Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 07, 1906, Image 4

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Ftrat Ibi aflat chun-h of I.rkevlew.
rreiirlilnjr Servient nt 11:A.M., Binl
7:!V' P. M. nn enoh Sunibiy.
Sunibiy School 10: A. M.
Junior Soelot.v t 2::t0 P. M.
lbuitUt Yonnc IVoiiIi'.k Piilon
0::m 1. M. on emh Sniubiy.
Prnyer meetlmr T.:w. P. M. " Vm1
nelii.v eveiilnir.
l'.vervboil.v Invited to nttiMid nil
aervhva. A. PrnnU Simmon", mntor
Flrat Ilaptiwt Chitrvh ol tlooae I.nk.
at New Pine Cn-ek. drt'coii.
Proiiohlnii Servlrea nt 1 1 ;oeloeW A. M
nntl ";:) P. M. on eiuh snudny of
every inontli.
Siinilny School nt Ht:o'cliH'k A. M.
PravorSorvleeut 7:.'ioon WVdnemlny
evening of each wk.
All arc ronlially invited to ntteml
the Services.
.1. llnvileii Howard Pastor.
That they will offer proof to nhow
that the land aouirht I more vain '
nhie lor It tlnilier or mone than for
Hirrleiilturnl pnrpiim nnd to i
! HmIi their i laiai to mum mutt oemre ,
j tie i. Chasraln. County Clerk, at hi
I otllclal place of bulm, nt Klamath i
1 FhIIm, Oregon, on Saturday, the Mh
t rtav of .lime. l!Miti I
i Thev name nn wltneHe: Archie.
.luhnnoi.. l.etter F. Mrkpatrlck.
Frank II. Mall. Chnrlet Sonle nnd
.lohn P.rett. of Klamath Full. Ore-j
Any mid all peraona rhiiininK Bilvevae
ly the nlmve-ilenerilieil lamia are re
q'nealeil tn lile their elmins in lhi office
nn or before iiiiil t'lh iliiy of June
14 .T. N. WntKon, lleeis'or.
Timlier Kami Act June 1S7S.
Fnited States Land Olliee, I.nkoview
Orejron. April !). Mm.
Notice Is hereby pi veil that In coin-
pliauce with the proviHionnof theact '
of Oonpn'Bs of June !!. W entltl i
ed "An net for the mile of I
timlier lands In the States)
of California. Oregon, Nevada, and j
irnshiiiKton Territory." as extended (
to nli the Public Land States by net
of August 4. ll-', Theresa Hall of ;
Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, j
State of Oregon.'.has this day filed In
this office his Jsworn stntenient No.
fortiie purchase uf the SWJ XWJ
XwJ SwJ Sec. J. XEJ SFi.'SFJ NF.J.
See. 2 Township ?A S limine No.
17 K. AV. M.. and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for.lls timlier or stone than
for agricultural purpows. and to es
tablish his claim to said land Itofore
Geo. t'hastnin, county Clerk, nt his
place of business tit Klamath Falls,
Oregon, ou Saturday, the ICtii dtiy of
June. 1IHMJ.
He names as witnesses: Archie
Johnson, John Urett, Ixrster F. Klrk
patrick and Charley Soule of Klamath
Fallii, Oregon.
Any nnd nil ihtsoiib claiming nd
verselv the above- ileeriheil lands are
reepjisted to tile their claims in this
office on or before said Pith day of
J. X. Watson Itegister.
Timber Ijinat nllee.
Fnited Statea l.anil Olliee, l-akeview,
Orew'on, April .'I, liHtii. Not ire U here
by invert tlmt in ennipliamn with the
prove-inns ol the set ol Conureaa ol
I Jiine.l, 1S7S, entitled "An net for the
aale of tiinUT 1hii1i in the Ailatea ol
CHliforuiii. Oregon, Nevada mid Uimh
incton Terrilorv," R extended to nil
the Public Luiul Stntea by act of Aiik
! list 4. 1M. the following persons
j have this day filed In this olliee their
; sworn statements, ns follows:
j John Shea, of Klninath Falls,
! county of Klamath. State of Oregon.
