Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 09, 1906, Image 4

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First PiutlHt chunh of Lrkevlow. UiiIUmI Ktof Lend OttW lakeview
I'rmchlnff Sorvlc t 11:A.M.. nml Orrgon June 0 UHU. Notleo l "?
- L .. . Hivt'ti tlmt In coiuidinnee with tho,
7:30 T. M. on each Sunday. ..rovt,,,,,, of the net of Conicrcs. of ,
Sunday School 10: A. M. i June 'X entitled "An act for the
Junior Society nt 2::50 P. M. side of timber lun.l in tho state of
v,...ntfIVni,l..a fttitViilforniR, Onyim, Nevi.drt nnd Wiudi-
.-..,.,..-1 ...... InMnn Ti.rrif.irT" iw tollile.l to 111 I
j the lullio Limit Stide t y not of Aug
on Wed- t 4. is-i lleriium J. Win tor, of
G::t0 I. M. on em h Sunday.
Prayer meeting 7.:50, I. M
ncBilav evening Klamath Falls county of Kbmuith
Kvcrvl.odv invited to attend nil State of Oregon, lu.s tin .lay Hlo.l in
. this o l ee his sworn utiiteiiient An
nervier. A. 1 rank Minmon-i.pasior , f relmso of the SW
Fint Haotiwt t 'him h of (loose Uikc,
nt Now Pino Crook, Oregon.
Preaching Services at H:iH'1iH'k A. M
nml 7;.'W P. M. on oarli Snu.iay of
every inontli.
Sunday School at l'oYWU A. M.
Prayer Service at 7:-'M on Wednesday
evening of each week.
All nrc cordially invited to attend!
tho Services. ;
J. Havden Howard Pastor
NW'j N1,. SW'. and
ot i no ri j
NW. SK'. of
Section '2. T III S ll. 17 K. . M.
and will otfor Moof to rliow tlmt the
land sought is mere valnaMo for its
t iniber or stone than for iimjculturnl
purposes and to ostiiMisli his claim
to said land I'otoro clerk of Kbitniith
comity Oregon at his olllco id Klam
ath Kails Oregon on Monday the ;1
day of September HHHi. Ho names hs
witnesses: Archie Johnson, Harry
Peltz, Lester Kirkpatrick and John
Hrett all of Klamath Falls Oregon.
Anv and nil p rsons claiming ad-
, versely tlio ahove descril'od hunts are
; requested to tile their claims in this
lotlicf on or before said M day of Sep
temlier liXV.
J. N. Watson, Kotf'stor. '-" :l
Don't Get Wet!
will keep you i!ry a
noiliingclje will, because
they rc the product of
the best material anJ
seventy years' experi
ence in manufacturing.
Ito.Mon, U.S. A.
Toronto, Cam.
WANTF.ll : by Chicago w liolesale and ;
mail order house, assistant manager ' .....
..... . ,i lrt I. anil l-inal I'roof.
(man or woman) for this county and . ,1.1:,., 1 ,,1..,
, . . . t, , , Initod States ljind Otlico, Ijike-
adjoining territory. Salary S-V wul view, Oregon, July CI, l'.HV.. Notice
expenses paid weekly; expense money j j,, hereby given that James P. llery
G.lronrvt.l Wnrk uleRSHiit: position ford, assignee of Aiiuu M. Kitiir. of
pormaucut. Xo investment or exper
ience required Spare time vahniMe.
Write at once for full particulars and
enclose self -ad dressed envelope.
Chicno, 111. 1-t
Lakeview, Lake Co., Oregon, has tiled
! notice of inteidioii to make proof on
desert dand
Keep Posted
On Mdttcrs That Interest Yo;i
Your local paper is a nccossity
to you, financi;illy and socially.
Lnj the latest news of the world,
is equally necessary to you. The
"up to date man" will provide
liimsclf with these two essentia?
'"o itures cf progress.
