Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 31, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 9

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-W rrAQ
At Preeldcnt-Ccneral of Patriotic
Daughters of the American Inv
olution She Wai Invited Cue at uf
Honor at Ceremony.
When thi! mi ii it ill convention of the
UllllKlltt'l H (if III!) AllllTll'llll ltl'Vlltlll
WHH III hi-hhIiiii III WuhIiImkIiiii H few
wi'i'kH K Hi" lni-el Iiikh wci'i' prciildiMl
over by M m. Iionuld Mi l -h u . She t-n-Joyi'd
tln iiiiliiic il-Mllnrlliin of lu-lng
tli II rut ir'xlilliiK III i r of I hi- cori-nn-HH
who wan nut tln wlfi uf wmic
man prominent In oillrliil Hri li-n. Klw
lillil lii'i'ii u i limliilatM fur HiIh IiIkIi
womau'M ulllri' fni hi-vithI ymrn. ami
tint (lMINll Ion o IllT I'll'rllllll WIIH
plainly Hlllllll lil'I'IIIIKI' MllP (Oil III lint
hrlliK to th oltli IiIkIi "tiallonul"
im-hIIk whl( h I Iih IiiiiikIiIith of tli'
Ann rli iin Kfwiltil ion fi ll wiim imtch
h.u v to I li vnrli-il irmlltloiiii of tin no
i li ly.
I liO.U l.ONt; MM-: (!' PATRIOTS.
Mm. M ts-au Ii iih half h yard or no of
aiii'i'Ntnil Imm on Iwr revolutionary
rllilion. a in I IuiIIh luirk In Hiiino very
illNiliiKiilhlii'il i ni'iiH, liotli lin n anil
women. Sin- wan Imitii In I'roepect Mull,
Kreilerli k Mil., tin- illy mmle fainmiH
liy WhlUler'n poi-m. "Iiiti liarn h'rlichle."
'I'lii Miiri'Mtral tiiill Is u IjIk. Iicautlful
Mil IllNAI.H Mrl.KAN, rrenlilfUt-tii
ill place of folnnlul architect lire, and
it la only h few yeaiH hlnce Mih.
Hltchle, mother of Mik. McLean, illed.
She ii I hi had been prominent in 1. A.
It. matliTH ever vlnce the oi'anliitioti
of the him lot y. JudKe John Itttchie,
fatlier of Mih. McLean, .ervMl in t'on
KICkh and wuh hii liKcqiM'iit ly elevuleil to
tho bench or the Court or Appeals of
Maryland. Ho wuh un orator or re
nown, mid Mrn. VfLcun xii'iim to have
Inherited thin attribute of her father.
Mm. Mcli'an'a grandfather was
JudKe William I'. MnulMby. und her
giaiulmoiher. Knilly NelHon. for whom
hIip wuk naineil, was the daughter of
(Jen. HoKer Nelmin, who was a lxy of
Blxleen In colli-Ke when the Declaration
Of Independence wum hIkuoiI. Ho ran
away und Joined the revolutionary
force, lie roue In rank to Hilgailier
(ieneral for connplcuniiH bravery on the
field of battle. He was left for dead
on the baltlelleld of t'owpens. and a
Urltlnh officer In pukhIiik bin body wan
tonly Htruck hlu hand with tho Hat of
hU BUber. breukliiK tho bonon of every
fliiKir. To tila dying- day, which oc
curred many years later, Gen. Nelson
carried a stiffened hund. He became a
member of Congress and later wus
made a JiiHtlce of the Supreme Court
of tho State.
Mrs. McLean's anceHtry began buck
of the revolutionary period, however.
JudgeB Lynn and Heuttle, two of those
twelve Judges known as "Tho Twelve
Immortals," who Hist signed a protest
against t do Ilrltlsh stamp act In 17t.,
ten years before the battle of Lexing
ton, huvii in Mrs. McLean a descendant
who Is not unworthy of the Illustrious
example of fearlessness of spirit set by
them. Lieut. James lackland was also
an ancestor or Mrs. McU'an, as was
also Deputy Governor llurgess, of
colonial Muryland history.
Mrs. Mclean was educated at what
was at tho time known as tho Woman's
College. She was graduated at the uge
of fourteen, receiving a diploma which
Is one of her proud possessions to-day.
She continued her studies In history,
music and the languages until her mar
riage, .n 1883, to Donald McLean, a
man of a long line or revolutionary
ancestors like herself and a brilliant
lawyer In New York city.
Mrs. McLean has made a practical
study of parliamentary law, and In the
lonjr years of battling for olmpter rltrhts
on the floor of the Continental Con
gress and her own big chapter has be-
rornn a flnlMhcd expert In thrtiHt and
pnrry In niilliiinciiiiiry tn-t !.
