Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 12, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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    tab Qtouutii CBa;ntnf
Pahtlsfcea' Every Thursday.
.- Ralldlnt
Kntcred at the Vot om hi lkeTlew, Ore.
s Second-Class Natter.
(One Year $2.00
TERMS: Slx Months 1.00
(Three Months, 50
If Uoos Lnko is to bo drained ex
clusively iu the interests of the Sacra
mento Valley Irrigation project, with
out any consideration of local benefits
the scheme will certainly le looked
upon by the people of Lake and
Modoc counties as a case of appropria
tion. , However, it is believed that be
fore the lake is drained, experts on
soil w ill be sent hero to lore into the
lake bed to ascertain the character
of the soil, its depth and adaptability
. to agricultural purposes. If it is
found that the large body of land now
covered with water is valuable for ug
rlcultrnal land and will materially in
crease the acreage of agricultural
lands in these two counties, thusmak
( ing available a sufficient number of
prosperous homes to offset the detri
. nienal features of the scheme, then
: the plan of the government to drain
the lake must be looked upon as a
benefit rather than a detriment to the
two counties most affected by the
Tne Examiner brought this subject
. tip for discussion by the people inter
ested over a year ago, when the plan
was first seriously talked of by the
government, and offered space for its
discussion. Evidently the matter was
thought of lightly, regardless of the
predictions of this paper that such a
scheme was not at all unlikely, and
very little was said about it. Now
that the government has taken detin
ate steps to drain the lake, piotests
will necessarily have to be of strong
character to divert the government's
agents from their purposes.
The dead body of a person was found
. . recently . near Kennett, in Shasta
county, Calif., which was supposed
at the time to be the remains of a
man named Miller, who had suddenly
' disappeard ' several months before.
' The body was badly decayed and iden
tification was impossible. . Examina
tion by the coroneread to the belief
that the body was that of a woman,
although the outer clothing was
men's garments, the under clothing
were woman's garments and fastened '
; with safety pins, thirteen of which
were found ; the shoes were No. 5
women shoes and the skull was be
lieved to be a woman's and the heighth
of the skeleton and size of the- bones
all indioated that the remains were
that of a woman.
The people who visited our city
from Alturas last week say they had a
good time, and always have a good
time here. There is nothing particu
, larly astonishing about it ; they are
J the kind of people that, have a good
j time wherever they go ; open-hearted
liberal almost to a fault, and make
friends wherever they make acquaint
ances. Lakeivew appreciates their
visits and always warm up when it
hears "Alturas is coming. " In fact
Lake county as a whole, recognizes
in Modoc a warm friend, and always
feels glad when a risitor from any of
the Modoc towns can pay any of our
towns a call.
The people effected by the creation
' of the Goose Lake and Freeraout for
est reserves who will be displeased
with their permancy will have no one
"to blame but themselves. They were
warned time and again that such a
move was under serious consideration,
and that Senator Fulton stood ready
to use his influence in their behalf at
their simple command. After waiting
long for protests, if any. he was com
pelled to step out of the way. Where
protests were sent in to him, he has
succeeded in relieving the people of
the burdensome reserve, as in the case
. in Curry county.
Another withdrawal in the Susan
ville, California, land district, em
braces all of Goose Lake not in the
withdrawal announced iu The Exam
. lner a couple of weeks ago in the
Lakeview land district, and all the
land lying along the margin of the
lake and along Pitt river, down nearly
as far as Alturas. These withdrawals
are supposed to be made for the pur
pose of draining the lake iu the
furthereuce of the Sacramento Valley
Irriagtion project.
Add New.
Adel, Oregon, July 7, lPOrt.
Ed. Examiner:
I will endeavor to drop you a few
lines to let you know that we are still
in the land of the living and Incident
ally give you some of tho happenings
of Adel and surrounding country.
The merry hum of the mower has
been hoard here since the morning of
the oth, In the numerous alfalfa Holds,
but tho rutting of wild hay will not
commence before about the l."th or
20th of this month.
The Warner Valley Stock Co. is
putting iu a phone at the ranch to
connect with tho Dent line, they are
also going to extend the line on to
Coleman Valley.
Wal'er Pent and Hi Manriug arrived
here about midnight the Oth Inst ami
showed by their looks and actions
that they uiunistakeably had a bully
time iu Lakeview on the glorious
Fourth. (Hoys we wont tell it all).
