Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 17, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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    goto Ctoutttit C?ct nlnrtr
Pablle.. Every Tharaday.
MtmM BalMInt
jtntored at the trot Offlceat lkeTtw, Or,
aa Second-Cla. Matter.
(One Year S-00
TERMS: Hlx Months 1. 00
(Three Montha 5O
..klt .MJIV. OREGON, HAY 17.
!,. lepublieau ticket put up ly
tV . lost tho primary election,
f: r . highest state office down,
is one that any man may recommend.
The county ticket, especially, in
fLa county, is one that every ixepuo
lican can conscientiously stand by on
elcetion day. The manner in which
the ticket was put up this year places
it far above the recommeudation of
any one man or newspaper, however,
as it was the people's choice ; it is not
ticket forced upou the voters by
politicians and to be whitewashed for
decency sake. Every one of them are
good, honroable, clean men of worth
and sterling character, who can well
stand upon their own merits. The
character of the men is well knowu
by all their acquaintances and un
questioned by those who do not have
the pleasure of knowing them person
ally. The manner in which thty were
nominated distinctly places them to
the front as proper men for the offices
to which they are to be elected, and
every Republican should, and no
doubt will, recognize in the coming
election that noble principle "major
ity rules," which we all must hail as
fair and just if our own interests are
to receive justice.
The Democratic newspapers that
haw been subject to the oath of
fealty to both Governor Chamberlain
and President Koosevelt, one the
Democratic governor of Oregon and the
other the Republican president of the
United States, and basking in the fe
licity of mutual allegiance to both
have had a boom thrown into their
mystic castles. It has been claimed
by the Democratic press of the 6tate
that President Roosevelt desired the
reelection of Chamberlain, but when
the President was informed of the free
use of his relations with Chamberlain,
he denied emphatically that he ever
said, or intimated such a thing, so
that the "Chamberlain -Roosevelt" ad
herents have learned that something
more than a hyphen separates the pol
icies of the Democratic Governor and
the Republican President.
Subscriptions are coming in to The
Examiner very rapidly here lately,
eighteen having been received last
week. NVe attribute this run to the
page write-up of the county printed
in several issues of this paper a few
months ago which brought us numer
ous requests for sample copies. We
sent out several hundred samples, and
now many of those who received a
copy are becoming interested and
seek further . information from the
same source. The Examiner is issu
ing over VIM copies each week, which
makes it the best advertising med
ium in Southeastern Oregon. A fact
that is recognized by all advertising
agencies, as evidenced by the numer
ous requests we receive weekly for
advertising space, many of which we
refuse, on accoun of the cheap rates.
We make our own rates, and give the
same rate to all advertisers.
County Attorney Mackintosh of
Seattle, holds the wronging of women
as" a trivial offense to be punished by
a term of less than two years in the
penitentiary. Ho says that "what
ever wrong Creffield did Mitchell's
sitser, he paid the penalty in the pen
itentiary." Mr. Mackintosh's views
might have been changed had the ras
cal been allowed to live, and practise
his immoral teachings in Settle and
make a victim of the prosecutor, us
many people of Oregon communities
were brought to shame and disgrace
eeds of that scum of Hades.
1.., '-i a battle, Riminess life u
i -u It'u with competition. The most
;vw ; weapon in business warfare
n vi .). .sing. Make good choice of
vi or .si' pom Bee that it is well tcm-
. r.i l .'i 1 trusty in order to win tuc
cf n. '.i lie Examiner has been in the
lt:-i if for 27 years and is a sure bus
:' f tcr.
No mutter with w hat vigor the Seat
tle authorities prosecute young Mit
chell, the slayer of Crellleld, Le will
b hailed and remembered as a hero
who wus a martyr to a uoblo cause,
by tho thousands of home-loving
The time to advertise Is wheu
want more business.
Having been regularly nominated m the candidate
of the Republican Party for the office of Sheritr of Lake
county, I now ask the voters or this County to carefully
consider whether I am worthy of their support or not.
I have been a resident and taxpayer in Lake County
for about 17 year and feel that I am permanently Iden
tified with its business Interests.
