Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 07, 1906, Image 1

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    .. - - i
NO. 23.
Local IJuycrA arc 'Picking
up a few Clips at last
Year's Priced.
Wool 5nlc Open at Slinnlko this
Week f-oinc Wool are not
(food as Ijtst Year:
Shearing bin begun lit the rltii'iitl
shearing pons In thin county.
Tho food surrounding the vomit be
ing good prossagoH ii good clip.
Very little wool has boon bought up
to tho first of thl week.
Bailey X MiiHsliigill have bought be
tween r0,Ou HUll 7',tX) pounds tint
past few days. Clips Included in
their most rooout pun-huso lire those
of Boydstun A Chandler, Dun Chand
ler, Thomas & Sunder mid Henry
Newell. Twenty cent was tlm price
Interest ill tho wool trade now cen
ters in tho Klmniko salon, which will
l held on Juno U und 0. Between
4,000,000 und 5,oi,(XX) pound will bo
offered there mnl a the Shanlko
wools n ro classed ii h tlio choii'cut in
tho state, it Ih oxpcted t lint tlio high
est prices of tho season will lo bid
thero. Last year tlio Shanlko wool
brought 22 and 'it cents. Local deal
er believe t tut t tlio price this year
will bo about 21 cent.
Tho tone of tho Eastron Oregon
innrkot HHrt'ntly Ih easier tluin it
wait at the ooulug of tho season, hh
tho prices hI1 show u gradual doclino
from those of the first l'ondh'ton Halo.
A good ninny c1I(h hnvo boon sold lit
private sale since tho union iluyn at
price iimliT those first quoted. Trad
ing ix also more active in tho Ellens
burg und Viikima districts in Wash
ington whore cross bred urc bringing
1.7 to 18 cent. A little Vnlloy wool in
aU o coming in that was bought ut 23
to cent.
Fr 'ink Green, represent lug J. Kosh
land t Co., of HoHtoti and Sun Fran
cisco, who came down from Eustorn
Oregon yesterday, state that the
market I . decidedly weaker than it
was and t.'iat growers are ready seller
now at the prlcon o(fvrl, having
coiiio to tint concliiHion that it in ukc
Iohh to hold for an advance.
' "WooIh in i'Iio Wohtorn ,Stut oh, " he
miid, "are hrii.Klni: from '1 to 0 contn
lona than they dl'.l at too clomi of the
HeiiHon hint year, n.'id the tendency in
ii downward one. of the roweiH
thought that tho market would ad
vanco thiH year, juwt unit did hint
Spriiik', Imt they overlooked tho fact
that t hero wiih a Mump in the l ull
that khvo it ii Het liack. In California,
whero they have two M'Udoiih, tho
market opened MronK oiionuh in the
fall, but in October hr.jko to pieces.
Since then, all hope of n further ad-
x vance linn been out of the queHtlon.
"Tho wotila iu nearly u.'l parts of tho
Went aro poorer thin year than they
were u your iujo. The alternate rains
und dry HpellH made them heavier and
of Bhorter staple und dingier in color.
Arizonu wooln nro about tho only
woola that nro better than limt year's,
uh they hud ou exceptionally good hou
son. "
Ll'ITN.) In its weekly ruviow of tho Eiudem
Bituation, tho UohIou Commercial
llulletiu of latent ditto Hiiyn:
Tho Konerul op inlon held by jJontou
inerchunts Is that', price" ,m this mar
ket, huvin roacKc'd their limit, can
not ko up any higher. Coiimxpiontly,
71 to 75 coi'lh cut mot bo paid for wool
in tbo 'Vest that 'would brintf only 70
Coats here. roll(!wiiiK this the ma
jority of the londl nx dealers are, ac
cording to thoir o'wit htatemcntH, do
lug uo buying iu
tho territories at
t rates. Further
that they will not
I thoy cbii "buy it
growers' exorbltad
more , they claim
buy any wool unti
right." By tho 1
Iter expression is
meant the purchasing of wool at pric
es thut would ullovv a reasonublo pro-
lit to tho merchii
nt, not ono that
loss. In the West,
mo that tho East
would mean a mini
It is thought ly so
ern dealers' v attitude is only a
"bluff," to beir tlio primary markets,
but It hiiH Ix'en KO COtlHiHtotltly llllllll-
tallied that tho determination arid
Mneorlty are clearly apparent.
