Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 12, 1906, Image 2

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VVkru. th KTldrn-r of f.httata Safllrrd
to ItaK M.
The testimony of n ghost would not
lotr count for much In n court of Inw,
'Mt tho day has born when It lias
tfl'.ool to linns n man. There win n
dwtly accuser In n on so villi which
e readers of Scott nro fanit' in r. S i !
lit the "4.V tin Pnglish noldior van
yrins near Broomar mot a violent
enth. Years passed and thon cnno n
tory if n communication from auodiei
A farm servant dooland tliat in the
ighl n spirit had appeared t Mm de
claring It sol f to be tlio ghost of th'
oldior, whoso hones, it is said. 1
till uiihuriod. Tlio liieMaiidor tr.vst
tieo to their dooont interment r.:.,l
kavo tlio murderers, two men nat'icl.
brought to Justice. Tlio l:l'i!aii lot
promised, but did not keep h:s word,
nd a second nnd tliird time tl:o spin'
appeared nnd upbraided hi:u f ; 1:!.
broach of faith. Alarmed nt last an,!
no lonpor daring to dolay. tlio mat'
called a companion and wont t t'v
ipot whii'h tlio spirit had inli.Mtod
and tlioro found .tlio bones of tlio mur
dered wnrrior concealed in a moorland
tract cnllod tlio hill of Christie.
The story of tlio highbinder came to
the ours of an anti-.laooliito. who cms
d tlio matter to bo brought to tria'
boforo the court of judiciary. Klin
burgh. There tlio tale was corrvborat
d by a woman who had soon a naked
figure enter the place on the night
apoken of by the man. It was an age
f superstition in a district move than
Soninionly Riven to superstition, and
3ie Jury seemed disposed to find the
rwo men charged guilty of tlio murder.
ut It happened that the principal wit
less spoke only Gaelic. "Now." said
ihe counsel for the defense, "in what
language did the ghost speak V" "Id
as good Gaelic as 1 ever heard in Loo li
mber," was the reply. "Pretty good fot
the ghost of an Knglish soldier." said
counsel, and that question and com
ment saved the nooks of tlio men at the
bar. The Jury could believe In a ghost,
but not In an English ghost speaking
Gaelic London Standard.
Horr Abilene Came to Be Selected by
Mrs. Herner.
Abilene was named by the wife of
the founder of the town. T. llersey.
With her husband she had come to
central Kansas In the spring of ISO".
They lived in a log house on the west
aide of Mud creek and were the first
settlers on the town site, although no
town then existed nor was there one
until 1S00. Then C. II. Thompson, who
had moved to the county from Leaven
worth, bought from the Kansas Pa
cific Railway company a tract east of
Kersey's and laid out a town.
When it came to the naming of ihe
future city Mr. Thompson went to
-llersvy and ask 1 'linn to suggest a
"No," was the reply, "let my wife
do It. She is a great reader."
Mrs. llersey was a graduate of a
seminary in the east, arid her little
library, which she carried with her In
Ler wanderings, was oue of the tics
that bona 1 ber to the girlhood life. She
teas a .devout Methodist and knew Ler
Bible from 'cover to cover." When
she was as'.ced to name i!ie town she
aimed lo the New Testament f jT sug
gestion. There, in the tliird chapter of
Lnk' rir-Jt vorsp. she f mud this: "Now
In the tiftoenth year of th. reign of
Tiberius Caesar, pou's Pilate being
poeruor f Jti.lae-i :; 1 I.ys.inku
tlie t.-irar-h of Abilene."
"Call ihe town 'Ah. 1 .'!.' " she.
"It l:;wm Tity of the Plains,' and that
exactly r.escri'.es the 1 jc.-vi- n."
