Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 31, 1906, Image 6

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In these days of so much talk about
pure foods, nd with the protectlT
legislation by Congress on the subject,
the bulletin of the Bureau or Chem
istry, Department of Agriculture, on
"Some Forms of Food Adulterations
and Simple Methods for Their Detec
tion" is very timely.
Since the middle of the last century
the subject of food adulteration has
attracted a constantly increasing
amount of attention. In this country,
however, very little was done In this
line nntll about 1880. In 1881 the
Division of Chemistry began the study
of food adulteration, and since then
has given a great deal of time to the
subject. Since 1898 the origin and
place of manufacture of the foods
studied by the Bureau have been care
fully noted and special attention also
given to imported foods.
In 1883 the first practicable food
Inspection law in the United States was
facturers that the addition of a pre
servative to food doe not properly
constitute adulteration because the pre
servatives added are of grenter com
mercial value than the foods them
selves. Such a claim, however, seems
to be notl lng but a play upon words.
For instance, benzoate of soda has a
greater commercial value, weight for
weight, than tomatoes, and the claim
has been made that for that reason
its addition to tomatoes actually in
creases the expense of the preparation
of tomato catsup. As a matter of fact,
however, It permits the tomato pulp
to be prepared In large quantities and
preserved In barrels in a much less ex
pensive way than can be done without
its use. It is evident, therefore, that
even though the preservative employed
is more expensive than the substance
to which it is added, the addition is
really made for the purpose of cheap
ening the product. I: Is not for this
W' a. -iM U
FIRST PRIZE TOrLOl"SE GOOSE. Fort Wavne, Ind.. Dee.. ln05.
enacted in Massachusetts. Since that
time other States have enacted and
enforced food laws, until at the pres
ent time twenty-five States are seri
ously attempting to regulate the char
acter and qualky of the foods sold in
their markets. In three additional
States laws relating to the purity of
dairy products are enforced, and in
several others a beginning has been
Food Regulation Abroad.
Food legislation has received much
attention abroad and the more ad
vanced foreign countries have effective
food laws and enforce them rigidly.
Tne subject of the purity of foods is
more widely studied in the United
States now than at any previous time.
The people as a whole are better in
formed on the subject than ever before,
and there is a constantly increasing
demand for definite information. In
response to a very large number of
inquiries regarding the matter the bul
letin of the Bureau of Chemistry has
been prepared as a popular statement
regarding the nature and extent of
food adulteration, and includes simple
tests by which the housekeeper or re
tail dealer may determine some of
the more prevalent forms of adultera
tion practiced.
The demand for information on this
subject is now very general, and, a
is often the case when public interest
is deeply aroused, there is an unfor
tunate tendency toward exaggeration
which irequently amounts to sensa
tionalism. Such an attitude is of
course to be deplored, and unless it is
checked must sooner or later react
unfavorably. It is not unusual to
speak of some of our typical foods as
poisoned, and of the manufacturers as
poisoners. Such characterizations are
frequently exaggerations to the point
of untruth. Deleterious substances
are in many cases added to foods. At
the same time the word "poison" has a
very strong and distinct significance
and should not be applied to any one
of the substances ordinarily added to
foods, except in the sense that they are
harmful. The word "poisoner" signi
fies a person who intentionally and de
liberately administers an article in
tended to result fatally, or at least
very disastrously to health.
The Juggling of Words.
During recent years there has been
a tendency to confuse the minds of
many by an Incorrect use of certain
words frequently used in the discussion
of foods. It is the policy of some man
ufacturers to limit the word "adulter
ated" to foods to which have been
added substances of lower value than
the foods themselves with the inten
tion of increasing the weight or vol
ume. This limitation is certainly not
justified by the English language nor
by the facts, and such a restriction of
the term ia entirely unwarranted. The
word "adulterated" properly describes
a food to which any noncondimental
foreign substance, not properly con
stituting a portion of the food, has
been added. The fact that the added
substance may be at times of a greater
commercial value than the food Itself
has no bearing on the question. Con
versely, the word "pure" Is properly
applicable to foods that are unmixed
with any foreign substance. It may
be wholesome or unwholesome, hut
this property is not indicated by the
word "pure" or "adulterated." This
definition is not, of course, complete.
The claim Is made by some tnanu-
reason that such a substance is prop
erly called an adulterant, however, but
because it is an added foreign sub
stance and Is neither a food nor a con
diment. These definitions cannot be
emphasized too strongly. Adulterated
foods are not necessarily unwholesome
The bulletin published by the De-
Watcr'Foxrl in AVw England.