At tln Fourteenth Continental Con-uri-Mi
of thn ImiiKhlem of tho American
Revolution, when Mm. Mt-I,enri wkh
Itogenl of Iho New York Chapter, alie
amhIh! 'il In lut roil ni l ii h resolution
lookiiiK In thn tmrlnl of Paul Joncx In
AnnnpoIlM, Mil., Ihul lielng lier native
HUle. IIi'Hlili'M ImvInK ft local ptlile,
nhe thoiiKht thn IIthI nnval hern of the
tint km MlinuM I id Imrleil near to the
great nuval mliool.
There wiih tremendous, oppnHltlon to
the proMMllinii, anil the i-onnrcHH vitei
to "lay thn reifiliitlon on the table," an
(.'XprcKxIon iiHeil In parliamentary pro
ceedings to defer action oil the MUbjei t.
Ijiler It wan taken up. but the roiiKrcHH
voted tiKnltiHt tnkliiK the body of the
nnvnl hero to A iinnpnIlH and favored
bringing I'- Washington for burial In
ArlltiK"n. Mr. McU-nn linn now. how.
ever, Keen one of her ilea rent wIkIhh
carried out, and, an head of one of (he
Kri-alent societies of patrlollc women
In the world, hIic wum a kuckI of honor
at the recent burial ceremonleH of Ad
miral I'aul Jonen at Annapollx.
Mmle u Good Speech.
Senator Morgan the venerable utalen
man from Alabama, ban that valuable
hciihi! of humor which enabled the jkim-Ki-HHor
to enjoy a Joke when the laugh
I on himself. The other evening, !
lie tellH about it, lie picked lip 'd
copy of the ConxreHHloiiul Kecord while
at home, and opening It at random be
Kim to read. "Very soon." hays tin-
IHTIll nf I Hi Hull tlTH of till- IluVOlUl loll
Senutor, "I became Interested, and as
I proceeded I said to myself, 'This man
Is making u very sensible talk.' I
found myself inte In accord with his
views und i cud along with a good deal
of approval until I finished two pages
1 wa.-t wondering who could have made
mii h ii speech but was too much inter
cKtcd to look back to find out. Hut as
1 turned tho pai;i I came upon an in
terruption, and there was my own nnniu
given as tho Senator making tho reply.
It was my own speech I had been read
A Hud Memory,
Senator Knox's physician advised
him to give up smoking a few days
ago and put him in the same class with
Senator Spooner, also smokeless, after
lorty years r it. The next morning
Senator Knox's physician happened up
at tho Capitol and went Into tho flen
utor'a committee room to puss the time
of day. Ho found Knox smokinir a
"Here, Senator," he said, "I thought
I told you to quit that."
"Quit what?" asked Knox. In mild
Sua Movements.
Standing on tho seashore at a well-
known Atlantic Coast resort, watching
a beautiful sunset, with Its raye pierc
ing tho clouds, were two Jowb.
"Look!" said one of the followers of
Moses, "see the sun rays."
"No," replied the other, "dere is
vhere de sun sets."
Built In Spanish Architecture and
Cont of Buildings Alone was Thirty
Million Dollars-Will Probably be
Kc built.
One of tho moflo serious results of
the Pacific roast earthquake disaster
is the destruction of Stanford Univer
sity, near Palo Alto. More than $30,
noo.ltfiO had bi:en expended on the
buildings alone, and the damage has
been co severe thot It will mean prnc
tlcolly an entire loss. This group of
builiiliiKH was planned and built on a
prearranged scheme and has boon ac
count. -d the finest group or structures
fur educational purposes on this con
tinent, If not in the entire world. The
buildings were all In the picturesque
Spanish mission stylo, with the arch as
t1 1 principal architectural feature. This
fact, which was so much a source of
beauty, lias probably been tho largest
source of destruction, because-, while
the arch undisturbed Is one of the most
secure of building forms, when thrown
out of plumb It must fall.
The main buildings aro built around
an Inner quadrangle, which contains
the oitlces of administration and some
class rooms. These buildings are ail
one story In height. The outer quad
rangle, which comprises the principal
architectural features of the univer
sity, bus ob main points of Interest
I the memorial arch, with Its wonderful
' frieze, by St. Oaudens, representing
' the progress or civilization In America,
and directly opposite this, through ths
inner quadrangle, the Stanford Memo
rial Church, with Its mosaic Tront de
picting the "Sermon on the Mount."
This building cost. In construction
alone, l,O00.0"0. exclusive or the mo
saics and carvings inside and out, and
its marble statues and art treasure
from Kurope.
