Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 09, 1906, Image 7

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WorU of linpr ieineiil A.i t illon In
I 'r i in I H k )t i) "I, ,1ln.
An riii'iiiiri'K'iiK vlili-ih e of w lull per-
Ulsll'tlt fffol'l I till 3- Hi')' tin. 'I'll III till
wny of rlvlr 1 rvci'f n Is mv. if I')' the
work of tin- I 1 .iiiiIiij.Iimmi ('..".) 1 1 1 1 -
prilVCIlH'lll IK I'm IiH Kill I I' lllll'lll
Willi till' llrlil I I f 1 1 1 ' d' Viii l'il II
"village IliiprnVfllii 111." Ill' 1 11 "ii i.lliull
twin niini'ii iii "niii iii M'iM'!u,ii:iitf iii
1 1 U; 1 1 1 ' r lir.i'i nim" i f iln 1 1 v. 11. It Inn
llCI'll Ill'llfC III Ull.hl V. IllliS lll.'l ! I M III'
nunc n n c NVilvil luiliirm iv 'I his In
fluence hill become ! I'eill pilWiT III III!'
om 111 tml I y. Ah iiii cnii'lc. uii'iil lull
I liuiili' nt Hie I111I Unit lli' It i-tuli 11ml
Worcester Hiii i'l l iiil , ,i , in'i.u ulill
i ti double 1 1. 11 I, 4 llin' tlir n'l'li Hi''
town, iifililoiii i ilir hi Iri iiiii ii 1 1 r II
rt'liH'iuiiiii. '1 lii n I'iik or I.i'.hIhk
Ulvi'ii mms liii'i:i'l,v nili'iiilfil. lull Ihe
JilllliH uf ininl w;c . )-1 1 . Then
tin" null 1. 11I iiiiiiiui'i h iiim'.iIi'i 11 il r
'Xl'i III l i' h i of III.'- 1 1 1 j 1 r
incut iiHHiii Ini imi In order lo confer
Willi llii'in 11111I Ii'.ii ii uli il wiiil I In- lie
-! 1 0 1 In tin- iinij.iril.v uf t In- 1 ilidiM.
'Jin1 iisk irlii I Inn i.illi'il I w.i nulilic
lucctlng to present pluus Mini lull nut
II frit iik expression of iiiiilnii, iiml In
IlllN wny tin1 H ulili'lll wlil Ini 1 ils u
llltlilll Willi tlll least possible illinillllt
cif frlrimii. Mull' iliuii ;;n'i iii 1 . 1 1 h 111
tciultsl in 1 h iiK'i tliii; I'piliulih iIiIh Is
the ,1111 In il nii i' mi H i nil of lliiH
kind. It Is nn cm mil .ig'-niclit In ex cry
society Iiml, ilr," I 1 I'lt lr i.n; i i ni iiml
tln defense i( i.'h- luu Lv. nil 'I ui. fur
tin1 I'riiiiiliiulimii iiKMiiihil inn iiiihIi
clear Unit iln-ir InteicMs wi'ii' nit com
mental, I. ill lit ii'iiiiinti ninl 1 im'i'Vr
till bcilllty nf III!' Vising!' U IK I Mi-clll'l' III
hplrntlon fnr IiiiiIht opportunity t'i
contribute t what Mr. M I '.ul.iiiil
cull "a nunc lii'iiutlfnl A hum Ira."
JO vi i J' town, illagi mut luiinlct Hint
lllillii'H ItH rnlil rlbllt Inn t 1 I n-ill charm
II ti l beauty ciilitlllilltcn In "tin' k'I'llll'l
total" f.-r which Mr. M. -url:in. but
Aii'illn-r success ni-l I
llu I'm 111 1 in: Ini 111 nsstsliilloii Is In tin'
fni t tin- nl'l town hall at I'olilcr
Village, t'.v tin' voh of llu) ton 11, bus
jiushiiI Into their custody. The iisso
(Mil t loll Will Mpclnl (ill Mil JIIHMI 1 1, llllll
viitiiik' ami remodeling IIk building atul
lmpimlng tin- grounds. Tins historic
smt will llii'ti In-come a him'IhI center
fur tin' luin lil uf llu' nt 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 t''H
Maklnil lt-iiiillriil mi llinlitlilli llm-L
I m il t I. Illlx t oat.
