Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 07, 1906, Image 5

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    Synopsis of Preceding Chnptrrn.
Jumna Aila'tia, irrn.ltintn nf Wpet I'oliit and,
KtinMMMtii r iiu'wnWillv nf Aii"-rlrni iitniiti
fi tlirti, I'l I'mIi at llin i.iitlu.nk nf Ilia
ftIH I llttl 1IHUI W lir ll.l iDltf-lUlHI III iMtlllNIII
rm oitlliltlir f., f, it'll li, nml miff" if
'K i,i.rl, ll luilloiHi I M-i kn ft till!
( Iml4-i l.aiiimny In in.rl lu-rii 1'rnln... Iln Is)
ri ml Mini tiv I mini liifiiiiMir sdn'tgli.
Inr. AllIM". IHl W I.,U Ill- III II ImVk. Tlll
II.TIIiiiII MIIIIV M. .11.. i mill IjiIiiw iimmiii
lilt I lllltritll. A.ltll fU'lllM R llt-rillltll 1-l.llMil-l
liu li. Ii,iii-. AHtf , iiimI Ih Hirnwii tn llin
JliMir liv Hi. KniiM-r. wirti h I In- in iiiijiitiiit.-l.
Ill' U .-.I lulu dm lli-riltuli rtrtlijr, i'tiinl
In un nf I'li'iiill t-oliinili, mill Inter
klll llm II. rilinii iiiluiii'l, llrlt'Ni.iitn Mini Iiiin
nrr-i.t Aim.- f.,i nll-unl i r In llm
r i,m ir r'rvt.. h ir Ari.-r i.t i til. lltf til tiig
HN"liiit llin Hriii tt. Ailniln I J.l. Iii.l liy liv a
r lrl,.-i nlr ati ni,, J Ho ,,( i, w.Na n l,ri.',n
i.Imu rim llm ifr.-M i.ntnl li n, ln
fltM-iK urn iintilliilntnl lit ti.iiirfrt nikI i'rrllln
ImplnniWilM nf w nr. Mr I In n iM'ln n.ill in nlr.
ship for llt-tl.l, M li.TI Alinnn llftft lltki-U rt'fillfO
wiiii ruusiiia timing Hi hih.
ll A I-l I II VIII
-A I llllVI' llll.-'l, Ii.iM II,.- icriftl IiiimiI
IihiiIm wiiii in i r. my nl..'i-tw nun HiUh-i,
ml my mr. ll,. ml Aim, ,' Hut li n i,.,l
may In mill tit mi i-li- n I Inn i.f n I Ii..ii.iiih
lanla nvir nlrMiiu" n.iii.tii- mul ,h U . u(
rtiim n liiimlri'il 1 1 1 n 1 n nn ti nun
wlilili Inn'ii 1 -.1 I, hi n mnKip linn-.
llrllii'l, lift I l'i li 1 1 ti 1 1 i n. It, l'..lii l.i illl In
HiiNIn il t'Y lift lil.'liiiHl. ij fl, ,v, ii
Mllli ft ftlrlllni liiiiiliimik I ii kii l.y. .1 i r k
in i nini' up,, ii in., nmi ia mill i riil liiic
m.iint, ii.lim 1 1 1 v t;l:i. In iiln.
Willi iiii.ii.linf I r,i!iinil ii, y . nil In. v i.f
Ihr .n linrn inn I.. inf. iimi Into In lli,.
f iir-ii.M.n ilu. nt ,-r il ll.i. in. n, .ml. rv. J i.
I.-. Ii-. n I. mm I Hi M i l..i.i. I t, ih.. Rlnuly
i illiit to i nrtli
lliolnir .ii-mi i.i vi iit ttmift i,i r Hi.- ill-liiKi-
I Klia llm ,I.Ji-i t nf niin-l, nil, nil, ,ii,
ml nhrti I ImihI.iI llm lll.ii rn nu, Di M
..rlii i II.. i ti ll in hi i- tin- l,l. 'I In v i,if
nmifli, liiu I. r. mill 1'lnHft, ii ml nl rlk'lil nf
Iny ;.-r!irwi iiiiirnrtii llii-ri w.t iiim h
luiirlltftf. I umtlil Ihr ..r, "n.v" kftiTliI
liiii 'I In v I,, inn,. i mi- In. iln- rr.iw.j
111 ri-Mhlhif In tniiiil.i rn. h.inii- lii-i-,unr uiiirti
f. In.l, fi nl.. 1 1, :lf. in,.) ,-ilil,i,tf In t.rn
Vliirlnl I' rrn.'li I w.iH i-tillri-l iiniiriii.-.l, nn-l
mill Imw iii fur n mlinili' niinlniit
m il n Ii'.hI'-
Ai'pri-ln imlvi- i.f Injury frnin I tin iiukm'
Vri-li. lilni li, win. i rn ulili'Ully lint In
i '
'lnivr-l-- , . -
tor wllli Hi tii riLiiti nnlUli ry. I tliuiii;lit In
iiliT ttiu nlilp iiml il.'pitii. Hut t i y tlrnt
iiniM-iiii'iit wnn Ini. -rpri Ini n. hlnmt
thi trottil riinl.r.l In, litnmli.-liliit tilirlj
fi rkn, H. tlhi-., nml rlulm. nii'l In it frniiy
of rntt" f. II lip' li li, y lliir nhlp iiml fnirly
tor lirr to ph. i n So lnl. lil iti' tin y on
t oiiiplrlltii! HiIn pi.'. " of ill -.1 rui tloii Hint vtnn tll-l niiti'.l frmn in", nml I
tiiriiril nml run ronn Hi II. hi. f.illowril n
1 1 . i ii 1 1 - ii f Intir I'.v tin nlml" in. id, nl i rn imIiik
MfliT ini' nml nlimil In- ".-'p, npy. t iitrli
I fl-lt n loVtlinl, tit tlllT" WilH no
Altiriuitlvr. It wnn tllk'hl, IrnomliiloiiM
IIhiiikIi It I"', m )'-! 1 1 1 , in, 'I 1 iUh. il in I" Mi
Hi uii'uilow, lioiiii.ini oti-r n friir" Into
th r.'it.l, nml lh il f'.r nh. lu r -nny w In rr.
