Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 31, 1906, Image 7

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    down tho wi ImrrliT In education"
ml (llti'id'il tlii'lr efforts to tlii sd
vocmy of cord mutton r.ittnr tlinn to
tho iKtnlllriiiiiiit of tlin IiU.Imt rd il
ea I lou.
KiiMkIiIi'IhmI dlsrtiaaluiiN of great
questions of pitlillc policy kIhiiiIiJ lm
cnllcd out by thu aitlTnigo liien, hut
thcr" n r iioih on word.
HntTniifo Icnilorn ililiii t tin C tlia
cluing" In In wm milking Uii'tn morn f 11
Vornliln to women Ih lnicly owing to
thrlr ilciiiiimla, Imt this cmi bit dis
tinctly (Unproved,
'in their published history th lwl
any Unit oim of tin niiim'n tlmt !!
tO tlllr IIHJVCIIH'Ilt Wit "tilt tllwim
lon In acventl of tin' Ktnto IckImIii
" turea of propi-rty ijui'Mtlonn In ri-pird
to married women," showing flint thin
nirltntlon prcccili-d tlit work of tint
ulTntK oi'Knnl.iitioii.
Tha mifTiiiKi" tuoviMiK'iit tiKKim In
1MN, Imt In 111 Itliodo Island liud
iniHOll milll IllWd, Mild ColllD'f'tU'tlt.
Mnaani-htiMrtta, 'IVxna nud Now York
HNMcd Silt It III MM III 1HH III. Ill 1 H.-.l T,'i
Aliiliiimn and MiiIiih pnsai'd aliulliir
lawn. In 1h.i3 Ni-w llumpMlitrw, Indl
aim, Wlaconalti nod lowii tn ml rwllr:il
clmiiufK. In tHI!M)lilo, Maine, liidliiim
and Mlurl IiikI pnaaiid liuva giving
to rnnrili'd women tin rlnlit to their
own cnrnliiga.
Tli Nvw York Ktnto Huffing!- nko
elation n-porta tlmt during twenty two
yeiira It urg-d hui three Milt relating
to anything tint stirrrngp and tlmt
ttnmo three did tint originate wltk the
The profi-Hnlona were
Not Opened to Woman
th rou uli mi rr rime agitation. When that
movement Ix-giut ii dustcti women were
already studying iihmIWIihi In tlila
country, and thu inedlt-iil mlxlnury
wna tho pioneer. Aa to the ministry,
two of thu early aulTrg leiidera were
In IKTil Mm. Ktiiutou wrote to a auf
frage convention, "The trudra and pro
feaalotia uro all open to na,"
About tho only right our foretnothera
bad wna tho rlutit to II vw and ha our
foremotbera. Indeed, tho Inw knew
nothing of them heyolid keeping their
marriage within tha control of the
king or the lord of tha manor, until
thvy took tha atep which conferred
upon ua the high privilege of being
After that If ly any chance they had
Demount properly It became the hua
bnud'a nhftolutely. Ho with real eatata;
ho could nllemilo It by deed or will.
Man and wife were In uo aenae eual
before the law.
Their Uvea were legally merged In
one, but the one wna not a new crea
tion; the one remained tle life of the
Ami the law made Ii tin about aa
trouble. mie to her after be waa dead
aa when he wna alive. If he left any
property when he died ahe could claim
thu Income of oue-thlrd of It, and no
more, during the ordinarily brief time
while ahe remained Ida widow.
If ahu hud brought the property to
bliu when ahe inurrled him or tf they
had accumulated It together, It made
no illfTerence. If he fulled to aell It
or K've It away In Ida lifetime or ncg-1ecti-l
to dltpoae of It by will, Uie law
cume in at bin death and considerate
ly correcteil hla overnight lu Ills Inter
vat. She could not make u will lit all.
He rould give or will her property to
bla relative. Her
8arvioat and Earning War Hia.
She bud no right of control over the
children, except lu Hiihordlnutlnii to
him; the Income of their labor, aa
well aa of their mothcr'w, wna bla.
He had the right to cIiiikIIhc pot only
tbeiu, but their mother aa well.