For tin- ail il iiiin nl uf the (nun luii'k
yiu'd nf nriliii.nv nothing is mote
M li ! 1 1I t I'l.lll ul'l fllslll lill'il IIIIM'I liur
iJi'i'H, uli !! nn lliln v:in In ilnuli'il
11 in 1 a I 1 ; 1 1 -1 rill vNi-ry ilny wliliuut
tin' i-ffi'i I IiimiK Kiuiliiil Miiyn tin' H anli
lliKlmi Mar. 'l lu- Inn k ynnl uf a tnwn
lot uf Iwviityllvi' or thirty fvut In
iiiiipli' ruoiii fur 11 unrili'U uf llm v an
liiiaN that an1 itiijly kmiuii from hihhI.
If llii'iu In a litlh' eras In ihu yanl,
ho that a Httii run In' li ft un i-:u li Mir
if llu- walk Hum ihu i;n k ilnur to tin'
wou'l hlnvl ur allry k'1'1'. II will lulil to
till' rlli rt. I a Imnlrr from Mil to
I'l'lil fiN-t w Ulr ill ma the frm rs Ihr ru
tin- IrliuMh uf thr yanl. I.nni' tin'
era nirlis ln-tuiiii thn liunlrr ami
tht walk, or. hrlli-r Mill, tal.i' iii tln
Hlili'Uiill, ami luukr a lrl iluw 11 tin
ocntir uf the yaril. In 11 yanl thirty
feet wlili Ihrri' will In- room fur a hril
Ihrri' frH w lih' iluw 11 Ihr rnnlrr.
If Ihu i in J xliiil Ih uiisl'lilly plant
tail miiinals, hiii h ax moi uiiik' k'l'TirH,
to cover II. IMk tin' liunlrr ilrcply ami
break all 1 lit law 1uiiim. If tin'
Kfuninl Ih xalnly ur ulhrrwisi' po ir ill
In 11 ci mi I coat of well mtlcil manure
ami make the Niirfare Hiinmth ami
even. A kii ri It-ii hIioiiM nut lie attempt
ol wllh the li lot uf planting the or
dinary fitniualrt if the yanl Is tnui'li
Rtimled liy ailJolultiK lnillil!iik'' n ml
trccM, hut there are jniiiiy planH that
are lit for Hhiuly plaeen. The follow ing
niiiiuals can I if how 11 tllrei-tly In tho
border: AhIith, luiHtiirliumM, peluiilas,
inlk'iioiictles, ciiinlytiift, r.lunliiN, roro
opHln, (;iilllardlaH, nwcet M'as. If Hpuco
pcrmllM InlriMluci' 11 few of the hardy
perennials Healtrred along In clumps of
hIx or more. Aiming them nre ldu
larkupur, peoule.i, phlox, Ceriiuin lrln,
eoliitulilno, AKcratuiuN, Kfranlums,
vcrhciiai, hcllotr pe, ilalillan, i;lndioll,
onnuaM anil hullyhiiiks uiny also tie
planliil In the dorder. It 1h alao an
oxeellelit Jilare In which to plant oiil
tilllpH, hyacinths mid other bullx).
I'ulille Arl In Hie 'ounlr.
The farmer needs to be trained to np
prcclutt' the value uf pleasant house
MirroiindliiRS, Hays American Humes
tind OardeiiluK. Ills house grounds
should be well kept, his barns hliould
bo devoid of advertisements, and lie
hliould manfully resist the persuasions
of tlio advertising man who would
paint hIkum i lib rucks or si and tliem
up on the meadows facing the rail
roiids. Theso thliiKs are eomiuonplnce
onoiiKli In themselves, 11 ml yet if no
inoro was 1I0110 Uiuu lmprov theso
mnttprs, the country would be a pleas
nntor place to vlalt and to travel
through. Tlio country does not need
monuments, It does not require costly
work of art, It does not call for tbo
thlnKa the city demands 11s a matter
of course; Its needs aro Us own, but
they nro quite as urgent as any of
the matters which appear so essential
In the. cities; Its claims to artistic con
sideration are Important.
Value of i IniU'i'".
"Hvcry pprlmt uuiny tons of cinders
nro curled away from Imusen and
dumped Into the river," said a Kansas
Oily (Mo.) citizen recently to a Kansas
Oily Star reporter. "This should not
be. It U a waste, finders make ex
cellent walkH and drives. They pack
well ami shod the water. Muddy ol
loys could be Improved liy the use of
cinders. I shovel cinders on my drive
way und ubout uiy barn all lh year
pmzes for fine lawns.
1 1 prnrr mrnl RnrlHr's linn In Km'
'nrn I lmnllnr nml llfanlf.
