Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 10, 1906, Image 8

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    I ;
for the
It is our constant aim to offer you poods that are higher in quality
price than those of anv competitor. With this aim in view we have
to our shoe stock the lull line of R. I Smith & Sons Co. celebrated
which ambodv all the essential points necessary in shoe satisfaction.
c77 The "Ladysmith" Vici Kid ace,
u fmnd-vwr welt. Military heel, pried
mi The "Ladysmith" Vici Kid Bluchcr
3 if I Oxford McKay sewed, price.
The uLa Vista" Vici
Kid lace, McKay sew
ed, Cuban heel, price,
Same Misses
sizes price $2.00
Same Children's
sizes price $1,75
rig The "Countess" Don
DM crnk Kid lace McKay
sewed, Military heel, price $2,00
In addition we have also a full line of Ladies, Misses and childrens Patent
Leather Sandals ranging in price from 75c to 1.75 a pair. All our lines of
shoes represent the greatest value possible at the prices we ask.
C. S. LOVELESS, Proprietor.
I propose to offer the public a stopping place where their
horses wil be fed and cared for as they would be cared for at
I will also keep a team and rig to hire.
We Wish to Announce to the 1
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
life i 'rfls'sZ rZl
Have established a warehouse in Lakeview for the
accommodation of cattlemen and sheepmen of Lake
county, where they will buy beef hides, horse hides,
pelts of all kinds, horse hair, etc., at San Francisco
prices, freight deducted.
Warehouse located in The Red Vutchcrshop uild
ing, near the Mammoth Livery Stables.
J. P. Duckworth of the North Lakeview Feed Yard
is their Special Agent, with instructions to pay the
prices stated above, IN CASH.
Lakeview And Vicinity
Putclf lunch at the Brewery .Sa
loon, tf
Putch lunch at the Brewery Su
loon. , tf
now which shows good result w ithout
Hi Manring went North last Sat
urday. (Jo to the White Bakery Lunch
Counter. tf
Mrs. John Simmon is here from
Paisley on a visit .
Piano for sale ; good as new. Price
?373. Inqucire at this office. tf
Ilev. Fred Snyder was down from
Paisley a few days last week.
Mild earthquake shocks are still felt
in various cities in California.
Man Wnorton spent a few days in
Lakeview last week from the State
J. W. Loftus was here from Warner
last Thursday.
Mr. Dooher, the, timber man from
Klamath Falls, was with us again llrst
of the week.
All orders left at the White Bakery
will be promptly filled and delivered
at residence. tf
' A great many of the lower California
banks and the Reno banks have re
sumod business.
Lulu Garrett is acting as central at
the telephone office during Mr.
Burke's vacation.
P. W.- Jones was down from the
north end of the county last week, and
remained several days.
E. Burke telergaph operator, is tak
i ing a few days rest and spent his vaca
! tion on the West Side of the valley.
Wait for D. K. Penuer the well
known piano tuner. His prices are
reasonable and his w ork guaranteed, tf
Bert Spicer, foreman on one of the
big Modoc county cattle ranches, has
been in this city several days" on busi
ness. We have for sale a neat house and
lot in the vicinity of the school house.
The place tan be had for $150, cash,
which is very cheap. tf
ievi smm
W tor men f 4
XV vho toil
H. 1 Wells whs here from Bly Mou
thy. Putch lunch nt the Brewery Nu
loon. tf
Mrs. Allen Is quite- nick with
Frank Ulwoll was In from Pry Crook
Kalph Koozor and wife arc In town
this week.
K. X. J id pi lull and All ert Pent are
out campaigning.
F.. W. Pun tola of Wiseonslu regis
tered at the Hotel Monday.
J. F. Kimball of Klamath Fulls was
registered at the Hotel Monday.
TO LET. On shares: One pair of
O. 1. C. hogs, ln ptlroof J. P. Puck
worth, in at
The base ball buys went to Pino
Creek last Sunday and got walloped
to the tune o( 'il to I.
K. A. Paxton Is acting in tho capac
ity of county clerk during Clerk Man
ring's absence on campaign duty.
Judge H. L. Benson, Atty. J. C.
Kuteulc, Kay Benson and Atty. W. A.
Wilshiro arrived here from the West
Monday evening.
Flint Vernon was up to town Mon
day from the ranch. Mr. Vernon made
The Examiner oltlce a pleasant, as well
as a financial call.
Win. Carter, the West Side Tanner,
was in town last Friday. He says he
will put iu a large acreage to alfalfa
next year. Ho has several acres In
Marion Barnes went with his mother
to Klamath Falls last week, w here Mrs.
Barnes will visit with her son Will
for a while Wore going to California.
Assessor West is with us again. He
has finished assessing the people of
the northern part of the county and
will probably remain with us for some
I C. t'rubaeh, V. I Snelllng and F.
