IfoNtionnl Xocal Dayton, Oregon, t dim Ik on V Kited by h fi't.tHH) (Iro. Nolan Curry wim over from Warner ftrMt of tint week. Tim Imliy if Mr. mill Mm. Hurry llailcy U iiilti Hick. I Vint I lauiuiersli-y spent the Hint of llui week In Liiki'viKW. E. N. JikiuIhIi'm Furniture store m reived II Ion. I of hew ginih Monday. W. V, I Yi-i Ih-ik i-iimi- tn town last Hiitiirluy evening iiml spent Sunday here, W. T. Ml..unl.l, proprh-lor of the liiikii lintel til Pine Creek, Wiin III limn Tui'Hiliiy. I, Kill ItlllllllMlk I'HIIIK illtll loWII TiK'xiliiy to make iipplli'iit loii fur llniil proof on hi lionii'hti'iiil. .1. A. MorrU 'iiiin over f roin I'lui-h Tuesday tu attend tin' htorkholili'lH' meeting of tlm Pi-lit Ti l. X T1. Co. Troiilili- lum in Ihi-ii bi t ween t In IiiiiiIith nt milluvv Smith ovi-r tin re ward, itn-l tin- Hint tir linn been taki'ii into i-oiit't. 1'ortliitnl tni li- is greatly hnmpnrcd liytlii- ciingent Ion In mil iiii-l "I'H trullli-, result ing from tlm tli-ti In Hun I 'i imrlnco mill tin- strikes. Tin- rtrikn nil nut Ion In San Francis co 1 Mll -f 1 1 in 1 1 ik' uIni'iii lllk' i J 1 1 1 J 1 1 f. Mayor i-liiit ilt, has intervened In b"- lllllf Of Hl-I lll-IIH'lll, lllll III) (-Ollll'I'OlllihO llllrt IIS Jl-t Im-I-II I'lferted. Wmluiuu finished tli Farmers' Mntuiil Tin li-plmue line to tin- .Mur-s ranch la-! w-ek, where rnnm-i t inns was made with Paisley, iiml now tin' nes "lli llii" lini! In In wntking or .1.1. Mr. I 'iiM' Filler mid tii able ni-cniint-imt, Mr. Win. I'.iii'ltiu'il, nr.- M-llling up tin- yi-nr'n iii'i'oiint h of tin' vast bili-ilie-s Ml. I'.'llir in ronilurt im.'. lit' is tortiinuti' in getliug Mr. Jtriul f in d 's iikhIpI iinri". I 'nr Hull'. A Imlf interest in the best I'liyiiu: I'll MiH'-f in Luke ri'iinty; tin- l..'iluv i- Itn-weiy. I '"!' 1'iirt ii'U bils, i 1 -1 y tn 111 Schlagel, I-'-"" Pearl Street, Cleveland, (Hun, ir lirk .1. Vili'o, I ,lil.e iett , Ill'l'kHII. .11 - Wii mo in receipt of n copy of the state oltlciiil I lircctiiiy, issued by the Sii'ii-tnry of State. It give every olllcer, ttnte ami county, elective mi'l appoint ie, liii place of resilience, and tlate of cxpirnt ion of tlicir term of oilier. The city council did not inoet Tues day night, their regular meeting nlnlil, on iiccotint of tlm Illness of Cimiu-ilmaii Harry Jluiley'M baby, which prevented liiin from lielng pres ent, mi'l I'ounclliiuiii J. H. Lime was out camping. T. II. Goodpasture of Central Point, formerly a resident of Paisley ami parlor of t he M. F. Church of that place, arrived here several day ago, selling project OSCOpeS II 1 1 ' 1 VJeWH. He Iiiim a tine lot of views of San Fran cisco taken i-i nee the earl In juake. I j. L. Hopkins, who him lieen maun der for the I c nuir-ton A Sullivan l'ho to Supply lloune of Shanghai, China, for home t line, ha.-i hecureil the pro prietorHtiip of that institution. We receiveil from Lyiiiuu one ol tlm cata lu'uiM c.i 1 1 en out hy the Company. Mrn. (ieo. Chamller ainl llva Clark came ilou n f i nin the lower Chamller ruiicli liiht I'ri'lay to hunt for hay handi. They took out one man; all that coul'l lie fouml. Tlm complaint Ih K uerul all over the West that men to harvcHt the cropn are ilanncrouhly Mcarco. 1'ai inein' w hen ami iliuik'hterM in inaiiy plncex mo wiulinu into the llclilrt t" la lp put up the crop. Juiliio Itenmm, a was mentioned in Tlm Kxnmincr a couple of weekH two, umlerwent a nevere operation at Kliim nth Full upon hit. return from here, ami we learn the operation, while u Krent ileal more complciateil than was expected win Huceennful, and the putleut utood the ordeal exceptionally well, ami ia KettinK alonti uieely, al thotiKli lie will lo coiillned to bin bed for homo time. Do you like It? Then why be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have lone, thick hair; soft, even hair. But first of all, stop your hair fcom coming out. Save what you have. Ayer's Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair-bulbs; makes weak hair strong. Th bet kind of teitimonUl "Bold lor over tty y w. A v.