Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 12, 1906, Image 3

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    flMMttonnl Xocnl
Iyont. ltweoii tho Cottonwood MIW
mill and my ranch, oun 1ml tor, finder
will ilo ft fuvor ljr lonvlng same at thin
cilice or where I cuti get snmo. J. C.
A feature hearing n grout donl
of Mm responsibility of the shocks of
tlm nice meeting In Luknvlcw liiHt
week lit tho fact tluit every body lnid
money, and wasn't afraid to spend It.
Thorn was talk of m mutch Imll game
between tho AlturHM Ikiiiii and Luke
vlw team some t lino In tho o on r
future, tho place of mooting to bo de
cided Inter ou. If Hid game come
olf It w ill give our boy hoiiio more
"iln money. "
A party until ton onn day lust week
alter Tim F.xiiliiuier wn out, "wheni
did you got tho now of my ilcul In
sliocp?" Well, our answer limy not
have iMM-n very satisfactory, but ho
wa convinced that wo iiot tho now
bu1 wild It was straight. Thu Exam
iner iflwiiy got tho new, hoiiio way.
Paisley' celebration was a most sue
cossful 0110 from nil report. Tho ex
orcise wore of mi Interesting clmract
or mid tho Imll game 1m said to hitvo
Iiooii ono of tho iM'ut ovor played at
that place. Tho Paisley boy wallop
ed Silver Lake to tho tuno or 11 to 0.
Tho announcement wan mndo by tho
AlttiniM visitor to lakoviow Inst week
that ii Mi race mooting ami base Imll
tournaiiiiit would I hi hold iu Alluruti
thU fall during Fair week. Lnrg post-
orH and prorguiu w ill ho mint out
noon, tiuiioiiiifliig tho fact to tho out
side. It was said that fl.VK) In purse
for tho horse ruee would Ihj avuiliihlo,
nm! enough for several good Imll
Tho huso hull giuno during Fourth
wock wit ctxrcinely Interesting Theie
wore luit two ti'iiiim to content for tho
purM-H hut they woro pretty evenly
matched, ami It wax no Hiiro think
which team would win. l'luo Crook
team had throe outside player, two
of tin-in from Altiirn. Tho II rut kiiiiic,
uh witH Bt at I'd liiHt week, rOSIlItod 111
victory for tho local but tho Stuto
Liners scooped in tho honor on tho
Hocond duy, July Oth.
(jllito U IIUIIlIxT Of IK'Oplo, CSpOcilll
ly hoiiio of those from A It u run, mndo
tho celt-lira t Ion of the Fourth of July
tho oecualoii for their 11 rut visit to
Lakeview. Miss Ilolfman of Knu
Franc I wo, accompanied Prof, Higley,
and w ifo hero, and all expressed them
selves in having enjoyed their visit
very much. Prof, Higley I tho
founder of tho Altura Munitions col
logo and a very enthusiastic I Mill pluy
er. Ho played Important positions
w ith tho Pino Crook toum.
Never liefor wan .an entire week,
from Monday morning till tho next
Sunday morning, moro pleiiHantly
Hpent by ii crowd in Lakoviow than
was last week, and never before was a
week moro completely filled with
amusement. Kvory visitor wna an
well repaid for coming to Lakoviow as
ploiiHiiro could repay ono for tlmo mid
money lost in it n search la he half of
Lakeview Tho F.xamiiior wishes to
hertily thank tho visitors for their
proHeuce, and should tho opportunity
present itni'lf for a return visit wo Lo
liovo our pooplo will stand ready to
return favors.
If you aro interested iu poultry, by
U means Bend cents in pontaKO
i tamps to tho AsHOdatod Fanclors, 4(10
N. 31 8t., Phihidelpliia, Penna., for
their new hook, ou tho dlsoasoH of
K)ultry. Although comparatlTely
hidhIL, it is ho concise, torso and lucid
an to lio of ureal value to tho fancier
and tho brooder of poultry. It shows
how to manage and roar fouls, how to
detect their different ailments, and
bow to treat them. by either alloputhio
or homoeopathic remedies. It id from
the H-n of tho lato John E. Diehl, the
well known American Poultry Associa
tlou Judge, one of tho hlghcHt author
ltlea on poultry.
