Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 05, 1906, Image 3

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    tttftttlonnl oca
Nearly nil of North Warner U In
Lnkevltiw thU week.
Kl. Wiiko riuim ti from Altunm
Hundny to take In tlit'
Joint Morris and family of I'ltinli will
Kpitml Fourth wmk In Lnkiivlcw.
Ilnli. Hinltli wim up from Pino (Wk
lnt Hatunliiy and reiniiliii'd over night.
Hurry McOmtli nii'l wlf nro up
from Altunm to upend Fourth of July
lis good Koiip,
Never wiiH thnr liner wohIIht for it
Fourth of July cilelillit Ion lill'l week
of menu tliiiu hiikevlfw la favored
with thin ui'k.
MUh ImuIh'IIo NVi IgM cIohi'.I it very
kcicci-hniiiI mcIiimiI lii PimvN valley lnt
Friday. Four took eighth grndn ex-
II II 1 1 II ikt liiMH liml tlircn pHMMHil. TIiomo
who piiHHinl were :
hi'IIh good Hardware.
Tim 7T lnnTiirooH came In from 11
entile roileo on the liert lat Kumliiy
morning tinl iiiohI of them htiiitnl for
Lilkevlew the hitme ilny ot titke In the
ritiien mill celebration.
li. I',. Kooer, editor of t ho I'lne
Creek Miner, wan up to the county
Mcut hiHt Friday Interviewing the pen
pie. Mr. Kooer nays his lnllef thill
I'lne Creek hint ii bright future In con
ulileruhly ntreiithem-il. lie says he
has reeelveil eoiiKiilrculilo encouragn
tneiit In IiIm new eiitci-prlnc.
UCij "H O0'l Ci'IIIH.
J. V. Miki l returned from Madeline
Monday mornliiK with n ntrlnu of llf
teen I'ii'k'Icm for J. F. Iteruard A Son
the l'liiKcnt Hiring ever l.fonlit ill
over the road. Mr. Mikel nayn the
ruilroad I lieiiik' extended very rm
Idly. Train are now running out two
Iliili'M thin hide of Madi'llue, and tin
ritiUare leiu laid faht a the K'rade
in ready for them
ci llrt iioil I'ruit JnrH.
The Mrerill Kecord and the White
lake.TlineH will he merged after thin
week. It. Vance HutchiijH, who re
ceiitlv I'll relinked the Kecord, and hiiH
liei-n editor of the'l'itneM, liii purchini
cd the latter paper, and will ceBMU
piihllcat ion of the Time and devote
hi entire time and energy to tho 1U
cord. The paier wero puIiIImIipiI
ulMiut three mllea apart.
lluve your calling canU printed ut
The lixuinliicr olllce. Wo have jiiht
received ii new lot of enrdrt ami u font
of Tlirany Text type. Titruny Text
Iri the name of the type that in nil the
rnK no v for ciiIIIiihk enrdn, and
thought ly mime to he Old KiiUhIi,
hut it in much prettier and later ntyle
helU kohiI Tea.
lliirrin uuil fiiinily
from Summer Lake
to take In the cele-
chiiiu down
liiht Sunday
hrutiou and
to vitdt rclutivcrt and
friend.-. Mr. llarrlri Hnyii Summer
Ijiikern will havo tho bent hay mid
Kralu crop thU year that Iihm (.Town
there for wome time. Fruit, however,
he thiukH wiih damaged hy the cold
Hpell lu March, there, will lo plenty to
do them though.
HelU Kood Collee,
"Hurley (Dock) Vernon, whon hand
wan cut oir in tho edtfer hkw lit the
Cottonwood mill hibt week, mentioned
in The Fxaminer, wiih up town labt
Sunday. "Dock" wiyn ho hardly
known how it happeneed, It wiih done
bo quick. Ho wiih ripping a narrow
board, when hin kIovo wiih caught by
tho hiiw and pulled his hand into the
hiiw ami tho hand wan tfone before ho
knew it. Tho hand la henlhiK nice
ly, and ho thiukn in another week it
will hp nil healod up.