Sworn statement No. :to7C, for the
! purchase of the NF.J SwJ, Fi XwJ.
NwJNl.See. 1. T 'M S., It 17 I'..,
IF. M.
lister F. Kirkpatrick, of Klamath
Falls, eountv of Klamath. State of
Oregon. Snorn statement No. :tii77,
for the purchase of the NJ XI'l. Sw
XF.J. XFJ N wp sec. L tp. 'M S., If 17
F... w. M.
That they will ftffer proof to show
that the bind sought is more valuable
for Its tlmlivr or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish
their claim to said land liefore tieo.
Chastaiu. county clerk, at his official
place of busiuess, at Klamath Fulls,
, Oregon, on Friday, the Mh day of
i June, l'.HMi.
; They name ns witnesses:
' John P.rett. Archie J (dinson, F. II.
Hall, Charles Soule. L. F. Kirkpatrick
. all of Klamath Falls Oregon.
I Any and all imtsoiis claiming ad-
' versely the above-descriU'd lands an-
requested to file their claims in this
'office on or before said Nth tlav of
'June, 1IHHJ. J. X. Watson,
14-21 Peglster.
Around the World
l have 4 yr ru
flraml siUkir r iwn
In lt tUHin HlaiMla
ml touml Ih.-m th nlr
article h. ultrd. I mm
now la ih" caar
(Afrtc mMl t'""1' a Ml
dial ol )ir tomt.
Tlwtirl.-wl.lwpil- .tL
the rolllvr .'rih nl it
thU .inn ! tw ! U t
A. J. TOWER Ca, Boston. U. S. A.
Tnfnlo. ConoJo.
I Plaaa ar limwar
Turk aaa '""
? I A. HI1HM. M. D,
. ..,. -...1 r'hL.nffn Itllflll 1 t1 I""
Ttie .Mw ioi -
anelntlnii l roiupoani i v rum" ' ' ij
n.i.i.. Iirannn
I flISK Jf
. . -,f Ilia
ore In fiivor or the miprovciu. -
nvi. rroor.
IepHitment of the Interior, Ijind
Olliee at ljikeview, Oregon, Miiy 17,
Notice is heri-by given that the
follow ink- mimed settler litis filed notice
of his intention to make timid proof
in support of his claim, nnd that mod
proof will be tiiiule liefnreKegistcr mid
Keceiver nt likevien, Oregon, on the
."nli d.iv of July, num., viz: John F.
Snider. H. I.. No. tor t lie . w
. . .. o.. i.ntiiiii the conxtriic- ;
Dignwii " ",v . '
tln nnd iiiiiliib'iinii.i' of flr 'm
in.Kl.m cot.llmioua llnea of IntepUn"
MKltwnva nnd hilly In tl.r roil ,
..f ... ..Meet lesson TtmA lie I
tweeii Ne Yolk nnd Cl.l. nn. '
New York Amcrlcnn. This ro.i.l. It f
fIP lloii. ahull h.' f "" '",r,"'"r It will hen henellt to every """
. l, uhl.'ll It misie
even- Individual ulna It
... i... i.riitHirllv ii liselnl hltltway
,IkiiihI fortl.especlul hr.i. m or plena
me seekers or for .lie en. li.sHe Use or Intent on business, hut oneIH h
(if clllelis Will lino
mid H pnimif i"
orfQon, f
anil tn
It l
fktalrtaa mm aMra-a)B)
IUrsr at Law
olfirr-ltr liuil.lm
I. M
! '. sec I'S tp. b, S., K. !! r... . M.
He uiiiues the fidlowini;
to prove his continuous residence up
'on nnd cult ivut ion of said land , vi :
Chus. II. Little, Hiiscom Fisher, A.
! P. Koozer, Kobt. Xidson, nil of Ijike
Iview. Oregon. J. X. WATSON,
21 ' Register.