llnvlliif ti kiiiiiI Min i I Iiml k'nlin il hiiiiii-w lint
on tny .u t hiiith, jiii'l ii ft or 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tf n frw
t, ii tul nil iir.ln 1 nlrmk tli" iniilii roml lit
till" Virv ' I ol HIT W In T" III" rlllllrlllt
In wlilrli llvi'il Almi'f'ii "inn-Inn. I ri'i'"!-- III" pill. " Illlllli'llllltl'lv, iiml Willi ti lIl'H-
in nit" Ilk Unit nf u liiiuti'il tin r.
ilnrlril lulu Ihr Knli'iiml thri'UKli Ihr .ronniln,
tli rtilil'lr HiiriiliiK iiflrr in". Klrnlxlit ti
th lironil ilih" I run, tlirntiKli tlu front
il.'or. n lilrli nl.iinl opi li, lilni Into tli" tlniw
Irilf riimii, wlii ro I nn nk iipnil n itmrli. The
Ill-lit llinllll'llt II Wnllillll "lltrri'il tli" nniiii
I In ui il Hi mwIkIi ff lor l.lrtn timl In-r
llirlit foolHii p. I lonki'il up It wim Ainu".
1'tir n lirli f pi-rloil nhr ilhl not rrcois'iil."
ni. Willi will" npin Imr Imml on lirr
Imnrt, limit hlnir rnllly , nlm Htnml mul III III" InlTM llf til" t-lirilL'I'll nHSIMII-
I'lUK". Kli" wnn iIiihxiiI III Mm- nml wlitti
1 ho miiiii" -jo w n nli" wiitv wlirti I nrMt miiw
In-r. AkiiIii nli" win my nmfi l of lonifnit.
I nnm(. nml Id out my niiH. "Almro,
I null). . .
That I wnn dlMliHvel"1, Imt. l.y. IiiiHi'Mm.
tinnlmvpii, nuiil illtTrrniro to tlilii ili'iir
ITlrl. With il llltl" "I'V of riTO,'tillloii nil"
ran to ui", ilri'w mo ilown upon Hi" lom h.
nml put hrr fin n mln "It. my
hr wlilhpi riMl. "My Hull lii iirti'il Jninl". I
In nril that ymi wi-r ili-nil. I thuuulit I tun!
lout vim fnii'ViT "
Tor n Inli'f mlinit 1 Imt l"" '"
Thru tl rim of th" iini;rv rmwil oiilslil
rnnif In in v "HIM. 'I'hi'j' IniJ Mlopliiil nt th"
i lit I'll in1". 'J'hi'V fniri'il to roiii" fiiilliiT.
Spv, miv," th"V rrli'ii. "I. it un tinvn I In
tiiriiinn npv. Kill lilm. Kill lil'i'-"'
At 1hln JuiK'l lira- Il linrnh uiani'iillii" volio
I.. .Minlr, I In Hut Imll. thi'ti lit thi mitiT ilonr.
"Atvnv with von. vnrlilM. How ilur ymi
I'liti-r ' in j kioiiiiiImV Utirk, I Miiy. Awny
' '" " . in .
ThioiiKh th window I miiw th vIIIiiihtji
nllnk u wny, llkt whlppi'il ', I'hi'.v ri'iinnl
th nnpr of tln-lr iiviT-lottl. 1 iltvw u
li'iiir In i n t ti of rrlli-f.
hinliliiilv th curtiiln nt th" dimr vn
flllllK llnlll" mill Mll'lllfll 1 nniii
Mroil" In. II" looki-il lit m tlrnt nml Hmn
I Allnt'i-. "How now," h" miiI'I hiirKhly.
"Vlllliin. whnt would you linvif Hi' l4',
at wllh I'lt iii ht'il llslM, nml I nroMO tn
confront t ti Ih lii'W iIiiiikiT. It'll Aim"
l"ppt'il In front of nit' mid f ' '"'r iim l"
with Inr Ili-nil iri'it mid lilmlnn ';
"II" Ih mv Iovit," Mh" wiiii iirouillv. "II"
Iiiih i" lit'ii- for iirolfi lliiii. I ""'''I l"
find hliu iih Iiiiik un I hiivii lift' In my
I't'dy." y .,
A Miuir I'urli'd I li tiiiiloM llpH. "our
lovi-r." In- Miild illMiliiliifully. "Vonr lovir
tiiili'id! A (liTiiinii Miy, Hi" I'ti'iniil ftii-my-Wlin
I do von iiii'iin, (,'lrlV llnvo you lh" "f
froiiliry tu t"ll m thlnf" 111m mIioI
lint" nt' int. "Out with ynti. Imli-li mi'iiiii.
tut of my Hl.'lil. I will lint lini'lior you
in iilli my roof." Kit ndvmiri'd und took
Aliiiiii ro'uKhly liy tli" it riu .
