Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 07, 1906, Image 6

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About the first of June Is tlir time
to Htnkr your tomatoes, speak Ini: pon
ornlly for the I'nltod States. Thin
nrttelp would have Iwn inon timely
Imd It Iwn printed n month nco, but
even If It can lie remembered for next
year's operations In tomato crowing,
tln writer will feel more thini com
pensated, since for nt least small
toninto patches the lilnn here sug
treated has Is-on proven I'.v liim to have
nevernl ndvnntai.-oK.
Some years nco 1 attempted to crow
seven iiores of tomatoes in Southern
Florida Polk County for the north
ern winter market. The tomatoes
were planted In November. It wax the
winter of the great freeze, which swept
Florida from stem to stern and obliter
ated nil ''frost lines" the tlrst oc
curred Ivcciiihcr Mh. Just on top of
fi balmy Christmas Kve spent on the
piazza in Rummer clothes, (in that
day, the thermometer in this "frost
proof region descended to IsF. with
D biting northwest wind. Thousands
Of ncres of tomatoes and egg-plant
were cut down to the ground. For
tunately for my partner and myself we
were from the region when' .lack Frost
bfilds niiuual sway tuul we had main
tained u seed hed in spite of the jeers
f our neighbors. Ity the use of fer
tilizer sacks, all the lied quilts, sheets
nnd clothing we had. and hah a dozen
tires to windward, we uiani:-".! to
save some seven or eight thousand
younc tomato plants, and thus when
the frost king had passed 01. Irs way.
we had n start over our m-i-j nt-ors of
from eighteen to twenty lou days
a second rra:i:;'.::
oe liad visions of wealth In
t neven acres, it is true we
piants for only nlsiut i, M!,-ie
eiieh. Imt we expected eii;. Ten or
twelve dollars a crate l'. our toma
toes. Instead of two or tie-- : dollars,
because nil Florida hati been wiped
out. T'nfortumitoly. m this instance,
the lightning struck twice, and in Fcl
ruury. Just as our pi:. tits were blos
soming and bepititiui': to form fruit,
n second mid oi;'.i:;l!v severe freeze
struck Into on ; .nlst, ami again the
entire agricultural section of Florida.
with the eseeptHiii of a very
acreage on the soiithmost keys, was
frozen to the roots. However, in this
instance the Weather Hurcau was on
the lookout, and about nine o'clock in
the evening we had information that
u severe northwest blizzard was rapid
ly moving down the Stato.
Necessity, .n usual, proved Itself
the mother of invention. nlll tliv part
ner, Mr. (.'. ti. Stephenson, of Herndon.
Vn.. unci myself strapped lanterns to
our left icl's. and with a big cotton
hoe each, tratiied up and down our
! c tried the scheme nnd It repaid us i
: well. Since my return to the North I j
I luive each yenr followed out this Idea,
.although it has been applied simply to
n garden plot of tomntHs. It Is some-1
what revolutionary, nnd whether It Is '
practicable or profitable where you are
raising ten or twenty acres of this i
moisture ntid sttotenntiep which the
pools collect. Insleml producing ten
or twelve pounds of uncles prowl h
will po lintel.' Into the formation of
fruit. Clusters of tomatoes will hum:
thickly agaln-l the stake; Ihey 'II
secure tin lull belicllt or the sun's
polilal wii'imh: there be no rot
ting; .he trie fruit can be seen at it
plance; the tomatoes will be hiruot.
and there will be few, If any. Vetv
small oie-s: the yield per vine will be
us heavy ot heavier, while If the plant
lug Is 'made with this In view, the
vines can be set considerably closer.
as the - Mive requirement will lie tin
less than under till' USUUl BlOLhod
the tritoip . est. i eoi""
hr ,rent (luck fsrm of !... I""
. i Km n lull!
cw .icrsoy iuin -
,11,ced , he duck supply "lr"",1,,,,
... i n., future census will be .'lonely
1 i no i in in i- .-.-.-"."
