lah GCtnmtu J5(r.nln-f PuMUhrd Every Thursday. C. O. MUTZKER. mm, n . Building Kntereil at the font nfflwil t-akr-Tlew, Ore. Seeond-t'laas Muter. TERMS: (One Year, $2.00 J Six Months, .1.00 (Three Month, 50 EG0N room, the lonk in the dike, aecond ami third jtradea. Class History (8th grade) Vrcnn lVadcr. Wand Prill, fourth and tlfth grades. Recitation, "Hunker Hill," N'ita Ureninger. Piano Solo, "Song of the Swallow, Martha Fordney. Uratior., "George Rogers Clark,". William Alien. j The follow lug eighth tirade pupil 1 having passed the state exams were! awarded diplomas. Rcna Miller, Vrena Trader, Martha Fordnoy, Nit a Oroiiinger, John I'crroTv.i, vicryl Sin gleton, William Alleu. A STORY OF WEKSTER ONE OCCASION DEEPLY WHEN DANIEL WAS HUMILIATED. An Inrldrnt IChlrh r h cw V vtl ad r prUrd II I m Into Trara Th AilmU ration, the Loyalty and th .arr- nnlty of Ilia t Iro'ir of Krtrnda. The following lucidcut In the life of pnnlcl Webster was related to the writer by the l.tfo Joshua Seward: Mr. Seward "cuine to Woburu from 1 Another Reserve. forestry service 1ms LAKEVIEW. OREGON, JINE 7. 1906. I Itostun In tte early seveutles and j bought n fill in. wliere lie lived until 1 his h In 1SS.Y lie was a native of The forestry service has notified I the New lUmpshlrc "I'ence City, from Senator Fulton of its intention to! which 1ikv ho came to Itoston In early create the Hemner forest reserve. nuudiood and hitor engird In the llv along the north fork of the John Hay ! or f 1 " River, near Heppner, to embrace about 13 townships. A map of the He was a tenia l, nodal, u live young man, mill lu a short time many of the business Aiiil nrofesion:il men of the rltv worn proposed reserve hua been submitted j hu trrul ami patrons. l'milil Weli ti the Senator, aud he has been asked j st,r, then In ti e fullness of his m:is to make any suggestions of desirable , terly manhood. w;is his particular e'jaiices in the boundaries. He will frleud and mi-t favored patron, due The wedduig of King Alfonso and Princess Kua will cost eiO,lV,000. The tax payers of Spain will have this j take up the matter with persons living year Webster early encased to deliver ine ivurtn or .liny oranon in tite city to pay, of course. Binder llermaun's Washington trial will come up about the tenth of this month. F. J. Heney will be prevailed upon to go to Washington to conduct the case against Hermann, but will return to Portland by the 21st to take up the Oregon laud fraud cases which will be tried in the federal court be fore Judge Hunt, of Montana. The public rejoicings over the mar riage of King Alfonso and Princess Victoria had a terribly dramatic se quel at 2:30 o'clock on the afternoon of the day of the wedding, as a bomb thrown from an upper window explod ed with deadly effect near the coach occupied by the King and Queen. Providentially King Alfonso and Queen Victoria escaped, when an electric wire deflected the bomb, but at least sixteen persons, most of them belonging to the personal and military escort, were killed. Many others were injured. grad-their Ashland Normal Notes. Thirty-five is the number of uates of the class of 'UO, and names as follows: Misses Ella Anderson, Medford ; Anna Beeson, Talent; Nora Beebe, Central Point ; Florence BisselL Ash land; Kate Broad, Jacksonville; Mabel Cambpell, Lorella; Minnie Chapman, Talent ; Ethel Corbin, Ash land ; Clara Daviea, Ashland Esther Jarvis, Neil Creek ; Edna Kingkade, Oswego: Anna McCarthy, Albany; Elva McFarlaud, Lowell, Ethel Os burn, Clackamas; Eva ' Poley, Ash land; Ida Robinson, Elkton ; Clara Sherwood, Coquille ; Sadia Snigleton, Monmouth; Vara Storey, Ashland; Ethel Stratton, Ashland; Anna J. Swinney, Woodville; Martina Thiele, Gold Hill; Jessie Wilson, .Medford; Minnie Yeo, Ashland ; .Messrs