The Examiner prints township plata,
and makes them into books to order, tf
You can depend on Ayer's
Hair Vigor to restore color to
your gray hair, every time,
follow directions and It never
falls to do this work. It stops
flair Vi
falllngofthe hair.also. There's
great satisfaction In Knowing
you arc not going to be disap
pointed. Isn't that so?
My linlr fmtil until It l shout wl;Jt.
took JtiKt onu liiitila uf Atl'i Hull' Us"! t"
!i'tin II tci Ha liirniar ilaik. rli'li uolor. J"iir
Ulr VlK'T i-fiuliily iIoki wlial "M rlitlm (or
t." A. M. JiouuAN, llwukliiglisiui N. t.
f 1 00 a botlU.
A II ilruHi'lula.
j. o. avsn co.,
I.ouhII Mk.
Fading Hair
Tho fUces.
First raco was won by Rota Hinfsx,
llrst money Went Era, Hocond money.
Diftancn, mile. Time :M.
Mix horses started In this race and
mi hour was consumed In starting.
It was n Kood race, four of tho horses
coming under tho wire In a bunch
without dayllKht.
Hocond raco 5 furlong tho following
horses started : liesslo 11., Cor vail Is,
KIIvit How, Silver Lass. Tlmo 1 :10.
llessle 11. sold first all through the
pool selling and Corvadls second.
Corviulls was an easy w inner, tho rid
er held her In on tho homo stretch,
w second. Hllv or I to
liMee No. II, second day, was the
in Ilo dash.
Entered : Kuvla, Eva Moore, Dr.
Khorb. Won by Dr. Shorb. Tlmo 1:5.
Itaco No. 4, second day, was 'm Ilo
heals. Entered Kndio lilnh mid
iCIiialdo. Won by Sadie Ulrch.
Time. 1st heat :5( ).-,', 1M heat :51.
First race, July T, ?4' mile, entered,
Kuvla, Hudlo Kirch, Dr. Shorb, Ever
more. Smlie itircli lirsi, it. rsnoro
second. Time 1 :0H.
Second race j8' milo heat. Entered,
Dick Kosher, Sam O., Shirley V.,
Klta Slnfax, Westerin. Westerla first,
Sum U. second. Tlmo llrst heat, .Jo',
second heat -T! 4-5.
ilrst race July l, mile lnsh en
tered, Klta Slufax, Uncle Tom, West
erla, Kiualdo, Sadie Kirch. Westerla
first, Klta Slnfax second. Time 1:3 15
Second race, mile dash. Entered
Dr. Shorb, Kuvla, Evermore. Shorb
llrst, Kuvla second. Tme, 1 :lo.
Consolat iloii race July 7, in place of
trotting race which did not fill. n
mile dash. Entered Sam (J. Shirley
V. Kuvla. Purse Hx. Sam (i. won.
Iant Kace, match race a mile. loi
tered, Shirley V, and Sadie Kirch.
Shirley V wdii.
A business College of exceptional
merit is tho well knowu Polytechnic
Kusliiess College of Oakland, Cal.
This college has boon organized but
eight years but Is easily the leading
school of its kind in the West, having
the most elegant and complete equip-1
ment of any similar school West of
Its growth has Im-cii phenomenal, be
cause it is tho "People's School.
erv reasonable rates of tuition are
charged and the high standards pre
vailing give the graduates a standing
at onco in the commercial world,
where they are sought by leading
business houses for the best paying
The college has moved into its new
building which has been recently
erected at a cost of over 100,0U0.00
and is said to le tho finest building
ever erected In the West for bus in ess
collego work.