I mii w t tut t the oii'iinliiii wiim nil" for
dlpl nry mttlifr linn foiri'. Th tint'l"
wun four Inrlit'M my tirlliT In hi'li'lil, Iiml I
il. ml'l. it not that u fou lil Miituuiuii a ( ''re
of kvnautM UJuy ttvcuutl. I pnkti
; :..r;'-.,--rr,' . .--vj,.i:i'
v . '
gfiillr nmi In'fn.r ! rrcmli,
"V'nir knw icl v-a fi-n irlniliinl a lif fir
Ills' Nlr, I miii nn Ami rl. nn, llniuili my
Hiilfiiiin KM iiki 1" llii' rniitrnry I nllilili-il
fr.'iii in;- nlr nhtii liul n fi-r inlnnii-n nlm i-,
ml vn Iiiiiih illnli ly iilim ki-il l.y llilx mnli
In llin niinri-iil lii'lli f Unit I n in n ili-rmiin
xiiy. 'iiiilii-r fur n in lit wlmt ihhmIIiIi.
iiIi)i-i- ii ,y mlulil liiivr In In 1 1 1 1 1 r (f In till
null. li, hi-rn IIiiTi- itri ni llln-r Irnniin nor
fur llfli'iil Inn. Mni.ln.ili-ll.. rliinka truly
I inn fi-u iimri. IIi-hi ln-r Imi-r, I miii tier
flnm i-, nrii'iiti it lijr tin- I'tinnt i.tiK'nmT-t-'iiri-ly
I miiy i liilin rllit I'l i .'iirl. ) frmn
liln liruilii-r ,r
lint my npi-i-rli lui.l Ml Hi- ff,'i-t iinlift to
Im n-iifti- III Mli;rl III i-yi'H I1U1.11I lip
lyiilii. "I.Ii-m, Id n nil," In. i-irluliiii'il ' I
t 1 1 )"i I will nut Iiiim" ymi In my tiuiim-."
Hi- 1 11 nn- tiiMHnl mi' lliriiiti'iiliii'l
I kIii ny.-il my nlioiiMi'rft. "Vi-i y (.hmI.
I will U' " 1 Kinrliil tuHiinl tin' il'Mir, Imr
Alini'i rhltig tn mi, Ihf Iniirn rulilillikT il'iwli
In r 1 lni'kn. I'll. .iiii.Iv nliM pl.-inl. il ulili In-r
11 1 1. 1 1 , lint to iii n vii II Ho Kliirini-il up nmi
Hum 11 Hi roimi, i-tirwlfiif tin I JiTiimiiM Mini
Mil III. Ir kill. '1 Inn A I iii.- n fn. ml In Hint
Ai.lllllllly .1. Il-rilillllll lull lll' linVV'il III I Till-
ul 1 11. iil. 'I nkliiK my ImiiiiI Mir li 'l mi'
lulu lli Imll, nmi ilii-iii-o tn tin' riiir ..or.
wlnri. nn i-tli-noln- Kiinlrii ntri-lilnil ny
In n w111.1l. il hill. If.-r uiiiio mi. .ml
miii. ilUliimii I.i-IiIii. I, wnlrliliiir un rmi
imnly. "Arum yiimli-r hill )u will flnl n
n.ii.i II. nl 11 III Inki vim to tin rllrni " II. r vnli'x mnk mil clmrlr. Hli
n.'t nfMil.l u ilmw ln-r 'iiliir. "Tliouirh
),,ii nn- liiiiii fiilly In nt-l tii ro ymi ri'
ii'i l m my aii. Hnnn I nhnll tn tnn-k nt
I ..nrnuiiv. Mini my fnlln-r nmi I "III " I
1 'ini' .iii ttir re. ln, my loviv"
In put li.-r 1 1 1 ,M In mlnr. 'I In n In .ini. k
wl-l.pi-r: III. I11 In tin wihkIn imlll filfht.
I 1 1 In tin' ic'ili- "'"I ) "" w M'"' "
.iilt nf ilnilnn 11ml iniiiii'y. V011 run imt
iriivi l In tin-" " I pri'imi'il In-r linml,
llppr.l IIV4II) ttirntu'li tin icir'l,'r. M1t I'f
tin- k'nlo nmi ) tn tlif rlii Hit f tin"
I.11I f tin I iilliit. fi-lliiK Ilk n
il.-ii:, I hi nn It 11111111111 tin ilntkiH-nM in lti
I.itrk ictii' 'I h'i 1111 tin K.r"imt I fiinrt'l
n null i.f il'illn-a 111. 'I n liul -.mluil'lv
taki-n fr.1111 tirr i-uithlirM rlnM't nlii Iri'l
Mmi 11111I1 i-nnMliift v Ini v, ir nfTln-rn In Hi
I r.-in Ii iirmt 1 I 1-1I my l nn
M.'rli unlf'iriii, Mini In ft fi-tv mliiiiii-n :m n
fairly ili'.-i ui I-r-m It k-i-nlli'iiiiiii In n
fuM-kft i.f Un r.inl I ftiiiinl n j.uri- r.iii
.1 1 nl 11k' tiii'iii-v luhlrli I ill. I not ii ml pni'i r, will' li I funk to l.i' n until
V A H Till-: fli.l I : "T OF .Mtt'll All i:tion.
from All 1 klsniil It nml put It lint my
lii'ttrt. Thi'ti with ri'iii'Wfd roiirnni' I
ntrui'k out for Hi" mIiiiIkii. Two li..nrn Inlrr
I wiim ou th inlilnlnht txprrMi I'urlH.
At tli flrnt opport unity I took out
Alinri-'n not". It wnn n tiMnii-r Hill" i-plnllt',
full nf lot" nml proti'MlutloiiH of loyiilty.
