Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 12, 1906, Image 8

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    1 5 POUNDS 1 5
mmmmm BBHM
Dry Granulated Sugar
; s i .oo.
If purchased with four
Dollars' worth of other
goods on Saturday, July
I propose to offer the public a stopping place where their
horses wil be fed and cared for as they would be cared for at
I will also keep a team and rig to hire.
We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
Lakeview And Vicinity
Htintdcu's troupe I romlnff, watch
for them. 1
D, V. Urowne ami family enmo over
from Uidwell Monday.
Deo. Drumm and II. Wititol enme
down from Paisley Moiulny.
Hort Ilnrbor camo over from the 7T
ranch Monday to take In the race.
Remember the date of Senator
Hamdou'e high class vaudeville show.
Send your broinl mares to Libert
Morrrls' fine young Jack, on the West
Side, tf.
District Attorney W. J. Moore re
turned from Klamath Fall and Aeh-
, land Monday.
Kvervliodv knows Senator Hamden.
i He will glvo a show In Lakeview about
I the l'.Uh ot July. 1
j Dan liraf, the Summer Lake shoep
! man, came down from there last week
and remained several days,
j FOR SALE two flue building lota
i in Walters' Addition. Knqulre of
I Frank Hutehius, Lakeview. '.i-4t
! Tom Mulkey, the sheepman, sjont
I several days in town during the past
j week on business and pleasure com
' blued.
I V. It. Shirk made a trip over to
! Klamath County last week ami left for
Alturns on business as soon as he re
The Record, published at Merrill
has changed its publication day from
Thursday to Saturday. It ought to
be Sunday.
E. II. Harriuian has bought out the
Soreoklea railroad, terminals, boats
A i ll 1 1 .....I nitnuti nf tinil In I In. r f f 1 n t ) n
v. vnu I j i it t ' .r ill v. . . . . v v.v.MtlJ
of Coos Hay.
S. A. 1. Puter was sentouced by
Judge Wolvertou to 2 years in the
.uuiinonmn county Jan ana to pay a
flue of $7,500.
j The family of S. B. Chandler moved
back to the ranch in Crooked Creek
j valley Tuesday, after spending a cou
ple of weeks in town.
Senator Hamden, the well known
showman expects to be in Lakeview
with a troupe of nine people in a high
class vaudeville performance on the
night of July 10th or 20th. 1
Mrs. W. A. Massing!!! and Mrs. J.
if' X. Watson took a number of their
friends out to the mountains for a
picnic Tuesday. A pleasant day wa-i
spent, and all felt much refreshed.
Senator Hamden is traveling this
season with a first-class troupe of uiue
3 i people. He puts on a high-class vaud-
j eville performance. Something new.
H iSee him at the Opera House on tho
I night of July 10th, on his way to Reno.
I Dr. J. S. Dewey, the dentist, wish
jes to announce that he is now located
, at Hotel Lakeview, until July 31.
For 30 days after that date the ofllce
' will be closed while he takes a vaca
tion, after which he will reopen it. 2t
! The recount in Portland resulting
from the close election of Stevens for
Sheriff of Multnomah county, resulted
. in a still closer election. Stevens
was finally declared elected by two
votes, and took his office on the '2d
of July.
P. E. Taylor, tho new Lakeview
Plush mail contractor, has taken
charge of the line, ami everything
points to better service in the future.
Mr. Taylor spent several days in
Lakeview tho past week completing
arrangements for the carriyug out of
his contract.
V H ni'A nctnhliL'hnfl o w n h nncr in I nw'PviPu' lot thP
accommodation of cattlemen and sheepmen of Lake
luuiiiv, mcy win uuy iavi iiiuvb, nwiov iuuvj,
pelts of all kinds, horse hair, etc., at San Francisco
prices, freight deducted.
Warehouse located in The Red Zfutchershop Z?uild
iner. near the Mammoth Livery Stables.
J. P. Duckworth of the North Lakeview Feed Yard
is their Special Agent, with instructions to pay the
prices stated above, IN CASH.
VTm. Holder was in from the tele
phone construction camp Monday.
They have the holes dug for the poles
to Drews Valley Gap. They found
hard digging crossnig the ridge, blust-
i ing being necessary in some places
i and Mr. Holder came in after blasting
! material.