Citizens of this vicinity, when visit
ing that section of California should
not full to visit the Polytechnic Col
lego. 1
Silver Lake Newt.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin ami Mr,
and Mrs. S. S. Wardwell left Monday
morning by private enveyanco for
trip to Portlnud. Mr. Martin takes
his wife down to get mcdicul treatment
aud Mr. Wardwell will perhaps make
his home there if he can get a suitable
position. Sam is un excellent penman
and would t make a bad bill cleric or
anything which requires a first class
peuuiau. Silver Lake Oregoniau.
Last Fridiiy, Juue 29, 1900 at the
home of C. 1). Kuick. w ith none but
the family present, occurred tho mar
riage of Elmer D. Lutz and Grace M.
Hall ; Judge J. S. Martin tying tho
nuntial knot. The groom is one of
Silver Lake's prosperous ranchers aud
tho bride is a popular young ludy who
has the piiht few mouths been making
her home with her sister Mrs. C. 1)
Kuick. Silver Lake Oregoniun.
E. K. Henderson this week sold to
Alec Davis 22 head of 3 year old
steers at 15 each. Silver Lake Ore
If any subscriber of the Examiner
wishes to subscribe for "Tom wut
aou's Magailne," we will accept f 1.50
from them, write tho letter, buy the
postal order and send for the maga
zine to any address. There la but
one price on "Tom watson.a Maga
tlne," aud we do not club with it,
but as a matter of accomodation to
Subscribers to the Examluer we cau
get them the magazine wlthoutfany
trouble "or risk to t hem for tho regu
lar price, tf.
Hull ly AHiti'it'tl to 'V-iy,.i.r.
IttHfwuUitl !' t'UliliM iiit.l Hi-riiUil'k.
i.xttTiiirtil util t-otn.i'ltltl mtl rtl'l
OIK. I akt'M fcl UllH' IJMly. Iln,.
iMtiraea -rn-iniiHIot-y, lliiMuifiit. i 1
lutfti. l'ivMii--a to1 n-rln. VVii
iM'tu-r yuur cm.tition umiI M-tu-.-i-
III llllhllllMiM. StUlU'lllHnilUlII'HlllUilO
I'Vivvv tit-it, Kull
lHl'tlruuilll HUU
nutrlsl vfiVr
844 MutSIK Bits.
h trouaara auit you whii
Utar ara Uoiahad uir wlil
lor ""i't" niHiii la Vauiandld itnula of
"Vi".?: . , . ., w !.. v I J.l u2ilnl-a 1 1 n .
1 . 1 .. 1 Hi. k ....laiiiaMK w Ul VUU IS
Havt you money to Invert,
property to be urtilot or eautet
to be mned?
Will your health, time end
private a (I j Ira permit you to
nunafre them preperly and
You may have the collective
Wltdora ot eeptrlenced men In
the manairerr.rit A your Inter-e-U
ii you eontuli Company.
It alio receives dcpotlta
aubjeel to check, and aivlnft
accounta from one dollar up,
paying current Inttreat thereon.
Acta ai truite in all property
relation! requiring auchaervlcea,
buya and sella bonda, eliecta col
tcctkma, lends money.
In many other waya It can be
of service. Call or write for free
ptmphlei tettini forth the icope
of lt oprrations.
257 W.en. St.- forrrtAHO Our.
A number of ladies in Lakeview
have received cards from some friend
in the city printed In tho new type
that is all' tho rage for calling cards
this year. They have brought the
raids to this ofllce and asked to have
cards printed in "type like that,
"calling it Old English. In fact the
tpye was Tiff ?auy Text, a much pret-
tier true than the Old English. We
Bent for a font of this card type and
aro now ready to print calling cards.
We also received a lot of new cards
J ut Saturday. For two dozen, 75
' rents ; 4 dozen $1.