-- br J. O. Aft v.. w;i AUo Bnuottrri f ..I . 9 SABSAPAB1LU. yers ttttKUV PECT01AL. My Hair is Scraggly II. Oruman wan In town laul Huridny, If o In Hiilferlnu conKlderHlilt) with rheuiiiatlnni of late. HervlceM lit the M. K. Church Hun 'lay, AiiKUHt ; Kiimlny School, 10 n. ni. ; Kpwotth 1'Hku 7 p. in. ; preach nu H 1 1, in. Hanford Hnyder, Paul nr. MImm (linllireth, an )enleru ((ti'KDii m hool teacher, and IhnMlHHeM Jllldii and MaiKiiri't Hawyer of MarnhllcM, Oregon, wern drow ned In (!oo l iver i on Kiitiinlay, AiihwI Ith. This three yoiiMK linlii'H were Imlhiii, hen MIhh ( laillitet h, w ho could not mw im, K"t Into deep water. The other yirlH went to help her and all three wcra drown ed. JriMtead of )r. J. H. I'ewcy and wife and '. I j. SiulliiiK ami family U"iK to ('rrHCi nt lake, iih wan ntatd hy The I'ixamluer hint week, t he party Ih to lie purely miiMculine. I'. I. Inii", ('Inn ley Ki hurt, V. I,. Knelling and Dr. Pcwcy are to take the trip and h ave the ladifH at. home. It 1m alto Kether too roiiKh a trip for women, mid then, lichldcx, It Ih nut a place for women out niiiiiiik' the hear and pun- IheiH. j ilamiltoii II. llemlrickM, Kccretary I of the Mutt f Crii k Laud, LiveHtock A ; l.umlier Co., of I'VihhIII, Wheeler conn-' ty, wiih convicted in t ho Federal court ' at I'm t In ti 1 hint Saturday, of hurl lit,', Hiiliorued (iioih'e Hawk to commit , perjury in xiviiiK' tehlimony liefore i the l'ederal (iraud Jury in connection : with tlm lnt I it 'h homcxtcud entry. ! The extreme penalty for thin crime U ' live yearn In the if'JKKI line. penitentiary and a Mr. I.llu ('oho and daUK'hti r left for Summer Luke yenteriluy to l. ale hent Irmii Lake iew a hhort time. They were accompanied y Mi.-- Mae Miller and Ir. 1'. T. Ilrowne, a den tint, of San l'rancihco, who in .pi-nd-ink' hirt vacation in I.nkeview and tak ing in the tieiiutiful mountain hci-nery of Lake county. Mi.-n Miller and Min jColili, axhihted hy I)r. llroun, will ive j cue of their popular munii-al rei italf. ut I'ai-iley next Saturday ! Aiik'Uft I Ith. evening, Notice to I tinners. Notice l-i herel-y riven hy the under-hik'lii'-l 1 1 1 lit the price fur thlehhilir thin year uill In- an follows: I'arley .'i cents per I ill r-lii-l, wheat li cent.M per liiihhel. l'or c,iaiu ill out of the way placiH there will be an extra charge. Money doe when wolk U done. K. C. Thrtihlon, :!' tf .1. I". Snvder. L'onrd of Cquallallon. Notice irt liereby (iiveu that on Mon day, the i!7th day of AuUHt, I'.hn; from M o'clock A. M. to 0 o'clock 1'. M. of hiiid day, the County Hoard if l)iiiulial ion w ill be in hi-Mnion at the County Clerk'M olllce at Jjikeview, On-k'ou, for the purpose of putiliciy exiuiiiniiik' the UHin-MHmcnt roll for the year lid Hi, and to correct all crrori in valuation, di-hcriptiou or ipialit i-M of lands, lots or other property ; that the hittin'H of hind board will be contin ued from day to day thereafter until the examination and correction of naid aH-etihineut roll hhall be fully complet ed ; provided, the hiiid examination its completed within the week in which the board is required to meet. All persona lnt erected are respect fully reiiuohtcd to be present at the hittiiiK's of said Hoard of Fqualiat ion, and nhow cause if any there be, why their asseshineiit for the said year should not be changed or corrected as to the said board may seem jiiht and proper. W. 1. West, Assessor of Lake County, Oregon. 