialjle for itn timber r rtone than for
agricultural piirpoHen, and toentubli-jh
lii.s claim to said land before Ketfinter
and Keceivtr at Lakeview, Oregon,
011 Thurnday, Hie 8th day of Novem
ber, JDIHJ, JIo nameH an witnetiHea.
S. O. JJaniaker, Albei t Walker, Walker
1'ollard and J. '. Parker ull of Jily,
Oregon. Any arid all persona claim
ing adversely the above-described
lands are retpioHted to llle their claims
in this oflice on or before said Jut dny
of November, 11KMI.
J. N. Watbon, IteKlHter. 31
p-r !T"r..-r it-. . i. ... . 'i s--'-pjrr.-v frCi" wy--wJf ...-T,..,,ry;s....w,.iip, jssj.... Erv":r y-W 'vr'f.' .':f rmr-tr
Our Sping Stock is arriving, and
will soon be Complete.
New spring Dress Goods
Wo havo horc a showing in all the
loading shades of ray tlu.t has novor
hoon equaled in Lakoviow hdoiv.
('roam and White Knlisli Mohair
Hrilltanteens, Henrietta AUntross,
ote., ineludinjr many novelty waist
ins for spring.
Do Not
j " ,s-?wiP Gives tone, vitality and snap.
" native Brcmo QiiirJnc Tablets.
r sc'j in j.ast 2 month. Tivs signature,
There may be a hundred men In Oils city who have nrms tlm sumo length
as yourn but thrro Is mt oiip oilier iduii III the wholu cuunty who In tho muiimi
tta yourself In all other proportion!).
It Is simply an impossibility to get a perfect fltthuf suit by buylnir rcaly-tO-'Car
We will make a suit to your measure fur 1.0.
You pay thot much, or nearly that mu:li"for every linntl-mn-dow n ult you buy.
Fill ont this ronpon and mall to na and we
will send you a Humple of tin, cloth. We K""
antee that the MHtnnUt la actually cut from the
yery bolt of cloth from which wo make the ault.
! wufn you viaii I'oriiann. couie 111 ana verity this
or anj aFiM-riifrii wti inane, it you wian. aMK
aome Portland friend to tell von ahnnt ti,. vo.
otatlon and stuudlntf of the Columbia Woolen
Mills Co.
It la the simplest thins; In the world In have
soma friend take your ineanire. We will eend
you a tape meaaure free, and Instructions bow
to take a meaaure for a suit of clothes.
lie sure and send for this sample. If yon get
a suit from this offer, yon will lie wesrlnK a
garment the pattern of which local dealers can
not (lOHalhly get In stock liefore another year.
The pattern of our t'J suit will I sold next
year as the lateat (by other tailors).
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland, Ore.
Notice to Farmers.
Notice ib hereby (riven by the under
signed that ' tho price for tiircHhin
thia year will bo an follows: iiarley
5 cents per bushel, wheat 0 cents per
bushel. For Krain in out-of-the-way
places there w ill be un extra charge. ;
Money due when woik is done. j
II (I. Thruntoii,
IW-tf J, l' Snyder. '
WANTi'D: by Chicago wholemtle
and mail order hoiihe, assistant mana
iter (man or woman) for this county
and adjoining territory. Kalary $20
and expenses paid weekly ; expenso
money udvanced. Work pleasnt;
position permanent. No invostnieut
or experience required. Spare timo
valuable. Write at once for full par
ticulars aud encloso self-addressed en
velope. Address,
General Manager, 13i E. Lake St.,
Chicago. 30-10
An Attraetivo Arrav
Nook Kihlmns, Tinsel Holts
S'ido Combes, limn
Kid ('doves.
New Showing o
Overlook This Store.
The children's
Jaytvts Tonic
out blood impurities.
,rMi SHttilaSs'ii
To Cure a Cold in One Day
I'tii'oin-mn.lp plm Un inr. rlmhr, mrr tnrniHl
nut ly the tliolmmiil.
!jr runrlitnrrjr.
'lliry are cut and aewed
TUt In why yMi timr rHiulit mill, hereto.
fiiro tluit loft t It.-tr liok '.f ih'wiii's jruu)
hud wuru tlMMii half ilujf.
We will make a ntt to ynur memnro fnf
your eTiliialvp wear 11. t will m ymi i--iii
It wits built for uu. ami no ime eliM---fur S'JM.
WV ffilitritiif.i ibe rhith 1o V an hII-wki! clMvlot
th rlnth In new and vlgMroiin -Jnt nfT Hi.
Iitn. lat.-vt paUiTiia lianl-mt!lei - vvrry nain
Imiicl . J wllU allk lhii'd W illi lnirtvd Vcne
liun cloth.
Wi, hnre Heleti'd aeTerul pntterna. any of
wiilrh we will limit,, up to yonr inramirn f.r t'X),
I nli-Ni, ,1111 eri.jM Biiiie iireffreiii-i' wm will iiiali
j'oit n nninile nt a lute KuglUb nrorllim Jmttem.
Thin iii.tii In hi new tint It will lie. sold by
tnlluiK next yeur u the "latent."