So Abilene it v.m. and ia the fight
for the e-v.tnty seat, '.rlo-r -oi ir contest
ed th Newport, Stuohy Hii! and Un
ion 'iiy. all 1 i: ur sln-e p-'--d away,
gtj fortune attended it, utyl the t;ew
t-wn b !..". c:e the coijiy o-p!ui! for
the "7s dwelbrs th -i
I i.-
First: . L!:, r r;-.
t.'ro.'V- gr;e!. :oi ('-;.
ce::t I.'ugll-U t'.uthority. is thj Med
co;::i-ii::.ent fjr thin i A te;.ct:;.!':i!
taken ;.t night isrisi'-iiinii-iv before re
tirii.g is s.iif 1 1 give i;ar .e.ois rc-juli-.
TO 1 : its le-t it -t i ( ell'-. tiy
niU'ie, then ihinne.1 w iih -'.vi-i-t crt-a;a.
T::'.:mi i'l that ciulili'i n:. l warm, .It
Is ag-( e.ti.'.o us v.-o'.J as f '';i!:g end
pro 1 ices jt:-;t that a-u -a f yatisne-l
hunger oi:jo-.U;d t j Me(; j-..-;t. it is
claimed tint icrsever-in- .. io tlio treat
ment vi'-i N s::li apparent that
the ehi ehs can be sei u t nn-I from
day t o ih'.y.
The I' ji.t r i:.i-.
, "x ie pcppH' .:.e gr o - .j- ,i l;i a
wooib-d valley wio re th- u i.!e!;'y of
mob tare nal t'.bu':d":.t f "ao t pro
toct It frota the L-.t of 1 ' " t un. H It
given a rede hort of c-1 : i jii . The
Trovers plant it. be pi...- 'in- ;.;:.'..-'s
from i's root-;, and wl.i .. ;!. t.-.-ii i.ear
which It Is I-'.aui -1 ... lj.ver
tranihes strings or .1 . . : pla'O. J la
prep"r jiOKltiou to .i' ' t'.o x'..v to
clliub the tree. It i.e.-- i ; : j f ,. hr r n
leU'cn. E::rr:il .
''Yes, my dear; I belli ve l.i Inn ?.:!
gmtlon of foul.i. I nay be a brute la
my rest life."
' "Wouldu't that be i1: a: gl::?-cr
!ont you care for n oh-: g-V'-Hoi:
tou Po?t.
Ia rtolu Word.
'M::it," atkod tho J.tds-. "ves ths
cause of the altercation V"
' l didu't soe aiiny, ycr hor.or, but it
vas him calllu' u.e a liar that rbtarted
(Le Cght."--CUlcago Keeoid-llc raid.
The r.onjal canal, W) vu'.a lu lengtii,
It tho Jon2et arUUclal watt r courso In
lh world.
thr atria n'a avXetla to Imprort
an Ohio t'oaalr'a HoMila.
In Morrow county, O., wo are very
poorly provided with pike roads, says
lr. I. R Virtue of Iberia, O.. In the
Vulo Advocate and Oonutry lioads.
)utsido of the incorporated villages
hero are pnhaps ln or twelve inllot
tt pike and some Indifferent p'avol
ro:uls. Mostly the roads are earth
roads, whi.'h In many months are
eiiuivalenl to mortar bods. However,
the number of people who advocate
pood roads Is steadily increasing, so
that the enemies of goHl roads now
say. "Something of tlio kind will bf
done sooner or latr." They hope that
It will bo later on account of an In
crease In taxation which would neces
sarily iVliow. My idea tf what should
fco done hero tMorrow county) Is some
thing as follows:
In this township-in fact, all over
tills county there Is an abundance of
sandstone of the kind commonly spo
ken of as Herea grit; also a good supplj
of fair quality gravel. Now, If the
roads were well graded and ditched
with good large culverts where cul
verts are needed and an earth track
constructed at one side and a broken
stone and gravel track at the other, we
would have gixnl roads comparatively
cheap. Of course this sandstone and
gravel road should bo well rolled as It
ts laid down and when finished only
slightly higher than the earth track.
I am well aoiuaiutod with the lime
stone pike roads built in recent years
In twoadjoining counties Mai ion and
Crawford and know that most of
them are built too high and too thin
and are not rolled. Being loose, they
rut Immediately. Iteing high, it Is not
easy to drire from one track to an
other, and they spread easily. And be
hig thin 1 fear they will not stand
service well.