I ncm rmiir i hi tmt nr i
What are your friends sayin:
about you? That your pray
hair makes you look old?
And yet, you are not forty !
Postpone this looking old.
Hair Vigor
Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and
restore to your gray hair all
the deep, dark, rich color of
early life. Then be satisfied.
Arr'l lUIr Vtgat rmtornd (tin iiatnr)
eolor lit ni grl Imlr. mill 1 i iiri'mly
nlratfit. Iilill youoUlin lr II." ...
hki.Jt. J. Vaudkoau, Mcolimilcolll. N-
(I 00 biilll.
All aniirii.i.
j. a ATBitro..
1.IIWll. Mil..
Dark Hair
CongreM adjourned cm June 30.
Orange i nil leiuoiiN lit Cloud.
Clienfer Averr U Inkluif In I
Fourth lit Ikevlew.
Frank Homer la upending the
week lit Lilkevlew.
... ., , . m
Sutler 'lrncey wiih In town from
Drew valley Saturday.
, , , ,. . ,
Drink Corn Coin at (loud Hodn
Fountain. The fender fa, 1
J. E. Iloono U over from Warner tak
iiik m ", "
Try the new ho cream pin lor at the
., ...i-.. i ..., m,...,, i
I hornton Dmg Mom,. I
Joe Jones ciiino over from Warner
Moniliiv to nee the races,
2 J. W. llolilM,'.U. H. revenuo liiMpei
tor, Ih In J.ukevlew thl week.
lico. Ileiiuctt, the liveryman of Al
tuiiiH in here HpendliiK tho Fourth.
"Whh;tlln" Joe IIumIi lit the new
driver on the l-'antern hlntfe to 1'IumIi.
W. W. Flnh y and wife of lily, are
In re thU week hpeudliiK tho Fourth.
Dr. J. K. FlUliee, eyenlKht upeclal
IhI, of Portland, I In Jjikovlow thl
Ivl. llendiTMon, the old timo mule
hkliiner of Silver Inke, In Kpenilin
tho week III Likevlew.
(ieo. M. Jon cm en me down from PiiIh-
ely llrnt of the week. Mr. W. U. Snid
er returned home with him.
Tho M. L ParMoiimto in receiving a
coat of paint, MomethluK t hat it v.'
very much in need of.
Arthur Florence, traveling HaloHUian
for the S. i W. Vi. of San Francinco,
arrived here Monday on IiuhIiichm for
hi coiupaiiy.
Hi llrt Kood l'lour.
I'renh ciuily at Cloud' Hodn Work
and tho n o cieam purlor In Thorn
ton 'a Drutf Store. 1
Dr. J. S. Dewey and wife enmo up
from Pino Creek TuoHilay. They ex
pect to remain in Ijikevlew Hoveral
week a.
The Fourth of July ball hen by
Price tho iniihiclnu lat nl'ht waa
laiKcly attended ami a i'ood time
waa had.
Mr. and Mra. (ieo UikIcj of Alturua
are here thi week attendiiiK the nicee,
accoinpauiiMl by MImh Hoirmaii of San
Ice cream, lemonade, ice cream
Hilda, and all klnda of aoft driuka ut
tho Soda Worka and parlora at Thorn
ton'H driiK htore. 1
D. K. Penner, tho well-known piano
tuner, arrived here Sunday on hia an
nual trip. Mr. Penner la n reliable
V'C h,1,H KooJ SuHpendera.
The atiik'e from t ho South came in
Monday nik'ht tho new coutrai tor'a
flrat trip with a four-horae coach,
and four line horaea.
taella k'ood Pakinn Powder
J. S. Houhey, ork'anizer of Women
of Woodcraft, will k'ive an entertain
ment In tho Maaonic hull ou the even
ing of July Oth, Friday. MovitiK pic
turea and atereoptican views.
