Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 31, 1906, Image 8

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During the month of June I will redeem all
outstanding Crockery Coupons in exchange for
The assortment comprises all kinds of FRUIT
Etc, Etc.
Every piece of glassware in our stock is at
your disposal in exchange FREE for coupons.
C. S. LOVELESS, Proprietor.
Lakeview And Vicinity
I propose to offer tbe public a stopping place where their
horses wil be fed and cared for as they would be cared for at
1 til
I will also keep a team ana rig 10 nire.
We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
Jus. Turpiu was m towu Tuesduy.
J. P. Duko viit a visitor in towu
Win. Stauley was visit ing iu this
city Monday.
Guess no one is complaining ubout
drouth these days.
J. T. Metzker expects to start the
Camas sawmill iu a few days.
The iee cream parlor at the soda
works is a neat looking place.
Circuit court adjourned Monday
after long and tedious session.
Tom Mulkey came to towu first of
jthe week from the sheep camp.
Send your brood mares to F.lbert
'Morrris' fine young Jack, on the West
Side. tf.
S. A. D. Puter waived examination
and was takeu to Portland to stand
Farmers who with to raise good
mules will do will to see Libert Mor
ris' line Jack. tf
A. T. Cllpponger ( ui town Tuen
tiny. Dutch lunch tit the Hrewcry 8
Ituiii. tf
Dutch lunch tit tho Hrewery Sa
loon, tf
Do not fall to see "The Flowing
Howl" enacted at Hurry's hall Thurs
day evening, May :tlst. 1
John Kotish came in town from
Clover Flat Tuesday to consult a doc
tor. Ho 1ms liecu (pute sick.
Lost near Lakeview one fill's dark
lilue gingham dress. The Under w ill
do n favor liy leaving mime at this
11. F. Camion came down from Che
wituenn Tuesday on business. He says
he lias made u good lambing thin
The Alturas Amateur Theatrical Co.
w ill enact the drama "Tho Flowing
Howl" this Thursday) evening, May
II 1st at Harry's hall. 1
We have for wile a neat house and
lot in the vicinity of the school house.
The place can lo had for f !.", cash,
which is very cheap. tf
Do not fail to see the skirt dance by
I the two little favorites of the Alturas
Amateur Theatrical Co., at Harry's
hall this (Thursday) evening May :ilst
The local hull team intended going
to Pine Creek last Sunday and were
all ready to go, but the day was ho
!..!. .,,(. mi.l I .... 1 !.... II... (.!
(.1... l',Vl II. Ill I IIU I 1 Hfln
We see liy last week's Herald that
the editor of that paper delivered a
"very interesting lecture at the Court
House on the Ways and .Manners of
the Ked Man."
Dave Jones, who has a saloon at
Andrews, Harney county, expects to
return home iu a few days. He has
been here on business connected with
the Jones estate.
Frank Duke was up towu Tuesday.
Frank says he doesn't know much
alHHit politics this year, hut he is
going to vote for the resevre and reci
procity with Jubitor Pluvius.
Quite a numlKT of large halftone
picture, of Dr. Withycoinbc, K publi-
can candidate for governor, and Jon
athan Konrue Jr., candiJate for I'. K.
Senator, were distributed here last
I have a crew of California sheep
shearers ami will be ready to liegin
shearing sheep' at my corrals iu Cam
as Prairie auy time. Good range. Dip
ping vats at he corrals:. Mrs. Kosu
Mc Danel.
Yesterday was Memorial Day, and
was observed iu patriotic style. Hut
few hi soldiers remain to join iu the
parade, but the same course will
doubtless lie puisucd when there is
but one to match.
Hoy Shirk has none to Steins Moun
tains to buy horses. W. M. Harvey
has pine north and will meet Mr.
Shirk at the "P" ranch where they
will start a drive of horses to the
California market.
P. J. Hrattain, who has been here
under treatment for throat trouble is ot idmosl pure copper,
getting better.
King Alfonso lias officially received
Lis bride into Spain, and the wedding
will occur soon, if not already.
J. S. lirauch came in from Clover
Flat fir.-t of the week and moved his
family out to their ranch yesterday.
L. F. Cont. went to Alturas Tues
day on tt business trip, iu connection
with the Whittemore estate, of which
he is the Oregon attorney.
The plant for the new paper to be
established at the State Line passed
through towu first of the week. Mr.
j Whetstone moved the plant to its new
i location.
Will Koush has returned from his:
copper mines iu the lilack Lock desert !
country. ' He says he has a good mine j
Mil its loca
tion is so far from the railroad that
shipments cannot be profitably made.
I have a fine young Jack which I
am standing at H-0 for insurance.
Mans from u distance can be left in
cood pasture at tho Oliver ranch ami
will be attended to promptly. For
part iculars call on moon the West
Side or address at Lakeview, Oregon.
