Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 31, 1906, Image 1

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Oc Cc-!:!-n as to Pric
t cs Ren?. tins About
v Caston Oomrserclal Bulletin
V RrporU Cor.::kn as It
'' . - Szzm Item.
"be disposition bow ty nearly all
grower wbo oered wool at the
idleton ! to aoofft I be bids offer
i iteads the trad to teller that this
fcreaent the tUtu-.a of the major
of sheepmen la ll.tem Oregon.
' th baels of 20 cent for good aver-
grade, which Memi acceptable to
ib tide aa active movement in look
tor from bow on.
i the other Western Slut, the
" nrera wem Inclined to bold on lontf
u0 their r!y rle m to what wool
ortii- The principal point of In
aast la BairliDO, Wye., where the
. i Slock continue practically unbrok-
' Of the several million pounds
' ely marketed there, about 1,&X),000
1 ad have teen botucbt within the
""J "two week. Gtower who bad
a (porting 23c finally aold from 20
to 23c The reason assigned by
. Boston men for tieir purchase i
l i there are too many clrcumatan
'Jkla the abeeproen'a favor to expect
her material reduction, and con
.Viently they tbouvht it judiclou to
tr orue of the lighter shrinkage
WJ1 tUt, rather than wait and pay
mal price, for heavier one Utter.
t ,Ue tber band, tboae merchant
are uot baying and who consider
"eat value, ridieclou, aay that all
, vwol recentiy purcbeaad in Wy
k jng, will ataed th buyer an aver
t k,cian and landwl ooat of 73 to 71
a. Other claim that tbe scoured
a will te anywhere from 72 to 7Sc.
question of poasiUe profit de
""'is oa bow good a goeaa on sbriuk-
the buyer made. It in reported
' ! about KO.0U) iound have been
W up at Cewper at 22 to 2X ceuts.
'"lack of wlllingne on tbe part of
' ,xtrt to take bold baa led to the
r,1awnt l-8t from Wyoming of a few
A am MtMlttniAni t III l r ) ail.
"t Idaho, WaaLlagt&a aud MouUtua
Jiarket continue, quiet. About
JO pound are aaid to have been
m ' ia th latter stats ia tbe butt week
' I to 25 cent.
ia CorvaUia Time quote wool in
market et 23 to 25 cents, aud
't 'Th riory la that local buyer
Bot pay a flat price for tbla year,
culy give tbe top price for
i Zna aulloia. A good tuauy
f . have already teea made at '
. 8oie haring baa beea done.
r LowWa Cow more ltd liulletiu of
t diit aays:
i!l coalition polut to a main
eoe of vaiuen. Dealer are ap
. icMn th nw clip with practical
ire boj'.rd, and lack of bulne
in prwiwnt occanion no anxiety
hi to maka couoeion on the
u SoiiSottut acd Inferior offering
iiue opt ituUU look for higher
ttl m, but tbe majority of dealer feel
a r-.nfn-inllj higher bai would
ra: :-.rcua, aa tbe market 1 even
' 4 tli to tbe iuiportiug point
t cboUta AuvtrUiaa wool could be
a lnjjortaut eomi)etitor with
triifistiO Clip.
. .-k 1 i-lyg steadily withdrawn
Tn ; r nrit.cua) by ntanufacturem, a
. udic'tioa that there i no let up
& couifuptloa of tbe raw uia-
oua the transfer of tbe week are
jrf Id fuir-nlzod lot of both crone
' it aud tuuriuo AuMtrailiuu. Ar
0. ke croautbreed are baring a uiod-
icaU but eupplie are well clean
Itx! All foibiga wool are iu a
jg pobllloa Lne, although 'it i
aillu to ottaiu price within
iruJiui! at tbe foudou auloa.
I territory wool are about ex
k)l, aud while value remuiu
f, t e 1 but little deujuud
fioia iHjyt-r-, Home lot of
jfr'j-utiiing bu 1 UUb wool buve
;rnc'!f aiil.i t figure lower
tut wLl' JU tluuilur wool can be
auKi ia lie NVtt Culiforula
and Texa atock U unjntewninR.
neoe are dull, but pulled wool are
having a moderate buHincn. Manu
facturer are looking eagerly for car
pet wool. However, there U very
limited quantity of good wool to be
More Reaervee,
8cnator Fulton wa notified on the
Slut that the Forwt Service contem
platea recommending the creation of
two new forettt reserve In Southern
Oregon, at an early day to be known
a the Fiemont and Oooae Lake re
serve. They will embrace land with
drawn aeveral year ago under the
name of the Warner Mountain with
draw aL The aggregate area, accord
ing to present plana, willbe nearly
.VXM.CJiiO acrea, about two-third of
tbe area ling in the Fremont re
aerve. Thl reeerve will He in the
northern part of Klamath afld Lake
Counties and the southwest corner of
Crook County. The Gooae Lake re
nerve will embrace the southeast por
tion of Klamath and tbe soutbweot
part of Lake countiea.
