Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 10, 1906, Image 7

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    An Appreciative Man
Was Mrs. Duzzit's
f DKCI.AUH," eoinpliilni'd Mra, Thix
I Kit. "I xluill ci'i'tnlnly have to pun-
IhIi tint children."
"What have they been m to now?"
mUm Mr.
"They have "Imply iipiM't my aewlug
room. Noililiic U where It hliutild be.
JS'l''(l(H, Ppltlll of thread, arlaaora,
darning ball mihI every tiling have been
poked a way Into Hi" iihihI i ih-v i'-l i-i
corner. I liml In. Mcnrcli nil afternoon
to flii'l ii enril of Imttuim. Jt la perfect
Jy exiiHperniluii!" I '
"My dear, tin children didn't do Unit.
1 did It."
"YHI? Willi I pOMHCMNcd ylllV"
"1 tlioiiklit I wiiii doing you n kind
iii'mn. After you HtmlKliteiieil up tha
impi-m mill hooka til my di'xk mo Immiii
tlfull.v I thought It wa no inure than
rliilil 1 1 1 it t I t-lioiild return tlu compll
incut by putting your hewing room In
aliiillnr aliapc."
Vr or No.
"My good woman," riu Itl the learned J
Judge, "ymi 1 1 1 1 1 h t. give mi itnawer In
tho fewcat poNHllde word of which
you ure eiipnlile to the plnlu unci alui
file ipii'Ntluii whether when you were!
ITOhhIiik the afreet with the Imhy on-j
yodr it rut and the motor cur wo coin
ing down mi the rllit Hide nud the dog- '
cart wiin trying to mn the motor rur
you mv the plaint I IT between the rur- i
flago mid the dogcart or the motor car I
mid the dogcart or w hether mill when I
you av Mm nt nil and whether or not j
iietir the earrlnge, dogcart and motor
car or either or miy two and which of
them ri'Mpectlvely or how' It wild." II- j
ItlHtrnted llltrf.
Hon II llapprnetl.
"So ymi nre n hermit, eh? Well, If
you don't mind, kindly tell mi-how you
Ciune to adopt mu ll mi undcrcrowded
end noiireiijuiierntlve profinodoii."
"Well, you mm, my auto broke down
Dear here, nml ratlier than enduro tho
gibea nml JoHlien of thu trlninihniit
farmera of the neighborhood I took tho
machine to pice, carried them to thin
cave mid have remained hero ever alnec
tying to put them together OKnln.
IxokN n trllle like rain off to thu north
east, doesn't It V Wouian'a llome
Mil (nuldn'l llnw It.
A school teacher one day, during tin
hour for drawing, aiiKtrottcd to her pu
pil that each draw what he or she
Would like to he when grown up.
At the end of the Ichnoii one little
girl showed an empty (date.
"Why," Hiild the tein her, "iMii't thero
anything you would like to Im when!
you grow up?"
"VeH." Hiild the little girl. "I would
like to he married, hut I don't know
how to draw It."-New York Life.
Til Mald'a lllallnrllctn.
"A gentleman rnlled wlillo you were
liout, miss; leiiNtwnyN 'e wasn't n kcu
tlciniin, lulus; V mild o wan your broth
er, inlsH." London Tntler.
JIU t rlnir.
"My k1 mini, what tiro you In
for?" iiHked tho kind old lady, paunlns
. before n cell.
"Coarso work, ilium," replied 1101;
"pot ketched In do Hiimo erlino twlct."
"Wus It murder or robbery?"
"Wortie, mum inatrlmony." Mil
wnukeo Bontlnel.
Ilrr I.lttle Bebriur.
Tey I biiw Mlaa Ynno on tho ave
nuo yeHterduy w ith a lovely new lint,
but nho had It cocked over so far to ona
Bldo It wua nlpioHt fnllhiR oft her bead.
Jess Yen, alio toloj two alio pushed It
over thut way Just na you catno nloug
so you'd bo auro to notlco It. Flillndol
phln Tress.
Uaa&y, l'ork Naldo Time,
OoocJby, jiork b:ihhIi1ko time, gnodby,
BprliiKllmo la Jliiiplln- In the nllkcn aky.
HprlnK work may opn up now any hour,
Vlth tiltchliiB up of trace und tho plow
to scour.
Plrat hena la alttln ft r tho "curly fry."
8o gooclby, pork iaiagu lluio, Koodby,
Mosa on tha aunny nlopi-s, green cl'.