She kiiv m th" nilitri'KM of mi liitliniit"
i:li'l frit'iiil In I'nrlM thrnucti wlimu 1 could
nniii li'tlt-rn, nn opportunity of wtilih I
look dully nilvitutiik'e diirlntf tin tu-it ten
Ui-iicliliiif Turin t-urly In thr uinruliiK I
mini my wny to my old rininm, took n
I. nth ith" trl In miinr itiivnl nml iloniiinl
r.iinllliir ami Wi ll llllllin- rl.illirn. Th" ilr
1 1 1-1 1 1 of lirliik' nark In my old linuiitn,
tvny fi.'iu htrlf" mul ilmiKi r. wtrn m pr"
It'll', th.'iu'h 1 IoiiimI In huv" Aluii'" with
ui". From tli" ni'W HpnptTn I found Hint (in
iirinlntlr" hud lii'tli ili'i liirt'd t'lont' on ttiu
lii-t'ln of th" Kf'at lillnl nmt nt-u I'll 1 1 lot.
l'Trnlilt'iit ItoiiMi'ti'lf mid K 1 if IMward
wit" imikluic nlr"iiiioiin fffortM tuwnrd
p"Brp, nml ii'nMi"i'ti wit fiivnrnlil". Tht
in-rumiiM tin. I wlthitrawii Into lirrfllott.
Tin Knlnor wnn In llrrlln.
Thnt nlflit 1 rfturiH'd to tlio rlnli, nml
wnM ronllally W"l"oui"d liy my old onno-i-liiti'N.
llrnnist'i'M wnn ut work on hlrt
faiuoiiH Mtittii" - th il villi; tii'iitTnllnslmo,
thoiirii mi t ii'iiiTit I InnIiuo Iiml lirrn "Iomo
inoiiirli to tli nirhtlnif lino to ;"f "vru
hi-rnti'lii'd : lluvrnrd hnd loani'il th (iov
triiiiii iit tin mlllloii frnm'n tut n fair luti-r-"Nti;
Moiik'rrvnl piiif.Hsi',1 to lu In hourly
I'tpri'tiillou of n Mumuioiin In iiii'iiil'i-rslilp
In Hit' I'rlli'" ('oiiiiuIkhIiiu. All toncui'H
wit" I'lMttt'i'lnif Willi th iclorlouM hiiii'I'ih
of lh Kri'iii'h iirniH, 1 1 1 . 1 1 k' I for th" llf" of
ni" I mold not nr" that "llhrr nhl" Iiml
k'lilmil th" li'imt M.lviinlnifi.. told Hi
nlory of my roroniiolnnnni'", of Hi ili'iith
of Mm lint nml lttfhfr, of my rntituri' liy
llin tiiTiiiniiH. nml my iMimpulNory norvli'
In Hi" llunniirn, omlllluir rrfrrrinp to my
piirthlpntlon In the miIuh! flul'tliiK. Wn
lalUi'd for bourn, at", nli'tit, and talked
I had liffii In Turin n work wln-n ljtour
nppt'iti'i'il. frt'Nh from I.oinlon. whom Hi
1't'iHt" ('miiiiilhwloiirrn wt-rt w tiiii).'IIiii ovrr
ti'i'iiin. 11 ri'Kiirtli'd mi roldly nl llrnl. hut
waiuiinl up whrii I told dim Imw I lutd
tili'iiilt'd for lila llf", mid lioty my nwi'rf
lu'iirt H turrlnn" bud lu'i'it the iiii'iiiih of
liln I'Hi'iip".
I.nloiir also liroiiKht lii'W of the nrrlval
In I'arlH of n Initrli of (irniiiin prlsnm-rn,
iitl iiifil ut Moiitepi'lli'r. Willi H HiiildiMi
linpt' In my lit'art I li ft the party iih noon
an poNMltile mid limited up the barracks
tvlit'ie the ii'Imoii"I'm were tiuarti'i'i'tl. An
I Iiml vak'iit'ly expi'i'tt'd I'li'lni'lnminii wnn
iimoiiK tlii'in, ' Kiilli'ii nml illHli"iii't"ii"il, Imt
well, lie wiib overjoyed to nee me, think
ing me dt'inl. I found llltl" tlllTli'iilly In
Meenrliiif liln reli'iinv IhroiiKh my friend.
Ciiplnin Mniilii'iiii.', mid took lilm to hit
roiiiun, wlitie I MUiniiioiied n tailor ami
mail" KIi'Ihi'Iiiiiiiiiii Into ii Kreiii'huiaii lis
l.tiut'iiliei'lf had lnii liefme tiiriiril me In
to n tleiuimi IniHMiir. Tliell I iinfoliled to
him a I'lnn In whl. h lie Jul I ht-artlly.
II wiih uolhliiK Ii'nm Ihaii mi expedition to
I'.i-lhrl, nml iirtually hii'iiIIiik Aliuee from
her iiiii'I"'m Iioiih".
I.ale the next ulKht we left I'nrlM a ml In
the moi'iilliK were lit lletliel. I had Jiill
poM'ly Krowu il lieard. nml folt eertaln flint
1 it. nilil not he rri'iiK'Ulfd tin tlie (irniian
Ilifnre leiiviiiK I'm i'l h I Iiml unit u letter
to Aluire ti'lllni; tier of my plan. We
Ki'i'Ui'eil It tin in two half Mlnrveil liorni'M
nml n lumliei Ini; rarrluite, the hi nt Hi" town
Nlalile iilTordi'd -nml nt midnight. lenvliiK
Hie I'lirrliin" In a neiirhy Kl'ove, went to the
hark Kate of the t'liiiteiiii. The pri'iirninifnl
hIk'IimI, the lioot of nil owl thrlre rt'iieiiteil,
wiim nnnwert'd liy th nppeiiriiue of a dim
Unlit lii Alnire'n room, nml ireneutlv mv
wettUfurt ppturt'd at tu Kate! followtrd
dy lii-r innl'l InnrliiK l.iimlln nf rlotli.
I t'Mik my ili'iir mi In my nrinn, t'ovi-rliiK
mr Kivi'iy run' wiiii nipiM'ft. j iien we
linrrli'il tn llin rnrrlnKi'.
