Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 31, 1906, Image 5

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    a. w
uYxorsis of rrtFcEnixa
J(,ri Atlamt, Yrt I'oint yraditnle,
it in Pari ut the opening of the
f rent h Herman var. In a balloon
rerunnitinen for the French he, it
almost raptured by the Uvrmant. The
naimon it wrrekrd at the (I'ateau l.a
yumty. ttetrurd, Ailamt fallt in love,
with A l met; daughter of tha Count
l.agunay. The tinman invade Franee
A tiff man ( olonrl, Urtrtman, insulin
Amu r mi i attatked by Atlamt, n ho
it Hi (inn oiripoitrrrd by tha halmr.
lie joint thn Unman army vnde.r a
frit-ml, Lou ti turn; engtigtt in an am
tiii.h of a I'rrnth volumn, and return
inn to rump Itttrnt Ih'lt Urletman ha
ihnryrd Atmee utlh treannn and ha
unpt Hoard hrr. Attaint pumuct frln
mini in an automobile, killt hint in
simile romljtit, uml lal.rt Aimee to a
rtoiiin at Urthrl. In the tt t rifle land
Inline tiro day Inter Loueuberg in
Killed in the vaptute. of Montpelier.
The Fnnih tlriic the Utrmant lark
v ilh glyeohte, a ttrrtble exploitive
ki, tinkled fioin airship. One of the
nhipt m blown in the night to Mont
ptlirr, where Atlamt it ramped. Ill
'" in in thrown out. A'lamn blundert
into it and is tinpt unity in the pale.
niAi'TKii vir.
I oi nwnkinnl i-iuly tin n-xi mnrri
Init y lln Mm. Aty t lot )- wnn Jaiim
Ullll (lliml llllllHtllll'. 1 ( not ll'illll
unlll linn tlmt tlnn. w-iin mi nluinliiuiii
i"of to tin- Mr e:ir, will, h n poi ki lc'l
In thn l.iiHk l-win k fl l.-H, ntnl lliat Uh ib
wi'io four i l'i lili; r.'iillatoiN In provhlq
" l. 'i'l.t i i iif i r 1 wim iiioi o i niiifui tn-
Tim nlili. flontfil uti-ii rlllv Jilrh )n tlin
Ion ti. I colli. I k nothing Hut vupor
I Ini: r it 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' i1:-lj.:ilii ,y tl,. nun,
lil h iM-i-nt loinilly rliot tli-ur luyn Into
my 'I In liaii'ini-tiT liullriiHiJ nr
HitltiMi' of Inn III II. H, nrul tin) Illi-J
- ii K I ' KlM. i 'I. for list print tvvi lvc
Iioihh, .in uvir.iK" 't v.wcnty inll.n an
Alt.-r n. I.rl. f lui-iikfatt I Mnmlm-d th
Hl.lp llioir nt I. l-iiu-. I fouml n H llttl
iiln i l of mi) tliitiK Iiii .1 t ,r in i ii. Jl
ht. i.l piifiiily, mi. I ioul'1 In- mnt up
r iln'A M .y llui .i!ioti or ill pn hiIom
of ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m u ii i liluik-ti foru ninl nft.
A pin ill iiiot..r, mil l.y a, powi-rful
In nil. ul Imttiiy, uprrnti'i tlm propi l-
!!; llioili;1! U Wli oft. II pOHMllilo td
liuv.l i.ii i'lSy with tin. wind nlnriu n
tnotivf .oW( i. Tln ri' wnn ulxo a I'iiuip
ioikJ. i,-. r for fxtrai'tliiK li'.lio n from
tin' nil, up. int. .I uiitoiiiittli'.'illy,
k.rpl.'iK Hie I. ik l!wii)l fully llllluti' l.