G. C. Benedict, Ashland; Clarence Burke, Medford ; Herberrt Eastman, Ash land ; Golwdin Uerndon, Ashland; Harvey Inlow, Trail Creek; Robert II. Jonas, Eagle Piontj Jaines Martin Ashland ; Obie H. Newton, Klamath Falls; Alfred and Hermau Seullen, Ashland ; B. S. Stancliff, Phoenix. The class this year is an exception ally strong one, and tue largest class ever graduated rfom the Normal. Everyone is preparing for com mencement week. The following is the prcrgam contemplated. Saturday eve, 8 p. m. June Oth, musicale; Normal Chapel. Sunday eve, June 10th, 8 p. m Baccalaureate Sermon by Rev. F. V, Carstens, Medford. This will be held at the Chatauqua Tabernacle. " . 1. T . . 11.1 11 1 iuonuay, ouue jiiu. io a. m. cjuss day exercises; '2.:'M p. m. Field meet 6 p. m. cla.-s cupper ; 8 p. m. mu-k-ale for the Bus benefit fund. Tuesday June 12th, 8 graduating ex ercisea at Chatauqua. Address to tlie Seniois by Rabble Wise, Wednesday, June 13th, Alumni Reunion, 8 p. in. Last Friday eve the Boys' Literary Society held their last regular meet ing and after an oration by Mr. Peter- eon come debate, "Resolved the pol icy of National Expense is wrong, ' in which the following manipualted the argument for the aflirmative. Messrs Newton Jonas and Smith while Messrs Martin Iulow and Peterson did full justice to the negative which won. After the business was finished all then enjoyed a social time after which all repaired to the dining hall aud were served with strawberries and cake. The boys are to be compliment ed on the success of the event. The economics class completed their work last Monday. Misa Ida Howard, of Drews Valley, who has Leen spending the w inter in Belma, Calif, was a Normal visitor last Thursday. Miss Howard is en route home from Calif, and stopped to visit Ashland friends before going out. Last Friday afternoon the pupils of the training school closed their year's work. The following program was rendered : Opening address Rena Miller, con cert recitation, primary grades j Piano eolo, "The Blacksmith," Meryl Sin gleton; Essay, "The Panama Canal," John Perrozzi, Chorus, My Own Unit ed States, sixth aud seventh grades. in tlm immediate vieinitv of the lro- posed reserve and transmit their view s ' A public ,,-..ces.on was the,, an Im- tiortant feat!-p of the celebration, and to the department. f (,1V WW ,lu (.Wif The Senator has been assured that person of d'fttuctlon In the parade. In no grazing charges w ill lie imposed those days JJiere were no four wheeled this season for use of the range in the, vehicles for convenience or for pleas Heppnor, Goose I.ake or Fremont re- j ure. A ch.iise was the proper carriage or-ra nr. nr In anv other reserve!! tor gentl. icn to use. Webster was that may be created later this season. It is the intention of the department, j however, to impose a charge next tfea- sou on all reserves created this mn mer. Oregonian. WHEi'RE QUALITY COUNTS, WE WIN. Our Sping Stock is arriving:, will soon be Complete. and New springDressGoods On June ttth and Tth, July 2nd and 3rd, August Tth, 8th aud Oth, and September 8th and i'th, special low rouud trip rates will be in rtrect to all points East, final returning limit, days, but not later thtm October 31st. Colorado common points., Missouri River, Mississippi River, Chicago Washington and Baltimore New York For particulars, see any Agent address D. S. Taggart.D . F. A P. Reno, Nevada. ! :xu (iO.OO OT.oO 72. oO 107.00 10S.30 or V, Mr. W. T. Perry a mining man, of Grants Pass spent several days in Lake view the past week, and yester day in company with John Westlake went to the Sagehen mines to pros pect- Mr. Perry is an old telegraph i operator. . I OASTOIIIA. Bean the A Yjq Haw Always togtt of lopular aijl proud as wpulur. He saw no chnWc.'ln the city as good