J M J , eonB THINO TO ral Information ,NTER"' . ALL OVR RBADBRS X , ;ors at Trmt Kings, tl 'l.,io !..:! set of Myacll-llolllns i& I ''., aaiaph'a of Stock tfertlflcate mrl tnna. ti lth price list. It yoti are. nr-inUitiB; ft stork company fcvt ur prV on' stock certificates, tf 'WANTr.P: 19 men In each state 'to tnivt ?, j)Obt signs, advertise and itfl amplfi otonr goods. Ralary 175.00 per nrrtoth.' f3.0 per day for appeases. ItOTAL Pirri'LY CO.; l)tpt. W, Atlas Rlock, Chicago. 62-2. The Examiner has received a new t sample book ttf the Wall Street line , of engraved certificates of stork an1 g bond Llfliik. the Most up-to-date on the nr.orkpt. I'wd and endorsed by the leading financiers of America. I Copyrighted. Can and mis tnem u 1 you weed any thing In thin lino, tf V TrANTt;l: Trvo men In each cou s ty to represent and advertise Hard ; vara department, put out samples of our goods, etc Traveling TohU . Ion or UtUca Manager. Kalary f per month, cah weekly, with all exjenwi tpaldln advance.. We furnish every i thine 8 12 ' Tba Colambla House . Dept. 10, 2S4 Bta Ave Chicago. Ill '.'' WANTED: -Two men In each eountyto represent and advertlne ! Iludrtn Department, put out saropla of oar good, etc. Travel ing Position or Office Manacer. ' Sal ary 190.00 per month cah weekly, with all expenses paid lu advance. Wa furnish everything. THE COLUMBIA HOUSK. - Chicago, 111. Dept. C10, Monon, Hid. tf the Drewery 8a- tf the Examiner Urewery Ra- tf , Tlh Illinois Central , maintains unexcelled service from the Went to the Esstand South. Making cloee Connections with traina of all transcontinental Uaea, paswingera are given their choice of rou tea to Cbicaeo Loultvills, Memphis and New Orleans, and throngh theee points to the far east Profpectlve trsvslers deciring infor mation as to the lowest ratea and beat routes are Invited to correond with the following representatives. B. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent, 1 Third 6U, Portland, Ore. 3; C. lAa&SSfi - Trav I'anseuger Agent, 142 Third sL. Portland, Ore. Pan! B. Thompson l'aent;er Aicent Ctilman Building Seattle Hash. We print township plats Dutch lunch at loon. Mining blanks at office. Dutch lunch at the loon. The Examiner prints township plats. and makes them into books to order, Sample of the Detinlson shipping tags at The Examiner office. All slar and aualltlca. from Manila to linen. tf Look at the descriptions of the land liHted with The Examiner this week for sale, and seleetjyour piece before it has been sold to some one e'ae. tf Blanks for final proof, Desert prools, timlwr land final proofs and blank affl davita for applications for readvertise. ments, blank witness affidavits, etc. at The Examiner office. tf There la two wnye to tell a good cigar; one la to buy It, pay your monnv and amoke It. But the letter way la to know that it is an Eagle or a Mountain Hone,, which is atoso lute proof of Ita genuineness, Made and for sale by A. Storkman, at the cigar factory, tf Popular And Picturesque. The only thing aecesHury to make the Denver and Bio Grande the uioet pop ular, as It has ever been known the moat pleasant and most picturesque way to cross the continent, baa come ftbouL This is the etiUhlibhtnent of ;h rough sleeping car service. Ia connection with the O. It. & X. through Pullman Standard Sleeper ia now ran Irate Portland to Denver, leav log PurtiaaJ at 8 jr p. w., arriving at Rait Lake at B.tO a. iu. the second moraing, leaving Salt Lake at 3.0 p, m. and arriving at Denver 4 -0 p. in. the iollowlna day. This acheduUi gives pas lengeri seven hours stop-over in Salt Lake, affording an opportunity to visit the Mormon Capital aa well as a day J(Ut ride through the grandest scenery ia ibeiworld. For rtxwrvatioo in this car sud for il lustrated booklets picturing the scenery sontinuons te the Denver & IUoGrande, imwiug it to br lbs ''Scenic Line of the World." write to W. C. McBrlde, Uen ra Agent, 124 Third street, Portland. We are now prepared to sell several tracts of land at prices that