The IIoiikIiih Improvctnellt nsHocll
(loii of Chlciiio bus bit on n Hi'hcine for
Die 1 uriiu'i'incnl of ('leaiilluesi find
beauty In Its illrlct which promise
excellent rexiill . hayi the I 'hli.'llK'l
I'o-it. The liieiiilicrH of Hie iih-im IiiI Ion
Inive MiliHcrlbcil which they 11 1"
liflel'lliK In twelve Inulicy prl.cH for the
best kept Jiiwiih this Milliliter wllhln
the terrlloiy bntinibd by 'I hilly -first
llreet, Thirty III Ih Miecl, Michlanii
ivi'lltie mid the lake.
Ill iiililllluii. tliu.e who Hcriire honor
able liienlluii will be 11 wanled brollc
lueibilH to the II II in 1 ' of twenty-live.
The Judges will come from without the
illMrlet. mid none of the olllcers of the
MHMii hitluli is clli'llile .'or Hie compel!
Hon. The Hi si prize 1 1 f i,n, the hccond
the third II cl llilei. $10
ciii li '.iml the nel mx )" each.
The result hupi ! fur by the associa
tion Is not liieiely the linptoveiiieiit of
III iv 11 Hjiace. Tin lilies of Hi" competi
tion me m fi. lined as to compel nil
who enter to comply Willi the clly
clean Hired ordinances. No one" imi
Irlbiiilm; to the Muuko iiiilance will be
eligible, ami 110 one who has nut paid
his subscription In Ih' association nt
the late uf ?l a mouth for each twenty
the feet htreel finnliie run will II
The points nvcriiimi tin' nwaiiN aro
divided Mi thnt the wlnm-r Is Just 111
likely In be the o.vner of 11 hlxteen fisil
lot as the pel hiii who has 'Ji O feci
frontai.'!' at a corner. 'I be bleu nf the
association l to cet as innii.v Into the
cnmpetlllnii as o"sbe, nml fur that
reason It ull'ers as much to Iho'e who
attend to Mmple Ic.inlhiccs as to the
acMlicli'S who ran iilTord to devote
theuisclves In lainy liower beds and
Sixty points are to k for the i-ulidl-lion
uf all Kr.iss ur l.twn Fpace, front
nml back. Imlinliii-; the parkway, ex
cept 011 Imiili'V ard w here the city at
tends to the law n I lecnrntlve fea
tures, Slli'll lis liower beds, Miiubs nml
ilni'i, will 111. -lit twenty points, and
the ii'inaliiiir twenty nre apportioned
fur the cumliliu'i uf j'.'ir!ia;:e cans, no
iredlt at all bclnc :l!:o. If the or
dinance Is iml rut. ip lie 1 with. Awards
Will Is- made brlWis'li Sept 1 ami 1."
Iliiiin on I ii ii l - jo 'I'rinlunt uf
Slut Inn (.rmiiiiU nml irimi lir.
Ill II lecllll'e ilelivclril .'l-t MlllllRiT lit
I 'bantam, ii a. Irli-r '. lirllb'h hinted
111 11 riy pl.n In at ll!!lli;iel' Hie ilpplien
lloii nf l.tiiil-cijie i:arileiiiii r principles
to railroad property, sa. s the ltrooklyn
I'.au-le. I!" polui'-.l out iliat the sta
tion. Iiicludiuu both billl'lnu's find
frroiiniN, 1 a focal point t!iou: h which
Hie tratflini: pli il e laiMa'es. To Intro
ilure ami direct ihe pasr..-u;.ers to tin;
town Is Hie cuntriilliiik' principle In sta
tion grounds iIc-Ikii. Natural exlMlu'i
features may ul'iea Ii.' made a limU at
tracllM' pail ut ihe htatluu park-. A
Mreaiu, putel ur piece of w .HMliand may
be so nuit 'il Willi !!: n-sl uf the
ru'imls ns to I r an Intricate part, and
that Willi a most pleasing effect.
The materials applicable b railroad
planting need lo be hardy on account
of the iliiMy ami smoky conditions
which tbc must endure. The short
lived llowrr paic'.i Is a poor and ex
pensive apology fur the vastly supe
rior and less expensive perennial plant
ing. Morcincr, with Hie latter the
lieauty uf Hie scene Is with us through
out the year. Heavy masses of a sin
gle species nf plants are more effective
than the mixing uf Individuals of sev
eral species. Those single specie
masses are to be so placed that they
easily blend and together make a har
monious whole. i 'harming seasonal
effects may likewise be produced.