As to cost, I believe good sandstone
and gravel roads can Ik? built in this
region for if 1.500 per mile. I think this
should lie borne by the adjoining prop
erty owners, the township, the county
and the state, each paying 2o per cent
of cost, and then maintained by the
township. As to the United States gov
ernment paying a part, let the govern
ment pay one-half the cost of con
structing good roads of double width
(about twenty feet) between ioiuts of
military importance.
In conclusion, as a mud sick country
doctor, I should rejoice to see the roads
Improved by "any old plan."
Aatoa an Aid to Good Iloadi.
A recent Kngjisb. periodical Cuds that '
tho automobile Is doir.g uiuc'a to Im
prove the character of the rural roads ;
end that people having desirable couu- j
try places for saio or lease have less 1
ditliculty now than formerly In dispos- ,
li-g of them. The auto has made Lug- ,
ii-h highways fully 50 per cent better ,
than formerly, nal the improvement
continues. The good roads division" of
our department of agriculture claims :
tli at what is doing for England in this :
direction is also doing for u. says tho '
New York correspondent of the I'itts-
burg Di.-patch. It has been noticed,
for instance, that substantially all the
r-iads Ie:'.':in,' out of the large cities of
the country are today la good order. ,
This is pai -ttlarly true of the eastern
and laoi-le-ru e'-ntral states. Prom the
Allodia no s ia th..- Mi-siss.ppi the coun-;
try roads in many counties are ia ex
ceptionally line condition. The farm- ,
ers lire paying more attention to this ,
subject than ever before, i.ot wily un- '
dor the spur of the owners of autos,
I tit on Hiclr own account. They have
Icon educat'sl to under.itan 1 that gjod
roads will L'.-Ip them to g--t to Market
A farmer living ten Miles from his
county seat in the niiddio west and '
lv-ckouing the distance by the Tiui? it ;
takes to drive it is able aider the lin- I
f roving highway conditions to reach
town in almost h.iif the time formerly
fonsumed. The practii-ul vidite of this
than? he is not i,:.g p, , -h.
I Test olf Oiiiny a il,.i.omi)-,
Tlie half mil..- of oil d i'j..d on the
' uvei.uc- facing the Si .:-; Agricultural
- college ixi Manhaif.t.'i, K:i:i , Las with-,
stood the CvlJ weath'-r sati-faeto.'ily ho
far, says the Kansas City .Star. Ia a
few i,Uc- thu roslduutii oil (111 not
pen-nrate tho n a'tlrod -.;:: IliIic- stid
thc-so p!ac.-s will : '(.-' 1 f' vorkh-g.
The woik was done last s...; t-mb- r and
required 4,Vj) gallons "of oil, at V.j
cents a gallon at the wells. The freight
was about the .s:;i:.e, ioal;i;;g the total
cost about ? 1 10. The cvperlniont seems
to justify the dr. litis made for it by its
supporters. It is now raid that Man
hattan horscmeti will oil the half mile
drive in the city park the coming
-Slouo Iloudu For u Tcva. District.
Maeada:a ff-tts and pllo-s are now !
being built in I'laiiO, 'j ex., v.'hi. h
ia the
bl.i. k wax"
soil dis
trict, hays a fpoch;l dl-patch to
tho h't. Louis PosVId ;.:.'.')!. The cv
r.mplo was set by the Commercial club,
v Lleh Litilt two mili i ,t i'.l:i. Now the
citizens L.-;to rubrerlb'.-l money for
S.acadaioh:i:.g the pri:; 1; al btr(.es of
the town. Wbc-a tl.'it is LC-ornplh-LC'l
the pikes will Lo tahen up again, tn-i
it Is expoiTed that Litve n tea aiid
t'.vdve will Lo bn'lt vltltla a
t-'hort while.
luterxfnte Iloiul.
An !.;te:--o.a' l.'ghwny i i)lann:;J to
evtend from the border of Urltl-.h Co
. lumbia t':to'.t;h 'asbiiigton, (Jrrgoti
and California to the Mexican bound
ary, says the Cool Itoads Magazine.
