tttftltlonnl locnl (Hitch lunch at Um Brewery Ha loon. If A. M. Kuril Inly wan In town Tuwt luy from Crnnked Cri'i k. Ilort Iipliiiin whn ovnr from Mm lliiriii'H viillcy country Monduy. Horn. At C'rooUcd Crook, Lit kit Cotlllty, ()ll'K"ll, J II no , 11KNI, to tti wlfo of A. M. IbirdUty, u girl. 1 lu i ( port oln iiliiti'd IhhI woi'k (lint A. Ainlok Inn I hold IiIh ri'Mlili'tic)) prop erty In I'mo Crock Ii4 mm Id to be u in In tuit". Mrn. J. !. Hull iiml mm of Modford, nlnlor In law mid iioplmw of Dr. mid MIhm Hull of tliU I'liion, urit liorx on h vimII. ))r. Hull wont to lily Monday to moot thorn, returning horn TnoHdiiy 'Veiling. l' M. Duko rotiirnod Monduy even lug from Mmlolino, turn ho wont with '1'. K. Moriiurd ufliT u our loud of ImipkIom for J. E. IliTiiurd A Hon. Only hulf tlio ('in loud witM lit Mudi'lino Ho tin')' hud to riiliin Imi'k with It pint of It lulid. MoHftrH. McCloury A Shiuior Hindu it di'i.l with i:. C. Sllrkol Monduy for tlio count met Ion of u Duo brick build ing In Now I'inn Crook. Oilier brick Ihi1IiIIiii;h will follow, mid oro lung our nonr neiglibife- town will loom tip union; cit ion. L. (i. '1'humutt llnUhod hlii iuliiK IiIm nhoop TnoMiluy nt thu Mulkoy ennuis, mid tint crow coiiimoncod on Pete droit's hhoop yontorduy. Thoni nro Hovontoon Hliourom ut wnrk nt tliese pell. Thoy uro wild to b tlm bent nut lit. of hhourori ever In thu country. Mr. ThomiiN hii.vm tlio food in lino out T. K. Moi nurd und I'. M. Duko, who roturnoil frmn tho ruilroud Monduy, Imtli xuy that rapid prort- In being llllldo on tho N (' (). oxtollnion North from Mudolinc. Ovor u mile und u liulf Im now roudy for tho rulU. Mr. llel'liurd hiiH it won't ho hut 3 or 1 limntlm till truiiiH urn running to Likely. '1 ho Lakeview Iiiiho hull toiilil will go to 1'uinloy Suturduy to tuktt part in tho hull toiiriiuincnt t horn on Humhiy. Tho Silver I jiko tonm will bo there und good gullies uro lookod for. It would ho nioo to get up u big crowd und vinit oui neighbor, und it would provo to thorn our npproclut ion of thoir vinitii hero. Dr. Annii Shnw, thu exponent of woman Miiirmuo, nt u moetliig In l'ortluud tlm other night, just lofor Hturtiug for hor KiiMlorn homo nftor it hurd fought und untui'coHHful buttle with tho voters of Oregon, in hor words of eiicoiirtigineiit to tho Oregon col tongues, uttered uh u parting Inotit phor "lo not fuitli in Immunity and hopo for tlio ultimate civilization of men. " K. I). Miipli'Mih'ii Iiiih finished his canviiKH of tho county and thonn who w ibh to order fruit t rooH from tho Ore gon Nursery Co., can send their order to Mr. Muplchdoii at l'-l Linda Ave., Oukluud, California., and thoir order will receive tho sumo prompt atten tion that Mr. MaploHilou would give It were ho hero to take tho order. Mr. MaploHilon aiiuiioucoH that ho bus done an accept ionully ' good business In thin county this spring and will tiring In tho finest lot if nursery stock this fall ever brought to tho coun ty. Hhauiko him hoon well reproHontod tho punt fow duys hy prominent hhoop buyers who have made oxtoiiHivo pur chiiKOM In this Hhoop holt and uro now hero wait lug for tho time to receive tho nhoop. Tho buyers who uro now in tho city uro J. W. lllako, W. J. Mursli and A. C Kitchiiin of Wyo itiintr, und J. F. AhIiot of Whoulor county, OreKon. TIioho ontlcmen huvo prohuhlv purchiiHod hi tho nelnh liorhood of (X),(KK) head of Hhoop this HprinK in Wuhco, Crook und NVhoolor countiPH. Tho moht of thoHo Hheop woro yourliunH, hriiiKlntf pricos ruiin nn from 12.75 to fl.'JO por Loud. Khitniko lUpuhlicnn. ers Sometimes the hair Is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor Is a Hair Vigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops fallin:, crows lone niul heavy, and nil dan druff disappears. " My luilr wh r.iiiilnu mil I . r i II ii v I vim ahnnNi Hfniltl Oi rt.iitii II. Ayi'r' ll:nr Vitoii iiiiiiitly Hht..