Kane, Wash., will bo found the ;
very latest news of the world, its
matter including information on
politics, commerce, agriculture,
raining, literature, as well as the
local happenings in the states of '
! Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Wash
claim No. 41, fr the
L l w 1.". VV'I .....I I ..t I
j 01..-J. .-I. -4 4-
Sec. -v.': l"st 1. -J, Sec. T. M S..
K. '.V E.. W. M , and V. M. Croon,
assicnee of Nahir.u A. Kir.i;, of Lake
view, Lake Co. Oregon, has tiled
notice of intention to make proof on
desert land claim No. 101 me lot
4. XE'4 XE4 .Sec. ;VJ. NW4 Sec. X
T. :U. S., li. 'Jo E., W. M.. lief ore
llecister and Ueceivor. at Lakeview,
Orecon. on Weilnesdny, the lilt li day
of September, UM5.
tnZWZK C Province ot British ! t,
reclamation ot sai.l laims:
J. P. Ilorvford. K. 1
, Frank Po ner. Carl Lite and 1. M
ti'reeu all of Ijikeview, Oregon.
J. X. Watson. KeirUtor.
Ely's CREAftri Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It rleansfs, soothes, brnls. and protects tli:
dL-easK-a rie:i;i.rine. It ev.r s t. atarr.i and , residence Uinm
.. f 11 . n i.. ....
mnt.iu.ii i v "in in la-- iiMu -i.'-rv.. . i said laud VI
4u:si(.irt s iit;
tasy : n ".
Apt.lied i lit u
I-iirre Siz-, !". ) eei.ta
m.iil; Trial Size, Pice
!e of T.t 'e and
:it '.ins ro 'ri' its
3 n-;ril.- uii 1 a!'-
l'ru.'! or 1
t Vy tnui..
KIWI. I'I'.0K.
Laud IMtice at Lakeview,
Julv i, P.Hi. Notice is her
that the followiti-named settler has :
tiled notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, i
and that said proof will be made U- j
fore Register and Receiver at Lake-
view, Oregon, on Ik'th day of August,
l!.ti viz: Marv II. l'.ryan, 11. E. No. '
for the SE'4 XE4 Sec. 11, S'.. i
XW4 and NW4 SW'4Sec. 1J Tp. :to :
S. 11. 11) E. W. M. He names the fol-
lowing w itnesses to prove his contin- ,
and cultivation
11. E. Keed of-
Paisley, Oregon, J. S. liranch, W. 11.
I!..nwli. mid I) M. P.rvHii (if Lakeview. 1
Colur.ibia. In addition, its col
umns for women, its popular
srifnrf nrticle? its chnrt nnd
. . "" vv"' , prop
turned stones, its "Answers to:tr..w
Correspondents and "Puczle 1 t-r-w. 1
! Problems" combine to form a I l''-11'11'1-'
Cri L-on, I '".eme newspaper that at $1.00 per I
i y Kivon year can nowhere bo excelled
l:rh Strrrt 'lionlil 1r I'lnnfrd Wlfb
lliv Smif mty-ty, Hnym .I. Horner
Mrl-'nrlnnil l'iln nn Hetreflii
Tr- ami I'rolrrl Inn Thru.
In li'spunso to a letter of Impilry ad
dressed to Iho American Civic nssocln
tlon the followlii'; :ilunlie Inforuiii
tion h is lie,:i fiinii. lis ly IN presi
dent, J. Iloraoe Mcl-'arhind:
If oii are lo plant tdrcct trees In
your Iow a It should le (lmie with Intel
lineal and oai'ot'ul consider.'! I lo'i and
not at ramloiu. You can Hud out what
trees do lio-d In Jour liekhltoi hood by
lux ion. It Is alwa.vs preferahle.
and very ; really neleralie, to use
trees that are elllier liiillenoun or
have lieen suiUileidly tested to make
sure that (hey w 111 he sueeessful. There
Is iiolliinu to le valued and much to
lie Imt I .y the hit ro.lui'i ion of nursery
men's novelties, of trees from oilier
localities that lire tint Mlllli-ieull.V test
od or of thnse that are not lout; lived
and of proper hahit for street plantiiu;
The in'M matter of Importance Is to
see that, if 011 are to plant whole
streets at a time, they are planted all
In the same Mad of tree anil not hit or
miss our nation. il capital,
Wa -hin :ti'!i. Is a conspicuous example
of I'iiw well p. e p!.uit!ir: can he man'
t'iroil. for there are I'lvat avenues with
pin o.;ks und others with sycaumro
and others with tulips and others wjtli
elms, Imt on no street has there liocn
permitted 11 lieteroueiicmis mixture.