Speaking of the Fourth, let me toll
you that we had one of the grandest
picnics at Adel ever had in Warner,
which was held iu the grove at the
Andy Morris place.
The program was as follows: Speak
er, Mr. Friday; Header, Wm. loop
er; music by the Adel orchestra; se
lect singing by Mrs. Fred Messner.
The next was grand dinner, such as!
only the ladies of Warner can furnish.
Now let me say right here, there is
never a subscription paper circulated
in Waruer, but they simply state what
they want ami pass the hat and the
money is always forthcoming. At
first the hat was passed for money for
foot races and money enough was col
lected to give l'beral purses for five
The first race was for girls between
the ages of 9 and llyears. This race
was won by Hazel Givins, purse ( 1.
Second race boys between the ages of
5 and 7, won by CaL Dent, purse 1.
Third race, young men, won by Har
ry Spangler, purse 81. This race was
very hotly contested for as Jim Givin
Uncle Joe Morrow ( allowed to enter
on account of bis age and not his av
irdupois) G. W. Wise, Fred Messner,
Mitchell and Mr. Pond. Fred Mess
ner would no doubt have won this race
but his hat blew off owing to his
wonderful speed when he was 30 feet
open daylight ahead, which caused
the sun to shine so hot on his head
(which is entirely void of hair) that
Fred was over come by the heat and
fell prostrated within forty feet of the
outcome. The race was won by Mr.
Pond, time 50 minutes 30 seconds.
The last race . was for slim women
and was contested for by Mrs. J. F.
Morris, Mrs. S. Dixon, Mrs. G. W.
Wise and Mrs. Wm. Koutson. Dis
tance GO yards. Time one hour and 3
minutes. Won by Mrs. Dixou. This
concluded the exercises for the day.
Andy Morris who was to bring the
fire works for the evening arrived just
after the last race and as it was grow
ing late, and some were unable to re
turn later in the evening it was decid
ed to have the fire works at once,
Andy to keep them safe and away from
the sun, had taken the precaution to
wrap them up in his bed, so he at
once commenced to unroll his bed and
bring forth the fire works, but greatly
to Andy's surprise there was only a
bed full of reptiles (caused no doubt
from being in Lakeview for a week).
The fire works had all disappeared
but as the snakes looked uncommonly
full the boys thought they must have
swallowed the fire works, not to be
outdone, they at once seized a snakes
tail, each broke the end off and appli
ed a match and as they were turned
loose sky rockets, Roman candles, fire
craepkers, niger chasers, giant fire
crackers and almost every thing in the
shape of fire works was being explod
ed all about the ground as the snakes
rushed from one part of the grounds
to another. When the fire works were
all over we all looked around for our
women and children, we found all the
women standing on top of fence posts,
some screaming snake some mouse.
More anon, Galoot Tom,
No More Passes.
The pass provision of the new rate
bill passed by Congress Is redrafted
along mo lines or tne aiueiuuuent as
j passed by tho Senate. It prohibits
broadly and generally the issuance of
any free transportation for Intel state
passage and then provides an excep
ted class, which Is as follows. :
"No common carrier subject to the
provisions of this act shall after Jan
uary 1, 1W7, directly or Indirectly,
issue or give any interstate free trans
portation passengers except to its em
ployes and their families , its officers,
agents, surgeons, physicians and at
torneys at law; to ministers of rellg-
on, traveling secretaries 01 railroad
Young Men's Christian Associations,
inmates of hospitals and charitable
and eleemosynary institutions and
Hrson exclusively engaged iu charit
able and eloemosynarv work; to iudi
gent, destitute and homeless persons,
and to such persons when transported
by charitable societies or hospitals
and the necessary ageuts employed iu
such transportation; to inmates of
the National homes or State homes
for disabled volunteer soldiers, in
mates of sailor's homes, including
those about to enter and those return
ing home after discharge, and boards
of managers of such homes ; to neces
sary caretakers of livestock, poultry
and fruit, employees of eleepiug cars,
express cars, and to liuemeu of tele
graph or telephone companies; to
railway mail service employes, post
office iusiH'otors, customs inspectors
aud immigrant Inspectors; to uews
boys on trains, baggage ageuts, w it
nesses attending auy legal investiga
tion in which the common carrier is
interested, persons iujured iu wrecks
and physicians and nurses affording
such persons." Ashland Tidings.