The lecture and performance given
in the Masonic hall last Friday even-
! ing by Mr. j. a. iiougney iu ine
j interest of the Women of Woodcraft,
was a very enjoyable affair. The lec-
! tore on Woodcraft was instructive and
! attentively listened to by a large
' crowd of Woodmen and their friends.
L. G. Thomas is very proud of his
$13,000 farm the Studby place. He
savs the place looks beautiful now.
i He boncht it for a nlace to live when
a I he gets old, and when he looked at It
I ii .1 .1 v.i ,.A a
comfortable that he almost wished he
was old enough to retire from the
sheep business and settle down to
"life on the farm."
urn MUQ uuuu,
P n O C U F C D " D V Jtr , roe nv rt.
JT7u.V:.. i r.nuNTR CI.
J"hZs, dtrcctvUk Washing m av.
moHrrandoJieHtiur""" . , , , ,
Pitont nd InHflrement Prtctlcl ExcluI1y.
tit Birth 8ti . iUt
Kasal Catairh quickly yields to treat-
t . . .-i i 1 1 ij. i ..,v.:,i. : o,.1,
I rtiGlil VJ l-iy urcu xujiii, TTuiwu o h' i
ably aroinatio. It is received through the
I poKtrils, cleanses and heals the whole eur. "
, face over whicU it amuses lweir. truggib
I eell the 60o. Bizet Trial sixe by muil, 10
cents. Tfcfct it and you are sure to continue
the treatment.
To aceoiuBoofUite those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for ctitarrTial trou
bles, the propne.-.jrs prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which "-ill bo known as Ely's
Liquid Cream lialm. Trice including the
spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or br
maiL The liquid form embodies the nieo
ioinal properties of tho solid preparation.
The Lakeview Mercantile
Co. will pay, for hides in
first-class condition,
Beef Hides 17c per lb
Sheep Pelts 14c per lb
Call and see us before
celling elsewhere.
Geo. Syron was In town Tuesday.
Dutch lunch Rt tho Brewery Sa
loon, tf
Dutch lunch nt tho rtrowcry Sa
loon, tf
Try J. II. Cutter whiskey, at Hotel
Lakeview Bar. 27tf
Try the popular drink, Coca-Cola, nt
the Soda Worka. 1
C. W. Dent camo over from Warner
first of the week to attend court.
W. K. McCormao and J. F. McDon
ald spent several days iu this city
last week.
Mark Curry ha uone to the "F"
ranch nt Stelna mountains to work
this summer.
Farmers who wish to raise good
mules will do well to see F.lliort Mor
ris tine Jack. tf
L. S. Alnswurth passed through our
city yesterday on his way to Los Au
geles on business.
Alvln Moss and wife came down
from Paisley last week to take iu a
few days of the celebration..
J. W. Fine and w lfo aud X. Fine re
turned home last Suuday after spend
ing a week lu the county seat.
J. E. Xonu left for Madeliuo Tues
day eveuiug to meet his wife on her
return home from IjOH Angeles.
Win. Bradford came to town last
Thursday from tho Warner country,
where he had bHu among the sheep.
Don t overlook the Soda Works for
frozen dan ties. Ice cold drinks, etc
of all kluds. You will get your mou
ey's worth. 1
Miss Mae Miller Is now ready to re
ceive both vocal and Instrumental
pupils, at het studio, one door north
of M. L Church. 27-1m
S. O. Crcssler, W. H. Shirk aud L.
F. Couu made a trip to Alturns lust
week to atteud to business for the
Whittemore estate.
We have for sjiIo a neat house and
lot in the vicinity of the school hous.
The place can Ih had for cash,
which is very cheap. tf
WANTED: Cook at Pine Creek.
Lady preferred. Position steady and
work easy. Address, Lake Hotel,
Xew Pine Creek, Oregon. 27tf
A large band of horses passed thru
town last Thursday, going to the Cal
ifornia markft. There were :fc head,
belonging to Charley Lnngdou.
ICE! ICE 1 1 ICKM! I will de
liver ice every Wednesday morning
aud Saturday eveuiug. Leave orders
at B. Reynold's store.
H. L. Xorthrup. 2S tf
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrett have
bought the Pulaco restauraut from Mr.
and Mrs. Berry, who have conducted
it for over a year. Mr. aud Mrs. Ber
ry will go to California.
