f i FKNC15S AND GATE POSTS. t' 1 -K ' CCV Vl.l lOTT MITCHKU. ' , i,. ,tt!s nnssihle to obtain from thorn fence? The depletion of the ', '.la entirely of metal .t small the cradual decrease It; fioV-J " lumber, with the cov.-o'ir.ici-.t it.roa lu the cost of woo.;, make .'i''1 erection of fences on the turn-, a nui C con cern, for the landholder heretofore ha. looked uion wood as a prorer ni.ivrial for the construction of un effective fence. Metai that Is. fence wire has o'mnct enrlrn'v ren'.aceii the ra..s u.'.u.l at one time were considered nM.ir;. to make a fence stock-pritf. We s find, however, that timber is. in no.-t localities, the cheapest material for fence posts. thotisth the supply avail able is becoming scarcer each year, and it Is possible that in the future It may be necessary in every section Is u luie the ut.tirocrcsslve farmer content to have a few bar to let down m oruer to admit of the passage of teams or wagons, no fence is complete without uu entrance, and therefore w.tuout a gate, for at best tors are oti.v ma..e?:;i.'-.s and a loss of both rv 't.me and temper. U is surprising uo common they are .! ex.eueni aim serviceable i.tthl Ka'es can now ne pm i bused Mry theap'.y and even where the laek of money is an obstacle to this a handv man can, with the aid of an ie a hammer and some nails buiid and hang a strong useful gate with no (jr i Sw -1 lT jfor j r .- JXg It will 1k letter aad a sarin of time if the timber after IveltiR rut tip for the gates is given a couple of coats of paint before being lut together. After (lie gate is completed ana nung. it can be giveu a tlnal coat. The first or priming coat should lie very thin: In tact, may be nearly all raw Unseed oil. The second and last coats will, of course, be a little thicker, and lu order to dry hard, and with a I. tile glosa, shou.il cotitaiu a small quantity of tur pentine and boiled oil. While tastes may difler as to color, results have shown that white seems to give thej most satisfaction, while the Iron work , painted black will make a slight con-i trust. a:!'!oig to the improved appear ance of the gateway. ot the country to use posts made of Iron or concrete, even as U now done in many places. An essential feature of a rail fence Is a comparatively short panel, but now that wire is, in the majority of cases, taking the place of the rail, it is questionable whether as many posts are necessary a- was the ease when rail were used. Recent tests were made at an English experiment station to de termine upon the best method of con structing a fence. One point considered was whether a fence constructed with a dropper is as efficient and durable as one ronstrueted entirely with posts. A second point under consideration was the minimum number of post3 required in the construction of an efficient and durable fence when droppers are used and the character of the dropper re quired for best results. The dropper is a thin vertical brace used to strengthen the stretch of wire between posts. As metal is admittedly more durable than wood, an endeavor was