as he de sired to 4piear In on that Important occasions and therefore he ordered one to be bAiilt by the principal carriage maker Jt the city (Sargent. I think It was,. Mi be ready for use on that day. In the morning of the Fourth he ap peared nt Seward's stable otllce and requef ted Seward to go to the carrlnpo shopimd get the chaise he had ordered. Seward harnessed a horse and went to the farriace shop as directed and told the proprietor he had come for Mr. Wejistf r's chaise. The proprietor In firai and measured tones that could not bo misunderstood asked. "Did Mr. Webster send the money to pay for the chaise?" In relating this to me Seward saiiL "I was never so astonished lu my life! I slould have been less surprised if he had raised his list and knocked me down. 1 had no thought that there was a man living, who had ever heard of the great Webster, the godlike Daniel, who would or who could have dollied him any request it was possible to grant. I could only say, 'He ent no mojiey by me.' 'Then.' said the pro pritror. 'tell him he can have the chaise whiii ha sends the money to pay for ft f and uoc till then. Sewaru salU lie was lierer in sucn a uneinma in an uis life, lie could not gj bafk nnd tell that great Bian, whom he adored, that he could rljt have the chaise till he paid for it. 'And yet he ninst go back and tell him somethlng. Uut what could ho tell him Finally, after lum-h thought and stuly it occurred to him that he had a nj,v chaise which he would offer to Welijur ami tell him that the var nish on fhi oue he had ordered was not j Ye have here ft showing in all the leading shatles of ray that has never been e(tiakil in I.akeview he I ore. Cream and White Kii.nlisli Mohair liiillianteefis, Henrietta Alhetross, ete., including many novelty wnist inijs for spring. New spring Neckwear ol Novelty Haek and Nilk and An Attraetive Arrav Neek Kihhons, Tinsel Belts side Combes, Hand Haus Kid (lloves. New Showing of Ueantilnl Shirt waists in Lawns to Arrive soon. Men's and Hoys' Spring Clothing. Do Not Overlook This Store. BAILEY & MASSINGILL'S Pioneer Store The children's friend Jaynels Tonic Verrmfug c Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles. i. lives tone, vitality ami snap :t it Irom your Urugi( - - - To Cure a Cold in One Day Tcke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, Seven iVTUion boxes sol ! In post 12 months. TlilS Slttliatlire. JCsyT' Cures CHp In Two Days. boxes sH In post 12 months. TlilS Signature, j.-yagM'srrgjrrraWiqfl. on every box. 25c. h Ifttnv ubecriber of the Examiner wishes to bubHcriltefor "Tom vent-1 son's Magnzine," we will accept f 1..V) J from them, write the letter, bnv the I postal order and send for the inaa- haT I,D1 ,h:lt w,ou'd f ,la,b'e '. . . , . Injure if talsen out In the heat and dust zine to anv address. There is but , ,. , ... . . .... .. of that public day. U ebster met Sew- one price on "Tom wat.-on.s Majrn-j nnl at tlie dow w,.n he rnurned. and zine." und we do not club with it, , l)efon w.-bstesr could lusk a .juestion but as a matter of accoinodutiou to Sew;trd was tellizii,' him the story he Subscribers to the Examiner we can rhad invented i the way home. Web j;et them the mnyiazine without any , tT made no p-i'ly, but accepted Sw trouble or risk to them for the reyn-1 ans statement m true and rode in his NO TWO MEN ARE ALIKE There may bo a liun!re! mon In this rlly who have nrma ihn unrtiw IrnKth as youra but Ih ri i him. iilr rii.m In the uhulu itmiily wiio la tlm n.imu US Jouruelf In all oilier irti.ortIniiH, It Is Blmj.iy an linposHlblllty to Kc t n pc rfu, t nttliig null by buying rcady-to-wear clutlie.i. ' ' ' We will make a suit to your mnmurr for 20. Tou pay thut much, or Hourly that much for every huril-rne-lown milt you buy. I ii-t.ini rl. .!),.' -',.h.