M. Miller, will attend the telephone
meetlmr at Paisley this week. Their
i wives accompanied them on tho trip,
for pleasure.
We understand that n steamboat
company is Wing orguuized iu Lake
j view, for the purpose of putting a
steamboat on (loose Lake. Peflnato
plans have not beeu arranged.
P. K. Penner, the reliable piano
tuner writes The Examiner that he
will be in Lakeview shortly. Thoso
having pianos and oragns that need
tuning would do well to watch for his
arrival. Is tf
Rev. Allen of Bonanza, spent sever
al days in our city during the past
week visiting with his wife's parents,
Rev. and Mrs. S. Snyder of this place,
and preached at the Methodist church
We are reliably iufromed that rich
Tellurium ore has been struck in the
Pino Creek mines, which means that
mining men will bo attracted there
and a good mining camp will open
there soon.
Portland is to have a carnival next
week, named the "Made in Oregon
Carnival," It is the purpose of the
fair to exhibit and cncounigo Oregon
products and make popular the all
important kome Industry."
Archie Johnson returned to Klamath
Falls a few days ago from Paisley,
where he located Mr. aud Mrs. Mun-
gold of Klamath Fulls, on good tim
ber claims. Mr. Johnson's partner
accompanied him.
We learn thut Wm. Eoush, who went
to the Black Rock desert some time
ago to make further investigat ion into
tho mines discovered by himself and
John Peacock last winter, Is digging
out some very rich copper ore.
Hon. W. T. Cresslor und Attorney
James Wiley of Cedarvi'le, came to
our city last Suturday and remained
several days on business connected
with the First National Bank, of w hich
the late W. B. Whitemoro wus a stock
Monday evening while Mrs. F. M.
Miller, Mrs. C. O. Metzker, Miss Hall
and Mrs. V. L. Snelliug wore out bug
gy riding, tho horse fell and broke
tho harness and lamed himself so bad
ly that they had to walk home. Too
bad for the horse.
II. P. Cranmer spent severul days
in our city the pabtweek. Mr. Cran
mer has a homestead near Paisley,
where ho has been doing ranch duty.
Ho says no man need to carry a bed
in this county; ho can find a tick to
sleep on most any place wood tick.
The Lakeview Mercantile
Co. will pay, for hides in
first-class condition,
Ikcf Hides 17c per lb
Sheep Pelts 14c per lb
Call and see us before,
selling elsewhere.
(leorge Wright was In town Monday
from tho range. ,
Horn In Iiitkevlew, Oregon, May 4,
l'.XXt, to tho wife of J no Armor, n
Stockmen should rend tho call for
a meet ing of Lake county Stockmen
In this issue of The Fcamlucr.
J. N. Taylor of Paisley has made ap
plication for dual proof on Ills home
stead on Alder Creek, west of Paisley.
M. W. Bowen, who was hero aqino
time ago soliciting orders for knives
and scissors Is delivering tho goods
Klamath Falls Is to have another
bank. Major Wordcn of that place Is
at the head of tho new Institution,
and a new brick building Is to be
erected for tho new bank. '
We now have a supply of mining
stock cert itlcates on hand. They aro
of appropriate design, and wo can
print the name ot any mining corpor
ation on thoiifc desired, (lire us your
order. tf
Walter Putt on, who has for several
months put in his mornings ami even
ings In tho Kxaininer otllco learning
to set typo, was compelled to quit to
attend to other duties. Ho learned
very rapidly, and wilt, no doubt, bo a
tlrst class printer some day.
S. A. Iostor, proprietor of the Sil
ver Iko Saloon, w ho was iu Ijikevlew
last week for the purpose of securing
a license to sell liquor , was confront
ed with a remonstrance, and failed
to get a license. Mr. Is'stel Informed
The Examiner that he would try again
at tho next term of county court.
Wm. (iunthor and Jim Part In, the
harness shop boys, left for tho .X
ranch In Cliewaucau, Monday with a
load of tools and leather to repair
about rl sets of harness for tho 7,X
Co. They w ill bo about two weeks at
the job. All tho boys around town
euvy them their "picnic."
John Kclley returned from Madeline
last Saturday evening. He says Mr.
Harvey stood the trip to the railroad
very well, all but the last day. How
ever he felt better when h e boarded
tho train and thought ho would be all
right as soon as he struck a lower al
titude. Henry Lotltus arrived here last week
from California, and after laying In a
good supply of mining blanks, started
out for (he hills to prospect for gold.
Mr. Loftus says the earthquake did
some damage to his home town In
Lower California, but no lives were
lost. Some of the oil wells iu his sec
tion of country were alfectod.
Situation wanted by gentleman aud
wife, either on a ranch, or at tho
mines. Man is an experienced ranch
man and desires job as foreman or
otherwise, lady is an expert cook, and
will cook for ranch hands or would
take similar job at mines or mill.
For particulars, call on or address
Tho Kxaininer, Lakeview.