A nlK-li'RM t. I. phono oulIU, vurlouw m l--:
. t 111.- Iiitf utiii nt. tlm i li-i trli; llKlit
Inu in l In .amir iipparntuit ami the tank
f,.r ron.U-iir iiik wuti-r from tho kuh
l.:i(T rie iiovclui n In tin Ir way. I
fouml iil-'i n coinl hump, r of foo.l ami
iliinKal.lf. ninl. to my Ki-:it dlli;lit, a
liox of tl'ic Ki-v Wul t'l(.:trn, wl.l.h 1
opi'iit..! Iiiiiiif.llatf'ly
Thn ear wiin Hitht j
fi.t wi ll" ninl nliout Hi I. II fi-cl Ioi.k,
tni'1 tin r" mi-i ampli. room for n party.
I loni;i',l for J 'li lsi. Iiinaiin, or poor low.
'h n I hmj utarto.l the motor nI
ii t tin- f ilm to il. m-cnil 1 took ii ti !-
i'tH from tli.' ra. k una wullnl rnK' r
ly for a nlKlit "f roim l IiIhk that wouM
lii'lliMti' my w h. rial.outM. J'.y tin oin
I ins I win U"liiC li"- wrxt. ami If tliat
liriTtloii li.i'l In i n maintain!-.! nil nlht
I wan far out on the Atlantic.
At l ot the i-loiiiU nrouml me thlnnci)
"in I vut,l-h'il, ami I came Into clcnr nlr.
Ii. low me. k 1 1 i ii hlnK away In all ili
ii.tloiK to the horizon, lay the hcii.
It tonxliiK wuvui treuklnir w hite under;
: -a
1 f
J . 4 . S. at "f . arNW
.'X A '
the stiff wind and flashing back the
rays of thn iiioiiiIiir sun. KitKtrly I
swept the wholu iuiiku of V'IhII.Ih (uoiin. mid tlitM'e BiK'iired the bluck
miiiuiIku of a dlHtnnt liner and to the
northeast I iiuule out u Inw, (lurk line
that mlKht bo cither huo or land. Hut
thlH was not nil. Dlreelly beneath liiti
I iicrcelved a nei leH of dink objeetu. ull
spouting black miioko. They wero of
vnrlouH bIzch, nml by the formation I
eoiild conclmlo only one thing thnt
they were the nhlpn of n fleet, a naval
HquHdron. Then 1 recalled the worda
of the Katacr that nioonliKht night ut
the ChnteHU I.iiRiinny:
"There will bo two great linttle.
ne, on the lund. la before uh: tho other,
on the Hen, will occur within a fort
night." I confess to u feeling of elation that I
was here, In the nlr, In position to wlt
reHH the greutoHt naval buttle of yearn,
ri It hough I regretted the iieeenhiy for
this test of nrinn. I obHcrved Unit the
fleet wus lieuded iiortheuHt, and doHlrlng
a cIohit view I ran ahead a mile or
more and demanded, until I hud u fair
wight. The ships were French, by their
llugs, Ueautlful and stately were the
-r.t vsssulsi grimly beautiful, too,
yr -" 1 a I rz - jTZ '
-s.a,jr-. - r - 1 1 s v., r,. - :
Li 1 -
.'X'-Vlr ' ,IM
I (tiiiic(i WiiULMuch-rin
- 1 whrn ne took note of ihMr n,.i-mn..
lurrni Kuim t wonty-lnr.h, without
loiiht, i iipi,,i, of Ii nt II riK a ton or
morn ot rm mi .i-ry flvo fnlnui.n. I
roufii.d i. ii nun i, Hhlpn. fivi or nix tor
pi'iio-iioat (ll ui io vi in (n ionlzi iI l,y
M ir Miui'ir ii j.jn ail- funiK li.) nm n. v
nil ci iil.n i H. I wo hiiK coal Ijiuki
wi ie iii-itiir IiiwkI io v.ihI mlliH to tlm
ri'ir. 'J'hlM luui'li wnn vlKlliht to the
iiaki-ij eye. Looking through tny KlnM
oiini non it unarm of torpedo ImiiiIh,
"tny their connliiK towim iliowlri
iii.ovn inn water, IioviIiik urouinl th
IlmikH nml . it i 1 1 ti K the nilvniice
I'lie wan pi oi ci iIIhk vciy itlowly
in u Klein curve to the ninth, evhloiit ly
noi uinninu io iicaier t It
count. ly late nrtirnoon It hri'l turniil
nii'l ro hi-ailii(( w. lit Ul tliu fauiL
An the lun ilrew the horizon and
Iho Wlml fiidhiln l I turned tlm noil
of rtiy ulrnhlp to the rant and prepare.