Dry on the IiIIIhUIuh, frost left tha
Jlonkln" through tho wen. o' uliy wild geeuv
Cattle, tired of roughneaa, pining fer
Won't Uo long till Becd time; tho dnya J&
Bo goodby, pork aaHHldgo thno, gnodby.
Ooodby, pork aaHnldge time, gooilhy.
You and tlupjncka draw thu parting alft'it,
Uut other fi'lunda la coinln' dock greuuu
on the'wuy,
IUuibIIu' ears, old ronstln' enra be here
ome day.
Oh, watermelons, peach time, come and
dry my cyol ,
99 goollpy, pork aoaaldgo tlmo, goodby,
Kansaa City Tlmsa.
sj3 W
II uppenrft that In aevornl parts of
tlie country home nre dylug or aro
nffected willi n trouhh) iiot well under
stood hy thu farmer and variously at
IrllnilM to "malarial fever," thn "blind
(taggera." "poisoning" nml "partial
iarnl.VHl," A letter to n Kansas ex
change read,: "I havu lout four good
inn re mid one lioro In tint lout two
year. They get stupid,' Imvo fover,
kidney nlTct'ted, wabble In hind cjuar
tec, nud the veterinary here saya It la
tmilarlnl fever, canned from the well
it I nHxerted ly one writer on the
auhject that the (rouble I canned by
tho tinned MtroiiKle, or palisade worm,
Htroiigyluw nrmatu. or Kcleretoujn
cipiluuin, ii dull gray or reddish brown
worm which In It Immature stage la
found In nearly all part of the hody
of the animal. 'Mil worm when full
Krow n I from three-tpim-tcrn of an
Inch to two Indie In length and la
then found hIiiiomI entirely In tho bo
gliinlnu of the large liilextlue. It la
cxjclled sometimes In Kreat uumlicra
with the excreta.
Jlcfcrrlug to many complalnta of In
teNtlnaJ worm In home received from
farmer during n few month past,
l'red (irundy miya In I'nrin ami Fire
aide: "One of the moKt effective remedlea
for thosi! worm that we have ever
tlHcd I n drench roinpoHed of turpen
tine, one ounce, nud llnm-cd oil, three
ounce, plven twice n d iy for thret?
day, nml mi the fourth day n phyle
of one ounce of liiir'.mdo nloca. Iluve
ii driitfclxt prepare the nloe. If one
dlKhke or tind It Im onveiilent to kIvo
drenche the following may l Klven
mixed with a llyht feed of oat and
wheat hniu oi n day fi.r live dnya:
Cround (.-eiithiu. half mi ounce; annto
nln, half n drain; enloniel. Ilfteeu
frnln; ground nux vomlcu, half a
dram. The animal nhonld bo fed very
llchlly while the medicine la liehiK
Ilrllllantlr Hrrd IVrrhrron.
KiHitu Scocc'in. - I.H.V, I IIIUHtratiil
by Farmer Advocate a ii brilliantly
bred borne that Mimd nt the head of
tho atud owned by F, II. Kehreiel of
KLOl'A Ki'tMiilA.V, 4,HJ.
Kiiukuh. In IiIm fnlr enreer Keota got
ten blue rlbbiniK. three He-imds und one
Hweepstiikes nt the t'olnrndo und Kan-1
aun atnte fairs In strong rompetJtton. j
He Is' n I'.ami pound Mud nnd a grand i
breeder. There nre it number of Lis
suckling cults on the farm now thut
will lip Uie kciiIim lit 1,(1(10 pounds.
Il-mnrkatlt Hirer TVrdloa:.
The Pennsylvania experiment station
reports the following remarkublo rou- j
rlusloiis ns the result of Its test of feed
ing exposed steers against well shel
tered ones from Nov. -1 to March 7,
1 IX vi ().": -
First. The general result of this ex
periment Is nt variance with those of
tho two precedjng ones in the fact
that tho steers outdoors nto less food
per pound gain than the ones Inside.
Second. It coutlruis the result of the
work of l'-MOOi lu thut tho actual
amount of food eaten by the outside
lot wus less than that eateu by the ln
aldo lot.
Third. It confirms tho results of
former trials nnd shows thut the gains
mudo by fattening Bteers ure not ln
crensod by warm nuarters. It U not
possible to have stables too cold for
fattening steers In this climate, pro
vided they nre kept dry nnd well bed
ded. Fourth. It is possible to keep out
door ynrds from becoming excessively
muddy by the use of soft coal cinders.