(il Om liilliiiu. Hint iiinu riisnai'tl tlm iiiitiiiio r.iit.r " Ml'.N !. II K A tin. I llliilllll! N t mi tt ln.ll lu A II il nii'tsl A V Kit I'll .l Mil. fori 1 1... Poor Hair Lov Men After AH. Quito ft dllfcront ntnumplioro pro vullod ut a woiiihii'm rnontliiK hold In St. I'iiiiI tho noxt day nftor tlm elec tion In Oregon hhowrlnrf woman 'h hiilf rntfn to huvo hoon heal on lu tlilw nlut, to that which liun liorotoforo cliHruc torl.od hiicIi inootliiKM. Following U it lu li'f ni'coiint of tho moot Ink, an pulillnliod In tho Ori'Konlun: "After hovoii diiyn of Jontn ut imtn'ii oxpotiHo, hovoii dayM of ironic epl KramH, pat rouilnu qullm, nut I r In par udoxi'H and Mi'uthliirf doniinclatioiiM, u profoHhlou of nlfoctlun wiih rniido to day nt tho convent ion of Federated Women 'm Cliilm, which Im in hohmIoii In thin city. Man hint loon rohukod for hU monopoly of tho tmllot, lunch ed hi for IiIm frivoloiiM i lint i ui-t h, re linked for IiIh Impotent IcuUlut it Ion. (ientle IiIIh of lnuondo have oven hint ed that ho oiiK'lit to ho cIiimhoiI with tho lower ioiIiiiiiIm. Hut ut hint tho trul h Iiiim leakod out in Hpitoof oveiy-IhluK-tho cluhwomoii really dotoH upon iiinu. Tho roveliit lou occurred at a confer once upon louinlutlot hold thin lifter iiiin and Mrn. Alien liradford Arh-H, of Chlcmio provoked tho touching Hi'ene. She uriiHo in homo Indignat ion to proloht iiaiuHt cnuhtic wordM up plied to inuHculinity hy Hoveral ram pant HiillrulHtH and In it inomont tho mooting wiih htampodod. lU'V. Mary Andrew, of Omaha, mIho Hprauit to hor loot to proclaim from tho hoiiHctopM a penchant for tho op posite hox, und many other would havo hiiHtuod to tho ('onfohi-li)iial if t ho chairman had not adjourned tho meeting. Thin neat iiiielitu climax wan pro voked hy it dehuto upon woiiiuii'h rlulit to vote. Tho I'onferenco wan crowded with oxpoucntn of tho milfru Kint caiiho and tho mootiutl Hiiddonly jumped th truck of correct Ivo lo(ihla- tion to plow through tho ditch of political equality. incunniou of Kuniiu IS. Anthony'H creed run hik'h and the injiihtico of iiiiiii'm monopoly of tho polln wan pointed out vi'oroiiH- ly. It wan tho word "holllnhnehM, " lined hy Kov. Mary i. Andrown in com ment IiiK upon tho dower lawn of her htato, that canned Mm. Arh-n to iincert liemelf. "1 to ohject. to the deni'rip lion of men an moIHhIi, " hho declared llrnily. "It in a fact of world-wide recommit ion that American men are tho iniiht uiiholllnli in tho world. Tlwy uro t;id and kind and K'ciiorouH. lu my opinion they aro tnoro unnelllnh than tho women. Tho property rlKhtn in my own ntate, lllinoin, are much more fair to tho wifo than thoy aro to tho hunliand. Wo have ulno placed lawn huft'Kuarilinn our k i rln, which cauno mo to havo homo miKiviiik'n uhout tho daiiKi'in to which they tuh ject our hoyn. All tho mat torn wo aro dlncuhhitiK' ill ho remedied in one way or another, according to local ciiuditioun, und woman'M hiiirniKo will not inako ho very much diiforonco. " When tho upplaunp and commotion died away, Kov. Mary (!. Andrews