All theae abuses have been correcteil,
but not tiy women's votea or becauau a
tew women have demanded votea. The
chnngea have come about becauae de
mocracy, without chart or plan or un
1crMtiiiullii) of what the cud would be,
merely obeying the cotiHclcuce and ua
liig the forco of the iiinaa, boro down
the unbroken tradition of a thousand
Wherever demiMTiicy haa had any
development In the world, even under
autocratic or aristocratic forma, there
ttte rlk'lits of women have been enlnrir
e1. The opportunity haa lncn ao touch
larger and tho advance ao much
atronifer lu America than In any other
land that we have become coiiHplcuoua
In a world movement.
Tut the movement Ih on all over tho
world. It la one of the jjreat strides to
the high destiny of thu race.
Look at the position of
Woman In Oregon
through the courtesy and chivalry ot
A mnrrled woman can contract pro-
ctaely aa If unmarried when her sepa
rate property la concerned.
If the husband obtains possession of
the wlfe'a property either beforo or
after marrliiKo tha wife may maintain
an action therefor.
A mnrriud woman may apply to tho
courts for tin or dor requiring her hus-
band to aupport herself nnd ber ehtl
dren. Tho projierty of a married woman la
not subject to the debts or contracts of
her husband except such as are funilly
A wife la entitled to bold tmy prop
erty uc(ulrel with the proceed of ber
personiil labor,
A mother In aa fully entitled in u fa
ther to tho custody and control of chil
dren and their en minus.
A husband who beats his wlfo la
liable to a penalty of twenty lashes.
Could women expect any more privi
leges from a legislature elected In pitrt
by their own votes?
It ia urged that the bnllot will
Help tha Wag Earning Woman
by brliiKltiK her better wntres. Is tlN
true? There are in the United States
more than r..(Mi(UMHJ .wiuio e.irnlin: wo
men ten yemra old it ml over tt'ungwi
In aotne IHUI different Industrie, Thin
fact la being cited In Oregon na an ar
gument for tha extension of suffrage to
Hut etainfn the figures: Thirty two
per cent, or nearly one-third of thoao
r,(Mio,oiK women, are under twenty ono
yeara of age; 411 per cent, or nearly one
linlf, are under tweuty flve yeara of
age, Nearly ,(HK),(HK are engaged In
agriculture, anil three-fifths of these
are southern negroea, Two million wo
men are In domestic nnd personal aertr-
Ice; 4'Kt.fKK) ara teachers or engaged In
the professions.
Slneo nearly one third of the wago
earning women are under twnty-ono
and could not vote and nearly one half
of the whole number are under twen
ty five, It Is evident that the average
wage earning woman, unlike the wage
earning man, does not enter Industry
for her life work. She works for n
short time and then through tnnrrlnge
becomes what we call the average wi
I n mi. Nine tenths of the women of the
t-'lilted Slates marry, and four-llflha of
the housewives of America, stutlstlca
tell us, still do their own housework.
Aa only B per cent of married women
are wage earners, It Is evident that the
average wage earning woman remains
In Industry a short time, going out of
that Industry Into the ranka of those
women to whom the ballot would I
an added responsibility In lives already
filled with cares which euiuiot be re
lieved tiy legislation.
'I nking women's work In general, the
following are some reasons why wom
en's wages are less than men's:
First.--Women have a practical mo
nopoly of a great many of the more
unskilled anil poorly paid Industrial oc
ciipfilloiis ns, for example, the gar
ment trades.
Second.- Women are In a large mena.
tire aupplemeiital wage earners, many
of them being partially maintained out
of incomes other than their own.
Third.--Women usually look forward
to marriage and conseueutly do not
take the pains to leurn an occupation
Fourth. The supply of female labor
la large In proportion to the demand.
Fifth.- I'hyalcal disability makes the
labor of women often less even, con
tinuous anil excellent and therefore of
leas value than that of nieu.
Tt- Most Slnaular Chain of Marine
AiM'Idrnta on Itrcord.
The most singular scrlca of ship
wrecks on record began with the loss
of the ICuu'lish merchantman Mermaid,
which -was driven on the rocks of Tor
res strait In October. lH'j'.t. The officer
and crew clung to the shuttered vessel,
which was held fast Umii u sunken
ledge, until, a few minutes before the
doomed ship went to pieces, a passllig
frigate picked thi-tn up.
The Swlftsure, us the latter craft
was culled, resumed her northward
course, to be foundered In a terrific
gale tiin-c days later.