will startle von, especially if you are acquainted aith the location. We have land all the way from $1.50 per acre bp to f 15; un improved or Improved, to snit the purchaser. Lake County Examiner.t See a sample of the Pacific uoutly at thin office, and you will not hesi tate to pay $2.50 for a year'a sub- sclptlon to The Examiner and that valuable Mayaxlne published In Port land, tf Farmers, have yor butter wrap pers printed at The Examine office, Instead of sending away for them. You keep your money at home, and patronise them that patronise you, beside, you see what you are get ting and don't have to pay for It If It doesn't suit you. tf , fir. Maxwell tsorstarr akevtew, Ore K. M. I IHetasr frssMiint Lakevlaw, Ore, LAKE COUNTY BUSINESS MENS' DEVELOPMENT IEA0UE If you wish Information tbou Lk County, Oregon addres eith er of'lhs) above gentlemen, who will be pleased to reply. IT & CHURCH DIRECTORY. Plan of seivices of Pastor of the M. E. Church. Lakeview. 1st and 3rd Son- rfavs o! each month. Bethel at 11 a. m.. an New Pine Creek at 7 p. m., 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. Lakeview at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. tnp mMtlnff Thnrsdsv 7 P. m. 5th Sundny Union School Ifonse at 11 a. m, Lakeview at 7 p. m. Yon are cordially invited to all the services. SiNFoan Savnaa, Pastor. y 3 WASTED: by Chiesgo wholesale and snail order house, assistant msnager (man or woman) for thla county and adjoining territory. Salary 20 and ex t LAKEVIEW l SADDLERY t- J S. F. AHLSTROM, & Proprietor. t . PThe best Vaqvvos-d-l tlfc on the market. t : : . . & Alo a complete line of wagon l 4 roliee rlataa, blta, spurn qulrta, roacttea, 1n factevery & thing In the line of carriage and horae furnlehlnga. Be I -I 1 . mark i'l f 4 ' 4 A 4 3 O t 3 3 . . . - . . - - ... . . A d. penses paid weekly; expense money ad- CbCCiQ OOQQOuQOO Om&'NIrOvJwUWt vanoed: wora pleasant; posuion per- i tnanent. o investment or experience rerwired. Write at once for full partic ular and enclose self-addressed envel ope. ' COOPER A CO., U-50 7 . 132 Lake St., Chicago, 111. : 1 and buggy harneea, whip GEORGIA'S nOAD SYSTEM. Hew fur Mlatwware AM A Mountain of Gold could uot bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wllke, of Caroline, Wis., ae did one 2Tc box of Bucklln'a Arnica Salve, when It completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tor-1 tured her for i!3 long years. antlxeptlc healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores. STc at Lee Beall'a Drug store. Our Offer. With the June number will begin The Pacific Monthly's aeries of spec ial editlona for the year 1905. They will comprise a nu in Iter for Portland, for Seattle, for Soutlern California, for San Francisco and the souvenir number of the Lewie and Clark Ex position, also a special automobile numlKT. The article of Dr. Wolf von Schlerbrand, alx in number on "The Coming Supremacy of the Pa cific" are, also promised, and the planacontemplated by the publishers will, without question, place The Pacific Monthly far la advance, not only of present competitors, but also into the unreachable class of period ical literature on the Pacific Coaat. The Pacific Monthly is sold to regu lar subscribers at the extremely low price of $ 1 a year. We have made an arrangement with the publishers by which we are able to offer It in connection with The Lake County Examiner, (both Publications), to new subscribers, and old ones who pay up any back subscription they Greatest J may owe aud a year In advance, for the very low price of 2.50 a year, tf ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN v THROUQHOLT FIRST-CLA55 ACCOnnODATIONS SAHPLE ROOfl For COnriERCIAL . TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT i Thrmtgbont the ataw of J J JJ ei.i fforW are teln made la the rui and within a re-able time Tt I b lleveil every county aet In Ihe aff Will u direct other county eat and J1 ra(.ltal by a system of '' will deserve to be denominated put Td hlahw.ys. say the Aoto Adror.U ' .1 act .