to epeiid tlio IiIkIiI aloft. I had luen
mtllliiif leUurcly lin k and forth over it u
iiren of p. rhnpM llfty mllrn, tri hope of
I'-'HIK UK! liellliail Il.Ct. i:il'II,l fm
in" ninny l.n.ini llKlT hleamem Com nil
and KoIiik there wuh nothing to he ! n.
1 wan i tiiilnu over the i U'i. of mv
narni i nmoKinie I. IV. I IuhI hri
lenc.j niy rnin -i, 'Alrnee. ami nm
wlnhlnic I had the original Willi in.
when ll Voice came down unon inn fioin
llie clou. IN
"Who are you." II called. In Flench
I looked Up In iiHloiilr-hlnelil, and
I hern floated (do r t I'n iik-m( llllKhlp 1
hail ever m en. It wan m. ii ly mi a ro.
plane, nuppoitc) ,y y, .i. t-am er-llke
metal I'oi.lilv.inieH, with it ronall ha.i-
ket-enr Iiuiik hy blender n. H
tiwcpl by, Nome hundted feet above rne
mid I had a Kllinpnc of u while face
looklnif down upon tii". I rped up tin;
minor, unit mnnic iih l ftdva med noon
ilrew Up liloiiK)de tny fi How traveler,
Th'-ii ennued ll hil' f converHalloii.
"Where ale you i-oIiik'.'" I Hhouled
lie was riot moro than u hundred yards
"I don't know. My uteerlnif fanii
won't work, and I ranm.t tutu. I nup
poi o I Khali have to conr ldcr mBilf
liouiid for America,
"'an you ilcKiend?"
"Drop to the Hen. then, nml I will
plcls you up. My iMp Nteern perfectly."
We were now far lcy.m. the let. 1
ilencended by ili'KreeN. The other tipped
hit plan.- rightly and ntaittd down
on a lonir lilant, like fl hoy corintliiK
down a hill. When within twenty feet
or le of the water he tipped llie plnn.-n
fhntply In the other dln. tlon, and Ills
Khlp Hlopp. . w ith a Fluid. Ii r, hovered
for a tune like a hrooillnir kuII, nml m t
tl.d Hlowly Into the ma. 1 wis clone
I., hind him with a Ninall rope-l -idd.-r.
and a minute later, .hippluir w t, hut
cheerful, he clarnliered Into my car.
Then we rone af-aln t the two-thou-Mind-foot
level nm! with Just cnouirh
hen d way on to uvcrcomu the wind, luy
iw In a calm.
I found that my KUent was none other
than Kmll I ,e l'i-v re, Noll of the irrent I n
v. r. lor of fulunarliK nod ex i.losr v .
When he had disrobed und Iiuiik his
wet clothes to diy In front of t tic radi
ator. Hwuthli'.ir lilm !f In ft rujr no tn-
whlle, he jjave me a hi. f ucoouut of It In
J'.iirm y
world was rlnisniHT with
the Town of tin) liiitllo on the
Catuliinlan I'l.tin; how tin? l-'n nch had
been all hut w tapped when th. ir fl'-et
of nlrnhlp.M, delated hy Home mlniau-UK.-riu
nt. c.tmii upon tite m-t no Willi the
in w eiploilve, ulyiollte. and f.-nt the
C tin. inn li.o k upon their camp, kill
ing and imilinlniT thoiiHaiul. There
had ben no movement on land ulnce
that. All cyeH were imw turned toward
the sea, where the llects were watching
r sl
.' .