It you shall see fit to elect me your Sheriff for the
next two years I promise yon, upon my honor as a
man, that I will give strict attention to the duties of
the Sheriff's office and 1 the Sheriff of no faction,
but will perform ita duties without fear or favor, and
give the people an holiest, etllcieut and economical
I have no enemies to punish, and no friend need
toexpe't auy favor from me inconsistent with my
duty to the public.
Albert Dent,
Republican Nominee for Sheriff.
The Base Ball Tourament.
The base Wll season opened in real
earnest last Sunday wheu three of the
lest ball tennis in the county crossed
bats for honois on the Lakeview dia
moud. Paisley, Pine Creek and t he
local team were the contestants.
The first game was played in the
morning between the home team and
the Paisley boys. A large crowd)
witnessed the event at the new ball
grounds in the Walters Held, just west
of the Watson residence. The day
was fine for tho players aud pleuty
cool enough for the spectators.
Paisley went to the bat, and were a
little wably on account of not having
had any practise. Their first inning
resulted in a 0 for them; Lakeview
was glad to go to the bat, but the
way Banister shot the ball over the
plate made them dizzy at first, but
they managed to run in three men.
Five times in succession Paisley failed
to tally. Lakeview made one in their
second inning and were goose-egged
four times in succession. Paisley
made 2 in the sixth and the locals
nothing. In the seventh Paisley was
whitewashed and the locals made one.
It was a close, hard game up to the
last half of the eighth, when, with
two men out, aa easy sky ball was
landed into Banister's hands wheu
the catcher collided with him and the
ball fell to the ground. Before the
boys could collect themselves five of
the locals had made home, and the 0
for Paisley in the first of the ninth
left the game to Lakeview by a score
of 2 to 9.
The score by innings:
Paisley 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-2
Lakeview 31000015 -9
The line-up in the morning was
Banister p
Harper c
Withers lb
Sprague 2b
Hanan 3b
Judge ss
Long rf
Mulkey cf
Beebe If
Henry Cook,
Afternoon game:
Pine Creek
Smith p
Gibbons c
Vernon lb
Amick 2b
Cook 3b
Broili ss
I Smith if
Mulkey cf
Stephens If
Fieeburg p
Hobart c
Bigelow lb
Storkman 2b
Boyd 3b
Carroll ss
Snider rf
Boone cf
Reynolds If
Free burg p
Hobart c
Bigelow lb
Storkman 2b
Boyd 3b
Carroll ss
Snider rf
Boone cf
McDonald If
The game between Lakeview and
Pine Creek was a hard contest, won
by the State Line team by a score of
11 to.C. Both teams played their
best, and while the score gave the
State Line boys an apparently easy
game, they were aware that the slight-:
est error on their Dart might result in !
defeat for them.
The first inning the state liners
failed to tally, while the locals scored
one, but the latter part of the game
the visitors took the lead and held it
to the last.
Paisley will give a tournament some
time in June, tho date to be set later
ou. It is to be hoped that Pine
Creek and Lakveiew can ls there.
Yamhill County.
Representative In Congress.
,. , . iH--.,- "
; v-y ' ft. ... i
V ( "
Celebrated SOU) Birthday.
A real, Interesting birthday party
was given Inst Monday at tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Snelliug, in hon
or of the SUti anniversary of the birth
of "Graudmn" Miller, mother of
Mrs. V. L. Suelling, Mrs. P. l Lane
and Mr. P. M. Miller. The affair was
conducted in a good, old fashioued
way, and good old grandmas were the
guests. It was a day of supreme
pleasure, not of bridge whist, ping
pong, polo, or anything of the kind,
but the guests sat in easy rockers and
with spectacles in hand, unsteady!
with age, chatted aud chatted and j
chatted; old, old incidents were re-j
newed, old pastimes and school girl;
pranks were vividly brought back to i
memory and even some dear old-fashioned
love stories were indulged in,
which brought the sweet, tender smil
es to the faces of these grandmas that
would have put new life into the
grandpas had they been near and peer
ed into those sweet old faces with
their dimmed eyes aud allowed their
memories to fly buck a few score
A luncheon was served for tho ladies
rf tnrwlu-ii)i.a ifwittiin' ill tliia u-nrlil
v. , v-
out slices ol lignt-iireaii wun wilier
spread ou them witn a slice of meat
betwixt' like these same grandmas
had fixed up many aud many a time
and put in the old tin bucket for pa
and the boys when they were goiu' to
the woods.) cake and ice cream.