The manufacturers of J. H. Cutter
whiskey have placed a stock of that
famous old brand on sale at the Hotel
Lakeview Bar. The J. II. Cutter whis
key is the purest and best whiskey
made; nouo better. 27-tf
Jack Hampton, tho pioneer rancher
and stockman of Summer Lake, was in
Lakeview last week. Jack dont' make
frequent visits, but when ho does
come he enjoys the trip so much that
he returns home reluctantly.
1 have a flue young Jack which 1
am standing at tH-W for insurance.
Mares from a distance can be left iu
good pasture at the Oliver ranch and
will be attended to promptly. For
particulars call on me on the West
Side or uddress at Lakeview, Oregon.
Elbert Morris. tf
J. B. Lippeucott, who has conduct
ed the business of the government iu
instituting the Klamath irrigation
scheme, has resigned his position with
the government, it is believed to ac
cept a similar one with a large souht
ern California Irrigation company.
Al Farrow couldn't stay away when
he heard that the races were good,
aud as soon as consistency permitted
him to quit his own town, Paisley,
and its Fourth of July festivities, he
hied himself to Lakeview to see
the faorse races.
Haying has commenced on all the
big ranches.
Davo Jones Is here from Andrews,
Harney county.
Frank Bloomlngcamp came over
from Bly Monday.
W. B. Snider, A. M. Gallagher and
wifo started for Portland this morn
ing. W. W. Freeberg weut out to tho 70
much yesterday to work through hay
ing. Win. Gunther has purchased the
Clelaud residence on Slash street from
J. I). Bull for H200.
Born In Lakeview , Oregon, July
Uth. , UMXt, to the wlfo of Irvln Wake
field, of South Warner, a boy.
T. J. Flook brought the sheep he
sold recently over from Rock Creek
and delivered them first of the week.
J. J. Fleming, tho Eagleville sheep
buyer, is bore receiving several bauds
of sheep purchased by him hist week.
The proprietors of Hotel Lnkovlcw
wish to ask tho party who took the
hose from tho side porch nbout July
3d or 4th, to kindly return it.
The Itanium Brothers have sold all
their sheep and dcsolvod partnership.
Al and Charley expect to take a trip
up into British Columbia this fall.
We understand tliut B. F. Baruiim,
who left here about a year ago, will
return the first of October, aud take
charge of his ranch now under lease
to tho boys.
I want to buy a good farm and
stock ranch lu Iake county. Anyone
having a ranch to sell might striko a
trade by addressing, Ldsall Cobb,
Luu lug, Xevada. 27-3t
S. F. A hist roin said ho Innight a
sack of sulphur aud was going to kill
all the army worms In the country,
but the "sun-of-n-guus got fat aud
saucy on It, and wanted to fight."
LOST: An Eastern Star pin, on the
street noar tho Court House, or in tho
Couit House yard, on the day of the
Fourth. Finder w ill please return to
The Examiner ofllce, or to Geo. Down
at Paisley.
While In Lakeview Monday Mrs.
Wells, of Bly, miulo Tho Examiner
ofllce h call. She informed us that
Mr. Wells had sold about HO heul o'
2-your-old mules to Mr. Sherer, sherilf
of Colusa county, California, for
per head.
Mrs. J. B. Fisher of the West Side,
sent E. F. Cheney a sample of a new
kind of hen egg this week. The egg
resembles a peanut in size and shape,
the shell is the same colot, but
smootho. We hope this breed of hens
will never leeomo popular.
Mrs. Phebe Wells of Bly and Mrs.
Joo Howard of Drews Valley came
over to town Monday. Mrs. Wells
had received a letter from hero stating
that her son's baby was very sick,
aud she came over after them, start
ing on their return Tuscday.
Joe Ambrose camo in town Tuesday
from his sheep ranch out on Muddy,
on his way to Pino Creek, where he
Below we Rive report of the weather
as recorded by the Government weather
! bureau station at The Examiner Ofllce.
This report Is changed each week, ami II
our renders wish to keep a yearly record
of weather condition for future refer
enco, rut out the report ahum the black
line and paste It In a scrap Iniok one
week after another, This reotd will t
taken on TticmU" to end each week and
begin on Wednesday for the next week
Government Weather Hiiresn Sta
tion at Lakeview, Oregon,
C. O. kh, Cooperative Observer,
Week eiidlngr Tiicadiiy, July 10, ItMMt
II. (Ml
" 0.00 "
ui ur
Hlght "lonths on Trial.