Libert Morris. tf
Our new stock of goods have arrived
and is compete in everything usually
found in a first-class Drug Store; eon
sisting of .Fancy Stationery, Writing
Tablets, Spelling Blanks, Tens and Pen
cils, Ink and Mucilege, Taney Soaps and
Toilet articles, Tooth Brushes, etc.
The fight for the lightweight cham
pionship to be pulled off at Los An
geles last Friday night between Jlat
tling Nelson and Jlerrera failed to
come off. Some squabble occured
over weighing in and the 4-100 Hpce
titors who had paid ?-1 a piece to see
the fight were disappointed.
Successor to
I have leased the W. M.
Ilarvcv pastures, and have
Sjjjione field that has formerly
j?! I been reserved for hay, which
liJl will open up for cow pas
rSlturc June first, at
runciest, hiiciiimju icn
all stock left in my charge.
I will not be responsible for
breaehy stock that get out
of the pasture, but 'will do
what I can to get them back.
Hoses brought up once a
: week, if desired.
wanted: Gentleman or Lady with
good reference, to travel by rail or
with rig;, for a linn of ffisl.WWMi cap
ital. Salary fl07J.tM) per year and
expenses; salary paid weekly ami ex
penses advanced. Address, with
stamp, Jos, A. Alexander, I-kcvlew,
Oregon. Ma.y-3-iiiios.
A stray copy of the Mendocino
(Calif,. ) Ucaeon drifted our way last
week, containing the following item:
"Perry A. Stanley went to the City
on Wednesday's porno and will go to
Vallejo to consult with parties inter
ested with him in his recently invent
ed motor and air compressor. "
We recieved u letter from Happy
Hooligan a few days ago commenting
on tho marriage of Mr. George Stan
ley, a former resident of this place
and brother of Win. Stanley, to Miss
Irene Lyman of Cottage Grove on
April 20th. Hooligan further sug
gests that more of the Lakeview boys
try their luck at Cottage grove.
"Little drops of wnter, " etc., etc.
Ice cream coda at the aim In work.
Don't forget the place. 1
Geo. O. Hamlin la registered At the
Hotel from Klamath Falls.
Wui. Metzker has returned home
from it visit to Surprise valley.
W. F. Petree and wife will move to
the Camas Prairie sawmill today.
Mrs. Smith, mother of the Smith
sisters of the Herald, Is quite nick.
W. II. Snider Is holding down the
olllec of slicntf during the absence of
Sheritr Kluchart.
Head the new Advertisement off. H.
Metker, In' The Fxninlner, who will
conduct the pasture this summer.
We have Hot heard a hint at dishon
esty or immorality against any Kcpuh
licau candidate for olllce iu Lake
A. L. lhorntonand family moved
Into the Hot he residence Monday.
The house is to be I c papered and
Mrs. J. W. Mikel, who was reported
seriously sick is able to nit up. The
F.xamiuer is pleased to announce her
(ieo. Johnson returned home with
his family last Saturday. They will
move Into their new home on Main
street at once.
Most of the Warner Valley vacpieros,
who have been In the county seat the
past two or three weeks, left for War
ner last Sunday.
F.. K. Woodcock and family went to
the State Fine last Sunday to meet
Mr. Johnson and family and to visit
Mrs. Woodcock's folks.
Miss Mae Miller, formerly of Like
view, but who has been living in Oak
laud the past few years, is visiting
friends In Likvcicw this week.
The San Francisco carthiiiakc has
driven a great many Iake county peo
ple home, and more want to come.
This is a pretty good place alter all.
First it rained and then it Mew;''
rained some more and then it suew.
Hut let it storm , it' no use to stew ;
more raiu more rest ; more crass to
chew. j
D. K. Penner, the piano tuner, j
writes that he will 1st iu Lakeview in '
a few days, and reipiestti that parties1
owning pianos that need tunning wait
for him. All work guaranteed.
Win. Vinyard as sentenced to live
years in the penitentiary for horse
stealing. Slierilf Kiuehart started for
Salem Monday with Vinyard and Wert,
who was sentence. 1 to two years iu the
Aaron Dicks, w hoe saddle was shook
to pieces in tint San Francisco earth
quake, purchased a new one at Ahls
trom's a few days ago, and is now
ready to mount tho most vicious
A list of the lands recently restored
i to entry in this laud district appears
in The Lxaminer The lands lie mo.-t-I
ly iu Klamath county, and were with
'drawn on account of the Klamath Ir-
rigat ion project.
i The report conies here t hat smallpox
has shown itself at Klamath Fulls.
Prceaut binary measures should be
(taken to prevent a spread of the
dreaded disease. People in this coun
ty should be on tiie lookout Ist it
gets over t his way.