- - nr- liirtml lar price. tf. OASTOIIIA. Bean the Ha'9 'OTVS STUDY clrfiise that day About a wwt later Webster came again and said to Seward, "I think the varnisb on that i-haise U hard now, and you may ko down and get It." Seward said: "With a heavy heart I harnessed a horse ut,d went asaln to the shop. 1 knew I sLould not fet the chaise, and I was not Vlisappointed. In the name manner I waq asked the same (juestion us before. I eWuld not Invent another story thut woqld be credible and was therefore compelled to go Lack und tell him the truth." Webster was impatiently awaiting Seward's re turn, and when In hailing distance he called to Seward: "Where la the chaise? What U the trouble?" Seward approached him more chuely and In tones so low that no one could over hear him replied, "He told nio to tell , . , ! you that you could have the chaise The hxammer prints towithip plate, : w,jea yo)1 w,ut tfae mon,.y (o IUJ f(jr ,t and makes them into bjks co order, tf 1 and not before." Webster stood bllent - : on Instant ami then with voice trein- Summons. ! hlmg with emotion exclaimed, "My God, Joshua, did he say that' and LAW AT HOME THE ORIGINAL SCilO' T.. 1 l.uii t.y nta:i tt;ai''i ! i--.-r H-Otfin-!! by oiii h: ! . ' KxpKrific4i aim ruii:j f'-ir .u . 01 J ak- t.t.n- .)) . '. rourf l'rpiratory. I'.hkm r- Irtte. rrt-par- for pmi n '. -iirr your con'liliiiii anl f (!' in iMiiri-i. SUuinu ttiiii jp fverywlierc. twii I4rti(-alara aiid prrltl offer I KKE. THE SPRAGUE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Of LAW. 1 B44Mj(stic Bid DETROIT, MICH. t .0 'lln'f ai. rut iml l.y !).. tlHniNniiiJ, .' u.H.i.iiifr. null It why J-..IJ lit, l.ii.'l.t ill l.rrrto. II. mi lililf ii il.iy. 'I II will i- v - I i - in.lki n nmII I,, r u III 111 V"l U'.-iit,i 't. r..r l-i. II M...I . I, .t i.l M.-.I..H- j.i-i ,.rr ii. o 1. nil. I .ii'..-.l ,.ry M,', lliM-tl Hltlj lii.irti-.l 'i-nr. f. I.iel W I: Y.u -.i.l iriini i ' ! - He . I. .Mi Ih h.-w l.-in ... ' .-.( ml I. -rli I. III!. I M i fellk li.iii rl th. W. l;-ivi. . i.-.-i.-.l n.Tirnl fmlliTnt. nnr 'f ul.l'h w- will ii nkt. tli lo iii.Miniin. f..r I i.,. xpr.-B. ..!., i. .r.'-.-i.Mi. . win n, Jim M mm l l. i.r n Inn. I.l.t' otiTlllii .uM.-tn. 'I'lili jnit.rn In iirir Ii Hi II will Ihj ,y t.illirn lu ll yrnr ml II. e T; In . Uirr.mii.l (,f ii.i. pntN'rn U a .l.-.-r Krny, Willi Hit nliiioxt ln.ifT'r.l eVfrllm nr i ii'-i k. 'I In l-.r ef liiln fiil.rlc .). i,..i kI.i.w it i-nl!y. iliaa nut wrinkle mi. I l..ia InW.-n llin ho will tl.iit thiT 'iirmi'iit look lk iuw linrll It lu all worn i,ut. 'I In w.mi ui..h u weav lni II. In Kurimne wnu lt-.i.-. wlili ii-maiml iiri. 'I I.ito U no (.I. ..rt m.l In rnl.rlc Hint tin 'I l.i Hull! ImN no Hun a Wi'int th'.t It (iritifiila a fnlrly Imril nnrfiti-i. ninl nt th. mi ci i- tlm.i h m.fl ami'. It w ill 11..1 nrurr iii r ii nlilny. 'Il.l rl.illi rniinnt In lniiflit flcim tin 11. Ill fur I. tl.lill I'l.WI a ynnl, mi mattiT If you l.uiflit flri tliniiiiiii ynnla. Wo an ti.i Ciii'lili 1 ount r.'i.ii'wiiinilv.ii of a unl. ntc of lit lnrtit wooliii mlllii In 11,,. worl.l. 'I'hiit trrin ll.N im to irinkH thin niiirfi.i.iti ,.rr,.r of a null to your inrnniiro for Jl. M.n.l f,,r a 4niiiili- I111II It to n m.e liow lonif ami itii tun W'HJI tout act. alruiiila an. noti ,nvt will Uic"ilyo Of in the Circuit Court of the State Oregon. For the County of Lake. FItANK X. SCIILtCiiT, Plaintiff, V8 (JEOPvGE SCIILKCIIT. Defendant. To GEORGE SCIILECHT. defend ant above-named : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the Com plaint filed aKuinst you in the above entitled Court aud cause within nix weeks from the date of the first publi cation of thid Summons, to-wit, on or before the Ulht day of May, 'J00, and if you fail to to appear and