made to obtain a suitable rigid metal dropper, but with out success. A SUBSTANTIAL ROAD GATL. other outlav than the expenditure of a few hours" labor and certainly in less i t.me than is required in the continual pu'tine down and up of the bars. Experiment has shown that it is ad visable to have the openings of the farm gates It; f-n-t wide or thereabouts! ia order to admit of the transfer of uie still isi: H.isiiLR cni'Rxa. Evca in this Day of Creameries, But ter U Made in the Good Old. Fashioned Way. The chances are ten to one or le!ter that the butter you buy at the grocer ' store now was made in a creamer for the greai bulk o! the butler consumed In this country is made in milk estab lishments. lut there is H'lII holm- bill ler made b hand, and "we still w;I churns right alone" The greater number of the Ind. vid ua! churns no sold, said a i burn manufacturer in Chicinto recent), u; speakim: of the growth of the cream ery bus.uesvs. are of ttie eyi.nder typ-. I operated by a crani.. turning wul..n the churn a wheel wr.li padd.e. soim- . times iil.e the paddlew.'ieel o.' u H'eam boa" ; but w e t-t;ll sell us wtl. churns . of the old-fashioned l 1"'. su h as our grandmothers used, and mi a as their grandmothers used before them. 1 might add that the old-fashioned dasher churn Is still, us It has always been, painted blue. j W ho ctl'.'. bt:s these old styles hand churns in the da of niach.ne-niade : Inner Wi.-. so t. s" ic. tl.e id, lent .eiipie, ati.l tile most 1 1 ; -1 too. Thev ur bought small f.irm-'rs keeping tn.'.y one ot a T' ciws. who iiutura.iy continue to uiat.e their owu - i Fence Distort f AC: llt V.'. by Improperly fT'VA' I 'CT ' -"" V III; 1 BC!WTvTL I y .. .. a j---W i NOTCH THE CORNER POSTS tOVT. An error tha- farmers sometimes mate in erecting a fence is that they place the corner supports or struts too near the top of the pas;, and conse quently at too great ar..ancle with the lin of the fence so that when the wires are streti hed tigr.tiy the pos' is pulied out of the ground, notwithstanding that huge bowlders are piled against the pot or hur.g on it. in an endeavor to keep it m tne ground. One fence which has beer, found to prove very satisfactory consists of square posts and top rail. wi"u three or four rows of piair. wire fastened on the outside edge- of tne pos'. instead of through hoie bored in the uprights. To thse wires is fastened ordinary poultry net ting with. say. an inch and a-haif or two-inch menh. This netting may be strained very tight and will lie as fiat as a board the appearance of the fence lieing thereby greatly improved. While the use of hardwire in the -onstruetioc of fences is regretted, ow ing to the injury wr-h-h it sometimes j farm implements from one field to an-1 butter, and who make i, of eoitrse. inflicts upon tne live stock, there is no i other. Where some fields are planted I with a hand churn Some of tio doubt that its employment under eer-l with small green crops from which the j farmers might mae mice bu"e: 'nan tain conditions prolongs the life of a' farmer