Timber l-and Notke.
t'liit.Hl States Fund Otlice,
view, tirion. May 7, l'.NHi.
j Notice is hereby given that in coin
, plinnce with the provisions of the net
of June 'X 17 entitled, "an Ai't for
'the sale of timlsT lauds in the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada Mini
' Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Puhlic IjUiiI States by act of
August 4. lrj, the following persons
have filed in this olliee their sworn
statements, to it :
James C .Moltgold, of K bill i lit ti
Fulls, Comity of Klallmlli. Stale nt
! Oregon. Sworn Statement No. :il".i;i
! for tin- lirchnse of the S1.. SW '4,
I xf.i4 sw4. sw4 si:4, sv r.. Tp.
:H, South, Kange 1 P., W. M.
May Mongoid, ok Klamath I'utls,
County of Klamath. State of Oregon,
Sworn Statement No. '.f.' for the
purchase of the W'v NF'4l SI'.'4 NV4
llll cllisses
Veiiienre. n
ei u.....f i.m Is M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v a
together of p.Hiple workll.K f-r
luon . Win. reel tlnu t.l.ited l'1"" j
Is l.i .re potent Ihnli ImlH Idnsl efT.O-t
mid that tliroiigh orgaiilr.itl'.i' r.-s'il" j
iniiv ! hroiikhl Hl-nt n" " ) the power of liny ar ;
M ittnrsses ronipllsh single IiiiII'I.mI I
That the ct of numtniciuiK a na.ii- j
truy audi 11'" ll,sl '' ""' "",''n,1,,n i
would he t.w. great for any single or- !
(rnliUatio.i til Hos t Is self evident. 'I hi ;
nss.s-iatioti il.s-s not prop.e In actually j
htilld this road Itself, hut It work will ,
roiuM of nroitslnir puhlic lt.ter.-.t and
enthusiasm In the project. Hint enrh
atiite. o.iinty. city nnd town will build '
Its Itittl vtiliutl h.ik In lf own hs-allly. ;
eventually forming a complete chain of :
niiHleru ri.inl. In tlo milliner. rati ;
ri.llly he scon, the cost or the con
triM'tlnli of this road w III not he a htir
den ou any one.
j,m4 Ilattrr Mojrelailii
hi ro - i'r ai.iMim
V urnnnkra nt TUt WflDt ft
nilUMIN ur inc nuniv
rotl hn. a
V eh ll '1 ait 'Itlf at
art. n.-.iKl. In Miomir Hall, ai a . at.
I. w.H.iM tM k. eitsul Comitiaailir.
. S, lul'lH, I IMS
irm-w rf-w--i
V t t r t t r t jr s-rff t Kf'Q.
I u ii T aot it. aait U Tiif
V ilsr rtrliUlf el sorh aowlh ki f a-
S !.. Iloll I". !. A, W. I
V i. r.
i 1 ur .'f. arrln.
4.1 t.i.J -
1 m k i
A. J3
Ii. Tp. :U, South,
TimlsT Land, Act June :t, S7i.
Fnited States Land Otliice, Lake
view, Oregon. April :t, l'.aiti.
Notice Is iK-rvby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of June 3, lsTs. entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada and
M'ashignton Territory ns extended
to all the Public Lan I States by act
of August 4. the following jkt-
aons huve this dav filed in this otlice
their sworn statements, as follows:
John P.rett. of Klamath Falls,
eonnrv of Klamath stars uf Oreinin !
Kffnm Htntement :til74 fur tliciaild
Notice for Publication.
Fnited States Land Olliee, Lnke
vlew, Oregon, Mar. "4. llHHi.
Notice Is hereby given that Harry
A. Cahlerwood of I'lush, Ijike Co.,
Oregon has tiled notice of intention
to make proof on his desert-land
claim No. 4H7, for the SF.J NK'4 Sec.
14 Tp. :i7S., P. IV, E W M U fore
Itegister and Keceiver lit I.a'neview ! August Pas;
, NV'4 SK'4. Sec
llllge 1 E. W. M.