Hut IIhiiikIi I"v will nlwnyn flml n wny,
nn rmiM Ihr n. minit. Hi" rln-rnli In winir-
tlilM'n linlki'il. tii'inn w I'oiilil fntir imr
rnrrliitf w iilim-rvi'il t r tf t t IlKtitn In llin
wlinl.iwft nf Hi i liiil. nn, hiiiI lirnnl nlioul
nmi tlm n .1111. 1 i.f wlii'i'ln In tin Mtnlil"
ynr.l II wun Jtti-11 II111I tin- mii'l tin. I
ftoini'linw li'iiriii-il nf Hi t'liipi-mi'iit. AIiih-a
wnn li'irlllril, Hli liif'irmi-il in Hint ir
I wn iiiiinliift lirul Imt tin. ilny ln-f.r r
liiriinl frmn Hi nriny, nmi wit Imul In
llii'lr iilmw' nf Hi itiTiniui niTli'i-r who Iiml
won In r MfTi-rllnm. Ili r lift? Iiml bicu A
liitrili'ii nliii'1 tny vlnlt.
W iippllril Hi Khlp, rii'lw limiiiin ilrlv.
Iiitf, Willi 111 nt liln Ml'l". whlln Ainu' nmi
III inn hi nut lirhlii'l. 'lli r'.iul wnn Mlllixilli
Mini fur nniii" inlli-n w p'iln 'I mi wll hotif
nil-' 11 nf piirnult. 'l li hli-hi hint lii-rii ilnrk,
Imt fmw Hi" lii'iivv Ioiiih drnk" nwny, nmi
w" wuit ou tliruuKli ttiu brltllaut uioou
IlKl.l. It wnn nxnrltiir ilnwn wlmn I ln-nr1 tti
Moiinil of liiH.f In-iiin I,, hli,, I nn. nmt Inter Hi"
Mliniitn i.f imr piirhiirrn. nrt'lnif tln-lr Imr""
tntr ti-iini wiih mi imii'li f,,r ttii'lri I kiiw
tlnil " in 'i -1 fin" tin. mimli' 1, ml liiivi It
out on th" r.niit. I'li'lw'liimiiin tin. I liln own
plnim, h.iMrvrr. An Hi f.nrx.ilfiy ti-nii-iln-w li (fiivi- 111" Hi" IIiiim. "I will
nttrml li, lh" irnrll" -ntrn," li unl'l ipili-lly.
I Imir ni i-.l vonr In lp; Imt I... tn ilrh"
Otl Wllll'.lll III" Win n I V" til" Wiinl.
Th" ilii'.hliiu: triiiii pnui'.i un nmi ttnpp"1.
'I'lir.-i' iih'ii Inipi'il from lln -i rr In i.
AIiiiii 'm iiik'I", whom I rii-ouril.i'il l.y lilt
hi'li'lil, irinnpi-.l Hi" lirlitlm of our liorian,
wlillr lh" I tvo i-iiiinIiim run tnU'ir'l tin.
An lliry i-miii" lti rji'lMf'tilnMiiri nlrpp"i In
III" j." r 1 j 1 I . S run Mh ' .- 1 1 , 1 1 -1 1 ' I li - r
l.-irllli' l iii'iiit i.f Mn irriit ll-ln In ttirli-
fll'-l-w. 'I hry Vti'llt 1I0WII III n In-np. till"
wnn Hlnnni'il; th" ofln-r in-niml.h-ii In liln
fri t iiml rn-hi'il- w Hilly nt I'li'lu linmnii
Willi no 1.11 III, Willi" til" till Mini", pl'l
ri'hliiK iii'i-it i.f din nMHtntiim-", iuvrim-i"l
l.nin.ll'.hhi'.' 11 Inn.'" nwnnl, Mr wnn l."lil"
liliiii-.lf wlih mif "riil"in! lloi.lii-r ! ii-m;'' In- wi. 11 rt.-.l .
At tit" flini. It wnn tnii'lr; tiow, nn I
riv-lill th III' I'l. III. I Irili-ll. I'li ln lilli illll
wnn ho "on!, no r'K'iiiri-"f nl, no mlihiy.
II" pli'ki'.l up Hi" "init-lti, in ruilirr mui'II
IMIIIII Willi I'.ltll lilimlH, lift. 'I Mm lltt'll In
lh nlr, nml liroin-lit 1,1m ilown villi tr
rllil for"" upon lli tinrli-'n In-ii'l. 'Mhti
wnn n i-lirli'k of pnln, n ln-.i v y irmnii, nii'l
fliry wini il'.ttn .i"i In r In llm il'inl,
"I nit" on" r.mri-il ! .-l .-lim.-iini, itttil I
wlilp'.-i llm Imr Ini.. n i.'ilop. A
mil, un- ll.i. r I In :ir. lh hi. -inly li.-nt of
llOiif-t I'l-hlii-i ,:l, 1H, l.-Nrhm.-lllll flpril-fir-l,
iiillluif ifinnl ti iinri'illy nml moiiiiti'il nn
ni" i,f tin, I'ltrriiiK liorsi'n. II Iiml i-ui tli
trnri-n, n n 1 turm-.l th" mtnr Immo lmi-,.
Hum I'fTii-liinlly . I . 1 1 1 tr Hi pnrmilt.
Atiii. i- l,.i. I iii nrly f.iliil.-. Hh frlfht;
Imt uii'li-r lh" t-nr of li.-r ihmI.I nil noon
r.-K'nliti-. tn-r i-oiMi.oi.iir", nml wi ilrov
nn i- inly ii. mt of fnrltii-r In
ti-rruptlon Sl.i.rt I v nfi. r it.iwn wo -.tnppril
nt it nn:ill ti.ttn. tiri-ikfin-fi"!, nml fiflrr "nn-
miliiiiliiii il.-. in Iniv th ti'iiin ami
tiiL" th" tr.iln f..r r.irl".