' i .t its Mulsh for a uion
nil studv of these condition
s can be learned nt pr
, i ., ....oitiv culture
so I .....
ilouiiieu o "
i.-rs at Mini- ILnTv ' .v. Y ' f - jT WTTfj
VI t 'V ' t'" 1 -k,-?iff White Vvl,
IL - fat f.' i-n m
So fur
nt. the W
Ibfoiikh these
..i:iic mis aimoi
hix years.
The West Is more largely lidcroMed
la the Flvmotith ISock and vTyandottr
br Is Itian In any other. The F.iml-
tiiles seem In be more given in
Miltlvallon of Leghorn than are
of the Western hs'iilill". 1 1"'
,;gs having the brown shells seen,
best suited to the West The brown
shelled eggs stand shipment letter.
f,o. the fuel thai the shells arc l.ei.v.
,,,,.! siroiigcr than those laid l
the Medltct ralicali breeils.
The T'.rMl'imi nnd I.tiiitrshim f-'Wl"
were rorniellv most populiif I" tin"
. . i ..1 ti..
sections The Flyniotitli ijock-
viiialottes Is-liig smooth, thai I
ot.r.'atbercl. on the Mlumks, lusr.
:ib..iit an. I tonu'e for their own nu
. . . ., 1... r..i ttiercl
ni'ice irii' ti lienor lono i.' -
, net Ich The original Asiatics---the
r.tahams and the Fiiiigshatis- pn.uu
the eggs having Hie darkest and
tvavlesl shells The I'M u th KCH'U
in, v in, s lag a considerable
. . . .... 1.1 1 li, their
Oct ceil : vsnm -
veins prodiiee n
Motion Than tin
111- satcr carn.igi
-n m.'iti.v
In from
for Yixmff
Men -Through lntftlvt
f rming.
Tbe Wiiio" AjrrWtiHttrnl In1ltnt la
Im iited nl Wlmm UkS lnt. It In 00
f Hie most prolilisiim mutt m mw wi
of n iM tter iiKrlculliirv; It waa foumiod
1... 1 i.e wiiioitH Aswmbly, wlik'h la
.,i,iv known a tb Watem
Clinuinii.iua. The AmrU-oUural luatl
lute. Iiowivet. Is only ' Uta mr
isineiitioiial Instliullotia that baa
Inh-ii oigaiiu-sl by Uil AawnibLy.
Theie Is also a Technical or Tratta
rU-liiHil nl llidlwiiajKiiis; irniniug
Sclus.l for Hible teiicliera IU ork;
rnrmn .
by no art. i
tha B,t,
vrntur,,,, k
hvt bmlS
"'n or Jt;. .
han thUiiftZTrS:
! It UlOftBhJtiimii!
aw K"
sfotig shelled egg
while shells, llsslir
a long distance te
Tins is the real
of the eggs that
Western parts
tner kind
di:T. 'fence vl I
the egg thei
may be the c.
reason III'
are slilppeu
have the
,.r shells Then- Is 110
alevct In tin' iiihl.v of
i.soIvck 110 iiihtler what
ihit ol the eMerior, yi't H
K ti vv ell I. now ti
ones ha v e t lie pr
City. 'If pi-mluc
grown iiraf. r t
fact that the White
.Terence III Now ork
e thee thev li.ll"l Is
the Metropolis to c
vepptnble T nm not prepnrod to snv
priminp and cultivating that '- or at,
acre In Florida kept me hustling as 1
had never hustled U.fore but as a
1 pardon proMisition where von are nils
mull ! fr"m ,ift.v " one hundred plants it
oas proven itseit an ideal method of
culture The directions are these,
simple in the extreme, but reiuiiin
rather close attention, us one,, v. II
started the tomato is 11 rapid grower
l'.y the time the plant forms its nrst
blossoms, haven slim stake siv feet in
length in Florida we used pine sticks
alsntt one Inch sipiari' with a crow
bar, or a hei vy mallet stake jour to
mato firmly. Take 1111 ordinary piece
of grocers' soft cotton twine and tie
the stem close to the stake. Wo ev
sen the danger ol cracking rrolu IOUK
The general purpose l"'K ttif
Plymouth Kock and the V v undotte.
have iM'conie 11 blessing to the MHiltr
growers ol the West and Northwest
Conan DoyW'i i dn!,E
era tharlhttoTr,;
la kin, - """ttkelSl.t
nc In th, "jBftrla !