Those present were Mrs. Schlagel, j
Mrs. Bernard, Mrs. Patxon, Mrs. J
Jackson, Mrs. Russill, Mrs. Boydstun, i
Mrs. Buttler, Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. i
Notice Co Public.
No person or persons are allowed to
trespass or prospect on Section 30,
township 4S North, Range 13, West,
on the California Side of the Hoague
Mining District, without first getting
written permission and making con
tract with J. Monroe Layman, Fort
BidwelL California. Any one doing
so without written authority will be
J. Monroe Layman, 19-24
Deaths from Appendicitis
decrease In the Mime ratio that the
use of Dr. Kind's Life 1'IIU In-;
creases. They save y ou from danger
and bring quick and painless release :
from constipation and th Ills grow-:
lug- out of it. Strength and vigor ;
always follow their use. Guaranteed
by Iav
Beall Druggist. 23c. Try
Human Blood
A tale of horror was told by marks ;
of human blood In the home of J. W. !
Williams, a well known merchant of ;
Bac, isy. He writes: "'Twenty years
ago I bad severe hemorrhages of th"
lungs, and was near death when J
began taking Dr. King's New Discov
ery. It completely cured me and 1
have remained well ever since." It
curvH J U-niorrhages. Chronic Coughs,
Settled ( olds and Bronchitis, and is
the only knowncurefor Weak Lungs.
Kverv bottle guaranteed by l-e
I5eall Druggist. 30c and 1.00. Trial
bottle free.
Summons. i
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, For the County of Lake. '
vs ,
GF.ORG E SCHLECHT, Defendant. ,
ant above-named :
OF OREGON : Vou are hereby re- j
quired to appear and answer the Com-1
plaint filed against you in tho above- j
entitled Court and cuuso within six ;
weeks from the date of the flrU publi-
cation of this Summoi.s, to-wit, on or
before tho .list day of May, V.Mi, and
if you fail so to appear and answer
the same, for want thereof, the above-
named plaintiff will take judgment
against you fur the sum of SEVEN
73-100 (710.73) DOLLARS, for money;
loaned you, together w ith his costs
and dinbursments in this action, and ,
for an order of said Court for the sale
of any property which may be attach-1
ed herein. !
Notice is hereby given you that this '.
summons is served upon you by publi-1
cation thereof in the LAKE COUNTY
EXAMINER, a newspaper of general
circulation, issued and published ;
weekly at Lakeview, Lake County, j
Oregon, pursuant to an order of tho,
Hon. Henry L. Benson, Judge of said
Court, duly made at Chambers, in
Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Ore
gon, on the 'Jth day of March, HJOO.
Tho date of tho first publication
hereof is April l'Jth, 11)00, and the
(Into of the last publication hereof is
May 31st, 1900.
L. F. Conn,
Attorney for Fhtlutiff.
Our Sping Stock is arriving:, and
will soon be Complete.
New spring DressGoods I New spring Neckwear
We have here a showing in all the
leading shades of gray that has never
I teen equaled in Lakeview before.
Cream and White Knglish Mohair
Ihillianteens, Henrietta Alhetross,
ete., ineluding many novelty wnist
ings for spring.
Do Not
I V""Nr!r--- Gives tone, vitality and snap. frgj'
j '-.''SCct it from your Jruggiit
i tt nser xrfi r
I B,lilllii..uJHiir ii. I K-W '
i -J III. "1 UJI UJ 1 -!! - -L- IM.H'LL.lJ.LL UJIU JHUJIM-' Htl L M.LH'FW ll'lff ,HM1 J 1,1111 L IU'.h?ggBg?V
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Seve.i MClon boxes sold In past 13 months. TIlIS Signature,
". TV .V -.-V!
, n,er, may be a hundred men In
as you lut Out In nm mn other
fin yoursen in uii uiucr iruMinit.ii.
It Is simply un lmpoHHlblllty to get a perfect fittlnif ult by buying reiuly-to-,wcar
We will make a suit to your measure for l.'O.
Tou pay that much, or nearly that tnui-h for nvery Jinnd-me-down suit you buy.
Fill out thla eonpn and mall to na and we
will aend on a aample of the rloth. We tcuar
antee that the amnple le actually rut from the
very bolt of rloth from whl'-ti we make the ault.