Thero Iiiin Iho Imen talk f a "cMn
liiiiniton," to break price In the; ter
ritorloH and miinn nay that the truth
of the report wan proven by tl.n con
ceited refiiHid on tho part of buyern
to operate. Tho only "coml dilution'
wiih an uiicotiHcioui one to rexlnt ex
coHhlrve iiricen. Wool niervhantu iihu-
allv "play their ifamo idoiie." and
thin year In no exception to the en
real rule.
When valued are phicei 1 on a itoltable
IhimIh, buying will lec(iiiio active, but
nay tho dealorM, "if tliey aro not put
within reach the wihiIk may lo hhlp
ped Huston coiiHinment or kept."
An it matter of ful, a million to a mil
lion and a hulf poumU have arleiidy
been Hhlppel t IIohIou ami l'hiladel
phiu from WynmitiK, In nomo Inntan
coh KuarnnteoH touching 'fits having
bn'ii made.
Kiiiiik iiiei-chautH who are waiting
claim that they can ace a tendency on
the part of Hoveral Miecpmoti to con
nider more reiiHouable prlcen. Kale
that uro IxdtiK made undoubted!" have
been the renult of Krower and buyer
coiuiiiK cbmer toKether In their vIowh.
However, niowt of the nheepmen are
liidilinif out (irmly.
Walter ScoCC Again.
Walter Kcott, alliw "Kcotty," the
Death Valley miner. ooHbened of
wraith varloiihly eHtlmatod from '2
cents to a "clean million," who re
ceutly HpruiiK into tho limelight by
llyliiK itcroHM the continent in u char
tered tram ut the rate of 1K) miles an
hour, left Chicago on the nluht of
May i. leaving behind him a world
of trouble, about fifteen hungry ik
torn. IiIh wife. tiln doir hnotty ainl an
old time pal, Slim, tho donkey.
Scotty recently deserted tho prowiic
ilfe of a proHpector for tho footlUhtf
and hint Saturday ulK'ht his company
cloned a week's etiKiiKemcnt at tho Al
hambra. where Scottv eHMayed the
chief rola In "The Mj Htery of tho Dej
ert." Tho hero maintains his own
graveyard and an ambulance corps to
bury tho vlctbus of 1Ih trusty rovi
Scotty's troublea Imuu at St. Lou I
two weeks 1110 when tho manager ot
tho company nud tho author of tho
play decamped w it lmut leaving his lid
drcHH mid left behlndd uupnid nalaries
of about f lUlt. Since that time, ac
cording to a member of the compiiny,
Scotty has four-Mushed, tolling them
that as soon as he reached Chicago he
would "touch his backer. M
Plans to Kill Roosevelt.
PORTLAND (Or.), June l.U During
tho hearing of an assault caso in the
Municipal Court to-day it developed
that there was an organized biVmch of
nihilists iu Portland, meeting! at f3
Morris street, who are banded togeth
er against (lod, government mid the
church, and whoso object is to 'assas
siiiato President Roosevelt.
A pole named Lapakl was arrested
at the instance of three of the iiihil
Me. He is an ardent Catholic, und
when tho nihilists made violent re
iiiarTtH against his religion became in
volved in a fight. He told his stftry
on tho w itness stand and was released,
as other Poles corroborated his evi
dence. Sevroal Polos, as a rr-sult of thy
trial, talked with detectives. They
told of meetings at which Czolgosi,
the assaHsin of McKinley, was eulogiz
ed, and also said that a fund was bo
il) i raised to send an assassin East to
kill President RooHevelt.
Tho head of tho society is UH.tued
Haczki. He was driven out 'Jf Seattle
some timo ago.
for Stear&kooC Springs.
A deal involving tho sale of tho cele
brated Steamboat Springs, located on
tho Virginia and Truckco railway,
about tlt'teen miles south of Reuo, is
under wuy. George Wingfleld ud Olo
Elliot, two wealthy Goldllcld men, aro
said to be tho prospective purchasers.
If tho ileal goes through 91S.CKX) will
change hands and immediately the
springs will bo converted into a hand
some watering place.
It is reported also that Messrs.
Winglleld atid Elliott nro not tho only
bidders for tho property. It is suid
that a local syndicate, headed by
prominent men, has mado u bid aud
that thero Is a chance of them taking
it over. Tho property has been in the
hands of Captain J. W. Hopkins for
several years, who has been promoting
a company to erect a large sanitarium
aud baths. Reuo Gazette.
Chamberlain Will be
Woman Suffrage Amendment Beaten.