I'Iros showing tbe outline of the
proposed rewrve have len submit
tal to Mr. Fulton, with a request that
be make any suggestion which be
may deem proer. The Senator will
consult residents of Klamath, Lake
and Crook Counties and promptly lay
their view before the department. If
good reatton are produced, showing
why any land Included within the
proposed reserve should uot be re
served it is proltftble that such land
will be eliminated.
The irregularity of the outline of
tbeee reserve, following in many in
stances quarter section lines, indica
te the care that has tieen exercised to
Include only such land as i believed
to be adapted to forestry purpose.
Large are of agricultural land have
been eliminated and it I the opinion
of tbe department that what remains
I chiefly important for it timber, or
because it serves to protect tbe water
supply of Southern Oregon. Tbe con
struction of the Klamath irrigation
project make it highly Important
that the water supply of that region
dhould be protected. Tbe reserve is
to 1 created at this time partially oa
that account.
z-z ' Tr-r nm;nnv TTTlTHSnAY. MAY 31. IwOi
Bourne Victim of Calumny.
A man' political character is
proper subject of discussion ; and so
i hi private character, if be aspire
to public place. But it 1 cowardly,
despicable aud Infamous to make
anouvmou attack; the more so, of
course, if they are malicious and
false, a are the attack on Jonathan
liourne, printed aud circulated by
thousands, in the hope of defeating
him for the United State Senate.
Who are the cowardly calumniator
and assassins, who do this work and
shield themselve under anonymity?
Evidently they are person who have
money to iack their maliKnity, on
the one baud, and their selfish desire
to ojn the Seuatorship to purchase,
on tbe other. Circular by ten of
thousand cannot be printed aud sent
through tbe mail without money,
and a good deal of it. What pluto
crat, or croup of plutocrat, i "put
ting up" for these anonymous defam
atiou? They probably yet will be
discovered, aud braudod with tbe in
famy they deserve.
No creature 1 so despicable a be
who use the assassin' weapon of
anouymou attack.
Criticism of tbe political career of
Jonathan IJourue, or of any other
public man, i allowable, if done
ojeuly aud decently; but evee thl
never should !e doue by those who
work ia secrecy aud concealmeut,
afraid to avow themselves. Attack
ou the personal aud private character
of public men by a maliguaut coward
ice that conceal it own personality
aud utter caluuiuie from under cov
er, should be treated always with the
contempt that auch despicable work
deserve. To an anouymou circular
uo rlght-miuded person can pay auy
utteutiou whutever; and if callumn-
lous, tbe work cau only excite loath
ing toward those guilty of it.
Taking some of these libelous circu
lar to the iuvestltfutlou committee of
the Municipal Association of Port
laud, Mr. liourue requested au in
quiry into the charge they coutaiu
Several ersous, believed to be tbe
author or promoter of the accuse
tiou were called to come and testify,
but all of them refusod or declined.
Tbe committee bad no power to coin-
pel the atteuduuoe of witnesses, aud
tbe geutlemeu who are kuowu to be
amoug those who carry the dagger of
libel aud Blunder lu the abeatb of
Two Candidates Have no Opposition Good
men for All the Offices to b Filled.
The election will have taken place '
tafore another Issue of the Examiner
and we feel constrained to again call
the attention of the voters to the ex
ceptional personnol of the Republican
Couuty ticket In this county.
There seem to be no contest for
the office of County Judge ana
Treasurer, Dr. Daly having no oppon
ent for the former and F. O. Abltrom
none for the latter ofllce.
For Sheriff we command to tbe
voters the RepubMcan candidate a a
man of strictest Integrity of whom
no word of criticism can be truthfully
Albert Dent ha lived amongst us
for nigh onto twenty year, aud is one
cf the county's substantial citizens
and if elected, as he surely should be,
will make a capable, efficient and
trustworthy officer. Ills election is
For Clerk, the Republicans have
seen fit to place before tbe people E.