Misin-; of tree can he likened to the
condit'i'ii ('::( w mild prevail If a fen
tleman rettin: for him-ell' a douMe
breasted ln U c i.-it would alternate the
buttons In nil different sorts of texture.
It Is next !n t.-int to that the
are 11 it pl.iu'e l 10 c' 1 elv. I.or.y
Jived trees li' c.'.'ro 'Hi I i d el.ei. The
hiall trees yu w i l iri-l-nilite l!y pse
00k very I mi-some w 1 1 -11 pl.itite I at tin
lilt 11 m M 11 a
l i. If 1 1 11 m, m
1 s
I'lUNII I W Mill Ml IH.Mf
Paisley, ortQon.
lilt T V II Al.l.
I'h Mlrlnii mill Hiinnni
OKHCK Ni'iv I h 1 y liiilMlim.
I,. ' 4
.illnrnr) nl
Lkkrvlrn. rvim
oi l li t - I'uly liuililinii
I, II t l'. not1
Allrtr) -nf - I.M
l4inl Mllrm t.-rlnlt J
UKUi I- Pnl;- tli.itillliK.
I nk. 1 li Mr (
n 1.
I 'Mill I' No f''
M - . mi I he S.I nuil 41 li ' .In. iln)' t
m il .11 null In U..iiir II ill m i . m.
I. W ihiih in h . ii nun 1 I iiiiiiuioi.I. r.
tvil ISM , I I. I ll
Kr t t't t t t ' r fit ' ' ' f ' f '
V I. li. ii t itii-i-n I In- l-l Mini l"l 1 li n r
V iU y i-i i lium" nl i in li nn nilli In '.1 I t'l
le.' Hull. Inkiilrw. X W . Mniiilim
i, . ., J U . Tnrlo-r. Si fll'i .
AND Uinion Pacific
Salt Lake, Denver, Kin
sas City, Chicago,1 St.
L011I5 New York. -
Ocean Steamers between I'liltlalli)
and Sun I ranclHi very llvodnyn.
Low Rate5
I n ketK to mid (rom all parts ol tho
I I'niteil XinicM, Ciinadii ttiiili:nropo.
I or'piiilii uhir, 111II on or nddrosH,
A. !.. CrnljtO. I. I' ,
rortlniul. Crc.
. . . ll.MI'; TAIJI.I; . . .
V In I ffcrt May lnt, Pr.."
f, A. M I i . I'ek. k-nlim 1" l i A M
Mouse y7 ""v
K i 'tr
New Pine fTffk,
I v. I lim
At. ll- -n 11 "
si. -i-l Hr'K I. I".
f nll I'r'k 1 10
" k I'll sp K" ' I"
" 1 ! K 1 - . .K in
" I'nkl k'HIIIK IV. II
Ar. Inti.- Ill .-
" K I'd Si'K II ii '
" I nl. I r. . k II Ci '
M. . I llt 'l!-- I
ll..Kii. I : fl I
I lii.ll . I ' I.".
klumnlh SprliiKA Special.
I I. mil... I ' V M I v. K I'll "I 'li.i'' 4". I'.
I nil 1
r.-rh.Tj.s y.m hnvt tomethinir to ci; a
'arm. a t';im. farm mat hlnrry. Ymi n iv
l-h to l:y hlnic Th ht .i.l'-lf
.iv to tommuniriu lth jieopia -ii, w.'i
10 h iy or id l by ln.rtinn a unnll .!
"r':-i mflll In Th Fpokeatnan-Hrvlt-v.