Must Close Sunday.
Mayor Martin has notified all the
saloon keepers of this city that they
must close their bars at 12 o'clock
Saturday niht aud keep thorn closed
until 12 o'clock Sunday night, aud
that all forms of gambling must cease.
So far as the gambling is concerned
we approve the mayor's action, as
the town has been overrun by tinhorns
ana tne saloon keepers nave no one
but themselves to blame for flaunting
the vice before the public. If the
gambling had been quietly conducted
in out of the way pluces where only
old and confirmed patrons of the gam
es would seek it out, comparatively
little harm would have been done,
but to conduct games of chance open
ly in the saloons is to entice the
young aud inexperienced into them
aud cause the moral aud financial ruin
of many a young man w ho would not
otherwise have been tempted from the
paths of rectitude.
Gambling, of course, will go on.
It is impossible to stop it completely
in a city. It will not be conducted
openly, but will be hidden from the
common gaze, perhaps from the po
lice. Some of our so called best citi
zens gamble. Many a quiet game will
be conducted in secluded and well
guarded places. These high-toned
gamblers are the ones that ought to
be pulled. Hut, oh no, our police
authorities would ueer think of that.
Instead, they love to pull some poor
piker who has neither money nor
friends. Klamath Falls Express.
Our Sping Stock is arriving,
will soon be Complete.
New spring Dress Goods New spring Neckwear
We have here n showing in all the
lending shades of gray that has never
been equaled in Lakeview before.
Cream and White Ivnglish Mohair
Ihillianteens, Henrietta Albetross,
etc., including many novelty waist
ings for spring.
An Attractive Array of Novelty
Neck Kibbons, Tinsel llelts, Hack aud
Side Combes, Hand Hags, ,S'ilk and
Kid Gloves.
New Showing of Ik-autiful Shirt
waists in Lawns to Arrive soon.
Men's and Hoys' Spring Clothing.
Do Not Overlook This Store.
Pioneer Store
Jtiyn&s Tonic fermifutfc
gives rosy checks and active health to pale, sickly children.
And it is good for their ciders, too.
Ask your drucrtrist for it.
a a T - - "
To Cure a Cold in One Day
- V
Tcke .uaxauve uromo Quinine Tablets. rvjfr
Seven Million boxes told In post 13 months. This Signature. SjCT
Ttl U'"'-X
Curt d ip
In Two Days.
on every
box. 25c.
There) may be a hundred men In thla rlty who havs nrmaj Die
youra but there la nut onn other man lit the wholo county who
mime length
U tho eiuno
as yourself In all other proportion
It Is simply on impossibility to get a perfect fitting' suit by buying ready-to-wear
clothes. '
We will make a Bull to your measure for $20.
You pay that much, or nearly that much for every hand-me-down suit you bur. clothe .tore rMhea ar t nmc1
' The Are insurance companies are re
sorting to every kiud of fraud to beat
the policy holders out of tbeir claims
iu Ban Francisco. TLe latest fraud
unearthed is the fake photograph
fraud. Photo's are made to show that
certain buildings were shaken down
by earthquake befdre they took fire.
The Senate failed to confirm the
nomination of District Attorney
Bristol, and his pay ceased when Con
gress adjourned. lie will be reap
pointed at once as It baa been decid
ed that he shall remain In office and
assist in the prosecution of the land
fraud cases this summer.
Patronizing home industry is not to
be taken aa a one-sided proposition
the Eugene Register thinks. It does
not consist solely in the people who
are the buyers, doing their trading
with the local merchants. It means
that and more. It means that the
merchants who have goods to Bell, are
jubt as anxious to buy what tho farm
ers have to sell and that the farmers
are equally ready to sell their produce
locally and buy what they need at
home locally instead of sending off to
distant linns the cash that will buy as
much and as good material at home.
Therefore, the full meaning of the
term "Patronizing home industry"
resohes itself into a system of geiiuine
reciprocity of mutual good between
all classes of people, the farmer, min
er, manufacturer, capitalist, laborer
and merchant. When the good of the
whole community stands out para
mount to everything else, standing by
home industry in all that the term Im
plies will be better understood and
more readily followed. Ex.
