Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 09, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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    .. z .
CaH Q&mrntu aranlnrf
Published Every Thursday.
Kntorod l lh 1'cwt Office t 1 atsertew, Or,
im Kvronit-Cliuin Matter.
Lw pained n victory over niol) rule j to Kwulpvllle, mid burled latt Saturday
ill MayflrM, Ky., wheti n nero was j afternoon. I.yimr by the kI.Io of tho
brought Into court with mml, rush-1 unfortunate ninn lay the crisped re
intf niol) at his heels, tried, convict- iiinins of liin faithful do that would
oil ami limine! within one hour. The not desert his muster when the
negro, when placed on trinl for crim
inally assaulting a telephone girl
(One Year. $2.0O
TERMS: isix Month 100
(Three Month, 50
Lakeview is completely (unround
ed with prospectors now and all bring
in good reports. On the south is the
Pine Crook mine., on the east, the
Dismal Swamp, the old Migehen pros
pectu which will likely revive withthe
discovery of gold on all sides, and the
receut strike in the Coyote hills, on
the north the Paisley mine and on
the west the quartz valley and Dry
creek prospects. With the develop
ment of these mines, the luilding of
the various railroads, the establish
ment of a steamboat line on the lake
and the grabbing up of all the timtn-r
and agricultural lands in this county
together with its known possibilities
in stock and agricultural resources,
places Like county in line for won
derfu activity in the very near future.
Xo boom is on, but hundreds, ami one
might say without oNatceration,
thousands of people are looking this
way for investment of cupitial. There
is no surer ulace in the world to iu-
vest than in Lake county right now.
Real estate is slowly but gradually in
creasing in value, and while there are
yet thousands of acres of "dirt cheap
land in this county, the eagerness
shown by speculators is arousing land
owners here to the realization of the
real value of their holdings and ere
long laud will be worth three or foui
times what it is sellinc for now.
while on her way home, plead guilty.
The jury retired and iu '20 minutes
returned a verdict, and the brute was
immediately taken to a scatTold which
had leon hastily prepared while the
negro was Wing brought to the court
house and tried, nud hanged in the
presence of lti.iHH) people.
They lire doing quick work in the
Hast with negro brutes who assault
young girls. One was hanged in one
hour fiom the time his trial begun
ami another was captured, brought
into the presence of his victim for '
ident itlcat ion and shot dead within
live hours of the -committal of the
vSilvei Lake Oregcuinn. t
15. L. Taylor, the celebrated mule
raiser of Linn county, is iu the valley
this week looking tor a suitable loca
tion for mule raising as pastuie 1 nd
is getting to e.xpen ive in Linn coun
ty. Mr. Taylor took several premiums
on his mules at the Lew is A Clark fair
last year and says he will soon
the biggest mulojn the world as
The not desert his master when the last
fortunate man were found and brought
dread summons came.' No one know
how the tire originated but it In pre
sumed that he had been Up during the
night with a candle and was suddenly
overcome by sickness and fell on the
bed and the candle ignited the bed
clothes. This theme is feasible as the
bones of his heel were found iu one
of his shoes. An inquest was held
and the verdict brought in accordance
with the above facts.
John .Morrow was aged about NO
years old and was one of the pioneer
settlers in this valley, having come i
hereabout 1M'. He was one of thej
tew men who helped to subdue the I
hordes of savage Indians that once iu-;
fested this country and paved the way ;
for its settlement and building of '
beautiful homes. He was reserved'
and quiet in demeanor and honest in.
all dealings, and he leaves a large cir- i
cle of warm friends who deeoly j egret '
that his life ended in a t raged v. i
Last week the mercury climbed to;
U'."i in the shade here, the warmest!
weather for many years and has cans- j
have l' a g'ood many of us to speculate on
jij,,. the hereafter.
hands and 1
is now more than IT
sTill"grow ing. 1
Hill Tart in had a runaway with a
mowet on the Kittredge ranch Tuos-!
I 1... l. . 1 1 . '
Uai, uui me om uuiuuue vwis iu i
j machine which caused Walt to come
' to town for repairs.
tAltruns l'laindealer. )
Last Friday attorney ,las. W'ylie and
Hon. W'. T. Cressler succeeded in fil
ing the bonds of Win. 11. Shirk ami
Sam Cressler as executors of the es
tate of the late W. 1. W hittoinoio.