It Is estimated that this road can be
constructed rt an average C03t of
$:,(j0 per mile. King cour.ty, Wash.,
has tdrer.dy come forwarl with tho
amount r.-e-.-- ary to build Us portion,
which Is i.i a do cvnliablo during tho
nest five year', and If other conntlea
act us prompt'y tlie road will La cora
pl'jtcd by PJU.
Where It Was Done.
J OK H1NO. ho rut ten cord o' wood
From rlae to 't o' nin;
II rut It. nil' he I'llcd It, too
Ye, air; Hint's w'nt ho done.
To cut ton oonl o' wood, I vow,
I ono Irrmenjun chore.
Joe UliiR cut Ills behind tho alova
In I.useomli'a sroccry wtor.
Joo Uln. ho cut elKht load o' hay,
I nwiin' u" r.iked It. too,
An' In twelve hours lv tho clock
Ho win enUii ly Ihrvnish.
He could. I Kuess. Itefoio ho alept
' Cut .lust iiv many more.
Ho out It where lie did tho wood -
In I.usi outh's fcioeeiy more.
Joo lilnn. ho flowed four noro.s onct;
He plowed It need an' neat.
An' Tore tho run hod ne:ir kouo down
The J. ih w.i.s all complete.
The bosses never turned n hair.
Wan t tlivd in r h as' hit oie.
Ho plowed it all In oue short day
In I .useoniK.s mveery Moio.
Joe Plan, ho made tlvo dollurs onct
l: simply pi Kin' hops;
Ho done I! all In Jest a d.iy
With time tor Mops.
He could as well a-kept It up
A dojen or more.
Where wu II done? The namo ol
plai e-
In l.u--.-o!iiirs ei.n-. i .'!oie.
-John 1. l.arl.ln In Woman's Homo Com.
Whltclier Needed l'mhut I'or.
The following was tolvl by lldward
r. l'ako of iMtiibarton. N. II.: When
a inombor of the legislature in 1V.K) lie
and Ira Whiteber, a follow member of
tho house, were so late one morning as
to find tho doors cloved. M. Whitchcr
rapped loudly with bis cane, where
upon the attendant opened the door
and Inquired. "Who is tho author of
all this disturbance while wo are nt
"Prayers! Good heavens;" replied
Mr. W hi tchor. "l'ou't you suppose we
need praying for as much as tho rest?"
Hoston Herald.
111m HeaMon.
In a little village there oneo lived n
boy who was supposed to bo dull wit
ted, and the men of the village used to
find great fuu In offering him tho
choice lietweon a threepenny bit and a
penny, of which he Invariably chose
the latter. A stranger one day saw
him choose the penny rather than the
threepenny bit and asked him for tho
reason. "Is it because ,tho penny Is the
bl'-tgest'-" the stratnrer asked.
"Naw. not 'cause it Is the biggest. If
I took the threepenny bit they'd gl'e
o'er oJT'ri'.r It." Tatlcr.
The niploniat.
v. x: -A
Alan ito his si--;.-r, who i-i worrying
him to be ai!"W''d to play borsei No,
I'lo. Put I'll t 1! von wh it-you May
wher you are and be tie- horse lu the
B'able. Punch.
"dd n Vutjji-et.
Mother What ilo you n euri by pudi
li.jf your baby brother ihjvn that Uight
of stair-?
I'orotiiy Why, laamnia. I's Je-st
Jolnel ihe society for the first aid to
the Injured, at school, and I wants a
subject t j practice on. New York
'1 lie Humor of the I iiale. Ided.
Iladys Mrs. Lakeside was Idly
glau'-mg ihiuiigh her dictionary the
other il.iy when a humorous circum
s'i. .:.c struck her forcibly.
;rac--And what was that?
Gl.-.oys M.e fot.'iid that "divorce"
caiiiO bef.-re "niarriag"." Judge.
Her HiislucxK Ili-ud.
"l'o you your father will ever
forgive you for eloping';" asked tho
frightened bridegroom.