I That they will otter proof to show
that the laud sought is more vitlimhlc
' for its timtsT or stone than for ugri
; cultural purposes and to eotuhbh
I their claim to said land before the
Clerk of Klamntli County, Oregon, at
I his otlli'ial place of luiHiiotm ut Klnm
nth Fulls, Klamath County, on Wed
nesday, the 1st day of August, IIMI.
They name as w itnisss : Archie
Johnson. II. E. Peltz, John llrett,
L-ster Kirkpatrick und James .Mon
goid all of Klamath Palls, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adver
M.-ly the above describe! lands are re
quested to file their claim in this
omen on or lsfore suid 1st dnv of
day of J. N. Watson, Eegist. r.
purchase of the Fi of w J. Sec 11, T :U j 'regou-
i'.. P.. 17 E.. YV. M.
Charles Soule, of Klamath Falls,
county of Klamath, state of regoii.
Sworn Htnteiiient i :tll?.. for t Ik.
purchase of the Sw) Swi. .s-c. 1. : Baantha
SEi SEL Sec. -J. Ni NwE sf. VI, T' Biynatnia
S., I:. 17 E., w. M. af
Oregon on .Monday, -the
-May, 1IHMJ.
He names the following witnesses 1
to prove the complete Irrigation and STUDY
reclamation of said land: Clay .'umbo,
Frank Jionison, Thomas Calderwood
Nelson Calderwood of Plush.
in :
Whr a .ontl li..U :terrt
ilyrlaa 1'lirm.
All e.e"t oil r.tfldlllllktliC llit'llir.-
that nun b can he done at amnll el
js'iise If rinl aitM'rvisora and coinmla-
loners jerrise lll.lginelit In their
work the l levelnlid Plulli la-uler.
ill every i.s:lile caie. lie ileclan.
efforts should Is- ina.le 1 r-!tn-a attM-p
grtnh-s hi rutting the lop "f rnrh hill
and tilling III lit the "The l-t
jtnule nnd form," he adds, "itiid ths
most perfrct ayslein nf ilrn;lingr for Btl
eurth road cotistltute the N-t prepiir
tlun for a gravel or tniiendaiti rand
ahnilM either of lliw aiirfiu-es Is- add
rd ut a later date The jrndf of a
road limit the ! uf listda wlia'li ran
lie (Iriiwn ever It "
He lllustrutes till atntemeiit y th
following comparative furls A pair
of horses run with the ailtlie effort
draw l.ii pounds on a 6 n-r rent
Ifr.ule. or line fisit rw In twenty f.'t.
li.l'ixi poiimls nn n 2 per ii-tit griide. or
one foot rise In tl'ry- fret; 3.lSi pounds
ou a 1 per rent griulu, or one ro rise
lu n litmdnil f'-et. and 4.i"o xuiid on
level rirnil i
t Tine Crrfk, -
. Orrrjon
Aitv.rli.iiit Altrj lM fft'
ruitri u fur ivri,attic ran tm ti4 i?
StlM'lrwr tn 1 tir t tiltlf f rtflHirt
tU.ii. ih( pfttrv rtt m ihwlr -wf emi hm 4
Sa,t Uk
"'! Sun fraiir,
"Ml Wala,, C
time t!
. Tlarall .
r, Ii.,
Sf II i M
" i'i ki't ta
Z fH-fta.
"-l aeM u . '
rl! ISri . . ' . "IT
. r
1 o Cure a cold in Oo Day
lalilett. All drugiiiata refund tb
mourr il ii laila i ruin. E. W.Orwa't
igtiatuia l(inrmh Imi(. ?.V,
J.X. WntMon Eeglster.
j AJ
k)intMl ttj flMITt.1 J.i. rti'i XI- I
fc.lTT1ll:eil 'Ml i-OIII(artIU Uft! fU 'l
ot. I a.o tmiv luiar on.j , r
rmram I'riwmort. Iltuj:ia ' .
lava. fTpar fur pnN-uw U ;;.
tani4r Tour nMv1:lfri aixl tmwr u
in bunt)f Muilruta auui gta-lual
rWTwkrt. full
lrticulara ana
Mil affar
TNI smear
ICMOOl tf U.