A sl ed lu n well drained yard can be
kept practically ns dry ns tho Interior
of the barn, provided plenty of bed
ding Is used nnd the manure Is remov
ed sulHclently often.
Don Hi of Grora Fayette Thompaoa.
Ooorj;o Fuyetto Tliompson of tho bu
reau of nulmal Industry, whoa doath
lins recently been nuuouncod, waa spe
cially nnd favorably ki)ovn to the lire
stock Industry for Ida Interest In sheep
and nonts. Mr. Thompson was the ex
pert in chargo of the Kovornment's ef
forts to foster cont breeding la this
country nnd was tho author of an ex
cellent treatise of Information concern
ing milk gouts.
bent na Miecp Food.
B01110 of tho experiment stations find
that 11 pound of wheat In focdlng baa
inoro mitrlment than a pound of any
other grill 11. lu corn thero la 8 per cent
of digestible protein, barley 8.C9 per
cent, oata 0.-3 per cent, rye 0.12, while
whent has 10.23 per cent. The Indiana
Btntlon realized T7 cents a bushel for
whent fed to ishoop.
Hunt Feed 1 11 oa (he Ulse.
Hoots are most ertenslvely used In
cuttle feeding in England nnd Scot
land, nnd tho aeutimeut for their u
In thla country la undoubtedljrexten4-
Xag rapidly nnd widely of late.
AcCclublc IYepnrnlionfbrA
5lmilaijii( lIicFtxxIandRctfurot
tutg (lie Sliiuwchs nnd Dowels of
Fromolcs I)it;c9lion.Chrtrfur
ncss and Rcsl .Contains neiiltcr
l)j)inm.Morj)liine nor Mineral.
III ?urtvttml
AfHTfi'd Riitnedy forConsupa
llon, Sour Slonwtch,UiarrlK)ca
Worms .OinvulsicMW.Kcwnsh
ncss md Loss of SLEEP.
facsimile Sitnftlurc of
I exact copy or wrapper.
..Lakeview Meat Market..
JOHN WENHKLL, Proprietor
Nature's Wondrous Handiwork
Throngh Utah and Colorado
Castlo time, rnnnol tho Cram!,
Black ('muni, Mnmhall and TV unci
ccj I'aasi'v ami (lie Worlil-Kamo U
Koyal Gorged
For I) aorlptlvc and lllustratod i'mh
lcls, wrilu to
W. C. McBrlde, Uen. Agt.
U Third Stri'ft
Beam tb 1 Kind You Have Always Bought
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
T 1.1. 1
Dears me .
Signature Aw
For Over
Thirty Years
tm m MTva wmat, acw veaa errt.
Kffeclive January 1st, liHJfi!
:I0 A. M. I.v.
11:48 A. M. Lv,
1 ;10 P. M. Lv.
2:15 '. M. Ar.
3:w)P. M. Lv.
3:S0I M. Lv.
1.MV.M. Ar.
1:00 P. M. Lv.
2 :12 P, M. I.v.
Hot Fks
Ar. 8:45 T. M.
I.v. J:45 P. M.
Lv. 1 :10 P. M.
Lv. 11:01 P. M.
Ar. 11:15 A.M.
Lv. 11:00 A. M.
Lv. 7:15 A.M.
Ar, H30P. M.
Lv. 1U:55 A. M.
Lv. 9:00 A. M.
1 :20 P. M. Ar. I
a Connections made ulih Eat and West
bound trains of S. P. Co.
b Stages to and from Milford, Janesvillo,
c Ptagc to and from blandish and Susan
vllltf. d Stages to and from EaulevillP, Cedarvillo,
I For Itidwell, Adin, Aliuras, Lakeview, and
other points in Oropon.
e Stages to and from Genesee, Taylorsvilla
and Greenville.
f Stages to and from Johnsvillo, Cromberj;,
and Qulnrv.
"sipjr5 styles
stock a large assortment of high
grade stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
)nr px ices will be found to compare
favorably with other prices.
nrftwinir hi ph'iUi. tut pfn. imn ri tavA fw rjntn.
Vrii afvVw. bow Co ofrtAln fMUmU, CrlkJ fiwtfk,
"PrrtghU, o., (N Lt COONTait.