The entire amount. PI 110 mm ,.
The 7.X vaqueros passed through ! t . - ... ,.,,. . '., '
........ ... i nuii vimv
r mTK rt.mi","TTT c
Our Sping Stock is arriving",
will soon be Complete.
New spring DressGoods
Wo have Ikto a showing in all the
leading shades of.ray that has never
heen equaled iu I.akeview ho fore.
Cream and White Knlish Mohair
U illiauteons, Henrietta Alhetross,
eto., including jnany novelty waist
iui:s for spring.
New spring Neckwear
Attraetive Arrav of Novell v
1 t I t ts I t ft i . a l f
ook Minions. I nisei nuts, naeu ami
i in I
a in
S'ido Cofnhes
Kid (iloves.
New Showing ul I V.iu t ilnl Shirt
waists iu I. awns to Arrive soon.
Men's and Hoys' Spring Clothing.
Do Not Overlook This Store.
The biggest, panther that was ever
seen in Northern California was re
cently killed by a sheep herder named
Frank Lockhart. herding for Ed San
ders of Delta. Shasta county. Sheep
from his ilock had been disappearing
very mysteriously when he set a 4"
pound bear trap and the first morning
was awarded by the biggest catch of
the season. He tired S shots into the
animal from a :.-ealibie sixshooter
. ! town Monday on their way to the des
ert to make their mid summer cattle
I rodeo.
J. L. Henderson and A. CI. Whet
stone arrived in town last evening
with two eight horse loads of barley
from Cloose Lake valley.
I. J. Straw was in tow n several days
the past week looking up horses. He
accompanied Lou Long to the desert
iu view of taking up some land.
Mrs. Alice Henderson and children
arrived in the city Tuesday evening
from New Pine Creek and will visit
with the family of L. .1. Henderson.
Kain Carlon was up from Summer
Lake valley first of the week after
haying machinery. He idso wanted
number of our citiei went as high,
as j'HH.Vni. Among them was Hon. !
Peter Peterson. W". T. Cressler, F..
Lauor, lieo. H. jtaylcy and others
whom we cannot uow iccall. It
speaks well, not only for the characti r
of the excutors, but for the standing,
financially and otherwise, of our citizens.
Pioneer Store
with uo effect when he secured a 150-six men but not successful in getting
30 rifle and put the panther out of j any applicants,
commission. It weighed over WO j , P'iue Creek Miner. 1
pounds and measured 11 feet, six in-, Mr , L Vmtqm icforms lls tllilt he
ches from the end of its nose to the , u ju rei.ieit of a ,ittep from ff)th.
tip of its talk ,er Jit xorth Powder, Oregon, near
Eli A. (Sage, sou of ex-secretarv of ! 15:lkr t-'ity, bating that several peo
the Treasury Lvuian J. Gage, shot j ble oi tll:,t -t"i weie contemi lat
himself through the heart a few days i iu oa coming to this disti ict in the
ago in Seattle. Young Gage was a Ut-'ar future.
heavy w hiskey drinker and had desert- j Last week the Miner ordered through
ed his wife iu Chicago and was lir- j O. M. Mathews, the photographer, a
ing in Seattle when the wife iustitut-: cut of the town, which we will soon
ed a search for her husband. Detec- j be ready to publish for the benefit of
tives were empJoved, and it seems those w ho have never had the pleasure i
that young Gage got w ind that they ; of seeing this beautiful and favored
I liidwell Gold Nuggi tt.
j Christie Smith was iu oi.r otlice last
Tuesday and tells of a tint row scape
i for Mrs. Carrie McConauthy. W hile
that lady was at the Frank Smith
; place hist week, sh" went t th' wood
'shed nfti r a few sticks of wood, and
j almost aginst hoi , coiled up on ti e
I wood was a rattle snake that measured
' " feet h'lig and as large as a man's
; arm around. Mrs. McConnaughy re
ceived quite a scare, but the snake!
! was quickly dispatched by Mr. Smith. !
I "
I C. J. Jetei and J. M. Dunnivaii I
'came in from the Warner V; lley Min-
ing Co's i-roporty last Friday evening.