Broiler ducks are grown by the thou
sands In several localities of Pennsyl
vania, New Jersey and ling Island, as
well as elsewhere, the greatest num
ber, however, coming from the first
named sections. One farm alone dur
ing the year just passed marketed 37,
000 broiler ducks from its plant. Hut
New Kngland la the home or breeding
grounds of the best quality of market
geese sold in this country. The most
careful, the most determined anil the
most successful breeders and handlers
of high quality market geese are scat
tered from Khode Island to the end of
The old-time common or gray goose
has been largely displaced by the state
ly Kmbden. Toulouse, African and
China species. The Kmbden and the
Toulouse are the result of a union of
the efforts of the French and the Kng
lish. The African, the Hong Kong and
tho China geese came, perhaps, from
the Asiatic countries.
Recently, at the Boston Poultry
Show, was exhibited the finest lot of
geese that have been shown In this
country for all-time. One pair of
Enibden (pure white geese) reached the
enormous weight of 5S pound and the
Toulouse (gray market geese) almost
equaled them in size. Next to these in
quality is the African, so much valued
for the rearing of what are known as
the mongrel geese.
The white Embden. said to have j
originated from the visit of a swan to i
some of the commoner flock of a town
of thesanie name on the Continent, have
been carefully bred and selected until
they are very large, handsome white
geese, which seem to be valued first
as a true-bred variety for the producing
of feathers and market poultry. 'I he
Toulouse that came from France are
fully their equal in every way, except
that the feathers are gray or mixed
with gray in.stead of pure white.
What is known as the wild or Can
ada goose, mated with an African, pro
duces the mongrel goose, so highly
valued in the Kastern markets from
Thanksgiving through Christmas times.
When the Canada gander and the Afri
can goose become properly mated tney
will be constant one to the other to the
end of their existence, growing each
vear one or two broods of mongrel
geese that are ready for market during
Thanksgiving and Christmas times and
dress to a weight at this age heavier
than either of the parent pair. The
quality of the meat is excellent, the
price obtained ranging from iJ.u to
$4 each, according to the season and
the quality and finish of the individual
specimens themselves.
These, with the t.mbden, the Tou
louse and the China geese furnish the
high-priced geese for the winter mar
kets. No one of these of the better
qualities la ever sold for less than 28 to j
30 cents per pound, and there is a ready !
sale for all of them offered at the-e I
prices. In addition to these, thousands
of geese are gathered from as far north
as Nova Scotia, down through all the
Bunion Comfort Guaranteed!
No Pay iff wo Faii
To every thousand population in
this country there arc just 2 dozen
people troubled with bunions. The
torture they suffer is unnecessary, for
there is a device that is absolutely
guaranteed to remove the pain the
moment it is applied. This device is
available to try for the mere asking.
We can afford .to make this offer
because we did it successfully last
year in 122,000 cases
a.-' '
and we lost less than
1 per cent of all the
goods wc shipped
through our mail-order
department 84 per
cent of all bunion suf
ferers are troubled
on both feet.
If - - - I I .. ........ k-i. .itff r.t. i ill
li nu ucjici iii yuui .uj na v'c
stock, wc send, Free on ten days
THE Trial one Fischer Bunion
FISCHER Protector and you take abso
MF0. C0.. lutcly no You need not
even send postage. Wc assume
y'?'!-.- o every expense. If at the end
fontlrmon: Send wane
FiKhci Buaioa f rotntoi li
rif fhr frinl nrriml Vmi lire
v - , - j -
the Kxrtwbkb
I rt or riiiui
f rrf to try fur Irn tf.vt. If utt
ftctnrv I will rrrait Stc In p.tmrnl
fi t hw. it I i(tec lo leiuin lh
prutrctur to yoa.
tor nunc It
Mr Si. in 4 No
9utt ol Shoo..
( .j, not relieved you return
the protector to us.
That ends the trans-
Hut if
you desire to keep the protector you will remit
to us SO cents for the one you have and SO
cents for one for the other foot if you need If,
if you are one of the 84 per cent.
The Fischer self-adjustiim Bunion Protec
tor is a soft leather device, so pliable that
it conforms to the shape of the foot from the Instant it
is applied and yet so firm that it prevents prcure upon
the sore spot.
It is worn ovtr the stock ing, fills out the hollow
places in the foot and acts as a
bridging. In this way the shoo
is absolutely prevented frtmi
coming in contact with the sore
upot. The swelling is removed,
it strengthens the shank, gives
the foot a natural form and
Retains tho Perfect Shapo and Corroct Llnoa
off tho Shoo A lurgrr luc in not tfijuirdi llun in itrirt
ary to wear for comfort.