for nn opening. l,rFevro had been so
confident of his ability to nianuire his
aeroplane thnt he had set out In spite of
the heavy wind that kept back all the
lens venturewomo aeronauts. He was
determined to witness the buttle. Just
before he saw mo he hud ut tempted
to turn and found the pteerirlg gears
jammed. Hud I not roHeued blm he
would have probably found a watery
It was now dark. The air was damp
nml cohl, so I drew the roof over part
of my cur. IjiiKevre'n light clothing
was dry enough to put on, and we nut
down to eat nuppcr, followed by ii ci
gar. I learned then ninny things about
the Impending battle, Iiel'Vvre being
familiar with the explosives and ap
paratus In use on both nldes.
The Hermans were depending largely
upon their late Invention, the Calotte
aerial bomb. ThlH projectile was to be
fired by compressed nlr from u ino.'tar
llke gun, ami being fitted with a gyro
scope would maintain its elevation mr
a distance of eight miles. Tho bomb
was two feet In diameter ami about
three feet long, and moved so slowly as
to tie vlHlblo during Its whole coiii-hc, it
contained a charge of two hundred
pound of t'nlnltn, a new xplonlvw
Wlione lorcf opera ten njwnyft down
wind. Thn homh contuliied Hi no a mag
net and clrcult-hieaker no tuned an to
he reNponnlvn to electrlcnl vlhriitlona
Ket up In m powerful electrical lntru
ment on the dlxehniKliiK Nhlp. Iiy the
tinn of a ii n l j tj" rariK'i IIikIIiik npparntun
ilia bomb whn kept In Night iIuiIiik I In
.vlioli. MlKht, ninl upon reni'liInK thn
lenlred point It wiin exploded hy the
on re piennuie ot a bullon on thn Nhlp
. nun whlcti It hnd been fired. TeNla
ivllh thin bomb hud iihnwn wonderful
a. curn. y und monl deadly effcclN.
Another offensive device wiin nn nerlnl
.llumliintnr-n niiiiiII, bnlloon-llkn ttffalr,
.1 I'l 1. I. I'l.l It, !.... .. . .
ni a conpiiicrfililc eln.
vullori, und carrying a poweiful them,
leal IlKht. bucked by Ntrona- refleetora.
A Nhoal of thene HluinlriRtorN would be
Ncnl toward the encmy'n fleet, IIkIiIIiik
up the mil and tlm venneln and makliiK
cany litrK. in for the Herman KunN.
AKnlimt thene devlceN the French had
pi'paied an nerlal bomb to dlncharKo
a heavy mid deadly k in. mid to Nprlnkln
ncidn or exfiloMlvi-N upon the xhlpN of
nm enemy. i ney wero nlo provided
wiin aluminum errnor, no thick and
louiili that an ordinary projectile would
merely become Imbedded therein and
held without belnif able to tuiNN
throuKh. Around their NhlpH and under
water they bun(c laricw electro-rniiKnetN,
exert Inif, by peculTar wlrlrur, a rcpn
Inif Inlhierice on fipproiiehlnic torpedoe
in a iiiHtance of a hundred yurdn. In
variably turnliiif them OHlde. Their
m.tliiHt.iy, however, wiin a new centrifu
gal NubmailiH! torpedo-boat. Which
needed not u oine to the Nurface, re
malitliiK down for days at a time, yet
olcn rvlnif opcratloiiN on the Nurface,
and dolnif Itn work with deadly accu
racy. i,i.Kevre could riot kIvo mo the
detalN of thin ntraiiKe mai'hlne. ItN
teiilble effectlvenenN, hWver, was ap
paient tlm next day.
I had no ntiprehennlon whntever at to
the liability of 1Alniee, and we lay
down and went to Nleep that nlKhl
without the loaxt apprehenMlon. Stanch
and true wan nhc, even tin my own Nweet
betrothed. It wan Ntlll dark, when 1
wan a waken.-d with a Ntart by the
Hound of heavy i. toriatlorm below un.