answer the same, lor want thereof, the above named plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN AND 70-100 ($710.75) DOLLARS, for money loaned you, together with his costs and disbursments in this action, und for an order of said Court for the Bale of any property which may be attach ed herein. Notice in hereby -riven you that thia summons is served upon you by publi cation thereof in the LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER, a newspaper of treiierid circulation, issued and published weekly at Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of tho Hon. Henry L. Jieuson. Judge of eaid Court, duly made at Chambers. In Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Ore gon, on the Oth day of March, 1900. ihe uate of the nrat publication hereof is April llHh. 1000. and the date of the last publication hereof is May 31 st, 1000. L. 1' . Crtun, Attorney for Pldlntiif. Bank into a nearby chair and cried as would a deeply aggrieved child of six Bummei'i. It lu well known that Webster would Incur debt, apparently with no thought that thisre wwe two parties to a con tract, ii creditor and a debtor, and that their moral obligations, were co equal. Consequently his creditors so multiplied and bis Indebtedness bo In creased as to Interfere with his po litical plans, if not, indeed, threaten his political future. At this time his friends came to his aid and, It Is said, Till nnt till coupon ami mall lo tia and wa will acml you a nnmplo of tl,H . lotii. We ifuur antci? that thi nun, p I. In nrttiHy nil from Ida vi ry hlt of c loth from whli ii wu make tlm nult. When you Tlnlt I'ortliiml. oiiu In ami verify Ihla or any uMrtlon wi maki. If you wl-Ui, ak aome I'ortliiml frlinl t" tll yon au.iit thu ni uiailon aud. ntuuilu.) or the Coluu.hla Wo.,1. q tlllla Co. it la the itlmtilent tlilnit In the world to hara aome friend tuki yonr ineaaure. We will a-m you a tae meaaure free, and Inmrurtloua bow to take a uieanure for a ault of rlotliea. He aure and aend for thla aamiile. If yon gft a milt from thla olTer, yon will ) wenrlnv liaruieiit tlm pattern of whli-h local ilealera rn iiot p,n,nllly Ki't In ntock liefore another year. The pattern of our $) ault will te aold next year aa the Intent ty other tallora). COLUMBIA Woolen Mills Co. Portland. Ore, Columbia Woolen Mllla Co., Porlliind, Or. I'leaao aend me fro., aumiilu of lull pat tern KiikIUIi nverllne (.lanla, from whlili yod aicree to make a ault to meunure for $JI. Alao aend tue, free, a h ket taie ineaaure and Idank, and Inntniitlona for taking meaaurea. Thla doea not ohllirato ue to buy a ault uuleaa I wlab. Name Addreaa TIMBHR LAND NOTICE. Timber Land Act June .'1, S7, raised the sum of $10,000 to cancel bis I United Statc-H Land Ofllce, Lakeview Indebtedness and relieve him from the Oregon, Apr., 4, 190G. further annoyance and presHtire of bis creditors. When we realize that f 10, 000 was a larger sum to raise then for any purpose than would he $200,000 today we have some measure of the admiration and the loyalty of hU friends. II. C. Hall in Uostoa Trac ecrlpt. Jlat So. "I thought yoa said you couldn't live without me," siveered the girl. "So I did," answered the man. 'Yet you're llylng." "No; I'm not. Just hoarding; tbaf'i all." Louisville Courier Jocrnal. John Hunter, the famtmi enatomlst, once said that tlie ferolnkie love of cob Yersatlon was a consetjOence of a pe culiarity In braiu tissue,, Notice Ih hereby given that In com ' pllance with the provlBlona of the act lofCongrcHH of June 3, 1878, entitled I "An uct for the Hale of timber lamia In the KtatCH of California, Oregon, j Nevada, and Wellington Territory," j as extended to all Public Land States ; by act of Augimt 4, 1892, Solomon It Chandler, of Lakeview, County of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn state ment No. :i078. For the purchase of the REJ of Sec. No :iL' In Township No. aOS, Range No. 21 K W M, and will offer proof to ahow that the laud sought la more valu able for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purports, and to estab lish his claim to Hald land before, Itculsterand Receiver at Lakevlow, Ore., on Friday, the lOth day Of June, 1900. He tiamcH as wltriCHKes: E c Ahlstrom, C. S. IovelefiH, R. A. Tax ton ami i rank wllson tf Lakeview Any ami all pcr-Hons claiming ad- i.