X. Jaquish aud we can assure tbe vot
ers and taxpayers of ihls county that
their interests will be beet conserved
by choosing him County Clerk. He
Is an honest, industrious and capable
man, peculiarly fitted to perform tbe
duties of that office.
"Ted," a he Is familiarly known,
wa the Republican candidate two
year ago and should have been elect
ed clerk at that time, but bis oppoa
ent at that time wa a candidate for a
second term and Ted was defeated by
a small majority.
Thl year Mr. Manrlng ask tbe vot
ers to elect him for a third term, but
we think two terms quite sufficient
and espoctaHy when B Dew niau lja
supetior qualifications to the one
who seeks a third term.
We predict that Jaquish will be
elected by an overwhelming majority.
For Commlsisoner the Republicans
have offered aa tbeir candidate one of
Lakev County's pioneer. Heary
Heryford need no iatrodactioa to tbe
voter of this county. He is a level
beaded man and the county' fiscal
affairs will be zealously guarded dur
ing the four ears which he is sure to
serve as. v
v Taking into consideration the excel
lence of each of our candidates for
county offices, the manner in which
they were nominated, and each a Re
publican majority ia the county,
there should be no doubt a to result.
anonymity refused to ' appear. Cow
ardly scoundrels, always are those
who pursue the work of secret defam
ation. But a some of these men are
known, they yet proWbly will have
tbe advantage, ia spite of all their
effort for secrecy, to tell la open
court what they pretend to know.
To oppose a man ia politics is one
thing; to defame his personal charac
ter is another, especially If it is done
under the cover of a cowardly aad ma
lignant anonymity. Nothing that
affect the character of men should be
published anonymously. Fortunately,
human nature 1 so constituted that
such publication usually defeut the
purpose of those who utter them.
The Oregon bin ha opposed Mr.
Bourne on ' many occasion hereto
fore. In former year, when tbe
money question wa supreme, it differ
ed from blm most widely. Tbat was
ten year ago, and it i past. Tbe
Oregonian never questioned the. boa
esty of hi motives, aad it gave blm
credit for tbe courage of hi convic
tions. That was more thaa it could
say for many or most of tbe conspicu
ous men of the Republican party who
tbea were juitgling with tbe money
question. That contention, however,
beloug to the pat. It never will be
reuewed. io more forever will tue
gold standard be questioned. Mr.
Bourne wa uo more lu error on the
money question, aud far more honest,
than a large majority of the active Re
publican politician, of Oregon;
among whom are those now making
on him these cowardly attack from
ambush, la tbe bope of advantage to
themselves through party disorganiza
tion. Oregon ian.
Necessity of Party Vote.
There 1 no doubt but that tbe
effort to defeat liourue at tbe polls
next Monday U tbe first step to kiuock
out tbe primary law. With 20,000
majority lu the state of Oregon, lie
publicans ought to be ashamed ' for
a democratic Senator or Governor to
be elected. It I a known fact tbat
the very spirit that ha put demoobrU
lu couuty office In countiea over
wheliuingly Republican ha led to
nearly every important office iu the
state, both couuty aud district to be
filled with democrats. With a Demo
crat a governor, a democrat a Unit
ed State Seuutor, and more than half
the couuty offices iu the state filled
with Demociat, what cau be exact
ed of Oregon a a Republican etute
and a suporter of President Roose
velt f There i uq surer way to defeat
the purpose of the primary law thaa
for tbe Republican voter to break
away from tbeir party aud vote for
Democrat, either lu couuty, district
or state. What cau state, accomplish
for the Republican party uulea it i
supported in tbe counties of which
it 1 made up? Couutie are an im
portant divislou of tbe state aud the
state an important divisloa of the na
tion. Why, then, should offices in
counties claiming a Republican major
ity be filled with Democrats, who are
oppposed .to the policies of the party
such counties claim allegiance to?
Coanty Central Committeeman F.
P. Light received the following tele
gram from State Central Committee
man J. A. WeHtgate:
Portlaad, Oregon, May 29, '00.
Hoa. F. P. Light,
Lakeview, Oregoa.
Your attention called to fact tbat
through Democrat io party slanderous
aad untrue circulars are being sent
through mail to every voter in State
against Jonathan Rourne, Junior, it
is clear case of union between Demo
cratic party and enemies of Primary
law to defeat Republicaa nominee at
poll with Geaiin and then defeat
primary law in Legislature with Sen
ator's caadidate of Trusts, ' it would
be disastrous rebuke to President
Roosevelt's administration thaa Re
publicaa party caa afford.