1 leaped to tny feel and looked over the
Hide ,f tlm car. licKevre Joined me the
next moment.
The ileniKiiiH bad evidently planned a
nlwht attack by the line of tlulr illurnl
imtoiH l!i low uh the Nia wiin allKht
In Ki' it rpot. und dimly wc could
make out the venneln over which Bhone
the Htionif. blue-while lluhtn. Far off
In the iiaikiicHN we could ncd the ueca II.ihIi of a vim. The (Jerm.inN
wete NctidinK home irrcat NhellH loaded
with i xplo'Mvi-x. Their aerial bombs
could in. I bu followed at nlKht. The
l'reni h were re I) nit,', but their fire was
lie ne or Iohn. blind. The roar of the
KunN came up to un plainly. It fttiook
the h.aveiiH. suddenly there wan a
llar'h that lit up the whole iiky, and a
ten I fie explonlon Hounded from below.
(jermiui Nhe had found ita mark.
Hie of the French battletdilpN had gone
to her IoiikT home.
Imrlni? the rest of the night there wan
no intermission In the ncavy nrins.
I'eaiful cxjiloHlonn soundeil now und
Inn, and we could but Rilcns the dc-
Htructlou that was bilnfr wrouKht. 1
id no wish to fcc either elde win at
the expense of the other.
At ilain we were able to note the
situation clearly. Klx or elKht miles
away to the tiorthe.ipt lay xne uerman
lie. t. Almost beneath us trie ! rencn
eie Rati. end In loose order, lloth were
lylnif their preat Runs. On both sides
umlnh fhlps drifting away.
others w.-re eareonlnic, half-llllea witn
water. And now. with the comlnf? of
daylight, the combatants resorted to
their deadliest Bi.t.llances. As we
watched one of the French battleships
thero was a dull explonlon. The Kreat
hull onencd. split In twain like a canta
loupe, and went skidd. -rlnff to the bot
tom. Wo could see It deep In the clear
water. Its hundreds or seaman swann-
Inif uround like so many anta in a
It was remarkable to note the sut-
marlncs movitmr lu re und there under
water. From our height we could eo
clear to the bottom, and every boat
wan visible by a bright streak as. It
swept throuRh the water. Suddenly
I.cKcvro clutched my arm and pointed.
The CentrtfuL-al," ho said, in a wnis-
ier. I watched It on lis way, Buvitniing
In n brleht whirl of bubbles. It was
maklnii Its way toward the oerman
fleet, anil thither we followed.
Hut whatever work nwnlted this ter
ror must be done quickly. The Her
mans were wonderfully accurate with
llielr Calnite aerial bombs. Ship after
hlilp quivered, split open nnd sank like
a broken teacup. The force of the cal
nite was so great that It operated for a
distance of n hundred yards on every
side, more than once sinking several
of the smaller ships at one explosion.
IicKcvro groaned us, looking hack, he
buw one of the largest battleships col
lapse, fairly smashed Into fragments.
He shook his fist at the Centrifugal,
"(in. on!" he shouted. "Io thy work,
The Centrifugal moved swiftly. At
Intervals It came up with a submarine,
paused tt moment to ascertain whether
German or French, and acted according
ly. If French, It passed on: If Herman It
darted at the victim, touched It, and as
quickly darted awuy. What terrible
power It exerted I could not understand,
but at that fatal touch the enemy sank.
There seenied to be no escape, no single
chance. 1'ivsently this Bwlft and silent
messenger of death was In the thick of
the Herman fleet. looking back I saw
thut there were but two of the French
Nhlps loft, both sadly dlNabled. The I
cicunaii s'junnron was In line shape,
hut three of Its battleship disabled.