: Tho.-e boys ray every thing is looking
I Hue out their way, and they ur- well,
I pleased w ith their prospects,
j Stanford Wilson brother of George
I Wilson of Warneor is visiting the min- .
es on that side of the mountain. .Mr. ;
! Wilson is from Tonapah and said we
. illlVlll.11 o IlltUU"
Jayncis 'Fonic Vermifuge
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles.
(Jives tone, vitality and snap.
(let it from jour Jrugiii
"t:i3J-"" Jv" is
'.V .4 : 1 till kmi f
j To Cure ci CeM in One Dcy
" Laxative Bromo Ovjnme Tablet?.? tffcJ
1 5. 'ven Million bonoi sold in post 12 mcnths. This Signature, &yr
'i S T KI f v
nr nvnrv 1
box. 25c.
Tlifro mny lie a liiimlri-. m. ii
IA J'lMlIS l.ut tin I'f Im i,i,' i,ln,
na yuursilf In all otl. r i ,i...i tl,in-4.
It !s shnily an Iititi-.liliity tn
wear chitlu-f.
We will rnako a suit to .m:r lie
You ; .ay tluit mut li, or nearly llii
were on his track and he changed hiSj place. ;
lodging place and registered under an j Mrs. B. Reynolds and Mrs. K . K. j
assumded name. When the hunt be- Funk passed through tow u last Satur- f
came too interesting young '-age took day on their way to Missouri. Fred
his own life.
Reynolds drove them to Madeline.
clear- i 1'Usiness transaction occurred last
! Monday
whereby W. T. McDonald
L. Gallagher's interest in
making the former
Gallagher intends to
this sum-
That it pays to advertise was
lv dpmon st rated recently in a city not I
fo frnm h..r.. lit.n a n,un udvert w1 I Purchased
in a local paper that he had found on j the Lake HuU'1'
the streets a purse containing fij in i sole owner. Mr,
Kilypr. Proof of the wisdom of adver- i remain iu New Pine Creek
tising repeated itself a hundred times mer.
within the next 21 hours. The man Some Colorado parties have invest -has
become a strong believer iu ad- ed in New Pine Creek real estate
vertising. j through McCleary A Schauer.
. . 1 Jack
Governor Lummins will lie reuum
iuated to succeed himself as governor
if Iowa. Governor Cummins is the
,.r i , .: :.. i.: . i uu an apr'roximate estimate there
Woodcock, of Reno passed
i through town yesterday going to
! Lakeview.
progressives in Jus state
who are making a hard fight for tariff
revision by the friends of tariff.
would have some good mines
a very shoit time.
1). P. Urowne and family and .i
thur and Leland Parkei pa-sed thru
here this week from Warner on i , r
' way to Oakland. Mr. lirowne is tak
; ing his daughter to that place to at
I tend school and the Parker boys are
! alsi going there to attend school,
j Jim Conlan came iu from Twelve
. Mile la.-t Saturday on business. Jf
j Oregon had a few more farmers like
! Jim it would be only a few years un
I til all the laud in Oregon wuuM be
Arthur Walton and his half brother
Rert Uaskius passed through town
last I riday from Wurner. The boys
were on their way to Iowa where JJort
w ill have his eyes treated by a specialist.
According to report of New York's
insurance superintendent, the Hart
ford of Connecticut was the heaviest
loser in the San Francisco fire. The
compiauy's loss was 8tl, 1SC.7U1.
are over Km men at work in the min- j
ing district at the present time. j
Mrs. Stickel left for her home at i
Paisley last Tuesday for a few days '
stay. j
J. L. Clark, the painter was down '
from Lakeview firnt of the week.
C i '
, 1 l.u.l
I- f r
n tills ( Ity wh i lmvii armn tlii mnix linuth
:' in.iii In Hi.- lint. i .iiiiity uli.. I tin. k.iiiiii
i iw rfn. t fitting s-ti!t by buylm:
i.oir.- f-.t :).
t in i h t ir ecy tiie-dnwn s,ilt you liny.