Al tin i-i.ii..u niiiilln-r Miirprlni- nw:iii-l
nn. An tin- Irnlii fmin tin- K..uih filli-l tn.
a illi-'iilii. 'I nii'l li:iii'Nnmry milfi.ri.'ir'l
I ri in Ii nflli rr un" frmn nu of th" wnlt
liiK r.M.n.n. Ainu-" rnilu-il l'.:ir. l.lin wll'i
:i in i.f ili'11-.-lii. It wnn tur f'lllii-r, tin
I'.'i.nt l.iii-iiiiny, whom wi- nnu
" '. . n. . -W-
IneD Hi" day l.i f.. re the Invasion. IT"
I. .l IIH thill I'.arr 1 1 ... 1 turn 1 1 i-ihl I l-ll . II"
wan Journiyliit; nortii to llrilnl. nfur
Aliure, nml h...l nio.peil I'viriilfht for a
rent. It" w rh .unr.l me eoraj.illv. and InTir
ItiK Hie Hl"i v uf our i l-'i'i in. nl and my
Iri-atiinut nt'tli" IuiihIh of liln l.rollii r. do-
ia II I t liul t.i r,, , lietht'l, tillt to r. llllll
w Hit Us to I'm Is.
A week later the In-lln mm; -.wei'tly In
the tower of the lllsloile t hllli ll of the
Madeleine, niiif In the preheme of my coo.l
friends, wllh 1 1.1-huiaiin un l.t-st iiian, I
led my Alniie to the Hilar.
Th" Chateau l.ak'una t . relinlillltated.
sIiiiiiIh In slali ly k-nne amid the trees ou
the l.lltlkH of the MellM', Allllee Is nwrett-r
nml lovelier Hutu ever. Here we upend part
of our leisure, taktiii: tn'raslonal liuslnens
Irlpn to AnuTlen. Kli'lsfhinanii In with un
always; l.nlmir and my elult frlemln eoine
often to Hpeml n holiday. C'ermany nml
I'raiiee lire filemls through the lullueuee of
titir erent Hoonevelt. In our nlnnle of
pent' nml luippluesn the tient of druuiH anil
the elnsti of nwonls In forirotten. Life la
BWVt Imleeil nfler tin- eoulllet.
Tin: i:nu.
Mrs. Jcuuin V. Taylor.
v vr.-. . r:- .
i ' s7 -sJSAA'-
tu ii v '., , i 7;.-irta
r i
Tlit inoronso In tl" nunilirr of
wtiiu-n cnKiiK'oil In Uio lnuiklng
Inisltics9 Is very notlct'itlilo, eppw
inllys In tin nilililli West, nrnl, bo
l'nr as known, not one woman
t'litrnsfi with a .'Rpons'lile bank
iniHltloii lius fulled nr betrayod
the ennriiloufe reposed In Iter. Ono
of the most succt'ssf ul if these hanker
women Is Mrs. Jennie ( Taylor, irin
eipal owner anil inn tinker of the Hunk
of Melvlu, liitlinn Territory. It Is
saltl that -Mrs. Taylor, who, liy the
way, is it Cherokee Indian, holding
some slock in the luink and not satis
fied with the niuiiiiKeniotit. tptletly
lioilKlit up n niajorily of the stoek it ml
then took affairs In her own hands.
How well she has sneceedetl Is proved
ly the slandlnK of the Institution, not
only in the, vleiulty, but lu the
territory. . . . ... . .
Some SuffffCnttlond for Summer
Orestes for Girls The Graduatlnc
f rock.
I!y MA HTM A t)KA..
Willi the 'Turf dnya" of Jtino at
luitid, thoro ire tunny ijiiont lonn ron
ceniliiK llif) wnnlrolM. whlih Inten-Ht
liotli ii in nl nml niritrun. .lime Is t hn
liiontli for wIkmiI hihI 1'iilli'K" k-rndun-llnfi
us well as for numerous woililingM
mid iiiuiiverMiirU's. It In also the
threMliold of Hittiiimir. nml iminy Inds
nml Iiimmi 1 are looking forwnnl to tho
time when they will bonnl tln trnln
for shore or countryside. June is stiro
to Is' it busy month, for there tire
fwkn to he fashluiied for IkiIIi old nml
young, it ml everything must Is- thought
out liefon-hnml so us to answer for
pnirtleal needs nml summertime com
fort. Tlie prndnjiting frock ! nlwnyM n
topic of Interest to the girl, for this Is
the tiny nf nil days Iter wlio l to
leiive Inr schiMil life bl'llllld, find It
must be i lli t tlie finest gown that the
fitmlly ciiii ufTuril. I'a diioti bus decreed
that tin ili'i'xs must in" white, and all
w hile, V Hi hot even il sash or bow of
color. It f-lmald also bo simple, ,ut
this dm- nut ini-iin mitt a great deal of
beautiful Iminl ttork may not be lavish
ed tiMiit It. In fact, in this day of
eXijult-Mi' etTi'cts, one could scarcely
I mi i-1 ii - ii t.'i'.iiii,itiiikr frock which did
not show u little elaboritlion of some
kind. Hut then., iiresnes are not elab
orate tin the sc.iie of mother's gowns
nor tire they very fusy In design.
The tiiulls and Swisses were never
nore charming and sheer than this
year, mul even the batistes, lawns and
tiHiiiKHi-liiii- ii- Holes fire verv attractive
und lid ci.-iis' . Silks are t
usisl fur the .ouiii; jrlrl'H wearing this
year, but the simpler fabrics are far In
the lead for popularity. The plain
mwIsh resembles thin organdie but Is
much preferred to the latter an It
wears better and launders well. If
this Is inset with a bit of fine lace It
tnukes iho daintiest frock Imaginable.