An nlMolutrlv rorr lit can lc oMamril ly th
use of the Totr'tor. Krmrtnlx-r wc ulMlutr!y pirar
antrr tint tlie micctor will lioKI (tic Urjje to joint in
its oiition, will rrvrnt ull fiit'tum, irritation
or rrMire from the 1)11111011, will form a firm w.ill ull
around the Imnion an. I will n'v inbuilt rrlirf ami lat
in comfort. It it nrlf a.l)iit in', will alv4v Imlil it
tilai e ami rciiiirrH no Imh Unu' or traiini;. All you
luve to do it tn put it on ami forget it' tlirre. Any
.ilioe ilralrr or ilrui;iit tan ohlain the I'ivhrr Hnnioii
rrotntor for you. If lii jolihrr don not lumlle it,
how him lliin a.lvrrturmrnt ami trll dim to write to us
direct. If he will not obtain the protector on trial for
you, write tn trUin 111 the foot on which you wmh to
Hive the protector a trial ami the nir time you wear
uiiil we will stiul the protector immediately. Inquire
of yuur dealer today or write to us.
" Fill In (hit tVupon ttattt wtmh foul, ui nam, tddfraa ru .. at4 will trndj the ptutrtux at II
ofue. If ton do tK CAit tu tend ioupt-n write ui ktiti tiiilitlrtg iht unu I nf or nut km II
iUed hrr l
IjgaaagqWIUUHIiiHUJi UWMII J1BMIIJI II s piUMIf J Will .1 JJ HI m. .EIWgmB m 1W WTagJU f- tWWgHMKJ
' 111 inn
( ' 't II t T tt. ( n Mi iif. tr-l 11 t 1 ! li .1 1 11 -I 1 t l--i - I (! t- ""''
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' "JJ K I ..l, 11 .( S at . -m It l rrt I -f itif ft' I I. I 1 t 1 .t . I. It.- u
. V '' 1 tin i' I I li f ) f I m t n I Ilia I m.-.lh
j . H 1 (K V j .n.l.l-.a.. .... I .. .ir. . . . m I ' ? -
- ' Jit 3 rlr-!... .f ... n, f r- ff..., nmu.ti, ai.a f(l.a. I .H. alaa f..l.a mm ..f
v'" '' ' kj S M'1 " f"'1, '''' '"'"
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"'..' . i. '" - 6? - f.-r. r f l it I n - ! at. I . .1 f n T l aicl -.tiii
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I" . V, 'TM V ' f'-'Nt ( t !.. I'l f'if t,i. l l t f ' ...I. n M. l. ,h.1 r.
fc ' -v - V sv. " ' - V ' -i V - ' - 1 I a- i 1 r nir t ,f 1 n ti f l - a . - 1. 1 t . 1 ' r ai.. stu. ill .
f v . L jCT ? I ' ' " " ''" ' - ' t I '-ia.-l
t . , ''raC''- -vw ' ' J? 2i i I (b 1 M I. Il i M A U A - - I i II" M , !luai h-iii ltt., ii
roasr-u by tho miilil!.' of J.tnuarv. I'ol
lowltu? this, conirB the sal.' "of tho
capons and tho virgin rockends. bo
JiiKhly prized In Now KnKland.
The Bclentifk- part of the handlitiK of
goose is growing thorn to a condition
Dartment Rives in detail the various
kinds of adulterants and additions to States of the Western part of the coun
the ordinary beverages and foods used
in ordinary consumption, and also
simple means of detecting tho presence
of the foreign matter contained in
them. The pamphlet nhould occupy a
prominent place in every household
library, and can be obtained upon ap
plication to the Division of Publica
tions, Department of Agriculture.
Feeds Fowls Automutiuully.
A farmer in Oregon, who owns a
small poultry farm, has devised a novel
method of feeding h's chickens during
his absence. In each yard he haH
erected troughs to hold food for the
hens, and these are connected by wire
with an alarm clock in the farmhouse.
When the owner leaves home in the
morning he sets the alarm clock at
the hour of feeding the chickens, and
by an Ingenious arrangement, when
the time arrives, the alarm goes off,
the connecting wire releases the
troughs, and the food Is spread before
the hungry fowls.
The area of the new state of Okla
homa will be over 70,000 siiuare mllea.
try, into New England, whore large
fattening yards are conducted. These
yards are large plants with lots, some
thing like the stock yards of the large
cities, only smaller in size. The geese
are placed in the enclosures and fed
for heavyweight and fine finish to be
dressed for market. As many as 10,
000 geese are gathered at one or two
points in Massachusetts, and fed in
this way for the winter markets. It
takes several weeks to properly finish
them and new supplies are constantly
coming in to replace those that are
sold off. The profitable demand for
geese of this kind extends over a period
of from nine to twelve weeks, begin
ning Just before Thanksgiving and end
ing in January.