wan demanding tho lloor. "1 throw hlurn at men? Never," hho declared. "1 udoro men, 1 dote upon men. Wo could not j:ot iilon without them. After theno two outhurntn tho hiilfrH KintM hlllmiilod. Card of Thanks. For the mauy net a of hiucero kind nohH which 1 havo received nt tho handn of my friends durinif my nad minfortuno 1 wish to expronH my heartfelt appreciation in tho htrontfoHt tormn word can convey. TIioho friendn who ho tenderly and lovingly adminintered to tho butrcrinrt of my wifo and little bubo have endeared thoiuKolvea to ine und tdiown that n "friend in need in a friend indeed." Not only do I thank those dear friend from tho bottom of my heart for their nets of true kindness in tho last hours und lifter denth toward my wife, but I hhall ever pray for the almighty to reward them with bios Bins beyond my power to bestow. John 1'. Duckworth. Advcrtlicd Letter Lint. FollowinK l a llt o( li tu rit r.-nmliitim tin oUlttii'il ill IhfUki'vli'W rimUlrtiii'. IiiihMiub fr tlii'iu y "mlv. rtlni'il," al islvo itulo oi hU limit')': Mr. liufu l'latt, K. J. Moss, l-sij., Mr.. A. M. Millor, (i. M. Fuul, Henry Scheyer, Mrs. J. Skillmau, Mr. Charles McNames, John McNaue, Mr. W. J. Flock. Kl'il. Mll lKH, P.M. Reward for Horses I will pay ?".00 Hewurd for tho de livery of liny und ull unbroken horses found in Ileitis or outsido iu Luke Couuty, Kouth of the desert, or iu Modoo couuty, California, branded with an old liorsoHhoo und a fresh tri aiiK'lo brand underuouth, ou both juws. Tho Lorsohhoo pluced ou tho jaws the sumo us lu my udvortiseinent iu this paper, und triangle so us to cover up tbo bur, on both jaws. fcu. ' To bo dellvored at Lakeviow. W. W. UHOWN. WE WILL TAKE THE RlSPr If If WriU to ua tat fx. mud pi o. of Una n.w atrllah trourln. II If J obanv. to allow you -without any rlak to you-Uiat w. oanmak. T. M . f uatihv uh tn wour I . liZ Unilolh. Out wlUi you 1. auob that th.y muat aaU.fy you or you n.wi no MM llS;. l!tl SLth & aul.udld a-rad. of KU(fll.h Oh.vlot or n..t atrip! WoraWda. Tit. oluUi I. a A", atruutf w.ava. tt uarauwa It n.var to fad. or ahrluk. It will Imp lu ahava mud b&Wiite COLUMBIA WOOLEN MILLS CO. t PORTLAND OREGON New Books Arrive. Iakovlow Imn much to m proud of m an interior town, but lior proudont boiint in tho Ijakovlow Library and Public. IloitdliiK I loom. Thoro Isn't a town anywhere the al.e of Iakovlow that can hIiow atich a laudnble Itintltutlon, well epilppol and well manuKod. The xioplo of the town havo learned to fully appreciate Ihl ami patroiil7.n It llhorally. Dur Ink tho pant year hlxty Library card a woro atdd. Tli la year many morn ahould Im taken a many book have I mvo u adtlod. Tho Library now con tains four hundred vol union. Tho following list of liookn huvo junt been roc.oiviwl : Klmplo Life, Tho Hotter Wny, Around tho World With Grant, How Marcus Whitman Havod Oreon, BoyM of other Countries, Wo two Alone In Kurope, Paul 11. DtiChailhi Works, 2 Vol., Studios In tho South and Went, Travels in the Hunt, Little Journeys to Kvcry Lund, Pole linker, Unleaven ed llroad, Undercurrent, ThaddeiiM of Warsaw, Childs Garden of Yoihuh, The Silent Places, Tho I'.luUed Trail, Idlo in London, Kollo in Holland, Hollo on tho Khine, Hollo on tho Atlantic, Mrs. WIkkh of tho Cabbage Patch, Sandy, Tho Pit, Tho Octopus, Tho Daughter of an KmprcsH, Jan of tho Windmill, Greek Heroes, Prince of the House of David, Swiss Family Robinson, The Spenders, Tho Castaway, Jn tho Country Gorl