Attorney-General Crawford has ren
dered an opinion of the U'Ron anti
pass law, and stated that it was in
effective for lack of an enacting
clause. lie advises the governor to
declare the same illeiraL Ashland
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional reme
dies. Deafness is caused by an inflam
ed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube
is inflamed you have a rumbling sound
or imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed, Deafness is the result,
and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored
its normal condition, hearing will
destroyed forever; nine cases out
ten are caused by Catarrh, which
nothing but an inflamed condition
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars free. V. J. Cheney & Co. ,
Toledo, O.
fcoia hy Uruggists, iix;.
Take Hall's Fam'ly Pills for const!
t IT
Fill ont
'J lie j are rut mid aaed
out hjr tl.e, 1
ljr miteliliiery.
Tlmt I. why ftt liave Umulit milt hereto
fore Hint loni their look of uewiieu Iwfor yuo
ha.l Worn tli.'lll half a (Injr.
We will make ault to rnnr liieamre for
your evllialve weur that will lit Jou hei-allae
It waa hull! for jroii. ami no on. ele fir
We Kuaranlee the cloth tu I an all w... rhevlnt
the rlotli la new and vlK.irmia - JuM olT III.
l.Hi. lateat natterns haml-iaihlel every aeaill
hauil aeweit with .Ilk lined wllu Imported Vene
tian clolh.
We have e.Wfed several nalferna. inv nt
whh-h wo will muko up to your meaniire for flirt,
I nle.H oi epr. Borne preference we will mall
Jon a aarnple of lale LiikII.Ii overdue pattern.
Thla pattern la ao new tlmt II will U) aold ly
tullor. ne U year a the "latvat."
The hnrktrroiind of tint pattern la a deep gray,
wiiii an aiuioat lnierifiilMo nverllne or
meek. 'I he roiur or Ihl fulirle doe. not ahow
duat raally. due. not wrlnklo and haa taken I lie
ayt an wen mat I lie jiaruient look. Ilka new
mull It la all worn out. The wiwil ued Iu weav
lug thla garment waa aeleeted with unuaual
rare. There la no ahort wool In the fahrle and
no ahodilr. The rlotli haa an fine a weave th-.t
It preenta a fairly hard aurfara, and at the
aan'B time la eoft and pllahle, It will not aeulT
up or (at alilny. Thla rlotli eannot be bought
from the mill for Iraa than II. W) a yard, no
mailer If you hoiinht five thniiaaud yarda. Wo
are me I'aeinc i oaat repreavnlatlvea or a arbit
rate of tha Inrifeat woolen uillla In the world.
That enable, ua lo make thla unprecedented offer
or a ami to yonr meaaure ror 13). Send for n
aumple null it tn piece ee how lonit and even
the wool atrHnda are nolo bow well Ihe'dya
naa aeu
I Deaths from Appendicitis
! tltH'iviiNP In tlio Miiin ratio tlmt'tlie
list! o( Dr. Kline's New Mfo PIIIh In
crease. They nave you from danger
arid bring; quick ami painless release
from constipation ami th Ills jrrow
Ihk out of It. Strength ami vigor
nl ways follow their use. iiiaraiit-el
by Lee IVall Druggist. IW. Try
t have a permit In-fore von
You mi
A 1 1 I 1 .
i-Hu iruvi-i acntiny sneep any place
Lake county.
J. K Clurkson, Stock Inspector
thla ennpon and mall tn na
will aend you a auinpla of the cloth. We Kuar
anlee that the aarnple la actually rut from the
Tery bolt of rlotli from which we make the ault.
When you ilalt I'ortland, rome In and verify thla
or any aaarrtlon we make. If you wlxh, aak
ome Portland friend t tell you a Unit the rep.
utallon aud itaudlnK of the Columbia Woolen
Ml tie Co.
It la the almpleat thlnir In the world to bare
ao me friend take your meaaure. We will aend
yoo a tape meaaure free, and Inatructloua bow
to take a meaaure for a ault of clothea.
lie aure and aeod for thla aarnple. If ynn get
a suit from thla offer, yon will be wearing a
garment the pattern of which local dealera can
not poaalbly get In atock liefore another year.
The pattern of our tM anlt will he aold next
year aa the latent (hy other lallora).