W. M. Harvey returned from Mon
tague Tiieaday. Ho ami Koy fehirk
aold out their band of horaea at Mon
tague. Hoy went to San Frnucinco on
Nothim; la ho cooling and refreabiuK
ua a k'ood, rich ico creum soila, or a
k'hiHH of that delicious, anappy, ice
cold Hodn water at Cloud 'h Sodu
Worka or ut tho ico cream parlor in
Thornton 'h Dru Store. I
aella tood Cundica.
?10.(K) reward will bo niven by W. J.
Sherlock for tho return to him ut
PaiHley, of a 1 i lit k'ray horao branded
with a circle ohh S iualde of O.
and 57. Horao wua Been ou the road
from Paialey to lily, and laat aeeu
outaido of Anderaon's field, ou Spra
k'uo Kiver. Horao huo a halter ou. tf
Hell Kood Preaervea.
II. S. Colvin haa rented tho living
rooms in the Mra. lilair residence,
formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
W. li. ltoyd. lioyd'a have rented the
Mrs. Kothe residence rocontly vacated
by A. L. Thornton and family, they
moving to A. W. Mauriug's residence.
sells good liluas wure.
S. A. Lester, tho Silver Lake saloon
niun in in the county Heat thin week,
to take out a saloon license and at
tend tho riicos. Wo understand that
Geo. Cooley, muuuKor of the Pioneer
saloon of Paisley, w ill f?o to Silver
Luko to tend bur In tho saloon at that
place. W. II. Tuckor will have charge
of tho Puisley saloon.
sells good Crockery.
Write to us for ft-M aaniplM of Una naw atyllab trouaarinsa. Olva ua
a chanoa to ahow you wiUiout auy risk to you that w oan maka
lha fl iiBBt nalr af TunDIKHJ ta tourmuiuM that vmi mvmr If
the trouaara ault you whan Uiay ara nulanad lhay will ooat you It 1(1. Otbar taUora aak $0 to m
fur tha aania ulofh. Our aaramiit with you la auoh Uiat thay muat aatlary you or you naad not
pay a penny. Yba oluth la a splauilld a-rada of ICna-Uah Obavlot or naat atrlpad Woratada. Tha
cloth la a una atrouw waav. wa iruarautM It navar to fad a or ahrluk. It will kaap Ita ahapa and
ICE I will deliver ! twlcp ft week
lnvt order nt II. Koyiioliln' Store.
II. I j. Noririip.
,N"l!7? "f r?Htor"l,M "f P",Wlfl .,',n', " I
to net! lenient and entry, Depart rnent
f the Interior, (ienernl Lund Office, i
Juno H, PUN). Nolro in hereby given I
that tho Herniary of tho Interior, on,
Juu tf J!Ml jm rMimti from tho I
withdrnwalM under hi former order;
of Juno 10, J'XKI, July 18th, Aoiiint 1
mhf mu Mil J!)f y,m, for tho IrrlKH
tloii purpoH in connection with tho j
:hewaukan. Ami Jtlver and Hi'vr
I ,ake project", In tho Lakview land
dlHlrlct t.i Oregon, tho following ien-
crllnl hind : Chewnukau 1'rojeet,
Townnhlp .'II Houth, I tango 18 hunt,
M . T,mtttMp . H(MlUl) ,. )7 1H
and 19 hunt, all ; Township IK I Houth,
ttafigeti li ami 19 hast, all; 1owiihM
XI South, Jtanio IH l,iut, Sectiona I
to 'I to :2 and HI to :, iucliiHivo ;
Townahlp 'M South, Jtaniea 1!) and 'J)
Kant, all. Ana Kiver Project, Town
nhip South, Uaiik'ea 17 and IH J'.iihI,
nil ; Townahlp South, JCano 1'i
I'la at, Sectiona 'I to .'Mi, inclusive;
'J'owiixhip If) South, KiwiK'i 17 J'jiMt,
1 Section 1 to U and 7 to '.V. iucluaivo;
Tow imhip ICl Sooth, llniik'o IH I'jiht,
all; Township ill South, Ham,'" 17
Kant, all. Silver Iko Projix't, Town
ahip y and 'J7 South, Kanc H.