Forgot, Fredrick tho Great, Four Chautauqua iirln, Chau tuiuua i iris at Homo, Polly Oliver's Problem, Tin Leopard's Spots, Sold iers of Fortune, Hon. Peter Sterling. Involution of Dodd, Kxcelsior Kdition, Standard .' vol., Tho Prisoner of Zen da, Kupert of Hentuii, American Teachers, S. S. Hiblo. Notice of t ho restoration of public lands to settlement and entry: Do- Iiurt merit of tho Interior, (lonentl Jind (Jfllce, May 10, P.M.. Notice is hereby Kiven that tho Secretary of tho Interior on May VI, r.N', has released from w it hdrawal fir irriut ion purpos es tin? follow ink' described lands in the Lakeviow' laud district in Oregon: Klamath project, Oregon, Willamette Meridian, Township 40 S., K. 0 F., all seen. 'J, .', lo, 11, i;, 'St and W,; T. 41 S., IL C i;., all sees. 1, !, II I'J und fructiniial sees. Pi to 17 incl. ; T. :Ct S., It. 7 F.. all sees, lit, 'Jit, 22 to 2-'i incl., .Tl and 'M ; T. J S., It. 7 F. all sees 1 to f., and 7 to 1H incl. ; T. 31 S., H. 7'.. K. , all noes. 1, 2, 12 and l.'J; T. :n: S., It. 7 F., all sees. I to 1, I) to 14 incl., 21 and 2o; T. :W S., It. H 11 all sees .10 to :! incl. ; T. :ii S, It. H K., all Hi es. 1 to 12 and 15 to 21 incl. ; T. 4' S., It. H K. ull sees, H to 20 and 2H to :t2 incl. ; T.. 41 S.. It. 8 H., all sees. 0, 7 and fractional sees. 17 and IS; T. .'17 S., It. 'J F., all sees 1 to 5, H to 17, 20 to 2H, and :12 to : incl. ; T. .'W S., Ii. ! K. all sees 1 to ". 8 to 17 and 20 to 27 incl. ; T. :W S.. It. !i II, all se's. 0 and 7; T. 40 H. , It. '. K., all sees . 22, 2-", 2f, and :'; T. 37 S., It. lo F. ; all sees 1 to 1.1 incl., 18 ami 24 ; T. ;W S.. It. 10 K, all sees. 7, 17, to 22 ami 20 to incl. ; T. 41 K., H. 10 F., nil sees. 5 ami 11; T. .'W S., It. 11 F., all sees 1 to 17, 20 to 2!, and Si to .tO incl. ; T. S., Jt. 13 F., all seen. 3 to 10, 1.'. to 22 inc., 21., 2.", 28 to :to incl., :t2, :c and :k;; t. :c S. Jt. 11 F., all sees. 22, 2.1, 20 to 211 and 32 to X incl. ; T. 40 S., It. 11 F., all sees, 5 to !. 13 to 1H, -J2 to 21 incl.. 20 and 27; T. :W S., Ii. ID,.. F., all sees. 1 to r incl., 8, it, p;.t j;t -jo Hnd J1 ; T. JC S., Ii. 12 F., ull W'cs 1 to 0, '. to 10, 22 to 2.'i incl. ; T. 40 s., It. 12 H, all sees 1 to fi, 7 to 20 incl., and 30; T. 40 S., Ii. 13 F., nil sees,. 7, 8, 10 to 22 und 27 to 34 incl. ; T. 41 S., Ii. 13 K., all sees 3 to 11, II to 17 inch, und frac tional sees. 20 to 21 incl. ; T 40 S., 11. 14 F. all sees 1 to 3, H to 10, 22 to 27 and 34 to 30 incl. ; T. 41 S., It. 14 F. all sees. 1 to 4, 1) to 10 inch, and ull fractional seen. 21 to 21 iucl., and he has directed that tho aforesaid, lands be immediately restored to settle ment, but not to beconio subject to entry, tiling or selection at the Unit ed States laud ofllce at Lakeview, Oregon, until Septomlnr 3, llKHi, J. H. Pimple, Acting Commissioner of the General Land Ofllce. Approved F. A. Hitchcock, Secretary of the Interior. May 31 Auk. 23. Reward for Horses 1 will nlve 120.00 Howard for the delivery, In Lakeviow or nt my ranch at wuKontlre Mountain, of any ami all unbroken rano horses, 4-year-old and tipwardu, unblemished, nui'ntf In Lake county, Oregon, branded with an ohl horseshoe on both Jaws, without any other brand on tho ani nml; horseshoe open part downward the same as cut In tho following ad vertisement. W. W. HltOWN. $1,256 Reward. Tho HRrneyCoiintj I.IVB MOt'K AHKOl'llt- tlou, of whii'h 1 um member, pKi$7.i0 reward foreviilonc leailiiig to the con viction of purtit'i ipiiiiiik sttH'k tie- loitKliiir to im mt'in ln'm. 111 mid I linn 1 oltiT ("ioo rewnril. Horse bmntl homo, allot' bar 011 eilltei or both lawn. Ke- oordett luMcountloi Range, Hirnri, Lake and (Took ountiri iliimea vented when atiltl. HoraeK no Id to pant through thin aeotton will be reported In till paper. If not at) reported, pleane write or tele phone TheTlinva Herald, Main SJ4, Biirua, Ore gou W W Dkown, Kilo, Ore. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th Blgnatora of miuuN that vou mvmr bi t t MltlMIUlll JUST ARRIV Our complete line of Ladies' Summer dress goods, consisting of Silk Mulls, Taffetas. Voiles, Batisbe, Ventura Suitings, Organdies, India Linens & Lawns. Shirt Waists, Silk Shirts, Muslin Underwear, and Children's BUSTER BROWN DRESSES, and Boys' White and Colored Waists, have just arrived. PRICES ARE LOWER than ever before known in Lakeview. Lakeview teoooneneiaaoopootoBooaooooooo.ooeoooooooloooiiloiemniiinm 4 A Car Load of Buggies Soon to Arrive. The best assortment and styles ever shown in Lakeview or any other town off the railroad. A complete stock of Hardware. Call and ex amine our Stock; we can please you. J. E. BERNARD & SON WANTED : by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoiuiug territory. Sulary 20 and expenses paid weekly; expense, money advanced. Work pleasaut ; position permanent. Xo investment or exper ience required Spare time valuable. Write at onee for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. SUPEKIXTEDXEXT, l.VZ Lako St. Chicago, 111. lit Paisley Co Celebrate. We are informed that Puisley will celebrate the Fourth of July this year. I lull guinea and various other amuse ments will be features of the accasion. Among tho ball teams counted on for contesting for purses is the Silver Lake team. Special inducements will bo offered teams to come there to com pete for the good purses. The Paisley team weut to Silver Lake last Sunday to play a practice game, and the north ern team will play the Paisley boys at the latter place next Sunday. Tho game at Silver Lake was won by Paisley by a score of 5 to 3. How's This? Ye otfer one Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfectly honorable iu all business transactions and financial ly able to carry out any obligations made by his Arm. Walding, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarih Cure is takeu inter- ually, acting dlrcetly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75u, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. ' Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Mercantile Buggies Carts Surreys Spring Wagons Wagons and In the County Court of the State of Oregon, For the County of Lake. In the matter of the Estate of, WARREN B. WIIITTEMORE, De ceased. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given, that the undersigqod were, by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lake, made and entered in the above entitled Matter on the 15th day of May, 190G, duly appointed as the Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Warren B. Whittemore, deceased, and have qual ified as such. All peisons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same, duly verified and with the proper vouch ers, within six mouths from the date of this Notice, to said Executors, at the First National Bank, of Lakeview, in Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon. Dated at Lakeview, Oregon, June 7th, 1900. S. O. Cressler, W. II. Shirk. Executors of the last will and Testa ment of Warren B. Whittemore, De ceased. 