-in.ijr im uiiviMM'Mcriiie( laiidHnn reiiii Hieti io ine tuelr clainiM In lliln iiiiiLt- on ur ut'iore HUKl J.itll day of U UIIU, li'tlll. ' .). Ji. Watson Register. Deaths from Appendicitis decrease Ip the same ratio that the iiho ofHr, King's New Life FiiH in. creases. 1 hey Have vou from tbinir,.- and bring (julck and painless releaao from const Ipatlon. and th H grow lug ont of It. Strength and vigor luiynj aiomnv lliririlHC, lj Uariltl leCll iy jeaii Jrugglst. V.ic tllflil. Try Notice. Vou must have a permit before you can travel scabby sheep any placo in Lake county. J. V. Clarkson, Stock Inspector. Tlmliir I .an . i . r failed Mates l.niid Ollii-e I.nkcvien I Oregitn .March "0 11km!. Notice in her yi ; by nivin that in compliani-e with UaU I pruviaiima ,f ilu, Act of June .'I, 1K7H, entitled "An art fur the aultt of timU r lands in the States of ( 'ulifurnia, One n.n, Nevada and Washington Territory," as txttiiiltd to all the I'ublic Ijind states by art of August 4, 1 Conn. Paisley, county of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day. II l.-tl In this) olhce his sworn statement No .'JuTl', for the pun haw of the V J SWJ !i NWJ S.e. si:j Ni;it ,,f wet bin N, II In Township No. :w s., Itaiigu No. 17 I'. W. M.. nnd will offer proof to show that the land sought Ih more valuable for its timber or stone t (win for aicrlcnll oral purposes, and to establish liU claim to said land be fore Register and Receiver at Liike vlew, Oregon, on Friday, the J.MIi day of .1 uue, Usui, lb- names as witnesses: C.i:. '.Mo(r of Lakeview. Oregon. !. W. Knrrow, I. It. Conrad, A. A. l-'arrow of I'alsly tiregon. Any and all persons claltulng ad versely the above-. lesrrllfil IniliU are reiiiente. to lili tlielr lalins in this oilice on or before said l"'th dnv of .1 line, .;. i L.. Watsmi lieglster. rillllt.K .., MOIK H. Timber L'Hid Act .lime :i, s?t. I 'lilted Slates Land Ofl'ice, Lakeview, Oregon, Apr., I. Rmmi. Notice Is hereby given (hat In com pllance with t lit-provlslons of th,. ,Kt if congress of June .'! H7s. entitled "Au act for tlm saltMif timber lands la the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, A as extended to all tho 1'ublc !.,...',. Stales by wt of August 4, lSUa.l Llmer C. Ahlstrom, (f LakevlewJ County of Lake, State of Oregon, ban this day filed In this Ofllce his a worn ! statement No. .1079, for the piircliano of the Hi NWJ & sj m.;j ,)f No.1 i-'IuTownslili)No. :ifJS, Rang,, N. :'l H W M, and will offer poof t Hhow that the land Hoiight Is more valu able for lis timber or a tone than for agricultural purposes, and to UH. labllsh his claim to said land before Register & Receiver at Lakeview Ore on rrldny, t ho , ,ny il( j llIU,t l!(0)j Ho liaiiies as witnesses! n it i (.'handler. (J. K. Lov.i..Ma o a ',..' . ... ton and I rank Wilson of I .ii.L otiiiiu Oregon. Any and all persons clalmln.r ,iJ vorHely the nlaivc-descrlhed lands nrJ rec nested to file tietr tiai 1IIU til 1 I.l.. olllcoonor before anld t.. I uue 190(1. J. N. Watson Register. C. 8. LoVl'lCHH hlVlU'B the 4 1 Ala f IVy tJ a Hire their patronage with him at tho South Lakeview Feodr...,! i t.i Stable. He iruarnntiu.a menttoall ntock left In 1,1s enre ,.,wi proposea to feed K,loa ,my aU( J il-W