B aurc to id th
aa it I a aUrrtaf 3roH5't
your Intarwt J '' w
luirln lotif ,wl it'ill, .... n,..l 1... 1
l or. ,.f 1, , .,,..1 ...1.1. " "l" ""U 0.-11. 1 .o;,i
piugie u:g iuiu pun. ior eaen plant, cov
ered tlie blossoming tomiitis-s with
Where n great amount of leaf is pro
duced. If the ground is rich ntnl the plant
grows luxuriantly, its entire strength
can be thrown into the fruit by pun h
itlp Ollt the top b'ld after the V me ,;i
reached tiie Iciglil of the stake.
Another n.lvati'.a;" of t,u. in.-: !m. I of
culture i that for a coiijili- of vi s
alter the ordinarj tomato cl'i
They are spviik nml
great nblhtv lo imdefgii
haril'lnps mi, 1 vet th'-i'
HO ijll.tlot but tha' th
Ihirre.l r!M!iol!!h I:
ihrotii'hont th,- ,...! rn
IS the gre
the I'-"!
.'I. at U.
to be tie
Mitaftv I
1.1 1 1 1 1 . Ill'
,. .1
01 wtan.1.1
In Fr.iliee
1 Let fowl
'i..' but thr.
f the I'M 10011:1
ept.'.l a, the
I' ll'.lfl.el poll!
, ., iv sm h III"
p. even if ji-j,g prod.n ci'. duriit
sturdy, with
more or less
. 'Ihere l
r-.'e icv more
" . . s tri'Wii ;
1 "iiir-v 'hah J
-.1 te.'.l p.. Ill
. the lloil.lan
III Inglatnl
iilli'hollt the
1 ;, ,s s.s'in
"t.iii'l: r.l of
fv 111 nd
r.'U'h!'. gsii
ensue vcur
1 "
J I r fs
COR life
nearly a sipiare foot of the loose
Florida up-land sand. 111 which the
winter tomato is pro, n
I'.y two o'clock we had finished our
task. Rial wo thought we were some
what tired: but fills effort was nothing
tr the job of digitin oat the Mains mi
the two succeeding days. The small
of my hack still creaks in retnein.
brance of the straiphteninp up periods
at the cud of t'uch row.
Finally, after the two freezes had
done their worst, and the penial sou
01 Mnituern Morula Is-gan to warm
the air. as uiwm a rare day in June, we
each found ourselves with about !Vi of
an acre of rather dilapidated but still
thrifty mid Iirtle damaged tomat K-s.
far ndvauccd over those of the sur
rounding tields.
The tomntoe-s were bepinninp to
tlirow out numbers of axillary suckers
Just above etieh h-af. It was my turn,
one day, to drive the white mare to
town uud pet a supply of jruh we 1 can
were camping. liy chance. 1 ran I mp
found that the ordinarv. live-cent
a hall, white twine BUtlieod. and that
there was no dancer of in.ltirltip the
stem of the plant. Then po through
the rows and pull o(T every sucker
leaving of course the blossom stems.
In other words simply train the tomato
vine to a single stem, and as need be
tie it up close to the stake. I Miring the
season of growth three or four ties will
suttiee. We tried using a sharp knife
to cut ofT the suckers in the belief that
yanking them off by the lingers would
injure the main stem, but event
ually came back to the Crystal Spriupb
method, where everything is done by
the lingerh.
There will be stronp temptation,
should the vines get three, four or
live days start, and one of the suckers
or hianeiies becomes almost as I as
the main stem, to let it prow, in Un
belief that it will injure the vine to
remove it, but such mistakes should lie
ruthlessly remedied. Oiiee well started
the tomato Is one of the toughest ami
sturdiest growing vegetables a horse
step on one withoiii much da map
it and there need lie no four
fmmymmmmi nwnmmm, .11 n m .mn.i. j V. ,
r7 i'lliUMI TO. 'till iMH i.m. 1 1 - f..r. .,,, t.
h ' ' - : '..' lA
A'l 'Vt
i : v
across an old Htaper Who had dnrted I about tenrinp out even the large suck
down to South Florida from the repiou J ers which have developed four or live
( I (Pill iljif 'T f lln
If 111; f fen?T) WW
method, is
i'h a v.