When you Tlalt Portland, mine In and verify thla
or au aaaertlon we make. If ou with, aak
aotne Portland friend to tell yon almnt the rep
utation aud atuuillhK of the Columbia Woolen
Ml lie Co.
It la the slmpleat thing- In tli world to hare
nm. friend take your meaaiire. We will Bend
yon a tape nteaatire free, and tnatructlcua Low
to take a tneaaure for a ault of elothta.
lie aure and aend for thla .ample. If yon get
ault from thla offer, yon will I wearlnic a
garment th. pattern of wtileh local dealera can
not ponalhly iiet In atnek tiefore another ear.
Tli. pattern of our t'J anlt will I aold neit
year aa tlie lateat thy other tallora).
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland, Ore
Timber Land Act June .'I, 178,
United St at oh Lund Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Apr., 4. 100(5.
Notice 1h hereby given that In com
pliance with the provlsloiiHof the act
of Congress of June .'I, 1878, entitled
"An act for the Hale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
au extended toall Public Land States
by act of August 4,' 1S!)2, Solomon B
Chandler, of Lakeview, County of
Lake, State of Oregon, has this at
filed in this ollice his sworn stab
nitwit No. 15078.
For the purchase of the SEJ of So
No !S2 In Township No; !5(S, Range Ni
21 K W .M, and will offer proof to hIkm
that the lam sought Is more valu
able for Its timber or stone than foi
agricultural purposed, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before
Register and Receiver at Lakeview,
Ore., on Friday, the 13tU day of
June, 1100.
An Attractive Array
Neek Kihhons, Tinsel Melts,
Side Combos,
Overlook This
The children's friend
Jaynels Tonic Vermifug c
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
this city wlio tmve armn the
man In tin- wholu county who
nm. length ,
In the name I
t'ufnmnm'1 Hntlii fftro rlfithtH ari turned
nut Uy tLf lUuusullil.
I'jr iiid('l)iii4r'.
'ltif aio i-iit bu1 Mwrtl
Thn! la why yoti liari. tMuiittit nutta Iterrtn
f'r. li tlinir lk nf wwiir. InTor. mi
Knit worn lliftji hulf ii tiny.
We nmkn a in1t to our nu-itnre tor
jour tlti.l... wiir Mint will tit Imthiiwi
It n( liiillt for ii, aii'l no urir i!.t for iJK
W KuuriiiiliM. tin i-lotli Ut (m mi all i-tirvlnt
ttip rloili lit ni'W ntnl tljtoroitK Jut eft ll
I.miIi . - lnl-.l lHttiTlin IihimI nrMr rvt-ry nnlil
lintxl wwi-il tvltu llk lliii-il wltli lmiirtiil Vcne
Hull t-lotli.
V luive m-lf.-tfd aeTcrnl imttrnji. any nf
wlili ll we will irukr up to )nor lufnitiirr for f'JA,
1 nli-'M ! fvr-H wohii iir.-ffiin m will mull
ou a hhihoIh of a Into hnirlUh uv.rllne inltirn.
'I I, In l.rtl rn la an lirw II at II will Im) rilil bf
tnllura iifit ear a tlie "latrat."
Tbe lin kirpMinil of the pattern la a iWp gray,
with an altmmt lnitNrt-iat'iHle oriTlltie or
rhnk. 'Hie -. i..r "f thla fnlirli- il-a not allow
ilnat eaally, ilova not wrinkle mid hua tnkrn the
dye ao wt-ll that the jurtnent ljoka like new
nnlll It la all Worn out. The wofil untl u Wfar
Ini; thla KurrniMit wna a.-rtiMl with iiiiiiaual
cure. There U no ahort wool In the fahrlr and
no ahodily. The rloiu hiia ao tine a w-ae th-.t
It iireiM'iitrt a fnlrly Imrd aurfaae( and at the
anfr time la wift and pllalile. It will not trnlT
up or Kt ahluy. Thla rlotti raunot lie IvniKht
.1 ...Ill ..a l..u al...n II .Jl m . . r.l ....
matter If you iMiuelit fire tliouaund yanla. ' W
are the i ih-iiip i oaai riiri'aeiiiaiivea or a arnui.
rate nf the liiri-at wihiIiii tnllla In the world.