No attempt has yet been made in
this country for the excessive fattening
of geese, such as is carried on In Ger
many, those so fattened with us being
only prepared to a finish for roaBting
nor has fattening or feeding for the
excessive size of the livers ever gained
any consideration here. The major
per cent, of all the geese brought Into
the markets for general consumption
are sold and tho demand for them
where iho feathers are just right to be
plucked from tho carcass without hav
ing the bad appearance that of neces
sity must, bo present If there is a large
amount of down or short foaihors
showing. Geese, to bo properly mar
keted at their best, should be plucked
at the right time, then fed and cared'
for so as to be ready for killing Just at)
the now growth of plumage Is full and
complete and ready to be stripped clean
and clear from the body at killing
time. This is the scientific part, next
to the experience in the handling, feed
ing and caring for, which bring such
large numbers to the finest, finish and
most desirable condition for selling in
the market.
It Is a sight one would never forget
to see eight or ten thousand of these
geese confined in lots or runways being
fed ami cared for ' by attendants to
bring them to that perfection of mar
ket poultry not usually soon outside of
New England and New York (Mty.
T. K. MoGrew.
Selling (i;V. s ti D.iy ..
Th" liuti hinu of iliiil.4 l i ipiani 11 IcM
ntld then Helling them illici t to 1 x 1 1 1 1 i v
broedol'H ami fancbTs Is a Imsitii-.sM t hut
is developing all iiver the country.
largely doing away with iln- bother of
sitting hens and tho deiull and atten
tion entailed by operating an Incu
bator. Tho plan Is simplicity Itself.
Kxperlericed Incubator opemioM put In
suliMtant lal hutching plants Milcly for
the production and Immediate dUpo I-
tion of chicks ilirei l to poultry people,
both lima' eur and professional. For
ttio moxt part the new met Inul pussci-Kes
some rang- in its application. It him
been found that day-old chicks
lienr shipment, to a oonitldemlile dln
t.inee, nin that n car rld of fnliu ton
to fifteen nnd twenty limns in not con
Kldcted extra hazardous Prices fur
day-old chicks are a matter 'if barter
between seller rind biivor, something
depending on the breeds and strains,
but usually ranging $l..',u and up per
There are several establishments In
this country which make this an ex
clusive business, and enjoy 11 batching
capacity of front I .mm In ilium eggs nt
a time. All report a healthy demand
for their living product at remunera
tive prices.
0nv Lot cf Worfc)
Cm fciv Lot ol MuntW
Cm InrnmQuf Comtoflil
C,f tncrmi, Touf Protltil
If tiil n tnlr I I la Iho Ihlnff W
'JIU tu mmtMl Juu uurua buvjKul
9 Miirvthana niinli'O Anil a quarter or tnm or
In u tnil arkl hurwli r4 tbouMful tmrmmn mf
I fiat lhr ir. lli ll iuptmiii uy mtmr
T hay 'II ymx In lunlivT, ruora urk, tflv !,
U-r rl'"n 4 nrratr alula! nn lhart mnf othaff
Hinlal )i-rl maila-t-araiia THay'ra Matfa ItlUf,
liy avarjr taal lawf ara Ilia fca.L Huira uMUmI to
ttta hut, lr ihry work lM.a, your mnj- bark.
iNin't lMr whr-aia toi.r wairua until ynu raad our
boo. It war aaa foil Biaitr dtillara ani It tnm,
Box 283 pulnoy. III.
Why Land is u Good Investment.
The statistician of the Department of
Agriculture of the United States esti
mates that in 1931 the population ol
this country will be 130,000,000, and the
census bureau agrees that this Is a con
servative estimate. To supply the re
quirements of this number of people
will necessitate fbe production of 700,.
000.000 bushels of wheat, 1,250,000,000
bushels of outs, 345,000,000 bushels of
corn, 100,000,000 tons of hay; and cot
ton, tobacco and fruits and vegetables
in proportion. To produce this lm.
mensely Increased quantity of food and
kindred products will necessitate the
bringing under cultivation of an addi
tional 150,000,000 acres of land, und It
is estimated that we have only 108,
000,000 acres available for cultivation.
Of course these estimates do not take
Into account the efforts of Secretary
Wilson, of tho Department of Agricul
ture, whereby every acre will event
ually produce double its present crop.