Ct: l,.n, !i i,i rli.Oie. - .ir, rl-il In--. . (, r.- titrni'it
"' ' ' v l: " '"l":.. 'II. iy ai ''it ii ml nriin
:i 1...-:
vol i' 1 1
I"., It ;
. i'lli' Is
' I I
. , .-. i,
,- I. .1 l ' I- Hi I I '!'! I 4Tl',-
rli.-ir .. k i.f". i,. f,.i.. . .hi
1 I. .1.1 A .).,;.
':i' i,ii'f In ,ri,iir' (mf
' o, mi III lit )'ii Iiti-iiiiw
- 'in I i, in- rl..- r,ir
ii,.- i ;.,iii si ... ;m nil h,i i iii'vidi;
li,--. ni,, , u-, .ii.ti lu-i i,fT Hii
'I'l. M.. Ililll.l .,i l,l.i .-,.-1, l-.wtlil
h !lk -lllliil ullli 1 1 1 , 1 -1 1 t I V,.n.
il,.l l
II III ( llll'l.
WV I i v.. !(,., i .,.,rnl , nit, tim, ni,r of
w I ! h w ill M ,I. 1lt to i,lir hii-iiMiri' t-.i'lL-rt,
i I I- . 'I ',,- . 1 1 1",-T.-l i-II. He 111 ln:ill
.',. if n lull IJn t-fl ti oii'i-lliiM jiititi.rn.
i. rn l i". iii-w II nt II will It l ,
u ji-ir u4 tin) "lnt.-ii."
TIk- i nn Wi r.iii.ii.l (if thi pnttirn U tt ilrm i-riir.
h-IiIi mi nit t liiM-ri--it!!!t iiviTlliic nr
k. 'I Li. n.,.r (if tl.lH f ., I.rli- ill... , .liU
ilunt imh-Uv. il,.-. nut urliikli nnil tin tiikni tin mi Mi ll Unit till' Jill rin.MI I limkK llkn Ill-W
until It 1. hII wurn nut. Tin wmil 11.1-1I In hi-iiv-llli;
till, turmi-lit huh mlirl,l hIIIi iiiihhiiiiI
rur. 'I hiTe l in, nlmrt wixil In II, fnl.rli- m
Im nl,iKl,y. 'Hip flulli lillH wi IIiik a wpiivh th-t
It iri-iu-iilH n fnlrly luinl .iirfi..'. nml nt ,..
Min I- tllili- In m.ft BIHl ,lill,,. it will lint H.-ufT
iii or k'i-1 .hluy. 1 " 1 1 1 h i-liitli riinniit In Umuht
fimii tin. mill fur Iik tluiii $:t..'iii H ynnl, mi
iniiitiT If .vim iMHiKht flvi tlioiiminil jiiriN. V
urn ll I 'ail ll- 'mt rrpriiwiiiiit Ivi'M i.f u yii.l.
i-uli- (if II. n liirfc.t mill. 1 1 1 wnrhl.
Tluit i-iiiiIiIi-b im ti nmkn tlilii uiiiiriTi.iini(.i nfTrr
of n milt ti yniir im-ii.iire fur t'Jt. MimhI fur n
Miiliiiili--'-lilill It In ili.i-i-. n.e Imw lunir uml i.tpii
tho f lrnii,l iiri nine tow 11 llut'ilya
Ijhii urt.
Dcuths from Apinrndicitis
leeiv.'l-e In lliesdlne nilin that t he
Use i.f lr. KlnV Xim Life pU lll
clenseH. They nave ynti fi-nin ibinger
mid bl Ing iiiit k iimi pmnleHH release
frmii ouiisi ip.itluii iimi llc ill uruw
lng ut of it. Strength nml vigor
iilwiiv n fullmv tholriiKf. I i u.i rn n t.'eil
by Fee Prtiill I'lllgglst. Trv
t in-ill.
I '. S. I.ii elesM lien t ho , hi. In- i.
j share th.-lr pntr.iiuige with him at
the S.iillh l.nkovietv 'i ei u ml 1 .1 or
Stable. I le gluirilliteiM K-iud treat
iiient to all stuck left lii hi euro, and
prupiise iii f I gu.ul (my and pl.-nt v
"'i'. :;:itf"
Dissolution Notice.
The co partnership heretofore exist
ing between the liaruiiMi brothers un
der t ho llrm name of Illinium Rros.,
has been dissolved by mutual consent.
No bills will be contracted after this,
date, July 12, :hh;, ,y thi llrm, and
the undersigned will not In. respons
ible fur any such.