' Jio IV" said the bride. "Well, I guess
yes. He promised me ?o00 extra if I'd
save the fuss of a big woddingl" De
troit l ive Press.
I'rciriiitiire IteJoleliiK.
You tell me that I am 'if with ber?"
"Not a doubt of It."
"You don't know how glad you mak
ir:o f -e. How do you know?"
"Why, f-he always refers to you as
'it when your name Is mentioned."--Po'i
ton Pro t.
''.elector Are you going lo pay thli
I Iihln the next few days or nev-
u btor Well, it's mighty nice of you
p.lve nte my tiioice, old man. I'll
it never. Cb-vdnn 1 I.ealer.
illliuiug There is a n,ucli strtntb.
Sn an egg as In a pound of meat.
Cotabug I tthould say so. I've smell
ed eggs that had more s.treng'Ji than a
hundred pounds of beef. Pltisbttrr,
Jfla i:nJo inen t.
'lu you feel benellted by nih'gllng
In fashionable society V"
"In a way," answered Mr. Cumroa.
"It makes nio appreciate my honio."
W'oshliigtoD Star.
&, ;'-i- m
tln)ln h veeln th atrlna
With n Krnlhrr,
ttpe'. wide your piano ho that tin
wires are otposol. Over the wlret
laoo shoots of music, and when you
atrlko a tone you will tlnd that It lias
n rattling sound. If now you play a
tnno In tho same manner, with the
sheets of music still Iv log on tbc
strings, it will sound as If the Instru
tuoiil were a banjo. Anyhow, It la a
good Imitation.
Now remove tho music shoots nnd
press down gently, but llrinly, tli
kos belonging to any cord. Take the
simple cord t M. !, for oainplo
The keys must bo pressed down with
out sounding them nnd held down
vltilo some one gently brushes the
strings wRIt a feather or it straw. The
effect will bo ns If the cord were play
ed far away and Is heard by you in
Tory soft tones.
Change the cord, always presslnp
down the kes without sounding them
while the feather still sweeps tilt
airings lightly. I it this way you may
modulate or play a slow pleeo, and the
effect will bo very beautiful. Indeed, n
If heard from a great distance.
Tho reason of this Is that ordinarily
a danior rests against each string
but w hen Mio correspond lug key la
Struck or pressed down tho damper r
raised. In sweeping tho strings with
tlie feather, lightly, only the strings
that are undanipeied sound, tho others
being hold imito by the dampers, but
If tho touch of the feather Is too heavy
even the other strings nmy sound, so
your care must bo hi making a light
and delicate touch.
Now prrss down it key gently and
hold It. Strike very hard the octave
above this key, but do not hold It nftet
striking the tone. When tho wire of
the tone struok hns Iusmi siithVlcntly
damporod, so that It do-s not sound so
loud, the pressed down key will be
board to "sing" clearly, oven though
It was not struck. This Is booauso
every note struck Is composed of sev
eral notes, being In reality a cord lu
Itself, and each note contained lu that
cord causes the corresponding nolo In
tho Keyboard to vibrato, or "sing." In
sympathy If held down In like man
Tho other notes that will sound under
these conditions will always be the
fifth above the oetavo, the second oc
tavo and the third and llfth above that,
nnd these tones that sound are called
I'or Illustration. If (' In tho lower
part of the piano bo struck, any or nil
of the notes that follow will sound If
their keys are first pressed and held
down. Philadelphia Pros.
M'heii yoti are nil done Imt flnlslilii;
yon are Just lialf dune.
If you have time to lioast ulmtit he
lug worl-ed to dentli. jmi liavo not
Iiiuch to do.
jsomo iH-oi!e are so unfortunate thai
their troulilos ina';e i-eojiie hitifjli In
stead of cry.
A man ho iinderesliinates himself
may he tirConae, P tit la Is led n cir
cumstance to the man ho hrags.
Peoj.le may disdain u compliment,
hut they feel n tender little Hpot In
them where It hit and refused to he
It Is a the try t;roivIn:j hi conviction
that the loan who says a mean thiuti
ubout another Isn't as mean as the man
who curries It.