T!ie Imrkgrminil of the patlern la a deep grey,
Willi an aliiiiit Intpercpi Ihle orerlln. or
cliiv'li. The eolnr of this fuhrlc does not ahow
iluat easily. di-a nut wrinkle and litis taken the
dye well that the garment looks like new
until It la all w.ini out. 'J'l.s wool ued In wear
ing thl garment waa selected with uniiaual
rare. There I no .hurt wool In the fabric ami
no ahoiMy. Hie rlotb baa so flnn a weavn tltr.t
It prewnta fairly bard surfui-e, and at the
an:e tint, la soft and pliable. It will not an iff
np or get alilny. This cloth rnnnot lie bought
from the mill for leas than a ynrd. no
matter If yon bought fle thouaand yarila. We
are the I'arinn toast represeutatlrea of a aynill
cute of the lurgeat wcailen mills In the world
That enables tm to make, thla uniireiidented offer
of a ault
to your nieaatire for
iJU. H.-n.l for a
ull It to pteres see how long and even
the wool strands are note how well the'dyo
has net.
Colombia Woolen Mills Co., Portland, Or.
Please send me free, sample of late pat
tern Knxllah ovorllne goods, from whtrh
70a agree to make a suit to measure for
$20. Also send me, free, a pocket tape
measure and blank, and Instructions for
taking measures. This does not obligate
mo to buy a ault unices I wish.
Reward for Horses
I will ulve ftiO.OO Itewiird tor the
delivery, In Lakeview or n 1 in v ranch
at wuKontlre Mountain, of ii'uynnd
all unbroken rnnue horses, 4-eir-old
and upwards, unblemished, Yaiitfliitf
In Lake county, Oregon, bra tided
with nil old hoiseslioe 011 ln,i, )hwh,
without any 01 her brand on the nnl
inal; horsesboe open part down wurd
t he Hume as cut In t lie following ad
vert Isellicilt. W. W. JtliiiW.V.
$!,25) Reward.
The lliirm yCollliI j
I.I vm Slock Ahwirla
un, 01 wliu li 1 inn
nii'inber, myVj(J
ward foruvideiiee
uiIIiik to the 1011-
Vlc.lloll of iurtii,a
Stculllig stink Iju
KiiiKlng to lis mom.
. .li-ra. ill HIlUlllOll J
IJt1i:r tt reward.
Homo brand Iiothu
shou bar 011 either
or bol It 1iiH. ho.
ftange, Hafnev, Lake and Crook Cumulus,
llorai s ventud wbeu sold. Horses sold to pass
through this section will be, ruportod la this
paper. If not so riiortei, pluaae write or tide
phone TbeTluius Herald, Main H24, Burns, Ore
l W W Baowii, Kio, Ore.
1 f !Ll
J7 U-:.
New spring Neckwear
of Novelty
Ilaek and -
II.ijjs Silk and
f Heantil'nl Shirt
waists in Lawns to Arrive soon.
Men's and Hoys' Spring Clothing.
Pioneer Store
Vermif U
Strom; nerves
Cures CAti
fa Two Dayn.
m SKJ-r
otv every
rmrtL- box. 25 c.
Deaths from Appendicitis
decrease In tlichntiie ratio that the
list- of Dr. King's New Life I'llU In
crt'iMCM. Thi'y Miive von from danger
nnd bring ijuick and puiiilcsx relcam!
from coiihI ipatloii and t h 111m grow
ing out of It. strength ntnl vigor
(ilwivs follow their iihc. Guaranteed
by lU-all I'rugglMt. "'.. Try
I lieiu.
('. S. LovelcfH In vltcH the public to
rhare their patronage with I1I111 at
the South Lakeview Feed find l.lvcry
Stable. I le yunrnutti'H g;ood treat
ment tti all Htock left In his care, 11 ml
proposes to ftiil good hay and plenty
of It. 3!Mf
Dissolution Notice.
Tho co partnership heretofore exist
ing between tho Itanium brothers un
der the firm uitiuo of liuruuni liros.,
has lieen dissolved by mutual consent.
No bills will be contracted after tlilii
date, July 12, 1!K.K5, by this linn, aud
tho undersigned will not bo respons
ible for any such.
Itanium ISros.
by A. II. liarnum,
O. Tm Illinium.
Excursion Rates Kast.
"July 2nd and Ilrd; August 7th, 8tl
and Oth ; and September 8th and Oth 1
special low round trip rates w ill lie iu
etrect to all points East; final return
ing limit 00 days, but not later than
October 31st.
Colorado common points 9 6T 00
Missouri Iilver 00 00
Mississippi River 07 50
Chicago 72 Go
Washington and llaltlmore 107 00
New York, 108 GO-
For particulars see any Agent, or
address l'J. S. Taggart, D. P. &, P. A.,
Reno, Nevada,.
Board of Equalization.
Notlco is hereby given that ou Mon
day, tho 27th day of August, !HH
from 8 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock I".
M. of said day, tho County Hoard of
Equalization will be In session at the
County Clerk's olllce at Lakeview,
Oregon, for tho purpose of publicly
examining the usHcssmont roll for tho
year l!Mi;, mid to correct all errors in
valuat ion, description or qualities of
lands, lots or other property; that the
sittings of said board will be contin
ued from day to day tliorouflor until
the examination and con -action of said
assessment roll shall be fully complet
ed provided, tho said examination is
completed within the week in which
the board is required to meet.
All persons interohted aro respect
fully requested to bo present at the
sittings of said Hoard of Equalization,
and show cause if any there be, why
their assessment for tho said year
should not bo changed or corrected as
to tho suld board may aoem jiibt and
t-t W. D. West,
Assessor of Lake Couuty, Oregon.
'J2-3t by 0. 1J. Sessions-, Deputy.