(Cedarville liecord. )
Last Thursday the shocking news of
the buriung to death of John Morrow
flashed over the wire from Eagleville ;
the horrible accident occurring at the
T.r.tK fuiil'li ii f r.f ISti rt..-i 1 1 .l,r,nl
i.f . or.vl days wants j 12 O.clock Wednesday night. George
Adolph Weber's health is very crit
ical and it is predicted he will not
live to be hanged on September 12th.
A Chicago doctor who attended
fc,000 for his services,
Eleven thousand fewer children at
tending school iu San Francisco than
at thi3 time last year.
Tariff revision is a paramount issue
iu the approaching campaigns of the
fctate elections.
Tuition and another man were sleeping
in the bouse, and about 12 o'clock the
two former were awakened .by the
bright glow of the flames, and rushed
down to the house, but it was ready
to fall in when they arrived, nothing
could be saved. As soon as possible,
search was made and the head and
shoulders and a few bones of the un-
Willamette University.
Largest Denominational University
A m. T . a
in xne Northwest.
Christian, but not Sectarian
Two New Buildings Adequate Equipment
45 Professors and Instructors.
Two new Courses added this year
English, Commercial, and Electrical Engineering
For Particulars, Address,
Dean J. T. Matthews, or President John II. Coleman '
JSjp Beautifully lncatrd in Portland. Oregon.
ollrrs unturiiansrd fatilititn lur tl,e cul
ture and education of younj womrn. Social
ep;,ortunit,fi in Music. Art. Lanifuaifi and Liter
ature. U'eii rriuip, physical and Chrmn al Lab
oratories. Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet. The
largest and oldest Ladies' Seminary in the Pacific
Northwest, it enjoys a national reputation for im
parting the hest physical, mental and moral train
ing and developing tru womanhood. Kguips
socially and educationally (or the most eialtrd
station. Confers Academic and Collegiate Degrees
by State Authority. Interference with convictions
of non-Catholics is scrupulously avoided. Academy
a laea.iy located, amid inspiring scenic advan
tages. Social opportunities such as are available
In no other city on the Com. buildings large and
commodious, well-lighted, heated and ventilated;
dormitories and private rooms supplied with all
modern conveniences. The institution is liberal
ind progressive without sacrificing the character
and traditions of age and achievement. Terms
modest. Satisfactory references required. Write for
announcement booklet. Board and tuition $180 per
Tear. Address bistertuperior. St. Mary a Academy
JCussill Safe's estate is now estimat
ed at ?liJ,0(Xj,fXX). He had millions
of dollars in stocks locked up in
strong boxes that no one knew he
had. It has been said that Jay (Jould,
wnen he died was the richest man in
the United States, but a Mr. Munn,
Gould's attorney says that just before
Gould's death 14 years ago, he and
Mr. Gould decided that Kage was the
richest man of tho two. Gould's
wealth amounted to 178,000,000, and
Mr. Munn says that Sage's wealth has
been doubled since Gould's death.
Bern tl . ni una to Haw Always Boogfl
Fill ont this coupon nml mull t,i ni nml -n
will wnil you a hiiiiiiiIi- i,r t lie i-loih. Wi. iiiir
li litre Hint till. auliii)c m a'tiliilly rut front tli
vi-iy bolt of i-loth from whli-li ( innko tho milt.
Wht-n you vIkIi roriluii.l. nme in m,, vnrliy thU
or any awrtlnn inuko. If wii, nk
some rorthiml frloml to n-ll run nl-mt tin- n-i-utatlon
ami tamllii(f of the Coluinliln Wnoli-n
Mllla Co.
It U tli lniplpt thlnir In the world to liavn
winie frlind liiku your nii-umiri-. will wnil
you a tiiiw ini-amiri. free, end InHtriif tlomi how
to take a monmire for a milt of dothrx.
Ii tuire ami win! for thin ii,,li-. jf yon get
a mitt from thin offer, you will wen ring a
K'irment the pattern of which local ili-nh-m . mi
not iMwullily K't In utm-k Iwfon. anoth-r year.
Tlii pattern of our $JO nult will he aoM uext
year as the Intent thy other tiilli irK ) .