Hit combined crews were saved by
the warship Coventor Keady. en voy
age to India, May IH, is;in. The lust
named, overtaken by a storm, waa
stranded on a barren const, her three
crews to a man succeeding In reach
ing the hhore.
After stuyli'g a week on the luhos
pltubfe'"lslalul they were tukcti ofT by
the revenue cutter Comet, which u few
days Inter Hpriiug a leak )md sunk In
spite of all efforts to save her.
Fort una tely a rescue ship was ogalu
oil bund, the four crews being saved
by the Jupiter.
F.vcn then, however, the chain of dis
asters was not broken, for the Jupiter
Just us she was entering the harbor of
l'ort ltuille turned turtle and went
down wltti scarcely a moment's warn
lit!,'. Her crews barely escaped with
their lives, to be picked up by boat
sent to their uid.
Thus the crew of tho Mermaid was
wrecked live times In one voyage, that
of the Swlftsure four times, of the
Coventor Heady three times nnd the
Comet twice.
The rescues bad beeu purely acciden
tal lu every case, none of the ships
having liecn sailing its a consort or
evcu to the sutne port.
Though tho weutlier had been tem
pestuous and tho escapes barely made,
not ft life had been lost.
lu n tuedlaevul German talo It says
that the parish council of a small vil
lage met one evening to discuss cer
tain Improvements In the water sup
ply. Iu this debate the town's one
watchman entered tho room quietly,
placed In o' corner his lantern and
spear and sat down to listen to the ar
gument. Suddenly a councilman turn
ed to him fiercely.
"Fritz." he cried, "what are you doing
here? Who Is to watch that nothing la
stolen In tho village ?"
Fritz, with nn easy smile, nuswered:
"Who Is vthero to steitl anything? We
are all here?"
An Odd House.
One of tho best known houses In
Northamptonshire, England, was de
Blgned to represent tho duys, weeks
and quarters of the year. It has four
wings, fucng tho four quarters of tho
heavens, to represent tho four quarter
of tho year; UU5 wludows, ono for each
day; fifty-two chimneys, ouo for each
week, and seven cut ranees, to repre
sent tho seven days of the wet k.
. The world Is his who con see through
Its pretension. Whnt deafness, what
atouo blind custom, what, overgrown
error you behold, is tUero only by your
aufferuueo. rteo It to bo a lie, oud yon
have already dealt It Us mortal blow.
In England, under tho Tudors, the
man who mtvo to a beggar wtis tlued
and tho recipient of tho gift was puu-Ibbi'd
Tho Kind You linvn Ahvaya
til uno for over 00 yri.rf
jyyh. futnnl atipervIsloTi allien It Infancy
f-CCCcAXi Allow no ntiA f ml -ivn van in IIiIml.
All Counterfeits, Imitation and "Jiit-aKood" are but
Kinerimentft that triflo with ond endanger the health of
IuiiuiU and Children Experience against Experiment
Coatorlrt lit n hnrmlesa aubntlttite for Castor Oil, Pare
ICorlc, Drop nnd Hoothliifr Syrups. It in Pleasant It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
ulistauee. It ago i Its guarantee. It destroy Worm
and allay I'YverMines. It cure Diarrhoea, and "Wind
Colic. It relieve Teething Troubles, cure Constipation
and Flatulency. It assl nil late the Food, regulate the
Htomach and Dowel, giving healthy and natural ttloep
The Children' Panacea The Mother' Friend,
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmc mwmi Mimuer TMcrr, mm voaa cmr.
..Lakeview Meat Market..
JOHN WENDELL, Proprietor
Nature's Wondrous Handiwork
Throngh Utah and Colorado
Caatle Uate, Canon ot the Grand,
ttlack CauuD, M mliall and Toujii
K'C l'axaet, an.l the World-Faaioui
Skoyal florgeS
For It-orlptlv and Illuntratcd I'amih
let, write to
W. C. McBride, Uen. Agt.
IU Third Street rORTLAD, 0.
Bean tha ott m 'Wim "S1
l If f
nought, and which linft beeu
ha borne tho Mfrnntnre of
ha been mndn tinder hi per-
Signature of
Effective Janutry 1st, 1906.
9:00 A. M. Lr. a Reno Ar. 6:45 P.M.
1:48 A.M. Lv, Plumai Lt. 2:45P.M.
1;10P.M. Lv. b Ooyla Lr. 1:10 P.M.