To All Our
lord ol (.and llMd.
The niviii.i-iil.ic of tlie rountry to the
Herd nf (j.mkI rouds Inis Just iM-gim, anya
the llostnn Ileruld Tlie next few years
will are anme rapid atrtihsi In tlila mat
ter Two uf the most potent fie-tnrs In
the priirnt liwtiketuni; are ttt- automo
hlle nnd runil rrw delivery. The trnna
cimuneiitul nutiiinidille mif whl'ii wn
pulli-d oft lust aiimuier n-sultml In tlie
u'-rumuliitioii of nueh mlunhlr Infur
inntloii ns to tlie roml eotii!tlutia U
twwn New i.rk rtty am) purtlaml.
re The tvii aeveu ioraeMiwrr run
lilxiuts wlii.-ti contstnl imnle tlie !.
titte-f of 4. nun mli. in fortv four ilnis.
ilenioiistratiiiif the feiiaihihty of tl.r au
tulnohlle ns a Iliniiis nf long ihataie-r
trniisportutiiiti. The tlnisli uf the rrn-e
wiin iniide In Portland In time fur the
tintiounl jf'asl ronds r i.iv.Mitloii
Fortunate Mlaaouriana.
' " le-n I w drugglat, nt IJvonla
;.li.." wrltea T.J lwjer. Do of
: Irrn.lal 111.-, Mo., "ihn of my f'tlalo.
iie-rs ni'S- irnintK-ntly rnrl nf
ri.iiaiitiipthiti by lr. King 'a New
iMw-Miery, nnd niv well tttxt- at rutin
IimIiii. itir n trilng fo aHI hla and move to Arltona, but
; r.fter n-iitg New- IH .very abort
; tune he found It unnecr-wiry trt do ao
I rt-gard ir. KlngaNrw tMarovrry na
the iii.M.t w ..luh rtiil tin-lli Itwtnrxlat
ioi.' " sunot t'oush and t i ll rnre
and and Lung brnler. iur.
Illitisol l,v IWllll llrilglilat. Id
ami II 7 rlul hot tie fn.
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
The American Farmer is he only Literary Farm Journal pub
Jshed. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. (JOODE.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
Two For the Paice of One: The Uke Cou,rty tner
The Leading County Paper and The American Parmer
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. 0. fletzker, Lakevlew, Oregon.
Plural Delivery Notes
one trrritiiry.
the lnrKt mini
and other
mere ure m.meii rural mall rarrlera
in iiiirt- Hix nt.,),,, ,i
Iowa him thirty fiitir.
T','" " Ml'-liiCTti l:. Indian.
i i. e.iiiiHim i;i, .MKMI)r 1 1
atatn H.niiller ntimlM-ra.
' The murnle of the rural mall ,-iir
riera remarkahlr o,l .d w,
1 llHH lU..... I .... ....... . J
" ere lllj.riiirK.i fr
.Ulahoneat and thirty had rsl )u.
. " """" or rek'illiitii,ii f
: '"e dirt road In
county, .M,.,
j couaeiim-nri.
rw nnviiiK a
l'itmaater k'obbed.
M . I iinta. Piwtmaater At Hlrr
in . nenrl.v hla U p and ant
I of all i i.inl.irt. Amirilliiir
luh tt. r a lilt h n.ii. I ..r ;i .iriian
I I. nd i hr. mil- liver ritiuiilliit. l,lrl.
iP'l l (in h a aeverr rnar nf Jauinlhr
tlmtert, my tm-r lialla turtn-0 Ji l
low; wii.i. mjr iJ.N'tor rewrltMMj
i-ii' lrlr Pltt.-ra. h. h rutv1 me nix
huve k.-j.i ,. ,,r jruTm
Mire run- for P.llliilialieaa. Neurnlk-lt
MeHkt,,,. umj nil atMiiinrh. Uxvr,
Khliier mi l bbi'liler ilernni;i iiM nta
"ui-l.n.n Tun I,-. At 1-er IVttll'e
I'riii; at. ire.
r-ii.i i
Offk It Bate
NkUfg ij
at AliaiMMt;
lam 41li
oV.irt.. ,t .
iIM limp km. f
tiv it LUtm I
I reliltt He;
first - Ctei
Western . Sr
t Ltimi
nyea onljr
eatiBe ut
eaateni Jark..iii
r lu hod ahai. and la
the rural nmll earrlera
hard iin. . .