That rnaiili-e na to make thla unprereiliMited onVr
of a .tilt
to your nn'aNiire for ail. siii for
ample null It t ilrei
ae. Iiow lonir and even
the wool atranaa
taa set.
are Hole how well theily.
Columbia Woolen illlla 'Co., Portland, Or.
I'leaae .end nie free, eamplo of Into pat
tern Knitllnh OTerllne irooda, from whleli
on agree to make a ault to nienauro for
f30. Alao aend me, free, a pocket tape
meaauro and blank, and lnalrui'tlona for
taking meaaurea. Tlila doea not ohllvate
me to buy a suit unleaa I wlali.
He names an witnesses: E. c.
Ahlstroin, C. S. Loveli'HH, R. A. I'ax
ton and Frank Wilson of Lakeview
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
I'l'qiicHtod to file their claims In this
oflioe on or before salt 13th day of
June, 11)00.
J. N. Watson Register.
For Infants and Children.
. Kind You Have Always Bought
irs the
. tture of i
nust have a permit before you
"el scabby sheep any place- in
Clarksou, Stock Inspector.
I t.
' , i-.c
J. 1
Hack and
Hand Hags,
Silk and
Kid Gloves.
New Showing of Ikautiful Shirt
waists in Lawns to Arrive soon.
Men's and Hoys' Spring Clothing.
Pioneer Store
Cures Crip
la Two Day.
on every
box. 25c.
tjtW' ."aye""'.'
j Timber I Jin ! r
United Hales Lund Ofl'n o I.ak eview
J Orcifon March 20 IDtMl. Notice ! hero-
by Ktven that in iinnplianre witli the
provixioni of the Ai t of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for tint sale of timU'r
UikIh in the States of Californln, Oro
Kon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
a extended to all the I'tiblic Land
Mate" by act of AukumI 4, 1W2, Oeorgw
Conn, I'alMley, rouuty of Lake, State
of Oregon, has this day, filed In thU
ollii-e his sworn statement No .'1072,
for the pun-ham' of the W J SWJ Hw
NWJ Sii-. 12& Nil", of Htrtlon No
11 In TowtiHhlp No. 'M !"., Range No.
17 K. W. M.. and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its tlmls r or stone than
for agrit'iilt ural purpuHcs, and to
eHtabllnh tils claim to said land ls'
fore Ri'Klster and Receiver at Lake
view, Oregon, ou Friday, the loth
day of June, I'.HHi.
lit; names as witnesses: CF. Moore
of Lakeview, Oregon, It. W. Farrow,
l. B. Conrad, A. A. Farrow of I'alsly
Any ami all persons claiming ad
versely the nhove-di'Mc rlls'tl lands
I art rri Ill's t
I to file their claims In
this ollice on or before said l.'ith day
of June, 10011.
.I.N. Watson
12-10 Register.
ri 1.4 M 01l( K.
Timber Land Act June 15, 1S7.
United States Land Office, Lakeview,
Oregon, Apr., 4, 1!MM.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions) of the act
of congress of June ;) 1h7s, entitled
"Au act for the sale of timber lamia
In the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Ruble Land
States by act of August 4, 181)2,
Flmer C. Ahlstroin, of Lakeview,
County of Lake.Ktato of Oregon, has
this day llled In this Ollice his sworn
statement No. .'5071), for the purchase
of the S' NWJ & Si NFJ of Sec. No.
.'12 In Township No. .'Ill S, Range No.
21 E W M, aud will offer poof to show
that the land sought Is more valu
able for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, ami to es
tablish his cliilin to said laud before
Register H Receiver at Lakeview Ore.
on Friday, tho 1 ."it Inlay of . I line, 100(1.
He iiamcH as witnesses: H. 11.
Chandler, C. S. LovcIcsh, R. A. Fax
ton and Frank Wilson of Lakeview
Any and all persoiiH claiming ad
versely the above-described lands aro
rc'jiicstcd to file their claims In this
ollice on or before said l.'it h day of
J. N. Wutson Register.
C. H. Loveless Invites the public to
share their pat ronngo with him at
the South Lakeview Feed and LI very
Stable. I Jo guarantccH good treat
ment to all stock left In his cure, anil
proposes to food flood hay and pkwity
of it. au-tf