Kirrnir. Mkiw-n. lumhrmm ami niln
-r tnkc the TWI.'E-A-WKKK.
If you wish to rarh bulnr r"-n n1
'""'"". U" th- rAlLT or
a;. art.
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be p.-rmi to
y.i'i :'n a
t!i:it t!ie mo
h id betti r
town i;r -
C.lfo for li:e-
0 i i.i "t . but
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t hoy will
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of tree
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Lit aftet
1! im.l-'illu'
have ti
ll twenty
. e vliolll.l
I Hem. Slr. i-l.
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Insertion. Count
, Oregon.
i J. X. Watson, Register.
Tin cnti per line rfti
-U norji to a line.
ELY BROTHERS. E6 Warren St.. K.-.W Yore
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always .Bought
Bears the
Signature of
SeArt tha y I!b Van Hats iwas Boi;"H
. ! On June Otti and Tth, July :2ml and
'3rd, Aiij;ut;t Tth, Sth and 9th, and
; September Mh and I'th, special low
! round trip rates will Le in effect to
i all points East, final returning limit,
j W days, but not later than October
I 31st.
' Colorado common points.,
I Mir-souri Iviver,
j Mississippi Kiver,
J Chieauo
j Washiuptou and Baltimore
Xew York
i For particulars, see any
address D. S. Tatrart. I) . I
' Reno, Xevada.
1 8 Words
24 Words i i!
ne .
itn per
. to a
line each Insertion. Count
? ..(kl
7'2. '
Airent, or
BIKjkun, Waah.
"ur plnlnljr. encluslnit Ti.uini
or money ordir fur nj-nher ol
d-lr'l. and a'ate mtiUtr yoi.
-inea :s u iy. hup.ia. o-
I Bean th. st Kmd Ym Have Aia msi
'. i BeAn the ins Mim tin naiB a:o3
To All Our
Ttie Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
The American Farmer is he only Literary Farm Journal pub
lshcd. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. GOODE.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
Two For the Paice of One: The Uke County Examlner
The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. O, fletzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
rty iiu Hers
it tN eitv
.s yniir
I l ptuvlih' :
-it - i t .It-
work now u:i ler way 1- In New .lersey.
, wh'Te t!.e:v ere live p'niit.iiic enmmis-
Minis. I:i t!iN st it" if til-- t iv.ii fleets
; trees 11 "e I'liillted under til" m ill rum
' iu'l ! n purely nl ihe detennlmitioii
! of III" eoi'-iM -;- ..ii !iK t i v;i-!ety nml
, i li:l I'aete:', i!i ' ilee. e ! i -. , iet at the eost
of th" a'"llt!;i pi-'.ier y i in-r-i.
; III te t f i v.ll'i.'ties of trees let 111.'
; PIl',' revt a e-.lliilelatioll of Ihe Alliell
; tan elm, the pin oak. the red oak, the
. Ani'-ri -an - e.unore, th" i:a!!-h fyeii
tiior". tin- ti.lip tree, tiie hard or kiicik
j maple, the red nuiple, p isiliiy the Nor
i way maple and the syramure maple,
i Certainly mult the silver maple or the
; ii-h leave iii,i'i!i' from ymir eoa-hlera-tioll.
Tli" whi'i' n-h may !- n-i il ninl
is loirx lui l Veil may h.iv other lli-dii'tioii-i
tree- u liii-li appr n h t!ie
Meal form for -treet tree-, uhali is
I that of lh" Ai.ieilean elm. If yo i run
; hy any means pi nil th" I tr.'-'-l pioior
I tion of elms i i -ii. I have i-ited the
j fity of iimii" ), X. ., wln-i-e forty or
til'ty years ao a general tree planting
i movement was unilertakeii and all the
I streets were planted wisely with elms,
j The -fleet Is now of the litmo-t heuuty. ;
' Von need to liave ordinanees to take
j tin; control of these trees out of tin; 1
I hands of th" property ow ner and to
j pl.ieo it in (lie hands of an unpaid city '
i commission . Iiieli would Include Homo I
j with expert knowledge. Surely you j
'can liud Home public spirited men mid
women to serve In tins capacity, as
to protecting the treeH from hoys, tho
best possihle wny Is to teach tho boys
to love the trees by showing them pic
tures of Kood trees In your schools uud
Klrlux them Information about trees.
