r General Information ftonn tmiwis to inti:im:t All. OUR Iff! A til IV Futility ll.HrM nt I 'out & King. II W prim twinliip plat. tf limn. W'l llll VI it lllll m l Of M.VM'll (lllllH & I'nV, Mti 111 iI-m of Stock rcrtlllnitoi mid IioihIm, Willi prlio IImI. If .von MinliiK li rn organizing a Htock fompii n.v K''t ' M, If 1 llllll'll llllll'll lit, till Urowiry Hh-If llnnkn Ht Mm Examiner our price on Mtock ccrilllc iitcH. WANIT.I': ID imcii In cihIi ntnti' lo triivcl, post nlgim, ii'lvi-rllm mid Iiii vc Hiiinpli'M of our gnml. Hnlnry fT.vno r iiioiith. f:i.m per liy for rxpciiHCM. ItoYAL NITPLY CO.; lit pi. V. Allan Clock, Chicago. Tin- KxiiiiliH-r haw n-i ilvcd ft m-w I'll iiiplc book of tin- Wnll Street line of ftiKrn veil eel 'llllcnteM of Mock lllnl IioihI IiIiiiiUm, the iiiomI up to-ilntc on the market. ChciI ii ml elulorMed by the li-llillllg lllillll.lelM of Annrlcn. Copyrighted. Call lili'l nee t In-Ill If you neeil an.l tiling III thin line. tf 'I Int KxHiiilncr priiiln tiiw iiclil plat, nml in h ken them into honk loonier, tf SiuiiptcN of Dm I Ii'IiiiImoii shipping tngn nt 'I he Kxa miner otlli-e. All mIwn ft fi'l UiilltleM, from Miinlhi to linen. If Look lit the ilexcriptirXIN of the lain) liMleil Kith The KxHiiiif.cr 1 1 1 i H week for mile, nml Hclcrt your piece hefore it hii U'l li colli toKotne one e'ne. if Clank lor CuihI proof, llrn-rt proofx, tiinlicr ImihI liniil proof mid hlimk h f Ii ilavilH (or iippli'-iitioiin foi rcii'h(Tlie meiitH, hhink ttitneHx' hUhIhvU", etc nt The Kxniniiirr ulli . tf I'ri'nl'li-nt 1akiM !, Orr , IAKC COINTY B1JS1NLSS MtNS' S W. Marll TriMrjr i.ak?lrw, Orr DlYlIOPMlNT IEAGIE If you wiwli Information abou Luke County, Oregon ii'MrcHH fitli rr of tho bIxivii genf lemon, who will he jileHHi.d to reply. H. K.CMUkCH DIRKCTORY. I'Un of mrrvicen of Cantor of thi M. )'., Church, I.ttkcvicw. Int arid ?r Hun- lUyil of l-HI'll tllllllth. Ileihel at II n. m , ami New Cine (.'reek al 7 p. m., 2nd mid 4th Hiiti'layn of ( Hi h month. t.nkeview at II a. in., and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Tlmrwluy 7 p.m. olh Snniliiy t'liion N'hool llotine at 11 a. in. f. like view at 7 p. ru. You art? cordially invileil to nil the crvieeii. Kankoiiii Knypkh, PaMor. S. P. AHLSTROW, Proprietor. 1 LAKEVIEW t SADDLERY i e The best Va(ju''os"(l- J die on the market. J & AIho a romiilelelliie of wagon - ' ; i; Twi men In eacli con lit v to ii preneiit nml in I vertHi' 1 1 iinl- WMrclepnitiiient, put out hhmii . f (H n miJ "f"" -.'' n"v,,,1" 'nM"-;,l),r; one Im to Imy It. ,.,iv vour 1,,., oroili- e M.nn.Ker. Sulnry I . nt m(imi y jM( ,,,,. , ,,. ,.t().r IllOlitll. Clll-ll WTCkl.V, WIUI HIlCXpCIIMCH piihl III lulviuiie. We fiirnlMh every thlim. -1- T'lie ('!! Ill t liL llouxe Dent .CIO. Ml .".III Ave I'hliiiKo, III nt he cluar factory. If We are now prepHreil to fell reverul tri ctH of it ii I at prii'cn thai will startle you, enperiully if you are h i h 1 1 1 1 - I NoUce to Public. No peiMoii or perMoriM lire alloweil lo In-HpHHH or proHp-ct on Ke-tiou .'i'i, touiiHhip fH, North, KuriKe 15, Weet, on Hie Californ in Si'le of tlio Jfoiine j .Mining DlMtrict, without llrHt Kettinuj lvl-ittM M'rhiLkiriti Iifirl lllftlfllll I'fili- ' Irnet with J. Monroe I.nyiiiiiri, l'ort Ciilwell, Ciiliforniii. Any one lining mo w it hunt-w ritten nut hoi ity w ill !" iiroHiciit,il. way In to know lluil it Im nil CiiKlej j Monroe I.iiyuuin, 10 Ul or a .Mount uln Comc, which in iiIimo- i lute proof of It m Ki iiiilneiH HM, Deafness Cannot be Cured I .. I If .- 1.1... 4 .iiiiiii' mini'ir kui- . .i. i num. i, ,v ,M.j ,j,,irtionH, hh tliey riiimot reach Ihe diheiiHcil portion of the cur. ari'l luiggy liarneHH, whlpv 4 rnlti H riatiH, Mih, Hpur 4- ' ulrf h, roHetten, In fact every 4- thlnir In the line of carrliu.- aiul horw furiilKhltitih. !e pairing ly competent men. , , ifiiWr-.' ? WAN I 1. 