Aflcr elRht month of u licensing
effort, wo have the satisfaction of
knowing that our business I needed
lu Lakeview, and that we have
pleased our tnule friends both, In tho
character and value of goods offered
them, aud In our method of IiiinIiicnh.
we have done more busbies than
wo lK-lleved could lo done here In our
exclusive lines, and find that our pat
ron are lu every Instance, pleased
with the treatment given them. Our
patronage Is growing every day.
The most eneotirnglnjr fen turn of
our biiMlue Is, that we meet the
same 'ople at our counters day
nfter day.
we have striven to deservo tho
good will and confidence of our pat
rons, and we believe we have huc-
Our thanks are hereby tendered
those who have f ivorcd us with their
patronage, and we promise that they
shall have every Is'iietlt that we by
wide awake methods and painstaking
labor can ulve them, iu the future
conduct ot our business.
we will never give up trying to
please and benellt you.
we are In dally m-elpt of New
Goods now; the best aud latest lu
fashionable style.
We will not buy anything else.
Sei our goods and get our prices
when you need anything worn by
women and children.
Anna M. Nelloii ,V Co.
W. J. IIol brook scooted off to Neb
raska a few weeks ago aud got mar
ried. The happy event took place In
Fullerton on July 3d, and Mr. and
Mrs. Holbrook returned here ou the
9th. His many friends here will be
glad to learn of his good fortune.
wanted: Gentleman or Lndy with
good reference, to travel by rail or
with rig, for a firm of 2T0,000.00 cap
ital. Salary 1072.O0 per year and
expenses; aalary paid weekly and ex
penses advanced. Address, with
stamp, Jos, A. Alexander, Lekevlew,
Oregon. May-3J-0moH.
It is no "side line" with us. We
have been in the business of serving
the public's wants In the way of soft
drinks for a number of years, and
judging from the liberal patronage
given ua, we please the trade. Noth
ing but the very best goes here. At
the Soda Works. 1
Hereafter the "opened by mistako"
excuse will be a mistako that will cost
$200. The Postollioe department has
ruled that mail must be looked over
before leaving the office, and that any
letter put in your box by mistake
must be returned before leavinfg the
office under a penalty of 1200 for fail
ure to do so. Merrill Record.
I have leased the V.
Harvey pastures, and have
one field that has formerly
will leave his little boy, who has been 'been reserved for hay, which
jri'nTi will open up for cow pas
j ture June first, at
Strictest attention given
.'ill stock kit in my charge.
I will not be responsible for
breachy stock that get out
of the pasture, but will do
what lean to get them back.
Horses brought up once a
week, if desired.
stoppinhg wifli Joo some time
tells us he has dipped over
sheep at his corralls this spring.
Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Thornton, frit her
and mother of A. L. Thornton, drug
gist; Edward, Lane and Clifford
Thornton, brothers, uud Mr. A. Gl.
umn aud daughter Anna, Undo and
cousin of Mr. aud Mrs. Thornton, all
or Roseburg, arrived iu Lakeview last
Mouday on a visit for a couple of
weeks und to look ovei tho country.
Dick Harlterodo, tho northern stag
driver, met with a painful accident
last Sunday afternoon. He was down
to the Musgrave bath houso and whilj
swimming round the largo tank, he
grabbed hold of the wall to turn him
self, and some way threw himself in
such a position bb to dislocate his left
shoulder. He was brought to town
and Dr. Daly set tho joint. Dick is
likely to be laid up for several weeks.
Bmti ti 1 K'ld Von Haw Always Boufff
The Doctor
m is always
(turn ilint
tf auic nidi
m his pre
H scriptions
are filled
5 ngnt at
No matter how modest
your demands in other di
rections, you want
What is the use of having
a good Doctor if youhave'nt
a good DRUGGIST?
TllOrntOn'S Moines, Exact Skill and
Perfect Care enter every Prescription.
A. L. Thorn-1
ton is the m
only gradu- U
ate Pharma E
cist in Lake m
County. Al- Sa
I lAfnun am rri
in i.i ii ii
J v.,
Successor to