The elmtlon Monday reHiilted in an
overwhelming -rlctory for tho Kepubll-
can County ticket. Never lefore In
the history of the county was every
name on tl lU-publican ticket elect
ed. On the HlAto and District ticket the
victory was not quito ho complete,
yet, ho far hb can l estlmatel with
out tho complete official returns,
which cannot, bo obtained until the
vote Ih canviU-sed, all KopubUcanH car
ried this county exceiitln for ko
ernor, Chamberlain winning
about 21 vots. Incomplete
out by
Klvo Hournp iibout (S votes over
Oearln and llawloy about 88 over
allowuy. All other Republicans
on tho htate utid Dhitnct ticket show
Kiss mujoritiijs.
Incomplete uno'llcial returns show
Ix al Option lu Lake County to have
been defeated by stsiut V.Ki votes, and
tho Woman SurffoKO Amedment to
have been defeated in tho county by
about 173 votes. IU-turns on other
amendments are bo incomplete that an
estimate cannot bo made with any do-
i;ree of certainty. ;
Tho three olllces contested for in
the county were Sheriff, Clerk and
Commissioner, which offices will bo
filled by Republicans.
No vote was given on those marked with a !
For Governor
J. II. Amos, Prohibit ion
C. W. llarzeo, Sochdist
Geo. E. Chamberlain. Democrat
James Yithycom!e, Republican
For Secretary of State
Frank W. Benson, Republican
R. C. P.rowu, Sm'ialitit
T. S. McDaniel, Prohibition
P. H. Stroat, Democrat
For State Treasurer
Leslie Butler, Prohibition
(i. li. Cook, Socialist
J. J). Matlock, Democrat
Geo. A. Steel, Republican
For Supremo Jodgo
C. J. Ri-ight, Prohibition
Robert Eakiu, Republican
T. G. Ilailey, Democrat
Marcua W. Robbius, Socialist
For Attorney General
C. C. Itrix, Socinlist
A. M. Crawford, Republican
R. A. Miller, Democrat
F. B. Rutherford, Prohibition
For State Supt. Schools
J. 11. Ai'kerman, Republican
J. E. Hcsuier, Socialist
Henry Slieak, Prohibition
For State Pri liter
J. C. Cooer, Soc.
Wilis S. Iuuniway, Rep.
A. S. Hawk, Pro.
J. S. Tuylor, Deui.
For Commissioner of Labor
O. P. Hotf, ,Rop.
W. S. Richards, Soc.
For Congress 1st Dis.
Chas. V. GaLloway, Dein.
Ed. C. Green, Pro.
i Willis C. Haw ley, Hop.
W. W. Meyers, Soc.
'or Souator Short Term
Hiram Gould, l'ro.
Fred V. Mialliey, Hep.
J,- K. orevons, Hoc.
r oenator Long Term
Jouuthuu Bourne, Rep.
ijohn M. Geariu, Poni.
B. L. Poget, Pro.
A. G. Simola, Soc
State Rei)reseutativo
JI. P. Belknap, Rep.
Geo. H. Merrymau, Rep.,
For Ciuinty Judge
B. Daly, Rep and Deiu.
For Sheriff
Lee Beall, Dem.
AllVrt Dent, Rep. v
For Ch'irk
E. N. Jacpilsh, Ilp.
A. W. 'auring, Dem.
For Treasurer
F. O yVhlstrom, Rp. and Dem.
For Commissioner
W. A i Currier, Dem.
II. R. Heryford, Rep.
Woman Sii,fl'rnge
Locid Option for County
J. N. Long, 'who has clerked for V,
Conn at Paisley for several years, Is
hero ou his way to Los Angeles.
the Nxt Governor
The tightest rnco seems to have been
for Sheriff, Dent winning by about 'Si
votcH. Ja'piish was elected by about
W. and Ileryford's lead b somethinK
like ICi.
On Tuesday The Examiner reriived
the following telcKram :
Portland, Oregon.
C. O. Metker: Chamberlain and
IJourno elected. Woman SuffraKe and
Local option beaten.
Oregon ian.
Tho abovo telegram might seem to
some at a glance to mean that the
question of local option in the htate
has leon defeated, but we take it that
the amendment to the constitution,
voted upon in tho state has xin de
Special to The Ei.tnlner
Portland, Or., Juno 6, OG
Lake County Examiner:
Lakeview, Or.
Entire Republican State ticket
elected except Governer.
Chamlierlain'a majority 2100 only
six Democrats in the Senate, nono in
the House. Republicans carry Mult
nomah. Sheriff close, but Stevens
Republican, won by 14 votes.