Iiflitrf dirrrt H'aMitnflon tavn lime,
Monty oftm lit fxilrnl.
Fittnt nd Iftfrlritmtfit Pnetlc Eiclualval.
Writ or mm Ui ua M
sit aiMk atrwi, rr vaiua tutM mm 0s,
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
iJio Connetlcut Avenue
Washington, D. C.
AM pcrtena 'hn hav hcrrtofor made FINAL
PROOF In any kind of Land. Mineral or Tim
ber Entries. bkb has been accepted by the
Reslster or Receiver of any If. 5. Land Office,
can have the Issiiance of their U. S. Patent for
said Lands promptly attended to by aendlns;
me their Duplicate b'celst. or Certificates ol
Entrv, and an agreement to pay ane 110 when
ever said Patents ahall Issue.
( Oregon, Callforn!
and Nevada
5tate Agent .
r Tainr Manas
ISO Dcsicns
'rftllV CofrRioMTt. Ac
Anvona wndlna a sit rh and dmcription may
qntr-kir nsrerialn oar opinifin frae whether an
liiTeriimn tn probahlr patentable. 'ommuntea.
tlotiaiirlctlronndenttJtl. IfaiHlbnokon Fteuls
sent free. lrt aeenrr for MH-orftie patent a.
V alcnte taken throuirh Mann A Co. recelT
tf'ial wittce, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A hanrlsotnely nimitmKyl weelilT. Tjinreat cir
culation of any wlentldc Journal. T. .t a
inr: f oor months, L Sola brail newMtAtra.
MUNN & Co.3S1Bd-- New York
rDca Office. 135 Y St-. Waablostuii. D- U
$1,250 Reward.
The HarneyCounty
Live hto k AsMcia
tion, of which I am
a member, pays $750
reward for evidence
leading to the con
viction of parties
stealing stock be
longing toitn mem-lx-ra.
In addition I
offer t-r reward.
Horse brand horse
shoe bar on eilhet
or both jawe. Re
corded in 8 counties
Range, Uarner. Lake and Crook Counties
Horaca vented when sold. Horses sold to raw
througb this section will be rcorted in this,
paper. It not so reporiea, jneaw write or ie
phone The Times Herald, Main 324, Burns, Ore
gon W W Brown, Fife, Ore
fine Hihcep Haarh la Jlodoc County
The Examiner has for sale one of tb
sheep ranches in Modoc county, which 1-0.
trols the beat range in California. It consist
of fA) acr: all under fence. It lies along Pill
river for 2 i miles. Besides other buildin
there are two houses V4 utile apart. It is an
Ideal sheep ranch. If taken quick it ill tx
sold for fnOUO.
We have all the late
in type and keep in
: V'. 60 YEARS'
1,1 m o,
1 i iS5
real of l.w rrnrlillnst for lllaxh.
ttn T Improrrmrsl,
Tlio law nsf((l ly tlif? Inat Wiscon
ln loclalnttiro t-vl(llnft for county nltf
lu hlRliwajr linprovcmont nnd wtilt-h Ii ;i '
IK-Iiiff tnkon ndvnnlflKe of by man) n3
town tliroiiKli4Ut tlio atnte ronda at
follows, anya tl Jood lionda Magi '-'i
"Wlnoroj tlii aiiorvlHora of naj nni
fonii alinl) tlio with tlio coiinfy loar'"!
of tlio county In vvliirli atu li town If "
aitnntfd n pr-tltioti acltln,' forlli tliatJ
audi town. In niMilimi t. lovjlns Hit 'I'
iimifil lilliwny taxoa, lina votod to cot-, ,,v
i-rany main trnvelod lil'liwny after tli
aaine lina U-fii proiiprly ,;nulndat flit
exponao of aald town, not Ii's tlinu
twonty-fonr fwt wldo, witli prnvel vol
crushed rok or clay or trrnrpl to f
depth of not loaa than four lin liea and
not ! than elfjlit foot In width, and "'J
tluit anid town lina provldeil for tli 't.'i
payment of one linlf of the cost of cov-'"'
crlng aald innln traveled highway wltt viil
gravel, the county Ixmrd alinll appro
prlate the other hnlf of audi cost and "J
cauae atuh anin to lo levied njion at
the tiixahle property In the county a
will with the amount provided for by l'j
aald town he anfllcient to defray tlx ''
xren!e of coverinsj anid main tra.rcle? -led
Mshway or highways deaignated t' It
aald petition.