Aside from liaxlug station grounds
and the right of way xvell arranged
mid properly kept for the good of the
passengers of Ihe road theyshould bo
so treated because of the educational
Influence exerted upon the commu
nities reached by the road. The spirit
of regard for beauty and order will lie
felt farther than the borders of t!:o
line, lively passenger will carry with
lilui mi Impression that will sooner or
later inaterlall.e In some form of do
mestic or civic Improvement. Tho rail
road thus creates an object lesson for
promoting good taste In outdoor art
and not only betters Its own condi
tion, but at the same time becomes a
public benefactor.
The ll-nut of m I.nnilnciipe.
"Why should the ornamental tree so
ciety confine Its labors to the hlghxvays
only'." asks Henry H. Thoreau. "loes
not the landscape deserve attention?
What are the natural features which
make a township handsome? A river,
with Its waterfalls and meadows, a
lake, a hill, a ell IT or Individual rocks,
a forest and ancient trees standing
Kingly. Such things are beautiful.
They have a high use which dollars
and cents never represent. If tho In
habitants of a town xvero xvlso they
would seek to preserve theso things,
though nt considerable expense, for
Mich things educate far more than any
hired teachers, preachers or any sys
tem of school education at present or
pnnlzed." Tlie Itllllxini'il ( hiiip Iluw n,
I. C. Cheney, superintendent of tho
Chlcngo,. Milwaukee and St. l'aul Kail
way company, recently wrote nn en
thusiastic letter to tho American t'lvle
association workers as follows: "As a
result of your objection to circus bills
nml posters of n gaudy nature near our
depot grounds as offensive to good
taste and proper development I have
caused to be removed from our station
grounds at Sun 1'ralrle a very brilliant
varicolored poster of somebody's stom
ach elixir. Tl.'s Is my lirM act as a
member of inr glorious association, but
It will mil be Hie lasl."
Tlio Kind You liaVc Ahvny Dought, nml wlilch lian been
In lino for over HO, hnn borne lb nlgtint nro of
) - tl lift been iiuwlo iimler bin per-
s(A?'?U Miiiml mipervlslon ulneo Its Infancy.
WuxSyy, -eUcAlti linwtiaonntoileeelveyoiilii tblH.
All Counterfeits, Imitation ftiifl "JiiHl-as-irfMHP' are but
Kxperiiiient Hint trlllo with nml endanger tlio health of
Inttuit and ChlMr? n I'xpcrleneo against Experiment
Cantorla In a harmless Kiibntltuto for Cantor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops ami Soothing MyrupM. It I Pleasant. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo
Mihstaiirc. lis age is ItA (;iiaruMtc. It destroy Worm
and allays) I YvcrMincHS. It cures Olarrlio-n, and AViml
Colic. II reliever Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
fstoinaeh ami lloxvels, giving healthy and natural idoep.
Tho Children' Panacea Tlio Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
..Lakeview Meat Market.. 1 I
JOHN WKNDKLL. ProprU-toi ! '- il ''Stf&S,
t i AT I'RiiSENT LOCATED . - f JJff
tin oc oooaoco a ooonoooooooooooc 1 ' t & tIt ZjmsA c,' WSafr V
Nature's Handiwork -lrv ' "V
1 SSef W UlNfi Kme,ive M8y '-K'1"-
I 3UJV6rm-CJ'JS I I 9:13 A. M. I. v. a K.-uo
Thronjcn Uiah anJ Colorado
Infill- iiKti', Cuniin of (lie lirBiul,
lllni k ( nliiin, MnrsliHll and Ti'iincl
' T 1'iisii"!, anl the Worlil Kamoui
SRoyal tiorjcetSS
For li'noriitivu ami Illiimr.teil l'amph
lota, wriu In
W. C. McBride, tJen. Agt.
121 Tlijril.fitri-i't
B.n th J IhaTind You Have Alwavs Bau?
Lvresr lnd and
Signature of
Ar. 6:;!5 I'.
11 :W A. M. I.v,
1 ;12 I'. M . I.v.
2:18 P. M. Ar.
3:ooP. M. Lv.
3:Ja I". M. Lv.
7:M P. M. Ar.
1:J0 T. M. I.v.
1:ii0 P, M. Lv.
40 P. M. Ar.
Hot SiK8
Mailt' 11 ne
n.'it willi
2:15 P. M.
1:12 P.M.
12:01 P. M.
11:15 A. M.
11:00 A. M.
7:15 A. M.