21-5 Pacific University forest grove, oregon, a high-grade college with Superior equipment. Beautifully located twenty-six miles from Portland. Full regular college courses. Academv gives strong preparatory and High School courses. Conservatory of Music and School of Art, with superior instructors. Business branches taught. Gymnasium and Field Athletics under a Physical Director. Well-equipped Laboratories. Library of 13,000 Volumes. Healthful social life; religious influences. All student enterprises active. THE SCHOOL THAT STANDS FOR THE BEST IN EDUCATION WHITE FOR OATALOQUB ED. Company I $1450 IN PURSES. Races Commence on Mon day. July 2nd. The Lake County Agricultural Asso ciation will give five days' racing oa their track in Lakeview, commencing July 2nd, and ending July 7th, 1901' The sum of $1130. will be distribute! in purses as follows: FIRST DAY-JULY 2nd First Race, Ji mile dash, purse Second Race, fur. for 3-year-olds, purse SECOND DAY JULY 3rd Third Race, i mile dash, purse Fourth Race, mile heat, purse THIRD DAY-JULY 5th Fifth Race, mile dash, purse Sixth Race, mile heats, purse FOURTH DAY-JULY 6th Seventh Race, fj mile dash, purse Eighth Race, 1 mile dash, purse $12 15 175. 15t 200 FIFTH DAY-JULY 7th Ninth Race, IJtf mile dash, for trotters and pacers, puree f ZOO There will probably be other races, on the last day. All races are free for alL CONDITIONS. All of the above races are free fox all, four to enter and three to start but the Association reserves the right to hold a less number than four by re ducing the purse in proportion to the number of horses entered. Entries to close the evening before the race. The Pacific Coast Blood horse Association rules to govern all running races. Entrance fee ten per cent of purse. Money to be divided as follows : 70 per cent to the first horse and 30 per cent to the second horse. The Association reserves the right to change any of the above races, in the event of not filling, or to change the date of the last day's event to the following day la case any other amusement is announced for that date. No money paid without a con test. Board of Directors : Wm. Harvey. F. M. Miller, V. L. McKee, F. P. Light. Snelling, EobL V. L. SNELLINO. F. P. LIGHT, President. Secretary. TIMBER I.AXO ftOTlCK. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. United States Land Office, Lakeview. Oregon, April 17, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance Tvith the provisionsof the act of congress of J une 3, 1S78, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," ns extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1SU2, John E. H liter, of Slseon, county of Siskiyou, state of California, has filed. in thin office hla eworn statement No 3025, for the purchase of the wj SwJ, SKJ SwJ, Bee. 15; NEJ NwJ, sec. 22, In township No. 35 S., R. 17 E., w. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stono than for agricul tural j.urposes, and to establish hla claim to said land before county clerk, at his official placr of business at Klamath Falls, Ore pron, on Friday, tho 6th day of July i'JOG. He names as witnesses: chas. Mccumber of Dairy, Oregon, chas. H. Dusenbery, chas. Mesner, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, E. A. Mccul ley of Mccloud, California. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this ofllce ou or before said 6th dav o July, l'JOG. J.N. Watson, , Register. i