Perhaps it may bo said that the lot's
of tho buildings and equipment, in
spite of their great value, is the least
par t of the disaster, because since the
university was started on Senator
Stanford's Palo Alto ranch It has been
a marvelous incentive toward higher
linatlon on the Pacific coast. No:
only has It gone ahead with great
strides on Its own account, but it has
tarried the State University at Ilerke-
ley along with It In healthy rivalry,
until the two gave an equipment for
higher education In California that was
not rivaled by that of any other State,
If it were not for the indomitable
spirit which seems to have enabled the
university to triumph over many diffi
culties It might be said that its career
hus been particularly Ill-starred. Foi
In spite of Its great endowment, said
to exceed that of any other Institution
of learning in the country, It has been
unfortunate from the beginning. Vex
atious litigation arose at the time of
Senator Stanford 8 death. In 1SU1, and
the claims put forward by those who
had received personal bequests, to have
them settled first, seriously impaired
the finances of the university because
it was impossible to realize upon its
property. After that the Pacific rail
road suits tied up the university money
for a couple of years, until tho Su
promo Court decided in favor of the
Stanford estate. Hut Mrs. Stanford
with wonderful courage and singleness
of purpose, unselfishly turned all of her
property over to the university, saw
it through its crises until her recent
tragic death In Honolulu, when the
Lola ml StanTord University was again
thrown In despair. Its present de
struction by the earthquake seems to
come ns a culminating disaster, yet It
is probable that it will rise again su
perior to the conditions which seem
In league against It, though it has
practically been set back to an abso
lutely new beginning.
It is already understood that plans
nave been considered for tho rebuild'
lng of tho university, as the statement
has been made by President David
Starr Jordan to the students of the
university, asking them to remain and
aid In bringing order out of the chaos
resulting from the earthquake. Pres
ident Jordan has been mentioned to
succeed the late Professor Langley as
Secretary to the Smithsonian Institute
In Washington, but those who are in
a position to know state that It Is be
lieved that he will remain at the helm
of the Stanford University and Bee
that the magnificent buildings are
erected again.
Stanford Fnlvcrslt hnd Its concep
tion In Italy in 1SS-I. There a four
teen year olo Amerlcun boy tossed i
hlH bod, struck down b a mullgnunt
fever. Ills fond mother knelt at his
bedshlo and as his yo- ; life passed
out, sho uroso tilled with uu Inspiration
tbnt he mlgh llvo Again.
To her husband. Senator Stanford,
she said: "It was his wish and dculra
that Indigent young men should have
an advantage In olital lng educa
tion. I'or bin sake let iw Teet a uni
versity where all shall haT an equal
chine " From that .ny the Senator
mid Mrs. Stanford devoted their entire
energies toward planning the Lola rid
Stanford, Junior, University.
Government 1'oHlllonn.
As "distance lends enchantment." so
perhaps are many people affected
who, living in the remote States, are
d'-HlroiiH nl holding an appointive of
fice under Uncle Sam at Washington.
Lured by the short hours, light
work, and comparatively large talarles,
the young roan or woman is likely to
look upon department service as a
beautiful life of "Do Little and Draw
Your Pay" and watch the passing
show. But it has Its seamy side and
carries both advantages and disadvan
tages in its train.
There is the danger of fossilization:
of becoming a leaf in the sere; with
energies gone and aspiration dead.
This danger is great and seems almost
inevitable to him who has many years
of service in the departments. Though
all will not agree with tho Hon. Champ
Clark in a recent article in the Satur
day Evening Post when he 6ays "Over
the doorways of the Departments
should be inscribed in letters so large
that he who runs may read:
"All Hope Abandon Ye Who Enter
Y'et to the young man and woman
who would keep the fires of their am
bition burning, government service
should bo entered only as a stepping
stone to a more strenuous life or
higher and better things.
Each Dish
Decorated With
Your Initial. .
W all
W - - i i' is ft
K , I' ; ,Mv:.;.i : v
turea to be quick aellera. If they ara found not to be. they can be returned at our expense. We run all the risk,
the pictures, take back any not sold and pay you liberally for what you do sell. Order the tt nluturtai TODAY u
iuuier ticU We are an old established house.
W L REYNOLDS, Manaficr, . 63 Washington
Three Men of Navy at Risk of Their
Lives Place Compound In Teeth of
Oncoming t Ire-V hole Blocks Razed
to Prevent Disaster.