Ou Juno Otn and 7th, July 2nd and
3rd, August 7tb, fcth and 0th, and
September 8th and IHb, special low
round trip rates will bo in effect to
all points Eust, final returning limit,
90 days, but not later than October
Colorado common points.,
Missouri Kiver,
Mississippi Kiver,
Washington aud Baltimore
New York
For particulars, see any
t 50.00
CO. 00
72. o0
Agent, or
address D. 8. Taggart,D
Reno, Nevada.
F. 4 P. A.,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears th.
Ignatare of
Pacific University
A High-grade College with
Beautifully located twenty-six miles
from Portland.
Full regular collecre courses.
Academy gives strong- preparatory and
High School courses.
Conservatory of Music and School of
Art, with superior instructors.
liusmess branches taught.
Gymnasium and Field Athletics under
a rnysicai director.
Well-equipped Laboratories.
Library of 13,000 Volumes.
Healthful social life; religious influences.
All student enterprises active.
Reward for Horses
I will, give l.'O.OO Reward for the
delivery, lu Lnkeview or at my ranch
at wngonttre Mountain, of any and
all unbroken range horses, 4-year-old
and upwards, unblemished, ranging
In Lake county, Oregon, branded
with an old horseshoe on both Jaws,
without any other brand on the ani
mal; horseshoe open part downward
the same as cut In the following ad
vertisement, w. w. llUOVVN.
$1,250 Reward.
The narney County
Live Stock AhkouIe
tlou, of which 1 am
member, ay750
reward for evidence
loading to the con
viction of partiei
atmling atotik be
longing to Hi mem
bera. In addition I
offer laoo reward.
Home brand home-
ahoebar ou ellhei
or both Jawa. Re
corded InHoountiea
Range, Uarner, Lake and Crook Couutlea.
Hon a vented when aold, Horaeaaold to paaa
through thla auction will be reported in thla
paper. If not ao reported, lie write or tele
phone TheTiinea Herald, Main SH, Uurna, Ore
gon W W Bbown, fife, Ore.
ooat you uuitr muot mk eww i
'f ltrSs3
Kullali Chaviot or umI aurlMd Woratada. The
v to rkda or ahrlnk. It wufkaap lt and
ui ui.r wu mmmtr "S. v u
Our complete line of Ladies' Summer dress goods,
consisting of Silk Mulls, Taffetas, Voiles, Batiste,
Ventura Suitings, Organdies, India Linens & Lawns,
Shirt Waists, Silk Shirts, Muslin Underwear, and
Children's BUSTER BROWN DRESSES, and Boys'
White and Colored Waists, have just arrived.
PRICES AR.E LOWER than ever before known
in Lakeview.
Lakeview Mercantile Company
is now on the ground.-
Mowers and RaAes, also a full line of Extras. A
good Header we want to sell to some good farmer.
We have a few Mowers, Rakes and Hay Bucks we are
offering a bargain in. Call and see us, we can save
you money and give you the best values.
How's This?
We offer one Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the laut fifteen years
and believe him perfectly honorable in
ali business transactions and financial
ly able to carry out any obligations
made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan
& Marvin, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c, per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation. ,
Iu the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For the County of Lake.
In the matter of the Estate of,
Notice is 4iereby given, that the
undersigned were, by an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Lake, made and
entered in the above entitled Matter
on the 15th day .of May, 1900, duly
appointed as the Executors of the
Last Will and Testament of Warren B.
Whlttemore, deceased, and have qual
ified as such.
All persons having claims against
the estate of said deceased are hereby
required to present the same, duly
verified aud with the proper vouch
ers, within six months from the date
of this Notice, to said Executors, at
the First National Bank, of Lakeview,
in Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon.
Dated at Lakeview, Oregon, June
7th, 1900.