A. Y. Beach.
n Tj r
C 3 2
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10 57 44 C
17 73 5tl 21
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1 0 0 10 2 25
22 12 31 17 74 3I1
20 10 50 G 31 307
10 54 5 GO 423
0 0 0 1 22
0 0 0 3 11
9 20 17 40 203
0 G
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8 34
23 40
1 2 4 0 4 0 0
2 5 4 0 0 0 0
2 21 32 15 14 9 22
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0 2 19
0 1 14
19 38 214
4 41 308
0 3 10
4 49 344
17 51 201
0 1 21
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88 3 2 004733
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? ? 15 50 42 15 29 17 37 6 42 273
2 27 33 15 10 8 29 17 50 213
4 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 2 11
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2S 14 04 54 22 33 19 52 14 51 307
27 78 33 18 88 93 28 57 27 71 25 82 G32
12 48 15 4 48 48 24 40 G 39 10 57 351
22 37 20 10 57 54 10 27 23 42 10' 48 384
23 G2 28 17
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53 GO 15 19 20 50 13 43 409
50 30 24 41 9 31 12 57 307
23 7035 13 95 80 28 50 21 72 22 99 030
5 3rt 10 15 It 19 10 G 8 70 25 75 293
129 40 is 13 89 72 74 57 18 9 1 24 25
G 10 24 7 15 4
12 07 50 19 33 18
? 10 49 103
10 51 311
? 29
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? 74 01
4 35
18 41
? 117
,Y 50
? 25:
The Ball Came.
Tho Luikeview ball team weut to
Pine Croolk lust Sunday, regardless of
the inclement weather Bnd played a
very interesting game with the Stste
Line team, which resulted in victory
for the former.
Tho boys came back to town with
their caps in the air and feeling high
ly pleased over their victory.
Tho gutiie waa a close one, tho score
being 0 to 6 in favor of our boys.
The Lakeview boys played in bad
luck the flmt few innings. Freeburg
hurt his ankle in sliding to second.
liigelow was run over by Mulkey on
First and Carroll was Injured in the
Carroll became worked up to a base
ball heat and did some professional
coaching in tho seventh. Rolla Mc
Donald nearly lost his wing and had
to bind his shoulder to his body to
keep it in place.
Boyd came home with a game leg;
slightly disfigured, but still In the
Umpire M. Whorton was very accu
rate in his decisions, and all ended
There is talk of a match game some
time in the near future for 1150 a side.
Following is the score and lineup:
Sunday, June 3.
Freeburg. p2b 423 0 020
Biglow. lb
Carrol. f?n
Hobnrt. cf
Boyd. If
McOrath. c
Partln. rf
Snider. 3b
Total 30 tf 14
Pine Creek.
3 27 14 4
Gibbins .c
StevenH If
0. Smith, p
Mulkey. cf
De Rose, lb
Amlck. 2b
Cook. 3b
Brolll. sh
1. Smith, rf
Totals 33 6 11 1
Score by Innings.
27 8 4
Lakeview 3 2 1 10,
") 09
1 0
Pine Creek 210 100
Stolen bases, Freeburg, Boyd Gib
bona, Stevens, O. Smith, Cook, I
Two base hits, Cairoll, Boyd.
Innings pitched by, McDonald 7
by Freeburg 2. by O. Smith 9.
Struck out by McDonald 3;
Freebuig 2; by O. Simth 6.
Base on balls off McDonald 3 ;
Freeburg 2 ; off O. Smith 1.
Hit by pitcher, Hobart, Gibbons.
Passed balls, McGrath 2; Gibbons 1.
First base on errors, Lakeview 2;
Pino Creek 2.
Time of game one hour and fifty
Umpire, Mauley Whorton.
Attendance, 'JX.
Property Changes Hands.
Several real estate transactions have
occurred since our last issue which we
have to report this week. Among
tho notable tranfers was tho sale by
Mrs. R, Kingsley of 80 acres of land
on Drews creek to Mr. Johnny Morris
of the West Side. Tho price paid was
$900. We also understand that Mr. L.
A. Carriker purchased 80 acres of land
from George Wright, of Drews Creek.
The place joins Mr. Carriker's ranch
on the east and is fine land.
At Pino Creek a number of transfers
were mado. McCleary &, Shauer, tho
real estate dealers sold 80 acres of
land for Mr. MoKune. A. Amick
sold his residence property in Pine
Creek to a stranger whose name we did
not learn.
E. S. Ede sold his hotel in Pine
Creek to Mr. W. T. McDonald aud L.
Gallagher, for M500. Mr. Ede kept
the livery stable.