Through the destructive agency of
dynamite the section of San Francisco
still standing was saved at a cost of
more than a million dollars. This pow
erful compound was scientifically
wielded by three men of the U. S. Navy,
sent by Admiral McCalla from Mare
Island with orders to check the confla
gration at any cost of life or property
With them they brought a ton and a
half of gun cotton, the terrific power
of which was equal to the maniacal de
termination of the fire.
Capt. MacBride was in command of
the squad. Chief Gunner Adamson
placed the charges, and the third gun
ner set them off.
The thunderous detonations to which
the terrified city listened all that dread
ful Friday night meant the salvation of
many lives. A million dollars' worth
of property, noble residences and
worthless shacks alike, were blown to
drifiing dust, but that destruction
broke the spirit of the fire and sent the
raging flames cringing back over their
own charred path.
The whole eat side of Van Ness ave
nue, from Golden Gate to Greenwich,
was dynamited a block deep, though
most of the structures stood untouched
by flame or cinder. .ot one e .rge
failed; no one building stood upon it
foundations. Unless some second ma-
la the 11 neat dinner set ever offered
premium. 42 couuileta Dieoee.
Every dish (exoent cuns and a&uoerak
decorated with the owner! initial. Anj lady
embus' us her name will be aent ot our
handsome facsimile framed art picture to
ell fur 25 centa each or two fur 60 oenta.
When aold aent) ua the IS.Uu collected and
tbia elegant 42-Pieoe Mono? ram Dinner Bet
will be ahlpped to you at onoe tor your
trouble. You only need to aeU 24 pirttirr
(no more) to earn this iiremluin. IT WOULD
to introduce our house at ouoe. Our picture)
are Urge site, 16 iuuhea by 20 lnchea, lu many
beautiful colon and nniuhed with lithograph
acroU and gold frame, ready for Wall, just aa
fivHt1 fmm us. We f.uarHnte amp r.i.-
Order the tt picture
Incorporated under the Iswa oi Illinois for tiu.Ouu
Melons tantrum of nature reversed the
direction of the west wind the whole
populous district to the west, blocked
with fleeing refugees and unilltimlnated
except by the disastrous glare on the
wafer front, seemed safe by 9 o'clock.
Van Ness avenue Is fiat as the earth
on the east side. Every pound of gun
cotton did Its work, and, though the
ruins burned, It was but feebly. From
Golden Gate avenue on the north the
fire crossed the wide street in but one
place the Claus Spreckels' residence,
on the corner of California street.
There the flames were writhing up the
walls before the dynamiters could
reach it; yet they made their way to
the foundations, carrying their explo
sives despite the furnace-like heat. The
' charge had to be placed so swiftly and
the fuse lit In such a hurry that the
explosion was not quite successful from
the trained viewpoint of the gunners.
But though the walls still stood. It was
only an empty victory for the fire, as
bare brick and smoking ruins are poor
food for flames.
Capt. MacBride's dynamiting equad
realized that a stand was hopeless, ex
cept on Van Ness avenue. They could
have forced their explosives further la
the burning section, but not a pound of
the terrible guncotton could be or was
wasted. The ruined block that met the
wide thoroughfare formed a trench
through the clustered structures that
the conflagration, wild as it was, could
not leap. Engines pumping brine
through Fort Madison from the bay
completed the little work that the gun
cotton hal left, but for three days the
haggard-eyed firemen guarded the flick
ering ruins.
The desolate waste straight through.
the heart of the city is a mute witness
to the most heroic and effective work of
the whole calamity. Three men did
this three, simply, because they would
not trust their work to others and
when their work was over and what
stood of the city for the first time
rested quietly, they departed as mod
estly as they had come. They were or
dered to save San Francisco; they
obeyed orders, and Capt. MacBride and
his two gunners made history on that
dreadful night.
Elephants Going Up,
"A five-foot elephant costs tills
spring," an importer of animals Is
stated to have remarked, "11,400, es
against $1,200, for which such ele
phants could be bought two years ago.
"Elephants. like all other wild ani
mals, are growing scarcer with tho
settlement of the globe, and their
prices tend upward. More email ele
phants than big ones are Imported be
cause they cost less to begin with and
because they are easier and safer to
transport, and showmen like them,
too, for the reason that young ele
phants are more tractable and easier
to train. And small elephants are at
tractive anyway.
"Then, the elephant is a hardy ani
mal in captivity and he is naturally
long lived, and the young elephant In
creases in value with his growth. So
that even with their prices tending
upward, young elephants are good
property, though even they are rather
large for family pets."
Wild Rose Design
In Colors and
- Edges Traced in
. car aU Doetaff. trust yon with
TODAY and earn this elctfant MoMMjraa
and can furuiah 1UUU reference.
Street, Dept. 756, Chicago.