I sent 1Almen lower to oimcrvo more
closely. Thn CeritrlfuK'il Imednd not
the torpedo nets. It fanned through oh.
slructlons as lhouh It were spirit. We
saw it und'T the bow of the Fredcrlch
Wllhelm, thn largeNt battleshlu of the
nt, for half a minute It lay there,
surrounded an ever by that whirl of
sparkllnic bubbles. Then it darted
away toward another. h Interested
were we In watchlnif the uncanny move,
inents of the stranKe boat that we did
not observe the confusion on board the
Krederlch, nor on the others that were
successively vlHlted. l,tFevre notlcl
the xreat ships sittllriK low In the
water, and spoke of It to me. There
was somethltiK terrible about this de
stroyer. Inside of fifteen minutes every
vesKil In that fleet had been stung, as
It were, by this great hornet of the nea.
and every one was sinking. The sea
men were throwing themselves off;
boots were putting out; rafts were flung
Into the sea. I'renently the Centrifugal
finished tier work ami we saw her
whirling away, stopping hero and there
to smell a submarine and to kiss It or
to Ming It us It happened to be friend
or foe. What a sight! Twenty-four
German ships sinking, sinking, going
down to eternal silence. One after an
other they vanished. The torpedo boats
came to the surface, saw what had hap
pened, and put out for home and neu
tral ports. The ( N-ntrlfugal, the grim
destroyer, vanished. The great battle
was over. And neither side could be
said to have won. It w-as practical an
nihilation for both. Two magnificent
fleits of modern war vessels gone, ab
solutely gone; a ouartT of a billion
dollars In battleships and thousands of
brave fellows (bad, only to satisry tne
hlckerlnns of diplomats saeriflees to
foolish notions of honor.
To I,-Fevre the operations of the Cen
trifugal wre a triumph for France, and
he wan enthusiastic In his delight. But
I cared little one way or the other. I
was tired if It all. 1,1 fe had been too
strenuous for me. I wanted quiet for a
while, and naturally my thoughts
turned to Almec, my sweetheart. Was
she safe?
LeFevro Insisted that I come with
him to his home, but I refused. Turn
ing to the east we made our way rapid
ly to the French coast. Here we settled
to earth In the open country, and after
bidding LeFevre adieu I rose again and
made my way east. I had but one
thought, now that the battle was over.
and that thought I was putting Into ac
tion. My objective was Hethel, where l
knew my love awaited me.
IJut had I known what else awaited
me at Bethel I should p.-rchance. have
gone In another direction.
(To be concluded next week.)
Haxlue Elliott.
Maxlne El'.lott, who has taken a
houao In London and will leave the
stage for a time to enjoy social life,
is famous as an actress and also for
her beauty. Miss Elliott, who, upon
the stage, retains her maiden name
under which she became famous, Is
the wlfo of Nat C. Goodwin, to whom
she was married In 189S. She was
born in Rockland, Me., and was but 16
when she first appeared on the stase.
Her serious work, however, did not
begin until 1890, when ehe became as
sociated with E. S. Willard. Subse
quently she became a member of Daly's
stock company and rapidly won dis
tinction, which has been enhanced by
her performance In her husband's com
pany. Dramatically and socially she
is a great favorite la both the United
States and England.
Copper in Water Kills GermSi
In looking to the purification of the
water supply, either the local farm sup
ply or the water for a great city, re
markable results are announced from
the application of a new method cf
destroying micro-organisms in water,
which was discovered about a year ago
bv Drs. Moore and Kellerman. of the
Bureau of flant Industry at Washing
ton. It consists simply in dissolving a
certain quantity of copper sulphate in
the water to be purified. Fortunately
the dilution can be made so large that
no deleterious effects are produced up
on the water intended for drinking
purposes. One part of copper sulphate
to eight million parts of water is the
proportion generally used, and it is
pointed out that. In order to obtain
any effect of copper from such a mix
ture a man would have to drink forty
gallons of the water.
During the latter part of 1904 more
than fifty sources of water supply in
the United States were treated by this
method with gratifying success. Not
only are dangerous bacteria thus de
atroved but the green growths that fre
quently choke up small ponds are also
eliminated. Most Important of all Is
the promise that by this treatment the
germs of typhoid fever may be entirely
removed from any source of water
In the case of a lake or pond the
chemical is applied by suspending bags
filled with copper sulphate over the
side of a boat while tho boat is rowed
about. In two or three days the cop
per is entirely precipitated from the
water but the beneficial effects of the
treatment last for weeks or months.