We understand that the officers who
went to capture Kd. Laird east of Sur
prise valley came very close to him,
and had they not remained over night
and till oclock (lie next morning at
a sheep camp in a few miles of Laird's
gamp, they might have met with the
sad misfortune of .overtaking thefuga-
Helow we (live report of the went her
hm recorded by the Government weather
bureau ntntlon nt The Fxmulner Olllce,
Thin rcort Ik chmiged ench week, Ami it
our renders wish to keep a yearly record
of westher conditions fur future refer
, enco, cut out tho report nhuiK the Muck
una Aim paste it in a setup iiook on
week After another. This reord w ill be
taken on Tliesdil" to end ench week mid
beuin on Weilnetlny for the next week
Government Weather Huieini Stii
lion At I.nkeview, Oreumi,
C. O. Mict.kkii, Cooperative Observer.
Week ending TueMilny, May 22, l!lfl
I'njr ln Jinln, r--l ! nn'w clmm. I. r
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Light Months on Trial.
After eight mouthy of unceasing
effort, we have the sal Isfuct Inu of
k HOW lug t till t our business Is Ins . led
III Lakeview, and I tint we have
pleased our trade friends but i, In t lie
cluirncler and value of goods offcivil
t hem, and In our met hods of business.
we ha ve done more business than
we believed could be done here III our
exclusive lines, and II in 1 lhat our pat
rons arc Iu every Instance, pleased
with the treatment given them. Our
pat ronnge Is growing every day.
The most encouraging feature of
our business a, that We meet the
Hume people at our counters day
after tbi.v.
we have striven to deserve tho
good III and eonrblciicc of our pat
rons, ulld we believe We huve sue.
Our thanks nre hereby tendered
those u ho have fit vored us w ll h I heir
patronage, and wc promise that they
shall have every benefit that we by
wide a wake me I hods and pal list ak lug
labor can give them, iu the future
conduct of our business.
we will never give up trying t
please and beiieht you.
we lire iu dally receipt of New
Goods now; the best and latest Iu
fashionable styles.
We will not buy nay thing else.
See our goods and get our prices)
when ynii need iiii.v t hlng worn by
women uml i hlMrcii.
Anna M. Neiloii tV Co.
The Lakeview Mercantile
Co. will pay, for hides in
first-class condition,
Ikef Hides 17c per lb
Sheep Pelts 11c per lb
Call find see us before
selling elsewhere.
K. D. Maplcsdcu has finished his
canvass of the county ami those who
wish to order fruit trees, from the Ore
gon Nursery Co., can send their order
to Mr. Maplesden at V Linda Ave.,
Oakland, California., and their order
w ill receive t ho same prompt atten
tion that Mr. Maplesden would give it
were lie here to tuko tho order. Mr.
Maplesden annuoiices that he has
done uu uccc ptinnally goisl business
in this county this spring and w ill
bring in tho finest lot of nursery stock
t his fall ever brought to the county.
At the next gem nil election in Ore
gon, Women t uffnik'e will again ls
placed before the people to say wheth
er they want it or not. Advocates of
Women Slllferage say that Women
needs a Vote to right the wrongs she
suiters at the hands of man. As it
matter of fact, the rights nf women
are looked alter more carefully under
the laws of most States than those i t
men. Men reulie the fact that women
as a whole are less able to take care of
t heinselves and their properly than
men are. Men can, mid will, if neces
sary light for their liven and properly.
Women cannot, hence, men tintiirally
Protect them. This situation in ex
tremely distasteful to Women SulTer
agists, but angry protests cannot niter
In the last fllty years great progress
has Is'i-ii made in the condition of
women iu this country as regards ed
ucation ami opportunity of employ
ment and the enjoyment of life. This
condition, however, has not been duo
to the agitation for Women SiiU'erage,
as its advocates would have you be
lieve. The states w here Women have
made most progress ure those iu which
Women Sull'erage bills have been most
steadily and decisively defeated.
There has been but. slight, improve
ment, if any, in the laws of the states
where woiiii u vote, due altogether to
the fact of t hat vote.
If the HUll'erage movement were to
disband today and no women ever
vote, not a single great interest would
sull'er. On the other hand, were
Women Sull'erage granted iu Oregon,
it would bet the State back for many
rt'r i 's.' f's'S W r 'sir ' ' J 's s '
Have established a warehouse iu Lakeview for the
accommodation of cattlemen .and sheepmen of Lake
county, where they will buy beef hides, horse hides,
Dclts of all kinds, horse hair. etc.. .at San Francism $
prices, freight deducted.
Warehouse located in The Ked 'utchershop uild
ing, near the Mammoth Livery Stables.
J. I Duckworth of the North Lakeview Feed Yard
is their Special Agent, with instructions to pay the
prices stated above, IN CASH.