Ar, 12:45 P. M.
Lv. 11:05 A. M.
Lv. 8:45 A. M.
a Connections made with Kant and West
bound trains of 8. P. Co.
b Siagi-i to and from Milford, Janesrille,
o ttages to and from blandish and Susan-villi-.
d Stage lo and from KhkIovHU-, Ccdarvlllo,
Fort Kldwcll, Adln, Alturas, Lakeview, and
j other points In Oregon.
e Htages to and from Genesee, Taylorsvllle
and Orceuvllle.
I Stages to and from Johusville, Crombcri;,
and Qulncjr.
'cqpj-' styles in type and keep in
stock a large assortment of high
grade stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
)" prices will be found to compare
favorably with other prices.
stojk news
fl'lf,tf r.r it'ii rt't. fi.rriiH-ft Mtri h And f r rlrt.
l hilrvm. him in trituua (T)lA. UiU Bifk
..jrH,ln. (l tt COUNTMICt.
?lxrff dirrri vith W'ahingtin tain timr,
vtimry 'ml i fim Ihr fulrnl.
Pment tnd lnfrlngmnt Practice clultl.
W rtl or .iw in ii. Ml
III MUrtk ItrMt. r VnlU4 IUiM ttUn OBe.
. M fl-mwintf r.r 1,'kiI',. fnf riiH-ft iwfcn h wl fr rrtmrt. M I
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
i3io Connetlcut Avenue
Washlnjcton, 0. C.
All person who have heretofore made FINAL
PROOF In any kind of Land. Mineral or Tim.
her Knlrlea, which haa been accepted hy the
RcKliiier or (receiver of any V. 5. I.and Office,
can have the U.uance of their V. 8. Patent for
aid lnda promptly attended to by aending
ma their Duplicate kecelats, or Certificate ot
Entry, and an agreement to pay me $10 when
ever tald Patenta shall Imue.
Oregon, Californi
and Nevada
Mate Agent
A Tradi Marks
iV'ALi . ' Designs
wf f f f Copyrights Ac
Anvonft ending ft wk&fb anrl i1ii-Tlpttor) may
qnlt-ttir Mt-urtmin oar opinHrti free whether mn
.riAuti'n i prohuMf put on table, f Vmitunntrav
tlfiifrirtirrrTiniHiitial. M(Vi1okon I h!l.U
iit Irwu OMet Huenrj ft,r rurHtg p&onita.
VntouXM t it ken throuirh Muun & Co. rocelT
tpral njtlc, wtthout churge, in the
Scientific flffierican.
A tmndftOTTiely lllntrr1 we?klr. f jiret nr.
calruion of any tv-icrititln journil, 0 t-rnii. t-'i ft
lYSUNN & Co.36IB"-- New York
.ranch Ollli US F Bt, Wasblnictuu. L. C.
Excursion Rates to Pacific Coast
Notify your friciida la the east
that reilm-eil rouml-trip excursion
rates will j;o into effect June 1, l!MiO,
ami tickets will In.' on sale daily un
til Septeinlierl.", l.iOU.
Final return limit October ai, 1:h)G.
Kates from princ ipal Etwtern points
are as follows:
From t'hieairo $75.00
' Cbuucil r.ltiffs, St. Joseph, lx-av-enworthaud
Kansas City...?i!0.00
" Sioux City $G:!.00
" Denver. Colorado Springs, Fue-
blonnd triuiad $50.00
" St. Louis SsiiH.OO
" New Orleans $oi.(K)
" Houston fWJ.OO
For further information call upon
or write nearest Ageut or
I. S. Ta.u;art, I'eno, Nev.
2 mo 1). F. & V. A.
Post & Klnjj have the best grade
of liquors and cigars to be found' In
Oregon. tf
r J n rr
which The Examiner cxt
cells. We have all the late
Klne f.nnlrii rial Prnpnural For M- :
nnmnnlr, lal.n nilarnp Architect
to It tint, anil I'opnlar Va4
Will II I rid IVopIr to It. '
Merifitjionl a lunilerin? town of.
Iiorllicrn Wisconsin, Just ci lergltnf
(rrn It InirilH-rJnrk dnyi, Is to be
tn.nle tins nioih'l town of America
through tlio munlQcenre of Its wealth
iest fltizen, Htnte Senator James H.