desires to keep his poultry it is they would require fur tiie-.r own i,c fence, deterrir.g s'uck from rubbing i thought best that the bottom rail of ' and the surplus the would u, against i' and unduly straining tne I this gate should be within an Inch of : they would their surplus uuh. to tne plain wires. It has been argued that I the ground so that the poultry cannot . country store stock soon get to understand how dan-' crawl under. The gate posts should be 1 And you find larger farmer, o,.. larmers pertiapn keeptfu; man e,w and milling the bulh of th.ur iuok to a creamery, stil! rnmiumi.i.' -u mai.e the butler that the i,eei for 'l,ei!,- selves and making it ur tl.ej i1Jw. Ul. ! ways done, in a Land churn Huch churiiH are sold to peipl- ::.' ing In suburban or rouii'ry bom.- an-: ke-ping cows, who muKe butter Ixrtanse they prefer to un; a: and they are bought by ar,nin e-(,;,.e everywhere who want swee' ,lr t.,,. ! Baited butter and who make it fur ' themselves in hand churni,. America exports churiis to the WeM ' Indies and South Amern a and u, Ne I Zealand and Australia and to dairvmg; countries in various other part of -ai world; but we still supply our nun people with the old-fanbioned daio r as we did twenty years ago. -tmrx M IH'tnta Out Hloh School. n-, , dblM.-d n'1"1 TicMlr-n m a f. iii i "' .... mii; . coining lion .r..hV!u vbi.b o- ' 'I'"' --v. or seven or "'" ,". , -rct Min'.l be . I of trans ,T"," t-lXr Mimd from V ' '"' ," t It v. .aid II" l."lb"'' ,he ccrl-.i rch.v.i. II ' " ,.r... U ' ' ' . . , . t lifi Mil ,f II ,. CI.IISO' dill' S. v.nuig.s "f .VHSlH,nt Se. . plan are . ; , M , state, mm - ,.,..,: re rut ,, . ,o . . f t . uI., In. ... v,.r du. lar,-: to hi' on rr.,VsH.r in-. I" th..i,.l:gh:v i - fa,.t that a be- er .eh-oe of e;! . canon Is l.ecVe ! . ., ," i c to keep h'. f""""1'"1 rmoiic -e wori I s niT.culturlstH j HU liFTn U FAKM !.!' (AT! 'N j The time. I-of' -o. .r llir- sa-. l a . Con lv when en "ordinal eduction will seref-r the farm b. The three lis I. re I. t sumci.-i.l t enable htm to sin e ed In l.f- "'' '; bae sped;.! education for fa-ti:;nt Jus. ns the voung man r woman who is to ,.n-er profesM.u.a! I.fc has rpecnil In struct i. along I"., lit.'-s he e v.. to follow. And s. the coliso.l U-'-d H-i:.i.l com. in h l".- ' ' te.n.il facil.t es Canada !!..!. an advanced &' on this (Ji."Oi h Mi I I- ron.H ..;'.:.: r t.cr roiin" hi in. lu a ".! '-;'-e farmers lii.llMi n-. b-'lnc g!'--n the advatitug mi' i I .!! sch d e tiicafl.m ( A i l.t.t ( .' linan. of lb" im tano Acrteultura! i'..lcc lins l-'-nf-'J' out. t!i. ! t.-n. ecioch-.V - iv f-m a standfo.i.' of d lla-i at: 1 c n- .. tc - . eX.el:s:-.e. f .r the f rs! f " ' leas'; I n: the ru-al riOe::ter has it t d.e-i le f ir l.:mse-f wh-th-r w ! rt.fher ptiv I've dc.lla-- in ire ! r jeaf , and H'-cn-e f .r t is b -v or r -I : '. i Iticreas.-d b.T.'t'ts as the ' ''' ''l '"d ; srhool can g've or l.-a e th.n. in th.-i hands of an :n xiM.rieti I :i-'. terl.er j who M'r.aps 1 s h.