1: -Two lui ji In i nch county tj. npicMiiit mi'l ml virtue II ... I 1..1...1I ni.1.1 out out , . ,.. Tl.,.i with the locution. We have IhihI nil the Mumpl.Mi.r our goo.ln. etc. Hum - Miuiuircr. -sal- "'"" ' ' ' " " ' i . i .... - i . . i. .. Iif.ll Wii'kly, 'n'l'ro' or ....,...,-... -"' " In ml Millie. ! pun hiinr. like i ounty i-.xaiiiiner.t i ' Sin' a Hitmple of t In riicllic inoiitly nt I din otlice. niel you will nut IicmI- title to pay ..'..".0 fur a yenr'n hiiIi i Hi ll. Hon to The i:iiinlner liuil thut ,c Illinois Central j v l.n.l.l.- Mn vn.l,,- pul.li.l,...l In Port- nniiiiliuiiH uiii'xcelleil H. ivice from the 'ami. If Went lo the I. aft aiul Soulli. .Making lnir CohIiIlii or (Mill n i v "u' pi-r im .nl h W it ll llll CXpellxcrl plll'l We furnlf It everytlilng. Tin: coi.i'Mi'.iA iioi'si:. rhl.-n-o. 111. Icpt . clu, Muiioii. Chill. cloM- ciniectioii" wiih t'aiiiM of all tmiiM liii. iital line-, pan-eiip-r are jfivt-ll their choice of n.llti-H to ( hiciuio !.oui"Vi!l. M. inphiH ami New Orleann, nml through thece points to the far I'llHt. 1 "lo-pei -live travclcra ilcciriiik' ii.for luatiiiii hh to the lowcMt tutc nml heft routi'i are invileil to corrcfpoml the following repieKeittativea. 1 i 1 'n riuern, have yor l.utti-r wrap pi iM printed at The Cvamine otll.-e, liiNtead of Hcmllng away for (hem. You keep yuur inoiii'V at home, and patronize them that patronize you, ln-hldcH, you nee what you are get ting and don't have to pay for It If it doi-Hli't Milt you. tf j There If! only one way to euro dciifnei-H ,li lid that irl hy COIihtitllt ionnl rcnie dii'rt. 1 li'iifni-hH irl ciuihed hy llll illlllllll- ed condition of the miicoiiri lining of 'the CiiHtiichiiiti I'llhe. When thin tuhe i Ih iiilhiiiied you linvo n riimMing M.utid , I or imj.erfect lieiirlng, mid when it in i cut irel v cIohci 1. lleiifiiesn in tho remilt. ' FIRST-CLASS j mid unleHM thu iiitlamuiittion can he taken out nnd thin tube restored to it normal condition, hearing will he di'.-troyed forever ; nine chmcb out of ten are canned by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the inucoiifi mrface.H. We w ill ivn One Hundred Dollars for any cane, of deafiiCHH (cinined by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Jlall'a Catarrh Cure. Send for oireu lar free. 1 J. Cheney A Co., T'oled.), (). Sold by Drut-'k'iftfi, 75t;. Take Hull's l'anrly I'illn for iron ft i-patlou. TT i i I TT i ft V i i i mTt H ? rrr ii r "i vt,,rflm mmmmm T .. f-, . irr, li-wwrin, i in-' i all r. ' strai 1 I filllf'hi' i eood ACCOnnODATION? SAHPLE ROOH For CO.IHEZRCIAL TRAYCLCRS cotRTnous TREAT AENT K0AI) IMPROVEMENT SOME POINTS BY MAINE'S COMMIT 8I0MER OF HIGHWAYS. Ilotr tn ftrrnre tiry Marfarf.. Rlralahlrnlnar Ih. (iradir nt m lod. In.pnrlin.rr nf Ilrnlnaarwna a lllahnar llralrlnc Hie first aimiinl report of the de ' pnrtinent of liiuliwaya of the Blato of Mnlno hnn lieeti homi'd by CoMimWsion fr Caul Ii. Sartrcnt. It In n voluminous lCK-uuient ami containx much of Inter pnt. Here are nomo IntereHting ex leri'tn: ; t'ounfry romU In geueritl in n y bn Im proved In Up followlux wiiya: Cy rut tinx out tho IiukIh'm and vruhhimi out the pHiifi. Ity atrnlirhteniin: the Kind cd portion of the road nml taking out the Hhort, Kliarp and ihinerniM cor liers nml urve. I'.y widening tli ro.'nN. Cy improviui; tho diMia.iKe I'y rutting down the hill. Tfiero nr mi lex of our country road viii which no mnrkeil Improvement enn be mail' until the biiMlic nrr first ; removed. Indeed, the tliorouli ro niovil of tliCfie busiie would be Of great value to the roads In allowing thf tin and wind to dry the wtirfare early In the (.iriii. When bunlies nro ro rnoveil the roofn should bo grubbed out ami l.o'li l.usli'.fi ivnl root-i piled neatly ami burned n- ikhiii as dry. i I'tur no rircuiitst.'inci'fi hIiouM they Ik? throw n into the si.le ditches, back njzakist t!ie fences or ii!)on adjoining : land. Ii:;:hwny rights of way should , jire'-ent jis neat n .pearn nee n do til? I railro.'