10 and 17 Kant, nil; Towriahlp UH
South, Kiiiii-h lit and 11 Jiaat, all;
Townahlp 2H South, limine l" Kast,
tiH-tlona 1 to 11, 10 to l! and W to ii2,
iucluaivo; Townahlp 2H South, IJank'e
10 Kant, Sectiona I to H, 'Jl to 1W and
id to itO, iucluaivo; Townahip I'il
South, liiintfea 11, lit and li l.iiat, all ;
Townahip 'Z. South, Itame 1" Knat,
SectioiiH 4 to ! and 15 to ifi, incluaivo;
Townahip Zi South, ICnno 10 Kant,
Sia tloua I to it, 10 to 1") and I'J to iti,
IncliiHhe, and ho haa directed that
tho aforeaaid land las reatored to net
tlement, but not to Ixi'oine Hiihjoct to
entry, filing or ai-lection at the Unit
ed StutoM Iiiid Olllce, at Iikeview,
Oregon, until September 'SZ, )'.;.
(i. J.' Pallock, ActiiiK Commiaaioner
of tho (ienernl I Mini Otllco. Approv
ed K. A. HitchciM-k, Secretary of the
interior. June ill Sept. lit.
Notice of tho restoration of public
IiiihIh to settlement and entry: De
partment of tho Interior, (lenend
Jjind Olllce. Mav 111. l'.niO. Notice la
hereby if i von that tho Secretary of the
Interior on May li, li;, haa released
from w ithdrawul for irrigation purpoa
ea the following di'Hcrilx'd lands in the
Lakeview laud district in Oregon:
Klamath project, Oregon, Willamette
Meridian, Township 40 S., 11. 0 K., nil
sii-a. A it, 10, 11, 15, '."J, U5 and iiO; T.
11 S., I-U 0 K., all sees. 1, 'A 5, 0, 11
I 12 ami fractional sees. liS to 17 inch ;
IT. iK S., li. 7 K. all sees. 11, 'Ji, '11 to
' 'Si incl.. itt and ill ; T. i S., li. 7 K.
all aeca 1 to 5, and 7 to IS incl. ; T. iH
S., li. 7", K.. all sees. 1, 'i, l'J and lit;
T. itO S., li. 7 K. , all aeca. 1 to 4, to
H inc l., -11 and '; T. itt S., li. H K.
all soca W to i!0 incl. ; T. il'.t S, K. 8
K., all sees. 1 to 12 and 15 to '21 incl. ;
T. 40 S., K. H K. all seca, IH to 20 and
2H to i incl. ; T. 41 S.. li. H K., all
w"a. 0, 7 and tract ioiml seca. 17 and
IH; T. it7 S., li. 'J K., all sees 1 to 5, H
to 17, 20 to 2i, and it2 to ilO incl. ; T.
.'IS S., It. UK. all aeca 1 to 5. K to 17
and 20 to 27 incl. ; T. ilit S., li. 9 li,
all seca. 0 and 7; T. 40 S.. li. 'J E., all
seca . 22. 25, 20, and iSO; T. iJ7 S., li.
10 11 ; all sees 1 to lit incl., IH and 21 ;
T. MH., li. 10 E., all sees. 7, 17, to
22 and 20 to iJ5 incl. ; T. 41 S., It. 10
K., all sees. 5 and 0; T. .'IS S., It. 11
K., all seca 1 to 17, 20 to 2i, and ill to
iKJ incl. ; T. i!y S., Ii. lil E., all sees,
it to 10, 15 to 22 inc., 24., 25, 28 to ik)
incl., :t2, 35 and iW; T. iU S. li. 11
E., all s.H-a. 22. 2it, 20 to 211 and 32 to
i!5 inch ; T. 40 S., Ii. HE., all seca,
5 to !, 13 to 18. 22 to 24 inch, 20 and
27; T. 3 S., Ii. 11 lL; E, all seca. 1 to
5 inch, 8, Si, 10., 17, 20 and 21; T. .'W
S., li. 12 E., all seca 1 to 0, 'J to 10,
22 to 25 incl. ; T. 40 S., Ii. 12 E.. all
secH 1 to 5. 7 to 20 inch, and 30; T. 40
K., li. 13 E., nil seca,. 7, 8, 16 to 22
and 27 to 31 incl. ; T. 41 S., li. 13 E.,
all seca 3 to 11, 14 to 17 inch, and frac
tional sees. 20 to 24 incl. ; T 40S., Ii.