'M 'M by C. 1. Sessions, Deputy. Motion PicCuret. Un next Saturdaay n iht. August Illh, Dr. (.:. l'i. McUallerty will rivo n concert of moving pictures, illus trated and other sons with guitar ae compauimeut. I wish to state that 1 am the (inly man traveling with illus trated souk's in motion pictured. 1 havo nothing to Hay about, or against other showmen, liut will promise you a better concert of moving pictures and illustrated eouga than any so-styled Inventor, profussor or artist who over viaitod your town or money re funded. I am not the Inventor of the Kinctoscopo. I should expose my Iguorunce wore I to Bay so, for out of so many people living iu your lit tle city thoie would surely bo nomo who know there ia euch a man as Thoa, A. Edison. turn, however, a professional photographer and have aelected my plctuies to please the show goiug pooplo. See my concert and you will boo all that is advertlsod on my large bills, and then some. Please read the bills and thou you will know what you are going to see aud not be diaappointed. Prices of ad-1 mission are, Adulta, 50 cents; chil dren under Y2 years, 25 cents. Reserved seats can be had at tbo popular places at 75 cents. Respectfully, 0. E. McCatterty, D. D. 8. WE WILL TAKE THE RlSPf : WrlU to us tot tr (ample of an nw ityiuh troUMrin. Q1t ua clinnoa to show vou -without risk to ou Umt wa oj maka 1 ih. AiiMt Mir uf T unimlRA to touxuiMuun that you avar had. If ha trousara auil you whan thar ax Hulahad thay fi.r tha aam eluth. Our urniiiut with you la i.,f Ptuny. Xha cloth fa avlandld arad of tiav puuy. Tha cloth la a. awanaia vraaa or cloth U a Sua atrouf waava, wa giiaramaa n navar w nut ov annuo, wu a.aav nm aaapa asa ZKj&&mmX COLUMBIA WOOLEN MILLS CO. t PORTLAND OREGON .-ii'icfiviwA; T 'it I t 1 ' : nor r U ' "tL L Wc p.iy 4'fon liinr d' rurrrnt tiilrnoii viviiiuj .( ouiil, rei rivr (J'-poil uiliji-il loclin k. .iiul do Kmfial !ank liieiiicw.. You i an TTnvc llir 'lvant.iy of rtroriK li.iiik at your vrry d'xjr by iimig the rrviiln S-iiil ui your ilejurilv A.l:nower((-rii'-nl Will Ik- m-iiI you hy return rrwil. S.'iviiin aiioiuil r- rived Irorn orir :.u up. i;i ii ,ui an mit Willi ut aiu 1 note iw r'ipi- !! it will iw I I I M, M Al V I',. J., I' l in air, 'i ,.. c, V. II I I A V..-.ir 5 i . i AH !':.(. S. A. -.1(1 U0 jf. rlTI.AND,OBe $500 Reward i I'hc Oregon, CulifiirnWi .c Nevad.-i I Llvi-Htnek I'rotective AMHiiclatloll i w ill nlve f.VMi (10 Itewjird for the con- vlctlun of any party or purlieu Hti'iil ln horHi-M, ciittli- nr iuiiIch lielrumlny; toiinynf the f.illn wlnj; tneuilierH of tl.ln AMxnciut Inn: 'ox fe Clirk, ('lievMicnn Land k Cuttle Co., Iler.vfi.rd Lund & Cattle Co., Luke County Lund it Llvt-Mtnck Co., Warm-r Vnll'-v St oel; Co., (ieo. W. Mapi-M, Win W. l'.rown. (ieo. M. .Ioiii-h. (ieo. IhiukliiM. S. It. Chandler, .1. C. iioilMon, t". A. Keh.irt. N. l ine, TIioh. Mutton, W. A. Currier, Frank I'.. I'.aueiM, .I.C. I lotchliihu, ('alder wood I'.roH., T. .1. I'.rattaiu A- Soiim. i.lalnert M. Moore, A. 1 . Cecil, T. A. Crump, W. .. Miiwh. W. r. Hi:itvK)iii. rn-Hiil t. ( h i a I'.KS I F. M. Mi 1. 1. Kit, Sec it Treas. W. I. IIlMIVUlKII I 'in am I-: Com. i s. M. (ill K.K.N H. ClIAMH.KK Till II Kit I.AI OTI v.. United Slates Iiud Olllce, Lake view, Oregon, .July 17th, I'.HHi. Notice is hereliy given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of con gress of June :i, 171, entitled "An act for the sale, of timber lands in the Ktutes of Califorira, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," as CAtcndeil to all the Public Laud States by act of August 1, ls;cj, William T. Cres.