The man who travel, oxer the j.ath
behind yon wisely looK.s at your foot
prints and sees where you could have
avoided ninny a Iitfail. Atchison
Tlnr 'fr-e.
The midget of the wh le tree family
Is tlie Greenland Idrch. it Is a perfect
tree in every seii'-o of tllat term und
lives its allotted iinuiber of years from
75 to V.'j) just ns olln r siicclos of the
Kieat bir d family do, although Its
heiKlit n.'iilcr the mod favorable condi
tions seldom exceeds ten ho lies. Whole
UulTs of tin; east and southeast coast
of Greenlon 1 pre covered with "thick
ets" of this dimlnuiho sfiocles of
woody plant, and In many places
where the soil is uncommonly poor nnd
frozen from o!"ht to ten months a year
a "forest" of theMj ti s will flourish
for half a century without crowing to
U height exceeding four Inchon.
Mrniiict? lin nrou. 1
Queensland's 'overnmeiit lilx)i'if;Iiial j
settlement on Praer's Island holds a
weekly dance for tlio blacks. Amon
tho bundles of old clothes Kent to tho
settlement there urc often bull Rowns, j
bo the Klnn sport decollete dresHCH. j
Neither sex wears boots. The sexes j
have to dance separately. Sydney Iiul-
letln. i
Slir-l iiu-ai. '
Seulor I'artiter Wo must be careful j
not to ftlve I J : 1 1 1 1 -s any more credit.
lie's ovldently lofine; money. Junior j
I'artner How do you know? Senior
I'artiK.r I heard his remark today that'
"life Is full of ups und downs." No 1
man over admin that until ho Levins;
to strike the down. Philadelphia Press, j
ItejeelfJ. !
"I have called," Kald tho confident!
younjr man, with a rnanu ;eript sticking i
out of his pocket, "to isee whether there
Is a vacancy In this o.'Iice."
"No," rej .lied th" melancholy editor
08 ho looked round the place; "Pin Bor- i
ry to fciiy there Is none. liven the
wnsto pap(-r banket Is full."
A CliltllKC.
"Well, well! There oos Miss Strong.
When I pa her last Hho was posing
as a bachelor girl. That's her hobby,"
"All that's changed now. File drop
ped her hobby for a hubby." Exchange.
BUY THE -tl-
wj'" ma ir " v."
Pflare You Puichma Any O'.l'or Wi ila
Mnny Snwlnjf Machinal nr m vln l-i S"ll n: ir
IrM of yuAlitv, but I'm ltine"i mn ii-
l.i wiHir. Our k'u.ttnnly lu-yrt- r t tea i el.
W nevkr r.imn tU'Mnrtt.i & i t .01 i i-.. -r
et I'm trn-1.1 T,n I!ino " a .
tire 1 of nil II ill ti-tr rude I vvi'v (u -. t 'Mii"
Mold ty Mlllltoi l d deiiiei ool., .
Tim ?lesf rioniM .oiih Machine Co.
OlVico tit the Moroiintilo Cuiiipimy'ri
Store I dike view, Oregon.
(lood 5toik - Haay Coacltea
Iuily from I.ukovicw to l'.ly, ooiinoct
ing illi Puily Stngo to the railroad.
Office nt tho Illy Hotel, Illy.
H. CAStmif-R, - - Proprietor
Hly, Oregon.
! Northern Stage Line.
j A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaves I.akoview nt (1 n. in.
every tlay lut Sunday.
I'ettiriiiiig, Icavort Piiirdey
at (5 :'') a. in ovory tlay Inr
i Sunday.
! I'liHngrii' arc f j Huwd trip tt
On-ICfi- KeynoliU A WiiiKflel.l's, i.alirrU
lakeview Cigar Factory . .
A. S TiilikMl.t, Pri'p.
Maker of
Havana and
I ionicstic C lira i's
ooontiiv enroots boi.icitki
(iive n -i r trial. More in tin Wick
Imildiiiir next door to Pott Si Kin sa
loon, ikovicvv, Oregon.