14 E. all Beca 1 to 3, U to 10, 22 to 27
and 31 to 30 incl. ; T. 41 S., li. 14 E.
nil sih's. 1 to 4, 0 to 10 inch, and ull
fractiouul seca. 21 to 24 inch, and ho
has directed that tho aforesaid, lands
bo immediately restored to settle
ment, but not to lieconio subject to
entry, tiling or selection at the Unit
ed States land olllce at Lakeview,
Oregon, until September 3, l'.KKi, J.
H. Fimple, Acting Commissioner of
tho (ienernl Laud Ofllce. Approved
E. A. Hitchcock, Secretary of tlie
May 31 Aug. 23.
Reward for Morses
I will give 120.00 Kewnrd for the
delivery, In Lnkevlew or tit my ranch
nt wngontiiv .Mountain, of any and
all unbroken range horHon, 4-year old
and upwards, unblemished, ranging
lu Lake county, Oregon, branded
with au old horseshoe on both jnws,
without imr other brand on the am-
mill: horseshoe open pnrtdownward
the same aa cut la the following ad
vertisement, w. w. liitowx.
$1,250 Reward.
The HarncyC'ountj
Live Sioi'k AHNH'i
tliia, of which I am
mvinlier, pay. J760
reward (cirevideuo
li aJing to the (11 u
vk'llou of partiei
trallnK "toik be
loiiKUu' to it nu Di-
ijotlvt .Ki reward.
Horse brand horse-
khoe bar ou either
or both jawa. Ke
corded luNcountiea
Range, llarner. Lake and (.'rook Couutiea
llorwa vented when wild. Horaeii old In Mil
through thU section will be reported lu tlui
i1kt. 11 not ao refioriea, lease write or tele
phone The Times Herald, Main ItJ4. Hums, Ore
gon W W Hkown, Kile, Ore.
; For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears th
Slgnatora of
7 ,
Our complete line of Ladies' Summer dress floods,
consisting of Silk Mulls. Taffetas. Voiles. Batiste,
Ventura Suitings, Organdies. India Linens & Lawns.
Shirt Waists. Silk Shirts. Muslin Underwear, and
Children's BUSTER BROWN DRESSES, and Boys'
White and Colored Waists, have just arrived.
PRICES AR.E LOWER than ever before known
in Lakeview.
Lakeview Mercantile Company
is now on the ground. AYc have a complete line of
Mowers and RaAcs, also a full line of Extras. A
good Header we want to sell to some good farmer.
We have a few Mowers, Rakes and Hay Z?ucits we are
offering a bargain in. Call and see us, we can save
3011 money and give you the best values.
Mr.. O. Hotchkias and wife of Lake
City, are here on a visit with the fam
ily of Jan. Metzker, the two ladies be
itiK slstear. They will remain in Lake
view all week and take in the raeea.
One day last week while breaking
colts, Manly Currier, son of Mr. a nd
Mrs. V. A. Currier was thrown from
a bucking horse and his head struck
a gainst a pile of posts rendering him
uucoucsious for some time. It is
feared that he is seriously injured, as
vomiting set in shortly after he came
sells good Hosiery.
The popular tlarrett boarding house
which has been conducted by Mrs. G.
W. Garrett has moved from the Miller
residence to the Henry Lofftus place
on Main street, just a few steps from
the south-west corner of the Court
House square. Those who want the
best meals and beds for the least mon
ey should go to this popluar eating
house. ltf
sells good Ice cream
Pacific University
A High-grade college With
Beautifully located twenty-six miles
from Portland.
Full regular college courses.
Academy gives strong preparatory and
High School courses.
Conservatory of Music and School of
Art, with superior instructors.