Nevertheless these statistics present
matters for serious reflection, and
should bring it home to every thought
ful Diau that good agricultural land to
day offers the best and safest invest,
ment on earth and that there can be no
better object In life than a determina
tion on the part of every citizen to
acquire at least enough of Mother
Karth to ensure him a living for him
self and. his family through his own
individual efforts.
The Itiiyrest Sdder.
Madagascar is the home of tho dog
Spider, the biggest of the Hpldor
species, und much larger than tho
tarantula. The body of the dog spider
weighs nearly a pound, ami each of its
eight legs Is about, as long and thick
as an ordinary lead pencil.
How iM-li-c t m iohhI fiirnnet. No. 4a
i'ttili-r Hteel Kill li. m! a, IV, frclirht
I ealil. fllliaralr--a. Wrllr. ImaWira i
k Vaat'f Ca..74 Taonrna Bld , Chlaaca.
TliMtt urt only two
I IIH'HIH. W1 lfn1l
l.i.lll, Othtra Hnllal
out iu mi , , w
mane It frt--tlir al
lo Willi "in'tin
mra ji(-tM you
in onN' i. IKK "r n-wijr mi1n
I Mm ah --a. al,fM-n. r
(lf'r1 tit a, vuiihl
d'fraliuwiM.i Imv k, tin ! liitf-Mi rirr
tltn t. walkTrr-f ankir ami ifatii ' l ul
tlila OUt till axr.ll (.wia. Mint ta.111 lall
OI.U ttY luU lu.w lo gK uiie A. UlvuabnrUtfa
13. L. O'Connor Mfir. Co.. 1271 B'wav. N. V.
Don t Die That Way
Millions Die Every Year from Mere Ignorance of
Nature's Laws of Health
Ask yourself the question: "Is Life Worth Livlngr"
And the utiKwcr will be : " It depends on yonr health."
Thttn why not have good heiilth t If you are sick It Is
because sonic simple, natural luw of health bus been violator..
Nature in n Stern und Inexorable Judge, nnd
Grants Ao Pardons When ller Laws are Broken
Hotter Iit.'iuii Thoso Laws.
You can't learn thorn too soon.
You can t learn them all at onco.
Uogin right ri0W) lin,j
Loain a littlo every month.
Bond a illmn or flvn twn-rent liuiim lo MO'. Plahcr Ftnl If i n. ClilraRO, for one whota
ypfir'B aulimrililioii fur Maxwell' Horii'imikiT JUfiijni. ami rtuil Urn Uniiartiiiant 'Ilimlth
ill the Home. from Nature, by KikIiI 'I luiiilit ami 1 1 1 ( i L l.ivlii."
Itiad It every month - year in nrnl year out-am! I, urn all aliout Natura'M nf
ITaltli, ami av Ilia lora' llilln an.l rui IihIh, ami you Hill enjoy nmny yearn of I fu ami
uihmI ht-allli utter von olhiTHlw! would liavn liei u iii ad anil Iiiirli-il- or maylw ( riniaod
Wtiether yon am luineil or ri lnuU ii iIin-hu'I m iiiui Ii mailer. Il'a the ilvlnir nail that
couiila. Train "(Jood 1 1 ult li " an your faithful liily.(iiari to kick old ' (iilm llea'li "
Kr.ylhii am! all, Into tho Hn . f, if hi, tullia alu.ail of tlluu. Out your " pointer on trainliii'"'
from Maxwell'a IlomeinakiT Mauuim-. "
NOTK. If you do not to. out lh niioii out of your imt, you au amid lu your
KiihiM'rinUon on a ai ,uruni n-u of papur.
Subscription Price to Chicago and Foreign Addreaaoa, 25o. Per Year
'"t out thia tuiliirripllou blank, write iiiimn anil aihlri'M on llnea In low ami muiiI na
lOcpnlc i (allviir or aiampa) ami we will mail you MnxwvU'H Jlouiemuker Maguxluo ever
mouth for iwulvu moiilliH. ijon't delay, hut aenU ut once. vir'
Box or Street No.-I'ostoffice
JJncloacd OiiJ
.ycara aubacrljitlou. Hlato wUutliur a now r old
Vou can aiibiicrihe for one. two. thruu or 0v year, at 10 cent, for each year, lleti.r
nd 60 cenla ami Imvii five yearn uooil ri i.llnu ciunlnif to you. Thia la th IIUHV M aiVI
1NK, for the luomy, ever pulill.hiil. Adilreaa III full ' UBH1
I40S Fisher Uulldlii. CHICAGO. 'ill
If you U, have TIIK IIOMEMAKKK MAOAZINK aet to fneml. ,1M , i(IJr.
plece of paper for name am! xMiokm. ami undone 10 oeuta for iacb yearly aubacrlptlou