2:15 P. M. Ar. Araedee Lv. 14:01P.M.
8:00P.M. Lv. Amedco Ar. 11:15 A.M.
3:20 P. M. Lv. e HotSpm Lv. 11:00 A.M.
7:30 P. M. Ar. d Madeline Lv. 7:15 A.M.
1:00 P. M. Lv. Pluma
2:??P, M. Lv. e Bockwith
4:20 P. M. Ar. f Mohawk
Ar. U:30P. M.
Lv. 10:55 A.M.
Lv. 8:00 A. M.
a Connections made with East and West
bound trains ot S. P. Co.
b Stages to and from Milford, Janesville,
0 Stages to and from tandlsu and Susan
vllle, d Stages to and from Eagleville, Cedarville,
Fort Bidwell, Adin, Alturaa, Lakeview, and
other points In Oregon.
a Stages to and froja Genesee, Taylorsvllle
and Greenville.
f Stages to and from Juhnsville, Cromberg,
and Quincy.
Al . cells.
'gepjji' stj'les in type and keep in
stock a large assortment of high
grade stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
)r prices will be found to compare
favorably with other prices.
MoeuaiBaNB nrrranrn imimtA
flntwlrur r ti 1-Ait. fiirnurmr h mm! frMmmit I
wnyjngmM. r, IM ALL COUMTRIta.
Hwtimnt dirrrl vllt Watkinflou tll linu.
wnnnry ana njim tnr fami,
rtt nd Infrlaf sawat Practlca bdaihrtly.
Writ nr mnm U IM Ai
a Matt ftnrt, Tt VnHM ItotM fata OflU.
waaxiNOTon, o. fc.
Land Notice,
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
1J10 Connetlcut Avenue
Waahlngton, D. C.
All persona n-ho hav bcrctofor mad PINAL
PROOF In any kind ot Land, Mineral or Tim.
bar Entries, which has been accepted by the
Register or Htoclver of any V. 5. Land Office,
can have the Iseuanca of their V. S. Patent lot
said Lands promptly attended to by sending
sne their Duplicate Kecelsta, or Ccrtlficatea as
Entry, and an agreement to pay ma $10 when
ever said Patents (hall Issue. "
Oregon, Catlfornl
and Nevada
State Agent
afclAMif. CO YEARS'
Traoc Marks
Copyrights Ac
A nrooe srHHng a skatrb and dfnertptlnn may
quickly aarertaln our optnkm fro. whether aa
lnriullon la prrhftbl7 patentable. Communlca
tlmsiitrlctlyeonaiwitlKL Handbook on PatabU
sent frea. OMeat aeanry for securing patent.
Patent, taken tbrouah Dunn A Co. rooetv.
tpKiot notice, without charge, to too
Scientific JImcrican.
A handanwiely llhistrated weekly.
I-areeat r-
eulatton of any alentlflo Journal.
eulauon oi any mnu
year : four monttul, $L
Tenma. 3 a
new ad eat era.
Braoeh OfOea. (Bt T Bt, Waahlnetou. IX C
Reward for Horses
I will pclve $20.00 Reward for the
delivery, la Lake, lew or at my ranch
at wagontlre Alountaln, of any and
all unbroken range horsea, 4-year-old
and upwards, unblemished, ranging
In Lake county, Oregon, branded
with an old horseshoe on both Jawp,.
without any other brand on the ani
mal; horseshoe open partdownward
the same as cut In the following ad
vertisement, w. w. Brown.
$1,250 Reward.
The HarneyCoantj
Live Stork Associa
tion, of which I am
a member, pays 75b
reward for evidence
leading to the COD'
viction of parties
stealing sloes: be
longing to its mem
bers. In addition)
offer o00 reward
Horse brand horse
shoe bar on either
or both Jaws. Re
corded inaconntieo
Ranee, Uarner. Lake and Crook Counties
Honrs vented when sold. Horses sold to pass
through thia section will be reported in this
paper. If not so reported, please write or tele
phone The Times Herald, Main 324, Barns, Ore
gon W W Bbowm, Fife, Ore.
i, I in .si w "
which The Examiner ex-
We nave au the late
(l-rln. aweePt. the rl.