You are requested to give widest
publicatloa fact through your Coun
ty committee aad local press, in
struct all speaker, make special effort
for Hourne.
J. A. Westgate,
' Chairman Republicaa State Central
Com. .
the goost at aown w
baaqoet, which wa the more enjoyeu
because of tbe presence of the V7
Band which discounted sweet music
outside. m '
Circuit Court Adjourn.
Circuit court adjourned last Moa-
Beelde the - toaoa dlspoaoa oi
published in Tbe Examiner io former
lseuea, tbe following disposition were
made :
Emma B. Redden, Plff., . Jn
B. Redden, Deft Bult for Divorce;
Decree made and eatered graatlag
Gertrude Bowman, Plff., va. Oay T.
Bowmaa, Deft, Salt for divorce;
Referred for taklag testlmoay.
Rose Ambrose, Plff-i Joseph Am
brose, Deft , Suit for divorce; Evi
deace submitted and cause taken un
der advisement by Court to be decid
ed la vacatloo. , .
Ellen Jones, et aL, Plff., va. Cali
fornia and Oregon Land Company,
Defta. Suit to remove Cloud from
title ; Evidence submitted and cauae
taken oader advisement to be decid
ed ia vacation, i
Chewaucan Land and Cattle Co.,
Plff., va K. B. Brewer., et aL, Defta.
Water salt ; Decree entered granting
three-fourth of water of Bridge Creek
to plaintiff and one-fourth to William
B. Owsley. , Other defendants enjoin
ed from using aay of tbe water of said
Lena Hard is ty, et aL, Plff., vs.
Frank Loveless, et aL, Defta. Parti
tioning Real Property ; Decree parti
tioning real property made and en
tered. '
Cotvin Dooa.
A week ago yesterday, Wednesday
evening, Muy 23, at Reno, Nevada,
Harvey S. Colvin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
8. T. Colvin, wa united la marriage
to Mis Bertha Dean, ouly daughter
of Mr. Dean, of Alturaa.
Ml Deaa spent several month In
Lakeview last year. She la a very
charming young lady and baa many
friends here and at Alturaa and Reno,
where she ha lived.
Mr. Colvin i the foreman of The
Examiner, where be baa worked cou
stautly for five or six year, aad 1 a
first-class newspaper man.
The Examiner congratulate Mr.
Colvin and wishes the bride all the
joy that i coming to a bappy young
Following is an account of the hap
py eveut as published iu the Reno
Daily Journal:
Rev. R. A. Lang officiated last night
at a very pretty wedding wbloh united
in matrimony it. S. Colvla, of Lake
view, Oregon, aud Ml Bertha Deaa
of Reno.
Tbe coremoulos took plaoe at the
home of Mr. and Mr. Woodcock oa
St. Laareuoe street
Tbe bride 1 well kaown in Reuo
haviag spei much of her time here!
She came to Nevada from Lakeview
where the rouiauoe started, and her
husband 1 a promlaeut resident of
tht community. They return today
to Lakeview, wbloh place they iu
make their borne.
After the marriage wa aolemulzad,
Ashland Normal Notes.
Pre. Mulkey departed Sunday for
Coos Bay points in the interest of tbe
Southern Oregon Development League.
He expect to return the 30th Inst
Tbe Training Dept will close Fri
day, tbe 25th inet s will all the pub
lic school of Ashland. Tbejupils
are preparing very diligently for tbeir
closing exercise. , , .
The track team boys have been im
proving aad leveling up the track and
putting it into shape for field day.
Fred Peterson baa taken the Stearns
district school not far from Klamath
Falls, and will leave to take charge on
June 5th.
Tbe Congregational Literary Society
will have their but meeting Friday
eve. May 25. The boye have a good
program prepared and it will undoub
tedly be a success. After the pro
gram, a social time will be enjoyed
by all who may wish to participate.
Refreshments will be served.
Monday morning in place of Chapel
exercises we had chorus practise.
fV - a -
vju xueaaay we were ravorea by a
talk from Judge C B. Watson on
"Earthquakes and their cause.'