The princess Is the favirlte Rtyle for
the graduating dress and Is usually
made In a separate w aist and skirt and
Joined when finished. The Joining is
jiilte iiicimspif nous and does not mar
the beauty of the whole. The fullness
uhotit llie waist Is regulated by shirrs
or tucks extending from hips to bust
line or a bit below, Manv dresses are
made in the round waist and skirt
style, as It is one always iHs-oming and
sure lo be worn. The girdle Is of
wide luiiisine riblsin shirred in front
ami back to pieces of featlierbone
of the desired width. Some of the
dresses have round yokes of Insertion
or all over lace while others are
embroidered in some simple design.
The round and I Mitch sijuare necks are
very popular ami immensely becoming.
The skirts of these dresses are
round und full, sometimes trimmed
high with narrow rullles edged with
luce and again Inset with n wide panel
of embroidery or tucking und lace.
The double flounce skirts are very
youthful and pretty and especially BO
when made from wide embroidered
flouncing. This Is inexpensive and
makes very attractive frocks. They
are fitted about the waist by tucks or
gathers. SUs'Ves are of cllnnv length
or longer to suit the wran-r and may
ls finished with a ths'p cuff or a uar
now" rutlle of lace.
While many of th" thin summer
dresses for girls ami older people are
being worn over a eniureil slip this
year this is not allowable lor the grad
uating frock, although it may be worn
over the tiul.'d slip after the eVt'UtfUl
(Liy is passed.
MousseHno do soie is coming into
popular use this year for gowns bo
cause of its soft texture and inex
pensive tpiaiity. It wears well and
launders passably. For these frocks
i he narrow Valenciennes laces are
generally used, being inset into the
waist, skirt ami sleeves without stint.
The mousseline ! excellent for making
simple afternoon dresses in princess
style and many such are being worn
by the elect of society.
In considering the summer ward
robe, by all means first in importance
Is the suit of linen, madras or pongee
which gives so much pleasure and
comfort to the wearer from the fact
that It can be fresh and dainty for
each wearing. This frock sometimes
takes the form of the shirt waist suit
ami more freijuently, this season, the
coat suit.
T.lnen Is the most popular fnbrio for
the summer suit ami the little bolero
will figure widely In the fashionable
wardrobe. To one witli any pretense
of following the fashion, this little
suit will be Indispensable during the
coming weeks. It Is light anil cool,
easily washed and not expensive to
make, l.inen of good quality which
will wear and look well may be had
for '-Ti cents a yard, ami that 2 inches
wide. The skirts Of these suits are
gored or circular-gored meaning that
a straight edge meets a bias one at
each of the four seams. This last
named skirt will not sag like the cir
cular one ami yet has its advantages.
The skirts are little trimmed save for
a stitched fold or two though some of
the more elaborate ones show bands of
embroidery set in.
With tills suit Is worn the lingerie
blouse or one matching the suit. A
good supply of these thin blouses will
be necessary this summer for they will
appear upon every sort of occasion
and will be woru Incessantly. They
are far more dainty nan ever before
aud not more expensive. If desired
they may be made at home of flue
batiste or lawn und prove very dainty
and fetching.
Where the J7tAc (-of Its A'aiuc.
The word came from the Swedish
and is connected with Old Nick, an
evil spirit. The reason it is applied to
the metal we know as nickel is be
cause its ore, which Is copper-colored,
deceived the miners, who expected to
obtain copper from it
A normal cow in full flow of milk
will drink about 1500 pounds of water
a moutn.
fhe Kouth produced 3,219,037 long
toun ol pig Iron last year, an increase
of ti.'O.OUo tons over 1U01.
Number. 6-175 and MM.
l want Vy f-'Kxl stones of five hundred, a thmjsanrl, or lOfi wonls each
My price is half-a cent a word. If yru have a live tale of love or adventure which
some magazine has rtfused, it may be just the stvle I want.
J. V. WI TZEL, ruMIslier.
Whitehall Building, New York City,
Gray Hair Restored.
P.mlorei fny, fitrmlri"! or
Hlfritfii Ha.r or M 'mt&rs
In.taJitmaewaBlr. liireituiTmiili)
(P. in l.lht llram to Hlaek.
lliM-a nt aa p rmh olT. 4 on
Mi..n io pcu...ii and 1 n-t ntiPlry
n. ,r l-.-iut t,v &il drriL'i t
or we will lend too a Trial fur ilo.. ini-uud,
l-trce 7- '-iKl;t t.ui4-ii ait If your ilrurir.kt
d'.nt - 1 ' iind .l.r-t Ut u. ?Ti tr yu.'W
wrt.or " two pnrtiued from a driiisni
and we w. gire you a fiui-M Uxtie tor ntitiijug.
H AL.NC11. CO., M0&H OllrePt., Ut. Lvata, Ma.