-r !? In a 1 onu-rootned Bchou'., without faclli'lcs of dei.'ions'ratloti of ut. kind I'KACTICAI. KAUM fi:Nt I. One of the !!!;. I': 'e'-.r' f-':, :- Of th' .i. sOl'hT, O' t) -- V!: I' l' I' t. i. rrnct ic:.: f.-.rm sccto ,- ta.igt.t IC a practical wa- Pa- h iia-h i.n are not. I; ... er. rot Pt.ed to the solida-'-d sch i.ds. loit ure b-lt.r it; e n. t. '! m wi!. a rn.!er of the Here J.- ;:-.- !. d. Ifiet fc-h.1 In van i ps-t ..f tte courre Ti.ev are looi.il'v fr in; t . ! i It. area, diwh-d it.'o -!;': nal and lnd:v: Junl I '"s fo- cnrli of the pupils, rnm;;t.r ill si.-e f-;ri: six feet g ,t:are to s x by t-t. or ( !! t. !:' ' The p.-to il pl.-it; of lavrg nil, each gard.-ti involves iti a t...- ,,f native s end td.ru!.-. -i-r em line the rroundv. . :-i a (...If ic-.. j-iii -fi.-id f ir he ..r- i' i n lavn h i- ! -! wl'ti shsd" t-ee f ir the i-.-hi . : . n fha.bv! walk fur! fir I an ! r:r.. ef..ut a huiolr-d yar Is bifr; ' t n: t"ty':t' approach t-i 'h. '.', .1 eotit.:-:!!!: e;!' f of a pi'f.t of o; ;. hi-ti. '.'.!: St. ! f- ' -s ir. t" h r - 1 .f i ! r-s. r;..- ., f .r it. I . !ual-.-h l i'.'. i"i at, '.--'.arj pi ? fl n fn-i'M' . .1 mC.,.h the eh,, f nn'.vc trees u-- rr. ?"ro . Seed I'L ANT" filiOWN I'.V I'lflLS j' The or IlIIH". r !lge of Vege.;,bi.- and a -.- ,t. of ft-. eriiir i. "I Grow Hair" Free $1.22 Packago No Loncrr Any Ficuee For IkiMlrttlT, Falling Hair or iwuanesa. Brfore and After Using Thia Mafic Compound. f . i..i'v "' ''" ' 'h-m . . '. i.. ...... .1 . ' ' "" rwlhw, ,i.i. 4 .( ... I Ui .II I" HM."1 . ", li.nl m.k ..... ... fk '' iM M u . I ii . I'- ..''- PAINT. WITH; l.i. ve - Rmart.w, Urr i .i nmt to r tMMM-t it u llirlMlt . aii VV tii. . . Nirih v, ttre i y iMstnl I ). I.. tiri.sr 111 tiiuk- a mmi t.r t, cut . u (Hit $100 MCM6E COUPON M. .l 1 1 ' ' ' wH IW mmmm . ..-.i i.j iwia . i ,,um I n .4 ..... .uw .fc mmmtm n i m fc't '- I... p... .... Ui ...u . . .. ! i.- " "r i f ul. itlilr joi:, riu: ixm.is lHtc.. r p.tlll'n re '!' rarilenn ti... !iii!i,. ,..,...... ... . tieeennar !. c.r t:l'.ti.!:r .a'K'- hi in a-. T' 1 1 , . I ' t. alrl oil. J. ;.. "". it; '"i'i! in under '!,e m of 'he I.-:o lief i,r il.s-t ru'-tjr Tli rv,,,'.(- y .....;.-,. .... ;,V( - ... , J j nri. In 'i. each we. i 'ne nar.i--ij Hie VII II I.". i,"'! OT l .I- T,-:, ,..r ,.r M lie Nl-Il'Nil I-iirdel. Mi-ei.. B 'li.U'.ie pu'pose, fl.ee ' t.)' ,,. v p'OVllet" '!f ni'.Ht pr .'-.. f.,-e. ,.f ta-Lre h-ii-'v !,.! ,.'f Ull ft vi, ti' cet."!.- ir. '.-.e r-l.er' .!,..! j, !" no llt.cr... ,..,;.t rh,- ,.,. .... ',... n.e- Seannf he.- :: ,;.,.r ,e,,.,l t H-sHicr. f.'.t of ,h,., , ..n and penri: !, .-,. tM. , (i,,v,.. The pu;.l!ii '.i.'iroi.pi.iv ,. ,.j,t ' SrP I liowed 'he r,-,ee..,l.i .. .... ..d to- ro-r tnskr friend with lh ha .:' !'" No. nai ! .-.erireant Wrijlil, "b ce. .- :.! i un ierii,d il.'if. and I know hat ..::t il.'i J. .le d of a l.rukea heart a' I i-rt M -n s: the tiw.u'a f ihe . ..i.u.! u ai d r tae lilm a -rt of .:..'"!:.. in ..;'' funeral and l.uril I :o : 'e ne.at.ini; .if I li lr 1 u a to-' 1 'lb. l.ad tw-eti a l.a't.e near tbe . I .: i,..