As to the trimming proposition. It
must ln absolutely restricted If you
are to have nood trees. If the trees
come to you In fair order with u K'od
root system they will need the cuttlug
off of all mutilated roots and a rea
sonable thortciiliitf In of the upper
branches to a systematic Khnpo, cut
ting In cadi case close to u bud Hmooth
ly. If they are then planted la large
boles carefully dug and cadi tree sur
rounded by some good soil without any
fresh manure they t-hould live and
grow and require no other trimming
for many years wive nuch as Is Includ
ed In rubbing off as noon as they ap
pear buds and nhoots on the lower part
of the stem. Annual trimming simply
for tho sake of trimming Is absolutely
vicious and must bo prohibited. There
Is no more necessity for trimming a
tree once a year than there Is for trim
ming a person's oars once a year.
Trees whllo young must be staked
If they aro to do well. There aro mod
ern tree guards of wlro which aro
good, but they are expensive. If you
-will plant with the tree a good solid,
bard wood stick, say 2 by 4, driving it
firmly Into the ground after the bole la
dug, so that It Is substantially planted,
and will fasten the tree to this by a
band of leather or old bose or strong
soft clotb, which Is crossed between
the tree and the stake, tacked on the
back of the stake, the trees will be
well protected while they are refasten
ing themselves with a new root stem.
Please note that the fastening of the
tree to tho stake Is of the utmost Im
portance, as If It Is tightly bound to
the stake It will chafe and hurt Itself,
but If It Is held by the strap above de
scribed, which Is looped around the
tree and then crossed before the strap
passes around the post, It will be la ft
Hllne and cannot damage Itself.
I o cure a Cold In diic I n
Ink.- I..WA1IYI I'.lKiMo i;l'IMM'
Till ! . All ilriik.'vi-l n nn .I tin-iiiolii-y
if il f uii I" eiiif. I W 'i.Vf'e
WU'llllt III f I- nil Cill'h I'l-X '.''.
II K. li I' K I II. I f..-'l
Office in llicbcr'. 5torc
Everyone should suhs.-rlhe for
his home paper, in order to get all
tho local news, but to kerp in touch
with th world's daily events
should also read
The Evening Telegram,
Portland, Oregon,
The leading evening cswipaper ef
the Pacific Coast, which has com
plete Associated Preot reports and
special leased - wire service, with
correspondents in Important news
centers and In all the cities and
principal towns of the Northwest.
Portland and suburbs are covered
by a bright staff of reporters, and
editorial, dramatic, society and
special writers. Saturday's edi
tion consists of 20 to 28 pages, and
has colored comic pages, as well as
a department for children, colored
fashion page, an Interesting serial
story and other attractive features
in addition to all the news of the
Subscription Rates: One month,
50 cents; three months, $1.35; six
months, 82.50; twelve months, )5.
3ample copies mailed free. O
Miie IcitvcH l akeview daily, ex
cept !-iiiiihiv lit C a. m. Arrivre
at AlturiiH ut tl p. in.
I'ave. A I turns lor I.iikevirw at
ii o'clock n. to. or on the urrivnl
of the Hliie from Miidclitie. Ar-rivf-H
in l.iikevirw in 1'.' hour al
ter h'liYiDK AllilriiB.
FrclRht - Matter. - CHven
-Strict - Attention
first - C'ass - Accomodations.
Western . Stage . Line
J. L. VAPIN, Proprietor.
Office In t !nkille llotrl
kl.math ( all..
1'aily from Toke'cma by Keno, Kltn.
Hth I iiIIh, iniry, lioininzli, ami Illy te
Ihtily from I.iikeviev. hy lily, I!oiibii)!i.
Iairy, Khimiitli KuIIh, Keno, to IV
k enema.