(leorge Varbro, nephew of T. E.
Watson, was k irked iu the stomach
lust Sunday at the loveless ranch, !
miles north of town, while trying to
catch a horse in a Held, Tho lower
part of his brcust bone was broken off
aud be was rendered unconscious for a
couple of hours. Pr. Smith was call
ed to attend him ami reports the man
getting along nicely.
J. Frankl arrived here lust Thurs
day evening. He was met at the State
Lino by (leorgo Jammerthal who
brought him on to town in a private
rig. Mr. Frankl views the San Fian
Cisco disaster philosophically, and
while he says his losses Wcru heavy, ho
was only ono in a hundred thousand
to loose. His family are comfortably
quartered at IXt'.l Orovo street, Oak
laud. F. W. Purbin, the Crook county
thoroughbred sheep raiser, who was
here two years ago with a band of line
bucks, arrived Monday. Mr. Purbiu
is here to investigate tho market for
bucks, und if satisfactory he will
bring in about fSXJ head this summer.
Ho says that Hamiitou Bros, of Crook
county will bring ubout 700 head of
bucks here this year also. j
Below we give a report of the. weather
mn recorded by the Ooveriiineiit west her
bureau station nt Tho Kxnmlnor Olllce.
This report Is changed each week, and If
our renders wish to keep a yearly record
of wenlher conditions for future refer
ence, rut out tho report along the black
Hun and paste It In it scrap lsmk one
week alter another. This reord w ill le
taken on TiiemU" to end each week and
begin on Wednesday for thu next week
doverninoiit Weather Bureau Sta
tion at I.akeviow, Oregon,
C. (). Mkt.kkk, ('(Hipernllve OhMorvor.
Week ending- Tuesdiiy, May 8, 1IHM1
NHl '.V
t UeM.
mm 'iiiln,
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mi j ::o
7:t i M
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II. (HI (Ml
O.IHl" I 1)0
Fight HontliH on Trial.
After eight months f iincciiMlng;
effort, wo have the diitlsfictloii of
knowing that our business Is needed
Iu Lakeview, ami that we liavo
pleased our trade friends Imth, In tho
character and value of goods offered
thrill, aud In our methods of business.
we have done more business than
we Is-Ucvcd could bo done here In our
exclusive lines, and llud that our pat
rons are In every Instance, pleased
with the treatment given them. Our
patronage Is growing; every day.
The most encouraging feature of
our business Is, that we meet tho
same people at our counter day
after day.
wc have striven to deserve tho
good will and confidence of our pat
rons, and we Is-lleve we have miic
civdod. Our thanks are hereby tendered
those who have favored us with their
I patronage, and we promise that they
i shall have every Is-nolll that we by
I wideawake methods and painstaking
labor can give ttieui, in the future
j conduct of our bilslneMS.
we will never give up trying to
please aud belielit yoll.
we are In dally receipt of New
lioods now; the best and latest 111
fashionable styles.
We will not buy anyt hlng else.
Sih' our goods and get our prices
when you need anything worn by
women and children.
Anna M. Nellou & Co.
kit ulnfax.
Kita Sinfax, the race mare that had
so many admirers at previous fairs In
this county, Is making a brilliaut rep
utation at tho races iu Colusa during
tho past week. She is now owned by
J. H. Oodfrey of this place, who after
! purchasing her took her to Colusa,
i and placed her iu tho care of Luke
Conner, for training.
Last week a race meeting took place
in that town, aud Kita was an eusy
; winner of every race iu w hich she was
entered, alt hough ridden by a jts-key
weighing Kid pounds. Soiiih of her
opoueuts were horses from Sacra
mento, and we aro informed that the
time made was very good. Alt urns
New Era,
Is The Moon Inhabited.
Science has proven that the tnooii
has an ntuiosqhcre, which makes
life In some form possible on that
satellite; but not for human beings,
who have a hard et.oiigh time on
this earth of ours; especially thoso
Whodoif t know that Electric Bitters
cure Headache, Biliousness, Malaria,
chills and Fever, Jaundice,, (lyspepsla,
Plzzldess, Torpid Liver, Kidney com
plaints, Oeneral Debility and Female
weakness, rncqtinllcd as a general
Tonic and Appetizer for weak p r
sons and especially for tho aged. It
Induces sound shjep. Fully guaran
teed by Is-e lieall Hrugglst. Price
only h
Ladies' shirts find
shirt waists at
; m
-3 A rr-i r-r.TTT-, .
unn, ULU o 1 AJN IJ:
Our new stock of oods have arrived
and is complete in everything usually
found in a first-ckiss Drug Store; con-sistin-
of Fancy Stationery, Writing
Tablets, Spelling Blanks, Pens and Ten
cils, Ink and Mucilcge, Fancy Soaps and
Toilet articles, Tooth Brushes, etc.
Successor to