The Alturas Theatrical company
nlaved "Tho Flowing Bowl" to a
1 ,r
crowded house iu this city last Thurs
day night Lakeview people turned
out exceptionally well as an act of
eourtesv to our Alturas frionda who
have paid us several visits. e did
not loam what the receipts of the
evening were, but feel sure the peoplo
wore handsomely rewarded for their
trio to our town. Lakeview seldom
putrouizes traveling shows so liberal
ly, but when a performance is given
by amateurs either iu our town or
our neighbor towus. for any kind of
benefit, even though the players are
not possessed with the ability of the
professional, our peoplo are always
willing to turn out aud give them a
good houso and reluctant to criticize
any luck of histrionic ability, if any
there bo.
Wife's Attorney Lose
Client After Being
Alleged Scheme to Defeat Senator
Newlands With Lake
County Boy.
Before the Palace burned, one of its
frequent and prominent guest was
George B. Wingfleld, one of Nevada's
newly rich men, possessed of both
physical and mental attractions, am
bitious, generous. And now, both
here and in Tonopah and Goldfleld
there is a great deal of interesting
gossip of how A. L. Jieedlee of Tono
pah recently got and then lost a client
who was none other than the woman
claiming to be the wife of this multi
millionaire miner, George B. Wing
fleld, of Goldfleld.
Wingfleld Is a business associate
and friend of United Slates Senator
Geo. S. Nixon of Nevada and has a
considerable following In that state.
Accordingly, when his wife some
months ago determined to sne him for
a divorce, she fond counter influences
so great as to be unable to secure an
After repeated refusals from lawyers
to take the case, Mrs. Wingfleld final
ly secured the services of Attorney
Needles. It Is said all sorts of threats
was made against Needles In case he
brought suit for divorce for the
woman. Needles, however, refused to
be frightened- He blandly replied
that he was practising law in Tonopah
and he' was acting well within his
rights to take Mrs. Wingfleld . as a
client as long aa aba desired to secure
a divorce and asked him to attend to
the matter for her.
This was several weeks ago, and
Needles, acting for the woman, soon
had prepared for her a voluminous
complaint for divorce. This docu
ment was put on record In the Tono
pah courts, and is there yet. Not
withstanding, the prominence of
Wingfleld and the many sensational ,
charges the complaint contained, no '
newspaper in that section made the
least mention of it. As the story
runs, Wingfleld and his friends suc
cessfullv used their influence to stop
j any newspaper mention of it.
The divorce complaint aeaia ai
length with the wealth of Wingfleld
and describes the many properties in
which he is interested aa an owner.
All hia millions are described as com
munity property, and it is set forth
that the wife is entitled to half of
what can justly lie considered a king's
ransom. Wingfleld and the woman
were very poor a number or years
- . . . . . . i 1 1
ago. it is saia mat tney uvea uappiiy
until wealth in abundance began to
come to the couple. Aa riches poured
Into the household, peace ana accord
took winga and sped away.
The complaint dwella at lengtn upon
the many alleged acts of cruelty by
the husband, aud sets forth that she
has done everything possible to De a
good wife and try and regain her hus
band s regard aud aiiectiou.
Failing, it is said, to disuade need
les from filing a suit for divorce on
behalf of his wife against him, Wing
fleld is credited with perfecting plans v
to outwit the attorney. Be that as it
may, Needles, a few days ago was
brought to tno rorcioie reanzaiiou
that Mrs. Wingfleld, his client, was
missing. She has gone away and
left her attorney and her bulky re
corded divorce compluiut in the
lurch. Needles has not the least Idea
where she has gone and he draws tne
conclusion that she is missing because
somebody with a motive for doing so
has used strong pursuasion oi soma
kind to induce her to go away. He
will, however, take his own time in
watching for further developments.
He and his trieuda asseit they will
have something to say before anybody
can dismiss that divorce complaint.
This domestic scandal has thrown
the lime light ou Wiugfleld's political
ambitions, for it bus brought out tho
tact that tho Nixon political combin
ation in Nevada is grooming him for
United States Senator to succeed
Francis G. Newlands on tho expira
tion of the hitter's term lu tho near
future. It appears that Nixon and
Newlands are bitter political enemies
and that Nixon is making every effort
to get the scalp of Newlauda. Nixon
is credited with thinking that he can
accomplish thut end by putting Wing
fleld forward us a candidate. New-
lands wants to succeed himself, so
Nevada will witness a merry light for
jhe Senatorial togo among these mil
lionaires and their respective follow
iugs. Sun Francisco Examiner, Mon
day, Muy 28.