8. O. Cressler,
W. II. Shirk. -Executors
of the last will and Testa
ment of Warren B. Whittemore, De
ceased. 21-5
We have a complete line of
Chewaukan. Ana River and Silver
Lake projects, in the Lakview land
district in Oregon, the following des
cribed land: Chewaukan Project,
Township 31 South, Range 18 East,
all ; Township 32 South, Ranges 17, 18
and 19 East, all ; Township 33 South,
Ranges 17 and 19 East, all ; Township
33 South, Range 18 East, Sections 1
to 25, 2 to 32 and 34 to 3d. inclusive :
Township 34 South, Ranges 19 and 20
East, all. Ana River Project, Town
ship 29 South, Ranges 17 and 18 East,
all; Township 30 South, Range 10
East, Sections 2 to 30, inclusive;
Township 30 South, Range 17 East,
Sections 1 to 0 and 7 to 30, inclusive ;
Township 30 South, Range 18 East,
all; Township 31 South, Range 17
East, all. Silver Lake Project, Town
ship 20 and 27 South, Ranges 14, 15,
10 and 17 East, all; Township 28
South, Ranges 13 and 14 East, all ;
Township 28 South, Range 15 East,
flections 1 to 14, 10 to 19 and 29 to 32,
inclusive ; Township 28 South, Range
10 East, Sections 1 to 18, 21 to 28 and
34 to 30, inclusive; Township 29
South, Ranges 12, 13 and 14 East, all ;
rownsnip ) soutn, Kange 15 ISast,
Sections 4 to 9 and 15 to 30, inclusive;
Township 29 South, Range 10 Eadt,
Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15 and 19 to 30,
inclusive, and he has dirceted that
the aforesaid lands be restored to set
tlement, but not to become subject to
entry, filing or selection at the Unit
ed States Land Office, at Lakeview,
Oregon, until September 22, 1900.
O. J. Pallock, Acting Commissioner
of the General Land Office. Approv
ed E. A. ilitchcock. Secretary of the
Iuterior. Juue 21 Sept. 13.
Final Proof.
Laud Office at Lakeview. Oregon.
June 18, 1900. Notice is hereby giv
en that the following-named settler
bus filed notice ot his intention to
make final proof in support of his
claim, and thut said proof will be
made before Regisetr and Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on the 27th day of
July, i:mo. viz: cnarles Lobrengel.
II. E. No. 1083 for the NWV. SW
Sec. 20 aud Lot 3, Sec 27, Tp 39 S.,
R. 24 E. W M. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Frank Leniburger,
Wm. Routson. and Andy Morris of
Adel, Oregon and J. A. Morris, of
Plush, Oregon.
J. N. Watson Register. 25-29
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior, Unil
ed States Land Office, Lakveie
Oregon, June '2T, 1900. A satficiel
contest affidavit having been filed 1
this office by C. W. Withers. Paialej
Oregon, contestant, against bomesteni
entry No. 2755, made Sept. 12, 1901
SW, Section 13, tp. 34 S., R. 17 Et
by Uustave Anderson Contestee, ilk
which it is alleged that said (JuataVU
Anderson has wholly abandoned th
said hometsead, and has not resided
on, cultivated or improved the sama)
as required by law; that said Oustav
j Anderson did not establish a reel
i dence on said land within six months
irom date or entry, and all the de
faults herein set forth continnea to
this date, and that said alleged ab
sence from the said land was not due
to his employment in the Army, Navj
or Marine Corps of the United States
as a private soldier, officer, seaman,
or marine, daring the war with Spain,
or during any other war in which thte
United States may be engaged. Said
parties are hereby notified to appear.
m)uuu nuu uuer evidence (oucmng;
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on
August 10, 1900 before the Register
and Receiver at the United State
Land Office in Lakeview,' Oregon. j
The said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, filed Jane 25, 1906,
set forth facts which show that after
due diligence personal service of this
J notice can not be made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notics
be given by due and proper publica
tion. 20 J. X Watson, Register.