Ftout, a inlllliiiiiiir lumberman whotw
eno fml N ptililie hcIiooIh and jierfect
t-itlwii lili, .iys the riiiiiKleljihia Hec
onl. i Meiiomoiiie, tleiti'U having a popnla
I (Ion of onlr nbont 8,0io, Is known
t llirriiiL'tioiit tl,r. T'nlteil States to have
the finest aystem of public schools la
America. lint lliia title Is ta be eup
planted by one of greater worth.
Meiiomonle's dereloptieeiit Into a mod
el town 1 4 to bo through the agency of
IU owu votes, supplemented by Sena
tor Stout's wealth. Wnrren II.' Man
ning, a imted i'.astoii IaudHcape archl-te-t,
bus Ih-cii engng'-d by Senator
Stout to hiy out a m livnie on which Me
l.omoiile tuny be p'-rfecteil. S-nator
Stout 1 to take nil the preliminary
i-teps, mid the vote 4 of the citizens will
biinl the resilient s to build their houses
according to the common plan, ilevlseil
so that the business district will blend
harmoniously Intp the residence por
tions of the city, and the front yards
of the residences will be so decorated
with flower iM-ds and other adornments
that Meiiomome will be one great gar
den, with the houses so hidden by
vines and creepers as to remind one of
an ancient KngHsh estate.
The plans are not complete, but the
town council and business men's and
citizens' assiniatioiis have pledged ac
quiescence in the scheme.
Menomotile first won renown through
its wonderful system of public schools,
all given to the town, with the excep
tion of the district schools, by Senator
Stout. The Stout School of Physical
Culture, the Stout Manual Training
school, the Stout gymnasium and the
Stout Natatorium are some of the
school and public buildings provided
by this millionaire lumberman. Now,
as Menomonie's sawdust plies are be
ing carried away, their place Is to be
tilled by a town modeled on the latest
artistic device. Of all the Stout Insti
tutions the School of. Manual Training
Is the most elaborate and that In which
Stout takes the most pride. It has
achieved such fame that teachers of
mauual training from all over the coun
try come in droves to be allowed to
learn the Stout methods.
Senator Stout says that Menomonle
was the town whose lumber Industry
made his fortune, and It Is only fair to
the town to return to It same of the ad
vantages thus gleaned. Mr. Stout was
the pioneer in introducing manual
training into the public schools of the
state. Before Milwaukee had such a
department that of Menoiuouie was
famous. "
The Stout institutions are part of the
public school system and are headed
by the best educators In the state. For
Instance, L. 1. Harvey, former state
superintendent of public Instruction,
upon completing his term was at once
engaged as city superintendent In Me
nomonle at a larger salary than that
paid In the state office. He refused an
offer to take charge of the public
schools of Cleveland to remain at Me
nomonle. Other Instructors are of the
same high grade and draw better sal
aries than can be secured elsewhere.
Seuator Stout believes as well In mu
nicipal Improvements, and one of his
activities has been the building of
model roads around Menomonle. He
secured a governmental crew to show
the farmers of his county how to build
roads and then kept up the agitation
until once rutted country highways be
came as boulevauds to the ordinary
roads In older parts of the state.
This agitation of his for clean and
modern cities has taken root in the
state, and this last spring has been
marked by a wave of agitation in a
dozen cities of the state. At Delaran
the work done was chiefly on the part
of school children to show farmers the
need of having better roads. Even In
Milwaukee the idea has taken root, and
4D.000 school children have handed to
gether to keep the back yards free of
small articles offensive to the eye.
Iu Sheboygan the school children
formed a Green Button brigade, and
on one day In the early spring the city
was literally swept cleen. The children
began work, each In his own back yard,
and when they had finished with the
yards thousands of brooms were wield
ed In the streets to gather the dirt lnlo
plies, where the wagons loaned by the
city carried the dirt away.
Wausau also furnished teams and.
city laborers free to aid the school chil
dren In the work of cleaning up.
Flowera Near the Kitchen Door.
A housekeeper who spends much
time in the kitchen has a stand erected
In the yard against the fence and one
In front of the kitchen door, says the
Housekeeper. The two shelves, placed
one above the other, are filled with
boxes and flower pots, iu which are
growing that never tiring bloomer, the
single petunia. Tots are placed upon
the ground beneath the stand, and all
summer long the once bare fence U
transformed into a bank of luxuriant
green and red. White petunias may be
mixed with tlio red to give variety.
The seeds need not be gathered, as
they fall Into the ground, there to He
all winter und cpriug up the following:
season. Coming up thickly, as they do,
of course, the young plants will re
quire separation. For very llttlo trou
ble and uninterrupted beauty petunia
have scarcely a rival.