' lOWs ,f ...
ti"d up in the usual
by," the gardener v
can puss through flu
tomatoes, nnd with his hoo set
hallow, can keep down am
w men luav rob the plant ; of t
snare or moist ure.
Cows of loniiitiM's. grow n in thn
IUIIIIIHT. present one of the luo-t al
tractive sights imaginable. f ; ; , 1 1 1 -1
than a tomato ptitch tl.ev (,, ,i ,. .
voung of.'hard, l:,."i, with a plethon
of ripening or green Tnnt,
b H"! 11 I.' xjlli
MS to Ulako tlieui
an ce..i..,t s, ,.,
I"'' U'la'li futi-farm
prime favorites, m,.
tion lor i.ll p.irpos..
ate kepi njs.n th
their full
"f I 'i
' ll H . I
Of Crystal riprings, Miss. Me told me
Of the iuethiKls In that vicinity, by
which tomatoes were not only ad
vanced In ripcuitip from live to seven
days, but lucre-atc-d lu yield. Much
mora hvlxw wu iuul but tU' r-
siilis wr toore than comiix-r)uiuie
leaves, and even Incipient blossom
clUHtiTS. However, It Is of course
U'tter to keeji the vines pruned down
Tha imuit will ba that tha via win
irrmr ua m tha mii tit rm imta
The plan euuttiHtefi simply in t&L!uK laad stronp. I ho sin pie lotirvs will de
an4 cruulus each pluub I vtdop hugely, und a Krut umouot of
Poultry Untwine Sorth mid M'csf.
T r .'(;i:rw
The chief center of poubrv growing
upon the farms Mini h small establish.
UlCllts devilled e.'llS!Ve to the pro-
dticlhg if eggs ami p.uillrv for nurl et
is lis'iited in that por' ion' of the i-iiui-try
now called the Noiti, ,,,,,1 West, m
which we must ho'luii,. Missouri, Kan
sas and the gr. -at Nortliwesi.
It Is not li-oiallY known that .Mis.
sourl, Iowa and Kansas are the great
est producers of poultry of all kinds
including waterfowl, , n,ilt m.,,:
gnu and Wconsm ur,. l.e,,iuing the
pieatesi or nil goose ir.,diiei,g Ncetli
or tin- country.
Fpon the vast whom iie.s or the
Northwest are grown thousands upon
luuiisiiiuis 01 younp lowls that are
hatched and cured for with reference
to having them of the proper sisje for
ranging over the wheat holds as ,,
as the harvest Is In, and are luter
gathered up by the pur husers r the
great poultry-killing Htiiblirthmeiits of
Kansas City and oilier centers. These
younp lowls are taken nwiiv and
shipped to the killing I lin es prior p,
'he bepinninp of the cold rigid wouih,.r
of the North, only leiiv ing for the cure
of the farmers during the winter
months a Hiillicient number to proiiu, ,.
epps for the next Hummer's crop
Wisconsin and .Michigan pi,ii.,.
larpe numbers of goose, grown ir
their feathers, nnd then shipped awnv
to the Kiistorn Mules, where they
fattened ami sold to the city markets.
Missouri and Kansas luive becom,.
front egg producing coiilei'sof the W . si
It Is claimed that more e; s and
wore (ItCHKed poullr.v are shipped from
some or the gathering, stations of .Mis
sourl than from nuv lociilltv i,.
Ihis country. Iowa has for many
jeitrs ranked among the foieinosi
states in me producing of both
und market poultry of kinds.
llie last census Ilgurcs for lovvn are
a Hiirprise to many of those beul m
formd on poultry mattci. M,,a,
dns'ks Her imported as binr arowu
aud shipped to iiiiu-ket out of II, ,i
rilutu ulouu thuu hud bueu credited i0
You can free u nio'li
of the ei. .,,., ,11VU
I'ourini; hoi vihigar into
Of till ,.l; l,.'t p., , (,')!