Notice of the restoration of publio
lands to settlement and entry : De
partment of the Interior, General
Land Office, May 19, 1900. Notice u
hereby given that the Secretary of th
Interior on May 12, 1900, has released
from withdrawal for irrigation purpos
es the following described lands in the
Lakeview land district in Oregon:
Klamath project, Oregon, Willamette
Meridian, Township 40 S., R. 6 E., all
sees. 2, 3, 10, 11, 15, 22, 25 and 30 ; T
41 8., R. 6 K, all sees. 1, 2, 5, 6, 11
12 aud fractional sees. 13 to 17 incl. :
T. 39 S., R. 7 E. all sees. 19, 20, 22 0
2o incl., 33 and 34; T. 40 S., Ii. 7
all sees 1 to 5, and 7 to 18 incl. ; T.
S., Ii. IK E., all sees. 1, 2, 12 and 13;
T. 30 S.t R. 7 R, all sees. 1 to 4, 9 to
14 incL, 24 and 25; T. 38 S., R.8E.
all sees 30 to 30 incL ; T. 39 S, R J
E., all sees. 1 to 12 and 15 to 21 incl. ;
T. 40 S., R. 8 E. all sees, 18 to 20 and
28 to 32 incL ; T. 41 S.. R. 8 E., all
sees. 0, 7 and fractional sees. 17 and
18; T. 37 S., R. 9 E., all sees 1 to 5, 8
to 17, 20 to 29, and 32 to 30 incl. ; T.
38 S., R. 9E. all sees 1 to 5, 8 to 11
and -jj to 27 incl. ; X. 39 s., li. 9 iu.,
all sees. 0 and 7 ; 1. 40 S., R. 9 E., all
sees . 22, 25, 20, and 30; T. 37 S., R.
10 E. ; all sees 1 to 13 incl., 18 and 24;
T. 33 S., R. 10 E., all sees. 7, 17, to
22 and 20 to 35 incL ; T. 41 S., R. ft)
E., all sees. 5 and 0; T. 38 S., R. 11
E., all sees 1 to 17, 20 to 29, and 33 to
00 iuci. ; x. jv ., ii. u iu., ail sees
3 to 10, 15 to 22 inc., 24., 25, 28 to
incL, 32, 35 and 30; T. 39 S. R.
E., all sees. 22, 23: 20 to 29 and 32 to
35 incl. ; T. 40 S., R. 11 E., all sees.
5 to 9, 13 to 18, 22 to 24 incl., 20 and
27; T. 38 S., It ll' E., all sees. 1 to
5 incl., 8, 9, 10., 17, 20 and 21 ; T. 39
li. 12 U., all sees 1 to 0, 9 to It
kl X ft i ni a , i-M n - -. r-a
10 so inci. ; x. so ., k. a tu., al
sees 1 to 5, 7 to 20 incl., and 30; T.
S., li. 13 E., all sees,. 7, 8, 10 to 22
and 27 to 34 incl. ; T. 41 8., R. 13 E.,
all sees 3 to 11, 14 to 17 incl., and frac
tional sees. 20 to 24 incL ; T 40 S., R.
14 E. all sees 1 to 3, 9 to 10, 22 to 27
aud 34 to 30 incl. ; T. 41 8., R. 14 E.
all sees. 1 to 4, 9 to 10 incl., and all
fractional sees. 21 to 24 incl., and hb
has directed thut the aforesaid, lands
be immediately restored to settle
ment, but not to become subject to
entry, filing or selection at the Unit
ed States laud office at Lakeview,
Oregon, until September 3, 1900, J.
II. Fimple, Acting Commissioner of
the General Land Office. Approved
H A. Hitchcock, Secretary of the
May 31 Aug. 23.
Notice of restoration of publio lands
to settlement and entry. Department
of the Interior, General Land Office,
June 8, 1900. Noice is hereby given
that the Secretary of the Interior, on
June 4, 1900 has releused from the
withdrawals under his former order
of Juue 10, 1903, July 18th, August
Uth, 18th and 19, 19U4, for the irriga
tion purposes in connection with th0