Ou Wednesday Mr. Wlckersham
read a paper on "The man President
Koosevelt walks for," describing the
President's ideal American whose
judgement he admire and whose sym
pathy he craves. It wa a very Inter
esting article and was appreciated by
wbo beard It Thursday more
enorua work, w hile on Friday Rev,
Zimmerman of tbe M. E. Church will
address u.
xne ciae in botany took their final
a.nilii.4ln. I .. A i
w.u..Uai..uu wv rriaay. A ney are
now making out their herbarium of
ciaastnod specimen they have gath
E. W. P,
WOl Run Dairy, ,
J. a Oliver, the Wet Side farmer,
purchased a cream separator fro .1
E. Bernard A Bon. the Uardwar
chant, aad ha found that they are a
nn . 4 . I a a
mviuk ia outtar making. u
y. taai no tried hi aepaiator on
milk that had stood 3d hour and been
klmmed and that he took out mora
cream from the akimaied milk than he
got tbe first time with the skimming
; 1 r. uiiver presented The
man win a roll of hi but
LIT " MX at A- Weber'.
j i ana we can aay that
- ""r wa ever sold in the town.
In a little ItempublUhed in The Ex
ajulaer last week w. intended to mVa
t on each of the teacher, of the Lake-
view Btlm..l !....
.",".::": lyuvm nw mi
..h.. wo' the
rmjotfnuea j .
add.: ,;',"AUCmW)r' baa teen
U Tcou U?. UtttU
-"v .wMUfJJ,
NO. 22.
Eleven fleasure are to be
Vosd on at the Com
. I rig Election.
It Is Neceaaary tbat Every 1 oter
Expre.. HU View, by VrtJn;
For or Ag alnat them.
Beside, electing state, district and
county officers at the general election
on June 4, tbe voter of Oregon will
adopt or reject Jl proposed law. or
constitutional amendment, which
have been submitted to popular vote
under tbe provision, of the initiative
and referendum. Any one of tba
measure win be adopted if it receive
a majority of all tbe vote, cast there
on. Under former constitutional
provisions, it required a majority of
all the vote, cast at tbe election to
carry a proposed constitutional
amendment A ballot not marked
either for or against tt propoaed
amendment was therefore counted
against it In thU election, a ballot
not marked for or against a measure
will not be counted either way, and
if the majority of tba ballot, marked
upon any measure are in tbe affirm
ative, tbe measure win be adopted.
The measure, to be voted upon are as
follow. :
Appropriation bill of 1306 for main
tenance of the asylum, penitentiary,
deaf mute and blind school, normal
school and improvement, for tbe .
university and Agricultural College.
Equal .urffage amendment, to the
constitution, giving women tbe right
to vote at all election, the same aa
Amendment permitting one aewioa
of the Legislature to propose a consti
tutional convention except after ap
proval by vote of the people.
Amendment forbidding Legislator
to enact charters for citie. and requir
ing tbat city 'charter, be drafted and
adopted by tbe cities themaelve.
under general laws.
Amendment authorizing the Legisla
ture to provide for the election or ap
pointment at State Printer and to
purchase a state printing plint and fix
the printer, compensation.
Amendment authorizing the people
of & city or district to demand the
referendum upon local measures and
permitting the people of a city to ex
erciao the Initiative and referendum
power, upon city ordinance.
; New local-option law Increaing the
number of petitioner, from 10 to 3)
per cent, limiting the law f precinct
option, forbidding liquor election
ofteaer than once la four yeare, and
abolishing punishment by Imprlaou
ment for violation.
Bill for the purchase of the Barlow
road by the state for 21,000. Thl.
road extend acroa. the Caaeade
Mountain near Mount Hood, and U
now a toll road.
BUI for a law prohibiting railroad,
telegraph or other publlo aervloe cor
poration, from granting free paea or
aervlce to any person except employee
and making it unlawful for publlo
( ewept free paea or ear-
Bill for a law Imposing a tax of 3
Per cent upon thefgroaa receipt of
Wing, refrigerator and oU car com
pwlea, upon bualneaa transacted
althlu the.tate,
BUI for a law Impoalag a tax of a
Per cent upon exprea compaaiea and
i per cent upon telephone and tL.
graph oowpaulea, computed upon the
receipt. f bualneaa transacted
within thl state,
J. JT. Afnnwva . 1. . . . .
. " uv ( or mar A Jul war
chant, who 1. now residing on a ranch
near WlUow Rm,w,k . .
there last SundayT He aay. i l
Uerable mlnlag excitement wa. atlr,
red up . tv, day. go hla n(lU.hbor,
wa'l J6:-"- uiol.g
weroWudonthahil, Uek of thft
Kamn, and prospector are still
ha ha. a. good a mining ntim on Li
fuch a ha 1 hunting aud If gold ia