It has been suggested that, this dis
covery mav raise the question whether,
after all. our mothers were not right
niMinnirh thev did not understand the
scientific aspects of the matter in pre
ferring copper ksttles for prepanug
many kinds of food.
a rhlonea enmln stole a dollar and wns
sent to the workhouse for a year. On the
same dav an embessler who hud gotten
nwav with H.000 was also given year.
Truly, the law Is no respecter of persons.
A Chilean poet has declared for war
RKalnst tha TTnlted. Status. Prepare for
tli bum bardmeuU
Vi . 5i
j i A -LJlj ,
Onrstflltb anil mm? Form
glTs tha lg pnt hap.
Th troanrs hurts Mraliiht
n't trim, l ot on or oft In
S rnomrt. trniMtl,M Uirl.
tort;lnpitA, 4irhl
SIta ntrlM, nnlh nn'l fiom
'.rt. M' mrmt thrm wm
HI, Wril frir phon 11
lnatrste'1 r"lr ami firoofa
ItiallM f nm an I arall.
A MHO CO.Ocpt. IIA, Huflalo, N. V.
bucci:i:i) i. Lii'i;
fl! K-fft ftulnfa wlth nt In r-ttiM mnj
moTif-r. t mr rt.ti THiv nticsii innrirrr
mid f!t r profit il snvr h-ffir. v will
4-y h yu t)it ft" I ttntf, 'TiTftl Itflt Ttf
nnrl lritintfif i'.ni,-m tiy mnil, pfilnt yon
ptr)ni r'tM--ffitHm tif thn InrifcHt lnfrnA
llorml hrnk'-rnftf vtun ti ny. w-rtI yon flfn trt
riitrirt- wiUfiO rt-ni t-nljitr r.t In vpt mntH n1
cfi-Tni lth nml yon ma-kn m Urge,
trnOy ticftittp,
fr.Try iiiriM man stifrnM rmr rnm-
tnr(f. I. mm Omrv hii h lnrtv-ri tr Utt-rf
fnl tiBtf fw1.f,i, imr twm mk im vnInMft
n1 lnf;rtinf n-l U Mm Iwm jmm
II. W. t Unmm, I rr4rmU
IS1 Rnrr titvrk, t hlK.
A Horn Cur thai snjon can Um Without Lots
of Tim or Dtlentlon from ButlnoM-
. We want every sufferer form Anthma to write
os tinlay for a free trial of our wonderful New
Method for curing A' hma. We especially de
sire those cases of lonir standing which have
tried all the various kimU of inhalers, douches
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opportunity and are now cured. There is do
reason why anyone, old or young, rich or poor,
should continue to suffer 'from Asthma alter
reading this marvelous offer.
Our Method is not merely a temporary relief,
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ciples, a lure that cures bv removing the cause.
IJon't put this off until you have another
attack, but sit riht down to-day and write for
the Method. It is free and we send it with all
chari-es prepaid. Address. Frontier Astbma
Co., KooiM 131, 109 Delaware Ave., buffalo, N.Y
Numbers 4019 and 4020.
International Correspondence Schools, 1
Box 9Tt M-'RANTOX, PA. I
P1m txpUln, without
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li I fore whU-b 1 have marked X "
Awtwrtiararat Writer
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Window TriBMer
Oreurtul Ur.tfr
Textile Mill Bud.
.Klew aKntTtnetpr
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To tarn viore money to eeuryur future to tueettdin life
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Mind, the sending of tnia coupon does not obligate you to
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money, howavav arnalli who has monnv In.
vat) nnprnflraMT) or who ran aava as OS or a par month, hnl who baaol karMi tha
art of tnveatlna for Drofli. 4
II ilamnnatrafaa tha HW.Al. aamtn nowar nt '
mmn -lha ItinaHn iBMOMn and buirn a7
bloa from tha wm.