Great opportunities are awaiting you In the
BuainesK World, Hundreds of youDg men and
women wanted in aud around Oakland and
Bun Franciiico, to take positions as stcnos-ra-piiers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, office antilst-
autN, etc., at good salaries.
The 1'olytceiinlc Business College, of Oakland
the leading school of its kind In the West, In
dorsed by the Chamber of Commerce and lead
ing educators, offers exceptional opportun
ities to those who can enter college at once
and prepare (or positions. This school Is con
tidered by many to be the best equipped busi
ness college In America. It is unquestionably
superior to any o'her similar school west of
Chicago, All expenses low. Home Influence-
Individual Instruction,
Address Polytechnic Business College, Kept.
A., Oakland, Cal for free catalogue rhowlug
the elegant Interiors and splendid facilities of
this school, whicn bas five times more money
Invested in epulpinent than any other school
In the West. New building in perfect condition.
Bears tiu) 1" Kind You Have Always BoiihJ
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland. Ore.
Columbia Woolen Milla Co., Portland, Or.
Tleaae send me fraa, .ample of late pat
tern Kngluih overllne gooda, from which
yoo agree to make a ault to niraanre for
120, Also send me, fret, a pocket tape
measare and blank, and Instruction, for
taking measures. This does not obllgato
me to bay a ault unless I wish.
Ely's Cream Balm
Easy and pleasant to
Ik, Contains uo in
jurious drug.
It is quickly absorbed.
Ulves Uelief at once.
It Opens and Cleanses
Hie pasai rmmnuem.
Alluva Inflammation.
Heals and Protects tha Membrane. Restores tli
tenses of 'i'aiite and bmell. Large Bze. 60 cents at
Druggists or by mall; Trial Blze, 10 cents by mall.
KLV bUOVUHim, M Warren Street, New York.
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
Nov Discovery
1 Uf I or OH and
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure i Lung Troubles.
Money back If It fails. Trial Bottlea fraa.
('. S. LoVt'll'NM InvltfM tlu jnjlillc to
niifirt! their pittronne with dim nt
tint South I .a kevlev Feed and I.I wry
Ktabk'. lie jrtwirniitceH k'uxI treat
ment to nil Htoek left In IiIh cnn nnd
propmen Iti feed good liny nnd plenty
of It. :t!.tf
Dissolution Notice.
Tho t'o-pnrtnorrihip heretofore exlrtt
IiiK between tho Uurutim brothers uu
dor the llrm iiiiiiio of Iluriium JlroH.,
huti been diHHolvod by mutual coiiHont.
Xo billn will bo contracted after thin
date, July 12, l!KHi, by this firm, und
tho iiinlernl";nod will not bo roHpons
iblo for any hiicIi.
llarnum UroH.
by A. II. Itanium,
0. L. Iluriium.
Excursion Kates East.
"July 2nd and 3rd j AuKimt 7th, 8th
and 9th; and September 8th and Oth;
Bpeclal low round trip ratoB will bo iu
effect to all points Eawt; final return
ing limit W dayH, but not Inter than
October 31 Ht.
Colorado common points 9 05 00
Missouri Itivor 00 00
Mississippi IUver 07 60
Chicago 72 60
Washington and iialtlmoro 107 00
New York, job 60
or particulars so any Agent,
address I). H. Taggart, D.
Keno, Nevada,.
V. &,!. A.,
Ayers Pills
Sugar-coated, easy to take,
mild in action. They cure
constipation, biliousness,
sick-headache. fcPiS.".:
Want your moustache or beard RllfinWRH A M'Q flYC
abeautiful brown or rich black? Use YJf" " " " ' " " I I-
l or Sale.
House and lot. 1 block north of
School House, together with house
hold furniture. A bargain.
Chas. E. Mooro.
Reward for Horses
I will pay 5.00 Howard for the do
livery of any and all unbroken horses
found In fields or outside in Lake
County, South of the desert, or in
Modoo county, California, branded
with an old horseshoe and a fresh tri
angle brand underneath, on both jaws.
The horseshoe placed on the jaws the
same as in my advertisement in this
paper, and triangle so as to cover up
the bar, on both jaws.
To be delivered at Lakeview.
SV. W. 11140WN.
m vis. w Muouwt ua a. r. luu a vu, aaaau, a.