M im It. M . i:k. Proprietor.
j First Class
j Piiildinir lias Peon Knlareil
To Accomodate u l.nro Trade
I Dining Service
i Fncxccllcd...
m;v ii n i : ciii:i:K. - (jiikgo.n
i A Chance for Speculators.
' M 'liOOI. I.ANI. CM) hi reH of level
i ti n improved HL'iiciiltiirHl land for caie
! clienp. IhHi-ription : SW.'I, S,'2' nf
i.NK and NV4' of S I-", .-eclion 10,
' Tp., oil S., I;, l'.i ):. W. M . 'J'hiH is a
1 ilesirable piece of hind, located in (ioo-e
. Lake voilley u:nl will make Home man a
I food ranch
If you nro thinking of nrxiiniiii": n '
wliK'k c(ifii);iuy nee i hi r new HiiinpIcH
of Wnll Street onniveil Htock cerllll-
HtoM. tf
School Days Over
What Next?
Von r si In oil course is IliiUliod. What n re y on tin- in do now?
Are you one of the vnst in.ijority ho end their .school d.o.vHlii thet oiu
iiion Hchools'.' If you lire we want your it I Icul ion for n few iiiIiiiiIcm.
'oii ciin K'et a liinh t odiicn I ion, nny kind you w;i nl bin incsti, lnh
nlciil or ciicrul without leaving hoine, w ii bout oj in up your oik for
a Hiulo day, wit houl Hpendln; in ore t hit n you en n easily uli'ord,
I )o you wo nt t o k now bow?
'1'he plan Is very Hlinple. iihIoii1 of Hpciidino y our day ul n desk, re
filing your Ichsoiis Io a lein-lier lu a bl brick bulldim;, you prep, ire your
Ici-isoiiH n I home, from our mil I inch, write t he ii ci I n I ion, it ml hcnd it to iih
by moil for correction.
II Is nil done lu your npnre hour-;. You ore not tied to any net hour
for rod tut Ion. You pny a coiupiiintlvely miiii.II miiii, nnd for this wo
fiiriiiKli text books, examination
paper, and competent, l.ndnicliou
tint il your cotirne Is completed,
Your daily work 1ooh not Inter
file with your Htudies. You can
i-iirn while you lcinii.
If you want to know more about
our plan, write your name on tho
coupon, cut It out and mall to un.
You rh.k nothing; but the price of a
orrit in. itiitKiioitv.
I'ronlih'lit Thondoro Itmwevrlt
V loe-l'realctent
Hoeriilarjr of Hlali
Heeirlary nf Trrnrjf
Seorelarjf ( War .,
A ttoroey (leiii'Ml ,,,
PiilintiT tleneral
Hm-retarjr t Navjr
Vori'tarjr liilerlur
SiM-relary of Axrli iilliire, ,
St'eri'lar)' nf ('(Oiiiiieri ii. . .
t'hlel Jimtli'r
Chaa. W, Kalrhaliat
K II Ixi Hon
I.e.llo M. ShaW
W in. II. l aft
,.. Win. II. Moody
. , Urn. It, I'orli'lyini
, . Iian. J lionaparl
... Y. A. PllrhiiMdl
,1 in. a W llmm
. i . Melealt
. MeM li e U , Kolh r
Veipilo Warner. I'. H. Iviialnn ii.i.:,itloiit r
W.H. IIU'IimiiU P.H. I and t eln iilmlolier
ovoriinr (leo, K. t'haiiiherlain
Siipii inii JiiiIkh
Kri ri'lary of Hali'
Attorney Or neml
snpt, I'u hi In I tint r no t li n .
Palry ami Food Coin
f. H. Hiiaior
Y. A, Moor
. , K. I. Inintlar
. . , . '. S. Miioid
, . A . M. ( raw tont
i. II , Ankerinatl
... J. II. lilimy
... ). 11 a I'd
John M, (O arln
I . N , lOletl
II I nil or llerinaii
I. NOV llllaiiiauii
i tii Ji nn hi inaTKi-T.