From Klamath Falls to Keno ,y
KtcHtncr and from Keio to J'okiyeiiis
over the HiiiNct Four-Home StiKn Fine.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
I not a soe.ret or patent mcdli-inc, in,' Utist
which tlie iiiokI Inlellleiit, fopc are
quite naturally averse lavaiiMf of Uic un
certainty us to their harmless character,
hut In a medicine ok known ('omi'ohh io.v,
a full list ol all it.s iiiKrciiicnU lieiiiK
printed, in plain h'.iujllx'i, on every hottlo
wrapper. An c xnmlnai.nn of Huh lint of
Ingredient will diacloKc ihn fact that It
hi non-ali-oliolli' In iu coin position, clii'in
Ically pure Klyc'Tlno taking Hie plac of
the I'ofiiimmly usini ali'iilini. In Its make
up. Tho "Favorite I'rencriptldii " of Dr.
I'iurrti is In fart the only medic ino put up
for tho cure of woman pfcullar wonk
niissos and ailrnmiU, hold tliroiiKh drun
kIhLh, that diMi.i no. contain alcohol und
ttuU Um in tarye miuntUiej. Furthermorn.
it Is the only moJliJno for woman's ipoclal
dlsnasns, the ingrodients of which have
the unanimous endorsement of all thn
leading medical writers and teachers of
all the several schools of practice, and
that too as remedies for the ailments for
which "Favorite lVeBcrlptloti" Is recom
niendod. A little book of some of these endorse
ments will b seat to any addretis, post
paid, and absolutely free If you requeit
same by postal card or letter, of Dr. It.
V. Pleree, Buffalo, N. Y.
Don't forget that Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, for woman's weaknesses and
delicate ailments, Is not a patent or secret
medicine, being the "Favorite Prescrip
tion of a regularly educated and gradu
ated physician, engaged In the practice
of his chosen specialty that of diseases
of women that its Ingredients are printed
in plain Jtiyilith on every bottle-wrapper
that It Is the only medicine especially de
signed for the cure of woman's diseases
that contains no alcohol, and the only
one that has a professional endoriiument
worth more than all the so-called "testl
monlalt ever published for other med
I cine. Bend for these endorsements as
above. They are frt for Uie asiflng.
If you suffer from periodical, headache,
backache, dizziness, pain or dragging
down susaiUoa low down In the abdomen,
weak back, have disagreeable and weak
tng, catarrhal, pel vie drain, or are In
distress from being long on your feet, then
you nay be sure of beaefll from, iaklnc
Vr. Pteree's favorite Prescription.
Dr. Pteree's Pleasant Pallets the best lax
ative sod rwuUar of the bowels. They
favLyafate sUssack, liver and bowels.
One a laxative two or Uree a catbarUo.
Good Stock
tasy Coaches
S. I,. MtNAt iiiiToN, Prop.
Office at Mercantile Store
rUano leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed
nesdaya and Fridays at 0 a. in., arrives
at Plush at 9 p. in. Leaves Pmsli Tues
days, Thursdays and Katurdays, at 6
a. ni., arrives at Lakeview at 0 p. m.
Passenger faro 3 one way or $5 for
round trip. Freight rates from May
1st to Nov. 1st .75 per hundred ; froir
Nov. 1st to May 1st 11.00 per hundre
A Lively Tussle
with that oldciifiny of therncc, Con,
Hllpatlun, ofU'ti endH In AppcndleltlH.
To avoid nil w rloue trouble with
Stomticli, Liver, and IIowoIh, take
Dr. Kings New Llfo PIIIh. Tliey irr
fectly rejrulato theHO organ, without
pain or dlricomfort. ITic at Io Deal!
James Barrv B1r,wuhBwiiowrorkiB
"IW ua,,l r'sht ear for ewrsi reverie
or wethers. Boms ewes Bqu.r. Crop ana Blit
"- aaaress, Lakeview, Orsgoa
W.Ksnge, FUh Creek, fostofflos sddress
Ukf'ltw, Orsaon