-ssl by the fceneraJ assembly of the state In M " ty m given the optldn of ln on th public road, or pnblle vrorka air co lets of a term of Ave years or lesa es cept women and others not able to At bard work. Tlx, net prorewl of the hire vkta go to swell the school fund of tw state, so the counties wbicb elect Us work tiielr five year eonvk-ts on tM public roads or on the public works of sncn counties csnnoi slisre in thai pan of the school fund that eoroes from th nlre of convict. A county having cho sen to, accept Its share of the school fund rather than attempt to bulk! op public rosds by roovtrt labor, or vice versa, must aubere to that policy for term of two years. A large number of counties deter mined upon the -new departure" offer ed them and since January, 1. have been energeth ally addrcwiUig them selves to the work of transforming fcrog neglected paolle roada into beeatlfa. highways. So great a transformation Is MTF n P P LIGHT OEO MAR80W LIGHT & HARRCfW, Proprietors tfXtXeIIea Lakeview Furniture Store ' it E. N. JAQUISH, Proprieto. POST YOURSELF AND FRIENDS If Yom are not Particular Joo't travel over the Illinois Central, u any old road will do you and we dont want your patronage; but if you are particular and want the best and mean ,o have it, ak the ticket agent to route rou via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the' oad tint runs through solid vestibule. Jains between fit.Faul, Omaha, Chicago, UXiiuia, Mempbis, and New Orleans. Js'o additional charge is made tor a aeat 0 our rocliuing chair cars which are iUt-d with lavatories and (mocking ooipa, and have a porter lu attendance. ZUUa via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL (tie lowest and we will be glad to ut them ia connection with any xKuttuootlnental line. E. II. Trumbull, Couiuiercial Agent, 2 Third Street, Portland Ore. J. C. Lindsay, T. F. A P. '.A., 142 :i.hd fr troet, Portland, Ore. I'4ul II. Thompsou, Krt. AJPasaenger Lgwut, Col in an ttldg., Seattle, Wash. If you contemplate a trip east call on or write to us at Keno. Should you have friends coinlug from the east you can get information regard lug ratea, routes, etc., which will be to their ad vantago and comfort. If you wish you can deposit cost of ticket with us for their passage and tickets will lie furnished them at their eastern homes. Thin office Is with you and responsible, which should lie au Inducement to commu nicate with us rather than with those in other cities. II. L. (Jrlilith, Agent, So. Pac. Co lteuo. Nevada. J. M. Kultou. District Pasaeuger Agent, Southern Pacific Co., Ileno, Nevadu. CATARRH 6 5 ffwW Elys Cream Balm 1 Thla Remedy la 8peclflc, 8ur to Civet Satisfaction, eivia actiir AT ONOg. It cloiuiMoa, aouthua, htwU, aud protocts the dweaaod uieuibrane. It cures Catarrh and lriv awuy a Oold in tlm Huad qmcklv. ltttMturns tha Siiisck of Taxte aud HmilL My i UHt). Coutuius no iujuriuiia druto. Applied into the nwtrila and almorlwd. lMrua Si, CO oeuts at DruKKhU or ly luuil ; i riul Me, iu uouls VJ mm.. Etr BROTHERS, f Warrts St.. Naw YerK. TT TT 'C VEOETABLE SICILIAN AlLf lLrii) Hair Renewer rtr j you like your eray ftair: then keen It. FerhaDs not I s Hair Kenewer always restores color to r then remember -Hall' pray rotr. Mops failing hair, also S fwu An m.'rt'js.m1""' The) Leading Paper of the Pacific Coast Th San Francisco Chronicle The Weekly Chronicle The vary bast wsekiy Nw?par publlahed la tha aotlrs WssL $1.50 a Year InrlDdinc poatu to car rt of Iha tuitod Mta, CaaatiU aud Meiico It Is best bscauss. beaidea printing all the news of ths world each wslc la an Interesting way and fully Illustrating many articles, It has special deparW ntcs'.a devoted to - ACRICULTUR8 HORTICULTURI POUU1XY LIVc STOCK FASHIONS N aad SrORTS These are prealded ever by ed tort harinf a thoroufh knowU edge of their apeoialtles. Ths uaje devoted to Aerculturs. Horticuiture, Poultry and Live Stock re well illustrated and Miled with matter of the treated Interest to all eegafed la these industries, every lias bslaf written by those whs are In eloee touch with oondltlens prevailing on this Coast. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPT. It wtU be seat free. Do yos want tha Chraaasl Reversible Map? Showing ths Uaited States, Da. mlnloa of Canada aa4 Nertaera Mexico sa tit side, MAP OF THE WORLD. presoaUa( Is view la ne aoattavsas aaaa, with ail areas ia trwt preparUoa, ths sa Mrs evrfeoe a tha Earn aa tha other atda. Sead $2 aa4 h Mas sstd WseaJy ChreoW Ur sm Mar. pta arasssW sa Ma asj The Daily and sV ssaav Vsaaasa ms OnrtatYsr Full and complete stock of Everything- in the line of FURNITURE at. si s TTJCa Cas, .flat -,, KJ ,1 A i WALL PAPER, CARPETS, LINOLEUM, QLAS5. sjt I, CALL. ANp Snider Building on Water St, ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... SEE OUR STOCK AND QET OUR PRICES BARGAIN DAYS . IN MAGAZINES zinesof the country-Just In order tosecuu; No. 1. Two Magazines for the price ., of one ws vsi.do No. 2. Three Hagazines for the price Ui (lilt- ?.ucf5S $1.00,. maaame i nn inrpm Onert- . The Reader ZZ 3.00 vvVeaRb'C3.U(J succSr:3.:. t"our azln,e,9 fo- $2.00 McCalVAMnvari"' fill ttn..;..B.T.-.-.-.r-r four v- $1.00 success $1.00 it CosmoDolltnn " 1 Review of Revsews '.' 3 00 0ne CC Madame. .. Z .Z l.oofOtir ya r VJU SFECIAIr Tha . , . r- --.v.i juu SOU U Vnill....l 1 coxvicts woKxrsa on koado. 1 being wrousht la the class of contia alluded to it is cuu3h-ntiy beloved that their number win sooo ba largely La creased. The nonactiD have beeo quick to see and to acknowledge the aoperior wtav dom of those that determined to firm extra and systematic attention to thelx roads. They have began to realiza that first class roads, good la winter aa to summer, are In many respects as neceav aary aimost aa public schools; that good roads contribute to a larger and mora uniform attendance at the schools and enhance the value of property month by month and year by year. Very naturally, persons who are look ing out for a more hospitable cliinat than rulee In the section of which thes are now cltiaena feel a deep interest In thla question of good roada. It fol lows, therefore, that the county and the state which are expending tnteUlgetttrx and effectually extra effort in working out a system of good roada will attract quickest the largest number of bom seekers. Tit Smmi rr fla4 A large number of farmers 11 v leg ln one road district of Jackson county. In Missouri, appeared recently before the county court at Independence to com plain of the bad roada and of the work of the overseers, says the Kausaa City Star. There were any number f griev ances exploited "The road dUtrtct is too big;" -The roada are getting worse Instead of better.-" -It takes four horse to get anywhere with a load.-" The neighbors dodge their poll taxes." The trouble with that road district, sa with all others In Missouri where It takes four horses to get anywhere," Is that the farmers want good ruada without paying for them.. They will pay the coat of that extra pair of horsee. wear out their wagona and keep their prod uce from a ready market aa a payment for bad roads and yet not pay a small tax for good roada. Under a new law of Missouri farmers la a district of, their own rreettoa can build any kind? of a road s ads they desire, from the well packed "dirt- vw. .Adam highways, by issuing bonds and property a small percent .k!" T.ar t0 pa off- Bet ne ther that law nor any other can pro Tlde good roada unWi ttu.. for. v ' the fatu. UTleut ,tor teamster probtag with a fence raU for the wTguI and" boraea h. had lost la the mud ' an Oiito road 1. recalls by the state- VNest Farmlngtoa. O.. have been un- roid hrT Ve' n mlLf road between that ptac and the place r.r ,nt I staying! b euse no horae. can be obtained m aBt SooMhT,r,o, ttu ur Ti n! roa.d' Clevelan rialn Dealer. VntU the uafaUtomahl toud freaaes, it Is claimed, julce wilt w u goon roada inoveutent Aid !) Hu B.iij, Umrtmmnt w th tb i.v i CUIJi re und re VPmZrZL .wUe ttost alimtfli.. . : the, of Improv.mWt. ' n W