-ler, of Cedarville, county of Modoc, State of Cal., has this day fil ed iu this ottlce his sworn statement No. .'II III, for the purchase of the NW'j ; SV4 of Section 17, in Town ship in S., Kauge 'SI K W. M., and will olfer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before llegister and lieceiv er at Lakeview, Oregon, on Wednes day, the :U1 day of October, 1!H. He names as w itnesses : S. O. Cresslor, and F. P. Light, of Lakeview, Ore gon, 1$. U. Kohinson of Uerkeley, Cal., and (ieo. W. Winter, of Lake City, Cul. Any and all persona claiming adver sely tho above-described lands are re quested to Hie their claims ia this olllce on or before said lid day of October, llKx;. :i0-:ill J. N. Watson, Register. WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant mana ger (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary ?20 and expenses paid weekly: expenso money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No investment or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write at onco for full par ticulars ami enclose self-addressed en velope. Address, General Manager, Ml E. Lake St., Chicago. 110-10 Pacific University FOREST GROVE, OREGON. HIGH-GRADE COLLEGE WITH SUPERIOR EQUIPMENT. Beautifully located twenty-six milea from Portland. Full regular collearo courses. Academy prives strong preparatory and High School courses. Conservatory of Music and 8chool of Art, with Bupenor instructors. Business branches taujrht. Gymnasium and Field Athletics under a Physical Director. Well-equipped Laboratories. Library ot 13.1KK) Volumes. Healthful social life; religious influences. All student enterprises active. THC SCHOOL THAT STANDS FOR THC BEST IN EDUCATION WRITE FOR OATALOQUB will onat you $6. BO. Othar tml anoh that thar uuat aaUafy yo Xnwllah Ohavlot or haat a trie tallora ak IB to 1 19 r you or you naad not sna - uao votntfi w nwi auipaa worawaa. ana -Mir a JUST ARRIVED Our complete line of Ladies' Summer dress goods, consisting of Silk Mulls, Taffetas, Voiles, Batiste, Ventura Suitings, Organdies, India Linens & Lawns, Shirt Waists, Silk Shirts, Muslin Underwear, and Children's BUSTER BROWN DRESSES, and Boys' White and Colored Waists, have just arrived. PRICES ARE LOWER than ever before known in Lakeview. Lakeview Mercantile Company OUR HARVEST IMACHINER is now on the ground. We have a complete line of Mowers and KaAes, also a full line of Extras. A good Header we want to sell to some good farmer. We have a few Mowers, Rakes and Hay Bucks we are offering a bargain in. Call and sec us, we can save vou in one v and give you J. E. BERNARD & SON , Contest Notice. United States Land Ofllce, Luke- view, Oregon, July 17, 10O0. A sutHeieut coutest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Frances Snider, r, contestant, against homestead No. 2775, made September 27, entry l'.K2, for SE4' Section '& Township 32 S., Range 15 E., by Emery Mitch ell, Coutestee, in which it is alleg ed that fcii id Emery Mitchell has wholly abandoned Baid lands for more than six months last piit, and con tinues now to abandon the same, aud has never resided upon or cultivated any part thereof, aud that said alleg ed absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the Army, Navy or Marino Corps of the United States as a private soldier , offlicer seaman or mariue during the war with Spain or during any other war in which the United States may be en gaged, said parties are hereby notifi ed to appear, respond aud offer evi dence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. September 12, 190(5, be fore the Register and Receiver at the United States Laud Office in Lake view, Orogou. Tho said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, riled July 17th, 