- : .! the N. Vri-i bad c . i.j. ! K e and re'r"t u .ir. ilt.w n in null a." He o I'.u' all ihe war re I I ! '1 PMil.K the r.trks up . i. :.. o! iheui lay n one ! IM I. 1. !.o'her, at Tt-nt ml Ian! 1 I .11. ., i.. . r. t i.t il line the Cta- ' ! mi. a ' ul.d lk ...d'-r UmmwhI 4itte I ' I.-it. :. t. rii. and c.ik.r t.k a fit at,.: t ' . in tiitii cari'p ' - v '! lugir -arli hi fa, and 'a a hi r. a led bt "fue u'tn. I.' suit Iltltl! 'he kmc Rf I ;);.! I i! if ni" b rlidrxt h. '..,. .r. . ! ..,r port Kiti -f tbe ration I. .He I'd I .11; i tieet rttitmt In r- 'i."n Hie! t;.' r. v ie in l:r He nw fi.tti.ed f. '. h Mite.! autborlty a a lia'ter u' ...ll.fe.lt tle a 11)1 Oil f b ens n'eatt !H4- i.j. ilonn lb MidM.urt !.. I m. ul. a a. I rail lo thr r'aelflr ate! l.p 'hi .'.' ',, fl'rj'.ii be fit "nine d.ftn.r-..! ii-.f ;! with an ear -fc.lli . ii.';. :;.at:l. t:r f..ltep of I !!..!. HI Cll.-ale ll .' .' te i t . ame N ' !,-r da ! learned Ui lo biru. !..; u , .e.-H-'r.! l..ti: f..r fidelity to tl d'-ad tj . ii " I MSI Hit: IT1US I.I U J SLA tins. The ( ., ..,. nU In-.fturrstlon t.f ''" '"o- -f itepreitttaftr has r I' c'.-i . ttt..,tir the l...d tat on '' "" 1 t'- r.'.ji.-iriuft rach Ilia..- a.hii! o, jv,,,..,, ,H, )MU1 UlKS) .. '" ' " I'". a;.- pro Idtnc that ' .ii.ti.rrai ..ier 1 1, s,mri bal n:. ... r..,. ,,., mrj,r , . i'ia. -t.it III tUr ri, lude.l '',' 'tie Weak liii.iHiwI mrA I1..HOM a . " ' ..f p..r pt.v.i,,,,, -fl, pa--,..,' ,,f ((i,imer,, BU( t-K,,. t.-i n. to admit ,r rsiluilr "iid.-r 1 1, j..m uf ae , I'" .-.,...! 1BW It I, mated, mould slfl "' " ' '""f-y nn JeBirsbl wrAMM M I'J.. V If TO! w !-oiir pr u,, toJ wi rC ;Uke a i " I t" ' 'IT . C'tt -s-m ; ' ."wo- C' 'OM thn k it , . crop t : "" ; . k jren a . Abtra prme, a itar.aj it kwa BASEBALL OUTFIT!! -,! a...... . i . b.4 .com CI ".'-w..-'.." K-f nt,V; irrtod. e k .4m i ner im I et IIHU I JL JaXllka 1111. - BOYS, r, a . Em .ia iTllCS Ol set itra Mrn i tbe plj cet n and tb wri Ion IITtr'USWtlAaai, !'" tvitr11 I-. ...... . ihi I"ropei k ...I il atC!S -aat 11 tsrar4 I tronbl STtc-re i I! f- v aa4 a Till: LEi! lai . i e. !. '..r. I )T lit ftm 1 i . .-1 i'-- e.. ,.m,r. . ... i..aM axroii a. ---i' Utf-as-BS-B-B-B-B-p . 'llabla i before cou&t owlu Werel .up tew. W BO chock i a... ' iuv .it it . n. i tttt 1T ' 1- 7hT'il ' ."-- Baa TtiJ .in 1 1- a.-. '.!, 'I'll! lilt. - 0VT f"... plu't- ,.f- t. II.I).. f.,r In him. i . . r. : I.. i.e.. .. i. c ii. ti.-r in', w. r il hit,.- .,. T , I ' ll iit a i cir. e o i"'h".. an I Ii h .; ;Hin I pi. I'lll" I. r Ai..'r.. ( ..r c'-a ctc.M ., A PLEAjING PENCE OF TIMBER AND POULTRY WIRE. rerous barb-wire is, and when in a quiet condition ar rarely Injured by it; but onu excitod by panic or play they forget lu dantter and often suffer Id conaoQuenct. While there may b some styles of woven fence which will enable the farmer to discontinue barb wire, the new material must have suf ficient elasticity to recover from occa sional very sever and unusual strains and also sufficient to respond to our varied conditions of heat and cold, and ao require do straining after Its ereo tton. The Amartaui