Fr. . .'". aooilL
l"" leaina heeoi,m niirtHi
"! ; .nail waKn. .ra ,eft n m
roiimU on lmrehnrk.
l-OHtmantLr General Curiiyu t
aerii their Mil tea 'n , ,
K.m.W,.I. t, r x,LT U'"U'r
"mia.jr vel,i,.,., i.r..riu,i iV,. .,
Hl.s blOMAtM.
, - ' a:i.i I" iaviii))t -a
... , ' i'! lie Jiw.
,, , ., ,
mi., t.--r,t. ,,
aili mnl U..m. u 0,
!"'"" I' ol tl.e t..m,.. h u.
. 'I'll' ran ni., ,.f
'tn i"li
I 'nil In en
h tie- rl'Wn-
(Ml on llm
hat r trol
and awimlli lifl.
ul,in,i....t i. ' . -"im !.. Imla
...... , w '"eai. ,..t, Ut I.
anil lu. .. . -" i lie auimarn
' m tr ii." d"."-, " " 'K-ti .,, aiU
' t Z . . I rlt.rm ihe.r uir.
tlie llv u ,111 J " " V"iia ii i-. aa"
lly ai a. I. ? ' ' t',B "H-a uf tha
' hya iMi'u r'',"l:""V' ' mow
Tli a Tr,"'" ?.- '""'r. kluneya. ate.
'vlnriiu. i iii . "rl,w, ' Inactive,
the orillnn,
n-Kuhi thing
tlfttetory ai-rvii-B "rl " OT un
" of au.omohn .I" rta,,, fru,u
A Htatement . .
ral. i
" ""'"'ry aervlee Un,. "
- ' r
. i"i'arai r ! i
. fourth aa.i.i,,,,. ' '
"h'-ratlona of Ul
tHhllHlunent un to .,7n 1 ' tt
total UMmi Zt u'lm ,l",vv
""'t In onaram f' "U,"bor
cU to dellvar. Tlie a m! J
671.T8S. ' ll-V
uaekarl.a u...i n:,",' ."""i imaoaeiia.
. uiaviiroaiir
roa and
V?.i i, "" ,Ml ' aiiiia.:h
'. in,. uJ :-':--- ei.tiir mat
l' hi .1 I uZ, rjL! , ,f 'i'r.'..ul,l.u
"fa mh rrt"U "'
-.miii f.i U tuTh""1'1 "" a U.III. and
"" tn. i,," ' "V" ' Imp"", au I
ik.'"" W'H'lvaraiia
an twiiMr rmmt u
IIMMlli-liu ,l..
' Jiy t-eiiiiy-Krahliliif
Intiirliir .ui-.f. 4 Z
t -.s.v.. WV
uioa, rooomuiimUad U
J r.i.r .ur IT'"" at
anil IrlJri, i "ur "
Jli.ii? I'Jr!""" ''lall
Ihailr (rum Mfa
tb 17, k
Uae.M-.. pJ()
Iail trrmt Ukff' h
tWr. klaoat. Ia.
kwgrma. ar;
From KuuMtk l :
alamer il ir lMii
urr tha hoatat tmvj'
ct .
Good Stock
ii It
W a
a ti
. TO illllll k.T.'Tf;.. .
toiiia.7. . v'1 U',.-"''I Ii tha l-io.
't h 1 i..: I AdvU,r. A
wiiilia for umZ7r:.-I,'a l i-cmii
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