Business branches taught.
Gymnasium and Field Athletics under
a Physical Director.
Well-equipped Laboratories.
Library of 13,000 Volumes.
Healthful social life; religious influences.
All student enterprises active.
THC school that stands for the
WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and
mail order house, assistant manager
(man or woman) for this county and
adjoining territory. Salary f20 and
expenses paid weekly; expense money
advanced. Work pleasant; position
permanent. No investment or exper
ience required Spare time valuable.
Write at once for full particulars and
enclose self -addressed envelope.
Chicago, 111. lit
tin at Proof.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
June 18, l'JOG. Notice is hereby giv
eu that the following-named settler
has filed notice ot his intention to
make tlnal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be
made before Kegisetr and Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on the 27th day of
July, r.KKJ. viz: Charles Lohrengel,
11. E. No. 1C83 for the NWI4 SW
Sec. 2G aud Lot 3, Sec. 27, Tp 39 S.,
R. 24 E. W M. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Frank Lemburger,
Wm. Routson, and Andy Morris of
AdeL Oregon and J. A. Morris, of
Plush, Oregon.
J. N. Watson Register. 25-29
How's This?
We otfer one Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY &, CO., Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years
and believe him perfectly honorable in
all business transactions and financial
ly able to carry out any obligations
made by his firm. W aiding, Kinnan
& Marvin, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting dircetly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75o, per
bottle. Gold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
' IP ftplla 0Ctfu Tnhon
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior, Unit
ed States Land Office, Lakveie
Oregon, Jane 25, 1906. A sufflciei
contest affidavit having been filed
this office by C. W. Withers, Paisley
Oregon, contestant, against homestetwa
entry No. 27-V, made Sept. 12, 1901
for SE'i' NW.EK SW. Sw2
SWf, Section 13, tp. 34 S., R. 17 E.-
uy uustave Anderson Contestee, ;i
which it is alleged that said Uuatav
Anderson has wholly abandoned th
said hometsead, and has not resided
on, cultivated or improved the earns
as required by law; that said Uustavfe
And erson did not estaklish a reel
dence on said land within six months
from date of entry, and all the de
faults herein set forth continues to
this date, and that said alleged ab
sence from the said land wad not dua
to his employment in the Army, Navj
or Marine Corps of the United State
as a private soldier, officer, seaman,
or marine, during the war with Spain,
or daring any other war in which tlM
United States may be engaged. Said
parties are hereby notified to appear
respond and otter evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. a
August 10, 1906 before the Register
and Receiver at the United States
Land Office in Lakeview, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, filed June 25, 190
set forth facts which show that after
due diligence personal service of this
notice can not be made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notitja
be given by due and proper publica
tion. 2G J. N Watson, Register.
sells good Pocket Knives.
A number of ladies in Lakeview
have received cards from some friends
in the city printed in the new typa
that is all the rage for calling cards
this year. They have brought tha
caids to this office and asked to have
cards printed in "type like that,
"calling it Old Engilsh. In fact tha
tpye was Tiff ?any Text, a much pret
tier type than the Old English. Wii
sent for a font of this card type and
are now ready to print calling cards.
We also received a lot of new cards
last Saturday. For two dozen, 75
cents; 4 dozen $1.
sells good Crackers.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For the County of Lake.
In tho matter of the Estate of,
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned were, by an order of tha
County Court of the State ot Oregon,
for the County of Lake, made and
entered in the above entitled Matter
on the 15th day of May, 1906, duly
appointed as the Executors of tha
Last Will and Testament of Warren B.
Whittemore, deceased, and have qual
ified as such.
All peisous having claims against
the estate of said deceased are hereby
required to present the same, duly
verified and' with the proper vouch
era, within six months from the data
of this Notice, to said Executors, at
the First National Bank, of Lakeview,
in Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon.
Dated at Lakeview, Oregon, June
7th, 1900.
S. O. Cressler,
W. II. Shirk.
Executors of the last will and Testa
ment of Warren B. Whittemore, Da
ceased. 24-5
sells good Ladies Waists,