ErtlTlTuftrttion. BproSact the tUivlArd rylinifr rcnl
UeU od lU root exffcttiiire nirhinc, ttd ve vend pi t'olunibi
Hji-g rrc rd with etu:.i phonofrph. Ila ball cri rtmi rpridw
poiut, p(ent hirn retrt, Urz h-jrn. Utt d-n n,otnr, aitl Ui
Zurertior. prin tnri:i:i are th m w r en lh r ex
pentiiv tn h iir. T.'u tiiAcrtirt it jX iid lutied utxlcr ti
jtt': th Ammrirmn P.i iti.'tjraph Co. Yudo--t hawti'turn
h!ni . to make tint m'niue to k. tinf or pi brwl Mictinf
but y u niiip y wind tre dm-. iTritifr; tixe macniDety ttirt tin
J ou m-'-vt t?ie iUrt lver,t;! th powruor kt iht p n-runtcr
dtuittd. T'lU-i'U'tidid r.utT unit, ill vhole nttrtfttDnMt.t bur. au
lo .tae.f. It i ab.'!utf!r the her t,d m-( valuable ta.ainfl
niftchine which haa ever been C rr-rt to b" ftiJ firU"lut
lug ftnT hnnafh iid artke We it trrt rr afllu ft ui;ir k
aitra 'A HLI IXK at lu centi a pa a. ape 1 here are 2 ;-1 a tn rm h
ptu-kaaTe.a auCjcknt am-'Ut.t fi.r L-4 ordjna.'T wa hirn arl vry
fiouaewit can luftke g --d uae of KLI IMi ererj tune theie are any
eldtnea to wnth- HLI (Ml a ik very eai,y and jucaii(juirk;y tarn
our Uikinf niachine d-t-acritxd ve " Ki:d u yuur nftnie mud
addre. We trual you it: t!. hli IE ud ari.d y'ur i-reniium
the mait dar that t.'U return t.ur re eivid fr-m the vaicof -ur
:.Kdi. V e'iruamiitre ail "U- prv tniunif t give aatiitaotiou. Writ
itidiy. (W are the tld reiiabU rt'in wh.' have cv n iiv ijtm.uju
praiainauin thelart Vyeart). Addrvo ItLl INK MHr
l$Mid bt, CuiiCurd J uqcUoo, Ala.
ti'; -""Hi J v t
mj Mul
I f s
1 .
ataiUaJtlk.! ii iTaTTIlM afWI
Th man htfhra th rteak work with hia bamtaand la paid Inr hla taAor.
Tbe mmi behind the drelc work uh hia lieail auii la paid for blafcnourfade. It la merely
aqueatlon uf KNOWING HtHV.
The Unit eiep tn "koowlng how" taalmply a matter of cutting out, filling In and mailing ua
tbaCouiion ahuwn beluw.
In return weabuwyuu how to Improve your poaltlon or to aecurea more congenial occa
patlun and better salary, without loaa of time, without neglectlug your praieut work or odl Inn
ing yourself to pav more than you can iHimfortuhly ailord
No ten hooka to buy uo reuiremeuu beyond tbe ability to read and write, and tbe ambi
tion to auci-eeiL
Thouaamla ot men, and women too. tn nearly every trade and profraalon date Ibe beginning
of their tucctM to tbe day they jiiUii in tAu coufton, Wby Dot your
Cut ThlaOut and receive free "1U01 Mtoriea of Success" aud "Tbe Btury ol atcJIala."
Please explain, w ithout further tihllKatlnn on my part, bow I can iiuliry for a
laiver Haiary in llie ioeltton
Advcrtiictncnt Writer
Show Card Writer
Window Trimmer
Alcch. Draughlimaa
Commercial Law lor
Contractors & Builders
Th womnn who b rmtinrholrl dtitfm
rmqfnKnn fi attatvl to during the morning t
lwny Rind ef a i triple ''Wn whif h Is easily
miele und Mere l just the thjnir for
nchilreiin'l Mutable to lti k, linen, perrale,
nt iawti, ai well it a lii-ht wool or titfTrtait. It
con-nsta of a ahirt waist whlrh w apen absolitte
plainnen only by lt three tuck n th nhmil-fl-r
In front, Whi h proviile a irevltith fnllnrin.
The iikirt l a new wvrn -roTe-l one wh;i:h f.ta
tnootnljr over the hip nml hi a fell ripple
about the lowe, edire The Mm r.f trimming
teiKces'e'l in the 'Irawin mipht be tollowfil.
amr.f the pla n miifi-r:nl In bn'l about the
lowor eotfe. A foliar nn-l belt of silk would ail'l
to l: Hriiotivrni-w In the meltum n-e the
pattern tall for lnw of an-inch material.
Two Pattern rA7', m to 44 inches boat
64-M. fuze. ii to 82 Inn walat.
The pri' e of thee pntL rnn in 80c., but
either will be neiit upon reteipt of J't.
17 I'.atterv f'la.e, N- w Y'orV Cltv.
For 10 tent i-n'-loKfl plca-e tw-nd pattern
No. HITS or No. 6IM t. the fullowing addresn.
tn Y and hTATE
i'A great serial Story)
will appear in this Magazine Section.
K At f m ?tprpki rin TOO Mi r H WAT
AS A IKf R w.-"T HI MttFLlf
. AAliwl.AU Hll IT.
can reduce yourmeiht 8 to 5 oands m Welf
No starving, no :xerclsi;ir. nc nauseating drug nor sick
tnvig pills ihjt ruin the &:irr h. I am a re-aTiiliar, prttr
tleiuir phalriao ar d a ! lullt in the successful re
ducti 'n ot supertiaous tut. Myperlccted treatment quick
ly relieves you from that feeling ol fuilncss ami oppres
sion, streneihens your heart, ar.d enaVles y-u to breathe
eaiiy; ancf when y. u hive reduced your flesh to the der
ired wtU'fit, wi'.l never become st-ut aain. Your
face and ripure will be well shaped. Your skin will be
clear and hindswne and you wi;l fetl and look years
younger. My men t is recommended by eminent phy
sii iar.a and the hilitst medical authorities. Prominent
physicians themsclvts are my patknu. I absolutely ruar
antt'c s-i:ifartiitn in evtry case. I yend my new book on
' Obe.iry lis Cause and t'ue" free to all interested;
mlso a tree tral treatment. Address conftdentially,
tt C. WUWOKD, M.D.. 20 Ust 21 J SU DtL450. Yori Citfe
-t.'. . - 1 - , T ' . !
'5i ",
before wlili'n l nave murneo a
Textile Mill Supt.
Civil Service
Elcctrica I Engineer
Flee. Lighting Supt.
Mech. Engineer
Statiooary Engineer
Building Contractor
Civil Engineer
Arch. Draughtsman
Struct uralEngincer
Bridge Engineer
Foreman Plumber
Mining F.ngincer
English Branches
. Strut and No.
Sl.itt -