.d r'i 'hts of way. and If 1hn above , Bugg '-Mons i:re followed In iferforiD- lng tlrs -(" and a little rare taken ' In rlenniii'" uji af'n'r the work Is cora ' pleted o-ir roadsides i-.ta gradually be ; made erimi nen !y a Mra ,ive. Th"i" are hi in-irly every (dwd utre'i '.- of ro. I made ip of nereral fthort rm:''Si'., a i l iwfori? iinproveniont In tin '(:'.:' i ! ! ::y of l!i.si. all short. -': ; '" !:) . - :: i l ei;rv should l d its !' r .i ,r vi! !.. le elii M n crooked SfiwnW t app ' " b :i ri r-i! ;y t loca- ri r.: to r;' - rril If i n ro i 1 a f t." r ri was !'t!:dv from ; or r -movbt? a :...:t ! o.itetTJ- ir.s i ; VV.-in, by F P I.KlrlT ObO HAKROW LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors with If any Hubscrlln r of t he i:.an.ilier j w loheM to HiiliMcribe for "Tom w ill-1 hoii'h Mngay.lne." we will accent II. ."( '; II. T rnml.ull. i ommcrciKi ; fr,(lll u,,.,,,, write the let ter, buy t hi 1 12 Third Si., I 'orllund, Ore. ! porttul order and Kctnl for the inagu- I (' l.indfcy, Trav I 'rtfscliKT nine to any nddrcwM. Then? ia but .Vnt. I '- T hiol Kt.. Portland, 're. j fun! It. Thonii.fi.n Pas-enger Alii nt Colmiti. Ciiih'.ue 'a'.tie U'ai-h. STUDY IV fill: ORIMYU vrl!0fll. H-- I " I- i. 1 l-..f. Popular and Picturesque. The only think' necessary to make the , penver hihI Kin lirande the most pop- ular, it bii ever been kimwn the moHt ph as.u.t and most picinresipie , way to cross tlie coniiucni. n tonic nbotit. Ibis is the es lablishuient of throiiiih sh'cpiiu car service. In connection with the O. K. N. a throunh Cullman Standard Sleeper is now run from Portland to Penver, lenv iiiK l'orthinil nt S.:. p. tn.. arriving at Sail I.ako at H Ml u. m. the mconl inorititiK. leaviiik' Salt ImVv at :t..r0 p. in. and itrriviiu at Penver 4 -0 p. m. tho followinn luy. This rxhedulo gives paB-BetiKi-rH r-even hours stop-iver in Salt Lake, affonlink' bu opportunity to visit the Mormon Capital an well as a day light ride through the KrundcHt scenery in the world. For reservation in this car and for H luutrated booklets picturinu tho Bcenery contiguous to the Penver Ac KloCrande, provinn it to bf the 'Scenic Line of the World," w.itotoW. C. Mrltn.Ie, den erul Aent, 124 Third street, l'oi tlaud. If You are not Particular don't travel over the Illinois Central, as any old road w ill do you and we dont want your patronage; but if you are particular and want the best and mean to liave it, auk the ticket agent to route you via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the road that runs through solid vestibule trains between StTaul, Omaha, Chicago, Bt.Louis, Memphis, and New Orleaus. No additional charge is made for a seat In our reclining chair cars which are fitted with lavatories and Bmockinj? rooms, and have a porter in attendance. Hate via tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL are the lowest and we will be glad to quote them in connection with any transcontinental line. B. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland Ore. J. ,C. Undaey, T. F. A V.'.A., M2 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Paul II. Thompson, Frt. A'Passonger Agent, Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. one i. ri.e on "Tom wutson.H .Maga zine," and we do not club with it,, but as a ma t ter of aecoinodnt Ion toj Subscribers to t ho 1 ah miner w e can ( yet them the magazine without any j trouble or risk to thcin for the rcjju-, Inrprlce. tf. A Mountain of (iold could not bring; as much happiness to Mrs. I.ucla Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., as did one box of I ' tub 1 1 n 'is Arnica Salve, when It completely cured a run ning; More on her leg:, w hich had tor tured herfor "II lonnyears. (ireatest antiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds, ,.s' -V and Sores. Mtore. at I.eo Ccall'M Prun POST YOURSELF AND FRIENDS If you contemplate a trip east call on or write to us at Kcno. Should you have friends coihIiik from the east you can net Information regrurd liiK ratt'H, roiiteH. etc., which will lie to their advantage mid comfort. If you wish you can tleposit cost of ticket with tin for their paHsano and tlcketH will be furnished them at their eimterii homes. Thin otlice In with you and rt'Kponslble, which should lie an inducement to conimu n leti tv wit h tiarather than with thono in other cltU'H. 11. L. (Irilllth, Agent, So. Pac. Co. Reno, Nevatla. J. M. Fulton. Dlntrlct PaHHenger Agent, Southern Pacific Co., Reiui, Nevada. The Leading Paper of tiie Pacific Coast Th ' San Francisco Chronicle Drying1 proparutlong simply devel. op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a fur more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cloanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is auoh a remedy and will cure catarrh or eold in 'the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 60o. size. Ely Urothers, 60 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or causa sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry aurfaoe, reliev ing immediately the palaf ul Inflammation. With Ely's Cream Halm you are armed against Nasal t'slarra aua uay t ever. AyersPillsl The dose is one, just one pill bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain, lhey cure constipation. J.O. Ajar Co., l.OW-11. MUM. Want your moustache or beard RMfi KING HAM'S DYE beautiful fcrowi or rich black? Use iiniuo. o i-.uu,i.o.miauw),iiamii,ii.. The Weekly Chronica Thu very bet wk!y N"w:p3per pubi.a.'.ed In the entire Wait. $1.50 a Year I -,-li.l : ns? isMiao to any ia-1 of tba i. i:liHt 9lau, l auada uU Mnko It Is bril because, besidfj rintin all Ihe newt of the world e .ci fe'.k tn an Interesting way j J 'ully Illustrating many ..r-i - o.:, it has special dapaxt tn a.i devoted to AGRICULTURE H IRTICULTURI HOUt-TRY LIV- STOCK M1N1NC l1teraturi fashions ftnd SrOKTS Tiese are presided orer by id tors having a thorough knowl-e-le of their specialties. The i a.;e; devoted to, Agr culture, r.j.'licu ture. Poultry and Ltve b'.oc are well Illustrated and '1 ed with matter of the greatest iT 'frest to all engaged la theae .i. .jitnes, every Una being r':t?n by those who art In close t Mfh with conditions prevailing on thi Coast. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPT. It will be sent free. Do yon want the Cbreaiels Reversible Map? Showing the United States, D mlnlon of Canada and Northern Mexlce en one aide, MAP OP THE WORLD, preeeauaf te view in ooa eoaUnuetu map, with all areaa In true proportion, th sa tire surfao a th Earth aa the other at da. Sand S3 aaal get Map askd '"Vaakly OffaataV for yaar. poauge prepaid May aM Papw. The Daily and Map Only 1 Year Lakeview Furniture Store E. N. JAQUISH, Proprieto. Full and complete stock of everything in the line of FURNITURI WALL PAPEK. CARPETS, LINOLEUM, GLASS. CM. i l"t a lie .-:i!ii;r: lie i:i:fde by ;: : tli' t-o tli.it the ! ro:nl v, :i; I. tt't marks of or!:ni:ii!sl;: i. I'v t!ii use of a few si':ns for l ::l!i:r i:;i now work, road jo::iinissio:n-rs will, l:i wMening roads. Ik nlil' to iniikc use of all of the old prail nml have a pood straight road as a result. A poorly drained earth road will wear better if wide than when narrow. ai aa the traffic will then le more evenly a , distributed over the pur face, and In jjj I consequence there will lo less liability wjl 1 of the traffic foriiiinir deep ruts during a I the muddy season. These ruts Increase 4 1 In depth rapidly and are exceedingly I detrimental to any road. j For three or four months In the sum- j mer season many of our i-ountry roads , are pleasant roads to travel. During tho spring and fall, however, these same roads are In many Instances mires. To Improve this condition the cause must be removed, the water . . . 