With Keatkea, -
Open wide yonr piano o that th
wlrci are e posed. Ovar tho wire
ilac ahoots of tntiKle, nnd whon you
htrlkp a tone yon will And that It lint
a rattling aound. If now you play a
tnne in the same mannor, with tha
Bhwts of munlc atlll lylntt on tho
strlnjra, It will aottrid as if tho Instru
ment were a banjo. Anyhow, it Is a
good Imitation. ' .
Now remove th mnale ahwta and
prr-sg down Rt'ntly, hut firmly, th
keys belonRlnu to any cord. Tako th
simple cord C, K, (J, for example,
The keys must be pressed down with
out sounding them and held down
while some one jreiitly brushes th
strings w"h a feather or a straw. The
efTect will le as If the cord were play
ed far away and is heard by you ai
very soft tones.
Change the cord, always pressing
down the keys without sounding them
while the feather still sweeps the
strings lightly. In this way you may
modulate or play a slow plere, and the
effect will be very beautiful, Indeed, n
If heard from a great distance.
The reason of this Is that ordinarily
a damper rests against each string,
but when the correspondim? key Is
struck or pressed down the damper la
raised. In sweeping the strings with
the feather, lightly, only the strings
that are undampered sound, the others
being held route by the dampers, but
If the touch of the feather is too heavy
even the other strings may sound, so
your care must be In making a lighl
and delicate touch.
Now press down a key gently and
hold It Rtrike very hard the octave
above this key, but do not hold lt after
striking the tone. When the wire of
the tone struck has been sufficiently
dampered, so that It does not sound so
loud, the pressed down key will be
heard to "sing" clearly, even though
It was not struck. This Is because
every note struck Is composed of sev
eral notes, being In reality a cord In
Itself, and each note contained In that
cord causes the corresponding note In
the keyboard to vibrate, or "sing," In
sympathy If bold down In like man
ner. The other notes that will sound under
these conditions will always be the
fifth above the octave, the second oc
tave and the third and fifth above that,
and these tones that sound are called
For Illustration, If C in the lower
part of the piano be struck, any or all
of the notes that follow will sound If
their keys are first pressed and held
down. Philadelphia Press.
When you are all done but finishing;
you are Just half done.
If you have time to boast about be
ing worked to death, you have not
much to do.
Some people are so unfortunate that
their troubles make people laugh In
stead of cry.
A man who underestimates himself
may be tiresome, but he is not a cir
cumstance to the man who brass.
People may disdain a compliment,
but they feel a tender little spot in
them where It hit and refused to be
It is a theory growing In conviction
that the mau who says a mean thing
about another isn't as mean as the man
who carries it.
The man who travels over the path
behind you wisely looks at your foot
prints and sees where you could have
avoided many a pltfalL Atchison
Tiny Troee.
The midget of the whole tree family
is the Greenland birch. It is a perfect
tree in every sense of that term and
lives its allotted number of years from
73 to 130 Just as other, species of the
great birch family do, although its
height under the most favorable condi
tions seldom exceeds ten Inches. Whole
bluffs of the east and southeast coast
of Greenland are covered with '"thick
ets" of this diminutive "species of
woody plant; and in many places
wnere tne sou is uncommontv noor ana
frozen from eight to ten months a year
a "forest of these trees will flourish
for half a century without growing to
a height exceeding four Inches.
StraVare Dancea.
Queensland's goverument aboriginal
settlement on Frazer's Island holds a
weekly dance for the blacks. Among
the bundles of old clothes sent to tha
settlement there are often ball gowns,
so the gins sport decollete dresses.
Neither sex wears boots. The sexes
have to dauce separately. Sydney Bul
letin. Shrewd Gt
Senior Partner We must be careful
not to give Billings any more credit
He's evidently losing money. Junior
Fartner How do you know? Senior
Partner I heard his remark today that
"life is full of ups and downs." No
man ever admits that until he begins
to strike the down. Philadelphia Press.
"I have called," said the confident
young man, with a manuscript sticking
out of his pocket, "to see whether there
Is a vacaucy lu this otilce."
. "No," replied the melancholy editor
as he looked rouud the pluce; "I'm sor
ry to say there Is none. Even tha
waste paper basket Is full."
A CUangre.
"Well, well! There goes Miss Strong.
When I saw ber last she was posing
as a bacheJor girl. That's her hobby."
"All that's chauged now. She drop
ped her hobby for a hubby." Exchange.