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland. Ore
Columbia Woolen Mills Co., Portland, Or,
Plcuke M-nd tne free, eampli of lato pat
tern hnirlldb civerllne kkI, from whlrh
you agree to muke a milt to ineamire for
I'JO. Alao aend tup, free, a picket taie
ineamire and blank, ami Inatrui-tlotis for
taking meanures, '11,1a Ooea not obligate
me to buy a nult unlc-na I wlau.
Orcal opxirtuultli:a are awaiting you In the
Husini'SH World, Hundreds of young men and
women wanted in and around Oakland and
Sun Franclaco, to take positions as stenogra
phers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, office asaiat
ants, etc., at good salaries.
The Polytechnic Uuslnesi College, of Oakland
the leading school of Its kind In the West, in
dorsed by the Chamber of Commerce and lead
ing educators, offers exceptional opportun
ities to those who can enter college at once
and prepare lur positions. This school Is con
lidered by many to be the best equipped busi
ness college in America. It I unquestionably
superior to any other similar school west of
Chicago, All expenses low. Home Influence
Individual Instruction,
Address Polytechnic Ruslness College, Dept.
A., Oakland, Cal., for free catalogue rbowing
the elegant interiors and splendid facilities of
this school, which baa five times more money
invested in epuipment than any other school
iu the West. New "building in perfect condition.
Dutch lunch at the Brewery Sa
loon, tf
Reward for Morses
I will jrive $20.00 Iteward for the
delivery, Iu Lakeview or ut my ranch
utwaKontire Mountain, of any and
all unbroken rantro horscH. 4 vi.p..i.i
and iipwardM, unblemished, ranKlna
In Lake county, Oregon, branded
wiiu an oiu iiorHOHiioo on both Jiwh,
miiiuuu u.ujf tciirr wruuti tin ino ani
mal; horseshoe open piirtdown ward
me same as cut in tne following ad
ver tlrit-ment. w. w. JSiimvN.
$J,2sO Reward?
The Ilariii-yCounty
Live Hloi k Associa
tion, of which 1 am
a member, pays76U
iwiru loreviaonce
leading to the con
viction of parties
stealing stock be
longing to its mem-
iJ uunion I
lyotter Iftou reward.
Horse brand horse
shoe bar on either
or both Jaws. Ke
nordeA lnilnj.iitiiiu.
Range, Harney, bake and Crook Couutles
Horaea vented when sold. Iluyaea sold to Pass
through tbia section will be reported in this
PPf. H not so reported, please write or tela,
phone The Times Herald, Main 824, Hums, Ore
I"" WW Bftow, Klfe, Ore.
loii'iiuiii llruri.
by A. II. Iliumim,
('. I.. Itartiiiin.
lixcursion Rate Kast.
".July 'Jnd and .'lid ; Auiiht 7th. hth
and :th; and September hth and 9th;
special low round trip rales will be in
clled to all points Kaht; fluid return
itilf limit !") dajH, but nt lt,.r (m
October 31ht.
Colorado coiiiiiion points
Missouri Kiver
Mississippi Itiver
WushiiiKton and Knltimore
New 'ork,
For particulars se
m i hi
17 50
72 50
107 00
108 50
any Aumit. or
address I). H. Ta'Kart, I). J'. x p. ..,
Iteno, Nevada,. '
iv i 1 1 r in
7 m
,To Republicans.
We are auxfoufi to have every IU)
publican in close touch, and working
iu huruiony with the Itepublicun Nat
ional ConKresHional Coiiimitteo in fav
or of tho election of h Itcpuhlhuin
Tho ConKioHsional cumiuiiKn must
bo based on tho admlnisf ml iv i
1. -I .1.4 1 - "'"
i.-Kiiaiivo retiord of tho party, ami
thatbeinjf ho, Theodore Koosevolt'B
personality must be a central figure
and hi achievement H ,.(.ntrHl
thoiiKht in tho campaiKn.
We desire to maintalu the work of
this campaiKn with popular Hubcrip.
tion of One Dollaiach from ItepuLII.
cans. To each BubwTiber we will aend
the Republican National Campaign
lext Jiook and all documents IsHtiod
by the Committee.
Help ua achieve a great victory.
Jamoa 8. Sherman, Charman.
V. O. Box 20C3, Now y'orki