1. . . Snifler BUIlOing Gil Water St. j that which falls on them speedily tak- cu ouuuiuiuugtr win b. wi uir ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... a 8 ubsoil .water away from the road CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES $ I face drainage will carry away that ; wmcQ raus upon nieir surface. ve believe there is no one thing which will . returu better results for money ex 1 pended on roads than will drainage. I Nest to securing perfect drainage at j tention should be directed to reducing I 6teep grades In order that the benefits 1 arising from Improving other portions j of the road may not be lost by the tna- bllity of teams to haul a full load up I the grades. It should be determined I positively that no better rouse can be obtained around the bill before money Is laid out on the hill in permanent Im provements, as It will probably be Im possible to change the location after much permanent work has been done. Cutting off the tops of hills and filling at the bottom will be the only way ot reducing grades where the old location la followed. One-half of the road may be excavated and scraped out at a time, leaving the other half for traffic to use. The worst hill should be treated first and completed before work is begun on others. In maintaining or repairing the sur face of any road, filling depressions and ruts material like that composing the surface should be used In order that a perfect union or bond between tha old material and the new may be ob tained and the resulting surface be uni form. No one would think of repairing a macadam or crushed 6tone road with clay; neither should surface depressions or ruts lu clay or other earth road bu filled with atone. In the latter case a depression, if filled with stone, will be come a hard spot, on either side of which the travel will make a new de pression, thus giving two depressions or mudholea In place of the originaj one. BARGAIN DAYS IN MAGAZINES This week the Centra Magazine Agency will make the following barga'- prices on on the leading maga zines of the country Just in order to secure your order: No, 1. Two Magazines for the price of one Madame $100 hnth One J rS McCalPs Hagazine 50 UUUI Year Sl.UU No. 2. Three Hagazines for the price of one Success $1.00,. Madame 1.00 three v0neftQ DO The Reader 3.00 YearCPO.UU, N0.3. Four flagazines for $2.00 Success 1.00 0 McCalPsMflP-nzine SO ClH American Boy i .00 Madame 1.00 success $1.00 n Cosmopolitan 1.00 oneCtjQ AH Review of Revsews... 3.00-f--- year CPO.V-JvJ Madame l.OO1"4 four Year $1.00 SPECIAL Tho above combinations are some ot the best ever offered to the public. The Success la the best central monthly magazine published. Mc t'all'a Magazine la the beet fashion magazine. Madame Is now the best high-grade woman's monthly published, and the American Boy Is the best In Its class. Think of It four inagaziues one for each member of the fam ily, 3.50 worth for 2.00, provided you send your order at once. Special Agents wanted to securcsubscribers tofla dame. Send for our free catalogue. Central Hagazine Agency Box 320, Indianapolis, U. S. A, Tha Car of Hlgkwin. When rocks are raked out of the road they should be gathered up and hauled away. Too often they are left bealds the wheel rut. where passing travel works them back Into the road or Into the ditch, only to be bandied over gain. They sh uld be deposited la plies outside the traveled way, but up on the road location and later used la drainage work. Tba HUhnara el Main. There are In the state of Maine 25. 620.69 milea of road of all classes, no on which during the last five years aa average annual expenditure of $L87V 190.1 has been made. 1