.-hut l,e u,,,
vinegar hi upon tn-
01 i ne pan, and (,,n't
Ilba.l.'.l closet
Jtlol l'-i;s ,
li re, I , ir,,l:
U in i,,.
noon llK (
le a i il iiwrTio ,.
"I"'" a;.'i!ii tnnt
n ml the Wliionn Fnrk School for Rlrla.
nil or which sre In a flourishing ron
ditiou nnd the pnvliict of tbo ffforts
,.f hoiievolctit men and womon, Tit
Wlnonn U-t ii ultornl lntitun differs
from niniiv other liitUutlons of tho
Wind In 'hat it believe In training tho
hr.ud I" ""' l""-'""1 "f "M frsctlcal
work of preparing the Mill, plttlit-
tiir nnd rnlsine cro. enrinu mr
aiilmiil- and the study of the kind a.
nml in fact eiiibrncliip nml rsunbliiliig
the i.riictici.l mid sclent lllc towards the
tidviiliccmenl of this luiH.rtaiit In
iliistrv Mor.s.vcr lla fibjiti la to
train 'nnd iireimn- y.umc men to rain a
PihmI livelihood from a small tra-t of
land, placing the vnltie In the Imy
rather than In the hunt. In Other
words, the student N train vt to get tlw
most out of s small aereago, aa hv la
most likelv to Is- forent from rlmtm
strinees to start on a smull farm, which
Bint Is' liirtvnsod In sisipr. or th Blnall
farm cm 'lumped for a Inrper on.
Thus It iv ill ' sis'ii T tint thla plan of
feri a lunch larger s-r tint, of soccraa
to thr stu.l. iil Hum If hi training was
nil bas.s! on the obtaining of a farut
contilstliig of from forty to one bun
dnsl ftcrea
Q'tis riKiin and practlral work
la In charge of practical men. who
hnvo hiid cvis'ptioiinl (mining fesr thla
mirk. The In-nn of llw Intltute. K.
.1. Iloilisier. l soll rifwrt with a
.iiitionul reputation nnd hla pnt year's
' vrork nt Wlnonn .okt hn l ttiot
! interiftlne The aitiitxiiis lall1
Trotn their f-iriu nnd garden crftftt tn
forty cn- of In ml lut fl.Mtsi.lsi, i
iifirl thin wolk was oil IM-rfiirtlnvt t '
the stiid.ii!" IIm-iiisi lt.- with tbi rt- J OS 1 1 J i 1 i ti CS tt
eepiion ol "tie rinpioi nit'io f,i i m a r ft
"n tli'ti nml th,- engairtng f the Br
vicea .f eight tiidcntu to remain ami
l'ik af'er the cri. ntnl do the Inn rt ri
ll;? during the hiilnlny Kven
l is busiio n nil cnrrlcl rm by
lie stndeiiK iin li'T the dtrvwthm of
of the profi-ir Ttint l to aay, lit
bo' S rn '. I the rriin. loarkets flsstn.
haiaili-d tie- inoiiev, iu thf anctwaa aT
the v-ti'u.-. ts.tti from a flnanrtal
htiitdi'itit 1" "ell na the tmlnlni tt0
boy pot, i t lug usl aa a basis for
i'ui:'.rg"d op ration, thl M'awin, all
with the view to tiring the attiiVtifa la ,
'oer touch with all tin- agrtruttural '
i.tiHtssea. stipph-int-iitltig the practical
work with a courar of bsi-turea and
tudli'a thitt tll aimplify lb aclctK
of ngrlculture
Tin- Is nu hna mt ettrtigwl lo PX
w rt pmcticnl work Ith aolU and
nits, the tra im) Mining and marketing
oT crops over a wide range of rllmat
with n variety of soda, embracing
tunny portions of that mi which lie
betwi-n the foot hUU of the llnrfcr
Mountains and luig Uliind In New
ork Mate, ii n l fr-nu the r-iitral iwrt
of C'ntindn to the I . verplmb-a In Ktor
Ida, and I" n-.vr in addition to bla
work lit V inoim d'ri-tlnp the recla
mation of n l.i tract of tidal Innda
on the ( oiue eticui I .,nt He tt)Hrt
this ntid o'ber !uiMrtiiiit fenlnre of
liii exiM-ri.-ne,. to tl - ! u-loiita, and
iim i'mis to prepare v ism - tiM-tt to take
up this cvpert wotk e lei lntinilv
'iirming. lie i n thoistmgh U lu-ver In
he i vtension of our pnsTlf r and tha
ut.'iis.' of tin. stren-th of ltd' tint loft
through the development of our a f rt.