'Such money when collected- ahall b W
paid out on order Mpriicd by the chair- :ir
man of the county Innird nnd county-''?
clerk whenever aald town aupervlaor
ahall notify them that the work bni '"
teen completed and accepted. .Th The
county loard fhall at the tlmo of mat "dt
lng much ajiproprlatlon designate twe twt
of Its memlrera who ahall have full an
thority to act with the town board ol
suirervlHora In letting the contract for,"'"-, -providing
tho apeeMentions for nnd In-' In
apecting and accepting the work," pro-1""'
Tided that nothing herein contained
ahall compel any county to make or t"
cover more than one mile of highway ray
nt a cost not to exceed $1,000 lit a town
In any one year or to levy a total tai tai
of over 1 mill on the dollar of the as- a
aessed valuation In any one year."
National Cool Ttosila Aaaorlsitlosi E--per-ta
to Flniah It In a Year.
Ohio Is to have a magnificent hlgh-Un
way extending across the state from
Pennsylvania, to the Indiana line, says
a Cleveland (O.) special dispatch to the tfi
St. Louis rost-Dlspntch. Work upon It '
will be commenced within a year by" i
the National Good Koads association.
This is the Information given out fo foi
the first time recently by Colonel W. W.
LL Moore, president of the National twu
Good Iioads association, who was In 1"
Cleveland making arrangements for toi
opening an office In that city.
The road, which will s the first tot tc
be built across a state under the aua-iu-plces
of one organization since the old olJ
federal roads, will be the equal of any y
road lu the Uuited States and will cost
$1,500,000. Of this amount. Colonel -"el
Moore aaya, $750,000 has already beerj "J
Iut up by certain interests that he will'j"
not now reveal, and the remainder will ill
be obtained from the counties through'"!-?'
which it will pass.
Araamrnt For Wide Tlrea.
A bill Is proposed before the Virginia uiu
legislature to place an extra tax 01V
wagons loaded with wood, tanbark.
railroad ties and other heavy drafts.' f.
to be paid Into tlie fund for road re- im
pairs. The Idea is that such hauling'"
destroys' the roads, says the Good ""'I
Uoads Magazine, but is it not a better' er
plan to Institute a graded wide tire-ir
ordinance, such as experience has has
caused to be adopted in other states.1 tes,
with perhaps a remittance or road'oad
tax to encourage its adoption? TbeThfe
wheels then become roadmakers hi- in
stead of road breakers.
A Government Experiment.
' It ls announced that the department11'11
of ngriculture, through the office of -public
roads, has agreed to construct ' t
one mile of modern road In each of th tho
states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho.'h.
Montana, North and South Dakota and -md
Minnesota next summer, provided the tho
local1 authorities will co-operate. The il "
machinery for the purpose and the ex-i
pert engineers to supervise the con-"'-1!)-structlou
are to be furnished by tho
government, while the local authorities U'""
will be expected to furnish the inate-Jto
rial nnd the unskilled labor required. ,
Dnat Laid AVtth Salt.
The Cheshire (England) county coun-u"
ell recently debated the motor ques"
tlon, and Councilor Tedley, on behalf 'fit
of the main roads committee, said dust1"1
laying experiments had beeu made and111'
the results showed that no existing1 ing
method was eUlcleut, whereupon C. B.'- 1'
Davles stated that he had seen one"'"'
cure In the town of Proltwleh. It con--'on-Blsted
simply of salt scale off tho Balt ' i't
pens ground fine nnd spread over'v' 1
roads. It certainly prevented dust rlai- ':
lng, and it was a remarkably cheap er- '
perlment, be added.
Wliat Pennaylvanla la Doluv.
The good roads movement lu Penn
sylvania has been given au imyctus by
the work accomplished In the Ablng-'
ton section, A resolution has been in
troduced lu the council of Dickson City1
for issuing $10,000 Improvement bouds, !
while the officials of the city of Scran
ton, and the boroughs of Clakely, Archi
bald, Jermyn and Mayfleld are als
giving attention to the subject.
, neal Eatate Dootnera.
As a result of good roads, nearly1'
very place situated ou or neur a mac
dam road In tho town of Hempstead,
N. Y., Is reported to bo leased or sold '
at an Increased valuation. Good roads 1
are booming real estate throughout
Nassau county, and the work of con
tructlon will be pushed energetically "'
aa soon as the season opens.