Ja.lK.i II. I.. Iletimiri
lot nt Seiiaior John A. l.ayi'iHk
S U K I . sieln.-r
ltepr -ii(at:ve. . j John H. Hon.
Attorney ...'. J. Monro
I' M. I.AM' oKHt'K.
J. N, Watnoh .K.vUlo
c. t'. snlih r 10 '"
l o it col MTY.
iinhie n. t.jr
t'la-lk A. W. Miirlii(
sheriff K. K. Kilo hail
l'r amirer
j Aimcnior
: School Hnpt
I surveyor
si.m Ii limiM'i tor
I 1()W N "' I.AK
V. I . Sll. 'llllK
! Iliirrv P.iilc ) I
) I'. P. Malloy i
I J. w. Tni'ki-r j
I J. S. I nut. I
W. M. Snl.h r
A. He Ier
. K. i. ' nlitrom
W l. W..t
J M wiiiita
. . , . c. V.. M.iora
I A . currier
I t . W. I'. lit
. JO, I larkin
t O.ltll llllll'll
It. . or.lrr
1 r nnuri-r
Ely's Cream Balm
Huy ami plraninl t"
1 i.itlaiua no In
Jurloiia lruu.
It u kiy li"rl'."1. Itcilef nl
It li.iia ami t 'It-auwa
tint Nmil .
n I 1YI
II. -.-! io, 'I I' Ilm M. inl.rntia. l!..lor- Ilia
ts.-n.mi of Ta.i to. I h-mll. I.r.; '' "'
Uriii't'lt" or l.v iiuol ; 'I nil Si.-, I" ' -ma Hy mall.
llLY tJUUTUikU.s, (Ml Slttu illtti, Srw iulfca
I A Guaranteed Cure tor Piles.
' ltcliilU.', I'.lilid, I'.iee.llliJ or I'lotrnd
j itj I'ileH, I irinruisls reinnd uoon-y if
PAO OlNT.MIi.M' lails to euro nny
1 fuse, no miilter "1 how hii..' ft nt;. in
,11 to 11 days. Iirel applirntioti kivih
! eiino it fid real, .'rile. If your ill iiiisl
I Ino-n't it aend .Vie t rt (lamp' and it will
ho f'irwiii ded jioht pai l by I'mis Metl
I I Co. . St Poms, Mn.
The Willi street line nf olml'U veil
eel I llicjiteM nf Mm U oh I I'.i'lid I. looks
'lit. Ihe '.Milliliter "tliec, .New hOlnpli!
Iiimk received Mnndny exenii.r. If
I iill W.'illt sink et I I i'icalcM see ntir
! S I'll.le'l 11 1 I J, ! .1 II' p i ' M I ?
WAN J' I : I : - I tit i ii t ors to
pn-l sllts, II 1 Vertlse lllnl 1 1 i - t I 1 1 til t O
M.OIl.leH. Snlety flvoo Weekly, ;.(()
per In.v, fur expenses. Stale no and
present em pi i iy men t . 1 1 1 1'. I , I II '.A It
; P.ui'l'.'pli St., cbicie... - l.ui.
, .o I III.
"Ivccp off (iiwise Lake."
'Of iisc'riiiiriilin's I a'.ii i! f'rciiiu
ir elm pped ii lid fed skin. "
Nothing lias ever t(!i.illi'il it.
Nothing cm vvof Mirpas") it..
Dr. King'
IoIgv Discovery
A Perfect I'or All Throat ami
Cure: I.ting Trouldcs.
Money back If it fail. Trial Dottles frets.
ComSpOlluCIUf MeDman
Sail Lute On-, tli.ib Surveyor
nr.,. hi.i Meihaiilial Emlneer
tlgtlite lu inr, Im I ,.,,,
c.d ou.iity f.,r ih. i.u.1. I'lcctilial Eniflueer
iiun brim, whuii i ha.. C ivil Engineer
nt.ikta X Minlnu tntiwrr
ItJrtll -
halm (.'aunty llxniiihwr, Jtuif,