I It ahowa how to Invaat small ni aiHf how T
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poaalblllUaaof InU-lllu-nt InTaatmanta. 0,
19 raraats Iho anormnna flrmflea ha.napa
I Mil Ind iImmm kn. A ak. tx
prnSta aa fair.
I mao ano WHY tbrr ar larfa haw njat 5
i ri-pNiins n.iw slnna-moos lomtrwM ara a
(rows to MSMO. aT
TO Introitora) at BunafM wrHa a.. jf
,'.a,aa WW B U WHS BIX
i mosths ntriuT
EftfTftR OarOART.
4tw-tT Jarkaav BawL, Cilia (o
2 '-i!v;.'Y 'J
t . . .v-t -f'MxjR St!
Tr-ByHkniml1oi. Raprndnoi -Mtnl -rltndai i ,i
-1 oolhanvt., mar hi mat. ,rl .a JcXZZbZ
on raeoM with aaro phonosraph. ban ervawj raMJr
.,Tf..prln. aMbasrlnca an tha aunt aa ara on th. Tarr is.
panria n;h n-jiTTtia machlna la aola sno lleanwd stetha
palsnltoltha Amarltaii Fnrrfr apS Co. Tos 4o sot Baa. hTr.
i handia to maka thU aavchlna .Ik. rinr or pr bind ITlII
but V rto T -ld th. pw JU mUhiXyT
ro mora th- atart law, and tha f oiaaaor kaava (ha mitZZZLZUZz
In ,1-1. It It abaollr tha haMmaW wZZwEEZ'l
nwhln. which haa anr bran oftVrtd ta boT?J JJ ? '1!?'"
In( any howwhold arlkla Wa ftn It traa n J"' "J??r
amollLllssaliaeanttaparkan 'Tlm m If STjjLP
parkara. a au1Tit anvrarrt lor 54 ardlnair waiMn CI' .r tan makajpod oar of lintl rrarr lima tJi 7
cltlM? to waah. MLCISB arlla rarr aaatij and yoo caa nalrfiaj aPT
our talking maehina dcarrtbrd atxrra Sand u, your narna aai
aodreaa. We trnat yarn with tha ILMtltnd amd 7'iwr aramlam
lha aarae 4ar that T"U rctara nor t4.nn raralr-d from tha aalaof nur
t.nda We aiamntee all oar prvmlnnu to fira aartafaettoa. Writ.
Ur. (We a-s the old reliable firm who hare r1o awav fJDn.HU
premium. In the laat rrar.1 Addraae BUJI.ME MFO. X.
eisMul HL, Conoord JuDdlon, Maa.
For a young girl's gown there is no smarter
model tha a tiie one sketched here, lively fea
ture cf the dress serves a purpose and the
rtsnlt is a graceful and becoming whole. The lends breadth to shoulders which need it,
while the tucks extending a short distance be
low, supply a becoming fullness for the blouse.
The pUtstron front, continued in effect by the
front pleat of the skirt, suggests height and
slenderness. The skirt is pleated all arcund
to make up the deficiencies of the nndeveloped
figure. Kajab, linen, taffetas or cuhmtre
might develop this design. The least experi
enced dressmaker can fashion the gown with
out difficulty, for which yards of material.
So inches wide are needed, in the medium size.
Two Patterns ! mi9, sizes 12 to 18 yean.
4l0, sizes same.
-The price of these patterns is 90c. bttt
either wiil be sent upon receipt of 10c.
17 Battery Place, New York City.
Fur 10 centi enclosed pleaie send pattern
N... 4019 or No. 4-'-0 to the following address.
further obligation on my put
ekaa. Dnituiia
Telephone Knftneerl
t lee. h tine mpU
ur ej or
Mtl unary Engta
4 I tl KMarlnerr
Bnlldlnc 4 on tractor
a rah I im I urtuiMnu
A rehltaeft
Ptrm-ttiral ElK-er
ii rid e r.Kgineer
Mining Fnc'tte-rr