tunse (UkaufacLus. ut mm to Ut aUuad cf His Eufoiatis t0 tlui pruructlu of wire fences, fur it quite separate and didtinct from any poets used in the construction of the fence, as a better effeet is obtained without additional trouble if they are slightly higher than the upright In the gate and higher than the fence poets adjoiuinc the cateway. Tbe main entrance to the farm and also tbe gateways around the dwelling may be still further improved If a little addi tional trouble Is taken to square tbe gate posts and round off tbe tops. No gate can be said to be finished until ft is palntad. lor not only doe uaJutiug aid In giving a tidy appear auce, but prokmcB tbe life of ta wood TO TA t'KLE IIA.lAis. The hazlnc trials at Aruiup.li- fi.l lowed by the ton (liseiissinti of t,,e, subject in and out of CoiiKre ha, served to widely advertise tbe A. ad emy. and, as a result, there ha i-. i, I an unusual rush of appli. ution from ambitious young men who aspire to n. come admirals. Many of the mudi, ,,,... breathe defiance to ail beaters and re cite Instances of their physical pow er to demonstrate their tltneHs for ap pointment. One of the letturs ren'iy received at the Navy Department ran as follows: "I play football, have been captain of tbe basketball team these last t0 year. I am also an expert wltb box ing glove, and would like to have some of the AnnaH.lls fellows try their halting trlcka on me I Imaelne they would have to get real busy if my tried to stand me on mw h.i -.a ! wake iue eat soap- " uu 0tUb( 1- - i' "JT. Vi riicTwc , whtr a.. . neath jrrwi uc , trciie F. early. ,f tliee ,nt i a ii ii ; ' Don't Die That t i Million. Every VeAr from Mere lt-t Nature's Laws of Health A.k yonrwlf t,r ((uealiou , "I, l.lfe V..r1li Iif' ; a IKMIO. j at once, f And the tiuvrr will tw " ti s ,ur Ixialu' I leu by n..t b fmd bJtbr If y..n are ' l-aiair .m.. simple, natural Isw of lumn hss ; Suturr i h stmt and JnexurMe M brunts .o 1'itrdotiH When llcr J.uws"1. Iv'Uvr Ii'Bru TIks"J . v You ttnu't l arn litem t You t au t Irani tliem a l'n:iu rijrlit now, tm l I-urn a littlo err i I,. "J ''t .11 II.He'.iSr Imulm lu i n J." '' """ N'"rv' 1 iJd u.l ic . IVi'l . f "" eu u.,1 aiHl . . -i '-'.ii! "!" "K' l"u 'M v w , ' . '""'" wouwl Law lam .La.' '"... Mi.a '. i, ' " ," " ,w ' "f Srt If il l ii.it ift in rut ii i4MifMIM oat f ..ii.i uu a arparate put dittt. ' ...i '-'rriTi. ,.1 u. f... ...c 1-1. I ... ...!,( CENTS.! a. in . i, 1 1 1 ONE YFAR mti ii tiuii i aaia, but avtid at .a. j Nin ox or Su) So. r'osiolfic ta.,l W U'lKIIIM -'.! h'"i.n . tlws Bv. a! I" ' .INK. fi II- TT: "' auud fall.i a..mll.tf U. US- "" .,,1,1 A,k.l, u. lull Mitlf '"orlptUM, Itvpi, MAXWXLL. MOMI.MAKt' ai .ilAlOst , It 3 guttrn j.Uce V"U. ktubt prop tie, feed less you c Don' I tryla ta suits. Ko shoul to in: untie aa tnRk k't ! kia t Wdl new ou il till neeUi to ti la iu r w La O .. , Slat jrara auUw.Hl'."1 VII. are i e-- prln f trow verti If .x .aih ... i . v - ' lm M lavaT'rS "OW,!K JT' u.' nun. 1401 flat-" BuJ KtH M.AIIIS "aa-' . Hill nil iM Ill m.U IU. WPWaMHSjMjjsMBS