ul'urul riKouri.-ii, mij donl with th
problem ton, i, print ii-nl jsilnt of
view. lb- . nniious to luaupurato a
movement ti, t d Hit the
iii.ptoiemeiit of th,. nlHindnned fariua
in the laist. eoiiilnuliig wiitwnrd ra
taking up thus., putts of tlm, 1. wIm m- fnriuiiip U carried uq
r irrii'iitmn, trulniiig juung hm-o
i n iiv mg
"' Tin tuny
II greater llsuiu Hum
' iy,,1- hundrisl dollar aular In tb
for extensiot,,
now m Krcatdsr.cae,
can help you tts b.
own future. fVnr;
Winona Ajrto?ff!j
r s - fUjs-.
""X '.f:,i:
Is'i ! U MaaAtfaatW w
' -1 i u,t imi
KrJ S in .1
1 frl mm
to i-
im m o ,,m0r'
a rr mt xut tm f
IM Ink l Vft
l r am '
ttmm Ml
as U
r :
rs t
t 1
i i : : j
ll ll i 1
on n uii,. 1 1 ............ i , '-r & r 9 r
lemonstriiimg tl,, t.-n .-r.s ,l-r ,m II fSl TfTifU.. '
Tr V - I ,
,i .. "" " va. kt '''Klr'" cKTJT.
j"";ei your inom y
buy ost. ;r.s.ui
wl Ui when
uti'l the oroi ,.r ,,. . . .
i tib"uu..h... .... . '' N't know.
, ' ' Vl',11,1,. I,. ,1
. mid he tIlllnt ,i,(',rT-,
Refuse ,,,H,,,,ptl)n7 vU i"'"U
'me that all toll,-. ,i , '""V U-
LZ1 l" mi, fld lh .
lioU.1 bv ,l..i ... .. '""lllllo-
V u w ill limj o i '.''''i
imo i . - ,.
....7 ,,
lO Mipply Al
t' 111 s
u. kluH' Ariowi t 'oiiute
j""'ei:tn, lc
y in
.....r i. in , ,,,, u
s-illco. value rUV he ) Collee V ' a l'1?'"' A tU' '"'
' an 1 ho., :,!i'.':.l,','tUrlfa
n.i. . iu aiuiiuiop... ..V."
m 1. "W i IIIM V,rfl . . VWIII. 1.
"."'i! il,r .v- .d n Kaw iZxT.
. A' "Wl fl V. .. ffl EjflH. m.
" "l 7 yi-urk ' ,M1 ' wrlto first f, th T IZSi
' 1 ia juctur,., . ' " Hs,k aDn
jwhn.u the mj,;
Mutes. NVlier ,::, . . '
biyihtie... ,y ,'',r "' "r fimrmous
'f t ii toflw bcumi.J.I m P"
I',K and Hll,'ur. I ""K ot r,b
tl'v dchoouH CV,;; j b.lct
skilled blending," i t ', ' - du" to r
rd AhuckW
ArmuY;:::.,, -
"r l.Ul mom-y ,.,r r ;. . .
siiitnni T
l'e IULTiH .1 '
1. vil -
ius 10 aiviiutur...
1 (obiakaiif. v:r",c -
ptwnts Is-fort roe w"
W hat i the uavj r f
cents a poind b I
aa good u Ai hutkiw
Addre-si oiM-OvaM-
rt Wirtr snw.
ka Mleliii L:
Ul-ru "Vp
tU Bout b iwn i