11KXS, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not lie made, It is hereliy ordered and directed that such notice be givou by due and proper publica tion. 29 J. N. Wataou, Register. NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE, LANDS Notice is hereby given that the State Land Hoard will receive Boalod bids up to 2 o'clock P. M. on October 9, 190(5 for the purchase of the following desciibed School Land, All of Section 1C T. 38 S. R. 21 E. All bids must be accompanied by a regular application to purchase in ac cordance with the law for the sale of School Lauds and by cash or check for at least one-fifth of the price ottered No bid for less than 12.50 per acre will be considered. The right to rejeot any aud all bids is reserved. Applications and bida should be ad dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Hoard. Salem, Oregon, and marked "Application aud bid to pur chase School Lands." O. O. Krown, Clerk State Land Board. Dated this 11th day of July, 190U Y the best values. ! Reward for Horses ! I will pay So. 00 Reward for the de livery of any and all unbroken horses found in fields or outside iu Lake r x, ... - . I oumJ r e aeserr, or in Modoc tsinty, California, branded with an old horseshoe and a fresh tri angle brand underneath, on both jaws. The horseshoe placed on the jaws the same as in my advertisement in this paper, and triangle so as to cover up the bar, on both jaws. To be delivered at Lakeview. W. W. BROWN. OASTOniA. Bean th IhS Kind Von Haw Always Boug-I ;lh8 Kind Yi Bigaitura of Notice of restoration of public lands to settlement and entry. Department of the Interior. General Land Office. June 8, liVtl. Noice ia hereby given that the Secretary of the Interior, on June 4, 190(3 has released from the withdrawals under his former orders r fni. iStK i iTo ,,7 AuQB d 19, 1904, for the irriga- oi uuua in, j:i 11th. 18th and tion purposes in connection with the Chewaukan. Ana River and Silver Lake projects, iu the Lakview land district in Oregon, the following des cribed land: Chewaukan Project, Township 31 South, Range IS East, all ; Township 32 South, Ranges 17, 18 and 19 East, all ; Township 33 South, Township 34 South, Ranges 19 and 20 East, all. Ana River Project, Town ship 29 South, Ranges 17 and 18 East, all; Township 30 South, Range 16 East, Sections 2 to 36, inclusive; Township 30 South, Range 17 East, Sections 1 to 5 and 7 to 36, inclusive ; Township 30 South, Range 18 East, all; Township 31 South, Range 17 East, alL Silver Lake Project, Town ship 26 and 27 South, Ranges 14. 15. 16 and 17 Eaat, all ; Township 28 ! outn, ivangea in ana li ast, all ; Township U-t South. Range 15 East. Sections 1 to 14, 16 to 19 and 29 to 32, inclusive ; xownsnip za Koutn, Kange 16 East, Sections 1 to 18. 21 to 28 and 34 to 30, inclusive; Township 29 South. Rungea 12. 13 and 14 East, all : Township 29 South, Range 15 East, Sections 4 to 9 and 15 to 36, Inclusive ; Township 29 South, Range 16 East, Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15 and 19 to, 36, 3 South Range 18 EksSe'l 1, PS H Scl Tud to 25. 2 to 32 and 34 to 30. inclusive : r .V' qQ o T,t? 1? 1?.c,1.' ? ?aA j inclusive, and he Laa dirceted that the aforesaid lands be restored to set- j tlement, but not to become subject to entry, tiling or selection at the Unit- I ed States Land Office, at Lakeview, ciregon, uniu &epiemi-r tz, jyuu O. J. Pallock, Acting Commissione of the General Land Office. Appror ed E. A. Hitchcock, Secretary of tb Interior. June 21 Sept. 13. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, Unil ed States Land Office. Lakeview j Oregon, June 25, 1008. A sufficiei i content affidavit having been tiled i jtbis office by C. W. Withers, Paisley j Oregon, contestant, against homestea I entry No. 2755, made Sept. 12, 1902 jfor HEli NWJ, SWk', SW' SW4', Section 13, tp. 34 S., R. 17 E., by Gustave Anderson Contestee, ia which it is alleged that said Gustave Anderson has wholly abandoned the eaid hometsead, and has not resided on, cultivated or improved the same as required by law; that said Unstave Anderson did not est&Uish a refci j dence on said land within six months from date of entry, and all the de i faults herein set forth continues to j this date, and that said alleged ab , sence from the said land wast not due to his employment in the Army, Navy , or Marine Corps of the United Stata j aa a private soldier, officer, seamaa, or marine, during tho war with Spain, ' oj during any other war in which the ! United States may be engaged. Said j parties are hereby notified to appear, respond aud otter evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 10, 1900 before the Register ana iteceiver at tea United States Laud Office in Lakeview, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed June 25, liKXJ, set f.rth facta which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publica tion. . 2G J. N Watson, Register. Notice of the restoration ot Dublin lands to settlement and entry : De partment of the Interior. General nd Office, May 19, 1906 Notice ia herebv civen that thn Rnrreiarv nf f Via Interior ou May 12, 9l has released from withdrawal for irrigation purpos es tne follow ring described lands in the Iakeview land district in Oregon: Klamath project, Oregon, Willamette Meridian, Township 40 S., R. 6 E., all sees. 2, 3, 10, 11, 15, 22, 25 and 3(5; T. 41 S., R. 6 E., all sees. 1, 2, 5, 6, 11 12 aud fractional sees. 13 to 17 incl. ; T. 39 S., R. 7 E. all sees. 19, 20, 22 to 25 incl., 33 and 34 ; T. 40 S., R. 7 E. all seca 1 to 5, and 7 to 18 incl. ; T. 34. S., R. 7s E., all sees. 1, 2, 12 and 13 T. 30 S., R. 7 E., all sees. 1 to 4, 9 to 14 incl., 24 aud 25: T. 38 S. , R. 8 E. all sec8 30 to 36 incl. ; T. 39 S, R. 8 E.. all sees. 1 to 12 and 15 to i:l incl. : T. 40 S. , R. 8 E. all seca, 18 fo 20 and 28 to 32 inch ; T. 41 S.. R. 8 E., all sees. 6, 7 and fractional seca. 17 and 18; T. 37 8., R. 9 ., all sees 1 to 6, 8 to 17, 20 to 29, and 32 to 30 incl. ; T. 38 S., R. 9E. all sec3 1 to 5, 8 to 17 ana j to 27 incl. ; 1. o9 S., li. 9 E.. , 4111 8ec9- 6 and 7 ; T. 40 8., II. 9 E., all sees . 22, 25, 26, and 36; T. 37 S., R. 10 E. ; all sees 1 to 13 incl., 18 and 24; T. is,, K. 10 E., all seca. 7, 17, to 22 and 26 to 35 incl. ; T. 41 8., R. 10 li, all sees. 5 and 6; T. 38 S., R. 11 E., all seca 1 to 17, 20 to 29, and 33 to 36 incl. ; T. 39 S., R. 13 E., aU sees. 3 to 10, 15 to 22 inc., 24., 25, 28 to 30 incL, 32, 35 and 30; T. 39 S. R. 11 E., all aecs. 22. 23, 26 to 29 and 32 to 5 incl., 8, 0, 16., 17, 20 and 21 ; T. 39 H., ti. 12 E., all sees I to C, 9 to 16, 22 to 25 incl. ; T. 40 3., R. 12 E., all sees 1 to 5, 7 to 26 incl., and 36; T. 40 S., R. 13 E., all sees,. 7, 8, 16 to 23 and 27 to 34 incl. ; T. 41 S., R. 13 E., all sees 3 to 11, 14 to 17 inch, and frac tional sees. 20 to 24 Incl. ; T 408.. R. 14 E. all sees 1 to 3, 9 to 16, 22 to 27 and 34 to 36 incl. ; T. 41 8., 14. 14 E. all seca. 1 to 4, 9 to 16 incl., and all fractional sees. 21 to 24 inch, and ha has directed that the aforesaid, lands i i i. i.i a . . ... J i 1 I I A lU O. . AW 1 1 1 . Hll HtH H. i to d inimeaiaieiy resiorea to settle ment, but not to become subject to entry, filing or selection at the Unit ed States land office at Lakeview, Oregon, until September 3, 1906, j. II. Fimple, Acting Commissioner of the General Land Office. Approved & A. Hitchcock, Hi cretary of the Interior. May 31 Aug. 23. i